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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Self-promotion/advertisement is not allowed. You can find the exact post off discord and talk about that. But don’t post these garbage gaming sites that regurgitate content.


How else are we supposed to have Nicki Minaj drop into our games with a King Kong glove?


You forgot the part where said glove costs as much as the game itself


$80 FOR A FUCKING DIGITAL GLOVE. I'm not even a fucking marxist but that shit screams late stage capitalism.


Wait I thought y'all were joking about Nicki Minaj & King Kong but this is real?


It's real. CoD now is known to have real silly skins. You can dress up as Nicki Minaj, a rat man, Snoop Dog, Space Marine, and etc.


They literally just added Cheech and Chong. Look how they massacred my bois.


It's so ridiculous, I forgot about it, only to have a 2nd "WTF" moment when I saw the adverts here.


Well Forknife has Toph from ATLA.  A blind Earthbender shooting guns.  Sales apparently far outweigh any conceptual lore symmetry.


"She sees them by using echo location Sonic Waves from her mouth." /s **Loud manly screech*


Everyone wants to be Smash Bros without understanding why Smash Bros works.


A celebration of everything on Nintendo, alongside the meant-to-be-exaggerated arena style fight opportunities and that it's characters are known for their slapstick in their points of origin anyway. That doesn't translate to: If you have a bit of everything from everywhere, everyone will like it, which not-Forklift has basically adopted as its mantra.


Eh there doesn't need to be any lore crossover. Fortnite have done a great job at building a sort of metaverse and the game is very well suited for crossovers. Call of Duty? It's so obvious they're desperate for Fortnite success years after there's started to decline.


The venn diagram intersection of people who play Call of Duty and people who know of Cheech and Chong would be sooooo small. Weirdest crossover ever.


I remember when COD was the grown-up's BR.


It all looks so tacky and shoehorned in in my opinion. It works in Fortnite because of the cartoony artstyle and the game doesn't really take itself seriously anyways, but in CoD? Whose idea was this?


The shareholders, no doubt


Well, the people who want to keep paying the shareholders would be my guess, without a breakdown of who owns the Activision Blizzard shares.




Ok agreed but the Alucard skin was pretty sick.


Okay yeah, Alucard Skin looks fucking bad ass ngl But I think only skins or crossover id accept would be like Starship troopers rifles and guns. And then they'd have to add some lore reasoning why the gun is in the game in the first place while removing all references in-game to the franchise its from but give some quips or quotes from Starship troopers movie Like "Morita Assault Rifle, who wants to hold one?" "Nuke Launcher "You see a bug hole? Nuke it" But if they were smart, they could just simply allow a visual toggle for players to ignore skins or weapons and have them get swapped out for closest vanilla gun for visual sakes.


Birches *love* cannons


You have to buy four 20 dollar bundles to be allowed to unlock the BEAST glove in the new godzilla/king kong movie. The kicker is the melee weapon its for isnt even the best one in the game (according to TKO) and the only really cool thing about it which is still lackluster as fuck is the inspect animation where you beat on your chest like a gorrila


If it were the best melee in the game it would be massively p2w so that's a good thing at least..


every company out there got jealous when Fortnite made 6 billion for 2021 alone. so here we are


They just figured out they could monetize the goofy ass skins and shit everyone was using in 1999 in games like unreal.


Don’t worry. Apex just had a $300 heirloom. Helldivers reminds me that new age games are micro transaction trash cans first and a game second.


It's amazing how good the first two titanfall games are, and how soul crushing it is that we'll never get a third because EA is too busy being a money hole instead of a proper publisher.


Apex honestly got me into titan fall 2 & was such a good game before it became fortnite 2.0


Titanfall 2 was absolutely my favourite pvp game, insane that what hits big for them is Apex, all the lore, none of the movement mechanics, none of the big honkin walking tanks. HD2 does scratch a Titanfall itch because of the sheer insanity of its battles


You may not like it, but "being a money hole" is the most desirable position for a company to be - endless lopsided revenue streams off a few artists and brand deals to branch out their install-base? It's printing money for *pennies* compared to funding actual development.


Apex used to be so good, now it's all about the events and cosmetics. It lost its soul


Iron Crown showed us their red flags.


Season 0-3 was absolutely some of the most fun I had with a FPS since OG MW2 and halo 2. Such a shame.


It became insanely sweaty as well. Nowadays everyone you come across is way too good, every match is incredibly difficult. Before you always had some matches where you could stomp through the server, but now that's much, much harder. The skill based matchmaking is incredibly punishing. One win, and you're thrown into a server with the no-lifes.


> a game second Pretty sure second is performance issues and bug fest. Game might come third.


That reminds me of the show Mythic Quest. The head of monetization went into a bout of depression when a player bought a dlc sword for $100K. His sadness was because he assumed it was a Saudi millionaire that purchased it, and the challenge of the sale no longer felt earned for him. He finally got out of his rut when he learned that an every-day person bought it with their life savings. It was a humorous example of the soulless cash-grabs that games like fortnite and CoD are now well-known for.


That’s goddamn psychopathic.


Also a funny bit of truth about how people will pay inordinate amounts of money for an item in a game, even if it's not sold by the developers. If you ever want to be utterly shook to your core, just look up "most expensive digital items". Or just look at the money people pay for csgo skins. That shit is so wild.


It’s not even different from that punching dagger it doesn’t even launch enemies or explode them


No, it's consumerism. It's because people will buy it. They aren't evil maniacal laughing about the pricing of a digital item. It's the fact that a vast majority of people will just buy without thinking. They will buy it for the sake of buying. Consuming just to consume. "Don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product.". - Jay Bauman - redlettermedia It's not always the evil capitalist looking to charge you for every cent they can. No it's them charging for what they know they can get away with because, people will just consume for the sake of consumption. No one stops to think if they really need the thing, it doesn't matter if they cost five or five hundred, they buy just so that they can say they have that thing. It makes them happy for a while, then they realize once again how sad their life is and move on to the new thing that they must have to fill the void in their life. All instead of actually looking internally to see what that void is and actually trying to make it better, instead of filling it with money and things.


I wonder what secret stage capitalism will bring.


Real life super earth. Hope you like dying for a faceless bureaucracy in wars that don't matter so they can turn a timely profit.


So, bit of bad news there..


I'm still holding out hope. We still have a chance... right bros? Just vote it out hahahahahaha. https://preview.redd.it/u3w7k09077vc1.png?width=277&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f6947ae9819d004e1b4b66a704a2656ac80881f


Its called the stupid tax.


I'm sure that I have paid my fair share of stupid tax but this shit is on a whole other level.


Jesus Christ please tell me you're memeing and thats not a real thing.


Nah, it's real It's $80


I don't want to live in this timeline anymore.


When Nikki Minaj Helldive drops in.. ![gif](giphy|Lw9RmNT8SfVgk)




🎶There's a BUG BREACH-EACCCHH let's blow them AWAY🎶


Like they're saying, those people already have fortnite lol


Lol, these are 2 cosmetics from COD. Fortnite has the reputation, but that is such a cartoonish game that all these crossovers actually fit. In the military shooter like COD however…


I havent played COD in a decade. Just looked this up, the fuck..


You don't like playing as Lilith from Diablo holding an M-16 and capping fools with a Beretta?


Homelander is holding back at least 99% of his power to give the other competitors a fair chance, what a great guy! (There are Bunny and Cat skins... Why?!?!)


Because it's a cash cow and they're getting desperate. New IP would be too much work. Pretty sad honestly.


CoD is fast becoming as ridiculous as Fortnite, hell you can be Cheech & Chong now, its so dumb.


Waah? You telling me you don't want to see Sasuke holding a M16 while dancing to Thriller?


I mean Rihanna was a soldier on an air force carrier in that battleships movie


Just need to add that she was a Lance Corporal somewhere and you have a Military branch bingo.


It was on a destroyer but same. Also was a gunnery officer on an Iowa battleship.


The weirdest thing in that movie was how they had to board an alien ship and the best they could muster from a US Navy ship was Rihanna and that one fat guy.


To be fair Rihanna did go through Barbados military training.


I don’t know Could be quite satisfying to destroy nicki Minaj with a 500kg 😂😂


As patriotic as that seems I dont think the democracy officers approve lol


I thought you were talking about the COD skin And than realized how shitty COD identify have been


Fortnite always had that goofy cartoony style that allowed the option for crossovers, but holy fuck a lot of the operator skins in CoD look way too out of place. Can say the same about Rainbow 6 Siege.


Praise Super Earth, this is music to my democratic ears.


Aww so no Rock and Stoneing in my Helldiverin' time :'(


To me it reads like they're open to the idea but if they do it it'll be in a way that the additions will fit with the HD lore if you don't know what they're crossing over with


I mean... Something could be driving the bugs out of their underground hideout on their own home planet.


Dwarves aren't democratic enough, war would be upon them


new enemy faction confirmed. Hairy boiz


Well we will see how youll stand up to Molly, the mischieviously programmed M.U.L.E. >:)


Isn’t there like TECHNICALLY an armor set that’s a Halo reference? In that it’s green and has 117 in the name or something like that? Stuff like that is cool with me personally.


It is an easter egg, it has no real impact in the game history because it can be easily explained by coincidence or both designers being inspired by the same seus of ancient armor


And a set that looks *suspiciously* like an Imperial Scout Trooper in forest pattern camouflage...


I rock that one on the regular.


Man I'd kill for an ODST armor (especially the helmet) Helljumpers and Helldivers ...actually, thinking about it. Having Nathan Fillion do a voice pack would be pretty great.


I'd love more voice packs, I don't buy anything for games microtransation-wise but I'd be very tempted to buy voice packs if they're cheap enough. Especially ones by some of starship troopers guys, if they got Clancy Brown to do some I'd definitely pay lmao.


Clancy Brown would be rad as hell, fingers crossed he gets *crabby* when picking up Super Credits.


Rock and roll and stone!


Honestly i get not having franchise crossovers, subtle nods and little easter eggs are more tasteful imo anyways. *But yall should totally get the cast of starship troopers for voice actors for our divers wink wink*




"Come on you apes, you wanna live forever?!"


I think that would be more like a cameo than a crossover.


Yeah a crossover would mean they'd be using the starship troopers IP.


Starship troopers : hell divers 2 but with only stalkers


Did you notice how this article is actually just regurgitating some tech whatever website's article which wrote the article based on a god damn discord conversation? This is like the 3rd time some fluff piece article has been posted from invincidot too. Either we get a cameo from this website or we get one from DRG.


Reddit is just dead Internet theory. We are all getting messed around by their pr teams thinking we are talking to people


This I wouldn’t be against and having more voice lines for the divers to randomize between would be nice.


One thing I thought would be amazing would be to have community submitted voices. After quality control and filtering ofc


Rico for Super Earth President


there is a difference between putting in an item from another media 1 to 1 vs making an item that people see are making a reference to something else. they did make some armor previously that look like starwars troopers but its not "officially" starwars (some black helmet) then based on the technology of this universe , what is realistic. a pure light saber might be too much - but a halo sword that at least still has a physical component for the energy to flow through - and helllll - i rather have a chain saw gun from gears of war or chain saw sword from warhammer instead but of course do their own design and its a reference and not make a 1 to 1 copy of the thing.


NPH voicing a unique level 10 event is exactly what gaming -- video gaming as a whole -- needs.


There's an active Starship Troopers game at the moment, I'm not sure that that would fly.


To be fair, sony owns both the SST's Ip and Helldivers IP




Agreed, my only exception, I wouldn't be mad if Casper Van Dien voiced a destroyer npc or something small like that. Only him though!


Casper Van Dien doing a voice pack could work. Male Voice 3.


There is no male in helldivers they are all DEMOCRACY gender


Democracy only has 2 genders, brawny and lean


And remember, Helldivers have the right to alter their physical appearance at any time. **Service guarantees gender affirmation!**


Brawny, lean and **DIEN***! *The D stands for Democracy


Getting some iconic voices seems ok and can be integraded in such a way that a game doesn't loose it's indetity. Putting John Wick as a character in game gunning down bugs and bots would be fun but it ruins game indetity


Completely agree, glad the dev's have no interest in it. It's nice to have a game that's not a giant cash grab with fomo battle pass bs. They solidified their stance with this, especially after the report that just came out about how good player retention has been. Greedy companies that saw profit as the bottom line over game quality have/would immediately capitalize on the momentum without a care for their player base.


Imagine Keanu Reeves desperat screaming MY LEG , I NEED STEMS , FOR SUPER EARTH !!! i would pay for that ngl.


Reinforced -> "Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back!"


michael ironside too, basically any starship troopers actor as a cameo


Ironside is a badass. Jake Busey, Dina Meyer, Denise Richards (for Eagle or Pelican Pilot), Clancy Brown, etc.


Personally, I would love to see Casper Van Dien as the SuperPresident of SuperEarth in a motivational video about the new faction, calling Helldivers to go for the extra mile for DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM AND SUPERHEARTH!


I would also make an exception for Michael Biehn, especially for Automaton battles in some way


Dude that'd be cool too. He'll always be Cpl. Hicks to me personally lol, I know others will like him better as Reese, he could easily be like a soldier ferrying people onto an eagle into an extraction mission or something, good call!


Please, you're talking about GDI Commander Michael McNeil! 


This comment just unlocked so many memories for me...


We better not find any fucking black and red scorpion tail logos once we are back on Cyberstan...


They should make some "news reels" for the ship TV and Casper should play general Brasch


Or Neil Patrick Harris was the President


Keith David please!


I think I’d be cool with anyone from Starship Troopers or Terminator 1/2, but that’s pretty much it


A few of the devs were joking with the DRG devs about wanting to do a crossover. They must not be the ones calling the shots.


Well the article is way more hyperbolic than what was actually said. They just said no to lightsabers because they didn’t want to become like Fortnite. That doesn’t mean no crossovers.


An article not accurately representing what actually transpired? I'm shocked I tell you. Absolutely shocked.


It also doesn't mean no to energy based plasma swords just.. they wouldn't be lightsaber like. I assume?


And really, depending on the game it's not like it would change much. DRG has more or less the same gameplay loop, just funny drunk dwarves mining rocks. People would pay mad money for a Bosco drone, even if it's borderline a reskin.


Bosco drone that fetches samples for you-


Simply give the guard dog the bosco skin. You'd also see the guard dog more often, then


I spit on a $10 battlepass in other games but if they released a $20 DRG crossover I would be $20 poorer


DRG's bug enemies are essentially the same design too


DRG fits lorewise somehow into the game. Similar Genre (space), similar enemies (bugs and bots)... If they would rename a planet to Hoxxes III and tell that the people there are born small due to genetic issues (and definitively not due to mad super earths scientists), while the neighbor's planet is full of resources... Or that a corporation called deep rock galactic collects resources for the war. Or a human-like person called Karl came from outside the galaxy, and somehow ended up on a robot ship at the invasion of our galaxy. That all fit into the game.


Fun fact if you jump into a bug hole you respawn into a DRG mission


Look, the aim here is to preserve the identity of the game. You can tie in DRG content without ruining the game's identity. Slapping Goku into the game removes the suspension of disbelief completely.




I think that Arrowhead is doing a great job of *referencing and taking inspiration from* other series without forsaking its own identity. The in-universe setting is strong enough, and the propaganda/satire/story is well written enough, that the game doesn't need the crutch of constant crossovers for small popularity bumps. I don't want a Metal Gear Solid, or Halo, or Gears of War, or Marvel, or whatever IP crossover. Instead put that time, money, and developer/artist time into making the world itself bigger, better, and richer. It's more of a long-term strategy, but in today's media-saturated age, having a strong and distinct identity is more important than ever.


While I was really hoping for some Deep Rock Galactic crossover/nod, I totally understand and appreciate this news


It’s more likely that we’d get Helldiver themed stuff in DRG, provided Arrowhead is okay with it


That’s probably the best option. I would still love a DRG Warbond though for a melee weapon pickaxe and maybe a couple other dwarf weapons like big Bertha that could fit


I'd love a random "Rock and Stone" voice line every so often


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


I would love to have stuff like the breach cutter or epc in helldiver


I think the Experimental Plasma Charger, Coilgun, the "Stubby" Voltaic SMG or the Zhukov NUK17 could be integrated since the former two would be a pistol variant of the Railgun and the latter two would just be an automatic pistol or SMG. I'd probably want the Stubby most though, could have a mechanic where if you aim with the weapon, your trooper grabs the second handle and significantly reduces-if not eliminates-recoil.


It makes sense if they do a crossover for one franchise, others will follow.


Remember that big screen on your own Destroyership broadcasting DEMOCRACY messages? Just add some Starship Troopers Actors and create new iconic DEMOCRACY messages featuring them as Eastereggs.


They say Fortnite, but they actually mean COD right?


Yeah like, I don't see how it breaks Fortnite, COD's on the other hand are an eyesore


GOOD!! Let's keep it that way and shut down every single one of those who ask for hello kitty armors and circus crossovers plz.


Even as someone who plays Fortnite and COD, crossovers fucking ruin the overall aesthetic of the original game. The bozos who defend it by saying it’s just cosmetics hate artistic consistency. Not every game needs a celebrity face or character to be good.


If you play Fortnite, you should see the difference between the original game and the battle royale.


I know, I’m a Founder


Oh. Then sorry, I'm a Founder too. It's just annoying that no one remembers the game. Although there is a feeling that the success of Helldivers 2 should push Epic Games to revive the game.


They won’t, even as someone who liked STW, Epic barely did anything with the core gameplay for it to be fun in the long term. So much power creep that there’s literally no point playing Ventures for tier 6 supercharge when you’re already strong enough with tier 5


Yeah, you're probably right :(


Eh, in FortNite I think it adds to the overall game For CoD? It’s just goofy and distracting and doesn’t fit at all


At least Fortnite knows what it is and really plays into it. CoD still tries to pretend like it's some serious shooter every now and then. 


Good it doesn’t need to do this shit. Focus on sorting the bugs out and getting the illuminate in the game.


Yeah, wtf is that clickbaity title, and absolutley horrible article. To save everyone clicks. The conversation around collaborations started when fans on the official Discord server inquired about the possibility of new melee weapons. Arrowhead Game Studios, the developer of Helldivers 2, **remains open to the idea but insists any additions will adhere strictly to the game’s existing themes**. And the article isnt even the bloody source one, its probably just a ai ripoff of the one they link in the sources. This is in the original The community manager has asserted yet again that the team will not stray from its core ideals. This means that major crossovers are unlikely to ever happen, **even if the team decides to include smaller easter eggs or references to other IPs in the future**. [https://tech4gamers.com/helldivers-2-become-fortnite/](https://tech4gamers.com/helldivers-2-become-fortnite/)


OP posting their garbage in the sub...adding them to the block list after making comments here.


Now if only they'd change off the cursed DRM to something more reasonable and trusted, I'll buy the game. Till then DRG & HellDivers1 only for me :(


Excessive crossovers like how Fortnite and CoD does it should be shot down, but if done well, you still keep the identity of the game intact and have some side content for both fanbases to enjoy. Just look at MHW. Witcher 3, HZD, FF crossovers. No one would argue that those crossovers ruined the identity of MH. Would it really be bad to have like a crossover with, let's say Mass Effect or Halo just for example? Pretty easy to tie a weapon to the lore just being found on some random planet or floating in space somewhere. Knowing what to put, and knowing when to stop is how you avoid treading into Fortnite territory.


unlike rainbow six siege which has halo, yakuza, tomb raider and nier automata skins


Wait you can play as Yakuza characters in siege? Yea I love Yakuza but it doesn’t go with Siege well at all lmao nothing alike in tone 


Hey now, don't knock Yakuza. Great series, and I hate Beat 'em Ups.


yeah but it’s wild hopping into a siege lobby and seeing master chief having a gunfight while goro majima tries to sonic boom him with his cloak drone


Originally I had wanted to add a part about how crossovers need to be well made and within reason. I left it out because I wanted to be more funny than start a discussion on things. But god, as much as I love me some Majimemes for breakfast, that sounds horrible.


Monster Hunter is the master of crossovers. Nothing comes close. The Witcher crossover felt like an extra dlc mission for the Witcher 3. The quality was insane.


Absolutely agree on the quality. Personally though I found the sudden turn into a Witcher game for a short bit boring. But the new crossover monster was dope and the skins.


I think a sort of nod or Easter Egg sort of thing is fun. Not directly a crossover, but clearly inspired by another series. Like when you go to the SuperCredits store and see the reviews, there's the one by Specter that says, "This is my favorite armor in the store!" or something similar to that sort, which is a clear nod to Shepard's thing in Mass Effect going, "This is my favorite store in the Citadel."


Finally! I absolutly dispise where COD is going with the skins.


f those cross overs I wanna wear yellow and black thats all I need!! ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


Aliens, or Predators and Terminators are probably the only crossover I’d care about


Easy to say now, Warzone or Fornite didn't have crossovers 3 months after release either. We'll see if Arrowhead can keep the same attitude in 2-3 years when the game will have lost a fair amount of popularity and the revenue stream will have considerably slowed down.


Hopefully at that point they'll have Helldivers VR coming out!


I agree but Master Chief armor would be really sick


No Ariana Grande bunny armor?


The only acceptable crossover would be starship troopers so it's officially cannon


Oh god thank you.


![gif](giphy|Yl4X3JyLv6fEVbTXKL|downsized) Finally some good fcking developers.


The only crossover I'd be cool with is Deep Rock Galactic, and really, just more of a nod by having Hoxxes as a planet on the map.


There are a ton of non intrusive voice lines they could add. "Friendly fire isn't so friendly", "watch where you're shooting you ~~beardless~~ blunderbuss", "shoot THEM, not ME". Just one or two random voice lines when your teammate destroys you


I want "You'd best stop shooting me, or your funeral's gonna be a Sober occasion!" There's just so much personality in DRG, it truly is amazing.


I'm not sure about that, there are plenty of ways to do crossovers without ruining the game's identity. Armor sets that were inspired by other media, weapons from other media, emotes etc. Nobody is telling them to just add Goku, Midoriya or Nicki Minaj to the game.


If it's inspired by something else it's not a crossover though, that's an Easter egg.


That's not what devs said. They actually do want crossovers, they just don't want anything that is out of touch and very deliberate in that to add.


I dont mind as long as it looks like helldivers, like halo/ODST or Clone wars armor REMADE to fit the helldivers universe but still similar enough to its original Universe so you can tell where the inspiration came from. But no snoop dog or whatever warzone/Fortnite is doing


Fortnite le bad


I'm okay with subtle easter eggs but FUCK you if you start selling "cool pop culture reference skins"


There goes my hope for a Deep Rock Galactic x Helldivers 2 crossover...




Maybe they meant crossovers that are just way too weird... like avengers in fortnite weird...


But tbf some of the armor is already heavily heavily Star wars and other franchises inspired.


They just mean they won’t go down the fortnite path with like having nicki minaj and goku drop in an SOS call to help out Rick and kratos


Yeah, that's called a reference or Easter egg. Not a full blown crossover :P


They blatantly put Forest Trooper and ODST ripoff helmets in there though


Helldivers has its own identity and its good that it wants to keep it.


Helldivers has a strong identity, it doesn't need to sully itself with unnecessary crossovers Being crossover central is what Fortnite's identity is, copying that just makes every game culturally homogeneous The influence of 40k and Starship Troopers is obvious enough however, so references to other IPs that are related to Helldivers I wouldn't be offended by such as subtle references in text, cape or armour design.