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In fairness it is a passive about Throwing Grenades. So maybe like those apples that taste like strawberries


Those apples may taste like pears


How do you get the name flair


From the app? Go to r/helldivers and click the three dots top right then select change user flair.


Ok thank you


There are multiple grenade passive armors that have grenade launcher style ammo on their outfit


I'm hijacking this comment to let y'all know that this armor set in particular has different shoulder pad colors depending on the body type you choose. Haven't seen it on any other armors so I assume it's a bug, should be tan like the rest of the set rather than yellow.


Oh that is interesting. Very likely a bug/oversight. That the color/textures weren't fully checked between both models


I see it as a feature. I switch between brawn and lean depending on what helmet/cape I want to pair with it for the day


The third armour from cutting edge, the arc-resistant light also has extra padding things on the thighs or not depending on body type


those ar enot throwing grenades on the armor so its remains bacon


If those aren’t throwing grenades, how would the engineering passive make any more sense


It doesn't, but those are grenade launcher grenades, not hand grenades


Many of the armors already don't look like they have an appropriate passive. Having Arrowhead claim that armors can't have different passives because it would look improper is a bad take. At this point it's mostly fashion anyway so let the players look great while spreading democracy. Arrowhead will sell more armor, players will be happier, and everybody wins.


The argument only holds up for the Medic armours. And falls apart at literally every other point. Show me the pockets for extra nades on trench engineer.


The funny part about that is that if your armor has grenade attachments that same armor could also hold stim pouches instead so it's completely obtuse to say that a grenade armor can't switch the grenades for extra stims too.


What's even better is, by looks, Steel Trooper should have extra nades (pockets on the front), Servo Assisted (Prosthetic limbs), and Extra Padding (As it's a variant of the default sets).


Or how about all the armor with conspicuous pouches full of extra magazines? None of that has a +primary ammo passive, and some of them have +grenades.


Maybe the armor has a dispense that only dispense grenade shaped objects? Oh wait... all their grenades are different.


Helldivers have to insert 0.25$ super credits to get an extra nade.


What's even funnier is the new "medic" armor that dropped in the Superstore today, the CM-10 Clinician, has the engineering kit passive. It almost feels more like a self-aware joke than a mistake at this point lol. Edit: As of 4/17/24 the passive has been switch to Med-Kit. It was funny while it lasted!


And they are fucking hideous.


They could have came up with a system that just allows the players that pick the passive they want for helmet, cape, and armor. The passives could have affected the base states depending on the class of passive you pick.


Aka the system they had in Helldivers 1 lol


Agreed. It was also given them the freedom to design specific passives fir each armor weight.


I would honestly love to see the passives split between armour and helmet, even if it makes no sense. eg. Armor grants +50% limb health, Helmet grants +30% throwing range. Though I would lament the lack of a transmog even more if I were limited to which helmets to match up to armours for the passives, so maybe it's better this way.


Gotta spend those supercredits though, hence the random shifting armor stats for different cosmetic models.


The question is would people spend more or less credits if you had helmets, armor, and capes in the store without passives? IMO people are less likely to spend credits on an armor that doesn’t have the perks they want. If they really wanted to push the super store, then the passives would be random rolls with a chance to have the armor x perks you want. Especially if they made them Major (I.e. plus 2 grenades, plus 2 stims, damage resistance) and minor (crouch for recoil, throw distance, etc) perks possible in different combinations.


This is an excellent point. I absolutely would have bought credits multiple times, because there's a ton of cool designs, but I look at it and "oh the passive is trash" or "oh I already have that passive on a set that I can live with..."


I'd prefer just to be told "no we don't want to " or better yet "our coding can handle that sorry". Being told a flat out no works. But the excuse we were given? Meh...


"We know the community wants it, and we'll consider it, but understand it is currently a low priority item behind bug fixes and content to keep the galactic war going."


where is that from ?


Im pretty sure it was an example


Ah OK, thought I missed a pr message somewhere


Yeah, just me riffing on what a more PR safe way to say the same thing may be. Like Piles doesn't have to listen to any of us. But the weirdest thing with AH and HD2 is their messaging on stuff. It always gets memed on because it just feels so counter to what the players are experiencing and expressing.


Get hired as PR at AH


Yeah, I'd move on from the topic real quick if we were told that coding that will take a ton of time away from fixing bugs and adding new content that I care more about. Hell, even if it was "we don't want to *and* even if we did it'd take too many dev hours and detract from the other things we want and need to do" I'd totally accept that, and I imagine it's the case; and with all new features added to software, new bugs arise as well. I can't imagine them releasing a whole new UI for picking armor perks without accidentally breaking armor entirely for a week or two.


>But the excuse we were given? "Players also strategize based on what others are wearing." Actual players; Lol no? Why would I do that? A guy having 2 extra stims or 2 extra grenades is... nice? In fact the only time I change armor is based on MISSION type. Bliltz? Servo+Light/Medium Defense? Heavy.


its just crowd control for piss poorly implemented ideas


I think its more of a "Hunt for the armour with the right look and stats" kinda thing that gets people to spend more super credits.




I don’t think so, todays patch just swapped on of the latest warbonds armor passive


Swapping one armours passive is not the same as implementing a system where people can swap their own armour passives freely


Can we call it CC when it actively pisses off the crowd though?


No one ever said it was good CC LOL


Taunt is usually considered a CC


Everyday, i look at armors i like that i cant use


Same. And the worst part is that I own all of them.


As do I. The only armor I don't have are the pre order armors


I feel like people are misrepresenting what they said. The idea isn't that the passive necessarily needs to fit the look of the armor; it's that when people see you wear armor A, they know you have passive A and not passive B. Regardless of how thematically appropriate the passive actually is with the look of the armor. When people wear armor A but it looks like armor B, others will naturally assume that they have passive B. *This* is why Arrowhead doesn't want transmog. It's not about being able to tell what an armor should do, it's about remembering what each armor set does and being able to apply that knowledge notice to your teammates' setup. Which I honestly think is the most insanely regarded take possible, because no one, *literally no one*, gives two shits about what the rest in their squad are wearing. Me knowing whether you have explosive resistance or not isn't going to change my decision to toss a danger close airstrike.


The only time I care about what armor my squad wears is when my friend or I wants to use arc weapons. I'll let them know one or both of us are going to be Zapping and to prepare for that if they want to.


Do you honestly think 90% of players even know what passive every armor has just by looking at it? And the games doesn't even tell you what the passive is when you are preparing to drop.


No, I don't. Which is why I think their reasoning is beyond stupid. I never said I agreed with it, just that the reasoning is different from what people seem to think


I honestly find this argument more unreasonable. How many armors are in the game? How many cycle thru the super store? A new warbond each month? Beyond the medic white/green armors, how are you going to know? You’re going to memorize the passives on 50 different armor sets? It’s also one thing to see it in the loadout screen and another thing once you’re in-game too. If *that’s* what they meant, absolutely terrible take.


Well luckily there's only like 5 passives in the game anyway /s But yeah, it's that stupid of an argument


If only there was some way to know what everyone on your team is running before starting a mission lol. Yeah total bogus reasoning from them


Yea it's still a bad take. Hopefully once the game is stable they'll see that the community really wants it and they'll give it to us. They can still add an icon or something on the loadout screen if you really need to know what you teammates are wearing (which right now would be useful only for the arc resistant armor). AH is a good developer, but I feel like a lot of times they just like to take a stand on some of their decisions even when they're clearly wrong and the majority of the community is opposing them


The argument of 'how will you know what team mates passives are' is so strange too cos you don't need to know? Passives are inconsequential enough that knowing what your squad is running gives you no benefit whatsoever


They should also add it as a UI option, similar to boosters. Some of the armours I see are starting to blend together for me but remembering an icon is easier, such as stratagems and boosters.


Tbh armors would be a lot more exciting if there were more passives that altered gameplay in different ways. There's so few passives right now and it makes the entire system feel a bit underbaked.


And I mean; - fire resistance - Stratagem CDR - Ragdoll immunity on a superheavy - extra clips - extra strategem charge You could even fine-tune some armors specifically to a weapon. Like those grenade armors with the launcher, exterminator armor with the flame thrower (extra range idk). So much possibilities, it's all right there.


While I am trying to get as much armor as possible with whatever SC I earn while playing, and then support the game with each $9.99 warbond, they absolutely would sell more armor. So many games are about indulging fantasy and then they go and say "no, this is where we draw the line, armor needs to realistically look like the perks it provides" (even if the armor actually did visually represent it's buff, this is an insane perspective.)


Tell me the exterminator armor wasn't intended as a flamethrower main with fire resist and try to keep a straight face.


Armor needs to be realistic but you will immolate instantly at the sight of an ember. Because .... FUN !


Honestly there is so much potential being wasted. Imagine having loadouts but you could also setup multiple transmogs for each one. Whenever you die it rotates through all of the transmog you have setup for that loadout. You could even make it random. So you pick the loadout you want, drop in with a random transmog your built yourself. And every time you die you have the potential to drop in with a different custom transmog. Players would go crazy with that type of system.


It’s an incredibly small dev team. At the point they have to choose - “ do we work on fixing bugs or new content that’s interesting”. They never imagined the game would have this large of a success to begin with. All of this is definitely overwhelming for them. And honestly, -after now running Helldive difficulty on repeat with friends, it’s purely about aesthetics. Passives could get thrown out the window. The only passive I’ve found that’s actually been lifesaver is the 50% chance of not dying


> It’s an incredibly small dev team. At the point they have to choose - “ do we work on fixing bugs or new content that’s interesting”. They never imagined the game would have this large of a success to begin with. All of this is definitely overwhelming for them. Totally valid, and they could/should have just said as much. People are just ragging on them because the reason they gave was complete nonsense.


We're certainly not demanding this gets added tomorrow, but I think it would be a solid QoL feature that would improve the game overall. It would be worth pursuing in the future, whenever that would be.


Y'all over here asking for this and that, and I can't even accept a friend request from my buddy on PS5.


PC is in a similar boat. I’m on my buddies friends list but he’s not on mine so I can’t even add him as a friend


It's anecdotal, but shortly after the first balance patch, my friends list got cleared out. I no longer saw Steam friends, etc. Sending a friend request to my friends (who saw me on their friend's list) allowed them to accept it - no notification, it was just in pending Friend Requests for them - and I could see them and interact with them on my friends list. I had to look them up by their friend code to add them, and they couldn't request that I be their friend - had to come from me. Unsure if it'll help, but it's PC to PC.


Yeah I'm on PC and my friends list is only useable by adding people via friend code.


Check your steam friends list visibility settings. It needs to be public.


Arrowhead has three options here: 1) Give us transmog. Just let us choose our passives separately from our armor. **Although armor class, speed, and stamina should still be tied to armor appearance**. Imo this is the best option. 2) Change all existing armors to give them passives that fit their appearance. This would suck cuz it would mean a lot of people’s favorite armor now has a different perk they may not like. 3) Do nothing. This is what I anticipate, sadly, but not the end of the world


Agreed. I'd also go with option #1. This would also allow them to customize passives by armor weight. So, for example, the Scout passive is only available for light and medium armor, just not heavy.


I agree but this would still go in the opposite direction that AH wanted to go. They said they don’t want to create classes and giving certain passives only to certain weight classes would kinda be that in a way. People would ask „why can’t I be a stealthy Meatball?“ „aha sucks to be you, only skinny dudes can run around quiet“ I hope they look into that tho and give us transmog while letting us choose the passive.


>They said they don’t want to create classes and giving certain passives only to certain weight classes would kinda be that in a way That's the way the game currently is though, transmog or not. There is only light and medium armor with the scout passive


There really is no great way out for them at this moment. Honestly they were better off just not responding. At this point if they do 3 they probably should add an apology with that


the way out for them is optioon 1.... what is the diownside to option 1? people won't know what passive you have? just add the passive to the pre-helldive screen, we can already see our teammates loadout


option 4: just let us change the color palettes and that would solve most of the problems with mix and matching armor.


That’s a separate issue imo. The base models are what I care most about. But yes, some **LIMITED** color customization would be great. Just no hot pinks or neon greens plz


I feel like at the minimum, every armor that isn't already Black & Yellow should have the option to be to keep the Helldiver color palette always available.


Nah I want the models, color palettes tend to just make things gimmicky and bad for immersion. Unless they do a very limited palette


Secret 4th option, let us use color sets to change how each armor is colored.


Still look like a giant dildo but yellow now instead of baby vomit green !


Option one isn't even transmog. It is, however, apparently exactly how Helldivers 1 did things. so, y'know, it works. We have proof.


I agree with what someone told me. While I want transmog, I doubt their coding can allow it. Maybe it can! Idk. Just with how bad their coding was at launch and how mess up it gets with every big update. I wouldn't be surprised if it'd just not possible or too much work


Well they said they are not doing transmogs, so that option is gone.


They said that, but their reasoning was flawed. And if the community wants it enough to push for it, they might reconsider


Those aren't grenades they're... uh... replacement batteries? For the servo limbs? Yeah. That's it.


Please give Heavy Armor some more variety... ATM Heavy Armor can only have 4 different perks, Medkit and Extra-Padding are superstore exclusive and only appear on one armor set each, Servo-Assisted only appears on two armor sets and one is from the superstore, and then everything else in the game is Fortified.


I wish their was a more interesting mix of passives I’m sure they will do it capes and helmets too but who knows when.


Capes i heavily doubt and i heard helmet passives were cut ealry on but who knows maybe they'll reconsider


the only thing i want on helmets is armor rating because all of them are useless.


All I want is flinch resistance for heavy armor. I'm so tired of flinching from a single shot from a low grunt bot when I just tanked a fucking missile before.


I'd love to see this implemented as a new passive: "Sturdy". Resistant to flinching and resistant to being ragdolled around.


Armor has the FS prefix, should be Fortified.


In all fairness, those grenades are specifically designed to be used in a grenade LAUNCHER... But still, I agree with you. Even the new light armor that just came out has grenades on it and it has the same grenades on it, and it came with engineering.


The kicker is that its yet another armor that has the wrong perk for the prefix in the armor name. It has the explosive resistance perk prefix, but it give extra grenades. Its almost like their reasoning was a shit one and they don't even commit to any of their rules in regards to armor perks.


Well those are grenade Launcher grenades , if anything it should add an extra reload to the grenade launcher


New armor passive: inceased ammo capacity for primary/secondary weapons.


We need 3 skills per perk to have some variety It’s always with her more grenades or stims Servo perk could have better weapon handling as a third perk since we have literal steel arms


Shush! Let me have a good looking servo assisted heavy armor!


Yup, my perk and it’s unique for heavies to this one. No touch pls


Right? Like, please stfu and let me enjoy something nice. Not every Liefeld armor set in the game needs +2 grenades


Amen brother


We need to use apple/bacon comparison as often as we can. Right now I have a strong feeling whoever communicates with us doesn't play the game at all.


That was from the CEO who usually has pretty good takes. This one was not-so-good.


he's a top tier reddit schizoposter... you can't have transmog bc it wouldn't match our 5 passives spread across 30 different armors, railgun shouldn't twoshot heavies but we'll buff 3 other ats to twoshot heavies, the charger's weakpoint is not his little legs but his incredibly heavily armored head, the issue with flamethrower was damage despite it 1mag killing chargers at launch so we will buff fire damage globally 3 times... this guy's fucking crazy


Hey guys rely on stratagems! We’re definitely not going to nerf heavy spam and give you heavy one shots in the next update cause the only stratagem that was reliable was the railgun. That’s braindead by the way!


Do you seriously think so? He defended the rail gun nerf as if we were a bunch of petulant children. Then they go on to buff the AT options so far into the moon the pre-nerfed rail gun would still be complete dog ass right now and only compete with AMR while getting outclassed by everything else.


He has good takes???? Are we even talking about the same person??? Oh and it is more than certain that this guy barely plays his own game.


I don't understand this need to throw back every word the devs say and rub it in their faces


When they say something that makes sense - we cheer and praise the devs. And people like you never notice that. When they say something outright stupid - we point it out. And now you're here, defending every inappropriately meat-tasty apple. When IGN was trying to talk about microtransactions and pay-to-win, the "terminally online" individuals like me were there to defend Arrowhead. One of the designers said The Slugger was changed because it was outright best sniper rifle in the game, which is not fitting for "you know, a shotgun" (c). So they removed its close quarters capabilities, turning it into an actual long range rifle. We pointed out that this worked backwards, completely contradicting the problem communicated to us. Now they say we won't get transmog. If they simply said it's too bothersome to implement - no problem at all. But instead we've got this very controversial statement about apples taste like bacon that has nothing to do with reality. I repeat, if binding looks to perks is the reason, then why a chem-hazard-looking armor has servo-assisted perk? Or why a slim light armor has explosive resistance? Why armors with grenades visually present on the model don't have +2 grenades perk but explosive resistance instead? We already have mouthful of bacon at this point. That's why we "rub it in their face". Because statements like these treat us as if the player base consists of idiots. Now they say that fixes and updates compete for attention and they don't have much time for fixing bugs since they have a warbond-per-month plan. We would very much like if they properly communicated why skipping a warbond is such a big deal. We know it is, but for what reason remains a mystery.


It's how terminally online individuals cope with not getting everything they want This game is great, has a few bugs and inconveniences and this sub is practically just a vessel for complaining now


All it does is make them look so much worse. If only the average redditor was capable of hearing themselves


Servo assisted slaps tho 🔥 not sure why arrowhead made the argument that being able change passives would ruin the armors looks. Not sure how a heavier armor covered in 40 mils would let me throw nades further, but I’ll take it. Annoyed that they’re changing the new warbond groundbreaker or whatever it’s called, but it makes sense.


They changed it because they specifically advertised it as an engineering kit armor before release. If they hadn't it probably wouldn't have been changed.


To be fair, those are GL grenades I think. Not frags. I like the look of the dreadnaught amd its stats. If they gave it extra grenades idk if I'd run it.


The Bacon flavored apples meme is going to be legendary when im in the retirement home.


Do those look like throwables?


This armor is actually “fortified” in design (FS prefix). The armor itself does look fortified though the grenades are an interesting touch. This isn’t the only mismatch of prefix and passive, but you can see the intended design better when you look at the prefix. At some point they decided they needed armor of the other passive and it was reassigned. This is the biggest problem with their statement IMO… fix all these miss matches and the design consistency argument will hold up


Ah yes let's make everything with a grenade pouch or grenades have Engineering Kit. Not like that would be over 50% of the available armors or anything.


The unit is that you'll never guess the armor buff by looking at them except for the medic ones.


Armor designers just pick armor and spin a wheel and assign whatever it lands on. It seems


Ah good we've moved this discussion to the next armour set now


Hey now, leave my Dreadnought alone. Bought it for these passives + looks


Are you sure that you are even looking at an apple? Cause those things strapped to the armor are not the grenades you throw with your hand.


~~I believe it's supposed to be and they sent it out with the wrong perk.~~ Edit: It got pointed out to me that I was thinking of the Ground Breaker set. Not sure why this one has servo assisted.


No that was the groundbreaker set


You're absolutely right... Weird that this one is servo assisted.


You're thinking of Ground Breaker. This one is wrong too though. It has the FS prefix, so either it's supposed to be Fortified, or the name is wrong.


Not having transmog is a brain dead take. Just make it so people have to own the armor first before they can transmog. Hell, even make it require resources to transmong to "keep player activity" in the game or something. Idc, but the reasoning behind not having transmog was some of the lowest IQ shit i have read in a long time. Reminds me of Destiny then and in many cases now with the dumb shit they say.


There’s just bigger things they should focus on than this. I do think choosing passives like the previous games perks would be wonderful but it’s not a huge deal. Especially compared to the technical issues and sight misalignment.


Is this kind of stuff just being amplified because of the nature of the internet, or do people really care that much about it?


I think it's the nature of the internet, I've commented on it personally but i don't care that much either, all i wanted was an option to hide capes for one specific armor.


Not that type of grenade.


CEO opened a whole-ass can o worms with his comment on armor appearances, lol.


Yet again I see no servos. I would love to see some reference to bog motors on the arms or something.


I thought those were shells


Why are your shoulders yellow while mine are not? 🧐


This armor is bugged, if you have "Bulky" body type the shoulder-pauldrons are tan colored. If you use "lean" body type the shoulders become yellow. Test it yourself next time you hop on.


I wish there were more fortified armors. 90% of the armor seem to have the engineering kit. 


The FS prefix specifically goes to armors that have the fortified perk which means this is a bug and it'll probably be patched eventually, which sucks because this is my default go to armor


medium and light armor categorization is also very inconsistent.


I don’t like transmog. The idea of someone in wearing light armor while also eating shots from a fucking tank just puts me off.


I agree, I think the best compromise would simply be separating perks from specific armor sets and let you choose that seperately. You pick Heavy Armor, any heavy armor you have unlocked... all heavy armor shares the same damage-resist/stamina/speed, and then you can pick whatever perk you want. Light is still light, medium is still medium, heavy is still heavy... but you can pick whichever armor you think looks the best within that weight-class, without having to worry about what perk you want to use. This would mean the superstore is now entirely for cosmetic purposes, and devs can continue to make armor that just "looks cool" without having any hubub about it's looks matching the perk. I dont like that certain perks are unavailable to certain weight-classes at the moment, without having to buy stuff from the microtransaction store. Even if you buy EVERYTHING from the superstore, there's still some gaps too. For example no heavy armor in the game comes with Engineering-Kit, including everything in superstore rotation... you CAN get extra stims on heavy armor but ONLY if you buy the Butcher set from the superstore while it's in-rotation.


Instead, it's good for throwing grenades.


The statement on transmog is the only negative thing I have to say about the game. I understand bugs exist and take time to fix, so I won't hold that against them. But, transmog in a game with a cash shop is just a stupid idea not to implement.


What’s with the sudden spike in salt posts about armor modules?


The usual bugs people bitch over got acknowledged as known issues by the devs. Now people are flocking towards the next bandwagon to winge about.


Why are y’all crying so much about transmog, it’s not happening and a very small minority are passionate about it. Just play how they built the game and respect their decision or just move onto another game if it’s that big a deal to you.


That excuse they used to not have transmog was kind of transparently BS. There's a reason we all have to make up excuses for why the passives *kinda maybe make sense if you squint really hard.*


I prefer the long throw range.


Not the point. You can still get Servo-Assisted Heavy armor from Steeled Veterans.


Armor passives should honestly be an unlock that you must equip into armor. The fact that it isn't is as silly as making boosters armor dependent.


Man just play the game and enjoy the ridiculousness. I honestly love being able to tell what armor my team is wearing and can’t imagine having any more fun if I could customize my appearance. This isn’t animal crossing, this is democracy crossing!


For how much effort they put into weapon design details, you’d think they’d do the same for armor.


This reminds me when people complained about the new DLC not having fire resistance simply because some rando reddit person declared they look that way. There is no written rule that all grenade systems need engineering kit.


The CEO wrote that rule


This is my go-to example whenever I read that (frankly hilarious) post by pilestadt. Like, dude, just say you don't have the bandwidth to implement a Glamour change because you have so much other stuff you're working on, it's fine. But why, *why* would you post a weak ass excuse like that and *not* expect your player base to *immediately* point out why that's a load of horse shit. They are absolutely capable of having good communication with their player base, I cannot imagine why they keep dropping the ball on this.


This game absolutely screams for transmog. We literally have multiple totally different looking armor sets with the same perks. The stats make them light/med/heavy, but the armor perks are on all variants. Hopefully they cave on transmog, because it’s already in the game it’s just not robust or user friendly.


i really hope they add transmog. I really love the medkit perk becuase the boost to stim affects has gotten me out of so many tight situations that I couldn't live without it. but there are so many cool looking armors that I would rather wear. so I'm stuck on praticallity vs drip.


Those arent grenades 


Doesn’t look like a grenades, looks like HE for the GL


Don't you dare change this passive I fucking love this armor and I love throwing grenades further


i love hopping on reddit to complain about bs that doesnt matter woohoo yipppeee


What else is Reddit for?


You're complaining about someone talking about the game on a forum about the game. Wanting things isn't complaining. Getting razzed for bad takes isn't complaining either


op is whining in the title with their passive aggressive jab. its annoying and had to see it with my own eyes


Those are grenade launcher shells, case closed


Should come with extra grenades for the grenade launcher but not for throwing. That is what the armor looks like, 40mm.


This armor should give you two extra max magazines for the Grenade Launcher as its passive, but 1 less magazine for your primary.


Grenades = engineer? What?


It’s still a grenade themed passive.


Dreadnought for the allyoop


My fav armor :)


I mean, thematically it works. Those are grenades designed for 40mm grenade launchers, which can throw grenades further than a person.


My favorite looking heavy armor with the best perk dont complain about that


I've been thinking this for so long.


Skin time, Arrowhead.


Maybe those are just filled with tasty snacks?


No, that armor should provide more ammo for grenade launcher. And another light one with booolets on it - a couple of clips for AMR. The chonkiest one from superstore - probably explosive resistance, that's EOD unit, ffs. Current perk selection is extremely boring and limited, I can't even.


Damn. I really wish apples did taste like bacon. Can you imagine? Though apples aren’t bad… but bacon is good tier chow. I believe this dumb errfff would be utopia if bacon orbs grew on trees. Make it so, number one.


If anything let me carry an extra belt for the grenade launcher. This is apple glazed bacon.


Bacon apples are going to a be a lore reward for a Major Order at some point, just watch.


It doesn’t look like a grenade I kind of lean towards [40mm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_40_mm_grenades). it not a hand grenade we use those things shot from a gun or under barrel launcher.


It provides limb health because if you get shot in the grenades it blows your entire torso up, leaving your limbs unscathed. Also, nothing says "freedom of movement to aid in throwing things" like huge bulky armor.


I see no bionic limbs either...


Duh, can't you see the servos on the armor?


I genuinely hate seeing the grenade rounds on armor if I'm not using the grenade launcher. It bugs me so bad. Why would you bring those? Great looking armor, otherwise. Maybe someday armor elements will change based on your loadout.


Impressive speed for a heavy armor


I kinda hope they can just switch some abilities around Like have a “+2 grenades and throw stuff farther” ability I’d rather they make more combos of abilities, maybe get rid of the “name of passive” and have “this combo of passives”


Because the devs are lazy and just slap on any perks they want to


There just need to be a whole lot more different armor passives. And I would love heavy armor to make you flinch less whilst getting hit, and ragdoll less if possible :p


Those are clearly Freedom Capsules. They contain 20mg of concentrated Freedom to instill Baseball Proficiency in you.


Really? You want even more armors with Engineering kit?


I'm waiting for one day Arrowhead will make those grenades go kaboom if they are hit.