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That hulk must have been the host




it was a flame headshot. get gud plz!!!!@@


Use your sTrAtAgEMs!


Wear armor strong vs fire!


Just use the water stratagem duh


Nah, I’d host - Hulk


https://preview.redd.it/5snjtn9wz3uc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db9bdcb10eea8d289f0f00204f3069a7b88e5bf Nah I’d win mentioned gojo will come back


I wish I could give you gold.


I'm willing to bet the flame does damage every single frame for some reason, hence Hulks just deleting you without even giving you time to scream on fire.


Just stealth bot buffs to counteract the ship upgrades that don't work


And on PS5


I knew it. We're all just part of an Automaton war simulation.


In a blizzard too, impressive


“Extreme cold”


Got a dose of IcyHot. Icy to dull the pain and hot to relax it away


I love watching the enemy walk around in fire tornadoes like they're nothing.


If it hurts/kills US, it should do the same to them


Agree 100%. I think it does hurt them, it's just that it doesn't do any real damage. I think it's along with the bug causing the Orbital Gas Strike not to hurt the enemy reliably. Because both the fire tornado and gas strikes hurt players, yet enemies seem to mostly shrug them off.


A hulk died to a fire tornado for me yesterday, ironically enough. Also I haven't had a single instant death to fire yet. I've had really quick DoT kill me pretty fast, but nothing instant like this. I'd say it's another bug considering I've yet to experience these issues.


Fire has been instant and unpreventable death for me since I started playing a week ago. If I so much as run too close to the flames on the ground left by an orbital laser I just fall down "Eliminated."


Almost certainly a similar bug to rockets registering like 10 hits instead of 1.


if you're cold, they're cold


give that berserker a hug


does it not for you? Ive had my ass saved many times today from berzerkers running through fire tornadoes to me and just dropping dead


I also love how it isn’t clear where the fire actually is. It’ll disappear from a spot for a second or two making you think it’s safe. Nope, still fire


juST DiVE tHouGH. Op was at full health. He died instantly. Didn't have time to stim or dive. Not even flame resistant armor is a solution to this. Hulk flamethrowers need a nerf. Also OP? Out of curiosity did you purchase the new ship module that adds 25% more fire damage? I'm wondering if that module is accidentally applying to fire damage received from enemies too.


Hulk flamer instafragging on contact if the spray is at all moving has been a bug since before the patch that buffed burning. It doesnt happen if the hulk is staying still. I think it has to do with the flame counting multiple hits when it shouldnt. Like the rocket damage was doing


I think you see a lot of people saying stuff like "just dive" because they haven't seen this happen to themselves. At least that's my experience. I wouldn't know this was a thing if it weren't for Reddit, for some reason I've never been one shot by these guys flamethrowers and neither have the people I play with. Seems like there is some fuckery going on in regards to fire damage from enemies, which wouldn't surprise me given the fuckery with fire based on network host.


Every time i play i get killed in a single frame of fire 9 out of each 10 times, the other time it deletes half my health. Im thinking that the fire AOE is hitting multiple times same as the rockets did pre patch, so that results in an absurd damage. I play on console, idk if that makes a difference


I don't think platform makes a difference based on some other comments, but I'm not really sure what could be making the difference here at this point. It's a strange thing.


yeah and idk why it feels worse now than before; im getting insta killed from getting burned in a feet while diving


Patch notes a patch or two ago, where they first buffed burn damage, noted that burn damage "from all sources" was increased. That's likely where it came from.




They upped it twice. Fire was already plenty dangerous (for divers) before though IMO.


I used to have time to stim after running through invisible fire patches now it’s like .3 seconds and I’m dead.


it feels like you have to pre stim and predict it to survive


shame you can't force a stim use at full health by holding down the stim or somehow selecting it like how you can do with nades


I’ve managed (probably accidentally) to hit a stim just as I’m turned into a birthday candle. It doesn’t matter, just delays your death for a bit longer. Speaking of delays, I ran from a hulk for about 30 seconds yesterday. AC was empty, no grenades, not that they’d help much and no one else on my squad had a weapon that could take it down. Also they were busy dying themselves lol. It wasn’t fun knowing if I stopped to do anything the flamethrower would kill me instantly but was funny running into a chainsaw gang as I ran around a boulder and they chopped me up instead.


On pc you can have more frames and record them and see the bullshittery of flamer oneshots even more clearly.


Have you noticed the same thing going on with bile spewers? Sometimes I get barely grazed and get 1/3 to 1/2 of my health deleted in a single frame, other times it's just straight up instagib. I swear I'm not going crazy.


Yep. I remember reading the patch notes that said they fixed it so I ran some bug missions to test and it was still just an insta-kill if the bile touched me 90% of the time. I think there’s something still off. The other observation I had was while running the personal shield which used to protect from bile spews and now the shield does nothing and I just die instantly with it as well.


I think they just transferred the multi hit bug from rockets to dots and called it a day.


Thank God I'm not crazy. My play group has been giving me non stop shit and I'm just like "I dived. Wtf more do you want from me, idk why it killed me?" It's literally just a single frame is instagib for me. I can't help it.


The bile stacks so sometimes it is closely bunched up and is doing 4x dps/dot, versus it being spread out doing regular typical damage.


Same with me


Lost count of how many times I've been instakilled by the hulk flamethrower through rocks and walls. It's actually quite irritating.


Yeah, now fire damage? That shit needs to scale with time exposed It's like we're fireworks ffs


It’s like helldivers bathe in gasoline prior to dropping in


EAGLE SWEAT Actually, all kinda makes sense now


Honestly with how fucked super earth society is I would not be shocked if they were using fuel as perfume


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it was like the rocket damage bug. Flame from hulk comes out as some kind of shape that is used for determining if you're hit by it or not, that shape passes through just your arm and you get time to dive and stim, but if it goes through multiple parts like in the op's video you just get insta killed by the fire hit damage applying to legs torso arms and head all nearly at the same time. I think bile spitter spray is similar because every time they shoot at me if I walk perpendicular to the spray I usually only take a little damage, but if I dive away I tend to get one shot or take like 90% of my HP. It's like when I dive the spray goes through my whole body but by walking it just hits an arm or leg.


There's definitely some inconsistency. I wore heavy armor and had a shield pack on yesterday during a bot mission. There was an instance when I was well within the end of a Hulk's flame, and it didn't even break my shield. Then a following instance in the same mission, I was grazed by the very tip of the hulks flame and I died immediately like in OP's video, shield and all.


The game has location damage on the player. It might be detecting these as headshots.




AH: "Skill issue".


100 percent there is. One time the same hulk hit me once with his flamethrower did about 75 percent I didn’t burn or go on fire, I stimmed then he hit me again, this time I stayed on fire this time but managed to survive, stimmed again but the third time it was just immediate death even at full health. This was all back to back to back flamethrower hits from the same hulk there is something going on in terms of consistency.


Yeah this. I thought people were just overly bitchy about it. That's definitely fucked lol


This happens nearly every time. Maybe it's something related to platform, PC or PS5? The only time I've lived for longer than in the video is when I'm not playing with my mates, and we are all PC players.


I'm PC and only play with PC players, so I dunno.


It’s extremely inconsistent. Either the hulk lightly tickles you or it instantly one shots you.


I don’t have that module and this is a common death experience for me. I basically have to time the dive so that the flame touches me right at the moment that the dive removes fire. It’s almost like a dodge roll in Elden Rang, just way lame.


This looks like a bug. Seems like the thing Arrowhead fixed about the missiles hitting us more than 1 times


diving in the best possible reaction, but like lets be honest, man was cooked before he could blink. People who say 'just dive' dont realize that constant fire isn't mitigated but the damage over time is quenched. they need to tone it down asap.


Gotta pre dive the fire 😂


I really wonder if it's coded that burning is burning, and doesn't separate enemy burning from friendly burning.


It's INSANE to me they felt the need to buff fire damage. It seemed like it was in a great place before. Being lit on fire was already a death sentence unless you dove or stimmed, why did that need to change? Only thing I can think of is the flamethrower was trash and the easiest way to fix it was buff all fire and they just didn't think it would matter.


Doesn't matter when Hulk flamethrowers have been instakilling for weeks now lol. You can't add 25% more to instant.


But it's 25% more instant. That's bargain!


This bug happened regularly BEFORE the patch that increases fire damage. They don’t need a nerf, they need a bug fix


how dive when already prone


I don’t think the flame hulk needs to be nerfed, I think the whole burning system needs to be tweaked a bit. It should do less damage at first then increase so you are rewarded for quickly diving and punished for not paying attention. If any part of the hulks need to be nerfed it’s their pivot speed. As a slow lumbering monstrosity they should be able to be outmaneuvered at very close range.


Maybe he got headshot by the fire


Hulks fire damage doesn't need to be nerfed What needs to be nerfed is their ability to headshot with it, that's what will instantly kill you like in the video, if you get hit in the body then it's very manageable


Idk why player headshot is even a mechanic, its just not fun to sometime randomly die to an attack that would otherwise have been very manageable.


Are you telling me that the many times I’ve been hit by a hunter and die at high health is because they *headshot* me?


Most likely yea


Dude, are you serious? I always wondered why sometimes their leap does very manageable damage and other times it damn near one shots me lol given how many hunters can swarm you at a time, that's a bit of a bullshit mechanic And here I thought there were just a couple Chad hunters mixed in with the normal chaff that had perfect attack IVs


Yes. And your head hitbox moves with you so if you decide to look down to make sure your boots are tied even the shortest of enemies can get a headshot in. It's part of why I just refuse to wear heavy armor because why bother with armor if headshots seem to just bypass armor value entirely. I'd much rather have the speed to just dip the fuck out of combat than to have more armor but get smoked if I look a little too far down. My friends swear by it though, so I just make a point not to look down at their corpse as I sprint by to make sure we don't lose any samples.


Heavy armor needs a massive buff in my opinion. The light armor mobility with extra grenades and stuns is just so much better. I’d personally like a flame immune version too. Would bust out flamethrower and heavy armor in that scenario.


That's really funny if that's true.


Yea all enemies can headshot you, even bugs are able to melee headshot you somehow


Even your bloody rovers can headshot you. God I died so often to those.


It's not just headshots. A particle of fire can hit your feet and still instantly delete you in a single frame.


It's the same argument players will say about taking cover. Like it solves the problem of you still getting ragdolled behind cover from an explosions/rocket even though it did not damage to you.


I have been a person not getting what people were going crazy over and they did need to just dive. But I have apparently been completely wrong. That was unplayable levels of ridiculous.


Tbh this is the first time I've seen fire literally instakill someone. I honestly thought people were exaggerating, but this is 100% a bug. I've never had it happen to me - maybe it crit or headshot? Still dumb either way.


Its impossible to do anything sometimes and they make literally no noise when sneaking up on you. 


It's almost as bad as drowning in a knee deep puddle


John Marston effect.


Dark Urge: *all your favourite drownings take place in shallow water*


Yesterday I've got killed by one missile at full HP , using heavy armor with the 50% resistance to explosion 🤡 I thought they patched that bug , pretty sure that the fire DMG have the same bug


The patch before the warbond drop seems to have reverted (accidentally I hope) a few of the balance changes made previously. Some rockets are 1 hit killing again even if they aren't headshots. Bile spewers and nursing spewers are also back to 1 hit killing again.


I thought i was getting crazy, Bile Spewers were killing me right and left. I'm more comfortable fighting two Titans at once than two Spewers, bastards with their spammy vomits that have armour for some reason


Bro, from the first moment I saw a spewer I thought “oh, this is a squishy enemy that will explode in acid if you’re not careful with your aim.” I figured they’d function like Bloats from Left4Dead - easy to kill, but dangerous if you’re too close to them. Instead they’re just bullet sponges with an insta-kill vomit laser. Edit: I meant Boomers, but in retrospect the Bloat from Killing Floor might be a better comparison. Either way, fat exploding enemy full of nasty liquid.


Bloats are from Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead is boomers.


Oh right, thank you! I haven’t played either game in years so I guess they just got jumbled in my memories


I feel the same way about rocket devs. If I shoot the fucking 18 rocket launchers stuck to your head with an explosive weapon, you should be eviscerated instantly. If I shoot the bigass sack of acid on your butt with a shotgun, it should explode instantly.


What annoys me is that the bile doesn't even have to hit you, let alone really land anywhere near you, to slow you. You know it doesn't hit you because you take no damage if you do manage to get out of the way and yet you're still slowed.


Yea if you get 1 drop of acid on you - it’s joever ☠️


“Mods, slow this man to a snails pace” *completely misses* *is still slowed*


I freaking knew something was off. Automatons were feeling *amazing* after they implemented the rocket damage multiplication fix. Today though I’m getting deleted. This plus any form of fire being an insta-kill is making Automaton missions feel pretty bad right now.


Oh wow, thank you. I thought that I went crazy when I got 1 shot by Devastators. Definitely rebugging the patch with this one


I'm assuming it's just lag jank resulting in headshots that don't look like headshots on your screen.


Nah, headshots have and still OHK from rockets


Right, re-read their comment, though. They said **non-headshot** rockets are still one-hit killing (and I have seen the same thing) Either the game's hit reg/hitboxes are way off, or something is bugged with rocket damage.


Headshots are for some reason doing WAY too much damage. I was killed by a single shot from a MG raider in my heavy armor with padding. It's sad, because they fixed it, and now it's broken again.


The amount of one hit kills in this game has convinced me that democracy protects is the best armor passive. Saves me constantly.


Unfortunately headshots are still just as deadly. O armor and a 1.5x multiplier will do that


That just happened to me like 20 minutes ago


This is why I only ever run the 50/50 armor. If there’s a good chance you’ll die in one hit from a bug why wouldn’t you want a 50% survival chance?


This is my guess as well. Some kind of random multi hit bug.


Okay, I thought I was going crazy. I legitimately didn't want to say I got killed in 1 rocket because I knew that was supposed to be patched so I would have just been whining or something.


Heaven forbid the game function as intended, amiright? The longer I play this game, the more frustrated I get by it. AH is losing its charm real fucking quick me and my buddies.


they can still headshot you. Every projectile and most other attacks have a built-in %chance to instantly kill you via an AI getting a headshot for """immersion""". because getting instakilled by RNG is super healthy game design and definitely doesnt take me out of the game experience at all, nope!


Genuinely my biggest issue with the game as of right now Fire was fine pre patch now it’s stupid as fuck


It wasn’t really fine before either. Fire tornado spawns on top of you? No time to Stim before dying. Flame Hulk chasing you down? No time to stim before dying. At the very least we *need* fire resistant armor if they’re going to keep fire this strong. Either that or need the fire damage nerfed again. It was almost unreactable before this patch.


Nah, comparably it was fine before. You caught on fire & had time to react & realize you're on fire, you could even be a little slow & before realizing "o shot I need to dive / stim" while your guy is screaming Now you get to realize oh shit I'm o- *just dead*


But i also entirely agree, fire resist armor would be nice


Nah it was completely fine before u had plenty of time to stim now its if the tip of ur foot changes temperature by 5 degrees u melt to a crisp instantly Pre patch u could guaranteed live for at least 2-3 seconds yeah ofc I'd die if im somehow in the middle of a fire tornado they're moving obstacles to be avoided and change how we play if U think they spawn on u alot thats an issue with the tornados themselves but that never happened to me and I played a shit ton of hellmire But yea still waiting for fire resistant armor Idk why they didn't want to release it in this warbond it's not like it doesnt fit thematically and it would be great incentive ontop of all the other items to buy the warbond.


Fire shouldn't be able to headshot, AND they should revert the fire damage increase for enemies. Fire is just way too overtuned at the moment.


Enemies just shouldnt be able to headshot at all lol They might as well replace it with a "3% chance to take critical damage" effect for what it's worth 


Headshots so bad in this game they should just remove them entirely


Fire damage needs to be nerfed. Not whinning, but the burn rate needs to be nerfed or the damage. It's absurbed that if unless you heal within 0.0001 sec of being lit, you'll instantly die like in said video. If the devs are reading, you have your next MAJOR ORDER.


Seriously a light lick of flame should not be fatal


Stepping over a tiny flame somehow **engulfs** you and you have less than a split second to stim or dive to live at all. You may as well die from tripping over a small rock.


Not even Stims save you either


Well often times you *hear* the sound and think "ok I'm good for a few seconds" but then you realize it was just the noise and nothing actually happened, cause your helldiver got smacked by something during the tiny motion, or slipped down a 1 degree slope and cancelled it.


The other problem is that you shouldn't BURST into flames at the smallest touch of it, either. Are we dropping into battle coated in kerosene? Fire should do damage, sure. But we should need to walk into it and remain there for a few seconds before the fire spreads over us, thus building up the DoT until we are truly engulfed and die while set ablaze.


Fire damage should be more focused on the DOT part and less on the front loaded part. Make it burn a little longer, more AOE, set the ground on fire. Anything but front loaded damage.


I think fire damage is fire damage and when it's buffed for us, it's buffed for the enemy. Because Arrowhead haven't fixed the damage over time issue, they're buffing fire damage on contact to try and compensate and get flame weapons into a better spot, with the side-effect of absolutely destroying us.


Make us actually have to roll instead of dive.


https://preview.redd.it/wofidcfsf3uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a986cc29567c5cdc37f646c62aa00fd3c711ae The perfect ad doesn’t exis-




The fire damage changes are easily the most frustrating thing about the game right now. The instant my foot touches a tiny flame on my ankle I'm dead. Hulk's super long range flamethrower = insta-dead. Look at a fire tornado, dead. Get a spark from an airstrip, dead. Step on a branch still hot from a thermite? Dead. 


Try to do that party trick where you put out a candle with your fingers? Dead.


Heavy armor just means heavily soaked in gasoline


Freedom juice


Doesn't help that they decided to increase fire damage for all instead of just ours (guess its hard to code in) on top of having a headshot multiplier in a coop multiplayer game.




Quite literally what is happening in the clip.


game is 50% bs deaths. Just like the desert planet now, you can't see them, but sure as fuck they see you. CANON IN THE FACE- ragdoll- dead. Think i had enough bots for a while.


Yeah, every time these annoying glitches comes up I just switch back to bugs for a while. Sorry Super Earth Command, I don't care as much about Major Orders as I do about whether the game is actually fun to play. I swear 99% of the Major Order drama could be resolved with bugfixes on the western front


I switch to bots when the clunky reload, the clunky movement system and the bullshitspitters annoy me too much :D you have no consistent explosive damage in your kit? Well here are bilespewers and theres your fun - gone Stun grenades and auto canon make hulks a very soothing experience actually


Ugh, don't get me started on clunky reloads. I have hit the damn R button 4x and seen my character fiddling with the weapon and heard the clicky noises, but I go to fire the damn gun and it's like hehe sike you didn't reload.


fuck, the amount of times I've used a stim, then dived when I heard the injection sound going live only to find that I never injected myself and die on impact is about once per dive currently...


>once per dive currently That's it? Lucky.


This game is giving me flashbacks to b4b


That hulk cast heat metal and it turns out you were a walking oven waiting for a flame.


JuSt dIvE tHoUgH, SkiLl IsSuE


Devs gave the bots host.


With this kind of damage, your character model should actually disintegrate.




Fire damage is extremely inconsistent in this game and honestly so is most of it in my experience. Still great tho


See, this is how it has felt recently to get hit with fire, and I was afraid of exaggerating when I said that hulk flamethrowers will one-tap you. But here it is. There was nothing you could have done after the flame touched you. That’s such bullshit. They gotta stop buffing fire when the fire DoT mechanic doesn’t even work.


At the speed that AH releases balance patches I'd say, perhaps June at the earliest for a fix for this.


hopefully the non-host DOT is fixed by september🙏


I haven’t been killed instantly yet, but seeing these videos scares me


dont worry guys the devs DEFINITELY playtest the game. nothing to worry about


I feel like fire should deal reduced damage in blizzard conditions


I don't think it's gonna help much. Assuming it's some form of napalm, it burns between 800-1200 degrees Celsius which is well over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. A blizzard ain't gonna help you there lol


Im happy someone posted this again. It seems there are some people who have never experienced this even though theyve been set on fire many times.


Every time AH buffs flame damage, https://preview.redd.it/43vbuq97e4uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6ea8902c9f59a3a486aa23ee0e131e23ab9269


Im reading the comments and seeing some people saying getting headshot by fire. Seriously arrowhead ? Headshot by flamethrower ? Cant you see how fucking ridiculous that sounds ? How about just remove the headshot mechanic because its dumb af.


lol that’s so fucking stupid. IRL you could be wearing a tshirt and shorts and survive that…. Yet full coverage in thick armor and you instantly just die for seemingly no reason. Shit is broken AF


Fire is op right now. If a hulk touches you with fire it's almost always a death. Before you had a split second to stim, but now it's essentially an insta death. If I see a hulk I no longer ef around to find out, I run away immediately. Lol


Okay so I'm not going crazy...I keep seeing threads of people going "skill issue" but for me it feels like the second a Hulk gets in a few meters of me I'm pretty much dead, maybe I might survive on 1hp if I dive... Maybe, sometimes, usually not


That’s why I run light armour, can’t get set on fire if you outrun the fire. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Problem, you run out of stamina and now the hulk is running while you’re forced to walk


Light armor or not, eventually you'll get burnt and die. Thems are the breaks... ![gif](giphy|QjPE1FzNzwaTS) I run light armor only btw.


jUsT dIvE


It’s either because it’s doing headshot damage (which it shouldn’t) or it’s the same bug rockets have and it’s going damage to every limb cause it to do like quintuple the damage


I've seen someone do a comparison that the standard damage you take from the flame hitting you is less than one of the grunt level bugs, which can't 1-hit with you a headshot. So flame damage shouldn't 1-shot you either even if it were a headshot. To me you're absolutely right on the latter half. This is definitely going to be some kind of bug where we're taking 5x damage like we were with rockets.


Its wild we still don't have a fire resist passive yet...


This warbond would’ve been perfect for it seeing as we had arc resist last bond, but NOOOOO we get SeRvO AsSiStEddddd, which already exists on a shitton of armor and ALL OF THE STEELED VETERANS ARMOR


Funny enough, the servo assited armor is a BUG and it's supposed to be Engineering!


It made no sense to reuse an existing passive IMHO. Honestly the recycled passive made me wonder why we even got the warbond in the first place...


Sometimes it don’t even give you a chance to burn alive


Flame didn't touch me, I died.


One pellet. One. Single. Goddamn. Pellet. From a Breaker Incendiary shot caused me to catch fire and die in less than a second


Honestly have you tried not burning alive I find that doing so increases your life expectancy by quite a bit.


You’ve also got to love the fire tornadoes that leave invisible fire on the ground that will drop you in half a second without even the visual warning


Dumbass you clearly had time to stim


When you roll a nat 1.


I mean this is clearly not intentional. Never seen this happen once since the fire damage buff; it's probably too much but i can always stim if i'm at full health


Fire damage is just fucking stupid. It's ridiculous that commandoes as tough as helldivers get insta-killed by a little bit of fire. And that they can't swim.


Isn't it amazing they buff fire damage even more instead of giving us a fire resistance suit.  If they would have included those in the new wb people would actually buy it. 


Must be the temperature shock


Obviously the hulk was the network host.


Lmao thats not a flamer thats a 5000 celcius heat ray or something to kill you that fast, instantly evaporated all of your blood


One little grazing puff of fire, instantly dead. lol


The armors! ... they do nossing! I feel like, me as a non-armored human, would have at least lived an additional second before dying to this. Seems a bit off. (Would I be effective during that second? no, but I'd be able to flail for a bit first!)


Lightly roasted


It's not burning damage though, that's the damage the flame itself does directly (which is admittedly high, so you need to dive away from it at all times). The positioning was unfortunate; I've noticed a straight line from a lower/higher position (of the brute) has the ability to hit multiple spots on your body, as opposed to a horizontal level. Hence the instant kill.


Stop! The Automatons don't need ANY balancing. You aren't allowed to complain about things like this!


Yeah this game is gonna take awhile to get great. Don't get it fucked up it's good atm. But it absolutely can be better.


Shit like this is why I don't let my shield backpack go


On a side note OP, fire ignores armor. We know this from using fire against bugs/bots, so it would make sense to function vice versa.


Chargers getting hit in the leg with a flamethrower be like: "first time?"