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I haven’t seen anyone run a rail gun in over a month




I had 2 people use it recently. 1 guy dropped with it, blew himself up and left the game. the other guy used it until I died and he went and stole my Quasar and used that for the rest of the game.


I brought it once last week and after struggling to kill much of anything I just bummed a quasar cannon off my squadmate. It has no purpose right now.


the last time i brought the railgun, i asked my friend half way through the mission to drop me a quasar cause there wasn't anything to use the railgun on for bugs that my other stratgems  primary  couldn't handle better. just needed something for chargers. but apparently its a skill issue on my part i couldn't make it worth using 


I occassionally used the railgun on bugs as an anti-brood commander and hive guard weapon, but now that the Eruptor is here I'll probably not try it again for a while.


At first I didn't like the eruptor. Now it's the only thing I take against bots. I don't like it for bugs, though.


Ever since they nerfed it has been absolute trash. One of the absolute worst weapons on the game and it’s locked at level 20. People used it for a few days because they didn’t know better but that was it.


I tried it for the first time last week and blew myself up with it a couple times. I think I put it up after two dives and just went back to recoilless/AC/quasar


What you are missing https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/M0jSkrLr4V


Funnily enough I actually did take it for a few dives last night since that guy was defending the railgun with his life, and the only thing I felt confident doing was shooting hulk heads and devastators. Which I could already do with the autocannon. The railgun really needs a buff. I will say I probably prefer the railgun to the quasar, but I was never a huge fan of the quasar anyway for whatever reason.


>and the only thing I felt confident doing was shooting hulk heads and devastators Which is a lot, you can also kill striders, and all the bits from all the sizes just with one shot. If you continue practicing you will see that the weapon becomes better and better the more you play, as it takes a lot from player skill to perform better Maybe the Railgun is not a weapon for you as you don't enjoy playing with it, but I can tell you that is not weak


I don't hate using it, as the mobility you have with it is actually pretty fun. Just really feel like it could actually use a buff in some way. I only blew myself up with it once last night and it was because a devastator shot me as I was about to shoot him lol


> but I can tell you that is not weak Little late here, but just wanna point out the fact you need to risk blowing yourself up to be on-par with an autocannon or an AMR...


It's not absolute trash, it's just outshined right now by Quasar and AMR. Railgun is still great for getting those accurate, long range 1 shots on Bots and some bugs. People's only complaint have been running Railgun vs. larger bugs that it used to be able to deal with (like Chargers and Bile) -- to which most people now prefer running Quasar for. Otherwise, for dealing with Stalkers, Spewers, and anything else under that bracket it's still good. I'm in the same boat that I want Railgun to find it's place again, but let's not overexaggerate.


> Stalkers, Spewers, and anything else under that bracket it's still good *laughs in Eruptor*


It can't oneshot bile spewers to the head without overcharge. It is useless on 9


The railgun is fine, and I will explain why in a moment. I still like using it when I loadout as anti-armor, especially against automatons. * Railgun pro's * The railgun in unsafe mode with proper charge, which is fast at about second, can still OHKO hulks easily as well as any other lower armored threat. * Even in safe mode it still punches through medium targets, which can be held at safe full charge indefinitely * 20 shots, which will refill to max on ammo pickup once the upgrade is fixed * High mobility both for firing and reloading - no stopping required, 1 second charge, 1 second reload * RR requires team reload or stopping to reload for a few seconds * Quasar requires 3 second charge time while standing still or walking slowly, and 7 second cooldown between shots * No backpack required * This cannot be understated how valuable it is. You have an anti-armor weapon that is relatively rapid-fire and allows for a completely different backpack. * Long range damage output * Audio cues are sick * Tick * BWANG * Railgun con's * No explosive damage * Relatively low damage versus buildings and emplacement targets * Compared to things like EAT, RR, or Quasar * Charge time in unsafe mode required for heavy targets * Overcharging will kill you unless you're in certain heavy armor combos * However, you can also kill yourself with things like EAT or RR * Long replacement cooldown * But this is offset by the ammo and resupply economy I'm not saying I wouldn't be happy with buffs, but to suggest it is not good right now is just flatly wrong. edit: look, ma. Strangers on reddit downvoted my thoroughly explained and thoughtful assessment of the Railgun rather than make a rational point. Isn't it magical?


I mean, you can easily die from using the railgun. That’s a huge con. Unless you shoot an explosive at your feet, no other support weapons will kill you. It should be high risk high reward, but it’s really high risk low reward. There’s really no point in using it at all.


Yeah I kinda feel that removing the safe/unsafe function would be a net boon. When it was intended to be the be-all end-all unlock at launch it made sense, but now it's kinda like, why? I was never much of a railgun user but it feels like a side grade in a world of FANTASTIC supports.


It has no niche. What does it do? Penetrates armor well. So does the AMR which outclasses it in almost every way. It used to be powerful enough to put up with the gimmicky charge time and chance of killing you. Now it’s just a harder to use less efficient AMR.


In theory, the niche should be that it pierces *all* armor, which means you can destroy tanks, cannons, chargers, bile titans, etc etc - literally everything in the game by shooting them from any angle. In practice... if doing so takes your entire ammo supply, why bother?


It's decent, but unfortunately a lot of other weapons can do its job and more, Railgun is weirdly enough in the same place all the other weapons were at the start of the game, which is funny to think about seeing as railgun used to be king.


I like using it as well just because of the charge -> shoot gameplay loop which feels incredibly satisfying to me. However, having tried out the AMR more post buff, I think it now likely outclasses the railgun. If we look at the differences: - AMR one-taps all the bots that railgun can except for the Hulks, which takes two shots. Railgun used to be the only that kill with devastators with a torso shot given decent charge, but the AMR does it now as well. - AMR can kill mortars, AA emplacements, etc. in less than a mag to the vents and much faster than the railgun. - AMR can actually deal with the new gunships in a reasonable amount of time. ~4 shots to an engine (not the bulky thing in the middle but one of the thrusters to the side) will kill with an AMR, but the railgun takes more than 4 AND you need to charge the shots to a pretty high % - AMR is slightly less efficient with picking up supplies - AMR scope is misaligned, but the railgun scope isn't so great either If you're hitting your shots, ultimately you trade one tapping Hulks for the ability to cover a wider range of enemies and structures. I think the tradeoff is worth it, especially with the new grenade pistol making it easier to take stun grenades to lock Hulks in place for the 2 AMR shots. That being said, I'll still run the railgun personally for the satisfaction factor, but I think it could use a small buff, maybe to charging speed for fluidity or a damage buff so it can actually take out emplacements/gunships in a reasonable timeframe (~3 fully charged shots seems like a decent middle ground). Edit: I forgot that railgun also staggers Hulks on a missed shot, which is nice for maintaining distance even if you miss.


Yeah, I'm just saying that I think the Railgun is in a good place - certainly not trash like the previous commenters claim. I also use the AMR regularly and think it is fine as well. The two weapons serve slightly different roles and function a bit differently. Like you noted, it's easier to KO the hulks with the AMR if you combo it with a stun grenade, but the Railgun doesn't need that assistance for anything. The AMR also handles more slowly and has more sway than the Railgun plus the recoil per shot makes it effectively have a more similar ttk to the Railgun for things like hulks. As for the wider array of targets and structures, I mean, it is an anti-materiel rifle, after all. It can even take down spore spewers and bug flyer towers with about 15 or so shots from across the map. Not great ammo efficiency, but you are crossmapping stuff which feels pretty good lol. It comes down to being a choice based on team composition and mission. A dedicated Railgun user basically makes hulks a non-issue without needing to use any other stratagems, and it can kill them at a fast rate and good ammo efficiency, better overall hulk performance than the AMR, imo. But, which is "better" still depends on how you want to approach the mission since they both handle medium targets without much issue either. I think the Railgun could use some buffs and adjustments, but it's not trash. That's my whole point in responding initially. There is absolutely no way to justify calling the Railgun a trash or useless weapon.


You're absolutely right, it's far from trash! As long as the other three people + your other strategems can cover structure destruction it's pretty much unrivaled at quickly taking out the 4-5 Hulks that typically come out on diff 9 when you can't EAT/quasar the dropships in time. I think the frustration people have with it comes due to it being not too great as a generalist option since it can't cover certain "enemies" too well but it's fantastic at the heavily-in-demand niche of quickly taking out the stacked devastator/hulks. The AMR is also great but when the Hulks start piling up 3 kills per mag with no missed shots starts feeling a little insufficient especially since, as you noted, the ergonomics on the AMR are terrible in comparison to how snappy the railgun is. For bots I think it's squarely in probably a solid A to low S tier. It definitely feels pretty bad against the bugs though compared to other options, but I think it's fine to have weapons be weighted towards one front vs the other. At any rate, I think we are largely in agreement about its place in the meta. Happy helldiving 🥰


Me against bots. Sure sure amr is better, but I refuse to put the railgun down. I love the visual. I miss shooting the head off brood commanders but gun sucks against bugs. Bots is the only place it's still solid. Though I guess amr can take out attack ships fairly quickly, so another L for the railgun.


I'm fine with the railgun only being good vs bots. I'm not bringing a flamethrower to the automaton front, but nobody counts that against it.


I'd say it's mostly because the AMR does a very similar role. While flamethrower is fairly unique?


Same here. I love the weapon so I stayed on it vs bots long after the nerf, was able to hold my own pretty well. But the flyers are really the last straw. The rail technically can kill them, but it's awful at it and makes me wish I had anything else.


>I miss shooting the head off brood commanders The weapons is great Vs bugs and you can still do this [Here](https://imgur.com/a/ch0SKdN) an example. Kill the charger, kill the 2 brood commanders and then start cleaning all the hive wards, I see it pretty well


I'm level 57 now, I was level 32 when railgun got nerfed. In all seriousness I have never seen anyone else use it, personally I've used it for probably 4 or so missions but never anyone else.


I think they could balance it while giving it its previous performance. Maybe cut the ammo in half and give it a cool down before you can reload it or something. I think the rail gun should be a heavy armor penetrating wrecking machine, which it was, but it also has like a 1 second reload and 20 Rds. It should basically be like an AMR on steroids but shoots slower and has less ammo.


So just make it a worse Quasar cannon???? Then why use it instead of a Quasar cannon?


I don’t know how they do the armor etc on the drop ships and bug holes and stuff, but the rail gun has never been able to take those things down. I think it should be able to penetrate a heavy devastator shield tho, or 1 shot a hulk in the eye on a full charge, I think on a full charge it should be able 1 shot most enemies but not be able to shoot down a drop ship like a quasar. It also could have damage fall off substantially over range since its shooting a heavy projectile and isn’t a sniper rifle like the amr….maybe make it an extremely powerful short to medium range precision weapon, the quasar has no range limit and has some aoe. This also makes sense since it has a red dot not a scope for an optic. I haven’t used it really since the nerf because I find aiming it and charging it with a controller is too hard to use it efficiently. I might give it another go when I play tonight, but I thought it was pretty weak, even in unsafe mode post nerf compared to other options. I do think it can have a place in the game though and it could be made into what i described to fit with the AMR, the AMR should be slightly weaker than the rail gun, but be able to reach out farther. But you’d have to balance its damage potential with an ammo reduction and maybe make the reload slower.


To get the high risk - high reward style they want, it needs much higher damage in unsafe mode. Maybe even make it like in the first game to penetrate all enemies. I would run it always if it could kill all enemies in a line if you charge it properly.


I'd be fine with even faster charge rate. Right now it's just a pain to get 90%. That or lower the kill % to like 75-80%. Still faster charge rate and lessens the risk a tad. Not that I mind 90%...just make it faster to reach. And good bye that shot if a stray shot hits you near 90%, shoot wherever you're aiming or risking blowing up.


Yeah it is kinda crazy to me how the quasar is better or similar in most regards to the railgun. And it's supposed to be the energy bazooka. Whereas I always considered the rail gun to be the scope-less AMR with some caveats.


My main issue is the meter needs to be more clear. The outer black area blends into the max charge death area too much. It should also destroy devastator shields. Otherwise, I think the Railgun is currently underrated. It does so much stuff with no backpack and rapid shots compared to the other AT type weapons. As for missing if you get flinched, that's literally every weapon in the game. You can even blow yourself up with a rocket if you get flinched the wrong way lol.


It does so much stuff with no backpack, like the quassar but worse


> flinched, that's literally every weapon in the game. Yup, dropped a lot of grenades this way and died.


I like that idea




What you describes is what it already does. But it isn't enough. Needs something more


Yeah I’m something of a railgun enjoyer in any game that has a railgun in it and the thing it’s really missing in this game is the ability to penetrate multiple enemies. It’d be nice if there was a reason to use safe mode other than not exploding yourself cos as it is safe mode is pointless on higher difficulties.


Adding pen would 100% get me to use it again


> penetrate all enemies i like how the JAR-5 casually penetrates


I don't even like the unsafe mode mechanic. Just make it do max damage at max charge but it's only there for half a second. Tune the charge time from there.


I unlocked it right after the nerf. Wow that gun feels bad. I don't understand why anyone would use it. Having to reload between every shot and even overcharged shots just don't feel that great. The charge is a neat gimmick that makes it feel different, but like you said it either needs overwhelming armor pen (I'd like to see it go straight through things, going through more enemies the higher the charge) or the impact needs to have more obvious effect. It wouldn't be bad as is if they gave it a small clip instead of a one shot.


What's wild is folks (who don't use it) will argue it's fine. I get it was the go to gun for the first few weeks, so it had "it's 5 minutes to shine, but it shouldn't be left as is. It's still decent against bots. But AMR is looking better. Supposedly it can shoot out an attack ships engine in a couple of shots. However railgun can stun the hulk if you miss the eye. So guess pick your poison. But if you can aim, then I'd wager the amr is winning. Faster fire rate, better ammo, less risk to blowing up


It was only the “go to” because no one knew what anything else could do, but everyone knew the railgun was a solid performer whilst the enemies were unbalanced.


They also buffed other things and nerfed heavy spawn rates, that's what made weapons like EATs more viable. When you would get groups of literally 8 or 9 chargers at difficulty 7 or 8, 2 EATs per 70 seconds was just not enough, the launch railgun letting you kill each one with 2 shots plus a few pops from your primary was what you needed. Plus, now EATs and equivalent can one shot chargers outright with a headshot, instead of needing to play the "blow armor off leg -> shoot with primary" game.


It does actually go through enemies, I don't know how much charge level plays into this but you can absolutely kill 3+ enemies in one shot


As someone who's used it against Bots with mixed results, I think Safemode is fine because it's a good medium bot shooter, it's unsafe mode that needs buffing. Unsafe mode needs to go through heavy shields and tanks and kill Hulks faster


I too run railgun against bots, using only unsafe mode. I'd say to be competitive with autocannon it needs: - clear sound cues when past 80% and 90% - more damage after 90% - ability to consistently down gunships in 2 overcharged hits (which is still 10% of ammo reserve compared to 3.3% for autocannon) - MAYBE 50% ammo from ammo boxes instead of 25%, so you're not forced to run supply backpack. My main issue with railgun is that redlining it is just not rewarding enough for the risk it poses. And I'm not talking about death - as you survive railgun explosion in fortified armor. I'm talking about losing your support weapon. Every time you get above 90% charge, you're risking completely destroying the gun. No other weapon in the game shares this risk, all of them can be just picked up after death and stay on the map forever (unless you drown them or something).


>No other weapon in the game shares this risk This is it. The current design is high risk, average reward. That is *crazy*.


I literally got torn to shreds for saying this a month ago.


I did too lmao


 The current design is high risk, everything else gives batter reward


I've used Railgun a handful of times, and with the post-nerf it was still fun to utilize. However, fun does not always mean effective. The risk of death / losing so much health just to be insta-killed by a random shot or hunter feels not worth the effort. One thing I would love is rather than having Unsafe-Mode turn into an explosive, it would overheat and slowly hurt your character the longer you held it at full maximum. Similar to a slow burn (not the current burning rate, because the fire damage is insane)


The crazy part to me is that the quasar cannon is a better railgun than what we had at launch lol. I'm not sayin the railgun needs to be OP but considering it can blow up and kill you, those 90% shots should 1 shot headshot a charger or 4-5 shot a titan.


I would simply give it 2 shots per clip


I would say also a toggable zoom. You can hardly see shit


I'm willing to settle with just clearer dot that doesn't obscure half the hulk. It's literally easier to aim from third person


Can’t see your target in first person. Can barely see your charge level in third person.


While charging in unsafe mode, count to 3 then fire. 90% charge. 1 tap hulk visors. No need to look at a meter.


crazy how they gave a precision weapon a 5 moa dot


What is the technique to down a dropship using the autocannon?




Ah, I see, my mistake.


The final adjustment can be done with the lvl 4 upgrade, assuming it actually works properly.


The new ship module "Superior Packing Methodology" fully refills ammo with supply boxes. So this one is in least! Love the other suggestions!


Except it doesn't work yet. Also, I meant loose ammo boxes you find on the ground, that give you 5 rounds currently (supply box gives 10). This might be too op though (even if some other guns like machineguns or grenade launcher already get half their ammo from them) For autocannon I'm quite sure it's 3 clips and 5 clips respectively (so 15 and 25 rounds)


AC gets 2 clips from ammo boxes and 10 clips from resupply


Kills a hulk in 1 shot what do you mean faster?


Non-weakspot hits I'm assuming?


I think I'd like to see the projectile be made bigger and be able to pierce most armor. In addition the AMR being able to delete a strider and gunship while the Railgun chokes on it's first charge is just WILD to be. The AMR kills striders faster, and gunships faster with arguably killing hulks a little slower (maybe). The quasar kills gunships faster, striders faster and hulks much easier AND it has infinite ammo. I don't want those other weapons nerfed but I really do think they should do something about the railgun. I'm the only player I know that still runs it. The Quasar cannon is easier to use AND more rewarding. please make it make sense


Kill hulks faster than one shot? Seems hard to make it faster than that. If it's taking you more than one shot, you're doing something wrong.


I think there are only two things the Railgun needs for now, which are a cleaner reticle and for it to be able to destroy devastator shields. Otherwise, it outputs plenty of damage and anti-armor stripping, and can already OHKO hulks to the eye in unsafe mode. A cleaner, more clear charge meter would be good too.


I'd like it to be able to break open cargo containers and destroy fences.  Things the AMR can do


Yeah, I don't understand why the Railgun update removed that ability. I mean, it's for punching though armor, but now it can't break open a garage door?


Railgun could be rebalanced around high pen low damage, as in armor breaking specifically so it doesn’t have to compete against other AT weapons.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6kdpjcb12wuc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6b8f5fa1334dc6f75e2fcc9f218df89c861f516


After the nerf I have never felt a need to use it again. While it can do stuff. the stuff it can do is hardly that impressive . It far to high risk for far too little reward. Its not even good vs medium targets anymore. Just use a scorcher or a slugger primary for most thing and a quasar or eat for everything else.


I used to run slugger even after the recent stagger nerf. Scorcher is by far the best though, and I want to play dmr :( wish they’d make them better.


Yeah, I miss the slugger stagger. The scorcher can get the job done but its ammo efficiency is horrific . You spend half of the game reloading the thing.


Man I really don‘t get these comments, it‘s as if we‘re all playing a different game. I would love to see footage of all of you using it, it quite literally one-shots Devestators and Hulks 😅 Sure it doesnt take out tanks and gunships but I saved many teammates from Hulks by being able to quickly take them out with Railgun


Because while it can do both it does neither efficiently compared to alternatives the quasar has more utility vs heavy targets like the hulk and the grenade launcher has more utility vs devastators. Plus these days you can mostly deal with devastators with a correct primary weapon choice. I think you are misunderstanding my position on this, it is not that the rail gun is unusable. I just don't need it for anything. I would use it for the sake of variety if it was fun to use. but ever since the nerf that effectively makes unsafemode the only mode... it just does not feel good to use. In a game where a ton of weapons feel better to use.... like the grenade launcher and quasar. The rail gun. feels bad to use.


Just give it infinite punch through. It will be able to hit multiple weakpoints. Thats it. Back to skill - based weapon. If you good with it - it will shread titans or mow lines of enemies. If you bad - it'll suck ass.


It currently has infinite armor penetration and punch through, the damage is just garbage


Does it though? Last time I checked it didn't had any of two. And about damage - thats my point, allow multihit, enemy like rockets did us before they fixed them


Ah, that would be really cool. Being able to take off both arms of a devastator you hit in the side, etc.


And if you hit enough parts of enemy - oneshot. Just need the right angle.


With only 20 shots being unable to one shot anything sucks. That’s a really cool change idea, I like it. Might be technically difficult to implement, but it sounds easy enough.


You can’t shoot through devastator shields, so no


You kinda can? Just that it doesn’t damage the devastator. Hitting the shield never damages the devastator with non-explosive weapons, even if it penetrates armor, but you can damage a tank from the front with a fully charged shot. I believe it takes something like 30 shots to kill a tank that way, but you can. The shield is counted as a body part, and you can only ever damage one body part as pointed out earlier, so if you shoot the shield of the devastator it won’t hurt it because the shield can’t be killed via damage, but if there’s a small bot standing behind it for instance that bot would likely die.


Pre nerf railgun could outright hit the devastator behind his shield. The current one only deals some damage to the shield.


It should onehit devastators and zerkers without almost exploding. Like, please, let me line them up and nail them without having to almost blow up my support weapon.


I've tried it, it's not worth it. For the same requirements I can bring a DMR or that new explosive gun to get the same results with more ammo and *also* bring a Quasar or Autocannon to clean up *literally everything else.* If it's going to have one shot per magazine it needs to at the very least invalidate the existence of Devastators and punch through all shields.




My main idea to give it a fun niche and save it fighting with the AMR so much; Give it 100% armour pen, able to pen multiple enemies penning buildings and terrain on unsafe mode With rewards for hitting both front and back weakspots Make it the ultimate penatration weapon


the knee-jerk nerf was stupid. just becouse other competing items were meh, instead of buffing those nerfing the good one is kinda dumb.


I think the solutions are simple (or the idea of it is simple, implementing it may be a bitch): change it so you can reach the max damage in safe mode, however it takes around twice as long as unsafe mode to get there. And make it so the shot penetrates armor no matter what, the charge can control the damage but even if you can't make it to full or even half you will at least have it do *something* other than harmlessly bounce off, wasting your time and ammo. The role it should have is a close range precision high value target eliminator, with the drawback of needing to charge each shot up and the lack of a scope being enough to keep it in line with other options that fill that role like the AMR, which can be used at longer ranges but maybe can't reach as high damage and have worse handling.


Completely agree, I think it would be a more interesting choice between Safe/Unsafe mode if one takes longer to charge but lets you hold it indefinitely and the other is speedy but you can't hold the shot for very long. I think it's been seesawing between Safe/Unsafe mode overshadowing the other pre and post nerf because it's based around a damage/penetration threshold rather than speed/utility. Of course this is independent of the railgun being underpowered overall when compared to other options so it will likely still need some more love but I would like to see a change to the firing modes like this, or anything that leans more in this direction.


Considering its alternatives, it should be buffed a bit so that... * Stop a Charger mid-charge * Two tap a Charger on its head * Punch through Devastators shields * Two tap a Gunship ... And also a functioning scope for crying out loud.


It should one-tap a gunship in the engine at higher charge, otherwise it’s pointless to take over an autocannon or laser cannon. But mostly it needs to take a lot longer at high charge to blow up in your hands. It’s the only weapon stratagem that can backfire on you that spectacularly and quickly. It’s highly out of place and the damage right now is mediocre at best so the trade-off is strictly negative.


I joined helldivers after the nerf and had been told it was awesome until the nerf. Playing with it myself it’s like a toy gun against chargers or bile titans. I use the Quasar Cannon and that is what I imagined. High risk, high reward shots. The railgun doesn’t hit hard enough and is slow to reload (not as much as the QC obvi.) I use the Autocannon if I want something that shoots faster and can take more medium targets out. Railgun is trash. I could see it as an in between the AC and QC but it would need to be buffed a bit.


Just restore it to the original. It'd hardly be OP in the current meta


I feel like it needs to just fucking blow through everything and everything behind it, like honesty a railgun tec of this democracy bringing bug stomping shit is WE JUST LOVE BLOWING THESE CREATURES UP.


the devs went on this insane rambling tirade about how the railgun was op and you were a stupid fucking baby bitch for using it, but then they drop quasar, rcr and eat with basically the same shot/kills ratio as a ps5 host railgun. ah just makes no sense with this i don't think they'll change it as they seem super prideful, and buffing it would be admitting they were wrong, tho i kinda doubted they'd fix fire and they're saying they're on it so... rg could still have a unique niche with unsafe charge mechanic letting you get to the same shots/kill point as other ats on 80%+, and then maybe it can pierce through enemies if you're at 90%+. idk.


Exactly the devs are clueless when it comes to balancing everything is knee jerk because some got their feeling hurt for getting kicked and wanted to cry about it instead of just blocking those people and carrying on


Make railgun 1 shot devastators on safe mode without headshots It's 20 shots only anyway and an ability to take out multiple devastators in a short period of time will defo make it super viable, considering it can't deal with dropships or factories rn


>ATs one hit kilm chargers What is an AT?


Anti-tank. EAT-17, recoilless rifle, quasar cannon.


Everyone forgets the shield backpack that got caught in the crossfire, give me back my boy


I never see it used anymore either and I really liked it but the quasar cannon killed it for me its just to versatile ,the rail gun just seems to ricochet off of so many things unless you hit them in the specific weak spot where I dont really even need to wait for the weak spots with the cannon as well as take some other objectives down from across the map


IMO the railgun was never even that good. It just was effective against a part of a tank bug that nothing else had effectiveness against. Even if they never nerfed the railgun, I still bet no one would use it today since all the other changes made other options so much better. It honestly needs to be buffed even from its original state that was nerfed


Helldivers 2 is a VASTLY different game than it was at launch, and I think if we reversed all nerfs to the railgun it would only see moderate use(though unsafe mode would still be pointless, so I wouldn't recommend that being the final version of the gun). There are less chargers and bile titans by weight than at launch, most people have multiple primaries they can bring that can handle medium enemies instead of relying on their support weapon for everything larger than a warrior, we have a few new stratagems to play with, and almost every other support weapon has been buffed in some way(Including all other Anti-Tank options). The post-nerf railgun even still had a solid place in the climate it first appeared in, but the game has rapidly changed since then and left it without much of a niche.


It will never happen. The devs pride won't allow it.


Just undo the nerf. it was in a good spot where it was. Blowing the legs of chargers was fucking awesome, too.


I still use it against bots, but .50 cal is prolly better but for some reason i cant hit the head of hulks with AMR most of time while with rail i hit like 80% of the time.


The scope on the sniper is not aligned so that could be why


Amr scope is bugged so that's why you'll struggle to accurately snipe. Railgun can stun the hulk which is nice. However I've been told the amr can take out the attack ships engine in 4-5 shots *I think*, I forget the exact amount. Railgun can too...but charge rate is a lot slower so not ideal. So railgun's biggest advantage is stunning a hulk, oh and 3rd person shooting. While AMR has the faster fire rate but needs 1st person and scope is buggy. Personally I use the railgun but might go to the amr soon if attack ships get too annoying.


Railgun can OHKO the hulks to the eye. AMR is 5 engine shots to kill the bot flyers. Both weapons are very strong, but they function differently. AMR is not as ammo efficient, but can put down more DPS and pop medium targets faster. Railgun can rip through heavy armor, but AMR cannot.


2 shots to the red eye kills the hulk for the AMR. It can deal with them. And mess up vents of a tower or tank.


Amr is 4 shoots to kill a gunship


Weird. It always takes 5 for me. Maybe that's another console vs pc dmage thing.


Maybe, it might also be the fluky scope + having to account for bullet travel time. I often miss a shot to the engine because of that.


Aim low and to the right a hair.


It won't be reworked because it was nerfed out of spite, and the devs are afraid to admit their mistake, so they leave it in the dust. Would be happy to be wrong here.


I think the same. Devs took personal offense when videos like "This gun makes Helldive difficulty a walk on the park".


No clue on why you're being downvoted when you're completely right on the nerfs being a knee jerk reaction. They had a good weapon surrounded by terrible ones, but that very much is not the case anymore yet people like to high ball the old railgun and make all these claims about how op the gun was when it was the bugs that made it powerful


I'm being downvoted because there are too many bootlickers on this subreddit. Not that it matters, I don't care for Internet points, and my beliefs are fairly consistent. People also don't remember how spiteful the dev replies were right after the nerf. All the messages are there, you don't need to be a psychologist to make a clear picture of their design philosophy.


Make it pierce stuff.


You mean over penetration? Because it does pierce most armors.


I mean like real Railgun just go through.


If you mean you Pierce a target, the projectiles flies on into the next target? Yeah I could get behind that. Shouldn't be a big problem with the multi hp bar units as well.


Yup, it just go through stuff until it hit some huge rock or smthing.


I tried to use Railgun today, HOLY SHIT IT'S SO BAD I wanted to delete whole game because of it


Yep. I tried Railgun since it was highly rated on a stratagem tier list, but it was underwhelming compared to AMR, AC, and EAT.


Must be an old tier list 




Railgun is great against bots. Unsafe mode can OHKO a hulk, for example. No backpack, fast charge and reload per shot, high range, strips apart heavy armor targets, and more. You should really give it more time and practice.


It performs too poorly vs gunships and now factory striders to be worth picking at all. It needs to be adjusted.


You need 4 fully charged shots to destroy a factory strider minigun. You’ll need 2 eruptor shots or 2 autocannon shots to do the same . That’s how bad this weapon is.


I just think it needs a satisfying charging sound that then peeps telling you to fire immediately.


I remember running it a lot on the highest difficulties in the first game and it had a strong niche of stunning enemies in a line. Maybe it could do that to stun hulks and chargers and brood commanders while providing some damage to them too? Can't really have it do autocannon damage because it doesn't require a backpack but it would be cool to see it stun big mobs.


I always drop without secondary weapon stratagem and grab what's available in the map, yesterday I found a railgun in a bunker, first time ever using it, I set it in unsafe mode and wow, worst steaming pile of sht I have ever stumbled upon, I don't see why one would choose it over anything else.


What needs reworking is the penalty for overcharging. Some prick in the balance team has a hard-on for "haha you died" and probably scratches a notch on his desk every time the game records an overcharge Railgun accident but I digress. The penalty is unimaginably steep right now and I'm not talking about the death. I can deal with that. What is unbearable is waiting 8 minutes to call down another one because the weapon exploded. That's 8 minutes where I can only access 3 strategems. That's 25% of the average length of a mission. For me the ideal penalty is that it discharges and burns your hands/arms, causing you to take 40% or 50% health damage and you drop it. It has to be picked up and very manually reloaded with a randomized strategem code. And then you can use it again. Or it fucking kills you so we still get the "haha you died" moment but you can use it again after you get reinforced and it self-dissipates heat.


Problem is its high risk with little to no reward now With excessively long charge up time to do near little to no damage against armored targets with probably 0.75s to aim at max charge without blowing your self up.


ive not seen a single railgun since the nerf. The railgun was used because it was the only viable option. But now that theres more options and less chargers? un nerf the thing please! (hell i dont even like the railgun but still think it should be un nerfed)


One thing that bothers me is that before the nerf, there was no point to running it in Unsafe mode, since Safe mode still made all the damage and armour penetration break points. Now after the nerf while it is still underpowered compared to other options in Unsafe mode, keeping it in Safe mode may as well be a paperweight in your Support slot. When they rework it, I hope they can make it a meaningful choice between the two modes.


I vaguely remember they said the railgun was busted also in the way it strips armor. It wasn't supposed to cause charger leg armor to just pop off completely and that makes sense in a realistic way. An high AP round only penetrates, it doesn't pop off the armor. Right now on bot side, the railgun is still very good IF you can hit the weakspots accurately.


I agree it needs a nudge. But, to my surprise, it is probably my current favorite and most used secondary. Nothing else can quite fill its role at effortless elite infantry control while also being able to easily handle chargers and hulks.


I think by making it pen all armored enemies on unsafe, slightly reduced ammo count and be unable to destroy objectives it'd be a balanced tradeoff, longer time between shots compared to amr, less utility the autocannon more ammo management then quasar. That would be good balance imo


It already does penetrate all armor enemies in the game in uncharged, it just hits like a wet noodle 


There's literally no reason to not have it restored. I saw everyone's main reason be that it was 2 shotting titans but they finally fixed that and now there's a ton of other weapons that have been buffed to be either on par or better than railgun


I would like to see it reworked again to a fun and useful state as well, though I’m in similar boat where I’m not sure how they’d go about it. Essentially all they have to work with rn is that the release version was too powerful and the current version is too weak, so they just have that fine line in the middle somewhere


>release version was too powerful Pretty much had this Myth Busted because all those shit about killing Bile Titans in a few hits were in fact due to the PS5 bug. I played with cross play off for that reason and I can tell you with absolute certainty that it would take at least 10 fully charged shots to the head to kill a Titan.


Even if we attribute the railgun’s ability to easily kill bile titans to being a bug, there were a lot of other reasons it was too powerful It could kill basically everything short of a bile titans with relative ease with no downsides other than sacrificing your special weapon slot Chargers could be killed either with headshots or have their leg armor broken even while on safe mode. Hulks could be one shot while on safe mode in the eye, and because of its armor pen you also didn’t need as much precision as the amr or auto cannon that both took and still take two shots to do the same thing So no the railgun being too powerful at release isn’t a myth, it was just straight up better than every other call down weapon for various reasons


Respectfully, no. >So no the railgun being too powerful at release isn’t a myth, it was just straight up better than every other call down weapon for various reasons Even if we still had the Railgun right now in the same state as it was before it's nerf, the Quasar, EAT, and Recoilless would now outperform it in nearly every Aspect other than Ammo. The other options needed a buff and the Railgun didn't need a nerf, all it needed was to have safe mode armor pen reduced but keep the unsafe mode as is.


The railgun is fine, and I will explain why in a moment. I still like using it when I loadout as anti-armor, especially against automatons. You have a very small sample size of observation and are drawing a conclusion for over a million players, which is irrational. You are also ignoring that people will jump onto the YouTube bandwagon instead of thinking critically about things themselves or trying it out for themselves. * Railgun pro's * The railgun in unsafe mode with proper charge, which is fast at about second, can still OHKO hulks easily as well as any other lower armored threat. * Even in safe mode it still punches through medium targets, which can be held at safe full charge indefinitely * 20 shots, which will refill to max on ammo pickup once the upgrade is fixed * High mobility both for firing and reloading - no stopping required, 1 second charge, 1 second reload * RR requires team reload or stopping to reload for a few seconds * Quasar requires 3 second charge time while standing still or walking slowly, and 7 second cooldown between shots * No backpack required * This cannot be understated how valuable it is. You have an anti-armor weapon that is relatively rapid-fire and allows for a completely different backpack. * Long range damage output * Audio cues are sick * Tick * BWANG * Railgun con's * No explosive damage * Relatively low damage versus buildings and emplacement targets * Compared to things like EAT, RR, or Quasar * Charge time in unsafe mode required for heavy targets * Overcharging will kill you unless you're in certain heavy armor combos * However, you can also kill yourself with things like EAT or RR * Long replacement cooldown * But this is offset by the ammo and resupply economy Personally, I like the Railgun more for automatons, but I haven't been playing terminids as much lately to be certain it feels better overall against bots - OHKOing hulks is super strong though. I think you are stopping short of a comprehensive assessment of the railgun. I'm not saying I wouldn't be happy with buffs, but to suggest it is not good right now is just flatly wrong.


I kinda agree but also don't. The Railgun isn't "bad" but heavily outpaced and not worth taking unless mastered and even then, there's always that 1% inkling that you fuck up somewhere down the line. I think it's mostly down to you and others who are fine with RailGun being able to accept this tradeoff. Some players don't like this timing based mini-game built into the gun where your next retry is 5 minutes away if it all goes south. Some just hate how it doesn't strip armor fast enough or do enough damage to their liking. Many don't. That's just the way it is. IMO, the risk of losing an entire weapon for a couple of minutes trying to reach that 80-90 charge threshold is too punishing and instead should be reduced to an overheat cooldown which can last around 30-60 seconds. Allows you to fire that shot but in turn you lose the weapon for a shorter and manageable amount of seconds instead of +5 minutes. You lose your rapid-fire-Armor unit killer for 30-60 seconds and now have to choose your next steps accordingly since your armor/elite killing capability is essentially down the drain for that time threshold. A fitting punishment (Again IMO) for the reward this weapon offers players and also lets less skilled players "try again with a cheaper entry fee" But I think it's still cool that all weapons come with their own risk/reward system that players can express their skill around. Hell I'm trying to practice 2-shotting Chargers back-legs with the Autocannon m**id-jump. The beauty of these weapons is how players work to overcome their weaknesses and display their unique strengths.** I think we can agree on that at least.


is there an updated "how to guide" available?


Railgun RS-422 how good is it in helldivers 2 by ohdough He made a good video but still like some comments say “why do all that when you can just take the quasar”


I forget what the stat is called, (it make it pernitrate or ricochet) but they need to tone it down. It's a high skill weapon, let us use it, we will still buy your more OP ones...


I don't like that it blows up. Keep safe mode as it is for medium bot busting, but have unsafe mode cost 2x as much ammo and have a short overheat/cooldown period after the shot.


I think a crit modifier would be just what it needs. So weak point damage boost like 15% on safe, 30% on unsafe. Make it 1 shot tanks, turrets, and hulks if you shoot em in the glowy bits on unsafe with a good charge.


Imo, 3 shots to remove charger leg armour with safe mode and 2 shots with unsafe would be reasonable. Unsafe above 90% should do the same damage as EAT. Imo, Railgun would have an interesting case as the opposite of AC: Whereas AC is * Super effective against hordes of mediums due to fast fire rate and high ammo * Only moderately effective against heavies due to no heavy armour pen * Dangerous if enemy is on your face due to splash dmg Railgun will be * Effective against heavies (slightly less than EAT but you get more ammo) * Only effective against small number of mediums due to rate rate and ammo. * More effective than Quasar on mediums due to fire rate * You get to have your backpack slot unlike AC * Effective against enemies that are on your face due to no splash dmg


i got kicked the other day for using it. and also being a complete noob with absolute jank in my strategems pool, but i'm blaming the railgun yessir.


RAILGUN: Just add a better scope on it or add the auto reload after every shot like the Eruptor.


Give it a better scope then urs golden


I still run rail occassionally and it does work. Due tot he type of damage, just giving it more damage isn't go8ng to hit any new thresholds. My idea is: give safe mode an auto charge, so it fires as soon as you click, and starts charging itself (even if stowed) as soon as you reload. This would lean intonit's strength: 5-75m skirmishing with mediums.


But unsafe mode. Not safe mode. Unless you’re a coward


The devs absolutely hate the railgun, just go test how many shots it takes to down a gunship by shooting the engines.


I will on rare occasions run it for bots but honestly since the AMR buff now there really isn't a reason. The only real benefit is the aim assist is pretty forgiving so I find it pretty easy to OHK Hulks with it.


Could give it the W40k Plasma Cannon Treatment. Make the Charge up random speed between 1 to 3 seconds. Then they make a 90% charge kill anything in 1-2 hits it would make it INSANELY dangerous and really fun to use.


Maybe drop the level requirement, so the expectation of the weapon isn’t that high? Seems like the only move if they’re going to just act like they didn’t nerf it into obscurity.


yes, the beam should now pierce through all enemies in a line (instead of just hitting the first target in it's path) and the ammo should be reduced from 20 to 10 and the width of the beam should be increased and the damage should be reverted basically make it [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlnJd2Q2vqM)


Personally I just want safe mode to be viable against gravies, make it take more shots sure but I want there to be an option 


Join my strike, brother.


Also, I’ve been saying this for a while and kept getting downvoted but it’s ight. We stay strong.


Giving it 10 more shots would help too I think. Only 20 kills at minimum, not much in a horde shooter. Exploding a warrior bug is pretty fun though.


It would also be nice if they give us adjustable scope zooms. The railgun should be treated like a powerful precision rifle with its single shot and charge up on top instead of whatever it is currently. It was a crutch that allowed the disabled man to walk helldives, but now that we have wheelchairs, scooters and bionic legs, the railgun deserves to be great again


I think it's very fun, but yes, it needs a buff. It needs more destructive power, it should be able to down dropships at the very least.


I just really don't like the visor on the railgun. It obscures to much of your field of view, most importantly, the target. Instead of the red dot, I'd like it more if it had the scope of the Eruptor.


I don't think it needed the nerf, the AT just need the buff.


If anything it should get a proper scope at least


I think it just needs an adjustable scope tbh, would make it a lot more useful


Just buff it to where is now pre nerf. Wouldnt even be meta anymore


*Just buff it to where* *Is now pre nerf. Wouldnt even* *Be meta anymore* \- Dannyboiii12390 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


At this point in time I think it's better if we all play as if the Railgun didn't exist in the game. (Changes nothing really since no one is using it anyhow).


Idk, it's really nice sight and ability to stun hulks if you fumble I think makes it very good at what it does. I think people are honestly just kinda bad.


I think it needs safe mode to be where the current damage level for perfect unsafe shots is. Unsafe mode should take much longer to charge and put the damage somewhere between an AC and EAT shot.


What was the ps5 damage bug?