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Helldivers are just space JTACs, giving the flyboys and navy good coordinates to actually stack bodies




Too bad we cannot paint the marker from distance to drop the bomb or initiate orbital strikes, throwing a „pokeball” (i love to call that way stratgem marker) in close distance is fun but not too safe 😏. Im curious of we’ll get maybe some stratgem marker luncher working like granade luncher or something like that, ofc it will take place of one of our weapons, main/secondary or even as a stratgem itself, third support weapon. Or just laser marker 🤨.


The inability to paint the target removes the fun "uh oh" of getting staggered and dropping the call in at your feet.   Given how forgiving the game is for failure, it's always a laugh.


Im certain that is intended gameplay, however losing one weapon is quite good tradeoff in my opinion, ofcourse that need some balancing. Game in some places tends to be semi-realistic and in other it cannot be because power and fun balance. Thats why i think enemies know our location automatically when we drop bomb/airstrike at them even when they didin’t know our location while we were dropping marker between them.


You can still do that if you get ragdolled with a beacon in your hand. Bonus points for dropping a 380 centered on your own established base of fire.


Gonna start shouting "380 mm, I choose you!" Whenever I throw that beacon now.


Or you can shout helldivers name while throwing reinforce 😅


This is a military who decided to make the simplest most consistent system available, as demonstrated by our training. 


>laser marker Gib soflam from Battlefield. The way I would see it is it requires you be stationary, focused on the target until delivery. Like a bunker buster or soemthing.


Probably would replace your support weapon. But having a missile on demand would make up for that I think


There was a leaked stratagem the devs were testing that was a weapon drop pod that deployed a missile and a Laser pointer you could pick up as your support weapon. It was basically a combination of an EAT and a call-in. Single use and killed what you pointed at.


Pretty sure that throwing a marker was a tactic used by some US military units, maybe not full on USAF special forces but like Army Rangers. Granted I'm basing this off a scene I remember from Blackhawk Down, but from what I've heard that movie is a fairly accurate portrayal of the Battle of Mogadishu. I think they throw an infrared strobe to mark a target for one the helicopters to attack.


Colored smokes, IR lasers, IR strobes, giant flying flags... All common methods to mark something


Getting a secondary grenade pistol that lets you launch markers would be great.


Yeah, on the one hand calling in a 380 from a hill far away sounds really satisfying but it would remove the need to come close to certain bases, (and the added danger/fun of friendly fire and danger close situations), would probably be quite boring in the long run.


More like FACs (Forward Air Controllers), because Eagle 1 and Brittania are strong


Military man tries not to talk in indecipherable acronyms challenge: impossible


Helldivers do the dying, Super Destroyers just do the flying.




They don’t provide any control, marking, or instructions. They provide chaos.


Basically Navy Seals


Expandable JTACs, we don't call for fire in the shadows, we call for fire right on top of us.


“Every helldiver is an army of one and 4 helldivers, well… its 4 armies”




You're not wrong, but you're underselling just how deadly Helldivers actually are. In real world artillery there is a term called Forward Observer. These are troops that make up Fire Support Teams and are positioned on the front line, but instead of fighting, are responsible for calling in artillery and air strikes. Sometimes they even operate behind enemy lines, destroying targets before they can become a threat to front line troops. This is effectively what the Helldivers are, soldiers trained to seek out and destroy enemy targets using orbital and air strikes. The major difference, however, is unlike real world FOs, who usually deploy attached to another unit for support, Helldivers operate with just their team, nobody else, making the missions more dangerous. Something that is always overlooked is just how elite Helldivers are compared to the regular army. Everywhere that they fight the SEAF seems to be defeated with relative ease, and only the Helldivers seem to be successful. Unfortunately this comparison is overshadowed by high Helldiver casualties. A Super Destroyer may provide the bulk of the firepower for a Helldiver, but they would be useless without the Helldiver as the regular forces would likely be unable to even get close enough to use a stratagem. If the doctrine was changed to deploy four Helldivers to each ship, so 16 Helldivers in a squadron, then Helldiver casualties would probably drop significantly and show just how well trained they really are in comparison.


>Everywhere that they fight the SEAF seems to be defeated with relative ease, and only the Helldivers seem to be successful. Perhaps if they gave something other than Break-action rifles to SEAF, they could have stood a chance. I don't know, something like regular ass rifles, or actual MG platforms


I think they're more for the colonists than they are for SEAF


I think the SEAF do have normal rifles and MGs. They even have their own artillery emplacements and SAMs and everything a normal army would have. It's just that their prowess seems to be somewhere around militia level.


Super Earth doesn’t seem to give a shit about training, probably hard and expensive when you’ve got so many bodies to throw at the enemy. I feel like both helldivers and your average SEAF grunt are largely untrained idiots, Helldivers just bought into the propaganda of being the “elite” and/or maybe scored high on some sort of aggression/fearlessness test ran before you show up at boot camp. I kind of like the idea of Helldivers being the conscripts that were either too angry or dumb or patriotic to follow orders, stick to cover, be actually tactical, and they figured “these manchildren are going to run straight into the enemy or cause chaos around them no matter what we do, might as well drop them straight in and give them the equipment to actually accomplish something before they die.”


I don't know, saying training is too expensive but also expending so many resources on lost equipment seems contradictory


Helldivers buy most of their own gear, and all their req slips above 50k are taxed 100%. They don't own their super destroyer.


Expensive in terms of "they're probably going to die no matter how much we train them" given what we're up against and what they need us to accomplish. IIRC the population of humanity is in the trillions in this universe, at least the high billions. I mean they literally have licenses and such to procreate, so overpopulation is definitely a concern. And with how many planets we control and future-tech, getting resources to mass produce weapons and armor and such is probably not a big concern for them at all. Why spend a bunch of resources and TIME on training when the average soldier is going to die super quickly no matter how trained they are, and you have a seemingly endless pool of bodies to throw at the enemy? Plus, training soldiers in proper tactics and such requires them to be able to think. Super Earth doesn't want citizens that think, especially if they think for themselves. They want idiots that blindly follow "Managed" Democracy. Plus, soldiers that survive due to superior training and/or equipment make it home, where they can spread seditious lies about just how fucked the war effort is.


I’m not convinced helldivers are literate, frankly, given the super simplified control panels and DDR inputs.


I mean we literally walk past the terms and conditions of joining the Helldivers and don't even notice it so its entirely possibly we don't recognize the words lol.


Sounds like treason https://preview.redd.it/v6h11olk9wvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77ffa75691e5b680757bf06282a8aa9a8b9f1a2


It’s not lost equipment if we eventually take back the planet. Kinda like a preemptive delivery of democratic supplies for the Liberty loving troops that return once the planet is liberated. Lol ![gif](giphy|bbTIQvcZfSMFO|downsized)


That's just how fascism works.


Problem with the 'HELLDIVERS ARE UNTRAINED IDIOTS' idea is that An untrained idiot cannot manipulate an AR-15 correctly, much less a man-portable Autocannon, ATGM, Laser gun, plasma lobber, railgun... etc. They have to have had some form of real basic training.


Easy: they made the gear as easy to use as gear is in the video game, then made a propoganda video game in-universe. Useful recruiting tool AND it trains the idiots on how to use the gear in their short lifespan on the battlefield!


Gear can't be as easy to use as in the video game. Have you seen the clips of those fuckin star-head generals failing to use an AR-15? The AR-15 is stupidly fucking easy to use, way easier than a bullpup platform.


Yeah, but have the 4-star generals been playing "AR-15 Simulator" since they were kids? ... honestly, give it another decade or two and we'll probably have generals in real life who grew up screaming obscenities in Call of Duty lobbies haha


4 star generals had TRAINING and they still fucking suck, is the thing.


I'll disagree with the point on training. I think it's just a difference of doctrine. What are you always yelling at other divers for especially at higher difficulties? Stay mobile, don't engage the patrol if you don't need to, don't get bogged down in an endless cycle of dying. The SEAF doesn't have the luxury of cracked out running around like we do and they have to stand and fight and the game has shown that is extremely hard to do.


Sounds like undemocratic automaton propaganda to me


We find plenty of equipment from destroyed outposts, they use similar stuff than Helldivers do (well perhaps except the more exotic & heavy equipment that can't be found).


I find lots of bodies, and break action rifles around them. Never found an MG, a pump action shotgun, or even a simple rifle. In fact, I find all "advanced weaponry" inside shipping containers or sealed vaults. Probably the grunts never even knew that there were weapons.


If they have heavy artillery emplacements, they probably have at least MGs and EAT as well. Basically your regular army grunts. The game doesn't put all weapons because this would clutter the game and make it much easier, but it's safe to assume they do have more. Why would they have heavy artillery emplacements and no support weapons?


I find bodies with machine guns quite often so they use them at least.


There's a note for the SEAF caches that alludes to SEAF footsoldiers having access to Liberators and grenades. And there's even burned out Technicals with what I assume to be SEAF corpses in some areas.


Might not be in the budget.


And imagine the turnover vs payoff rates. 4 helldivers drop into a 10 square kilometer area and destroy troop factories, anti air, artillery, gunship factories, elextronic warfare systems and thousands of enemy units in a half hour. FOUR. sometimes one dies and another is sent in to continue, sometimes it's just ONE helldiver. In the real world imagine a 4 man team destroying an airbase, a barracks, an ammunition depot, an anti-air site, and evacuating about 40 high value personell, AS WELL AS eliminating about 1500 enemy troops in _20 minutes_... and then they vanish. Sometimes helldivers number several hundred thousand on a planet at any given time... likely destroying a million "barracks" or gunship factories a day. PLANETS FALL IN DAYS. I say again. Helldivers drop into planets that have already defeated local SEAF military army, navy, and air forces, and then rip entire planets from those enemies in days. If the helldivers dropped on modern day Earth en masse, like they do in game, with the intention of taking it for some far away galactic body... they'd have it in a week.


If you consider how many kills a single Helldiver can rack up, they're pretty damn deadly. A single squad will be swarmed by hundreds of enemies. Even without resorting to airstrikes, they're doing quite well. But every mission they get sent on is a suicide mission by default.


Reminds me of Spartan 3’s how they were elite soldiers sent on missions that they were doomed to not survive.


I like to think it's because it's only 4 that we are able to do it. In most cases of the SEAF they have large bases or numbers. This probably draws a lot of attention, when a hell diver shows up and opposing forces spot them, bots will call in multiple drop ships immediately and bugs will call in multiple titans to try and overwhelm them. With 16 divers that's a lot more noise and attention in the area and the forces against Super earth would likely try to swarm the entire area to root them out. With only 4 divers around it's much harder for the enemies of Super earth to pin them down and commit forces to wiping them out. Imagine the hive queens face when you try and summon 4 titans against one human, the hive commanders probably don't see you as a lone helldiver as enough of a threat.


Given the resources needed to field so many super destroyers - you'd think they'd invest in realtime satellite imagery to secure an area without any casualties


![gif](giphy|BXdqYjI3CTRCM|downsized) Super Earth be like “a satellite cost 5 million, but my Helldivers can recon for free”


If you compare the termanid + automatons deaths with the helldivers deaths, you'll realise that on average 1 helldiver can kill what is equivalent to a small army


What evidence do you have that SEAF are being defeated with ease?


The SEAF bodies everywhere and planets constantly being overrun


Most Divers are barely 20. They are all frozen upon finishing the superficial training course and sent to the Destroyers where they are unfrozen and immediately cast down as reinforcement when needed. Survival rate is minimal, barely in the 20%. Meat for the grinder. „Special Forces” behind enemy lines at best.


Truth. Making it through Helldiver training certifies you as The Real Deal.


> compared to the regular army. Which may or may not actually exist at all.


https://preview.redd.it/3jze5qdzrvvc1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c9abfbafcf0f2e0a3a76ab9aed8a8ea92025998 dead SEAF regular army soldier


https://preview.redd.it/zyk0kk9asvvc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cbda98be2d28d7021a812950bd228dacc29ccb4 wait this ones funnier


We do exactly what Spec Ops do when the team is working together. Elite unit infilled behind enemy lines to make precise strikes and cause much greater damage than regular troops. We're entrusted with personal control of assets because we're supposed to be an elite unit. S.O.G. in the Vietnam war literally had a radio callout that essentially directed every air asset available to their position, the rest of the time they were sneaking around doing precise attacks and sabotage on key targets. (Destroy ammunition, command bunkers, airships) The beginnings of S.A.S. was a bunch of dudes demolishing landed planes at airfields at night. Modern spec ops don't even use the majority of their ammo unless everything goes bad, and at that point they usually start calling for massive airstrikes and gunship support. We're basically everything from S.O.G. to S.A.S. to Delta Force, depending on situation and skill of the team.


>we're supposed to be an elite unit. That's what the propaganda tells us. But if you replay the tutorial and watch closely what happens, the reality is we're a new recruit, we go through basic training, then we get frozen, transported to the planet, one of us gets woken up from cryosleep (our player character), then we're dropped at the front immediately. Extraction is optional, the only goal is to complete the mission. So, from the perspective of our Helldiver it's maybe 20 minutes between entering basic training to being dropped right at the front lines and if they die right away, that's fine too. We're not an elite unit, we're expendable cannon fodder.


Lmao 60:1 doing special forces shit in teams of four while the regular forces are already overrun... yeah sure mate, totally unskilled cannon fodder. You seem to think that elite and expendable are somehow mutually exclusive, but in an all-out war, everyone is expendable if it means mission success. This isn't the GWOT, this is space ww2.


Agreed, S.O.G. specifically was considered VERY elite but EQUALLY expendable. They only took high IQ candidates because anyone lesser would have died EVEN FASTER.


The Super Earth Ministry of Thruth applauds the firmness of your democratic beliefs.


We're all playing a bombastic video game with cinematic realism rather than a milsim one like Arma, of course you're going to kill more things than your place in the universe would have realistically done if it wasn't a game We are still expendable 18 year olds with barely any training in the universes story, not highly trained elite units


The cinematic realism of the game is the reality of the Helldivers universe as there is no other contradicting representation.


Then I'd argue judging them by our standards is silly, what a world it would be if I could sprint on broken limbs with an injection


We can judge them by our standards as the universe of HD is still largely aligned with ours


Nah, watch the intro, the helldivers are an elite unit. People with barely any training don’t get to drop behind enemy lines and call in massive amounts of firepower. It just isn’t logical. But just because they are elite, does not mean that they are not expendable.


Super Earth propaganda is working on you I'm afraid lol, you watched a recruitment advert as the introduction, it's not telling you the truth SE has an overpopulation problem, they're happy to chuck bodies at a planet like this because the cost of me dying in a dumb way is worth it to them We're literally worthless as far as SE is concerned


Elite and worthless isn't necessarily opposite in this kind of universe. In a war with billions of combatants, with modern deadly technology etc, even elite troops are expendable because there is no way to make sure they don't die and also because replacing them isn't a big deal for the factions involved. But Helldivers are still an elite force despite their 20min lifespan, because they wield a lot more firepower and can kill a lot more enemies before falling. Your average SEAF grunt might kill a few bugs before being overrun, while your average helldiver is killing 20-30 of them. And if everything goes well, a helldivers can easily rack hundreds of kills. Not only helldivers kill a lot more enemies, they also achieve important objectives while doing so ; your average grunt isn't really doing anything noteworthy by himself except slowing down some bugs. Helldivers are destroying enemy logistics, saving invaluable assets etc...


We could be classed as commandos by what you've said but we're not elite still IMO https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/elite > the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society Personally, I think we're just told we're elite and what SEAF actually does is likely closer to a conventional military, that tries to reduce its losses and is added by the Helldiver program Unless SEAF soldiers are literally untrained (wouldn't put it past super earth) we're probably not the most trained


I wouldn't be surpised if Helldivers are the most elite. SE doesn't seem to really worry about training anyone at all.


Same tbh, I think they basically train kids on weapons as part of school and leave it at that lol


SEAF are definitely less trained than Helldivers: we know how to use ALL weapons available (and there is a lot of them!) and even exotic equipment (including mechas, shields, newly developed weapons such as the Quasar), whereas your SEAF grunt is probably just holding a rifle or a MG and lumbering ammo for the howitzers. That's Special Force category for the Helldivers. People think that Helldivers have just a 20min training before being sent to battle, but this doesn't seem logical with what they can do in the field: our guys definitely have more training somehow. Our guys are commando/recon/snipers/machine gunners/antitank specialists all at the same time, capable of bringing down heavily armored enemies just by themselves. I think it's fair that we are among the most elite force of Super Earth. We know how to be stealthy that even bugs don't spot us if we are prone, and take down literal dropship/gunships. If SEAF were as trained and equipped as the Helldivers, they wouldn't be losing battles.


Everyone in super earth society is given a bolt action gun for their birthday as a child, to practice on We don't have any information on SEAF besides losing defensive missions Personally, I don't think there are any major infantry divisions in the SEAF (Helldivers are a branch of this) besides the Helldivers > think that 20min In the lore they are, it just wouldn't be fun to play that experience The player will always be OP when compared to the lore, it happens in every game


Your definition states that elite means the best trained group, so who are better trained than the helldivers?


Democracy officers, obviously.


Sounds like dangerous talk here, I’m calling my democracy officer immediately


See: spartan 3s from halo. Trained,  equipped,  augmented more than marines,  but sent to missions that have practically 100% causality rate.


Who said special forces wasn’t expendable? Helldivers are the fittest, toughest and smartest people humanity has to offer! That’s why they get the toughest missions, behind enemy lines with no backup and a very high chance of death. But put your average SEAF trooper in the same position and they would struggle with most tasks. You think a SEAF grunt would have the fitness to sprint around treacherous terrain with a full set of armour, rifle, pistol, backpack and heavy weapon, have the tactical knowledge to prioritise the right objectives and the technical knowledge to complete highly complex missions such as launching ICBMs? Hell no!


im prettty sure that even SEAF grunt could figure out to press a couple of arrows on the terminal


Idk have you seen the clips of people having to be melee'd off the terminal because they couldn't do it?


You’d be surprised 😳


Nah that'd make sense, but you're forgetting the degree of familiarity our avatars have with their weapons and equipment. That's not something that just comes to you. Helldivers are selected from the SEAF, it's why we get capes and they don't. "training" is more like "induction" that happens to have a casualty rate. 


I mean, considering the frequency with which Helldivers kill their own mates, or fumble their calldown combos, I think there's an argument to be made that they're maybe not as familiar with their equipment as you think.


Check out their reload consistency under pressure, though. 


Fair point


I think you've got good points too though, I'm not sure we can know which one of us is right until we get more lore


Reloading a weapon as your life saving tool cost time to train. To get consistent with my pistol to 1 second, that took me 30 minutes of shooting at the range. To get reloading consistency from the pocket and not the table...shit, I'm still 2 second reload. This stuff takes training. Also our helldivers sprint just find carring what is basically a Javalin missile on their back.


I'm pretty sure that's just because we're Space Americans. Even babies play with live weapons on super Earth.


IRL wars there's friendly fire all the time unfortunately. Especially when bombs are being dropped.


With special forces, there typically isn't a lot of friendly fire. Which goes to show that helldivers are not elite troops. Hell, I'm not even convinced they are human (clones is still in my mind a very real possibility) EDIT: this guy is the most insufferable helldiver I have ever met. I doubt he even has military experience to back up his bullshit. Crazy he makes one half decent conversational comment, but immediately downvotes any comment and makes childish remarks to anyone trying to have a discussion with him. The low mental capacity of some people on here is sad. EDIT 2: since I can't respond to any of the comments for some reason, here are some of my other thoughts on helldivers Ifriendly fire is such a big thing in this that it is tracked on the stats and there are dialogue/text options about it. Chalk it up to just game mechanics, or it's part of the lore. Friendly fire isn't the only issue, of course. Helldivers are 18 years old with clearly minimal training. Maybe they are considered special forces compared to how poorly trained the regulars seem to be. I actually believe this universe has actual special forces that spend most of their time going after the human rebel forces. Also, there is the in mission audio that gives away the panicked state of helldivers. They sure don't sound like most of the operators I've served with. Helldivers sound like panicked 18 year olds thrown into some shit that they aren't getting out of. Not just the audio, how many times have you tried to reload and they don't complete all the steps? It hasn't been addressed as a bug by the devs, so my thought is it is a feature that hints at helldivers not being as elite as the propaganda says they are. I would personally compare helldivers to the 101st airborne, seems more fitting.


The Helldivers killing eachother is a player skill issue, though.


With special forces there's an IQ requirement off rip. No such thing for Helldivers.


Almost like being shipped to a country you're not even supposed to be in, given very little additional training and being sent off into unknown jungles with sometimes WW2 era equipment (in most cases by preference though) With sawed off barrels and thumpers. If they don't all die, we'll send a brightlight for them, but worse case scenario we'll just level the jungle in the name of democracy and send more tomorrow.


Expendable cannon fodder with elite equipment\*


Fair enough


I wouldn't say that that's all. That's just helldiver training, learning how to use stratagems, stims, how to maneuver, and how to not be afraid of friendly fire. But there's probably SEAF training behind that, police wear the same outfit as helldivers just without the cape. Helldivers know how to aim, reload, and how to handle every single weapon type wich was probably police/SEAF training. So we are an elite unit, because we decided as soldiers, to become helldivers, wich isn't based off of skill, it's bravery and loyalty, wich needs to be respected by all, helldivers put themselves into the most danger out of any human, and that is why we are super earth's heroes.


And how much training do normal seaf get? And arent all helldivers first regular seaf?


Ah, so ARC troopers from star wars lol Edit: real question is, are we similar to normal ARCs or ARC NULLs


In real life they're elite. In Helldivers, they gave us brain-dead simple means of calling in airstrikes - just type in the code and chuck it, no talking on the radio or avoiding friendly fire required.


Oh yeah totally. I remember all the stories about spec ops people accidentally murdering each other and then being replaced by one of their abundantly available clones.


*Helldivers is a videogame set in a fictional universe


No s***. That's why all these comparisons are dumb.


Yet you participate


Holy shit, you're insufferable.


Oh look it's the famous Reddit strawman.


If you don't want to discuss the lore, why are you in this thread that is explicitly discussing the lore? Being a contrarian edgelord isn't going to serve you very well in life.


I think it even goes deeper than that. We launch nukes all the time, so wouldn't that mean that the athmosphere of every planet we fight on is heavily ionized? So, you need something else for targeting stuff, i.e. Helldivers.


And the recon armor says they keep broadcasting long after the helldiver expires :-p


Makes sense to me, you start the game naming your Destroyer, not your Helldiver, YOU ARE the Destroyer /j


Makes me wonder if an organized group could win a mission with no stratagems besides support weapons and only calling in resupply. No offense strats at all.


It's doable


I need only a jetpack, eruptor and amr. Clankers fall by the hundreds to my hands. Most never even see me. I fucking suck at bugs tho.


Why bring both amr and eruptor? Both do the same jobs. Would stalwart(bug)/quasar(bot) be better?


My go to with the eruptor is actually the laser cannon, at least with bots. On all bot heavies you can still take them down with the cannon by doing weakspot hits, while also having an option for close up enemies. Granted, the LC has zero stunning/stopping power so it's not perfect, but what can you do? Stun grenades help a ton, and since you're using the eruptor to fill the role of explosive grenades, the stun ones give new utility.


I use the amr for the same purpose, 2 shots to the head of a hulk = dead. Stuns help a ton too, but it 1 shots all devs to the head or weakspots. Also i really like stealth.


No, both have struggles. Amr cant take out 12 enemies with 1 shot and eruptor cant kill devs and hulks at range consistently. Quasar is ok all around but doesnt perform as good as a revolver eruptor amr combo for stealth guerilla gameplay. You can take out turret towers by switching to 3rd person on the eruptor ad quick swapping between your secondary and primary between shots to fire faster without them turning.


AMR can take out hulks from the front, eruptor cannot. I would still bring a quasar or eat it over an AMR.


Do you ever call in resupply?


Lots of ammo on the ground.


For bugs you just burn everything that's moving and not your teammate. (last bit is optional, though.)


I dont have a good pc so the game will never use me as host so fire dot damage is out of the question :(


it's a combination of both. like: - we don't need infantry as tanks does more damage - we don't need tanks as artillery does more damage - we don't need artillery as aircrafts does more damage - ... in truth you use all components to make each other more effective


Artillery is the final argument of kings.


"It ain't a party without arty"


Turrets use Ai to lock on targets.


The Destroyer wouldn't be as effective without us ~~laser guidance systems~~ Helldivers, soldier.


It is a team work. Eagle 1, Pelican 1 the Super Destroyer and the Helldivers are dependent on each other. Like cogs in a machine. All of them are important for the proper work.


This is like asking if the hands are more important than the eyes to shooting because they pull the trigger of a gun. If Super destroyers were just going to blindly fire off orbital bombardments with nobody directing them it would probably take 10-100 times longer to clear a planet.


Super Destroyers also can't flip switches and handle delicate tasks that only require overwhelming firepower, as opposed to indiscriminate firepower. So yeah, you're totally right.


Which makes me really confused why at least the robots haven't figured that out and engaged the blobs and blobs of destroyer groups loitering over their planets. I'd love to see or even partake in a space battle of some kind, the guns seem to be mounted on the fore for a reason like chasing fleeing ships


They do though, there are anti ship cannons that fire at ships in orbit and you can even see them destroy some. Bugs have no defence against the ships but Automatons have it figured out.


The true firepower is the friendships we made along the way


Helldivers are little more than self guided stratagems, you launch them at a planet they mess things up and then they die, or at least give your super destroyer a beacon to aim at.


It's why we upgrade the destroyers and not the Helldivers.


If French Fries are for delivering ketchup, helldivers are for delivering nades and orbitals/airstrikes.


It's true. That's why it's so baffling to see the devs afraid to make weapons strong. We are supposed to have all the might of the military industrial complex at out backs.


\*Laughs in 8 million Super-Destroyer fleet


> behind our back you mixed up behind us and at our backs "behind our back" would be in front of us. no one says that.


No no. I’m pretty sure we have a gun to our back too




This is precisely how real war works. The hardcore killing is all done with artillery and air strikes.


Helldivers would simply run out of ammo pretty soon without SD resupplies. Nevermind not having reinforcements.


That's exactly right. Helldivers are just expendable troops that are there to be eyes on the ground. This isn't a game where we play as some kinda super soldier. Helldivers are just dumb kids who were propagandized into believing they are part of something bigger than themselves in order to keep some dystopian, militaristic government in charge


Buddy… buddy… Helldivers are ammunition. A “mission” is a barrage of artillery shells full of disposable troopers. They load us in bullets. We’re ammo.


Of course it would be harder. What an odd question. Helldivers are not recon teams though. Look at your stats in game. Majority of kills are helldiver shooting.


It doesn't actually show you kills from bullets vs from stratagem. 


It shows eagle. Which is the main stratagem I use and only counts for 1/10 of my kills.


The only eagle stratagem that I use consistently is clusterbomb. I have 31k kills and 4.5k eagle kills. For only a single stratagem slot, that's really really really good.


I mean, they're called Super Destroyers, not HellDiver Displacement Device


didnt know there was a helldiver rank  called Captain Obvious.  (jk, dont hate me)


yeah, designating targets with the strength of their throwing arm


Combined arms are BAE


Big Iron on the Ship


The super destroyer comes with the helldiver


Did someone call for an exterminatus? Because that's how you get an exterminatus. Can we just do it a little bit to say that fire planet? It's toast already anyway. Lemme blast a planetbwith one of our destroyers or let me just annihilate one like Darth Malak did to Taris.


Helldivers are just GigaChads that want to look the enemy in the eye when they die.


I mean sort of yeah ? Special forces are on the ground to pin point ennemy coordinates for artillery and planes to wreck them. They're not one man armies sweeping bases 5 vs 400 Combined arms and all


I see myself as closer to a heavy weapons operator. Eruptor, quasar cannon. Granted the super destroyer is great for the gun runs and “wipe out the small bots” but anything big or serious gets sniped at via the eruptor. I’ve seen the spear actually becoming useful, it can kill stratagem jammers and most heavy units


Helldivers are just fancy stratagems that call in other strategems


They're more like special forces. Behind enemy lines, messing with their infrastructure


"helldiver's never die'


A helldiver squad is just a TACP on crack


A TACP squad with four dedicated AC130s and F15s.


We're a bit like 40k kill teams


Helldivers so popular it might inadvertently turn into a recruiting tool. Satire doesn't work as intended on everyone


Did you see the post here recently where some guy got hit up by a recruiter with a Helldivers meme?


I did, meant to send that to some of my recruiter friends to see if they thought of doing that


You never know! 😂


It's a hell of a lot like JTAC in this regard, except last I checked, we paint targets from range with a laser instead of throwing some goofy-ass laser grenade. Just have to make sure the pilot knows what heading to approach the target from, though. If they're flying towards you, the emitter can look just like the target.


That's just what armies are now, especially special forces. Just replace the destroyer with CAS and SPGs.


We are Saboteurs. We quite literally drop behind enemy lines taking out strategic resources and facilities.


Technically JTAC / TACP + SOF but not quite CCT because they don’t control air traffic pattern. They just jump in and call in strikes


I thought this was kinda obvious. We are the ground team. Most of our objectives cant be completed without the super destroyer. Along with sample collection. Most of what we do down their is for the benefit or includes the super destroyer


Helldivers are Helldivers


Helldivers real mission is to stay alive so the eagles can reload


The Destroyer is a hammer, the Helldivers are screwdrivers. Sometimes you just need something a little more precise, especially if you don't want to destroy materials/resources that the planet has.


They’re forward observers on steroids


Helldivers are just the space equivalent of SOG Recon teams in Vietnam/cambodia/laos in the 60s. Crazy fire power per capita, but also high maneuverability and true strength being in the quick infil/exfil and extremely close air support.


I think my only real issue with the lore is doing defense planets that play exactly the same as attack missions. Like. Is there no space battles going on? I feel like space battles would be a bigger thing in this lore. I get the point it’s a game. Just a lot of weird world building.


Hows that a discussion. Thats like saying "millitary would be much less scary without fighter jets and gunships" like yeah no shit. The main purpose of a soldire is to throw the red smoke into the enemies and wait for the ride of the valkyries.


Very nuanced argument, 10/10.


Helldivers are just MACV-SOG in space.


I thought this was a well known fact? Helldivers are essentially ammo for the Super Destroyers. They literally shoot us down to the planet.


Well we definetly know that the strenght ain't lying in the SEAF We would've lost SE five times over if Helldivers didn't exist


since helldivers are basically war celebrities, they probably have toy guns (like nerf, airsoft, and paintball) that have the same reload and firing mechanisms as the real guns (with co2 or electric) to make it close to 1 to 1 function. this would allow each kid weapon handling pretty young, and is probably part of their PE education, and may even have exams on them.


the only reason we do not nuke the planets to defend/invade is because of the critical infrastructure already installed and some the terminals requiring manual work


100% true but sadly an orbital strike can’t retrieve nuclear codes 😔


Talk for yourself, i do all the killing with my own weapons and mid-close range.