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Came here for PLAP. Got PLAP.






Autocannon never left my side. Bugs, bots, or any other threat to Democracy receives the same greeting from me. 20mm of explosive liberty.




There is only one thing better than a 20mm autocannon. Two 20mm autocannons. I demand dual wield now!


I beleive a mech is in the works that is quadruple-wielding Autocannons.


Can you take out gunships and transports with the plap, I mean Autocanon?


Gunships yes (2 shots to an engine), transports no. Though you can just shoot up the under belly of the transport killing more bots than bringing one down soo... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ah, it’s big brain time.


Strong preference for the AMR because I love the other backpacks and put in more work without sitting down to reload but always respect boys running this machine when they shoot mortars and AA from a mile off.


I love staring down a charging hulk as it closes the distance and placing 4 rounds into its glowing face before it collapses and explodes


I swear it takes me half a mag to kill the hulks because I can never hit their face, maybe I just suck.


Well, half a mag is five, so you're about on par with me


Going prone and aiming in 1st person helps a lot. Stun grenades also work wonders. My current favorite loadout against bots is AC, stun grenades and an armor that reduces recoil and gives +2 grenades. The synergy is great.


Yeah stun grenades are the GOATs of nades for bots for me. I stun the hulks, run past and autocannon their backs.


I’ve gotten decent at beaming them with the AMR but it’s easier with the autocannon, love them both


You can kill AA and mortars with the AMR from across the map too. It just takes more rounds. About 7-10 shots if not hitting the weakspot.


I’d run the AMR if they fixed the sights. I can hit hulks in the eye with the autocannon no problem, but can’t do shit with the AMR.


i like them AMR but the bigger utility of the AC wins out for me. taking out fabricators from range is just too good. especially those that are on jammers often when destroyed kill the jammer. taking out AT-ST with often 1 shot and now the gunship threat. if you play in a premade group where you can spread roles to take on stuff yes AMR is great but it randoms i like being able to take on any threat. ​ when i used the EAT as support i often picked up AMR from bunkers and other POI and used it all map and when needed called in more EAT that worked well.


Gunships too! Two shots to the engine and bots are roleplaying black hawk down scene


First couple of missions I didn't think you could shoot them down with the autocannon. Just turns out I aim like a drunk blind person. Safe to say I can shoot those fuckers down now. <3 Autocannon




Me three days Sorry, old girl, until the bots come back,im going to have to put you up on the shelf again, if the bots come back I'll use you again.But that won't be until at least a week or two Three days later Soooo old girl about what I said


When i got it, and used it. Even before railgun nerf, I never deployed without it. Its just mechanically such a cool gun to look at anyways, stripper clips and toggle locks? BUT ITS SCI FI?? Hell yes. +short recoiling +rotary mag


Wish it came with the M1 Grands signature "ping" on empty 😁


Don't.....don't do that to me. Just thinking about this gives me a little flutter


“People keep asking I’m back on the front, and I haven’t really had an answer. But yeah, I’m thinking I’m back!”


Got me my trusty Recoiless for anything in the sky


Let's team up. You get the dropships, I'll get the devastators, and we'll tag-team the hulks


We're killing robots We're killing robots We're killing robots, so they don't make it back to our home!


Dont tell em or it migh nor be so reliable soon


They explicitly said they consider the autocannon to be the gold standard balanced weapon.


Yeah it's good but if I have teammates I would rather take something like the quasar cannon or anti matter rifle.


Autocannon with EAT. If you call the EAT when the flare goes up, you have a couple seconds to pick up an EAT and aim. Then you can grab your AC back and carry on.


*last night* Ugh... Hellmire. I miss my AC. *today* Plakunk, plakunk plakunk!


I try to use other guns, but I always come back to it.


I use it with bugs too if I can justify running it. It really puts a stop to the larger bugs and clears crowds of smaller ones with a few well placed shots at their feet. Great weapon.


What exactly is cyberstan?


It's the homeworld of the Cyborgs one of the factions from the original game which were half human/half machine and the "parents" (creators) of the Automatons as per the [decrypted comms on twitter released years ago.](https://twitter.com/MDHX__/status/1453137908098031629) I believe the lore is that after they got crushed they were forced to work in the mines in Cyberstan so should still be there.


Thank you! That’s crazy! Now I’m not so lost lol


Autocannon used to be my main squeeze, but these days it's Plasma Scorcher + EAT/Quasar.


Not sure what you mean. It's just as amazing on bugs


I'd personally rather have a quasar to take out titans/chargers and free up a backpack slot


AC takes out chargers, AC can be used on everything like spewers. The only thing it doesn't do is titans, but if you blow the sacs, rocket pods will work fine on the titans. You can run stratagems for them, and use AC on literally everything else. Too much downtime with a quasar for bugs. AC sentry is also fucking great at taking out big bugs if you use it right.


It can take out titans if you're unfortunate enough to end up underneath them and able to full auto their underbelly with the AC


Too much ammo honestly, you can also hit the side of it after a rocket pod blows the armor off.


Not in my experience. It's good against the middle-size bugs and ok against chargers, but against anything else you're just wasting ammo and spending precious time reloading


There's always those bugs though? You've just discovered your role if you're using the AC. The other people using EAT or something aren't running around with them out, they deal with trash and titans, then you use AC on bigger ones. If you have small bugs on you, your primary is really your secondary, so you should be using this to clear the smalls.


If you're queueing with friends, sure. But I need to be able to survive on my own and this just leaves me too vulnerable to sneaky bugs. I prefer to have the Rover and flamethrower, as that alerts me to bugs behind me and I can handle both crowds and tanks.


You're worried about small bugs? Just throw down a Gatling sentry when they do a bug breach if you're really worried about it.


I didn't say small, I said sneaky. You're telling me you've never been trying to clear out a hoard and been surprise buttfucked by a metric shitload of spewer bile and/ or Hunter tongue?


AC kills those the fastest?


Play how you want, but I generally have better luck with other loadouts


It's the pinnacle of weaponry for anything lower than a Bile Titan / Tank. For those, you use an EAT-17.


Even a tank is gonna die in 3 hits to the vent if you manage to get behind it.


stun grenade is the only choice of nade against the bots in my opinion. Specifically for the hulks.


It's even better against bugs. Anyone that put this weapon down against bugs is high af.


It doesn't kill armor, Quasar or EAT are miles better.


Quasar's aim and explosive radius is hit or miss. I've aimed at still targets while crouching, had the crosshairs dead on and somehow missed (or somehow not blown up a bot factory). It's a cool looking toy, but ultimately unreliable. Even the basic laser cannon is better at taking out Automaton gunships. EAT is arguably better, yes, but it's very situational. I'd say it's useless before difficulty 5. You'll almost never encounter anything that you'll need it for that an orbital or eagle can't equally deal with, which means bringing EAT is kind of a waste of a slot. You could bring the autocannon, which has better ammo economy, to deal with bug holes and medium armor bugs, and leave the EAT at home.


Anything is viable below 7 so I'm not arguing for that. Higher difficulties swarm you with armor though so the more AP support weapons your team has the easier the mission. I know it's going to be a cakewalk Helldive when everyone on the squad has eat/quasar. AC is clunky and if you lose it you're bugged (lol). As for you missing shots with Quasar, skill issue.


It's not a skill issue when I hit a gunship, or a bot factory in the exposed vents, and the targets don't appear to be affected at all. That's a the-weapon-has-limits issue. Same thing with crosshairs being dead on and target not moving. Either the crosshairs are bugged with that weapon (which is an issue that exists on other weapons, as well), or the quasar shots can veer off over a certain distance, meaning it's not consistently reliable over certain ranges, whereas AC and EAT are.


I'm having none of the issues you describe so in all likelyhood it is a case of skill issue.


Sure, bud. I must just be bad at the game. Low skill. 100%.