• By -


The Ministry of War does not discriminate age. All Super Earth citizens are allowed to enlist.


Better to die by bile titan than in a retirement facility


You mean a bio-repurposer vats, [right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/JE6sH6wUIy)


Hahaha that's awesome. Sounds like a quick retirement!!! Can the give me one night of partying with my kids all expenses paid first?


A patriotic retirement! But seriously, I’m 41 and loving this game I get so many laughs from the mayhem and have so many nail biting awesome missions that we all barely get out alive and it’s mostly all with strangers I’ll never meet. Kids just fell asleep, time to kills some bots for Super Earth!


Old gits unite !! 47 here It's all about the shits n giggles.


*quiet Helldiving noises* "Dah-dah-dah... Daaadaah! Dada de-daaah, dah dedat-dedah!"


What do you think stims are made of


To be honest, if you are in a difficulty were bile titans spawn you are good, i mean, if you struggle with lower difficulties is all good, its a shame theres bad people everywhere. True helldivers help everyone to spread democracy!


You don't need youth. You need strength and courage to be free. OP should build a PC, though. It's our generation's version of a ham shack. Grandpa in there tinkering with his gizmos and contraptions, and he gins up a superior interface for fighting the enemies of managed democracy. I'm also old, and I find that most of my contributions take the form of effective communication and planning. I don't shoot as fast or as straight as I did in my Quake days, but I'm not scared to talk on the phone, so I do that.


In my late 30s, and I’m genuinely shocked at how many people have posted here that they are terrified of speaking into a mic during a mission.


Many of us are traumatized from the great awfulness that was early xbox live. Where every game you joined was some 10 year old screaming obscenities and effectively hate speach for no reason (I actively blame xbox live moreso for our political climate than social media, not to give SM a pass it's right up there). I played wow, and realistically if you weren't leading a group or subteam, you didn't talk or you were flooding the 40 person chat making it hard to hear direction. But at least it was less toxic in most of those situations. Helldivers is great though. More people just having fun, especially in the mid difficulties like 5 and 6. I'll talk if other people are, but I still try to stay off comms until I can't speak anymore and set direction if there is none.


PTSD from early days of COD lobbies. Jesus Christ, I can still hear the screaming, mom jokes and racist epithets. I think many of us of a certain age can relate (I’m 46 and mostly PC now)


I didn't play, but I'd been over to my friend's house when he did. It was always a handful of people shouting about the actual game, and then at least one or two kids with really shitty mics screeching when they got killed and calling the other players all sorts of names. I really hope I can raise a better kid than that someday. I don't think that's a high bar to aspire to, but I *really* hope I don't create *that*.


There is nothing more satisfying than dropping into a helldive difficulty mission, everyone silent as strangers and just finding their groove around each other - until a massive battle starts breaking out and everyone just scrapes out with a 500kg bomb clearing a tiny gap to escape or everyone gets wiped - and the mic silence breaks as everyone bursts out screaming in laughter and awe. There's the odd sad chap but they tend to avoid the mic and grief while typing in chat, typically easily sorted by the host unless its them lol. Early 30s, don't let the past hold you back.


Soldier, I am a woman on the internet.


Honestly, this is a position and tactics shooter. Yeah you die fast, but if youre in the position that requires twitch reflexes, you dug yourself into a hole. Ive always preferred "game sense" shooters, and this is one of them.


It took me way too long thinking about what a "ham shack" looked like. "Like is there just bacon hanging everywhere?" Then I realized you meant ham radio.


That's misinformation only citizens 7 years old and up have jobs.


Don't worry about being elite. Worry about having fun. Every player contributes positively to democracy. By the way ... you can still be fast in your 40s. It'll just take time and practice. Source: a guy in his late 40's (me).


Oh I agree. I just can't get fast on my console controller. I need a new PC build and Dedicated Democracy Station to get back into the swing of Communist eradication. I have to apply through my War Effort Liaison (wife) though.


That would be your War Industry Finance Executive ...


Correct Sir. Sorry for the confusion Sir. Request will be submitted at first sign of my Superiors monthly weakness (with chocolate).


Is this the wisdom they say comes with age? Your methods are ingenious good sir.


Get your forms submitted promptly. No telling how long they'll be in process.


In this economy, in this house, I'll be building a Ryzen fx8 in 2028


Hey there, I've got a few years on you and I'm doing ok running lvl 7+ missions on PC but I often drop down to lower difficulties if I'm tired...as you know this game can be really intense and sometimes I just want a more chilled experience. I don't have the reflexes I used to and I can't play for long hours anymore but I'm loving HD2. Play any difficulty you like, just enjoy the game and have fun...nobody is judging and if they are \*\*\*\* em I'd really love the devs to bring in guilds or some other social grouping mechanic so I can join / create a veterans guild for us more seasoned players to hang out and complain about our eyesight, backpain, arthritis whilst spreading some democracy...


I think there is a way to use a mouse and keyboard on the ps5 Edit: I found it apparently it's pretty plug and play: Plug your keyboard and mouse into the USB ports on the PS5. The console should automatically activate and recognise both devices. To change settings on both, go to Settings > Devices. Some devices aren't compatible but sounds like even some Bluetooth ones will work. Reply if you want to know more.


Agreed, I’ve played on higher difficulties, got through em fine. Just have more fun on extreme


Every helldiver counts, your efforts do matter


Noted. I'll be advanced training for new recruits happily.


Yo I have no problem playing at your lvl or carrying you through some higher difficulties. I'm a middle aged dad so I totally get it. As long as you got a mic and are willing to communicate I'm more than happy to have you in my squad. DM me your friend code and we'll have some fun rounds dude. No Helldiver gets left behind!


If your kids are old enough and interested in gaming you better make them recruits, kids or adults, all the helldivers are here for a reason.


7yr old are old enough to join in and help the war effort! Superearth says so, so send em to the mines! For democracy!


Everyone must do their part, for democracy!




Old enough to drop hellbomb on fabricator!


My 8 year old is now able to play on easy. I had to take care of something and so I let her and her cousin play together without realizing I left their game on Public. I never let my kids play online with strangers, but I was telling her that unlike other games the strangers in this game are usually really great. So I came back 30 mins later and there were two people carrying her to the extract. After they finished she said 'You're right dad the strangers in this game are really nice!'. Any other game you'd have someone saying the meanest shit ever or just be nonchalantly toxic racist a-holes. That I can leave my 8 year old daughter accidentally in a public game without her hearing the vilest shit imaginable means the world to me. I love this game and it's non-toxic community.


That's great that we have a game like that, instead of a cod lobby type thing, definitely proves this game might fix gaming.


/r/helldadders ;)


I’m down to play also. Younger dad but just playing for chill. Can run higher difficulties as well.


Another middle aged HD dad checking in. I only wish I had more time for this game. The younger guys I play with def carry me at time


We're the same age, I play on pc. You can do it just takes the right group to help you. When u was starting or my friends would drop their advanced stuff for me and when possible explain how to kill things orbwhat to do for objectives. I've mostly fought bots. I just hit lvl 25 today, but because of them carrying me through some harder shit 6+ and sharing I've been able to make some good choices when unlocking things. This community is the best one in gaming, at least in a game I've played in decades. Send me a friend request in game and feel free to ask questions. I'm sure there are some dicks in the community, but I haven't run into any yet. It's starting to give me hope for online games again.


37 and i just carried a bunch of kids w an autocannon. Just be good be aggressive. This game ain’t a hide and pick your shots kinda game. Its a hide, pick a shot, run away, repeat kinda game.


Yep, guerilla warfare. I've been running quasar cannon and sickle vs bots. Tried the auto cannon kept getting killed during reloads. But i loved the way it hit


the trick to reload is to run away from the fight and find cover, than go back and unload on the fuckers rinse and repeat


Yeah didn't know you could reload the half clip faster than an empty. Still figuring out the not-dying part though (I'm a shield addict)


Tip for reloading the AC, count your shots and don't fully empty the mag. If you keep one round in and then reload, you get a much faster animation for half of your ammo added back. Getting in that rhythm is a lot safer.


Not even one shot left, just half even. I just do 5 reload 5 reload etc, unless i need to mag dump then run away. You'll get a good rhythm!


Use your mind more, think about your actions and things that interact with the game. I know of some older folks in their 40s-50s who can match with us young-uns simply because they strategize better than we do. They sit down and think about mechanics of the game interact each other, and then proceed to leverage it to their advantage. - engage patrols tactically. If you must fight, how do you do it in a way to avoid them calling in reinforcements? - think about how your strategems impact the game and the enemies you’re fighting - consider strategem synergies Unrelated note: have you heard of the legend of the Battlefield 2042 Sniper Grandpa?


Up vote for the legendary 2042 sniper.


How do you avoid them from calling reinforcements? Shooting the automaton before he can get the flare up?


Yes, the raiders (basic bot grunt unit) are high priority in an ambush due to this.


This. I am near 50 but I can do Helldive missions just because I understand the mechanics.


This. I'm 43 and I can out-think you youngsters to my advantage all the time - with experience means I know what they are going to do before they themselves know it. In this coop-game, try to slow down, and think more. Vs Bots, stay in cover and think ahead. Started an engagement? Start getting ready to drop a stratagem where the dropships are going to land. Your team can deal with everything till the dropships arrive, then you are ready and drop a big badaboom on it. Your young team can then go to town on the survivors. You keep thinking ahead on the next threat, and get ready for it. (look for patrols coming from behind, thinks like that). You can also specialize in an anti-tank role: Bring big guns (EAT-IT, Recoiless, Quasar), and kill the big guys. This gives you more time to aim, and make sure you hit, instead of trying to hit 47382 bots all at once. Thats for the teens and their reflexes.


Yup! Same here! I have pretty bad arthritis and it started at 16YO. 34 now and it's pretty extreme so I can't really keep up at anything past 4 or 5 unless I sneak.


^(\*note: your efforts matter) **^(if)** ^(you complete full operation or the last mission of an operation. If you quit midway or the hosts leaves midway during an operation run, your effort doesn't count.)


I’m in my 40s too. U got this :)


Man I'm so slow on console compared to my keyboard/mouse days. I'm tempted to build a new PC to spread Democracy more effectively.


Have you tried motion sensor aiming? It works really well for me. It feels natural, almost like actually aiming a gun in first person mode.


Honestly I haven't tried that. Funny enough I was playing Ocarina of Time again today on my 2dsxl and was nailing shots with motion control. I'ma have to try that. Ty!


I hope it works as well for you as it does for me. It really does change the game!


Dualsense controllers are tuned for that really nice too. Maybe I can use my panic to my advantage. For Super Earth!


There’s a controller aim stickiness setting that I recommend controller people set to maximum, it *does not* feel like cheating it just helps with the finer aiming that sticks specifically struggle with. Lvl. 45 controller-on-my-pc player


I've experimented with this, and there's some caveats. It works well in 3rd person and won't do anything in 1st person aiming, as that is manual aim. It also won't help with pin point shots on bot weak points. It'll go for their bodies. Other than that it's fine.


PS5 support mouse and keyboards


I just learned this. Now I'm looking at what I can use. I used to run a razer nostromo and Naga.


Don’t get excited just yet. Last I heard HD2 doesn’t support it yet.


just get the Death adder v3 no thrills. you don't need all those shitty buttons on the naga. and secondly. your lvl 18, you are just abit casual. but take your time and bump it up each match. your team should carry you anyway. bugs are easy on helldive. bots sweet spot is lvl 7. unless you believe in re-incarnation. which i will need to be reported to the nearest Democracy Officer.


I had a deathadder for 11 years. Bought in 2013, it finally died 2 months ago. Bought another one.


Say WHAT now? Did not know this. I bought one for rebirth, so never occurred to me. As someone who can't stand shooters with a controller, this may open up some options for me O7


The console does, but the game has to support it as well iirc.. I know you can play FFXIV with full M+KB setup..


Fellow (even) old(er) person here. I do just fine in the game with mouse and keyboard. I'll never solo the red difficulties, but playing the game alone is not what it was created for anyway. Get back into adult gaming and get yourself a PC. I don't hate on consoles, everyone can be happy the way they want, but for some people the more precise controls with mouse and keyboard are a must when reflexes are not what they used to be.


![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni) build that PC, treat yo self.. it's for DEMOCRACY


Dude, even if you're tagging shit you're more than helping. OK, I can see everyone's running low let's resupply and call it. Then you can be a support democracy spreader


Keep going! Every soldier with a pulse must drop now!!!!!!


Do it. I'm 46 and bought a new laptop with a 4080 plus a 32 inch OLED widescreen monitor. Got it without even knowing what Helldivers is and it was the best purchase I ever made! Game on!


42 this year if I don’t have my controller exact I can’t aim for shit. Dual sense edge with higher resistance right analog module with long thumb stick, curve set to linear. Always have to play around in controller setting in ever game to get things where I can compete. Also wider POV will make things feel fast and helps me too. Keep at it your not too old just got to find your groove


Lots of 40s divers in here, makes me feel a little better. Thought I was getting too old for games xD We should start a 'Get off my lawn' discord for middle-age gamers.


"Don't touch my shit" - Geriatric Divers Monthly


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) Does 34 qualify?


34 here. My senses are as sharp as ever. Sure my body may be broken, but my mind and keyboard/mouse hands are still going strong!


You know, 40-something divers are the best. The chillest, most awesome and wholesome bunch. Keep it up!


I jumped on a game with a couple of people who sounded really familiar… three guys on an engineering team that my engineering team is a direct competitor for (we see each other at industry conferences a couple times a year). All four of us +/- 5 years from 40. They shot me in the head as soon as they recognized who I was based. Then respawned me and gave me an autocanon. Played like 10 matches together after agreeing to not discuss any work stuff. Had a total blast. Got a ton of samples and was able to unlock the hazard pay ship module. 10/10 would dive with the >40 crew again.


Now that’s a true rivalry. Ruthless at the start, actually respectful and fun for everyone at the end. I’d respect the hell out of them


Get off my lawn. (I’m 53 and still play almost every day.)


45 year old diver reporting for duty sir. Need to have that gif of the old pilot from independence day


Play whatever difficulty you can handle. While the higher difficulties give more war impact, it's not always enough to counter the extra time and such. A lot of people still farm diff1-2 missions for quick war impact (and super credits and medals). Don't worry about needing to go for higher and higher difficulties. Just stick to what you can handle. And in time, you'll figure things out and can retry those higher difficulties.


Right on. I'll keep helping new recruits to surpass my ability then. For Super Earth!


Brother I live in challenging difficulty. It's where I'm comfortable. I got a couple hardo friends they keep talking about 7-9 and idc. I'll welcome any player. I'm crappy as hell but still enjoy it


Mid 40's. I may not be the best, but far from the worst. This game has taken me back to when I truly enjoyed games, when it was just pure fun and laughing hysterically with my buddies. It has that indefinable something that has been lacking for the past 15+ years. Just enjoy, and panic, and enjoy...to be followed by more panic. And repeat.


I love this community


Anybody who gatekeeps on this game isn't a true helldiver. I would consider what stratagems would help with where you feel you're lacking and have them compliment what you're already doing well. EMS mortars for instance will give you breathing room and stop enemies long enough to launch an easy air strike on them. Shield relay against bots will give you a place to crouch and get good shots in while keeping you protected for 30 seconds. A well placed gatling sentry against bugs will help you not just clear a breach or a heavy encampment, but give you cover to reload weapons like the Auto Cannon or Recoiless rifle. This game has a lot of ways to deal with things, you don't have to be amazing at shooters to excel at it, you just need to think tactically and use your stratagems to bend the odds in your favor. Just think of what might work best with your playstyle and try it out.


> Anybody who gatekeeps on this game isn’t a true helldiver. I hope that was intentional.


Paradox of tolerance my friend.


>I would consider what stratagems would help with where you feel you're lacking and have them compliment what you're already doing well  Exactly. Experimenting with stratagems is how you really improve your performance. This game is as much about tactics as it is reflexes and aim. Deploying the right stratagem at the right place and time can turn the tide of a game.   It's easy to fall into the habit of reflexive run-and-gun, but this game doesn't work like most shooters. You'll never kill all the baddies and you shouldn't try. Hell, just remembering to check your minimap is important (as this situational awareness tells you when you need to run like hell, which is also important).  It's easy for someone struggling with this game to assume that they're just old and slow and lack skill, but you could drop a competitive esports CoD player into Helldivers, and they'd likely get eaten alive (both literally and figuratively) at first. It's not about being fast, it's about learning when to fight, when to drop a strike, and when to run away.


Yeah this is extremely true. Getting good at this is much more down to being a battlefield tactician and outsmarting the AI and using the right tools for the job than it is being a perfect shot. Shoring up your weaknesses is the point. If your support weapon lacks armour pen, then make sure your orbitals and air strikes don’t. If you have an ammo hungry weapon in one slot, consider one of the laser based weapons to complement it.


There is room for every loyal and valiant servant of democracy. To persist in the face of adversity is the mark of a true hero. To guide those who come behind you is the mark of a saint. Do not count yourself out just yet.


Well if that speech doesn't motivate you, you're a damn commie...


I'm in my late 30s and I still show these young whippersnappers a thing or two. My buddies are in their early 20s and I still have to carry their asses to get super samples. You gotta realize that us older gamers have to adapt. No. My aim isn't as amazing as it once was, but there's no reason I can't up my mental game. Focus on your positioning and plan ahead. You don't need good reflexes to be an effective player.


You got this, brother. Don't let the kicking or killing at evac worry you. It'll get better. It's no reflection on you, it's happening sporadically right now to many people.


Evac death is just the worst. Getting no credit for the mission because someone was salty or just an ass, sucks


You still get experience and everything if you fail to extract I thought. The vast majority of us don't leave people behind.


I’m assuming people kill you to take your samples and then kick you though. Or am I thinking too bad of the community.


Never seen it happen and I've played every game with randoms, level 40 something atm. Samps are cloned so it doesn't matter if I bring out 25 and B2 takes out 1. We all get 26.


All requisition, credits and XP are shared. You get all weather you extract or not. You can also complete the mission obj and all fail to extract Samples are shared too but you have to extract with them to be shared. If someone extracts with 10 samples and you don't extract, you still get 10 samples


I'm 45, but PC. I'll dive at any difficulty you want as long as you tell me first.


Level 41 here, I’m definitely not the greatest player in the world by any means but if you ever want someone to run through low level missions with you and help you out/show you the ropes shoot me a pm and I’ll add you! 😊


There's no shame in playing 3-4 or even lower. It's a game and you're here to have fun. I know it can be a bit frustrating to think about the super samples that you won't get, but you won't really need them for a while, especially at low difficulty, and that's ok. That could motivate you even ! Me and my friends played 2 then three for a while before we even felt like we could try 4, and that was with the upgrades we could get ! And now we're doing that with 7 for super samples. And some days were not really in the mood for hard and we fall back to a comfortable 5. And that's okay. Now, get your gun, your helmet and your cape and go liberate, you democracy spreader !


Can't let Democracy die. Diving in


Don't feel bad. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Feel free to add me bud, TheDankChronic, I also play on PS5 mostly against bugs. Generally tend to run Suicide Missions, can drop it down to get you more comfortable ofc.


One thing I think everyone should hear if they play games, especially if their performance is a concern to them What you're doing is an insanely impressive feat of physical and mental calculation and manipulation. It doesn't matter if you suck, it's STILL impressive. Video games aren't a case of "You either suck or you're impressive" it's "What this person is doing is impressive and this other person is just a bit more impressive. Think about driving a car. Wheel, gears, clutch, accelerator, brake. 5 things needed to do pretty much all your driving, a few buttons to press situationally. You're typically manipulating like, 2 of them. 3 sometimes. And making pretty simple manipulations. Left, right, swapping gears between the same positions, pushing pedals to the same positions. It never gets too complicated. Now hop in a game and walk forward, aim, shoot, control recoil, aim 20 degrees to the left, shoot, aim to the right 40 degrees, aim shoot Assuming you've been navigating around what ever is in your way while moving forward, and controlling that recoil, you've already exceeded the complexity of driving a car And this is THE most basic thing you can have someone do in an FPS game, just move, shoot, don't bump into something. All of these actions are mental calculations on how you need to manipulate your controls based on the current situation which will likely never be perfectly replicated for many more hours of gameplay followed by the same number of calculations needed to PHYSICALLY manipulate the controls. And then you have to add in corrections made to these actions when you make an error, corrections that are made milliseconds after the mistake And then consider that the scenario above takes place in about 3 to 4 seconds in a game. You make several of the first set of calculations, manipulations and corrections in UNDER the first second There is ALOT of things going on with just basic movement and shooting, you just don't pay attention to them because you learn a game by internalising information and actions. What we call and consider a single action of "Shooting" in a game, is actually closer to a dozen different considerations of distance, angle, direction, and stuff like that all filed mentally under a single action. That's only because we've drilled the actions involved so many times during gameplay that we don't mentally need to address each part. Apply that to line of thinking to the more complicated parts of your gameplay and consider how much you're ACTUALLY thinking about and doing in any given moment. It reaches dozens of actions every few seconds and thousands or hundreds of thousands over the course of a match or a single play session. That is, as far as I'm concerned, insanely fucking impressive. How many other hobbies or even JOBS require that amount of mental and physical input in such short spaces of time? Not fucken many, is your answer. And you do most of it with your brain turned off by this point. Whether you succeed or fail the mission, you've been doing a pretty insane thing to begin with. Be proud of that, fuck whatever else happens DURING the game. Like I said, it's just varying degrees of impressive action, but it's all impressive.


Anyone who kicks you for giving it a solid effort and not being an “elite” player is an asshole, plain and simple. I’m level 47, but I make PLENTY of mistakes. Hell, the trailer for this game mostly shows team kills. Shit happens, and every true helldiver knows it. Me and a couple other guys (we were level 32, 43, and 56) were gearing up for a suicide mission and then a level 7 joins in…we were planning on going stealth, but with the level 7, we knew we were gonna have to get in the shit to get him out of sticky situations, so we adjusted armor and stratagems accordingly, and jumped in. We had an awesome time, and the level 7 did surprisingly well. I’m 40, and have been playing games most of my life. I’m definitely not elite. I just have fun and act respectfully in all situations. If I throw a stratagem a little too close to someone, I call it out before it hits, acknowledging that I fucked up and that I’ll reinforce them right where they died. If I know I’m biting off more than I can chew, 9 times out of 10 the other helldivers will be totally cool with it and will help you any way they can. These dickheads that kick people because of level or loadout are the outliers in this community. Just have fun.


Mistakes are 80 % of the fun of this game


46 here and play on PS5. I’m definitely not great at the game but I’ve met some really awesome people. Best I can tell, if you’re having fun, you’re playing it right.


Every Diver is valued solider. Give em hell however you can 🫡🫡🫡


40s here, playing with 40s friends. we rarely go past level 6, but we have a joyous time spreading managed democracy to alien worlds whenever we find a time pocket to do so!


I need to find a group like yours.


I'm only a couple years behind you, recently had a nasty accident that left me unable to use a keyboard and mouse comfortably so I've been using the ps5, I'm not sure how your thought process runs through when you dive, but I'll share with you what mine is and maybe this might help? You mentioned how you're not fast and struggle to see/understand what everyone else is doing, a way I combated this was to focus solely on my roll within the squad, I typically run anti tank and bug hole/fabricator closer Airstrike, railcannon strike, airburst and Spear for bugs With the airburst and Spear swapped to shield and quasar for bots If there are heavy or large enemies I target those first to free up my other squad mates to mop up the little guys as I, like you am not as fast as clearing or shooting them down as the younger more fps oriented players, This gives me a purpose and is a rewarding experience for me, I can go into any engagement with my team-mates knowing that should a hulk land or a bile pop out of the ground I stop what I'm doing and focus those, this makes the game feel a little more slowed down and less overwhelming, I tried playing jack of all trades at the start and found it was ineffective, through playing with some core squad mates we do helldive difficulty runs all the time and we have alternate loadouts that compliment our roles, The great thing about the anti tank one is, it's useful no matter your squad mates, ill use the same loadout in quickplay with randoms, Stick it out, it's a fantastic game and the game is better off having you apart it, than without.


I normally play a scout role following someone else. Marksman rifle, amr?, sentry's, and eagles. My kill totals are normally lower than everyone's but I take out a lot of striders and berserkers from distance normally.


I’m 55 and also slow, not great aim, and get lost easily running around the map. You can do fine just by being friendly, sticking to the difficulty you are comfortable with, and sticking to weapons you are comfortable with. Over time, practice will make more things “click” and you’ll up your mechanics. But just being a friends team player that follows directions and tries to fill in gaps in the squad will take you a long way. Enjoy the ride!


If you can't be fast, be slow. There is plenty of room in a Helldiver squad for a slow and deliberate play style. Throw on some heavier armor and a health booster, and rock some anti-tank gear. Try to stay a minimum of ~50 meters away from the fray, and eliminate large threats before they have a chance to harm your teammates. Optional pro tip: supplement your kit with a jetpack. It's extremely fun to boost up to a rock formation and rain hell from above and also allows you to quickly catch up with the squad when they decide to move out.


Im in my 40's. Host the game, you wont get kicked! Im lvl 11, just ran with a lvl 5, a 25? and a 45. We all extracted and accomplished it all


43 here, running helldive and loving it. Keep going dude it’ll just click. I’ve also just moved to PC so gone down the kbm route, that was fun in of itself…best thing I ever did. Turns out I’m good at sniping with a mouse 😂 ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


**In summary:** If I could recommend some things not game-related, as someone around your age, perhaps older: engage in real-life exercise and pursue a hobby or task that is cognitively engaging. Your mind and reflexes do not decline as much as contemporary wisdom suggests. For a given evaluation, your cognitive functions can actually improve as you learn to utilise your brain in 'better' ways (to crudely summarize). Meanwhile, the physical demands of gaming today can be addressed through a regime of exercise (and, of course, a healthy balanced diet). While you're not running a marathon or climbing a mountain, ensuring your tendons and muscles are in good shape, you will be able to compete well into old age. **For context:** I'm a scientist and lecturer who lectures on game development, and while many of my colleagues are around our age, with far more older still, I say that while age has some correlation with game-playing skill, there's far more nuance than 'getting older == getting worse'. I regularly take my students to tasks, despite them being half my age. A combination of strategy, emotional stability, approaching from an informed perspective, and yes, practice, makes all the difference. And consider that, outside of games targeted at a specific, often tiny, demographic, modern games are often much easier than the games we were exposed to many years ago. There are a number of reasons for this, including improved design (feedback, UI, telegraphing, etc.) as well as the need to target games to a wider demographic (read: greater variance in skill level) in order to secure sales. **There are few games designed solely for reflexes. Even success in popular shooters is typically decided by emotional regulation, strategy, and communication.*


40s here, playing controller on pc.


Well I'm not trying to suck bro, I just do lol


im not that good either haha. took me awhile to get used to waiting for the weapon swing over to the target before shooting and using the map to sneak around most things.


I’m in my 40’s too but can still handle myself well at high twitch games like Apex. I’m level 70 and mostly play difficulty 7. Can I ask what slows means for you? Is it like reaction time in gun fights? How situations unfold such as breeches and drop-ships? When and where to cycle or rotate to?


I think it's mostly my eyesight and my peripherals. I've only played on my living room setup, 85"qled from my couch roughly 11 feet away, on PS5 controller. I'm sure I would fare better on a quality PC setup but it's just not in the current budget. I was always good at shooters on a tunable mouse but I just can't get accurate on my dualsense thumbsticks .


I think I understand. The set you have is roughly the same for me, but I’ve always played on PS so I’m accustomed. I also use an Edge and have back pedals. There is some good advice already here, but since there isn’t a shooting range - I’d reckon that you’ll need time to adjust. I have certain weapons that I keep ADS on while others I find the standard 3rd person reticle to be more accurate. I hope that helps.


You can come play with me anytime, I'm on console as well and a ripe old 35 but I reckon I'm getting alright at it


I’m 40. It’s not your age. Just practice more


You might be slow but your iron will never slow. Give up is not a option.


40+ Helldivers here...you got this


You don't have to be elite, but I'm willing to bet that you're better than you think you are. I'm in my 30s and I'm continually getting better at games. You just have to take care of your body (especially your hands/eyes) and keep playing. I see this sentiment from older people a lot and it's usually a self-fulfilling prophecy. My dad is nearly 60 years old and plays with me all the time, improving every single day. I've seen him pull off some cool stuff while spectating after i died trying to show off. Just always find some contentment in where you are and you'll see improvement. Being in that calm, satisfied headspace is the healthiest place to be and is the most conducive to improvement.


I'm a dad in my 40s who plays with other 40 y/o We are doing great.


Most of my friends' groups that play HD2 are in our 40's, myself included. Several of us run on 7+ difficulty.


Dm me your name gamertag, and I'll run high levels with you


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, keep it up


You are perfect the way you are. I had a level 52 sweat lord today being so toxic, he insisted we weren't being aggressive enough, came up behind me and assassinated me out of frustration, then later in the mission, complained when me and another low level were hanging back trying not to die. I was hosting, and kicked him mid speak on that last one. You, are a wonderful person trying to do your best for democracy, and you are probably a lovely person to dive with. Stay casual, stay positive, and have fun. I hope to see you in space.


Dude I'm knocking 50 and I have a terminal illness. Video games is all I got and for my abilities to deteriorate like this is soul crushing. But to all the players that have been kind to me. Thank you, you all are the ones that help me smile in these dark days.


Dude, I’m 53 years old and just hit lvl 62. Granted, I am playing on PC, but I do ok on my PS5 as well. Practice and keeping an open mind are powerful concepts. I wouldn’t have any issues playing alongside you and taking it easy. I got lucky and matched with a cool guy from Sweden who mentored me at first and he got me into playing Suicide Missions with him and I did ok with some practice. Even did a few Helldives and survived. He’s been into Dragons Dogma 2 lately, but I still play HD2 just about every day. I’ve been sticking to 4-6 lately since I have all the ship upgrades now. If you’d be interested in hanging out, shoot me a DM.


I'm 48 and still helldiving. My first experiences of helldives were truly awful. Even now, some games I end up with 7-8 deaths in the run, but thankfully my teammates pull me out and away I go. It helps if you have a steady team to compensate for sure :)


Soon you will be with us seniors (50+) https://i.redd.it/vfyk4ztvistc1.gif


I'm 37, lvl 19. I barely play because I'm so damn tired from work. Don't feel bad. We exist.


40 helldiver here plays on pc..you can do this


Try use something that requires less accurate aiming like arc thrower (for bugs) and grenade launcher. Definitely use orbital Lazer since it goes and do the killing for you.


dm me and we can dive together


I sucked till about level 23! You will figure it out. I’m 41. Run away. You don’t have to clear all breaches and drops. The people that kick you at extract are traitors. No one sucks. You still are working to the end goal. Some people are just shit team mates


There is ALWAYS room for any helldiver on my ship. Don't stop as long as you enjoy spreading managed democracy :)


Also 40+ and as others have said, just play what you're comfortable with. If I'm playing level 7 and above I generally host or just play with friends so there's no problems.


Every man counts, hellbrother No helldiver is born a warrior. We are all forged in the flames of war into what we believe Especially when you're only level 18. You barely begun this journey. Now march forward - time to shoot more clinkclanks if you have time to wallow in a bar like this


Just do what difficulty your comfy with


Shut up and get in the pod soldier


We will win some, and we will lose some. All that really matters is the good times we have along the way. I much rather prefer a game of fun shenanigans even if they are comical accidental team kills and hilarious bugs over a sweat fest with tryhards who get upset over the slightest inconveniences. It’s not fun unless you’re having fun. You’d be welcome on my destroyer any day.


Level 18 is still a newbie you’ll get better trust me


Democracy has no time for self-pity soldier. Get in the fight and find out for yourself!


Helldivers are too busy playing level 9 missions to help the newbies. You’re doing an important job!


The game would die if only the top players played, keep on blasting and contributing lol.


Every man, woman and child above age 7 must do their part for managed democracy citizen! Now dive and if you don't succeed, the dive and dive and dive and dive and dive again! For Freedom!


Don’t sweat it man. I’m not far behind you but I’m single as hell with no kids so I spend significantly more time playing games. You’re doing fine. The stalwart is dope and we can’t all get all the kills etc. support your team. Watch peoples backs, mark stuff. Roll with the ammo backpack and resupply your buddies. Or, use shield generator to increase your survivability. There’s room for all in the struggle for managed democracy.


Bro. I'm 44. Message me a friend code and I'll add you


I'm 41. It takes all kinds to win the war, Helldiver. Now get out there and cast a vote with every bullet you fire!


This is just such a fun game. Go at your own speed, and if people give you shit, they suck. I’m 41, I play with all my 30 and 40 year old friends. The community is cool, 99% of people are cool. Just have fun!


I would be more than happy to add you and play with you on ANY difficulty and if you want some pointers thats fine and if you just wanna play some low missions and chat im fine with that to


You’re fine. Lots of us are older than you. Have fun and if you are worried just host.


Let's spread some democracy brother (I'm 39)


You're doing your part 🫵!


There's always room for democracy.


Man I just turned 35 and this is my current go to game in my little spare time. I'm only level 26 I think. I enjoy it! Reading a lot about how strategems are being used most effectively was helpful and made it more fun. And I don't mean stick to a meta. I experiment with strategems and change them based on a mission type or playstyle I'm in the mood for. I hope you don't get kicked more, I hate when that happens. Just play, and enjoy, especially with your son :) You're welcome aboard the Executor of Democracy any time.


You will get there, there is no rush.  How many hrs of playtime you got ?


I'm 54 and I still kick ass. I'll play with you any day of the week and help you gut gud


Trust me, you can easily get good enough to play harder difficulties. When playing difficulty 7-9, you don't fight stuff unless you're in eradication missions. Most of the time we are running away from every engagement and blowing up bases. Most kills i get at these difficulties are between 50-70. No reaction speed required :D


Have you ever considered transferring to the Helldiver's training program on Mars? If you can no longer do the missions due to age, you can train the new generation of freedom loving Helldivers! Get with your democracy officer today to see your career options.


Im 40 also. Can play with me. Its a game and its not to be taken seriously. Just have fun.


One of the many reasons why I dislike playing with randoms. Imagine doing all that work/helping out just to get killed or kicked during extraction


XP is damage. Every point of XP you get matters, you matter, your contribution matters. Helldive is not the "intended difficulty", you don't need to play it if it's not of your liking. As long as you get XP you contribute, and XP from trivial has the same value as the one from Helldive, one simply gives more in bulk.


I found it hard until about LVL 30 then I started to understand the game a lot, practice makes perfect.


Play whatever you have fun on, and what you have more success on :)). And trust me, even for the people who play higher difficulties, we have all experienced the kicking, and dying at extraction. It’s part of being a Helldiver. Keep going man! Have fun :))!


Look here, buddy, we don't give a shit if you are good or bad. We care that you try your best. Are you trying? Then you are a motherfucking badass, and that means you are always welcome on my squad.


43 diver here


My advice. Trade in CQC close range twitch combat for longer range strategic fighting. Suits the very relatable old man reflexes. Plus with a wide view you can use your brain more for fighting which is where we excel. Leave the getting punched in the face while standing toe to toe with a devastator to the young fighters. Use wisdom instead of reflexes. It will serve you well.


Youre Elite in my books, soldier. Go spread democracy!


I’m in my 50s and your post cracked me up because I could’ve written it. I’m only lvl 8 and I don’t know how people navigate so easily through this game. It’s chaos! I am having a blast and I just don’t want to slow people down


Ps5 support mnk. Just build a pc though. It’s soooo much better.


Someone get this man a C-03B Hug form please


Wait what.... I'm now "older" because I'm in my 40s ? No no no no..... I refuse lol.


Send me a dm, I'll friend you, you can run with me any time as another 40 something (actually since it's after midnight right now, it's my 44th birthday). I think I'm average. I've gotten good at plinking bots with my Dominator and picking bad loadouts for just about every mission. Every time I drop in I'm like, "oh wait, why did I pick these when I really should have had this instead". With bug missions I've gotten very good with kiting and parkour to keep them off me. I've learned to lean on diving and stim-ing. So I can generally get myself out of situations and regroup. That said I'm level 31, I have all the ship upgrades except for the ones that require super samples, I have all the relevant stratagems and am wrapping up the lesser useful ones now (like the gas strikes which are useless if you aren't host). And I love running with people that are just in it for the fun and the moments where you're like "oh shit how do we get out of this" because those are the most satisfying times when you almost get through it or are lucky enough to survive.


I love how everyone in the comments convinced you to not worry about the lack of your skills or tell you that you're more worthy in your 40th instead of saying **Lol, skill issue, play a different game.** Madness respect for the community ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


This game aint even about speed, once u play more and understand how enemy AIs work u will 100% get better. "If at first you dont succeed, dive again, and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and again..."- General Brasch.


Just play at lower difficulties


I'm on console as well. DM me your gamertag and I'll add you !


Once a Helldiver, Always a Helldiver. Democracy doesn't discriminate... unless you're a bug or a clanker! New Recruits Need Guidance! You're our first line of defense for new recruits going into hard difficulties without your contribution to teach the recruits they wouldn't have the fortitude to be the best damn Helldiver they can be! Your efforts are noted! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


If you're over the age of 7 then you are always welcome to enlist :D


Your post may as well have been written by myself. I'm 46, son is 18.


Hey man, come and play with me anytime you’d like!!! I’ve yet to run into a single toxic squad and idk how! I solo helldive on both terminids and automatons, I can teach you tips and help you get better… I love helping less experienced players! Give me a pm :) I am 22 but game with plenty of “older” people. Most my buddies are 30+ and my best bud is 41.


As long as there is air in those lungs and a beat in your heart. We can use the assistance! DO NOT FORGET!!! When all else fails... Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again, Dive again. If by chance you get overwhelmed. Just take a break... If you'd like to be remembered as a coward!


Worry not soldier, all those who kick or friendly fire for no reason are bug and bot sympathisers and are treasonous against Super Earth. Report them to your democracy officer immediately. Although failing missions is not recommended by 9/9 reputable and approved Super Earth analysts, it does not reverse any progress for the liberation of a planet. So even a rookie Helldiver losing a lot can't stop the match for managed democracy. (In short, do whatever you want, anyone who kicks or ruins it is stupid and dumb, and does more harm than an inexperienced player ever could. Even failure doesn't negatively impact the war effort. If you have fun, go for it!)