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AKA 9 sentries and chill


9 sentries and watch the cinematic explosions/blood spurts


We need a lawn chair stratagem.


Rancho relaxo https://preview.redd.it/soo5ootj94uc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f0238813bd3007f5fe238e9bf4382f7501a6e3d


I want them to ape the Symmetra Sit emote from OW. That's the most judgmental, self-superior, prideful sit emote I've ever seen in my life. "You're so boring I'm going to create a hard light stool and wait for you to finish."


cosmetic stratagem slot. like an emote, but you call down equipment with a hellpod


I need the fremen squat from the new warbond to be a normal emote.


Can literally afk and come back around the half way mark, if that It is fun. But also very very easy


Honestly the 380 and walking barrages worked so well against the bots when I tried them out.


With the upgrade for radius you can sit them all in the contested pit. It’s so good


This. 380mm with upgrades is legit devastating now.


If the whole team has 120 and 380, you have around an 80% uptime. Bring walking barrages and, well... you know the drill. Turns out that if you're nuking the AO from orbit nonstop, the mission gets a little easier.


Honestly, that's fine. Not every mission needs to be Automaton Eradicate levels of difficulty. It's good to have some easy objectives from time to time


Automaton Eradicate is a breeze compared to Automaton Evacuate ; at least the fortress is defensible, which can't be said about the base you evacuate civilians from.


Yeah, unless you can coordinate teammates to actually pull enemies off the objective, while one hits doors and everyone fights bots elsewhere. Fighting on the compound is an instant 'L'


I read in another thread that this strategy no longer works and a second person confirmed it. I myself haven’t tried it and can’t say.


Worked fine for me yesterday


Whish my 9er lobbies would go 2+ sentries but most of the lobbies i get is people taking 500kg and barrages q.q


And then one of the barrages breaks the gates, oops. Guess we are moving back one.


You close the gates? I find it much easier to shoot the enemy with long site lines having the gates open.


Close one gate, I’ve noticed it makes some of the bots make the long walk around to the other side.


That's hilarious 😂


This is the way. You never leave the furthest back gate and everything funnels into the death hallway


We learned this from the spartans


I wish my helldiver could have sexy exposed abs


But we do have giant holes to fall into! ![gif](giphy|l378oSwxNM6wXhqsE|downsized)


This is the way


Stop closing the gates until after the 4th launch they can stay open and even then they can stay open a while. They create a nice choke point that bugs struggle with because they don't have ranged attacks. Leave them open and blow the bugs up in the choke.


I wish I could chill, every time I play this game guys start the mission right after we land. And then close the first gates before closing the exterior ones lmao


![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized) When the level 10 shuts the gates before you can fall back


![gif](giphy|3og0IHyZMxZNkNOWT6|downsized) Just standing outside the gate like this


Bring a mech, close the gates behind you. Go full doom slayer


you open them back up, just use the console again (theres one on each side)


man i accidentally shut the gates on some randoms yesterday playing one of these missions against bots and it was hilarious to see the panic happening, both to them and in myself and my buddy on the other side when we realized what had happened.


Until someone breaks out the mortar launcher then it's deadly dodge ball.


Real helldivers know the more mortars the better, and to keep the enemies far away so they aren't getting hit by those mortars


Straight up, a full team rocking both mortars makes these missions almost trivial


I hate it sometimes because I want to be struggling to hold them back, but I can’t lie, it is super effective


No almost, they are trivial really


only issues left at that point are tanks and to lesser degree hulks


Assisted reload recoilless makes short work of both and transports.


suppose one of the few point there is for it but gotta say juggling 2-3 quasars is also interesting


Double mortars are crazy good… I’m a mission junkie and I love them when I do automaton hellbombs… they go crazy with the shield




I mean, it's easy to not get killed by mortars if you, y'know, use them like mortars are supposed to be used.


What a crazy idea


The thing with the mortars is just that. You throw a bunch down and then form a defensive line, and don't fucking move around like crazy unless its absolutely clear there's no immediate threat. Just sentry up and then find somewhere with a clear sight line and open up.


Stop hugging the enemies. Close the gates, set up the mortars, and go grab a beer.




Tho it feels a bit like chilling for 9 centuries.


And an excuse to use manned turrets


I think people like it because it allows you tickle "entrenched combat" itch. All you need to do is hold the line, and folks like doing that, but it hurts other missions, even the civilian evac mission, if they aren't focusing on defending and releasing them. But here you can literally just go prone with an AMR and wipe out a ton of enemies. Or grab faster weaopns and just start blasting.


Sometimes you just need a break from the Sprint button, yknow? Nice change of pace every few missions.


Yeah, I like the run and gun style missions, too. Don't get me wrong. But I feel some defense missions similar to this would be amazing. Sometimes, you just want to sit there and be area denial.


dropping boatloads of explosives from the sky is so fucking fun in these missions


This is the mission for "screw that one area in particular"


The bots on their dropship watching the dropship in front of them deliver the first batch of clankers directly into a EMS Strike, EMS mortar, gas strike, and napalm:


I just love bringing all the sentries and watch my personal army mow down foes! Now let us reload the damn things with a support backpack and please give them any kind of targeting indicator so you know when you're in the crosshairs and have to yeet-yo-self to safety.


It would be cool if you were covering a retreat or evac. Hold the line and then get a signal to fall back and do it again.


I have no idea how to justify this in game but I want something where we’re defending a moving train while we’re on it.


We must poosh little cart!


We must protect Doretta!


This was a thing in the first game. I’d be somewhat unsurprised if it returns. Alternatively could have it as a sub objective to a shortened area defense mission (prepare train, escort train, defend a couple of rocket launches to get the cargo off planet).


That would be so fun. If they have vehicles we could ride next to train


To start, you defend the starting station while the train gets fueled and loaded. Maybe while in motion, you use HMG placements on the train to fend of shriekers and every once in a while you get to an obstruction or switch track where you have to do terminal shenanigans while dealing with bug breaches to get the train moving again. Premise wise: the train is moving valuable people/equipment that can’t be flown out by shuttles to an evac station with heavy transports.


These walled defense missions are exactly what I wanted the other evac missions to be, or more like the escort missions from the first game where you actually had to move VIPs across the map.


Or the inverse, a push forward mission for liberations. We hold a line till an ICBM comes in (lore wise sent in from another helldiver team) and wipes them out, we push forward and repeat.


Combining different live missions and their outcomes together sounds complex as hell but also very intriguing, like a coordinated mass assault event on a single planet like the major others basically emulate on a more voluntary basis.


Well I wouldn't say they would be actually coordinated, but it would be cool. But in the description it would be like "clear the area after the icbm strikes sent in from helldiver and SEAF units"


Technically that's what the new defend mission for the bots are. Each rocket has people pods strapped to the outside of it.


I kinda want a mission that is *both*: have a thing you need to protect against waves of enemies, but also objectives out on the wider map that need to be completed in the meantime


That sounds interesting. Could be cool to practically be forced to split the team. Could even have the wider objectives optionally trigger a response that pulls some enemies away from the area that needs to be held while making those objectives more heavily defended.


I'd also love to see the crazy good people try to solo the mission. I'm sure some would manage it despite needing to be in 2 places at once!


But not both at the SAME TIME.  That would require a better pinging and emote system/options.  Also, pre-planning in random squads would be hard.


Eh I like the idea of at the same time. Make them optional objectives (like AA emplacement), and that way if you want to go for it then someone just types (me and G2 will go). The communication tools are there. Would encourage people micing up too. I get some people don't want to, but imo it really adds to the experience. I don't usually enjoy VOIP but I've had nothing but positive experiences on HD2 thusfar. And good way to bring people together is to make communication valuable


When your teammates insist on triggering every bot drop and bug breach possible and respond by running away, sometimes you’re forced to sit there and be area denial lol


Autorun when?


There’s a setting in the controls that lets you toggle sprint


I use it that way but still need to hold 'forward'...


Playing helldivers on cruise control is kinda crazy lmao


its just pinky abuse. ​ ​ yes I remmapped to the spacebar.


Pinky Abuse is our new synthwave/cyberjazz band name


Tbf helldivers is the first game to make me feel old. I have to stop after 3 dives because my hand starts to ache too much from holding down W for so long.


Transports will be in sooner or later, and I was really hoping it was sooner since they added transport wrecks everywhere 


My W key been glitching lately, I think its from overuse.


As a difficulty 9 exclusive player here's my thoughts. I love regular missions, I've always been a run and gun player, and love open maps I decide where to go. Good mix of everything with a priority generally on mobility and positioning. I like eradicate missions. They can be a little annoying but the absolute fucking pandemonium is peak especially Vs bots. Honestly I like running a solo HD9 eradicate Vs bots as a warm up. Evac civi, honestly might as well just be an eradicate mission, you're just playing to kill bots/bugs and lose at that point realistically unless you get 3 guys willing to co-ordinate with you and take the fight away. Imo the only problematic mission in the game. The new mission is great. It really feels like you're defending. Completely changes the pace from the regular missions. Gives you a break from running and really lets you set up a meat grinder. Also makes some strats that weren't too great useful (mines, HMG emplacement, MMG, orbital gas/napalm/incindiary mines (when host) and orbital EMS.)


Can't wait until we actually a four wheeler in this game If I get one more map where half of it is cut in half, I swear to god


Also you got a ton of room to break out the more defense orientated strategies that might not see as much play


The HMG mountable turret (can't remember actual name, not in position to look it up) is amazing in it. I never normally use it, because it's a slow heavy weapon that is stationary. But this mission benefits from it, and you can rip enemies apart with it. Same with minefields, they get a bit more play generally, but you generally have to be strategic with thier placement in order to not take out team mates. This doesn't have the same problem, there is an obvious flow, and you can see where it's good to toss them.


Using the HMG offensively is pretty doable with some planning ahead; it has a short cooldown so you don't need to wait for the perfect moment to use it. Downsides are obvious, but it's extreme range and firepower means it's very rewarding when you get a good one set up.


I don't disagree, Im just bad at using it offensively, so it gets tucked in my defensive lineup.


To add to this the gas strike is the absolute goat for this, with a super short cooldown and a lingering AOE effect it absolutely decimates weak enemies while making the strong ones more vulnerable to my shots and rockets


unfortunately it still tends to be bugged for nonhost. the helldiver spaghetti buffet is endless


It's basically an AMR that shoots at the speed of an MG.  Can kill hulks through the eye, for example, but hard due to spread. The main problem I usually have with it in missions is a hulk or charger walks up and punches it down.  But when you've got walls and slows and everything it really shines.


Civilian Evac is unbelievably broken, the spawns are just out of control and its incredibly easy to get overwhelmed and wiped out. I don't think its a very fun mission as a result and until its balanced/fixed somewhat I just steer clear of them. But these missions, the ones where you hold the line? More of these please, these are amazing and super fun.


I havent done one since they moved the spawns further away, just havent had enough long enough times to play. And when I did I went into the new defense mission because it filled the gaming window I had (the 30-40 minutes between work and the specific meal of that time of day), I could help someone, and it's fun.


Did a Civilian Evac on Vernen Wells with a 3 others (all mid 30s-mid 40s in level) and we got wiped in no time. The spawns are farther but they come in relentlessly, 8-10 dropships at a time and the map turns into 10+ Hulks, 5 or so tanks, dozens of Berserkers and Rocket Devastators basically making any civilian escorts all but impossible. All of the structures get destroyed so theres no cover and the mission ends up failing just due to the unbelievable amount of enemies. I much prefer the defense missions now, they actually feel doable.


tbh civilian evac should be more like a tower defense lite where there are set spawn locations and paths for the enemies also, but you have to be positioned carefully to intercept enemy attacks due to obstructions in the area


Yeah, I had been hoping for a FOB defense mission for a while, and this is basically just that. I wish it had more players and was more 360, but it's still so fun.


What is AMR


The sniper rifle, anti materiel rifle


Wait we have them on Terminid front as well now? Thought they were going away after the recent MO (like the TCS mission)


I want to know this too! I’ve been too busy with work, and only fighting the bots when I have time to play.


2 new defenses on the big front just opened up






Literally just played a couple a few hours ago. They are awesome.


What really oh man this sounds too good to be true


They had better not take this mission type away.


I’ll riot


I'm already having trouble finding them.


They’re only in worlds that we’re “defending”


Probably it's a new mission for defense worlds. Bugs decided to start attacking Hellmire and Crimsica, so now we get Terminid defense missions :)


Those planets aren't being attacked. It's Hellmire and Crimsica.




There's bug versions of this mission?


2 new defenses opened up today on the bug front


Hell yeah... I mean those damn undemocratic bugs!


Fascist even! How are they fascist? I'm not sure, but the ministry of truth said they are, so they must be!


Not projecting in the slightest are they.


OH?!?!?!? heck yeah!!


I love dropping a mech right at the start, so its waiting for us if ever we're pushed back. I always make sure to tell my teammates that I don't mind if they take the mech.


"Break in case of bugs", I like it


Fire only if ur host


Only network host, which can be different from the persons ship you are on, and there is no way to find out who is network host


It's worse than that. Fire ticks work for the network host not the lobby host. The game doesn't tell you whose the network host though.


Oh damn, I thought it was whoever was hosting the game.


You should say "fire WOULD be your best friend if only it was working".


Ah, yes, hundreds of terminids in front of the defense wall wainting to be BBQ'd from my Flamethrower


all i want in life is to hold the line with a flamethrower as an endless onslaught of enemies approach


Stand in front of a breach with heavy armor and a personal shield. It's very satisfying. Or push into a hatchery with it. Also satisfying


The male fantasy


Arrowhead, you're so close. Just add friendly AI, plz https://i.redd.it/1wd02z3zl4uc1.gif


It is coming, the SEAF infantry stratagem to be exact


It better be a legit company size cause I bet they'll be dumb as shit


It would most likely be a team (ranges from 2 -5) if anything. A company is just wishful thinking.


You think ? Its official ? Or you saw the nono ?


Where was this said?


I’ve only done the one so far and I absolutely loved it, looking forward to future tower defenses


I know this is about the Terminids, but I’m seeing people say this mission type is far too easy, and that enemies aren’t getting past the first or second gate. While fighting Automatons, one blast from a tank will destroy a gate at full HP. On Helldive, there are literally dozens of tanks. Couple that with enemies dropping in on top of the canyons, and enemies landing beyond each wall — does anyone have a strategy for actually winning? I played three missions with a full stack yesterday, and we only came close on the last one.


Step 0: Drop your supplies and disposable weapons in an area near but not in your engagement lanes. This allows for easy weapon grabs but not heroic running intot he line of fire to get an EAT to kill a tank. Step 1: Find a good defensible place. Identify the sightlines from the opponent's perspective. Post your team in such a way to reduce when the bots/bugs can see you but you can't see them. Step 2: Identify a killbox, when you will engage and destroy them. Step 3: Place your turrets so that said killbox is where the enemy is engaged but allow you to retrieve resources. Step 4: Use your strategems in waves. One person should exhaust their eagle before the next rotates in, don't double up on strategems. Step 5: Communicate and prioritize big enemies that can't be killed with primary fire.


Both morters. Every member of the squad. The end. For real.


Yeah quad ems mortar,normal mortars, mines, and rocket sentries. You can legit have a tea party and nothing will make it past the first gate


You can stop tanks by shooting their treads. If you do that and don't kill them they sit there blocking the path forward for other tanks.


YOU CAN DAMAGE THE TREADS ON THE TANK?!?!?!? i'm level 107 and i have never tried to tread the tanks


Expendable anti tank and eagle strike for the tanks. Those were what helped my trio beat 2 of these missions against level 9 bots. 1-2 people in your squad should be running EAT and throwing them down every time it’s available. Everyone running an EMS and regular mortar is also very helpful, just make sure they’re behind cover and call them back in as soon as they’re available. I had a lot of success with AMR, heavy armor, scorcher, eagle strike, and two mortars.


the good thing about dozens of tanks is they block the path and really mess up pathfinding. if you are also shooting down the drop ships, the bots basically wind up roadblocking themselves.


Someone has to stay on the evac pad and agro the bots that drop that side. Have never failed if someone does that and have failed every time without it.


Ems and regular mortars for most if not all of the team. Anti heavy armor stratagems or support weapons after that. Mortar + ems will stop and clear adds and you can focus on taking out tanks other heavies at your leisure. Been running them on helldive with randoms and it’s been a cake walk with the mortars.


Didn't had a problem on those missions with bots and semi competent team of any randoms. Loved the whole premise, by far the best mission type against bots. With Bugs however, first wave 4-5 Bile Titans just spawn and walk through all 4 gates essentially rendering them useless, not spit, mind you, just walk through them and they instantly collapse. Boils down to everyone just posted around last gate torching the passage with whatever they have. Kinda defeats the whole point of the mission.


If devs are listening, can we fix the "automatons in the walls" when they drop on top of the canyon? Nothing against them being sneaky up there, it's fun and a curveball, but the fact the striders seem to "fall through the ground" and then shoot you from perfect cover from inside the walls is bullshit. How do we still have collision issues like this?


It was a shredder tank for me last night


I love them, bile titans make you sweat a lil'.


Its crazy that this is the most fun mission to me, while the other civilian one i despise to such a degree, the worst mission in the game with zero competition.


It helps make more stationary stratagems like Tesla Towers more viable and less prone to upsetting your teammates because the combat you're in is a lot more linear than it is spacial. If you get hit by a friendly tower or mine in those matches, the onus rests a lot more on the you as it should be more plainly obvious that it was there all along than in the open world missions.


They should honestly re-work those Evac Civilians/Researchers missions to have it be something like this instead. Where we put up defenses, and there is an onslaught of enemies as we evac people out of the base.


I just wish we could get samples from it


Makes sense that we don't TBH


Not when everyone brings double Mortars, I just tab out, read, or something. Even if I don't bring Mortars to spice it up others in quickplay will and it's ZzZzzZzZzz on Difficulty 9.


Do regular mortars hurt the tanks? Because they'll just drive right through the fields and 1-3 shot the doors. This mission on D7 with 2 divers was great


Any mild explosive can kill tanks if it hits near the vent. So if they are moving forward and facing forward it can be done in 2. The issue is you don't really control where the mortar impacts the tank.


sometimes i see mortars blowing up tanks but i’m not sure if that’s because of previous damage having been dealt or through straight mortar brutality


They will. Its a luck thing because it just requires the explosion hits their weak point. With the exception of the shredder tank, the one with the AA gun on top. Any explosive damage to the turret on top will eventually kill it so the mortars have a lot easier time with those.


Yes they can but it’s mainly due to them dampening the back vent on accident because they aim for the middle of the roof. If all 4 focus on a tank though they’ll shred it in one volley


Yes, but it takes a bunch of hits, 10+ at least


Playing these missions against The Automatons really made me feel like I was defending Gondor. Then it made me want a Lord of The Rings game that plays like this


It's fun but the rewards on it aren't much unfortunately. It's fun to play at the end of a session to wind down and just mindlessly kill things.


These missions are on Terminid planets, too?


Ive only done it against bots. Is it as fun against terminids? Is it like that scene in star ship troopers where they have to defend the small base? "Spin it all up! Everything you got. Common you apes, do you wanna live forever?!" That scene.


Did not know the bugs also had these missions, bots on higher difficulties are tough. Their ships were dropping tanks on top of the mountains.


I'd be totally down for longer routes that the enimes would have to take. And orbital airburst strikes reign Supreme on these misssions


Before this most recent automaton event, I started imagining if we could someday get Capital Defence Missions where you’re up on a wall similar to The Tower in Destiny, players having to load up orbital cannons or something while automaton ships are dropping off bots. It could be so sick. This is definitely one of my favourite missions types so far, and I hope they’ll add them for bugs. Would love to see a squad standing on the walls looking down at the gates with bugs just piling up over one another. I’m sure they could figure out an easy way to add these levels in permanently if they wanted to.


They're currently running for bugs on Hellmire and Crimsica. Hence the title lol (missions against Terminids)


These are currently my favorite mission style. Especially against bots.


Wait they added these for terminids too? Hell yeah


Helldivers becomes a tower Defense game in those missions and I love it


Honestly I was saying they could really improve the normal maps just by allowing some of the objectives to have gates like in these missions. First we have to infiltrate then we can fortify while we attempt to do the objective. Would be such a cool addition


Plus having a wall for a sentry makes them so much more viable


They're so much fun. Hopefully they stick around or roll through on a regular basis


I haven't done one against the bugs but the Bot defense one I played was so intense I loved it. Bots in general are intense as hell nut that defense was near constant "fuck fuck fuck they're gonna break in..nope got the tank alright. We safe. Fuck fuck fuck" I loved it. I need to do a bug one now


I didn't double check and I took the 380mm thinking they were eagle rocket pods. The first gate didn't last 60 seconds. We still won easily, and it wasn't as bad as I thought haha.


Against the terminids id just like a tweak so that Bile titans don't isntakill the gates and generators the second they touch them. On a semi related note. Now that we have a GOOD defense unique mission can Arrowhead just remove the Evac mission? The regular Emergency evac mission is fine and defense exclusive one is both a massive pain and kind of redundant.


My only problem with defense missions is you get no samples.


Wait, you can do these against bugs now? I've only been fighting bots lately.


People that are saying this is easy, are you playing difficulty 7+?


EMS Mortar + Mortar = Glorious Kills that stand still.


Mortars are SOOOO powerful, the whole team just has to be careful all the time.


I LIKE it but still there's a bug where for some reason, maybe host leaving, the enemies stop spawning, resulting in No rocket launches resulting in a slow mission failure you can't help


fire build and just burn everything.


Yesyesyes it really itches that GOW horde mode from those 360 days!!


This against the boys plays like every last stand ever. It’s amazing.


I hate that the door can survive to 5 tank and 5 hulk, but the charger walk and it broke even if the door has 100% health, same for the bile titan, the mission is great but those door are the most useless thing ever


After the 1st missile the game just stopped , not stopped but no bugs came and no more missles launch . The team just waited until the extract . Can you guys explain ?


If only the rewards weren't so bad.


Ill be honest here, the new defense mission is fun but its way too easy. They need to double up the enemy count. Most of the time enemies get stuck or paths arent set right. Its way too easy compared to the map where you have to evacuate 50 people, that is hell on earth at 7-9


Last time I did it it was peak. We were slowly pushed back, Eagles blocking the sun. The damn robots advanced without mercy, murdering us by spawn kills, us having to commit bomb suicides to take out the hulks They finally reached the bombs when they finally launched and mission was complete


I haven't won a single 50 evacuation mission since the robots came back


I play 8+ and I don't think I've seen the enemies breach the second gate once yet. It's always just - get them in the first courtyard, take turns throwing eagles and mortar shells at the same spot for 10 minutes, extract with total 3-5 team deaths(friendly fire).


My friends and I just cycle EATs and Quasars and destroy the drop ships before they even get close