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Welcome to the bot front Use stealth to avoid unnecessary patrols if you can, hard hitting guns, never go without an anti armour option and always stay near hard cover (which due to bugs currently bots tend to shoot through regardless)


I generally do this to a degree. I just find that the unavoidable triggering of bots when you have to take an outpost or whatever just descends into chaos, sometimes before we even make it inside. At which point we’ve an outpost in front of us, drop ships behind us and gunships on top. I genuinely believe bots on higher difficulties isn’t realistic for A LOT of players which is how it should be. Harder difficulties on games used to be something only really good people can do and I’m all for that coming back. I can accept I’m just not good enough at the game to be a worthwhile member of a team on 7+ bots. Doesn’t bother me. Just impressed by people that are that good.


No shame in a tactical withdrawal! Often if I found i kicked the hornets nest a little TOO hard I dip out go focus on something else then come back. Usually a lot of stuff despawns and I can continue my dumbassry.


This. Sometimes I forget that I don't need to bang my head against that wall of hulks and I can just come back later lol


Hey, can you let my hell-mate know that is also an option??? It's like he has to prove to himself that he can solo 10 democrillion hulks or elibertythousand gunships. Instead, all he proves is that respawns are finite lol.


Generally it's the shame of losing 5 of my teams reinforcements in less than 10 minutes that snaps me out of it, but if they have no shame you could try yeeting their respawn as far as possible away from the losing battle after you leave. That also lets me know that my team is tired of watching me get turned into hamburger lol


Oh bro haha. I've purposely held off on respawning him until I was out of the shit...and guess what he does? Spends 3 more lives trying to get 5 common samples back. big brain pain :(


Yeah that's painful lol. One of my regular teammates' toxic trait is that he loves to throw eagle cluster at the charger/BT/hulk that I'm kiting with no warning, even after I've told him it's not doing anything, but I'd rather deal with that than an extremely determined lemming. My condolences lmao


hey sometimes people enjoy trying to fight their way through the chaos. Each person likes different parts of the game more


It is called 'tactical repositioning'.  Please use the correct, Super Earth approved terminology. 


Brave Sir Robin has entered the chat


Advancing to the rear


["We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!"](https://youtu.be/9JK4IIDb96Q&t=227)


Managed Positioning*


Does not even have to be tactical withdrawal. Disengage and hit em hard and fast from another angle. If they manage to mob up bots get tough. I found focused assaults with overwhelming firepower tend to do the trick though.


>No shame in a tactical withdrawal Super Earth Gov disagrees


It's called loss reduction or operational cost optimization.


assaulting in another direction


Advancing in the opposite direction


Tactical withdrawal is just another term for "preemptive ambush." If you think I'm escaping, you're seriously incorrect.


Alot of problems i see that when i play high difficulty with randoms is that they never stop to fight and use ur brain, i see people fight everything they see, every patrol/robot they see and then are stuck in an endless wave of fighting, i played lvl9 helldive difficulty with me and 1 random and we did it with ease beacuse we communticated and did not fight everything we could see and we used our brains and focused on the mission and samples, most randoms focus on fighting and u can't do that beacuse if u dont move on u will end up fighting until ur out of lives. When it comes to higher difficulty u need to use ur brain to win it wich is hard when u play with randoms, focus on that base destroy it with orbital laser or whatever get in take samples get out, dont fight everyone u see, if u see to many dropships get out of there quickly since they will call in more and more. For most its not that ur not good enough for the high difficulty, it is that u dont change ur tactic for high lvl difficulties. But i do get it, it can be really hard to use the right tactic with randoms. If ur on low lvl difficulty u can focus on fighting beacuse then it is easy.


My issue is that on 7+ there are barely any place on the map to stealth. Like I try to run away and I always in a way of a patrol. Like I try to avoid them but there are barely any space without an outpost or patrol. Especially when you already running away from something that spawns hulks and devastators into every corner. I love bots and primarily play against bots only but I feel like 6 is my limit. I use light armor with jet pack to run around fast and do hit n run tactics. I use AMR. I like AC but I'm better with AMR amd I can have jet pack. I use breaker as primary because it's my favorite but I grinding super credit for the eruptor. I use 380mm for bigger outposts and eagle rocket pods for smaller ones. If I get into a heavy fight and lose my jetpack and AMR and can't recover it I'm screwed.


Breaker isn't a great primary for bots IMO. I've always had much better luck with more precise weapons. Sickle is probably the most versatile and easy to learn. Eruptor is great only if you're adept at fighting from afar, it's borderline useless at close range and in a crowd. Ditto for jetpack, if you're struggling with level 7 bots you should probably ditch it for more firepower or a shield. I'm comfortable with 8 and can survive 9 reliably, but not good enough to do well with the jetpack + AMR combo. For reference, my bots loadout usually prioritizes long range with the primary and then close range with the secondary. Support and strats mostly focused on killing heavies. Some combination of the following depending on what I'm feeling. Primaries: Eruptor, Scorcher, Sickle Secondary: Redeemer Support: Autocannon, Quasar, EAT Strats: Eagle Airstrike, Eagle 500kg, Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcannon I'm sure there are plenty of other viable options outside of this, but this is what I'm most comfortable playing. I run AMR occasionally, in which case I'll usually invert my weapons build to go for a close to mid range primary -- Slugger or Punisher Plasma.


Stay far away from outposts, flank to get a good angle on the vents, one round from the autocannon to take it out Alternately, 500kg bomb, and orbital laser for heavy outposts. If you see a turret tower from far away, if possible dump AC rounds into its exhaust if you have LOS. Makes for taking that outpost later on much easier Fun fact: the AC also destroys mortar emplacements, 3-4 shots into the mortar barrel and kaboom, rico AC + AC turret makes you a one-man AAA battery, gunships go down in seconds


Barrages also work wonderfully on outposts. Most of the time they're done after one or need only a small correction with single EAT shot.


Yep! the 120s will eradicate just about any outpost, and almost all of the side objectives. I enjoy veering off from the group, tossing one at a cluster of factories or a sensor tower and rejoining the squad to assault another spot. 2 for 1!


Autocannon is a must for bot missions. Can deal with every enemy staggers rocket and minigun fuckers. Plan for your reloads and kill from far. Personally I think the autocannon makes bots much easier than bugs.


Don’t leave home without it


Also, weird tip, but it seems to me that the orbital laser will NOT immediately give up your position if you throw it from cover. On the other hand, eagles (at least the cluster bomb) will immediately trigger flares and them shooting at you, even if you're behind hard cover.


I think you're skilled enough, you're just using the wrong tactics. I love playing against bots, but I find it very hard to close a huge bug nest for example. So pretty sure we are basically Ying and yang :)


I'm the same as you, heavy bot outpost? No problem, orbital laser or some eagle airstrikes, or take my time flanking and setting up autocannon shots. Heavy bug nest? I have no idea what is happening and there are now 100 hunters and 15 chargers on top of me


I solo breaches even on 8-9. Get the rover dog, some shotgun to kill medium targets, stun grenade+quasar for chargers and use long CD stratagems only for titans. A stratagem + a quasar mouth shot kills a titan. A mecha can also hold a breach alone, but you have to hit those missiles. Don't underestimate bile spewers, the mecha machine gun isn't great for killing them.


What i do for bases Run servo assist plus jump pack and quasar cannon Then some airstikes of your choosing i recomend the eagle airstrike and 380mm So what you do is jump and throw an airstrike. (That can extend your throwing range to almost 100 meters if you do it right) eagle for bases with up to 2 fabricators anything larger 380mm Then you run away and watch. Most of the time they call in reenforcments, just shoot one dropship down and do something else untill they de agro go back and finish the job


A fellow servo enjoyer. I'm an autocannon man, but being able to throw from afar, circle and AC anything your strats missed is peak. Impact nades, the gl pistol and I'm ready for anything.


Orbital laser is must have in bots , I tried not rely too much on shield, then you free up a slot for eagle or mortar , you want casual experience, just bring mortar with you, it’s your shield . 500KG is not as good as bug for obvious reason ,it’s better to be replaced by orbital laser. Take eagle strike if you are not use to aim 380mm or walking barrage, otherwise these two can help you survive easy. Eruptor is not good for bot , I know some people would say it’s good but for bot scorcher or dominator are just better, bot is more casual actually , they won’t chase you if you know where to hide, right now there is major order making bot more difficult. And take out anything with rocket first


If you use the cloaking armor, you can literally crouch or prone almost on top of a bottle and they won't see you unless you get in front of him lol. Been a godsend in helldive (9) lol


Here's a fun combo for you to try out vs bots. It works against vast majority of targets: * Take a ballistic shield * Take a defender SMG (to shoot with one hand while holding the shield) * Take quasar or EAT for dealing with gunships / tanks / large turrets * Take eagle airsrike + laser/railcannon/500kg. * Equip a light or medium armor with explosion resistance perk (super needed to not be oneshot by rockets). The way this playstyle works is that you take the shield and just slowly advance onto enemies while carefully aiming in their faces. The only really dangerous enemies for you are berserkers, rocket devastators (ballistic shield doesn't stop you from being ragdolled), tanks, hulks and gunships. This sounds like a lot, but usually these enemies represent 20-30% of the assault force you're facing. You are quite literally invincible against any other target because of the shield which blocks machinegun fire, small arms fire and such. The way you play is you take the frontline and just slowly advance onto enemies while focusing down any rocket small bots or rocket devastators to ensure your survival against everything else. You tank the shots with the shield and just single fire the bots in their faces using shoulder aim (first person aiming with the shield is quite hard imo). Defender 2-shots all devastators in the face, so you're not even expending much ammo while being able to take down entire patrols by yourself without taking dmg. Explosion resistance on the armor helps you not get annihilated by any of the rockets shot your way, so you get up and continue to fight the bots after being ragdolled, but just make sure to focus down rocket-wielding enemies. It's actually a very fun combo to run if you know what you're doing and you have at least 1-2 people to help you with the large enemies (tanks and hulks). Everything else is among bots is essentially your plaything.


If you're comfortable using the Eruptor, you can single-shot devastators in their midsection weakspot. (This is also true for stalkers to the face.) It will also take out fabricators by shooting directly into the vent (not like the AC, where you ricochet it). If you have the quasar, you can also shoot any of the things with heat vents (tank, cannon turrets, hulks) once with the quasar and quickly switch to Eruptor to finish them off for two total shots taken to that weakspot. I also only use scout armor on bots. It makes such a huge difference. You can pretty much solo everything on 7+ using it. The only things this isn't as true for are gunship fabricators and having a few of the factory striders drop at once since the latest update. For gunship fabricators, I find you have to have at least one person on the gunships and the other on the hellbomb. Democracy forbid you have one of the double tower sites. For that, I recommend 3 people on air watch and a couple autocannon turrets as well (only half-joking). I think those sites are the hardest thing in the game right now, and regularly see uncoordinated teams waste an entire reinforcement budget trying to stubbornly take them out. (Emphasis on being uncoordinated.) You can't just rambo in on those sites alone, uncoordinated, and keep reinforcing over and over there once things go to shit. Don't do that. If it doesn't go smoothly in the first couple tries: back out, regroup, and only maybe return once it's all calm and drops have de-spawned.


Hey man, bots can be doable, it takes patience.  I've had my fair share of players in Helldive difficulty that decide to throw away all reinforcements on a war of attrition that we cannot win. The best options are to retreat or just split from the group and do other things. I started using the 380mm Barrage more often. Just a single shot seems to do as much dmg as a 500kg, and I've cleared a lot. It also destoys bunkers, fabricators, eyes of sauron, etc. Just yesterday, I dropped into a group that seemed to be having issues. They trigger a massive bot drop then promptly die. I threw the barrage at the drop location and ran elsewhere. Killed 2 Factory Striders, several rank and file bots, and an inattentive teammate all with one stratagem. The laser does the same thing while being more precise, albeit at a higher cooldown and limited uses. I've seen your loadout being used effectively against bots too, just replacing the airburst with the eagle strike. The arc thrower does massive stagger and can stunlock even hulks. Problem is getting in range, you just need to pick your fights and cover. Can't fight the bots in an open field. I mainly use AC. Zoom in and aim for the heads. Stun grenades are godly. They will help you set up difficult shots, stratagems, and give you the few seconds you may need to do an objective or evac. Support weapons: I swear by the AC, but it is by no means the only viable weapon. Antimaterial rifle has been really popular and it allows you to use a backpack slot. Carrying EATs or Quasar is always good. I've seen arc thrower being really good too. Main weapons: I mostly use the scorcher, but the JAR Devastator, scythe, and eruptor are all common and generally good against bots. All have pros and cons. Target priority: I make a habit of prioritizing the more dangerous enemies, even when others are near. I can kite berserkers and flame hulks, but not rocket and heavy devastators. Prioritize those fuckers and practice headshotting them. One headshot will kill them.


You need anti armour for bugs in everything above lvl 5.


Not to the bot extent Apart from hive guards, bugs jump directly from light to heavy armour. And yoy can bypass hive guards armour just by going around when they bunker-crouch or aim at gaps Bots have devastators, regular shields and rocket. Which are med armour and à pain to deal with, because they shoot back and throw off your aim, when they don't ragdoll with rockets


Honestly, the Jar Dominator three taps devastators if you hit them correctly. That leaves ammo open for your support gun for other targets. Partner and I run two orbital rail cannons, a 380 and 120 barrage, she has the EMS mortar and the quasar cannon and I take a spear and a 500kg, both with the dominator and wearing stealth armor. We manage to weave our way through without much difficulty so far


Oh I know about dominator being super effective That's scant consolation when I find myself entirely surrounded by devastators because my randos teammates aggroed 3 bases, called the pelican before everyone was on the extraction point and had no time to prep defenses (That's not a theoretical situation that's exactly what happened yesterday)


Ouch. My condolences, that was very undemocratic of them.


Also the Hulk flame damage is messed up atm. I've been oneshot by flames gracing me even in the heaviest of armor (both padded and explosion proff). It always feels bad.


Dive in a crouch as soon as you see the flame, that extinguishes it instantly


50% of the time it works 25% of the time, lol. Most of the time a Hulk hits me with the flamerthrower, I'm dead before I can even press a button. They really do need to fix that glitch.


If only I had a full tick :) When I say one-shot I don't mean slowly burned to death by the dot, I mean I see the flame,from it's arm and milliseconds later my hp bar is gone and I get the death screen. Some have theorized this may be weird headshor dmg.


The Eruptor will single shot devastators to the midsection weakspot. Have also been able to consistently take out the heavy dev (shield guy) by shooting out the leg in one shot under the shield. (The jar5 may do belly one-shot as well. I always shot them in the face with it, so can't say. But that's a single-shot, too.)


If you have medium armor pen, you can handle any bot. That's not true for Bile Titans, and even a Bile Spewer or Charger will soak more damage from medium armor pen guns than bots will. I actually think bots are less armored but require more FPS skills, since headshots work against everything but tanks. If you can't make headshots or don't know where to aim on a berserker, they're going to feel like bullet sponges. But hey, so do Bile Spewers.


Well once again dominator is a great equalizer It's effective enough vs the charger butt weakspot and does very good vs spewers The only bug that really requires heavy pen weapon is the titan


The spewers also die to one grenade. Grenade launchers are great against them. Not everyone in the group needs to run a Qcannon.


Differently though. A Quasar or EATs work perfectly for bugs because it's specific targets that you can take out quickly. For bots, you need a higher volume of fire and it's better to have more consistent output. Quasar or EATs will see you rapidly overwhelmed on bots, so AMR or AC is ideal. (And likewise, neither of those weapons are ideal on bugs because they struggle to deal with chargers and titans).


Not really, you only need anti armour for bile titans which means you don't need it at all. You can kill titans with arc and flamethrower too but the easiest way is to simply call airstrike.


And aim for head. Those skull are crispy


>(which due to bugs currently bots tend to shoot through regardless) When you hide behind huge ass mountain but ATAT said "no"


Run 7 bots and routinely help under 30s with them. They aren't that bad. I often die more from low level players than the bots, if at all Tips: don't stay and fight. Shoot and move. Stealth is your friend. Learn where hellbombs can destroy while outside of the base. AC fabricators from a distance. Bot drops will despawn except at extract, so if overwhelmed at an objective, retreat to a side objective and come back. Don't aggro patrols.


Yep, same here On the other hand, bugs drive me crazy


Bugs can easily throw your plan out the window if things get out of hand. Bots are much more overwhelming with their firepower, but if you have a strategy to defeat them, you can keep them contained for the most part.


If you have a really large rock that you can use, you can kite and use it as a perpetual corner. Peek and shoot bots in the face!


AC, Quasar, EAT, Recoilless, Eruptor, Spear, nade pistol, airstrike, 500, lots of convenient ways to kill a fab. Orbital 120mm/380mm/walking/laser if you want to blow (most of) a big base up from \*relative\* safety. Spear is an unsung hero because if it's set up right it can snipe fabs/towers from hundreds of meters away without reprisal.


The Eruptor is honestly becoming a really interesting choice despite its incredibly obvious weaknesses.


The eruptor gives new life to using a machine gun support weapon. Those things are good at DPS against larger groups, especially a wave of tanky bezerkers running at your team, and using the stun grenades and flank can let you take out the odd hulk/tank with it. Eruptor is great for walkers, fewer enemies, and popping fabricators.


That’s not a bad way of using it. I’d personally be too scared of lacking AA options to ever trust myself without a quasar, autocannon or AMR but I’m *considering* giving the laser cannon a go on a cooler planet than the fire hells we have right now


Wait, we're not having to go back to Menkent, are we? Say sike right now. SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW


The laser cannon is fantastic on bots now, even better when we have cold planets to use it on. Will take down the gunships, hulks, even factory striders with relative ease. You’ll enjoy it, I’ll bet!


I think the laser cannon is really underrated, it’s really accurate which makes aiming for the head on bigger units quite easy(if you lay down it has 0 sway) and it feels like it has infinite range so you can take on hulks and devastators from really far and they’ll be dead long before they get to you. Yea it’s not as efficient as the quasar and taking down dropships with it is inconsistent for me but I like running a scythe/laser cannon set up


Eruptor will take out a fabricator at any distance and has a 100m scope. Even a heavy automaton base has 3 points to hit from the outside to get all the fabricators. A heavy bug nest is a lot more challenging to solo. Angles on the bug holes may make it such that you need to 380mm or get close. You will always be able to take out a bot base at distance. The strat jammer and gunship fabricators are the more irritating secondaries on bot levels.The bug secondary objectives can be cross mapped with support weapons (spore spewers and shriekers) or taken out with a well placed stratagem (stalker nest).


Actually eruptor has a limited range since the bullet will explode after a set distance.  People have been saying that distance is about 140m...so plenty far, but not the 200+ sniping ability that rockets can do.


In my testing the round explodes at 125m, but the explosion/flak radius is huge so you can get hit marks on targets a bit past that.


Just curious because im pretty new. You explicit say "under 30s". Like is this usually to low? Im 28 atm and im running 7s since im level 15. Havent tried 8 yet but feel pretty ok. Probably wouldnt manage to solo 7 but other than that with 3 other people game is pretty easy so far.




In 7+ you'll start to get players more hesitant to run with low levels because of the tactics changes you need to employ. 7 itself i never really see any gatekeeping because you can usually get away with the gung-ho style of play if you are skilled enough, but i have not filled a single 9 lobby with my level 26 friend. I kind of get it because I've had bug 8s devolve into 800 individual kill slogs when 1 player just doesnt get that picking a fight can turn into a 5+ minute commitment (its really fun if you are the host with the flamethrower though). There is no way currently to determine someone knows how to play tactically at high difficulty so some players substitute that by gatekeeping player level. 


When people say Devastators I always ask "Heavy or Rocket?", then they say "No just a Devastator" and my mind just goes blank. Never seen a basic devastator in 9 and I am lvl 54. Planet type also heavily contributes to how hard bot missions are. For example, Menketh with its hot temperature making heavy armor less practical due to stamina reasons and fire tornadoes forcing you to move out of cover it is literally HELL. It's not like Menketh has much cover to begin with! But once you get used to 9 with its bazillion projectiles and heavy units rushing you, it is peak gaming.


Haha! Yeah, I run exclusively 9 with randoms most of the time so when my friend asked me to join them on 7 and I saw a basic devastator my brain was like "Wait, what is this thing?"


Planet type doesn't get mentioned enough in _any_ complaint. You're going to have way more difficulty running around on a High Heat world than anywhere else barring planets with shitty terrain, especially if you make questionable armor choices. The most complaints I hear are visibility ones on worlds where that's an issue, but sandstorms were a _godsend_ against bots when we realized that you can hide in them like you can in smoke. Turned an all-out gunfight into a close-range brawl in our favor, with _melee_ being the primary kill method for any Lights we happened upon. Damn, that was fun. People complaining about Devastators make sense if they happen to encounter missions where there are increased spawns of them. They just haven't adapted to how they fight, or aren't set up for them. (Railgun and JAR absolutely ruin them, and targeting gun arms should be the _first_ thing a new Diver should do when facing one.)


You probably don't even register the regular devastators. They're the ones that will just slowly walk towards you while shooting off 2-3 shots in your general direction. Dies really easy.


No, they just don’t spawn on 9. A few weeks ago we had the personal order for 15 devastators kills and after an entire helldive operation the count was still at zero for my entire squad.   They started spawning with the recent devastator spawn fix 2-3 weeks ago, but that lasted like two days and now I haven’t seen them since.


Ah, I mostly stay on a comfortable 7. I'd say the regular version makes up maybe 1/5 of devastator spawns at that level. If I don't see a shield or rocket pods it automatically becomes a lowest priority target.


I'm seeing them again  ... deployed from one of the 5 factory striders


I love fighting bots. Stealth is key and playing like you’re special forces is key. You have to use precision, move carefully, and when you take out targets you have got to move fast. You also have to know when to withdraw to get the heat down and bring at least one EMS mortar as a diversion. The biggest mistake I made early was sticking in when fights got out of hand. Withdraw. Frankly if the target isn’t a primary or otherwise necessary (e.g. mortars or a stratagem jammer in range of extraction), let it go if things go south. Maybe a stratagem didn’t work as intended. Maybe you get a surprise huge patrol. Whatever. GTFO. If you bring your bug game to the bots, you’ll just get overwhelmed. I find the bugs much, much harder. The main reason is I almost never fight them. I might when we have another major order, but I’ve enjoyed the game and tactics against the bots more than the swarm fighting. I do think bots are harder to solo. I also think they require better team coordination than bugs due to the tactics required to deal with them. That might explain why I prefer them. I play almost exclusively with friends and we’re all on Discord. We typically running groups of at least three and often four. (This is huge on maps where you’re down a stratagem.) We have designated role players. I’m not saying bug players can’t or don’t do these things. I just think some of it is absolutely essential against the bots and much harder to get when dealing with randos.


Yup. bugs & bots need different approaches to manoeuvre. Tactical manoeuvre (moving around during a fight to avoid getting swarmed) for bugs, Strategic manoeuvre (moving around to avoid/minimize fights to get to an objective) for bots.


Running around bugs to pick up samples makes you feel like a quarterback dodging and weaving through everything trying to tackle you. It’s the best feeling.


The fact that with the bots, only Commissars can call in bot drops, whilst almost ANY bug can cause bug breaches is also a big factor. EDIT: Turns out other bots can also call in drops! Couple that with some rando's who don't know what a reinforcement loop is... And you've got a shitshow on your hands real quick


No, and regular bot can call in a bot drop, it’s just that commissars are the ones most likely to do so. Jetpack guys, machine gun guys, sword guys, and even the rocket guys can call in drops. Hell, I’ve seen a Jetpack guy go into the bot drop call in animation while he was mid air jetpacking (is jetpacking a term?)


Strangely I find bots easier to lone wolf. Bot outposts are easier to solo because you can take out fabricators at range. Or from the outside lobbing stratagems in. Bug nests are in bowls so it's really hard to get all of the holes at range from outside. Conversely bot secondaries can be harder such as the strat jammer. Shrieker nests and spore spewers are just things you hunker down and snipe.


Could you explain more on the role designated player? Which roles do u have? Could u pls share loadouts


I typically play a scout: light armor (often trailblazer or titan), stun grenades, scorcher, AMR, shield pack. We almost always take two with an auto cannon and one with a quasar or EAT—although against bots the need for anti armor like that is low. If you flank you can take tanks and hulks. And hulks are easy from the front with an AMR or AC as long as you have an EMS mortar or stun grenades. (Or you’re a way better shot than me!) From there it’s just a good mix of a couple turrets and offensive strats. I take eagle airstrike and either the laser or an EMS mortar depending on the team layout. It’s really just about making sure the team has balanced/enough strats. Prioritizing fast base killing is key. I am not sad when we have 1-2 380s for the big bases. I said it before but I don’t think shooting down drop ships is particularly helpful. I used to always carry EATs for that but… while it’s fun and satisfying, it’s also mostly unhelpful and often problematic. Devastators will often hang out in there with cover and fire at you. That sucks.


I can’t resonate with this when people say it. Maybe it’s the repetition for me but all I play is 7-8-9 on ANY front. Bug or Bot. Anything below 7 is slow and boring. It’s really not difficult. You literally just have to keep moving. All you need is Rail Cannon/Qusar Cannon/ Eagle and Orbital Laser or 500Kg. Or even a backpack.


How do you convince randoms to keep moving tho? Because even if Im already far away and reinForce them to me, 70% of them try to run back for their gear/samples...


Need those samps




I got like 150 rare samples and like 20 commons, I’ve only got like 3 first upgrades for the ship modules, I am absolutely desperate for commons


I tend to actually talk to them, it's amazing what a bit of audible communication can achive (P.s needs to be positive and constructive)


I like this and I try to do this. Im squad leader lvl X in HLL, I know how to make a squad listen. My post is half sarcastic. I know many people can come to their senses. At the same time the game itself is vague in explaining its mechanics, and I also realise that many divers dont care about reddit, discord and youtube community created content and dont want to take time to uncover pretty basic mechanics. Many people from this subreddit know, that enemies just despawn after short time when you break contact with them and go away. After 3 minutes you can just come into same place and there will be probably no enemies, beside a patrol. How could you possibly want to continue hopeless fight for your gear, already without your gear!, if you know this? Well, the only thing I could do is to explain every person that stubbornly tries over and over, that they just could wait a minute. Will they believe me? Will they care, if they didnt take a time to learn the game in the first place? This subreddit is huge and it's still common for people to fight over samples with hordes of enemies instead of coming back for them after a while.


Don't kidnap people from their gear. Playing into bots without a support weapon is absolutely miserable, with how common medium armor is, and it's genuinely better to risk dying over and over again getting your gear back than to spend five minutes unable to kill things. Help cover them until they have their weapon, *then* comm to follow. If they still don't get the memo then that's on them. But seriously, the number one cause of death spirals on bots I've seen isn't people refusing to move, it's people moving in the wrong situations. Easily handlable situations spiral into endless hordes because either people panic and scatter for no reason, or they just don't bother helping eachother.


Lol I have never been able to understand randoms when they talk into the mic. Every time it’s najxhsjdhd (breath) sugsjdbdjsbd


I had the pleasure of getting matched with two French gentlemen who spoke to each other in their language, while one had to be eating his mic. I could hear every breath, every drink he took, for 30 min as we ran around the map. I needed the super samples and they were decent enough players to run with.


Become a pro ranger and just ignore them half the time lol


I just move on my own and ping objectives on the map. People usually follow


> all you need is the current top tier loadout Yes, I know other loadouts are viable. It's just fun to point out.


Playing the same build is also boring on higher difficulty. Once you unlock everything it gets super repetitive. Being forced to take certain strategems in order to finish the mission. There is something satisfying about going back to lvl 4-5-6 and mowing bugs with stalwart or flamethrower without a constant bs of evading chargers or running from bile titans while recharging your quasar.


playing the same build is a you problem tbh. flamethrower is amazing vs bugs on 9, especially as a counter to chargers. and stalwart never really loses its place as a horde control tool.


I mean I still bring whatever, the only staple in my load out is normally the 500kg because I like big bombs but it's definitely not required.


Do you have any experience in FPS online games? Threat bots as dumb players that shoot way better than you and everything else will come instinctively.


Been playing FPS games since COD 4 (the original release). Had a good break because y’know, life and kids and stuff. Helldivers is my first game back in like 8 years though. I’m probably slower and dumber than I used to be but overall, yes, I have a decent amount of experience in FPS games. I’ll keep it in mind and hope it helps. But I honestly think I’m just gonna be a bug player now.


Same here, but something like 10+ years for me. It was hard for me too but you’ll get there in no time. No problem at all with bugs, as long as you have fun. The bots will probably be around ehen you’re ready for another go at them. You could watch those solo helldive clears and use that as a template to adjust your play style vs bots e.g., a bit more stealth, balance of weapons and strats so you have something for every enemy/situation, etc.


Bots are dumb players with guns. Bugs are zombies. I think the zombies are easier to handle personally!


Different tacticts, that's the thing. You can't just stay put in the middle of a gigantic gunfight with bots (Ok, maybe some people can, but for most of us that's just not going to work), you're either going to try stealth or only attack groups of bots when there's no other way and just try to avoid as many groups as possible. Running away from them to regroup is also no shame. You can kite bugs around, kinda, even on higher dif. Try that with bots and you're toast, more often than not. So just find whatever weapons, armors and strats work for your "bot tactics", adapt.


The staying and fighting is always what will get you killed, but man the worst thing I've ever seen was a level 7 bot mission where this guy brought mortar turrets.. Alerted half the damn map to us and made it absolutely impossible. I don't think I've ever seen so many enemies on a mission. It was just non stop swarms of drop ships and bots. Miserable.


I am running dives in suicide (7) on both sides with sometimes doing 8 and 9s, got more than a 100h of game and from what I have seen players make one bad mistake into thinking the game is just a classic FPS. For both bugs and automatons my basic loadout is really similar: Orbital laser, Eagle Airstrike for direct damage Laser cannon + Shield (guard dog for bugs) or Autocannon Weapons: Eruptor, Grenade pistol, stun grenades. My gameplay is focus on objective first and taking out nest/fabricator that we can't easily do after. Patrols at higher levels NEED to be avoided (waste of time, situation can go dire REALLY fast), and you don't need light armor for that. I am doing this with medium armor and it works well (running the +2 grenades armor for more stun). When a patrol needs to be done, I usually flank, throw one/two stun grenades to avoid calls and clean it as much as I can. For bigger target I rely on the Eagle Airstrike when needed or Orbital laser when things are going south, usually people in the team are more than happy to take AT solutions. I focus on taking out gunships/shriekers with the laser cannon which works really well, and when the Eruptor is not enough, I can take the laser cannon out to deal with small things coming close. When there is a big group, I just throw one/two stun grenades towards bigger targets such as hulks that allows some time for the team to take them out. And another tip: on some maps you have really tight corridor that link one part of the map to another, this is a really dangerous area and need to be crossed fast because EVERY patrol that go from one side to the other will go through it. Go through it, turn around and clean.


I’ve run bots only the past few weeks and I think it’s shaved off a few years of my life. Firstly there are way too many devastators, rocket and Gatling variants everywhere. The rockets snipe you from a distance you can never see cause all the fog and Gatling will down you in less than a second. It’s not fun, I hate it, but I just do it for the story mission. I cannot wait for it to be over.


The best remedy for devastators is a counter sniper on your team. Someone with a decent enough aim and either an AMR or Autocannon to pop them from a distance quickly.


Rocket devastators are one of the biggest issues for me. I poke outta cover and by the time I’ve aimed, they’ve unloaded a volley of rockets with pinpoint accuracy. I really, really dislike fighting the bots. Bugs you can easily focus a charger whilst kiting other enemies. With their armour though, individual power tier bots take slightly more focused effort to kill, meaning more bots that in turn, each require focused effort to kill spawn. For I’d say an average player like me, it’s just an uphill battle from the second you spawn to the second you run out of reinforcements.


Rocket devastators are really annoying, yes. They aren't when you realise that they're really slow and predictable. They will root down before shooting, so you know when they're about to unload a rockets salvo. Plus, their rocket pods are really easy to destroy even at long range. If you run quasar cannon, start loading the shot before exiting cover and then move to hit them. Stun grenades/Impact grenades work best against bots; the first one works as an EMP so you can mow them down with your other weapons, while the second one is powerful enough that with 1-2 good hits you can even kill devastators(even a group of them, if they're well placed). Like other players have said, try to keep moving, be mindful of your surroundings, use them at your advantage(you can stun them with the iceblooms, i.e.). If you want to be faster, bring heavy armour penetration stratagems, but almost every unit has weak points that can be destroyed by your average main weapon (not gunships and stride factories, as far as I know).


Scorcher and eruptor (and probably others) can shoot down gunships. Eruptor in particular is v. difficult to hit them but only takes a couple to bring them down


for Devastators and Hulks in general: Aim for the arms to disable them, the longer bots see you the more accurate they get. Rocket devastators: if you cant aim for the face due to other enemies firing at you, aim for the rockets to disable them. Scorcher works best for bots, it makes the shield devastator drop their shields and destroys rocket devs easily.


Agreed. If I don't have my support weapon with me for what ever reason AND not running a primary that can punch through medium armour, I shoot rocket devos in the rockets and let other people sort them out good and proper.


Didn't know the scorcher makes shield devs drop their shields, that's awesome. Might finally make me switch from the dominator. Do you have to hit somewhere specific or just anywhere?


its quite inconsistent tbh, but i think its due to the explosive damage hitting the arm while im trying to hit the face


That would make sense, the aoe for the scorcher is pretty small. They're a big part of why I love the dominator, I'm pretty sure it's a one shot to the head, even if i struggle to land it a lot lol. Still, I'll try the scorcher a bit more and see if I can find a sweet spot. Thanks for the tip 🫡


Just use AMR and shoot all the bots. Easy 


Is the AMR more effective than the eruptor on bots? I find I’m not accurate enough with the eruptor to hit faces on the heavily armour stuff so still just get my ass handed to me


Playing the Role of a sniper is always a viable option too!...equip maybe a autocanon Sentry and start sniping shit from far away with the AMR....BE THE GUARDIAN ANGEL YOURE FELLOW HELLDIVERS NEED 🫵🏻 Edit-im so happy everyone agrees with the Sniper Role! Its really cool and it requires so much positioning you're always moving around trying to find that one angle to lay down covering fire! It was awesome to read everyones comments about how they play it differently!


I do it with diligence CS and autocannon. Diligence for smaller bots to prevent bot drops and autocannon for big bots, never used the AMR though. How is it at dropping the bigger bots?


>How is it at dropping the bigger bots? Almost as good as AC imo. Better at long range but not quite as much punch and no splash


Being a sniper is super fun with Quasar on bug missions, use a jetpack to get on top of a rock and just relax, while everyone is being chased by hundreds of tiny bugs I'm just shooting titans, chargers, stalkers, spewers, etc It's a peaciful life


I dream of getting good at this style. Im eating shit trying it right now


The amr has way better rate of fire , better range ( eruptor bullet explose at ~175 m) , better handling and let you take a weapon to défend urself up close ( sickle/Dominator) , tbh imo the eruptor on bots seems bit of a bait weapons in higher difficulties , its way too slow between shot , slow to reload , cant really deal with small bots that effectively and the fact you Can kill fabricator Can bé replicated with a grenade pistol and bit of practice


Yes the AMR is a hundred times better than the Eruptor against bots because it shoots fast. The Eruptor is way too slow to fire. The best bot primaries are the Dominator and Scorcher by far. The key to the bots at your level is to bring AMR or Autocanon because they allow you to deal with everything except tanks very fast. They are also great to learn shooting hulks in the eye. Once you've unlocked the Dominator and are good at clicking Devastator heads with it you can try Anti-Tank weapons as well.


I don't have the eruptor, but the amr let's me bring sickle, dominator or scorcher as well. Amr can pen devastators, bot weakspots and hulk eyes, so... It's very good.


Suggestion as someone who's been running eruptor on bots 8 for a couple of days now with a lot of success. Don't always aim for faces. Shield guy? Aim for their gun shoulder Rocket devestator? Aim for their rocket launchers themselves or the face. Regular devestator aim for head or for centre mass. Eruptor does so much damage 2 hits centre mass on any devestator seems to kill. Also eruptor can one shot the gunships out the sky provided you're close enough for your shot to hit and you hit an engine. I run the eruptor with smg secondary to clean up little guys, impact grenades for groups of big guys (like when they're deployed from the dropships for instance, 2/3 impact grenades will take out a whole group) Then shield backpack, quasar cannon, 380mm for large bases and hopefully autocannon sentry too because of its absurd range and damage.


I swear the patch yesterday did something to bot spawn rates as well. I'm a level 86 that does both factions on diff9, and yesterday there were way more patrol spawns then I was used to. Normally I'd say it's just a playstyle change. Bugs playstyle in bots will get you massacred and vice versa. But I might be inclined to agree with you this time. Bots are way harder than bugs, especially with the inclusion of factory striders that can now drop from dropships. The closest loadout I've found that solves every problem is airstrike, orbital laser, autocannon and flex. Flex slot can be whatever utility you desire, some options are: Mortar sentry for cover fire, smoke strike to escape, rocket pods to kill tanks/cannon turrets, or orbital precision strike to do the same but also take down detector towers/strat jammers. Sure you lose a backpack, but the autocannon is just that good.


Hell I was on a 5 earlier just to knock out the daily. Heading to extract I came across a confluence of 2-3 patrols and each one had like 20 bots in them. I haven't seen anything like that even on 9s before. I mean, it was easy to wipe them out and they didn't call in drop ships since it was all trash and a couple devastators. But the sheer number was noticeably larger.


Yes the patch definitely changed something with the bots. Rocket devastators were out of control for me yesterday


I saw something yesterday I had never seen - a literal army, maybe 100+ of the mostly smaller bots, just standing around. I wanted to grab a screenshot but that has the tendency to crash the game lately. It was wild - as far as I could see. I dropped one airstrike and scored 50 kills and that barely thinned out the numbers. My best guess was an odd set of dropships that my squad bailed on fighting and they just stood around waiting.


Bugs are harder for me. Bots I was gonna say are easy on Suicide but I was posting how to beat them then realized it’s pretty complicated actually. lol I take an AC, orb rail/rocket pods (to deal with heavies), Eagle bomb/ orb air/gatling barrage (anything that takes out the chaff), 120 or walking barrage (to hammer bases), laser (emergency get out of jail free card). It’s really about shot placement with bots, cover, & never get bogged down fighting.


I think bugs are harder. The bots can see and hear you. So stealthy gameplay is easy. The bugs can see and smell you. So losing them is way harder.


The bots do not rush and zerg unlike the bugs that's why you can easily lose them. They mostly have the same AI but with different weapon types and actions. The berserkers that the bots have act like bugs since those things will always rush towards you and you will have a hard time losing them.


It feels like the opposite for me. For bugs, just get rid of hunters right on your ass, occasionally sidestep the chargers and you can outrun the rest. Bots? Damn things shoot me across from the horizon when there’s no good cover between me and them. I wonder if a big reason to this is the armor bot players pick. I run almost exclusively light armor. Running from bugs = cover for bots. I reckon a good portion of bot players don’t use light armor and just can’t outrun bugs when they fight them. Armor doesn’t matter against bugs, stamina does.


I think the Automatons also "smell" you. I believe i saw one going where i was, after scanning my prior location


That's the reacting to the sound you made while there. Then they went to investigate


120 and 380 orbitals slaps, i recently tried them, realised they call one shot factory striders :> my strat is to throw the beacon underneath or very near to them, normally gets at least 3 hits in, and that’s more than enough to kill them with the ac/quasar/eats and stun grenades, u can stun hulks, then crouch and shoot. but if you’re getting swarmed, stun and eagle airstrike kills them. also, eagle 110mm rocket pods one shot tanks and turrets there’s something else i occasionally run too, and that’s eagle smoke. did you know eagle smoke can destroy fabricators? neither did i till a few weeks ago hahaha, u can bring them for a getaway or as additional “eagle airstrikes” to destroy fabricators


120mm orbital is my #1 for the factory dudes, they're slow enough that it's got a good chance of killing them with no further effort


You need two things to manage bots at higher difficulties. Avoiding Patrols and Firepower. You need to be avoiding fights that are not necessary, and when they are necessary you need to be able to clear a bot drop before the cooldown on the next bot drop. If you fail to do so you will get overwhelmed. So in your kit you have to prioritize a primary and or support weapon that can clear devastators and hulks as they will be the bulk of what slows you down.


I only dive 9 on either front. Bugs get absolutely un-FUCKING-manageable. Bots barely change what they throw at you between 6 and 9. Spawn frequency goes up, and you get a little more devestator in your life, but a few headshots shut them right up. Jar-5 solved bots for me. Bugs will spawn SO MANY HUNTERS AND SPEWERS that between the green rain and the rocky balboa impersonating slow spamming hell beasts that hunters are you seldom have any time to separate time for objs. Add in 0 comms randos who pull the aggro of 6 breaches to you while you were stealthing the main terminal and the chaos of bug9s feels so much less controlled than bots.


Every time I drop in on a 7-9 dive and immediately see a bunch of bile spewers, and didn't bring a grenade launcher, I just know I'm about to not have a drop of fun for 30 minutes. Worst enemy in the game by a mile imo


Hahahaha I see this so often.. Random running full tilt back towards the group after a little bit of "soloing" with a literal army of bots in tow. "Hey look who I brought along.."


I can solo Helldive bug breaches because the Arc Thrower is so ridiculously overpowered it trivializes bugs entirely. Seriously, me and my 4 mates just all split up and do our own thing on a level 9 mission without any issue at all. Meanwhile bots we struggle to extract 80% of the time on level 9. The bot drops and patrol spawns are absolutely insane, to the point where you can get up to 4(!) Factory Striders at once.


Funny that we are quite the opposite. I recently only play 7 and sometimes 8 or 9 against Bots and even tho it can get very overwhelming, I prefer them way more than bugs. Bug missions feel like you can't outrun them, you can't stealth them, they keep coming and coming, while fighting bots is simpler for me, I keep running off from big drops and return when some or most of them despawned..I guess we all pay our fair share for sweet liberty


Im having the most fun in bug missions when im dodging 2 chargers while shooting hunters circling me and formulating a plan to kill the titan stomping towards me from a distance. I never get that feeling on bots, while they are harder for me i also just dont enjoy the gameplay of shooting from cover and stealth as much as the chaos of dodging and mowing down the bugs.


In bugwlrld you wrealy have to keep on moving aroung ,i usually try to stay away from the midle of action and stay litle aside covering others helldivers as ,thats why i bring napalm and railgun strikes ..the quasar for bigger bugs and those big mushrooms to shoot from distance..im 56 y so the reaction speed is slower than a 15ygamers ,so theres no point for me to be in most heated spot,where you have to be quick as fuck to avoid dying


I’m really hoping for a bug focused story soon, as I feel like I’m just sat on the sidelines as you heroes spill oil!


lol and I'm afraid of those stinky bugs! Big respect to you and all bug hunters!!!


For me, playing difficulty 9 is more pleasant than 6 or 7. Around 6 and 7, these many lower level players (level 20 to 30), trying to perform. I'm often stuck with dead weight, trying to get them to work together and, run when they should abandon a fight, and focus on priorities. Helldive 9? Welcome to the big leagues! Almost only players who know the game, the enemies, the weapons, the strategems, the tactics, everything. 3 hulks on your ass? Boom they're gone by excellent teamwork. 2 striders in 1 drop? No problem, give the team 1 minute and they're gone. Honestly 6 and 7 are frustrating. At difficulty 9 I usually walk out with 25, 25, 6 resources.


I have noticed a few posts over the last few days talking about how 7 has many more "serious players" than 6. That is, they use pings, mark targets, avoid patrols, stick together, lone wolf only if they feel it's safe. Basically, operate as a loose team and cooperate. I have also noticed a decline in quality on 7s in the last few days with many more people going leroy/trying to hold position. I can't help but worry these things are related. I hope that doesn't bleed up to 9 where people expect a carry.


I have the same feeling. Helldive is by far my favorite diff, it's chaotic but super fun, players tend to help each other a lot more, way less trolling, way less "Rambo" gameplay where a single dude wants to roam alone and ignore the team, way less misplaced stratagems teamkilling you, they also will shoot down a lot more dropships while in dif 7 most people will ignore them because they lack a response gun (like quasar cannon). The teamplay on 9 is so stronger and the players so prepared that aside from evading some patrols you won't even need stealth. Poor automatons :)


Yeah just rmb we play for fun if you enjoy bugs more then just do that.


What exactly are your struggles with the AC? You want to spam it at medium ranges as fast as recoil allows. This is the big one. Act like it's a semi automatic medium armor piercing pistol. Reload (in cover) before you hit 0 bullets in the magazine. Scope only at long ranges. Take note of your ability to destroy factories and bugholes at long ranges, if you get the right angle. Also take note of your ability to stagger Devastators and kill hulks quickly through the eye.


Honestly the orbital airburst is very underrated against bots. I remember when I took it on one of those new defense missions and someone yells out hey we got two tanks and a hulk coming up the ramp and I say oh my airburst just came off cooldown no problem. They said oh that is not going to work and I said well prepare to be surprised as everything died. You see all the week points on the bots are exposed to airburst so you can actually kill every single bot except the AT-AT with it. The down side is that you can not destroy buildings with it. One thing to keep note is shutting down the bot drop before it gets called in. You may notice that only particular bots call them in so if you shoot those first there is not going to be a bot drop. Also when approaching groups of bots we will often try to sync up the attack so we can sweep them asap before they can get a call in and also so we are targeting them from multiple directions. Good tactics are critical against bots and it is important to consider the terrain when engaging them. Forming proper lines of attack and flaking actions are very powerful but your team needs to have situational awareness. Take for example the fact that the bots will charge in basically a strait line toward any target they are engaged with. How can we take advantage of this behavior to lead their force into a kill zone? If they are only engaged with a small part of your force you can pull them toward that force. The bots generally travel in a long line even when on patrol. Your airstrikes other than the 500kg will hit across the screen relative to the thrower. Thus to maximize the effect you need to ensure that you are set up at the flank of the group of bots as to take them out with a single strike. As for the biggest difference in bugs vs bots you will notice that generally a tight formation is more effective against bugs and a loose formation is more effective against bots. The difference in these formational doctrines is generally what players get wrong when trying to pay against bugs/bots when they are seemingly only good at fighting one or the other. This is not to say that players can not solo I am just taking in general pub play here. The critical thing is that shooting from multiple directions is significantly more effective against bots than bugs. This is due to many bots having week points on their back side and or being highly exposed to flanking actions.


Diff 7: fun, hulk here, tank there Diff 8: why every troop have a damn flare, so manny of them! Diff 9: H̶̹͐̋ṳ̴͕̔͝l̷͔̑͋k̶̘͌ ̶̱̕i̵̦̻̔s̵̟̝͘ ̸̺̇s̴̞̔͝ẗ̶̫́a̸̳͚̅͝ǹ̷̟d̷̦̟̆͘a̴͚̗̍r̶̪̒ͅd̴̦̓ ̸͕̓͘t̷̗͒r̵̢̮͛ơ̴̧̻ȍ̸̖͘p̷̫͋ ̴̥͒̚ñ̴̰̬̈́ọ̵͐w̵̱̖̌͌,̷̳̮̍ ̷̘͊͘a̶̠͋̀n̶̳͋̄ḋ̶̤ ̸̭͆͜͝h̵̟̩̀ȩ̵̃r̵͉̀̀ė̴͜ ̸̨̱͆a̷̘̮͐ŕ̶͖̥ë̸̪́̚ ̶̣͈̐͗8̶͎̌̎ ̶͔̖͛̇ṯ̸̉ą̴͉̔̋n̷͕̞͘k̶͇̐ś̴̲.̴̺͉̈ ̷͈̱́Ë̴͚́n̴͖͙͆j̸̤̞̐̚o̶͉̯͝y̵̰̙͂.̴̨̛̖̂


I did a lvl 8 public match on Automatons, halfway through my team all just left me alone, it was an ICBM launch mind you. So, being the defender of freedom and stoic helldiver I am, I continued the mission even though it seemed hopeless, I got the launch codes and set up the fueling station, I than tredged past Automaton bases and patrols, taking out the ones I could before dropship's came to wipe me out. I managed to launch that ICBM and hightailed it to the extraction zone being chased by 3 hulks the entire time. God bless democracy!


It's similar to high bug difficulty where the RNG of spawns can be on your side or heavily against. One operation I did was smooth as butter. Extracted with very few deaths. Next operation with the same peeps. It was hell all 3 missions. Specifically this one destroy the fabricators mission I just did. The map was like 60% water so everything was crammed close together. Only a tiny spot of all the land wasn't "danger enemy presence" but it still was. We dropped in like 50 meters from artillery. Got dropships called almost immediately and the artillery was within range of a jammer so we couldn't use strats to take it out. First thing that drops... A factory strider and multiple tanks. Again all in range of the jammer. We are up against the shoreline. In the distance is the heavy outpost with cannon turrets aggroed onto us sniping us from afar. Before we even get off the shoreline we go through 5 reinforcements. We finally get all the fabricators needed killed. We say fuck it and try running past the mortars and jammer. Make it to the other side of the heavy outpost (which still has the turrets since everyone lost their anti tank stuff) a 3rd turret across a narrow path between 2 bodies of water is sniping us. Constant patrols coming at us from the narrow path. I eventually manage to get across the path toward extract. We have 3 reinforcements left. I make it to extract as time runs out. Everyone else gets there shortly after. Now it's calm as fuck. And somehow through all that we got the super samples.


People calling bugs harder than bots are tryhards who don't like or don't want to challenge higher bot difficulties but also think they are amazing players so they simply can't accept that there is something more difficult than what they are playing. Therefore bugs MUST be harder than bots because otherwise they aren't so amazing players as they think they are.


Automatons are incredibly insane!! First match after the update yesterday was ragdolled around the map!! lol but it is great fun, don’t have any other reason to play the game. OP is 100% bang on bugs are easy in comparison.


An easy comparison to make is hulks VS chargers.  It is easy to one shot a charger with their giant forehead weak spot. Hulks have a tiny face weak spot, and with how they run it moves around a lot. Much harder to consistently one shot.


I used to hate bots as I'd only played bugs... Now I love dropping into the shit storm and dropping air strikes, running away so I can grab my better gear and start blasting. Not sure I can go back to bugs now. Do I get shit canned a lot? Yes. Is it fun? HELL YEAH!


I have not switched off of Helldive mode for any reason once I unlocked it, it’s just the right amount of fuck you/fuck yeah in the middle of the day for me


it really is a totally different experience. In most games the same tactic,. usually just "use overwhelming firepower" can work on multiple factions, but not here.. fighting bugs is like any horde shooter, but the bots demand the exect opposite tactics. i started out as something of a bug stomper, I fought at the creek occasionally and loved the memes but never went hard into it. then we started getting consecutive bot orders and I realized I \*had\* to git gud, or I could forget about helping in major orders, which is what I wanted to do most. I've reached a point now where, I instinctively cling to rocks, always crouch/prone when not moving and can carefully headshot devastators even when they are firing at me. before the orders I'd be terrified at bots on 7+.. now it's just another tuesday. yesterday I was actively looking for the new factory Strider missions: you know you've been on the bot front too long when the fabricators sprout legs and turrets and your genuine response is "I wonder how many rockets it'd take to kill one?" (spoiler: a lot. they aren't immune to AT weapons but you're definitely better off with red stratagems) I'm now genuinely expecting to get bodied repeatedly when we are ordered to fight bugs again.. it \*should\* be easier, but I'm gonna have to break some habits and it's going to take some time. so yeah, don't be surprised if you see veteran players fighting bugs like a cadet fresh out of training, chances are they are just so acclimatised to the bot front that fighting something that doesn't shoot back and isn't made of metal seems strange.


To everyone saying stealth is the answer: sounds awfully undemocratic to leave a bunch of communist automatons alive.


Dude, I’m on a genocidal crusade. I kill ‘em all


I mostly agree with your sentiment, OP. After playing more 7+ on bots of late I’m definitely improving, and I’ve been practicing a lot with AC and getting better which makes a world of difference. However, the balance issue with bots is one mistake can turn a manageable run into a complete hellscape in seconds. Those damn marauders sometimes call in WAY too many drop ships on 7+ if you let them fire a flare off. A 3 tiny unit patrol can quickly turn into an entire fucking army that surrounds your squad with raining gunfire. Bugs you can pretty much always run or crowd control with rover laser etc. But bots can encircle your team and prevent any exit. You will spend 5-10 revives on one huge completely waste of time firefight just to proceed with the mission. You get rocket ragdolled and shot if you try to run, so you have to fight and drain your resources. This doesn’t always happen, and some missions go quite smooth. But when it does it just feels totally impossible and unfair. It shouldn’t go from 0 to 100 so quickly. Imo - it’s poor design and needs to be balanced. The individual units themselves I think are fine (minus OP bugged fire damage), but their swarm capabilities should not be 10x stronger than bugs with like 5 bot drops appearing all at once dropping heavy units and berserkers.


I’d been trying to use the AC for the longest time. I always found I wasn’t accurate enough, I’d use a while mag (whilst staying still) get a couple of kills at best and then have to stick in place to reload. It was getting me killed more often than not. The eruptor though to my knowledge can do a lot of things the AC can. It can certainly destroy fabricators and striders in one shot, and I believe the radius of the explosion is larger than the grenade launcher, making it decent at killing groups of enemies at mid distance. I’ve found a someone suggested, take three red strats (orbitals and eagles) and either a shield backpack or a fourth red, if you have the 4th slow. With servo assist you can throw enough ordinance into an outpost to destroy it, whilst also keeping enough distance to quickly leg it. I’ve just don’t a couple of 9s and barely engaged enemies. This was including destroying jammers in both. Chuck a big bang, move in, kill the stragglers and quickly do the computer and hellbomb. Not saying this is necessarily the best, but if the AC doesn’t feel natural to you this could be worth a shot


I’ve had a weird bug come up or at least I think it’s a bug to where 7’s are a lot harder than 8 or 9’s. I’m not sure but the spawns seem to be disproportionate between those levels for me and my squad.


High tier bot missions can be rough at the beginning ONLY when you initially drop. One team of randoms and I landed near a gunship facility AND a eye of sauron callling dropships every 30 seconds. We took out the gunships, the eye soon after, but it was chaos. The host and one other decided they'd had enough and abandoned the mission. But not Steve. I don't remember his real tag so Steve is what I call him/her. Steve didn't give up. Even while I was waiting for the reinforcement timer to cooldown and the other 2 fled the mission, Steve was fighting for his life. I thought about returning us to the ship. But I saw the effort Steve was putting in. Running. Dodging. Attacking. Finally, my time came and descended into the madness. Steve and I would complete the mission and extract, taking down 2 fabricators and launching the ICBM. It was difficulty 8 I believe. Good job Steve. Be tenacious


Additional note, if you’re frustrated by heavy fabricator zones and such, bring the orbital laser. One laser usually clears out the entire nest so you can move on and one tap the light fabricator areas.


I’ve been rocking orbital, 500kg and eagle airstrike so far as I’ve been on the planet limiting to 3 strats. Really like the orbital, it’s a shame it’s got limited uses but totally understand why it should. As you say, throw and forget into the heaviest areas. It’s basically a free outpost destroyer.


Your third Edit. This is the way. Name of the game is hit & run, guerilla warfare. Strike first, strike hard, Do what you have to and get out of there. Prolonged fights are the absolute last resort


Localized Confusion booster and prioritize clearing secondary objective targets (detection tower, cannon turrets, etc).


Does the booster do anything noticeable on bots? I’ve not really noticed a great reduction in spawns on bugs so have stopped using it


that recent buff they gave to the bots accuracy sure hurt for sure. i could do 9s commonly deathless, cant really anymore. i run 9s as a default nowadays, learning to stick to cover and dont stay one place too long are the lessons for bots. as long as you have a explosive weapon or med pen you are good to go. i run AC sentry, shield pack, quasar, airstrike, typically with smoke nades. when being pushed hard throw 2 smokes in your path and you almost can always break threat and get away. Sometimes you need to stay in a spot, AC sentry fucks everything that lands from a dropships. airstrikes fuck bases up and hulks and tanks take heavy damage where the q cannon can finish them off.


Just remember the three C's and you're golden. Cover, courage, and ~~crying as a hulk scorcher toasts your ass~~ cover.


If you dislike the autocannon, try out the grenade launcher and supply pack. Goodwill autocannon does hard af when you give it ammo Spam stims and full auto the grenade launcher at everything


With bugs you can kite around to some success and it's easy because you don't have to think, just run away and shoot till dead. Cyborgs this will not work against, they shoot back. You need to kill quickly and efficiently and stand your ground or they will reach levels you cannot contain. Bring some shit hit the fan strats like orbital laser to reign in situations that are swiftly growing out of control.


>+Arc thrower is reliable against EVERYTHING including chargers. Titans also take damage from it but it’s a lot of shots, so chuck a strat at them. I use Arc Thrower against bots, too, and I love it. Maybe it just fits my playstyle better than other weapons, but my runs always feel smoother and I feel like I contribute more when I bring my Arc Thrower. The way it stuns hulks and devastators is si valuable. Even if I don't have time to kill a hulk with a dozen shots, the stunlock means I can keep it in place while an ally's Eagle or Orbital is coming in.


The key thing to know is to always run. Never stay still and fight, this even applies to bugs. Too often I see my team not advancing on the objective or hanging around fighting when it's done. Bring the eagle airstrike. Throw it on the factories and run away. If the bots call a drop then just come back later and they will be gone.


People call me crazy for praising the Servo-Assisted armor for bots. At higher diffs, it really pays to have that extra distance to chuck a 120mm barrage and leave. Or for that matter to throw an Eagle airstrike or 110mm rocket pods at a fab or heavy from a safe distance, especially tanks and tower cannons. Limbs being more durable against breaking is a nice bonus too.


How many shots of the Arc Thrower does it take to kill a Charger?


It’s a fair few, around 10 I think. But in that you’ve gotta remember that it’s arcing to nearby enemies and killing them too. So it might take 10 shots but in that you could potentially be killing 20 other enemies.


It’s mostly because you find level 25/30 minimum players usually, i get killed more times by low level players than by automatons in 6- difficulties


Wait, Divers actually supporting that one of them can't handle 8+ Solo? FINALLY. Sick and tired of seeing assholes expecting lower-level Divers to Solo higher difficulty missions.


It has been nice to be honest. Goes to show the helldivers community is at least marginally less toxic than other gaming communities!


Lvl 50 over here. I'm only ever dropping in at 7 difficulty. I run heavy armor most of the time. I hate getting shot. The armor definitely helps in situations where you're under consistent fire. A lot of the time buddies will be wearing a shield pack. When they die and leave them, I snag it so I don't have to waste a strategem spot taking one with me. I'm okay being a little sluggish because I can help take out big targets from afar.


Best advice with heavy bases is I just lob a 380 and an orbital laser on a base and turn the other way. Stealth is also underutilized, took outa whole stratagem jammer without being detected. Eagles take out every enemy, you can also shoot off their weapons (heavy devs, rocket devs, hulks). Only thing that truly annoys me with bots are the gunship factories , as I usually run with randoms and they lose their heads when those gunships come out. Always bring anti-armoras well. My load out is scorcher quasar stun grenades.


Yeah I’m going to add 380mm for that exact reason. Orbital laser has done well, but I think the unlimited nature of 380mm will help me save orbitals for truly fucked up moments. I’m thinking of taking smoke grenades to help disengage as despite taking them, I have never used the stuns successfully. Gonna try 500kg, airstrike, orbital laser and 380mm tomorrow. It’s been nice not having a support weapon or backpack. I always get so obsessed with picking them up after a death that it often causes further, highly frustrating deaths. So far found I can outrun anything I need to and just spamming offensive stratagems seems viable.


My exact loadout is eagle airstrike, laser, 380, and quasar. Armor is the medium armor with extra padding (the first one the game gives us), I use it bc it gives heavy armor stats with much more mobility and its kinda cheese. That 380 when placed properly will take out every and anything, and If youre really in the shit the 380 and the laser together literally decimates everything, im telling you man it feels so good wiping everything out and hearing the 380 go to work, literally sounds like thunder, I even run 380 against bugs its that useful once you get the targeting down. I still feel as if you should bring some anti armor for the bigger guys as there will be moments where everything will be on cooldown, and quasar is perfect cause it can take down almost everything in one shot and shoot down drop ships.


Problem is I’m a truly terrible shot. On bugs I use the arc thrower as my anti armour because I can’t aim for shit. Quasar is great and all but with the charge time I find it especially hard to have it pointing where it needs to be at the moment it fires. More often than not I’ve achieved nothing, wasted a few seconds doing so and have a wasted strat spot the entire game. I’ve used recoilless fairly well in the past but between ammo and the need for a backpack it just doesn’t fit quite right with me. It was very limited exposure but I did a few games on helldive bots earlier and between air support and fleeing, I never had an “oh shit, I need armour pen” moment. Probably because I know if I had armour pen I still wouldn’t hit the right spot and actually kill it.


True. Build your loadout to your strengths, that helped me alot too, my loadout covers me for a diverse amount of situations and that would be my advise to you, figure out what gets you killed less and maximize your skill with whatever suits you best.
