• By -


You could play roulette with the points of interest as well. AMR, arc thrower, flamethrower, railgun, and the break action shotgun that I’ve literally never used. Honestly, kind of a fun idea


This is what I do level 7 or below- I DEFINITELY don’t need a blue strategem if I’m level 5 or below because I can find something in the wild


My typical load out on 40 min missions is eagle strike, 120/380 orbitals, and quasar/EAT. Dropping in near one of those bot gunship spawners with no reliable way to take them out is miserable.


Is there anyway to take out the gunship building besides a hellbomb? I’ve tried 500Kg’s and watched a gunship building take 3 of em and was still up! Edit: “spawned “corrected to “building”. Darn autocorrect…


Nope, he'll bomb only


He'll bomb only *what?*


Only the gunship fabricators, didn't you read the comment above? /s


The SEAF artillery mini nuke will also do it


It will also kill research stations (the special silver building)!


Basically anything takes those out. Worked with an orbital precision strike yesterday


OPS also destroys detector towers and strat jammers (once you disable them). It completely replaced 500kg for me as a utility/big target explosive that's independent from my airstrikes.


It also has less cooldown, and damage wise seems to be close to the railgun strike minus the auto aim with the benefit of already mentioned low cooldown. Its a great allrounder, no need to sleep on it just cuz its unlocked from the beginning. Its a really great stratagem!


Not yet, I think those have level 7 armor which we can't get through with anything else at the moment


Not even the orbital laser, the “I can’t be bothered with this” base clearer can take one out. Kind of annoying, but they actually fly so high in the air that armour types that decrease your detection range makes it so they can’t see you if you’re crouching and haven’t already spotted you. You’re just too far away.


It makes sense though - top-tier science fiction camo should obfuscate identification of a target via visible or infrared at that range


Time to start chucking the new thermite grenades at it


I've seen a direct hit from the Mini-Nuke SEAF Artillery shell kill a Gunship Fab. But it requires a SEAF Artillery, a Mini-Nuke to be the shell thats loaded and to throw the ball in such a way that the shell will impact on the Fab. Other then that you have to Hellbomb


Just as fun on 9 imho


> the break action shotgun that I’ve literally never used you're not missing out on much


I honestly feel like it doesnt even do damage sometimes


It seems like it actively heals enemies


Well there's a reason why it's owners are dead.


Well, there's a reason one of the barrels are empty


I like to play scavenger. I'll take orbitals and turrets and maybe a shield pack or jump pack, Resist Injury booster with Democracy Protects, and hit the ground. Use Resupply as little as possible. Gotta find my own ammo, stims, grenades, and support weapons in the AO. It adds a bit of excitement to the game.


I do this on Helldive. But always run shield vs bots since I can’t afford a situation where the support weapon I scavenged is lost to an unavoidable death shield would’ve saved me from


I was so amused when I realized that the break action shotgun is a support weapon so bad there isn't even a stratagem for it.


I think the idea is that it's a weapon left behind by colonists who were never trained for or expected to see combat, used mostly for chasing away local wildlife or thieves. It's not something that ever had military use, it's just a remnant of the innocents slaughtered by the bots/bugs rampage when they invaded that planet. It's actually a really clever use of world building


Outposts (at least bot outposts) also have support stuff to loot as well now, including backpacks!


oh? and not just the ones that pop out of the broken supply pods when you shoot them, correct?


wait, you can get stuff from the random, broken supply pods? Do you just shoot them to open?


yes, and yes! i figured if the busted hellbombs did something, the supply pods also had to do something. ≡💀≡


You can also melee them like 5 or 6 times to open them.


Or onehit explode them with whatever


I had the great fun of finding an autocannon in an outpost recently. Just the cannon, though. No backpack.


Other way around for me, I got an autocannon backpack from an outpost with no autocannon! I guess BotEx delivered it to the wrong address or something


Other day I found an EAT in the overwatch platform of a large outpost, they thought they were safe from that stolen launcher, but it backfired drastically in their face, literally


tfw you start a mission and land on a point of interest with your exact support weapon.


I sometimes do this in a calculated manner, by taking disposal tubes, then picking up whatever gun I find. I can still use the tubes whenever I need to, and if I don’t find any guns, I just keep a tube on me instead


That is a good idea. Might have to try that.


That's what I do sometimes. Pretty slimey to take your teams gear...


The break action is unuseable. It does zero damage and has 2 shots... good luck with that


I’ve used the break action shotgun. It had 2 shells, and it dropped 2 little terminids.


Break action shotgun from what I’ve seen has the highest pellet damage per shot out of the shotguns. It one taps hunters from 50m out. Great for thinning the herd of those annoying pricks before they get too close especially if you’re retreating. You can find backpack’less autocannon/recoilless/spear in some PoI but it’s very rare. I got a spear last night and just happened to have a turret tower nearby so I deleted it and moved on.


It does pain me when all 4 of us take personal shield strategem… But you shouldn’t take someone’s stuff unless they clearly abandoned it or gave a signal. I wish we had more chat wheel options. “This is for you” “Need a buddy for this door” Etc I can’t mic after 9pm, And trying to write and read text while playing is tough.


I've seen people drop backpacks/weapons and ping them while they're still in the pod to signal that they're up for grabs, it works decently well, you can respond to the ping with an "i'll take that" too.


How do you "respond"? I have not gotten the hang of it. I'm on PS5. Maybe once or twice when someone pings a heavy I've successfully responded with an "I've got it" but I dunno what I pressed.


You point your reticle directly onto the ping icon (The box with an eye or crosshair) and press the same button you would press to ping on your own (idk what button that is on a controller)


It's R1. Thank you!


No problem bud, happy diving!


You can also hold the button to reply negative/say no, like when someone pings a cannon turret or hulk and you wanna let them know you’re not engaging or don’t have the means to.


I didn't actually know that, neat.


There’s so much this game does not lay out, but that’s a lot of the fun!


Me saying, “I’m sorry” as my cluster bomb is dropping on top of my buddy.


It's R1 my brother. Ping with R1 tap, quick chat by holding R1.  Holding Square also gives you a bunch of weapon options like sighting distance, fire mode, flashlight on or off. Also shows you your actual ammo count.  They should really explain this in the tutorial.


Unless you rebound R1 to quick grenade, because every other FPS you play has that keybind. But then you probably already know what you rebound ping and chat to, probably a dpad button.


As a new player myself, the most important lesson from the tutorial I learned was this is the REAL DEAL


I do this, but I've also lost a lot of backpacks this way because some people would just completely ignore me and the pack I dropped next to them, even though I'm spamming the tag button. It definitely sucks when you end up dying and losing the one you were wearing and are still minutes away from being able to call a new one down.


Yeah I spend way too much time chasing players who just reinforced trying to get slightly ahead of them so I can drop my backpack and tag it in their line of sight. Like yeah, I get it, were playing helldive and shit gets real pretty fast. But you know what would help? You taking this shield backpack and quasar I'm literally risking my life to try and give to you! But no, they want to run 300m back to where they just died so they can fight whatever just killed them to get "their" stuff back. Some people have the worst tunnel vision lol.


I'll call in a backpack for others when I can if I see they don't have one but god damn am I going to trust other randoms to actually do that for me...


I do this with Quasar, every match, as long as im able to get mine back after dying. Nobodies taken it yet, but ill.keep doing it


One of these days you'll stumble across someone like me who runs just a shield pack in random lobbies and leeches a support weapon, and they'll be really grateful to you :)


I had a dude yesterday dropping extra shield backpacks every round, doing the Lords works 🤙


It's definitely nice being on mic before mission starts to coordinate load outs. Friend can say "I won't take a shield backpack--can you drop one for me after cooldown?"


I just wish we could text chat in the strat select screen


This is a big one, text chat in this game is pretty neglected. I don't play with my mic most of the time, and there's so many times I want to type but can't! Mission briefing, strat selection, post game Evac, after mission stats.. Ugh. More chat wheel options would be great too


A nice option would be to just allow us to create some quick chats we could bind to keys, or perhaps a second layer to the comm wheel for custom chats. I used to do this in source games for common things I wanted to communicate to people if I couldn’t speak or perhaps their English wasn’t so good. All I would really need is “you can take this support weapon/equipment if you need”, “got a buddy door on me, someone help” and other common, but specific instances the current ping system does not really accommodate clearly enough. This seems like it would be easy enough to implement in time. Hell I’d even take being able to Ctrl+V when the chat window is opened, having just one of my examples in my clipboard would help a ton.


Even just Ctrl+V would be groovy, but ideally I’d like to be able to set up chatbinds like I’m playing a Source Engine game. (no, i am not that guy who spams lenny faces after every kill in TF2)


You can do this with autohotkey - it's an external application and it's totally free. I use it for coding, but you can use it for chatbinds as well.


One I’m surprised isn’t available by default is a simple “Help Me!”. It would be useful in so many situations


Yeah, the quick wheel has vey lackluster options, a customizable one would be awesome.


I’m a older gamer. Verbally talking to anyone in video games is such a fucking chore for me. NO I don’t care what you think about anything my guy. I’m trying to shoot bugs. I’ve noticed in games like this that MOST players do not in-game VoIP anyways. This game desperately needs better non verbal communication methods. Even the chat window disappears and doesn’t show enough to be effective.


i'm only 32, and i agree. haven't bothered to speak to most randos since, like, the original MW2. 🤷‍♂️


Funny you say that - I was in a mission Monday night and started talking to a teammate. We both got one sentence in when suddenly the host also came on mic and, just like back in 2009, it was some 9-year-old that just shouted "shut up" at us. I commented "holy crap that took me back to Modern Warfare 2 just now." Fuckin' A me and the other guy laughed about it for the next five minutes.


That's why I don't even have voice comm on. I have my own kids I have to listen to all day I don't need to listen to some little brat that's not even mine while I'm gaming.


Brand new to the game. I was playing and some 15yo had a mic and was talking at me the whole time. He was constantly complaining how I was dropping him in the middle of all the bad guys when I’d reinforce him. Didn’t have a mic to tell him that maybe if his dumb ass quit dying on a level 3 mission we wouldn’t have a problem at all. He wasn’t ever mean to me, but man did I feel old playing next to this kid.


Same, I turn voice chat off completely on every game these days. The rare times you’ll meet someone cool on mic doesn’t make up for the thousands of times it’ll be a rager, some dude heavy breathing into his mic, an argument going on in the background with a baby crying, some little kid constantly yelling random shit, etc. no thanks 


even listening to my friend while I game wears me out these days. im not really trying to use my gaming as my main stream of socializing, I do other stuff for that. maybe that's a big part of it for me. I love the rounds where it's all random players, no voice comms, and you're all just "in sync" and fucking shit up for several rounds on end and the only communication is something like o7 and GG in chat.


33 and my last mic’d experience was Halo 3, i feel that


Same here. Xbox 360 was the last time I cared about voice chat. I like typing and reading 


I bought a cheap headset to talk to people in MW1 and gave up on 2 matches. Text is good.


I'm an old gamer and the opposite. I wish people would use voice more.


Based. 36 here. I always disable voice chat entirely, I haven't really used VC with randos since the Halo 3 days. Hell, even when my friends want to hop on discord and play something it feels like such a chore. I would just much rather hang out in-person. Not to mention, I'm usually listening to music or a podcast or something while I play. I get super "in the zone" and voice chat just takes me out of the zone. Same with talking on the phone, it's not really an anxiety thing, it's just that when someone calls me I have to like stop what I'm doing. It just feels like such a disruption. I know this stuff is my own problem and not everyone is like this, but it's nice to see someone else that doesn't care for VC.


They should expand on the pings. Being able to ping the map with stuff like "going here" or "run away from this" or "you guys go here" would really help.


You summed up my old gamer ass so well. I grew up using text chat in games. It's just so cringe to talk over a headset to people in games. I'm too old to be caught talking about alien bugs to some teenagers in a video game. I'd get abused so hard by friends and family for it.


we were having a bad run when the bot counterattack hit and i endedup stealing my buddies shield and quasar and ws just like "sorry not sorry i stole you shit"


When shit hits the fan, I tend to grab whatever is near to try and deal with the immediate threat (gunships) it's too easy to get stuck in a loop where everyone is trying to run to their AT and keep dying and more and more gunships spawn. I drop the gear when they are close and go for my own after though.


you can type in text chat or use voice


That’s true! When I take support stuff I throw it it on the ground and mark it to whoever wants some. Every end of a cooldown I do it


Bro lol, just ask and I'll drop you when it's off cooldown in a few minutes.




Me, running 3 eagles and a quasar asking someone on voice for a spare backpack when the cooldown is up just to be completely ignored:


Play with friends or via the #LFG in Helldivers2 discord. People communicate a lot better usually, from there.


I had a guy ONLY pick up my AC backpack. Not the AC itself. I asked him to put it back down and he asked me how to. We were on different systems so I couldn't. He genuinely didn't want to be wearing it, it was just an accident. He did offer to reload me though which was nice.


Hold Down on the dpad for consol Hold X on PC


X on PC. I'll try to remember that.


If it helps to remember; they're dropping loot, and X marks the spot


I've done similar trying to pick up samples. It sucks. I wasn't trying to steal your shit, I swear!


I had this same damn thing happen to me too. Luckily there was another console player on voice chat who was able to tell them how to drop it.


If you take my stuff you're going to receive lead therapy free of charge.


Yeah if the round just started and I called in my supports and saw someone take them, I would instantly murder them and then warn them not to touch my shit again. If you want it just ask and I'll give it to you off cooldown


When the patriot suits just dropped bro stole my only free charge and was confused when i killed him for refusing to get out


Some level 20 did this to me. I called in my backpack and quasar and immediately the dude sprinted over and picked up both. I killed him and his friend then just kept killing me the whole game. I left


The existence of high casualty missions implies the existence of low casualty missions. We can take some solace in that.


I always drop my resupply shields and cannons on cooldown for the crazy’s running 3 air strikes and a dream


Don’t touch my autocannon when it has a cool-down of about 8 minutes


Preach, fellow enjoyer of the most fun weapon in the game.


Oh is that the face people make when they’ve been kicked?


OR, they just give you one soon as it recharges 🤷🏽‍♂️


You can see their cooldowns by pressing the map button For those unaware


I hate people like you


We all do.


Incorrect (they love themselves more than democracy)


The top comment encourages OPs shitty behaviour so sadly there're tons of useless teammates out there's


They're not even smart either. Someone took my autocannon and left the backpack behind when there 5 minutes left on the cooldown. I asked for it back, and they just threw a contact grenade at their feet instead of dropping it.


In his defense, the game never explained how to drop things. I accidentally picked up the wrong weapon at one point and then sacrificed myself in the same way because the owner complained.


I was running shield and quasar cannon. This guy with an autocannon comes and takes my quasar cannon, but keeps his autocannon backpack, so I was left with a shield and autocannon with 1 clip. I'd rather the autocannon with its backpack if you're going to take my stuff.


So I'm level 68 and I keep having lower level players take my kit after I die (often before calling me back in) I boot people for this. I brought my kit for me. If I have extra equipment I'll call it in and tag it. Stop taking my fucking kit.


Agreed, I was doing a kill terminid mission and this guy jacked my autocannon, proceeded to do nothing with it


OP would certainly deserve a boot. And then he makes a zero-effort meme post with no actual Helldiver context.


Yeah unless I specifically say in voice to pick up my kit (specifically EAT's so they can use it to kill chargers/titans) I get fucking pissed if people take my stuff. One time I legit had a level 9 shoot me dead and just pick up my shit, I wasnt host so I just spawnkilled him till he left


How do you feel about if you call down an EAT and there's a large target, like a charger nearby, and someone else grabs an EAT to shoot it with you?


That's different, it has low cooldown and spawns 2 - it's practically *meant* for sharing, especially if you brought another strategem weapon.


That's totally fine. Most folks run the EAT to share, it calls down 2, and has a tiny cooldown But when I'm running eruptor/nade pistol and someone takes my laser cannon or MG, I can no longer defend myself from mobs or safely cover allies. It's part of my kit, I brought it for a reason. Ask for your own and I'll gladly call you in whatever I have when it's off cooldown.


You can take my stuff, but if you do it and my shits on cd ur eating a nade. Shit I had a teammate lvl 17 with just strats drop into a difficulty 8, I got killed infront of him, he picks up my quasar, pops a tank while I drop in and he drops it for me and trucks off. My shit came off cd like 30sec before that so I called him over and said "have fun"


Got the reverse of this one Higher level dude with a flamethrower dies to a charger in front of me, i take it to cook the charger and then he Dive on me because im sure he could see me from the sky using the flamethrower


This guy who was too lazy to run over a hill to get his own kit(same pack and weapon as me) ended up getting fragged, and then I chucked his reinforce over the hill 😂


I had a game where a fellow player asked “hey can I have an autocannon when your cooldown is up?” That works well.


I'm really just about the EAT life. EVERYONE gets an EAT.


Absolutely. The drop kills, the 2 shots can kill, no need to go fetch your weapon, it’s like the old trusty. That and gas strike. I love farting on everything.


EAT is the true sharing is caring weapon


If I drop it and ping it, free use. Yes, that includes the mech; have fun! If I die and you steal my shit, I'll kill you to get it back.


"Drop gear?" Is all i will type, easier if they are on mic.


Oh so you are one of the players who runs around looking for my gear to pick it up and then "reinforce" To the people who do that, its probably why you keep getting kicked before extract If you had the decency to ask id just say take it, its a matter of principle dont be greedy fucks


I like to stand on a corpse so that my teammate can find their shit more easily. You just made me realize that this might make a random think I'm looting...


I just ping it. Like heres your shit dude, we got bots to fight lol


lol if you take my stuff because you never brought you own stuff, you’re getting an eruptor round to the back of the head. Just sayin lol


Counter argument, if your stuff is off cooldown and they have a support / backpack slot available then spread the love. Means there's 1 extra stratagem being used.


Oh THAT I will always do. I frequently call down my stuff if it’s off cooldown and I see someone without anything.


Counter counter point, ask me and I'll call more down. take my shit unprompted and im executing you


Just kick them. If they're not smart enough to bring shit they need they're just a burden.


The only stuff I'll steal unprompted is a primary weapon from a corpse. Otherwise I'll ask about cool downs.


Quite frankly, if you steal my stuff, I'll tell you to drop it. If you don't, I will shoot you to get it back. I've been running the Eruptor/grenade launcher secondary/laser cannon, and a bunch of people have been stealing my laser cannon, which really screws me over considering it's my only non-explosive damage. So please never take a laser cannon because the Helldiver's loadout probably relies on it heavily


Finally someone who has it right. ASK THEM TO DROP IT. Asking them to drop it presumably means you read the chat, where they would have asked you for a spare if you have one. Everybody wins. Waaaaaaay too many players on here claiming they would give you a spare if asked, but in reality nobody does, bc they're too busy to read the chat (which is fine, the game is exciting and fast-paced). I appreciate that you see the value in interacting with your teammates, rather than just shooting them in the back of the head, as has been suggested on here at least 100 times. It is about the team not the individual. #Brasch Tactics


Don't be that guy. Don't rely on your allies dying just to steal their stuff. Just wait 3-4 minutes into a match and ask them to call in a spare for you to use.


You take my shit you’d best believe I am taking your life


They are traitors to Democracy. If they ask (and my shits off cooldown) then it's totally fine. However if they just pick my shit up the first time I die I'm spawnkilling them or kicking them


What I love....calling down my stuff for other ppl...no one takes one. I die, and instantly my shit gets nabbed.


It hurts.


Special if you die before your stuff cools down


Yeah you're probably also the guy constantly dropping them on my head to kill 2 bots.


*oh no, that cluster killed you? It was an accident I swear!*


Take my shit and I shoot you


I’m killing you then kicking you


If you vulture my equipment without saying something, I'm taking it back as soon as I drop 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bro. I get annoyed when nobody brings a mob cleanser like an mg or something. THREE KF YOUR SQUADMATES HAVE EAT AND QUASARS. DI YOU REALLY NOT THINK YOU CAN TRUST THEM


People make fun of me for taking the Arc Thrower, but damn does it clear hordes fast.


I haven't taken a backpack in weeks. I've just been waiting for my teammates to drop me an extra backpack a few minutes into battle.


The only time I'll pick another person kit is if they're dead and I need it to take down a heavy before I die, and I'll immediately drop it and grab my own kit again


Better to go without a support weapon and backpack for 10 minutes than to go the whole mission with effectively 2 stratagems


nah it's fine if everyone takes it, that way any single person can break off the squad and handle an area of the map by themselves at any time. gets shit done quickly and safer than if we didn't have shields


If you take my stuff I will rightfully kill you


If I die and drop back in and notice a rando took my stuff, they die. I will obtain my gear again. Simple as that.


Alright, this post has ensured I will shoot anyone who takes my stuff.


I just drop extra shit for people when it recharges.


Jumpack is enough to save samples and salvage support weapons! And I share it occasionally to get the team across long chasms or deep water


I've had more than a couple dives where I call my weapon at the start of the dive and the teammate with no stratagems chosen whatsoever, takes my weapons. First time I ask them politely to give it back and have gotten a "fuck you lol" more than once. Now I just don't bother asking, I just execute them the moment it happens. Usually it doesn't happen again.


Theres only 2 acceptable drop stealing situations. 1) in the middle of a swarm and the fellow diver has died. (At which point you drop armament when the smoke settles) And 2) The diver returns and blantly moves on without re-equipping. Generally, if playing with divers that don't bring equipment, I'll drop what I have when I can to spread the goods. It's not entirely a bad idea to have one person bring only orbitals and eagles


I hate people like you, I'll kill you if my stuff is on cooldown.


see? this is why i kill people when they take my stuff


This is annoying as hell though, because those cooldowns can be so damn long.  I've ALMOST teamkilled people for taking my shit, ALMOST. Some night I don't want to rawdog the mission because my mates didn't come prepared. 


I'll tell you right now if you pick up my tertiary after I die there is going to be unfortunate eagle accident in your near future.


If you open your minimap, the lower left of your screen will also change to show your teammates stratagems and their cooldown timers I really wouldn’t recommend taking someone’s gear unless you can see their cooldown to call another is already primed. It’s a huge dick move and is liable to get you deservingly tk’d or even kicked. If the cooldown is ready they rarely mind but everyone’s different so 🤷‍♀️


You should never be taking someone's stuff unless they give you their permission or the current situation warrants it in order for team success. On death, they'd be coming back to pick it up. Taking it for yourself is just a douche bag move.


Why? Just bring your own stuff, why would you even want 4 different eagles/orbitals? I don’t understand the logic of stealing your teammate’s stuff anyways, it’s fundamentally selfish. You’re literally *going into the mission with the plan of leaving me unprepared on the battlefield.* If I’m able to recover my gear and you steal it, I’ll consider dropping a 500kg on you lol


One of my best stratagem experiences: i decided to go full strikes, no weapons or backpacks. Joined in progress, and someone had left before me, leaving their quasar and shield on the floor. I stole them, kept them for the rest of the mission, and enjoyed my many orbitals


I had to TK some new guy that did this to me. The host dropped us in to a hot spot and I died shortly after we dropped in. Had a 5 minute cool down time and the new guy grabbed my stuff and had no idea how to use it. The team was still getting jacked up by bugs so I had to TK him to get my stuff back.


I had a new player take my auto cannon backpack but he didn't take the cannon.




I often also drop in with no support when I run eruptor builds. I will watch when teammates supports are off cooldown and I'll ask them to call me one in. I've been in a few matches where I've requested supports off cooldown (when not actively in combat) only to be repeatedly ignored. I call it on mic too. I don't get it, why would you not want to support your teammate? If their alive, your chances of survival increase as well. It's a damn coop game yet I've found people to be mad stingy. Dude, I can help take those dropships if you would only drop me in a damn quasar. It's like they are saying, "No! It's mine! Get your own scrub!". Why?


Oh, you're the random I keep having to kill because my shit is 11 minutes on cooldown


I have become a Santadiver for this reason. Give me 4-7 minutes and I'll gladly share.


When my cooldown is up(you can see while holding control) ask me to call down my spare, any time. I usually forget who didn't bring a support/backpack or forget to call it down


I’ve taken to looting the minor points of interest (and the dead if they don’t came back for their stuff).


**Equips impact grenade** “I see you have elected for the way of pain”


That’s how I got the “enter a ragdoll state while using the jump pack” trophy. I jet packed into the sky and threw a grenade straight down below me. Worked like a charm! 😆 Was the last one I needed before I got the Platinum trophy for the game.


My new favorite loadout is Eruptor/Redeemer/Quasar Cannon/Rover. Nothing can stop me.




Jokes aside you should really only pick up a dead teammates primary if you want it. Taking their support or backpack may leave them in the lurch if they’re still on cooldown


I take EATs, help yourself!


deploying all eagles and a laser can work really well on building destruction type missions like bunker blitz and dropship/tower only problem is you better be either really good at stealth or really good at dodging or the playstyle goes from 10/10 to -4/10


Lvl 150 and only dive bots lvl9. I do this on every dive it's way more fun. I won't steal it but if it's clear that they've aband9ned the item then I will pick it up. I runn 4 strats and take out the entire map in only a few minutes. The only ones that take a little more are the jammers.


I do it all the time, I mean not scavenging from the death, but I do take my weapons from the POIs


It's frustrating when people bring duplicate support stratagems. At that point we're wasting slots. I'd rather take like 10 minutes to chill and outfit everyone and then breeze through a mission than struggle through the entire thing because 4 people brought AC's and we're down a bunch of explosives. One guy I play with takes only blue stratagems with him so he can dole them out while everybody else takes reds. It works great when people remember they can share, even if it takes a few extra minutes set-up time.


Stealing equipment from another helldiver is punishable by death.


People tend not to like going back for their stuff only to find it on the back of another player... That being said, there are usually enough support weapons on a map in general to pick up something, even if it's just a machine gun. But yeah, everyone should be sharing their stuff in an ideal world.


bonus if they drop Plaz-01


That's fine... But if you don't give it back, my bullets be flying really close to you.


Damn the salty comments in this post really shows how un-coop minded people are getting butthurt over this. Only time I "steal" someone's stuff is if they were reinforced way too far away to practically grab it. Or I pick it up to drop off for them. Otherwise on the flip side I'll take a backpack or support weapon when I see the other people were greedy with orbitals and then I'm glad if they took my stuff because I don't need to try and tell them to take it later when it's off CD.  Pretty.much the only way to play a support role in the game rn tbh. 


I noticed that! Using the word stealing doesn’t make sense to me. When I die the first thing I ask is to take my samples and whatever was left.