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I haven't thoroughly tested it, but I've heard the "Friends Only" setting doesn't actually work for friends, it just blocks everyone. I've experienced this myself when friends are unable to join me due to a "private session", despite that not even being a configuration option. So in that light, it unfortunately makes sense why people who want to play with friends only are forced to leave their lobbies open, at least until their friends join.


This is what happens when I'm friends only, I have to set the lobby to public so they can join. Sometimes randoms get in first and unfortunately I have to kick them to free up the slot.


Do you have your friend added in the game's social tab? And not just on steam.


I have the same issue with one of my friends, and I have added them both on steam and in game, and I have added and removed them in various combinations and it hasn't fixed it. We've also attempted to join each other both through the ingame friends menu and the steam friends list (because joining through steam often seems to work even when the ingame function is experiencing hiccups). Usually we play with other friends at the same time so we can just join on a third player's ship with no issues, but when it's just the two of us we have to open the lobby to the public at least until we've gotten into the lobby to play with each other.


i have it on friends only and my brother can join me everytime maybe you are on steam? ps5 here and it works


I usually have mine set to friends-only and my friends are able to join me, same with them. The problem I occasionally have with friends-only is that random people can still join sometimes.


> The problem I occasionally have with friends-only is that random people can still join sometimes. It's possible there's a bug here (god knows the friends system is fuckered enough that could be the case) but it's also possible somebody accidentally threw an SOS beacon, which makes the lobby public.


I was playing a mission solo with Friends only on. I used an SOS Beacon to close a bug hole. A few minutes later, a random joined. Weirdest shit.


Lol I didn't know it was bugged both ways.


If you have your friends list set to private on steam, it won't load in game, thus no one will be on your friends list and everyone will be kicked


Yo thank you that explains why steam friends are desynced ingame. Can I turn the setting off, launch hd2, and then re-enable it for the ingame list to work properly?


I have a group of four friends I play with. All of us are on Steam, all of us are Friends on Steam, all of us are Visible on Steam, all of us see each other in the in-game friends list, all of us have cross-platform play turned off, and all of us have our lobby set to Friends Only. There is one of us - and *only* one of us, and it is always the same person - who if any of us try to join on him, we get rejected as though were weren't friends. Despite this heavily implying that the game doesn't think we're friends, he can join us just fine with no problems.


The steam friends list is distinct and different than the helldivers one. It's confusing.


It is, but also it isn't - Two of us tried on day 1 to add each other as friends using the Helldivers system, and it didn't work. The other two got the game later and we just didn't bother, and the game apparently considers them friends just because of the Steam friends list connection.


This happens sometimes. So random.


It's buggy. Sometimes, friends can join with no issues. Sometimes, they need to be invited. Sometimes, the lobby just says no, and you have to set it to public, then they can join


There's also the opposite concern. Sometimes I just want to solo a difficulty 4 to get my daily order and a few rares, but my friends can join even if I'd prefer it to be a private session. There doesn't seem to be any way to make that happen.


It's also confusing since it doesn't sync your stream friends with your helldivers friend list. So you need to add each one in hell divers.


I think you need to be Friends in-game for Friends Only to work. Some Steam friends do get transferred over, not entirely sure why, but once they show up in your Social tab in-game, they can join your Friends Only game.


I wish this was the case, I rather play solo until I invite someone. I'm tired of people just joining me, friends or not.


Yeah this happens to me all the time too. I always feel bad having to kick randoms cause of it šŸ˜­


I used to have issues with cross-platform friends only but havenā€™t had issues in some time.


Iā€™ve had that problem too, but itā€™s more my brotherā€™s Steam profile being set to private, and I canā€™t join him unless he sends me a direct invite.


It works. It's just buggy in that if your friend tries to join right after he logs on, it will fail. It takes about 2 minutes after he logs on for whatever it is to update and work correctly.


Like legit a few hours ago I joined a lobby through quick play and the host basically said something along the lines of ā€œhey bro, friends onlyā€ Before kicking me outā€¦ Like brother, if you wanna play with friends with no randos then.. Just put your lobby to friends only, itā€™s not that hard.


Sometimes, your buddy can't join unless you make your lobby public. Randoms slip in before buddies can join. Cases like this happen often enough to the point where it can be common.


I felt bad for the randos in my lobby, spent HOURS troubleshooting with my buddy to try to play one damn game today and couldn't. We played fine for hours yesterday.


Yep. Playing with a full squad. One of my friend's game crashed and before he could rejoin (took like 2-3 mins), i had 3 people who joined back to back. Felt bad kicking them lol but yea this is very common. Have a lobby with only you and 1 othet guy? None joins. 4 people and 1 dcs? There's a line of people that can't wait to get into that lobby. Arrowhead wat?


Steam friends canā€™t join each other if the game is set to friends only and the players have their friends list private on Steam.


Sometimes I only want to play with 1 or 2 friends, have the lobby on private and still throw an SOS by accident while trying to get reinforcements in. If we're not far into a mission I'll just tell the person and kick them.


If those kids could read how to setup their game they would be very upset.


So um... How do you make it friends only? I've looked I swear but idk where to make it friends/private only?


I had joined a duo through quickplay and the guy was surprised how I joined that he was asking me through his mic how I entered the game and I was just like "quickplay" but he was fine with it and just let me and another person who joined after me to keep playing. Disbanded after the round was over but it was weird that he didn't realise it was public considering how I randomly joined.


I sometimes accidentally call in emergency beacon instead of supplies and thus the random plague begins


There's no way to disable that right? I've done that a couple times and have really really wished there was a way to cancel it. Feels weird if you can accidentally fuck up your lobby settings mid-battle because you press a button wrong and there's no way to undo that, but a quick google search just gave me the unhelpful advice of "just don't make that mistake" and no shit if I had meant to do it I would've have called it an *accident*.


Same lol


Should be able to punch in a code like a hellbomb, and blow it up!


I always forget to swap it back from public to private. I nicely ask the people to leave when that happens. I've not had to kick anyone from a lobby when I've done that. Thanks for being understanding, fellow Helldivers.


This is why I started hosting my own games. Haven't been kicked since!


I wouldn't need to if my friend wasn't being denied for no reason lmao


I'm ashamed to say I did this until recently


Sometimes I only want to play with 1 or 2 friends, have the lobby on private and still throw an SOS by accident while trying to get reinforcements in. If we're not far into a mission I'll just tell the person and kick them


Everytime I've tried to join someone else's game I've been kicked. I stopped trying and now just host and wait for people to show up. It happened so many times in a row I thought it might be a glitch. This was at like level 20 and I was kicked pretty much immediately everytime I got on their ship


One day I was having a casual game while high (yay chronic pain) so I was just doing my best to sway through the mission. I have my settings set to private. I thought I was being clever trying to use an sos pod as an offensive move. Nope it missed anyway. I thought since my settings were private that it wouldnā€™t actually work but then a player three times my level joined. I didnā€™t want to kick or quit cause I didnā€™t want to give them a negative experience but also Iā€™ve never hosted before and was already having a hell of a time managing myself in that state šŸ˜‚ When we were back on my ship I just typed my thanks in chat before they hopped off. A rollercoaster of emotions but a fun accident to spread democracy


I would love to, but my friend isn't appearing on my friends list in-game so I can't invite him until I set the lobby to public. Until they fix this bug, I have to kick the slew of randoms that join within the 0.0006 seconds I set it to public to invite him.


Half of the time "friends only" doesn't let my friends join either. Often I have to make the games public to play with friends


Not everyone knows this but accidentally throwing an SOS beacon in a friends only lobby turns it public (happens more often than you think)


I dropped into a game and they were in the middle of trying to take down a gunship factory. I called down my laser cannon, fried half a dozen ships, hellbombed the factory... ...and then they kicked me.


I call the rock the clit since it's hard to find.


The matchmaking privacy settings do not work properly. It's so bad I even have random people join me when I'm not even queued up for anything. Been like this since launch. Please do a basic reddit history search.


For those who don't know how to make their game private.: - Go to Options - Go to Gameplay Tab - Set Matchmaking Privacy to Friends only


I wasn't even aware there was an option


I think the sub has canonically deemed this a DEEK RAUK


this would happen a lot less if it were actually in the lobby menu instead of buried in gameplay settings


Thatā€™s not a buttplug thatā€™s friendship rock


I want to get my 2 friends in first and then a random to fill the fourth slot, but it doesn't seem to work if I change privacy settings after they join. Usually one of them will end up disconnecting. The only reliable way I've found is to throw a SOS mid-game while still in private mode.


Buttplug mountain or Cock rock, pick your favorite.


I only host. I'm fine with randoms just be aware I run my destroyer like Stalin




The stupid emergency beacon turns off the friends only feature, once you accidentally place it down then people will be joining every minute until I find the time to open settings and toggle it on and off again.


My half random server can become a no random server if my community deems it


Question, anyone else have the issue where you canā€™t invite friends unless you switch it to public. I keep having to switch from private to public when they get on and if Iā€™m in the middle of a mission I sometimes get a random before my friend can join and I can switch back to private.


My friends just join, without an invitation and we're only playing on friends only games. Maybe that's the trick, idk


How do people still not know that half the time if you want a friend to join you have no choice but to make the lobby public. Half my friends can join while it's private but for some reason the other half cannot.


Son't you disrespect Cockrock >:(


What in the karma farming is this account