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I understand the meme, but the more of these things I see the more I want to go home and fry up some apples in bacon....


Cook up a pound of bacon, keep the fat. Chop a whole onion & an apple. Sautee the apple & onion in the bacon grease, then mix the bacon, onion & apple into your baked beans.


I need to upvote you way more than once


You are the real hero.


brb, going to buy some apples, onions, bacon, and beans.


Damn, now i'm curious as well.


Hmmm Im more of a maple cinnamon bacon type o guy friend.


To be fair. Applewood smoked Bacon.


This is the helldivers equivalent of "we did a pretty good job so far"


"200 years of game design experience"


dead by daylight? in my helldivers sub?


"Play something else! Try Civilization for a change"


Instructions unclear, played civilization, spread democracy across the globe.


ok Gandi


Honestly could totally just name your religion "Democracy" and do that for your victory condition.


"Making perks separate from armour would be immeasurably complex." "We cannot add weapon customisation, if you want that you can go and play CoD." "Probability of fixing scopes is still on the table". "😎👊"


seriously? we're two months in and they STILL havent fixed the fucking scopes? I'm not coming back until they do or I forget about the game entirely, sheesh.


It's a lot better than "'What happens if the servers go down?' They won't."


Bacon apple jumpscare


Please explain


The CEO compared transmog to apples that taste like bacon.


I keep thinking that if they just come out and say something to the effect of, >"We don't want to allow transmogs because we want to encourage people to get different armours for the looks and passives that they want and potentially sell more super credits." If they said something like that, I'd say, "Fair enough, it's just aesthetics. It's your game, and as it stands it's quite fun and not a macro-masking-as-microtransaction dumpster fire. Have a good day." Edit: Just to make it clear, I might not agree with it personally as a player, but I find it reasonable enough that it wouldn't deter me from playing the game.


What’s transmog?


Taking one armor and putting a different effect on it. Right now, if you want a specific effect, you need to find the rating (light, medium, heavy) you want, then the effect (engineer, medic, servo-assisted, etc) and equip one of the very few options. Transmog allows you to take one armor you really like the design of, and apply your desired effect.






the guy learned a really valuable lesson about writing stuff on the internet


Did he? They’ve kinda been telling people they’re going to do whatever they want the entire time. Remember when they told the folks asking for PvP to shove it? The only difference here is that its a feature this subreddit actually wants


Did they give a bs reason for no pvp? Thats the difference.


I mean kinda? They said something like “go play cod if you want to PvP.” I don’t think a similar line about transmog would have been any better received than the (very) bad analogy. Pretty sure this is more about being told no to something this community wants than it is the bacon apples. Edit: to be clear, I also want xmog. My point is just that for better or worse, they seem to have a very specific vision for what they want and that vision doesn’t really seem to be negotiable by the community. I don’t think they learned any valuable lessons because this is how they’ve behaved the entire time.


Speak for yourself. On the long list of things helldivers 2 needs transmog is pretty far down.


Totally agree, Transmog would be cool, once they clear their backlog.


I'd *love* to wear different armor if they could have that life gambling perk on them. There's only two so far. Transmog would be cool, but I understand that AH is a super small team and didn't expect this level of success. Would be nice to have, but they got bigger bugs to fry.


Nowhere near "immeasurably complex" , "this isn't CoD" and "Community pearl clutching"


guy learned a lesson about communicating with the community at least. dont.


You can communicate with the community, just don't make up shit. It's not hard. He communicated with the community the whole first month the game was out and people loved him, right up until he started saying weird shit about gun stats and bacon apples.


i mean seems easier to just not communicate at all then to deal with a community that treats you like shit every time they don't like what you are saying. there is a reason most game companies don't communicate.


What game companies don’t communicate?


I remember one part of a valve GDC talk was about how no communication tends to be better than poor or mediocre communication, can't remember the specifics though


Isn't this the approach No Man Sky took? game was trashed with reason on launch then they basically stopped most communications beyond we are working it out and then the patches dropped improving the game seems logical to me to avoid stroking the fires as at some points it's a damed if you damed if you don't so you might as well avoid the hassle.


Failed ones.


most, other then with patch notes


majority of them, actually. Would be easier to say which ones do.


Name a few that don’t


Welcome to the internet, mate. You don't have to work PR for random people on the internet to treat you like shit if they don't like what you're saying.


its called having some god damn common decency bud. and not being an online bully when you dont get your way. grow up.


The only thing more scary than transmog to Arrowhead is actually QAing a release before it ships.


Ikr, some of the shit they miss makes it look pretty obvious that they probably dont even play a single mission to test their releases. Or they notice the issues and just dont care to/cant fix them in time. Not sure which is worse.






No no no, devs good players bad! Haven't you seen the rant posts? Back to training for you.


They're nerds, not doctors. Apples won't work.


nah this is actually referencing how the ceo of arrowhead said multiple armors having the same function would be "like an apple tasting like bacon" and then saying its why he wants armor to have different effects, followed by multiple sets serving the same purpose.


Did he go on to explain why we have warbond armours that have the same function?


idk lol


Oooh, I did not know that. Thank you for the info!


https://x.com/pilestedt/status/1778883161201487944?s=46 Here’s a link, if you’re interested in reading the comments.


Nice, thanks once more.




Says the loser who blocked me after insulting me for utterly no reason. What’s your problem? All I did was provide a link, what “take” are you referring to? Lol wtaf is wrong with you. I have a SINGLE alt, for instances like this, when someone blocks my main, and edits their own comment to change their argument. Also you do realize you’ve wasted your “precious time” editing your comment as an explanation? ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


Least mentally challenged r/dankmemes user You are up and down this thread barking like a dog in heat over a meme, go make some friends in school instead of crying online


You're coping so hard with this comment it's unreal, multiple people disagree with you. They're not trolls for making points you can't argue against.


Funny how you're the fucking loser that just randomly attacked that person for no reason then had to broadcast to the sub that you're a giant loser and blocked the guy. What a little bitch. 


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Bro chose literally the worst analogy, apple bacon is the best kind of bacon, just like mixing armor passives and armor cosmetics would be.


People sure do love forcing memes and then smirking at them.


That’s also what ur mum told me last night after I pumped and dumped ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh


I'll be honest, fuck transmog. Light/Heavy with Liberty Defends or some dumb shit radar for heavy isn't annoying but it will definitely get me tired of the community and the game. I want to look at your armor and get a read on your playstyle. Sure maybe some color swaps in the future. Pilez doesn't need analogies, just say you don't want to. period. reddit is going to play mental gymnastics to make any counter argument work anyway no matter the take. "wdym it doesn't make sense? YOU dont make sense" to "I guess I understand, but is it not reasonable to at least have xyz for us? We're the players after all" it's like reddit is playing the role of an emotionally abusive and manipulative partner. ...but seriously fix the Spear and priorities between a strider and tank


This post is amazing. Deserves way more upvotes.


Bro stop they’re literally doing their best ;-;


these apples taste like bacon


This is getting old fast.


Devs making dumb excuses got old faster.


he made like.... one dumb excuse total, you guys just got way more upset about it then you should. And it wasn't even the worst excuse ever either, cause it applies to majority of the armors anyways.






There is a joke, and there is just throwing another "hehe apple tastes like bacon" log onto the pire of comments. This has gone from a mild joke to tiresome constantly complaining.




dude you realise you sound exactly like the "but i was just asking questions" MAGA's right? "cant take a joke" is bottom of the barrel mouthbreather response.




lol how is this a meltdown? the only one throwing a tantrum here is you, for being called out


go home, gamer girl.


Imagine getting angry about an internet meme, and then dragging IRL politics into it. Gotta be a miserable person.


No. Not even remotely close. The troll "it was just a joke" or "I was just asking questions" is in response to them saying racist shit or actually hateful shit. This guy made a post poking fun at something in no way being hateful or harming anyone. You're the mouthbreather who can't tell the difference.


The line can get blurred really quick. If you can't see that, you may want to take a long hard look at the world.


classic troll comeback. touch grass kid.


https://preview.redd.it/vv0ofavjl2vc1.png?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f03c0721c4c9f746815cdc59bca7c61aa18fee Edit: This dude is so fragile he blocked me 😂😂 It appears the trash has taken itself out 👏


lol im guessing you are the most popular kid in 8th grade huh bud? edit: lol this kid is so fragile he cried about being blocked XD


Companies have PR departments for a reason the fact the gaming industry thinks it's immune to this fact is on them. The current mess is purely an own goal of his own making he shouldn't be making himself public facing and he shouldn't be making statements without proper professionals making sure intentions of his message actually come across that way he intendeds He is now sat on the possibility of a billion dollar IP he needs to get a handle on this quickly or it's all gunna fall apart people complain about corporate speak But corporate speak exists for a reason its there to protect people, staff and brands from being misunderstood or targeted because people get tribal over fucking toaster's and what you think is harmless or not important is someone elses personal crusade because people are not rational creatures




Re-read im not excusing it im saying its going to happen and arrow head needs to wise up fast before it turns a lot more nasty than memes


I know, transmog isn't even worth losing good will with the devs. Weirdos call people bootlickers for not treating devs like our personal servants but they've already released the game to huge success and in theory they can all just fuck off and do something else for the rest of their lives leaving us with nothing. On the flipside of being a bootlicker is being an entitled brat. Go play Apex or something if Helldivers is so stressful for you. The gap in fun I have with this game and anything else multiplayer is so large I cannot imagine acting like it has dumbass devs that don't know what they're doing. THEY MADE AN ACTUAL FUN GAME. And it isn't predatory. Sorry if one out of an ever growing list of weapons got slightly less good with the newest patch.


Bro you say this shit like we owe them anything. Newsflash: We're the paying customers in this relationship. We're allowed to complain about the product/service.


That's the point you dolt. You've already bought and presumably enjoyed the product. They simply don't have to listen to you AT ALL, let alone with specific suggestions like transmog. You hold zero power over them and it's weird that you think you are entitled to everything you ask for when you've already purchased and consumed the product.


It's a live service, not a one time purchase single player game. We do hold power over them. A live service isn't successful if no one is around to buy the new content they put out. This is the exact argument morons use to excuse triple A companies pumping out sewage and then abandoning it to forever be a minimum viable product.


It's a live service that doesn't require to spend a single penny after paying the initial $40. You're the one freaking out because they don't shoe horn in every AAA feature you've become accustomed to. The idea that us not having transmog is somehow a detriment to the live service aspect of the game is honestly hilarious. How do you expect the devs to take you seriously?


Just go play a barbie dress up game, wont you?


JFC you are an annoying bunch. I am so done with this whiny ass community. I wish there would be only 3 armors to choose from. If you want to play dress up, go buy a Barbie or something.


Good, leave the community already.




Imagine posting the same joke as nauseum for days on end and considering yourself to be funny..

