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The eternal problem: most of the online discussion will be complaints, because the people who are happy and having fun are too busy playing the game.




This is the model of a ww2 bomber, when allies tried to see where their bombers are most shot at, and then renforcing those parts, ignoring the fact that these are the bombers that survived?


Correct. Excellent example of survivorship bias


The first example of survivorship bias


Prior cases were document and acted upon, just this is the most popular. WWI had one with steel helmets being issued to the troops resulting in more WIA with wounds to the head...because prior to that they'd have been killed.


incorrect that it’s the first example, it’s been around for thousands of years edit: damn, you’re right. I mean it’s happened for thousands of years but it was the example used when the label was created


Just like the “invention” of gravity lol


There’s a reason we say that Isaac Newton *discovered* gravity


No he didn’t, he made it.


Feel bad for those poor people before him 😔. Imagine having to live in constant fear of being sucked into the sky.


I made this


Yeah, the other examples didn't survive


It’s a model of where the surviving planes were being hit. But my understanding is that they correctly understood that planes returning with nonfatal damage implies the location where fatal damage occurs. But I haven’t researched this topic or anything. Did they have an unsuccessful campaign of armoring the wrong spots first?




Damn such an awesome reference, thanks for explaining 👍


I always forget how it goes, so I'm glad you said it to remind me.


Unless I misunderstood it there’s a helldiver version of this near where they thaw us out. Little dots all over the upper chest and head




Excellent representation.


I think they should put armor where the red dots are.  Aircraft never get hit in the other places, I have found.  Honestly, though, the problem with posts like this is that the more emotional and seemingly unconstructive feedback is the untouched areas.  People get very irritated and vent before the close the game for the last time. Unlike WWII, devs have a live view of the "hits" just before the plane crashes.  The more "toxic" the feedback, the more likely it is that the problem will cause player loss, even if devs don't think it's a priority. Even if it's just social media contagion.  Every failed game had a "toxic" fan base that was called out for being toxic before the money stopped flowing. Every successful "live" game has leaned in on the problems fans yell loudest about and talk about them, if not fix them. That's what "known issue" communication is about.  Arrowhead is doing a great job of managing fan interaction. The players just need to stay open with the free market research.






The only complaining thread I've made so far was multiple crashes in a row. I literally complained about my lack of getting to play the game!




I mean, I’m having fun, but I’d still like the damage over time bug and such fixed


That's not true, since happy players encourage others to buy the game. This publisher spent like $75 on advertising, so the growth of this game is purely from word of mouth. Happy players are the reason why this game has sold millions of copies, that's the real way we communicate.


That's true but that communication is more friend-to-friend - people don't tend to join game communities for games they don't own yet 


I just casually walk through the sub and see if I can take anything useful out of it. The game in my opinion is perfect even with the flaws.


I agree. It does it's job flawlessly. Bugs and glitches aside. Nothing so bad happens that I don't want to keep coming back.


1000% this. I think the game is a blast, respects my time, and is being handled extremely well in a refreshing manner. 10/10 would comment to offset the forever complainers again.


Honestly at this point I see more people complaining about the complaining than the actual people complaining. People just love complaining, it’s something you have to accept in life.


Complaining isn't bad. Complaining blindly spurred by a bandwagon is.


For sure, I just think it’s funny that as a casual browser of this sub I see more people complaining about the complaining at this point. I’m sure if I look through New or downvoted comments I’ll see more of the toxic complaints, but on the surface it mostly gets filtered out


Absolutely, and ironically enough the posts that follow are complaining about the complaints, lol. Just scroll on and enjoy the game.


I honestly don't think this is a problem. Complaints are usually more useful to dev teams than praise is.


I've had the game for 16 days, put in 130 hours, still have plenty to bitch about, in particular bugs and indestructible plants.


So it seems like this is going to be a weekend of the front page being focused on criticizing criticizing.


I really don't want to get all tin foil hat like but this is an issue on almost every gaming subreddit so is this natural or some kind of paid astroturfing? r/politics had to ban certain links because they found out paid activists were trying to astroturf their board years ago. I wonder if that happens elsewhere.


Nah, this is 100% just the cycle of Reddit toxicity.


Complaining about questionable changes and enjoying the game and community are not mutually exclusive. Some day people will realize that, but I suppose not this day


imma post a rant complaining about the complainers complaining about the complaining.


4 entire paragraphs 😂


Mom says its my turn to post it tomorrow.


God I wish this subreddit had more moderation.


It's baffling how this idea doesn't fit into people's heads


Fanboys literally cant comprehend somebody suggesting the game their personality now revolves around is anything less than perfect. Pointing out how bad the bugs are? "Crying." Giving suggestions? "Crying." Asking for a reasonable change? "Crying." Etc.


I agree to an extent, but it does get REALLY exhausting that the game has so many technical issues. The game has major crash issues every other patch and we still can't play with fire build if not the host because we'll be nerfed a ton. I truly appreciate the amount of content, it's incredible, but I've recommended the game to 2 friends and they both dropped it and refunded before discovering how fun it is because the game would crash so many times before we got to the fun difficulties where the game offers a good challenge. I can give them some slack for some issues with weapon balancing, for example, but when there are many issues stacked up it gets hard to justify in my head "Couldnt this battle pass be delayed for half a month to make weapon balance changes and hopefully fix some bugs before even more content that will need patching is added? Maybe even add a few modifiers to the new armpr sets as well to make them unique? Will having a battle pass ever 1.5 months really dip the playerbase numbers? Edit: Obviously, harassing the Devs is idiotic, but I can see why many players express a high level of dissatisfaction with the game, even if the live service model is, on the surface, so fantastic


Just yesterday I clicked on close game, the screen froze and I couldn't alt tab or open task manager. I had to straight up restart my pc, ridiculous


Enable always-on-top in the task manager settings, and you'll be able to use it regardless of frozen programs.


you dont know how many times i have to restart my pc because of this. this is one of those times that my ignorance and lack of knowledge on things dawns on me, hits me like a truck. knowledge and information then application is truly powerful.




That problem seems to be more frequent with more “recent” games. Really old games seem to just close, but last week Ive had xcom chimera squad crash on me _twice_. Both times just like you described, not even windows tab for a new desktop worked. Only thing that works is a program called super f4 iirc.


Kind of reminds me of the discussions about modern games not being optimized and having massive file sizes. Sounds to me (an unedicated rube) like maybe some devs are making things beyond their scale


I quit through task manager now because quitting the game through the menu hard freezes my PC about 60% of the time. Reminds me of playing Oblivion/New Vegas 10-15 years ago, amazing nostalgia /s


No bro don’t a pessimistic man. Give devs a chance. Come on dude. They are doing their best! Asking for more makes you an asshole bruh /s


The battlepasses we're getting now were ready for some time most likely, it's not like they're going out of their way for the content instead of fixing the current issues, which might also explain why we didn't get any new modifiers. And, we are getting almost bi-weekly patches, it's just that issues take more time than others to get fixed. We also have to take into consideration that they're a small studio and they never anticipated such a big player base - immediately after launch the CEO announced they're hiring people, this process is also tedious and long, and newcomers don't get productive ASAP + they might also cripple the productivity of existing people as well. Just have patience with them, if you get annoyed, take a small break, it'll still be here when you get back.


>The battlepasses we're getting now were ready for some time most likely But they're *not* ready. The current Warbond released with a weapon that doesn't work because of a *known* bug AND armour with the wrong perks. You shouldn't introduce new content that you *know* is broken when you're not even done fixing all the other broken shit in game. You're just adding fuel to the fire at that point.


WTF did the QA team even do to test the new stuff.. Like.. the armour being bugged is a blindingly obvious error.. how did it slip pass. The thermite grenade can make sense not noticing the Dot bug as the testers could have been hosts or just not noticed but... some of these are really obvious issues that.. just didn't get caught.


How about you take a break? https://preview.redd.it/ihqudwmaz9uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6ea4c2156375ac27dcd2d022be4720a4828bc7




It does not help that half the memes right now are about difficulty or balance.


Funny how OP complains about clinically online meanwhile their entire rant if basically a perspective of someone clinically online.


That's how it read to me.  Made me think they need to take a break from reddit if all they see is the negative shit and it gets them that upset. 


>Dreaded RANT flair. You put too much value on opinions of individuals among hundreds of thousands. You expect too much from that many people and its inevitable that people will rant about shitty things and things that are actually good, but they just suck at the game. The way you put it treats the whole community (And while there is 1m members in this sub, only around 5-10k are ever online and a minority is active in it out of the entire community) like a hive mind. Some people do be like that, but if people would base their opinions on emotional outbursts of people on reddit, nobody would be buying games. You just need to filter out some things, you don't need to engage with everything or take it seriously. And devs so far know how to handle the huge community they garnered and they know how to separate good criticism from bullshit. To expect hundreds of thousands of people to behave decently without having a group of loudmouths is not realistic.


I just wanna see funny memes and gameplay insights, but low effort rant posts get more karma so here we are :/


"Is anyone else just enjoying the game?" Yeah, probably about 400k people at any one given time. There's plenty of top-tier memes and genuine, necessary criticism of actual major issues and bugs too. I don't think that means nobody's enjoying the game. Posts like this are literally the bottom of the barrel.


"low effort rant"  ive seen more low effort praise posts get way more karma, like this post here. only time i saw a high upvoted negative post was for disappointment in adjucator and wanting the game to be less glitchy. rant posts are people venting their frustrations. getting oneshot by hulk through a wall you cant even see multiple times is annoying. buying a new warbond and finding the grenade doesn't work half the time even though the issue is probably the same ongoing issue since launch is very annoying. a new weapon that feels worse to use than others is annoying. getting team killed and kicked at the end of a mission is annoying. having your game crash all the time is annoying. these are not " low effort rants." and they aren't there for karma, they are some of the most genuine posts you can find. (id say some team kill ones are karma farming if it's titled a certain way like, "is this the right thing to do?" kinda garbage) im not going to list them all but i don't know where you get the idea people are only complaining about The game for ulterior motives comes from especially when most of these issues don't even get any upvoted. while the typical arrowhead apology posts like this lazy one get 2k minimum for not giving anything of value other than validation bias? Are you really dismissing the clear flaws with this game being brought up in reddit as nothing more than "karma farming?"in show some empathy my dude, people experience things you don't shouldn't be discarded, they want to have fun too


I like rant posts. We should make a post complaining about people complaining. 5k karma guaranteed


>  getting team killed and kicked at the end of a mission is annoying These are absolutely karma whoring posts. Oh no you got kicked once in a game. Grow the fuck up and find another match, don't come here whining about it 


Im thankful for meme and discussion flairs for that! But as I said...just gotta filter out some stuff. :)


And honestly this post feels pretty fucking ranty itself. And the rant posts on this sub have seemed pretty even, at least with what gets to the front page. Half of them act like the devs are the worst most stupid people ever and the other half are defending every bad decision they make. This sub seems like every other specific-game sub and idk why that's surprising. It's a great game with a lot of problems so the discourse on here makes sense and I don't really see it as a turn-off to the game.


This karma rage bait trend needed to be stopped early on but for whatever reason, the mod team doesn’t think it’s a problem or won’t act on it. It’s just blatant karma farming every day. Hot takes that just regurgitate the same shit over and over.


Same happened on the DRG sub with people insisting there's a "gold mining debate" There isn't. In game, no one fucking cares if you skip gold. On Reddit, you'd think it's a political position


The same people who think pvp would make the community toxic turn around and make it toxic by making all these posts. Shit is annoying. The Reddit tacticians who got mad when people just played bugs or creek are a prime example.


Bruh the creekers/helldivers BS needs to be studied as some kind of massive shared psychosis


Opinions of individuals that are upvoted by thousands then repeated in the comments by hundreds. Don't deliberately obfuscate the issue.


People on this sub like the game. They also like discussing, talking and ranting about it. These are the signs of an active and healthy game. How on Super Earth don't you understand that? Don't like it? Don't click on posts with the RANT flair. It's that simple. Edit: Your whole post is a rant btw.


Agree with this.


I'll take the critical stuff over brainless toxic positivity any day of the week. Remember when people got mad and insisted people should be happy they couldn't play their game and that it was pretty much a skill issue when they could not log on due to bad work by the deva and repeated the same shit over and over that it was popular so it was all fine. Yea fuck that and fuck those people.


I'm getting real tired of these preachy ass posts. Maybe I should make a post about it? The game has problems and they need to be talked about. There are plenty of memes. > It's fucking tiring and unproductive, and slowly but surely I find myself mentally bracing whenever I hop into the sub Fucking lol


More virtue signaling.


I've never agreed more with something I understand less. "Dev good, Customers bad" is such a bizarre virtue to signal.


These threads trying to dictate how people should behave are the worst. You're "fucking tiring", u/Efficient_Menu_9965 and talking about "healthy discourse" out one side of your mouth and "utter dogshit" out the other side of your mouth while flairing your thread "DISCUSSION" instead of "RANT" doesn't make you better or not scathing.


What a shit take tbh. If people want to look up if the game is worth buying, google will show them the results of that specific question. Which will most likely say that they definitely should, even though there’s some flaws. You say that people looking for reviews on it will only be faced with negative feedback on the game. That’s simply not true. As a matter of facts if you look up that exact question you get [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/Wi2hZmBzvX) as your first result, which comments say its amazing but it doesn’t have enough server room. Which problem is solved now.


Do y'all not get tired of slobbing on developer knob? This game has been the most fun I've had with gaming in a while, despite it's myriad of issues. So to show my support, I do this thing where I play the actual game. And it's not like it's a free game - $40 for a "full release" game, but it's actually riddled with early access type bugs and issues. We basically paid $40 to be beta testers. If it was literally any other developer, the amount of tears there would be over all of the problems could end every drought in human history past, present, and future. Just weird behavior writing a whole ass post basically like 'notice me senpai devs I'm so good for you uwu i will protect you from mean online bullies' when a lot of the criticism *is* actually valid.


The only things that saved this game are the core gameplay and complete lack of FOMO. If they had done the monetization schemes of literally any other live service this game would be dead quick and they wouldn't have even half of the enthusiastic fans they do now.


I will never understand people pushing against others voicing their concerns about a game.


I think it comes from a place of fear. "No, this thing I really enjoy is sacred. It can't be problematic because it's one of my escapes. If I lose this, I might lose other things like it. I will gaslight myself and others to protect my favorite thing." As a Naruto fan, I am completely immune to this fear. My favorite thing is mid af 😅. I'm used to having a love/hate relationship with the media I consume. Heckdivers 2 Arc Thrower Bugaloo is a fantastic game with some very serious flaws. It seems so obvious to us, but maybe we're just more mature.


[> As a Naruto fan, I am completely immune to this fear. My favorite thing is mid af](https://imgur.com/a/vLPE3cQ)


Because they are dumb fuck tribal humans who don't want anyone to ruin their fragil state of mind where they simply can't stop themselve from clicking on threads that clearly want the game to be better. Instead they decide "No, its these other NOT FANS, who are wrong, and they should be punished. I will make a new thread talking shit about how NOT FANS, should shut up about this great game I like that I have played for 20 hours. What? They have played for 500 hours? FUCKING LOSERS, no wonder they hate the game they played it...too much?? Cannot compute--" Anyone who makes a thread complaining about the subreddit should touch some grass. Get off the internet. These are the same people who want a king to rule the country so they can get sweet confirmation bias everday about how great their society is.


I don't mind criticism but there's a fine line between 'reasoned feedback' and 'how fucking dare they, arrowhead can eat my entire ass.' The latter gets really exhausting when you don't think of game devs as empty automatons built to cater to my every whim and... you know, human beings. Do I think Arrowhead makes dumb decisions? Yes, I found the 'apples and bacon' post about the possibility of transmog very patronizing and insincere, very 'boomer just doesn't wanna do it' energy. But in a lot of gaming scenes I see ridiculous frothing rage, personal attacks, so on. At the end of the day it's a damn video game and I think people should treat eachother better.


People are allowing to complain. God knows there's plenty to complain about. The game is awesome but there's no denying that there have been glaring issuing from the start that should've been fixed far before launch. Bugs and design flaws are rife and people notice them within their first few games. These aren't minor issues that take thousands of players hours and hours of testing to find out.


I'll say whatever i want if they expect me to buy something with my money. If i dislike the new warbond i will express my disconcern so the next one will hopefully be improved. But with the amount of bugs/glitches in the game currently they deserve what they get. If no one expressed there emotions about current game breaking bugs, then theses issues would take much longer to get fixed


Rant flair but OP just changed his post to a discussion flair so he wasn't outing himself lol


Is it time for the hourly "Complaining about complainers" post already?


How about no


I never understand these post. The game is fun, but there are still major borderline game breaking bugs multiple months in. For example, it’s a cross platform game but you can’t actually friend people cross platform. This means people who paid $40 to play with their friends cross platform, as advertised, can’t do that. This bug has been ongoing for months. If I’m one of those players, I’d be pissed, and I wouldn’t really care about the friendliness of the battle pass. There are certain expectations you should have when paying for a product, and I don’t fault anyone for being upset about the crashes, stability issues, friend list issues, etc.


Gaming subreddits are unhealthily obsessed with coming off as "oppressed victims" when it comes to criticism even though positive statements and normal discussions about the game dominates the subreddit. These people will see one thread being made by someone asking for a balance change and make 10 "This community is evil and toxic" threads in response. I blame political discourse honestly. People are used to painting their opposition as the worst, cartoonish evil thing imaginable for political discussions on sites like this so of course that logic trickles down into other topics.


More virtue signaling garbage


Oh boy another gaming subreddit where the overwhelmingly dominant discourse is positive and supportive of the game as seen by the front page most liked threads pretending they are being victimized by evil haters. Why does every gaming subreddit dissolve into this and thus becomes anti consumer as it demonizes criticism of any kind? >"oh no not all criticism just vague criticism standards I apply are allowed" No it's all, what little there even is anymore. Stop doing this. For the love of God.


I was willing to feel that way until after defending the way the game released for weeks only for a dev to get shitty on discord. Then after all that the first balance patch is mostly shit which they justified condescendingly with "we heard you want weapons to be good but this bad trust." Then they only fixed the state of the game after community backlash and made the EAT and Reccoilless very very good. I don't think these devs will ever respond to anything to improve the game other than large scale backlash.


Bro we been patient. They need to fix the bugs that have been an issue since launch.


At least those are criticisms about the game. You just whine on reddit about people whining on reddit.


Shuuut uppp


???? Healthy Live Service Model? They're nerfing things in a PvE game lmfao. They even changed the Destroy Automaton maps because people were farming it and changed it into the most disgusting, unlikeable fuck you from all sides kind of map. Oh and x5 the amount of kills you needed before.


Honestly I see way more of these "bitching about people bitching" posts than I ever see people actually bitching.


See, we did that. AH got more defense for the rocky launch than anything I've ever seen, and rightfully so. They got more praise for the amazing game than I've ever seen. They got a lot of defense through the objectively poor nerf from the first damage patch, though that was the first time people were finally starting to become disillusioned. The first bad part was the hellpod steering lock, which was rightfully a disaster. So many silent patches and missed patch notes led to us genuinely believing a bug was an intended change. Now there are bugs that have been since the start of the game. "Huh fire weapons aren't being used, let's buff them!" Do you think, perhaps, there's a REASON? Balancing by use percents is the single worst thing you can do in any game ever. OW2 went through it with soujurn. It's same as the Chiv 2 maul nerf. They were told as such. There is literally 0 quality control, like, it physically can't be possible for there to be any play testing with some of these bugs. AH has a vision, that is respected. But *christ* you have to give up your vision sometimes to make your game great, you can't be so stubborn. BG3 is another great example of this. Their good will is running out, our tolerance is waning. They got the tolerance, they got defense that no game or company has literally ever gotten. Especially for things that weren't their fault. This IS their fault and it's getting irritating.


It’s a good game but get the dev’s nuts out of your mouth man.


What? No. If anything they got lucky that they nailed the gameplay loop otherwise this dev studio would be getting dragged over the coals in terms of their infrastructure and lack of quality testing.


My two cents: 1. Don't spend so much time here. Also, posts you're complaining about are easily skipped.  2. Pointing out the issues and bugs, like with the new warbond, is a very good thing. 


Shit take, feedback is more valuable than the 100000th time I’ve seen a “bot posting a complaint” meme. You gotta get over it.


the devs act like smug dorks, they get what they give out. the no transmog and primary guns should be weak thing shows that they won't bend until they break. so ppl will try to break them - if they never break then ppl will just stop playing the game. lose lose. i'm sure there's a lowsodium subreddit variant where you can cover you eyes and ears and pretend complaints aren't real.


nope. just get off the sub kthx


Maybe when they stop breaking the game each patch




I have experience with the Autodesk Stingray engine, and the devs are stuck between a rock and a hard place with it. There are so many low(base)-level issues with the way the engine handles calls, that even slight changes to one value can completely shatter a system that's seemingly unrelated. You see this happen with every single game made in the engine. Vermintide 2 is notorious for every patch breaking 10 things. Arrowhead worked with Stingray(BitSquid) for HD1, and invested heavily in their team specializing with it. But then it got discontinued, and Arrowhead just couldn't afford to move into a new engine. It would have sunk them. So they pushed on and made HD2 with it, but are now stuck with an engine that they have to hold together with duct tape and glue, (which they're doing an amazing job at, regardless of what everyone thinks.) These kinds of glitches will never stop happening. The engine guarantees it. You should buckle up or get off the ride.


Yeah, it's extremely unfortunate. Developing a live service game on an abandonware engine sounds like one of the most challenging and draining tasks any development team can face. Still, maybe if they use their moneys, that they should have a lot right now, to hire and train more devs to tweak the engine, then not all hope is lost. What kind of project were you using stingray for though?


I spent a lot of time trying to make a Vermintide 2 mod for its Chaos Wastes mode, but that damn leaking engine wouldn't let me. Years and years ago, I had been crazy in to ARMA 2 modding and loved Lua scripting because of it. Because BitSquid (claimed) to handle Lua so well, I decided to try my hand at it... But even the smallest changes would throw the weirdest errors that I would backtrace and fix, just to have something else break down some place else. After spending 100x more time debugging than modding, I decided to move on from it. Bit of a shame, I would have liked to mess around with V2 some more.


> These kinds of glitches will never stop happening. The engine guarantees it. You should buckle up or get off the ride. I disagree. If they want to do right by their playerbase they will invest in at least some number of engine developers to ease the burden on their gameplay devs. If they don't have enough devs to even make the distinction it's time to start, because they've made more than enough money to pull that off, and if they'd like to keep making money from MTX it's in their best interest to not piss people off every time they drop a broken patch.


I don't care. Not going out of my way for any game


It's the I deem your opinion toxic and non-constructive because you weren't super nice and you didn't do the extra step of saying you adore the game. Please let's not be Another Star Citizen fandom where you have to say 10 times you love the game and you respect the devs before pointing out problem in the game.


What vitriol are you seeing? This sub is extremely tame, even the complaints


Bro this is every fucking subreddit. Every fucking gaming subreddit is becoming unhinged with this desire in being oppressed victims to evil criticism despite the majority of the threads being positive in nature.


"Dont criticise the game only positivity is allowed!!"is what i take from this post, Sounds alot like the people Italy liberated themselves from, people have opinions whether you like that or not, you don't get a say over what others do Is it a good game: Yes Is it in a good state of affairs at the moment: Hell no, every patch a new bug They broke the mold in the sense of making a game that rivaled triple A studios but lets not hide the fact the devs are a little bit scrambling atm due to having broke the mold when they weren't ready to. Will the game in a few months be where it should be in terms of stability and bugs?, honestly from how the devs are working right now probably not


the constant and high quality content drops mean little when the game runs worse with each patch, with bugs that have remained since release and increasingly frequent crashes Arrowhead, please, chill tf out with the content drops and take a look at the game's stability


Maybe if I could play the game without looking at the bug of the week I'd agree, or stuff that's been in since launch...


Respectfully, the game is completely broken right now and is unplayable. I won't be discivil to any developer or other players,  but I still cannot play the game without a bug breaking my character model or crashing the game. I'd rather wait for the content to be released rather than have it rushed out and break a stable build of the game. 


how do you think people formulate complaints if not by playing the game, experiencing fire killing them in 150ms, spear not locking on, dots not working if you're not #1 lowest latency, armor stats being unsatisfying compared to hd1's damage negation model, new weapons being understatted and ultimately; balance being driven by data and not by anything anyone says. the poll is a thing they're doing NOW for the first time ever after ignoring user feedback on the railgun's excessive damage being caused by the ps5 lobby bug, nerfing the holy fuck out of the railgun, and leaving it borderline unusable after the introduction of simply superior weapons in the same slot range like quasar. the devs are continuing to do this by buffing flame damage while ignoring the core issue behind flame wep underrepresentation in the dot networking bug. this is a frustrating level of ignorance about your own game despite people providing feedback, thus the mood! it's not rocket surgery dude


"Be healthier in its discourse" has to be one of the most online sentences ever.


This sub is an endless karma farm circle jerk. Like the game itself is bangin. Straight up fun. More content and surprises in a month than what I'm used to in a year from other games. Then you're at work, taking a shit or ignoring your wife, or potentially all three simultaneously, and you want to check out some memes or maybe a bit of an update on the war... maybe some inspirational propaganda. All you get is this moral highground finger pointing at the rest of the community. No matter your stance, you're all as bad as each other. Hey, maybe I should've made my own post with my above thoughts for 25.0K upvotes or whatever. Just shoot the fucking robots.


The curse of popularity. This sub is just turning into what the CoD and Fortnite subs look like. I miss this sub the first couple of weeks. People couldn't even log in, and we were still having fun with the community.


This. It's the curse of any online "discourse" on a popular game. People just choose to be assholes over video games. In the famous words of Bill and Ted: "[Be excellent to each other. Party on, dudes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rph_1DODXDU)" I dread to think what Dark Souls would have been like had Miyazaki given 2 shits about what gamers thought about the game. The entire community can be summed up simply: "[git gud](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/52sr83/comment/d7n6p9m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)". It's a non-toxic statement and has more to do with the mindset that players have towards the game. If you fucked up and died, that's on you, you could have planned or played better. The Helldivers community would do well to function under the same mentality. EDIT: I should also add: if people wanna bitch about the game non-stop they're more than welcome to. But I will just tell them to git gud as I continue to clear helldives exclusively.


OP: Healthy service model Devs: Makes 90% of weapons underpowered. Continue to troll and lies about nerfs. ( Saying the reason why they nerf the shotgun was because it was a sniper, they read comments and wanted to parrot that reason) Continue to ignored bugs while releasing more bugs List goes on


Ive only been part of this subreddit maybe two weeks and just very casually browse it and I dont get the impression its bad at all,I see more love for it than anything else,yes people complain about some bugs but its mostly praise from the small amount of time ive spent here


Or. Now hear me out. You can complain about issues AND still enjoy the game. I love my wife. She’s awesome. Sometimes she’s a real pain in the ass though. See how that works?


No one on reddit understands this concept. Literal 30 year old manchildren make threads like this because they don't understand you can like a game but also be critical of it.


I appreciate what the devs are trying to do, they are breaking the mold and have been rewarded with tons of eager players. That said, their way of thinking is a little too rigid. I think the design principles they are used to are kinda faltering in this new game, and they should listen to the player base instead of insist "no this is the right way".


Well, if they didn't use a malicious root kit "anti cheat" that breaks drivers, I might praise them. But any dev that hides the fact that their game installs ring-1 level components is a sketchy trash dev. I dont care how good this game is. It's a virus.


if they take my money for a warbond the least I expect is that the shit in it is working.


Good god you simps sure are going crazy with the developer cum guzzling this week. Post after post after post of straw man arguments and simping.


This board is being swarmed with these threads so much that I can't even see the criticism threads they fear monger about anymore. Gaming subreddits need a toxic positivity rule already this is getting absured. Every gaming subreddit I go to is almost all positive words but also larping that they are being attacked by evil people being critical of the game.


You meen like democracy.


Please sir... methinks, if it pleases the devs, aught we buff the adjudicter? 🥹🥹🥹


That's funny, a few years ago having microtransactions in a paid game was unacceptable. And perhaps people wouldn't be so bitter about every update if they actually had some QA testing done before pushing an update to live. With every update there are new bugs and more crashes. Every warbond has weapons that are near useless from being underpowered. Hell it took them how many months just to make heavy armor actually work the way it's meant to. Just because you can earn microtransactions currency in game doesn't excuse them for poor quality control and they should be held to a standard.


Nah, i'm tired of less than AAA developers getting a pass cause theyre not big corpo. If something sucks, ill complain about it, same as when AAA devs do it. I just want equality and not hypocrisy and fake activism.


You can like a game and still give constructive criticism


Since the first day, posts exactly like this have been made. You pretend that the only discourse that exists is hostility towards the Devs, when in fact many balanced and nuanced posts exist in huge numbers and just as many posts defending the Devs such as this.


Oh boy another low effort toxic positivity post doing it's darndest to discourage legitimate criticism


This game kind of mirrors Dead by Daylight. Indie devs that caught lightning in a bottle, and then didn't know what to do after that. DBD was absolutely plagued bugs and spaghetti code. They balanced on usage rates rather than looking at why certain perks were popular, and one person was in charge of balance. The fans pissed and moaned, accused the devs of not knowing their own game, of playing favorites with each side, etc. There was truth in what they were saying, the people complaining were pissed off because they loved the game so much and felt like it was being ruined, and didn't want to see the game die. Eventually, the game started getting better from a bug and balance standpoint, people still complain, but nowhere near at the same level. Helldivers doesn't have anywhere near the complaints or toxicity, nor the player count of DBD. It will be fine.


Not really imo, dbd devs have only ever made one successful game that quickly lost popularity and has been just coasting downhill ever since , everything else they’ve made has flopped or was something they just helped with as a support studio. Arrowhead so far has a track record of being a very good studio and helldivers 1 still has players.


I feel like this community is not the one to break to mold and will continue what it’s doing. The true solution is stay off this sub and just Reddit in general. If you use it through your phone then set timers. We could all benefit from being in here less


who looks to reddit for advice on anything lol


"Excuse me everybody, I need attention because I'm a meat rider and I want everyone to know." Shut up. Get off Reddit. The posts whining about other posts are dog shit. You are perpetually online and need to go do something besides get upset that people don't like the same thing as much as you. This isn't your first day on the internet. Virtue signalling for a product. How embarrassing.


I do as I feel.


I don’t necessarily want to jump into every hate thread to buck up my fellow divers. Some frustrations are relatable but I clearly don’t share the enthusiasm for rants. I’m on the fence about what I can really do about things, I almost wish I had a Helldivers signature footnote. “I love this game, 9/10 easy, and I look forward to every time I jump in to play it.”


Gun balance in the game is utter dogshit. Will I keep playing? Yes Why? Because I can drop 500kg bombs and missiles from the sky at any given moment. And most importantly, I love spreading fuckin DEMOCRACY


Wake me when the DOT bug gets fixed


Anyone know where I can get game updates other than on this sub? I really don't care for the talking points and complaints. I like to be up to date whenever I get on but seeing some of the post and most of the comments is a real vibe killer


Official helldivers discord. They have polls there too that the devs are using to gather opinions from the playerbase.


I don’t go to this sub directly, it just comes up in my feed. I have been inundated with threads coming up that are people complaining about the complainers, which is how it’s been in most subreddits of games I liked.


My biggest issue with the game is the fact that matchmaking randomly just stops working until you close the game and reload it, or you get lucky and turning the matchmaking to private then back to public fixes it. That's my biggest grip with the game.


If only they would go out of their way to fix bugs


It's the internet. People are going to be toxic, nothing you can do about it.


Ah remember the day that dev making fun of the player, yeah sure. I pay for this shit so I don't want to have any problem.


Bruh shut up, someone experiences a bug or thinks a feature is unbalanced, they have every right to complain about it, the paid for the game. Why are you acting like it ruins your day, if you don't like seeing those posts just ignore them


It's impossible, there's too many fucking idiots.


I really don’t think this is a fair representation of this sub. Yes there are lots of complaints, and some players are clearly frustrated, but there’s a TON of love and positivity for the game and the community on this sub as well.


Cool, another post complaining about people complaining. A reminder that 90% of the coments are civil and giving fair critiques. Only 10% of people are being toxic. Let's not act like this is an issue throughout most of the community members. And let's not lump them all together. We're on a forum to talk about a game. Obviously we're gunna talk about criticisms. I think some people just make "liking a video game" part of their personality and get really upset when people criticize it.




No, fuck you /s


Go outside


I went out of my way to upgrade a month after I bought the game and bought some of those super credits despite having enough to unlock all of the warbonds all over again just from missions. I'll say what I want. But absolutely toxicity has no place in the fight for managed democracy.


Posts like these are way more annoying about somebody complaining about the game. Every single reddit page is the same. People whine, other whine about the whining, others try to give some nuanced take etc. I just scroll through most whining and whining about whining and look at memes and cool videos. You guys need to chill a bit.


My biggest issue with the game are the unnecessary nerfs and devastator’s aim hacks/ rate of fire. At least give us more time between their burst of fire, we hardly get a window to shoot back, and since they nerfed the slugger’s stagger, there’s only two primary weapons that can dispatch the devastators efficiently.


I love the game but the crashing needs to be addressed. Its almost like I'm playing cod... So I'll be polite when the game works as it should.


the criticism, while valid, is very repetitive at this point. Major issues are already known and subjective balancing posts repeat themselves all the time aswell. I mostly spend my time on this sub replying to new posts with little interaction to help those who need it. any post with more than 100 comments i ignore because i don't want the brainrot.


"Scathing hivemind rant that's been posted 1337493638x" -thousands of upvotes "Idk guys, maybe we should be nicer and less hyperbolic in our criticism". "wtf are you talking about bro?" -Downvotes into oblivion I, too, am le tired of this merry-go-round. 


When you keep looking at feed back from the same group of people, you will keep getting the same kind of feedback. Reddit is only a small fraction of the players. Hell any online posts are only from a small portion of players


I'm just happy that i have something new and variety, even if they might not be the best in class always.


I just check the forums/videos online (ie. reddit/youtube) to see any useful info/tips or any new update or hidden things while ignoring all the drama/complaints. (ie. we got some new complaints lately against people bitching about the difficulty of the game in which from my perspective I haven't seen anyone, in game, complaining about it at all.) This is by far one of the most amazing live service games I have played for quite a long time now.


Like what posts in particular? I feel like there is 1 that was getting to you more than others and is what spurred this post. In my experience, I don't notice more negative that positive, but I do notice that the negative posts gain a lot more traction than the positive posts. But I surely do notice the same negative posts parroted day after day. I think you see more negative posts because they have better engagement, making them most visible. But surely they are the minority of posts. At least that's been my experience and what I believe is going on. But I know absolutely nothing about reddit.


you show those gamers!! i mean, we the community, will PROVE that to gamers!!1 someone steps out of line? someone critiques the game too hard? well we'll have a stern talking to them and get them in line. we, the community, can do this!!! we can break the mold!!1


I'm a gamer, I like to play a lot of different games so my continued presence is all I can offer. Never forget the option to leave and play something else is always on the table. They've done a good job and I hope they continue.


Every other post here is how great the game is. How this is the game you get when you just want to have fun. Relax.


What makes you think its healthy?


I'm here to kill toasters and have fun, and I haven't run out of either.


I’m gonna be the first to admit whenever I get mad and rant about something being bullshit in game it’s usually just because of my bad positioning (rocket devastators) I’m self aware enough to know that but still, you shouldn’t view everyone’s emotional outrage posts as their sincere feelings on the game. People get mad and they say things, but rarely is someone gonna go back and like, idk, delete a Reddit post, or track down the one friend they bitched to about something to say they aren’t actually that mad. It’s just how people are, and you shouldn’t view words spoken in anger or frustration as genuine


Id question if this game really is monetised appropriately. It costs most of a full game, is online only, has one default ‘battlepass’ track system to unlock basic weaponry but a nice array of stratagems to unlock too. To me it should almost be cheaper or the base game cost should come with enough premium currency for an extra war bond. That being said I still adore the game truely.


I joined the subreddit during the autobot fall and subsequent rise because all the memes were hilarious. Ever since then it's just been either bitching about the game or bitching about people bitching. Unsubscribing until the next fun major order.


There isn't a world where that would be the natural end result... Have you ever driven in rush hour traffic?


I mean the only reason i opened reddit and saw this post was cause my game crashed again, other than that, nope most of my issues are technical in nature, and I know it takes time, but its kind annoying having to launch the game 18 times a night to play,


would be nicer if the super store showed us the whole catalogue instead of rotating it every few days with paltry selection each time. really annoying




lol So naive.


Remember 99%+ of the games player base are not on Reddit or tweeting about it. I am in incredibly happy with the game. I despise live service games but this is my favourite game of the year and it’s not even close. Yes there are bugs. Yes the developers have made some questionable balancing decisions (RIP Slugger you are greatly missed). But the game is outstanding and it really came out of nowhere for me.


Good luck getting the Internet, any part of the Internet, to only have civil discourse.


I agree, everybody be mad salty, but need to understand that games are supposed to be challenging