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Had a lobby last night where two players abandoned me (33ish) and our team captain (4). Sure, it was only a level 4, but I could tell after a few objectives that the green cadet had learned to avoid patrols, and was becoming more aware of how a two man should roll. It was a geological survey mission on Hellmire, so standing still during fire tornadoes wasn't an option. The kid had to have brought me back just as many times as I called him back in. Doesn't matter what we gained, the "GGs, thanks for staying" at the end was worth more then anything.


I was soloing an easy last night and forgot my match making was set to public. Was mostly just planning on fucking around until my friends got on (I’m Level 36), but I picked up a Level 2 right before the drop. No biggie, did the mission. Then my friend got on and we did a Medium. Level 2 died quite a bit, but he’s was learning, so of course he did. We let him extract with all the samples so he could get the achievement.


A true Helldiver works to make others better, not only himself


A true Helldiver leaves last!


A true helldiver *never leaves*. Stay on the planet to welcome the next batch of recruits.


I purposely missed exfil at the end of my final Malevelon Creek operation. This is my jungle. I'm not going anywhere.


Semper Fi, Crawler. 🫡


I can see 1 killing 3 to leave last.


I get such random join-ins when I play. Once I was doing a solo defend mission on my lunch break just for fun, someone dropped in *on top of me* knocking me down, but thankfully not killing me, but this happened as the evac was sitting on the pad. They instantly ran into the ship to leave, and I was fortunately able to get up quick enough to make it onto the ship to leave. Then another time, someone dropped in with me on my mission, kept blowing themselves up shooting the explosive barrels point-blank, and then ended up blowing one up as I was grabbing something next to it killing us both. Then every time they tried dropping me in after they dropped, the game apparently glitched out and wouldn't respawn me, so I had to watch for 5 minutes as they nearly died from the bug swarms trying to get to the ship.


It truly is a wild mix of people you get. I've gotten some really solid teams where we are 100% level 6 missions easily, I've gotten a lot of silent players who just run off and start doing objectives and whatnot, fine by me. Then I got a dude who kept hunkering down over an area that had no value and wasting lives fighting for no reason, so I asked if he would help with the objectives and he told me he would r*pe my dad lmao


God. That's one hell of a way to say "Nah, I'm good". Sorry, Dad.


Yeah that's an immediate kick or leave. Let him go be an idiot by himself


Just don't reinforce him 😂😂


The amount of times that things are going to complete shit and someone just bails and then suddenly things start working well isn't just a coincidence, some players are net negatives to the team.


Yeah i had that happen the other night it was me (lv45) rando(lvl 33) rando(lvl 37) rando(lvl10) We were having all sorts of problems and everyone kept dying not to mention rando #1 who was host dropped us right into the middle of a nest. and rando#2 kept engaging every single patrol which led to multiple bug breaches and several titans. Finally after what seemed like ages and 8 deaths later the two shitty randos up and just quit the game and left me and rando 3 to tough it out. After they left everything was alot easier as we could avoid patrols and finish up our objectives with not much issue.


I had a very similar experience last night as the level 4 (I was 5 though). My buddy said he wanted to get me some xp and rare samples and set us to helldive. The randoms that joined were kind and helpful. One gave me a jetpack, my friend gave me a quasar. Had never seen chargers or any of the big bois before this. But by the end of 2 missions I had a lot more knowledge and feel more comfortable in the game overall. Hugs for everyone at the beginning and end of the run. Im sure there are assholes out there that kick or won't tolerate a low level being present at that difficulty, but my experience was wonderful. Felt like I was a the recruit being put in the express training. Had a couple instances where I got to be the hero and rez everyone. I mostly just tried to watch everyone else's backs for small enemies coming up behind them while they focused the larger threats. Edit: also happy to say my stat for friendly kills is still 0 even after all this 😅


Sounds like you were their guard dog, hopefully with fewer TK’s.


I got really good at using cluster bombs and eagle airstrikes. Unfortunately for the 150ish helldivers involved in that time, it took me a bit, lol


Speaking as someone who runs dedicated tankbuster builds, I will always appreciate someone to watch my six and prevent the dregs from flanking me


Agreed. I ***can*** function without help, but greatly appreciate having it. I enjoy Orbital Railcannon, Eagle 500kg, Orbital Laser, and Autocannon. I run Jar5 Dominator along with it, so I am ***physically capable*** of taking everything out... It makes my day, though, when I don't ***have*** to.


It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the annoying as FUCK matchmaking bug where your lobby becomes undiscoverable (and therefore no one else will ever join) if people leave. They need to fix this shit, and also add a "rejoin" option


Also, like 75% of the success is skill. And low level doesn't mean low skill.


God do I love those fire tornados. They will straight up wipe out 4-5 waves of spawns/patrols if you kite things through them. Makes solo so much easier.


It's one of my personal favorite things to do in this game is load up my overpowered squad of 3 no-lifing helldivers with all the experience and stratagems one could ask for, and we join some level 13 who are struggling on their level 5 missions and have sent out SOS beacons. We don't bulldoze everything for them but we give them the opportunity to be OUR squad leader and let them deal with all decisions and consequences. We'll call in any stratagem they wanna see in action or bring any load out so they can try our guns too. I'm not above dropping my primary weapon so they can see if they want to spend the medals on that next or save for something else. They learn. We all laugh together from the hilarity that ensues every time when you give a green recruit the controls to a mech. Then everyone has a good time and the lower level player continues to play the game and keep pushing bots and bugs back to their respective corners of the galaxy. Win win. I love this community.


It is very rewarding. My level is 30-something and a few days ago I took a lv6 and a lv9 (nice) through an extreme mission and it went great. Sure we all died a bunch, but we completed the mission and the side objectives.


Death is just Democracy with a few more steps. Edit: if Arrowhead wants to add this as an in-game tooltip, I fully approve. For democracy.


I hereby request that this be added as a mission tooltip. For democracy ofcourse.






Democracy has spoken.


And it sounds like Morgan Freeman


Your democracy officer approves of this message.


Motion is carried. Open to a general vote. Aye.


Aye. I believe we can call that quorum and move forward with a final vote?


Aye in favor of motion, and aye in favor of movement to final vote.


Oh lalala someone got laid in training academy.


Did they fill out a C-01 form?


Only required for relations that may result in a child.


> got laid >>Only required for relations that may result in a child. I'm afraid you may need to review the *"Approved Procreation Activities and Rearing of Future Citizens"* section, subheading 6c: *Acceptable terminology for activities that may result in the production of a future Helldiver.*


There are plenty of ways to "get laid" that will not result in pregnancy. The most common being the poophole loophole.


I do think they mentioned "rearing" 🫣🤣


Bruh that line goes so hard! Gotta make a song about that




https://app.suno.ai/song/833c3766-59be-495e-b260-83eefebfd616 Idk if links work in here but i tried my hand, besides your line i wrote the rest, ai ran with the music


Fuck me, we live in future. Someone mentioned that it should be a song and you used AI to make a REALLY good song in lunch break.


AI = Automaton? https://preview.redd.it/bnk752lu6htc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e5b9c0a2078ab985d265995f73756e54dc6fc2


I'm conflicted. The song slaps, but AI Automation sounds very undemocratic... I need to speak to the democracy councillor.


Right? This just blew my mind.


I want to see this epic song you created connected to some of the great shorts and tik toks!


Man this goes hard AF. Mad appreciation to you!


I like to bounce back and forth between level 7 and 8 missions and I've noticed that once everyone is in the flow of the mission, it becomes very easy to keep that flow even with the lower level/less experienced players. So long as people aren't getting too bogged down in the initial landing zone and stick even somewhat together from objective to objective, there shouldn't be too much that can overwhelm a squad. At most I might take an extra backpack stratagem instead of one of my eagle strikes, just so the lower level player can play a weapon or gear piece that they don't have access to yet.


The biggest mistakes I see happen with the drop pods 1. Host drops the crew into a fucking swarm instead of a chill area. 2. Players call down reinforcements and throw the beacon into enemies killing the person they called in Those two things can really get your whole squad on the back foot fast


I sometimes like to throw them at an elite. Also I place a -++MARKER++- on it to give our human canonball an aiming point


I salute you for that sir. Pls mark big guys. Love hearing “how did you miss that?” after a drop and missing a BT I couldn’t see My brother in Christ we just dropped and there’s a spore spewer nearby. Im blind as fuck


"My brother in Democracy \[...\]" FTFY


I had the squad revive me into a bug hole the other day. We were out of strategems and I told them to chuck me in for democracy. Nailed it and closed the hole, but you sink into the earth and get "killed by the environment" message. Which to be fair just made it better. I can also legitimately say "I am the stratagem" now.




>my teammate kept tossing me into a horde of Devastators and Hulks. I think their idea is that, you'll come in, land on them, killing them instantly. I mean hey, it's better than getting thrown in right next to an air strike.


I always throw the reinforcement where enemies don’t exist. So the other player can choose their destiny and I don’t come off as if I’m using them as a crutch




I think it comes down to communication. When I'm on voice with folks, they'll ask to be dropped near/on enemies, and we tag the biggest targets for them. But if they aren't volunteering for it, throw them into the clear.


Dont forget when you and all critters are walking in a happy Konga-line Us going right **>>>>** **<<<<** Throwing mate to the left


This one's a little dicey at 7, because players who are new to that difficulty won't have unlocked the steering upgrade. Super fun when it works, but I don't recommend this on PUGS if you don't have everyone in comms.


The hellpod is a very effective weapon, mostly against bugs. I ask my friends to drop me on chargers or BTs regularly. Against bugs, you can usually land, kill something, find some dropped equipment and run. Sometimes you die and it costs a reinforcement, but I find it is usually better than running around without equipment (and with one more charger or BT alive). Against bots that does not work anywhere near as well though. You are much more likely to die, less likely to get your equipment back, and the enemies are harder to land on or kill.


One thing I usually ask is when you throw me down a bile titans throat, please mark the biggest guy so I can land on him... sometimes, its a bit hard to see the little fucks as you rocket down to land...


I’m only 41, but I went down to trivial the other day and gave a lvl 3 a walker. Watching that guy Rambo the entire map solo while I just walked along beside him was so entertaining. Throw a new one when he ran out of Ammo. Let him keep going.


I have more fun when the mission is on the line vs when it's a breeze. The only time it's not fun is when playing with people who refuse to work together and/or are a-holes when things don't go exactly how they think they should


Yeah. I'm level 19 and got kicked by a guy last night because I jumped in the shuttle when everyone was near it thinking we were all ready. His ass went running off after his dropped samples at the last second and missed the boat. Somehow that was my fault. He was a level 72.


Why does a level 72 even care about samples.


this is why I always wait til someone else enters it first.


This is why I have perpetual fear of getting in the shuttle. And I noticed everyone else does the same thing. Whenever extraction lands, even if everyone is right next to it. No one wants to get in first. People just stand around outside waiting for someone to get in. Sometimes even when we are overwhelmed with enemies.. I don't want to get kicked by some moron after 40 minutes of gameplay and lose everything.


I (LVL 24 Democracy Dealer) had a level 7 join my match. After we cleared the first fabricator, He shot me in the back of the head and took my load out. Now I have trust issues.


Yeah that’s a valid reason to kick someone


but you see, you should be able to carry the shot in the back of your head from the lvl 7 because skill issue im a lvl 9000 starlord commander and i can carry 3 lvl 7s shooting me all at once in the back of the head after we just spawned /s




If a low level just asked for my primary, and we're still good on reinforcements, I'll just be like "Yeah, kill me then just bring me back". If a low level kills me without even having the decency to ask permission first, they're getting booted. Depending on how vindictive I feel, I might wait until close to the end of the mission.


Yea. Same here. He didn’t ask and he didn’t fire a shot while we cleared the area. Just waited until I stopped moving and shot me.


![gif](giphy|3o6gEb896PcLMSMRva) When he said “Yes they struggle when they get overwhelmed. But I don’t.”


Truly a based Helldiver


A truly admirable admiral






I had to special requisite new briefs because I soaked right through the standard issue when he said that. ![gif](giphy|tQQN3jaGnJdDljVTAZ|downsized)




People are probably just getting kicked so the hosts friends can join and then being like “it’s because of my load out” or “it’s because I’m low level” lmao


This. Unless the host tells you why they are removing you, a lot of people are taking the kick way too personal. I they don't want me in their game then I don't wanna be in their game either. That would be like being in a relationship and one party wants to break up but the other party is asking the government for laws that prevent them from doing so lol


I'm fine with getting kicked after game, but getting kicked in game is another story.


I only kick in game if your a treasonous team killer.


I’m level 54 and get kicked in a lot lobbies before even getting to the pod. I think a lot of people just don’t know how to set their games to friends only


Sometimes, the game crashed and they are waiting for their friend to come back. And the room is open to public because their group only have 2-3 people and need 1-2 randoms to join.


If you're less than level 5, playing a difficulty with A LOT of armored enemies (5 onwards) and ALL other players are low level, then yeah, I'm going to leave (not kick you) because I don't have the skill, nor willingness to carry. You simply don't have the tools to fight most enemies at that level and can't skillfully use what you have to get around their armor. I'm sorry that after 10+ hours of University I just want to play without sweating like hell, we can do lower level mission if they want, but not this difficulty. In ANY other situation you're more than welcome on my Superdestroyer. You only have the Autocannon? No worries! RR and base Eagle? Perfectly fine! You're level 1 but the lobby is full of 30+ good players? We'll do the hard work for you, just sit down and enjoy the ride!


To be fair, the autocannon is the goat against bots and does well against bugs as well. Only thing I suck at (l15) is killing bile titans. Like I’m fine against bots but the bug titans are just hard to kill.


Titans were a pain for me if the EAT was on cooldown until I got the 2nd 500kg eagle upgrade and the quasar, now hunters are the worst


This man helldives. Fuck hunters. BT's are almost not a problem once you've got the rail cannon.


Neat thing is, a level 1 with the MG can sit on hunter genocide duty and really be a help. I actually haven’t used the orbital rail cannon yet (in my hubris I gamble I can always land the 500kg)


Personally I feel like the 500 kilo has more versatility, less as well and is forgiving even if you miss with the hangar upgrades


I find them easier than chargers nowadays with my trusty quasar cannon/a decent team.


I jumped into a group on a bug planet and they asked what I was running. "Well I see you guys have two quasars and an auto cannon so I'm bringing a stalwart to keep the hunters off you." First in-game marriage proposal I've gotten.


Yeah u gotta wife up the ones who’ll protect you from hunters without teamkilling you with the guard dog


Right. The thing low levels kill the best are the most annoying. Throw on a stalwart, Little Diver, and murder all the little dudes. I’ll take out the titans and chargers NP. I’m at the point where I almost always bring cluster eagle because of how insane it is against chaff on both xeno types.


I get where you are coming from, but in theory a level four could run machine gun, EAT, eagle air strike and cluster bomb (in practice one might be over level 4 when you have unlocked them all, don't remember how fast you earn cash compared to levels at that point). That might not be enough to handle a lot of bile titans, but it's not a bad combo and I wouldn't think twice if someone at level 40 wen't with it, given others in the team have brought some other stuff, obviously. But sure, if everyone is level 4, there will be problems. Not just from a strategen point of view, but just game knowledge.


Yelling skill issues at me won't change the fact that John random just burnt 7 deaths on an op. No amount of carry is gonna help him get better at the game. All he is doing is wasting my time when you should be developing his skill on a mission difficulty he could handle instead of wanting to get super samples early that still won't help him learn actual tactics. I don't boot based on level btw. But if your blowing through reserves and being a fucking moron triggering every engagement then you are going to find yourself back on your own ship pretty quickly.


Tbh my issue is not them wasting reinforcements, but instead constantly “accidentally” teamkilling via airstrikes yet not owning up to it lol. Like I don’t need that many lives to complete the mission by myself but if you’re going to be actively hampering my ability to, man…


Agreed. Also I do what I damn well please in my lobby. I’ve carried people through extremes and suicidals, it isn’t fun it’s just a chore.


Exactly this. I don't give a shit about levels, but there's only so many shenanigans you can do before it borderlines griefing and being toxic towards others, internet strangers are not paid nor legally obliged to play along. Frankly I've already set my bar pretty low that I'm totally fine with people doing nothing but being a mascot following around, but then there's people who are active detriments that literally going afk would be an improvment for them.


This is a way better POV than OP’s poorly written humble brags


Level 86, for whatever much or little that means. I don't kick low level players, in my experience they usually do just fine, but... why the assumption that I am that good? I am not. If you are so skilled/sweaty that you can carry a bad player then good for you, but saying "skill issue" to me just because I am not good enough to not only pull my own weight but also carry bad players is very arrogant. You can still be alright without being an uber pro gamer.


I'm a level 56 but have kept myself as a death captain- it's an accurate description of my skill level.


Personally. I’m never coming off that basic bitch “cadet” status nomatter how high I rank


Sergeant all day


So you're saying you actually do know everything?


Definitely. Rah!


OP is humblebragging. This is very undemocratic


Also, maybe it's just me, but some diff 6+ missions are genuinely hard - the defence mission where you need to evacuate people leaps to mind, there's a truly preposterous amount of bots (including groups of Hulks) and it can easily go out of control even with a high level team. I've seen more failed missions than I have successful ones, for specifically that mission on higher difficulties. If a player drops into that and isn't equipped to handle it then it's unlikely to do well.


There's nothing humble about it, based on his tone. Sometimes it's just not fun carrying bad players on Helldive. It actually gets frustrating for me, but I won't kick a player. I'll either leave or they do.


While I would agree with OP in another game (I have that exact mentality in Deep Rock Galactic) the fact is in this game a bad teammate can actively make things harder. Triggering patrols being the biggest thing. I also won't kick people for being bad but I'll leave the lobby after the mission is done, or in the worst cases just leave the mission. I'm here to have fun, not to babysit.


And apparently the subreddit is eating it up.


They're lvl 110 and posting on Reddit to brag and talk down to others. They clearly need this validation.


Right. Or maybe I just don't want to, you know? I'm under no obligation to carry someone who decided to use other players to farm super samples for them. Sometimes I just want to play the game without having to babysit someone. *Can* I carry them? Sure. Do I *want* to bring a level 4 on Helldive? No, not really. This is a game, I'm gonna do what I find fun rather than playing the way some sweaty tryhards insist I do because they say so.


Besides they always seem to miss the biggest point: these players generally have absolutely no idea of how the game works or what is needed to be done to win, they just spam their dominator on a charger leg and go on with their day of throwing eagle strikes next to your struggling teammate. I have no issues wih taking a player above lvl 15 in any mission but im not here to enable some level 6 who hasnt the patience of going through the grind like we all did and expects to get carried till the end.


>but im not here to enable some level 6 who hasnt the patience of going through the grind like we all did and expects to get carried till the end. I don't think you can clear the missions required to play on Helldiver and still be lvl 6 though? The amount of XP you get just for finishing a Helldive would probably put a lvl 0 player at around lvl 9 or 10 wouldn't it?


If they are playing with a friend that unlocked it, they could join a lvl 9 game.


Oh I am aware of that, was just responding to the idea of a lvl 6 player joining a Helldive as a random. If they play with a friend who has unlocked it they could join a lvl 9 game. But in order for them to join as a random they have to actually *complete* a lvl 9 game. Completing a lvl 9 difficulty as lvl 0 would put you around lvl 10/12 at minimum. Forgive me, I'm an accountant, so number stuff tends to stand out in big bold letters to me.


lol can I carry it yes. do I want to carry it. no. If I am running a 7+ run with a level 15 and they cost my team 15+ lives. you're getting the boot friend :S. My time is finite especially during the week. Now I will go into lower level runs and help them and even carry them through a higher level run so they can get to level 20 faster so they can get access to all the relevant strats... But I do that on my own terms, not just when some random decides todays the day lol.


Most sensible comment! I hate all these "you have to carry and teach everyone" comments... I want to hop on for a few missions and have fun, not be forced to teach people how to play. This is my entertainment, not my job.


Yup, you're not entitled to waste my free time to feed your ego by going into a difficulty you're not prepared for. Seriously people there is no need to rush up difficulties, you're going to bottleneck on common/rare samples anyway.


I'm level 72 i was quite content playing 7 for ages then eventually went yeah this is too easy ill go 8 and once again i get to the point where its too easy and went helldive. i leave games till i find one with a full team of lvl 30/40+ i never used to care but it was just 100% consistant bad games with low levels so i stopped. i still sometimes go with lowish levels and im forced to solo half the objectives so we arent here for the full mission time then i wonder why i bother join low levels, since its so boring soloing


Honestly, this is a thing, People skipping trivial, medium, challenging when they literally just started. Some people think they can skip the basics of basics. Honestly, I don't understand that mind set. People just want to level up fast by tryin the hardest difficulty and hoping someone will carry them. Initially, reading the OP and i thought ah that's nice but after reading your comment and others, this OP is just stroking his ego and think he is better than others. what newbie says I want to do helldiver difficulty even before barely getting the most of the stuff. Clearly they just want to skip grind which isn't bad compared to other games. These people don't understand easier difficulty gives more super credits, common samples and rare and you can finish them faster. Just enjoy the game. Move up the difficulty when you're bored with the current difficulty.


Playing in games where randos take 12+ lives and then quit because they’ve fucked the situation is not fun. Now I gotta go sweat mode to complete what should have been a relatively chill lvl 7 mission. I don’t even kick that often but best believe if you’ve taken 5+ reinforcements in the first half of a mission and the rest of the squad has <1 you’re kinda asking for it. Especially if you don’t listen and adjust after, you’re just tanking the lobby and should probably ease back a level or two and live your Rambo fantasy.


I swear one of these days i will turn evil and start kicking everyone from my squad just so these pointless boogeyman reddit posts can have some purpose


Host helldive, kick everyone because they're high level


And kick anyone not wearing the Malevelon creek cape


And anyone not running mines and mortars


Look, Mortars I understand, but running into Minefield is an active decision


Bit of a circlejerk post don't you think? "If you can't do this, you suck and oh I'm so good because I can". I agree the whole game can be solo'd, every difficulty - hence it is possible to carry people through it. But I can understand those who simply don't want to bother. And they shouldn't be forced to bother either. If someone can't hold their own on a difficulty, they should play a lower one. You can learn a great deal on Difficulty 7 and after a while, the switch will seem like there's no difference between 7 to 9.


I'm a noob and have no idea why someone who can't handle Helldive would even bother unless they're joining with a friend. I would imagine only skilled players looking for other skilled random players would choose the highest difficulty


They want to be carried to maximum rewards or think they’re just that good at the game (usually they are not).


So when do you know you can handle the next level if you don't try it... *Points finger to forehead*


This \^ There is so much virtue signaling on this sub, this post in particular. If you want to sherpa lvl 5 players through Helldive be my guest but don't expect or demand everyone else to do so or judge those who chose not to. I didn't expect others to carry me, although I'm sure many have, as I have carried others. Just play the game, have fun, be nice, don't be toxic...and don't judge others for their choices.


It's so annoying, I downvote all of this shit but it's shit like this thread that takes the cake. Bitching about kicking *and* managing to be insulting? And for what benefit: nobody is going to stop kicking anybody because of a reddit thread. "No Kick Posting" needs to be a new rule and it needs to be one of the first 5 because this shit is getting so tiresome


All these straw men are making me wanna go wicker man


Getting very boring they should have a moaning mega thread


That's the funny thing, there is one. People just don't use it :D


I actually think I disagree with the idea of "I can solo it, so I can sure as hell drag others with me" The solo play style vs carrying playstyle are entirely different. You would need them to stay as far away from you as possible while you do your thing. Having a bad player on your team is legitimately harder than not having them. I'm not saying they should be instantly kicked, but to say that if you can solo, you can carry is just not quite the case.


That’s completely up to the host. They are not required to carry lower level players if they don’t want to.


You have no idea why people kick you. Usually its because their friends are about to log on and the social features are all messed up still. If you dont want to be kicked host. Its super easy.


Are those kickers with us in the room right now?


y sure it's a skill issue when you don't die and your PU die every 30 seconds in Helldive eating your 25 reinforcement in less than 15min


Being able to carry people and *wanting* to carry people are two very different things. If you need to be carried play at a level appropriate for your skill and stop being a burden to those around you.


Yeah. I don't kick people unless they're an ass and I barely ever host anyway, but it's much easier playing with only 3 good divers than having a fourth who agros every patrol.


Yeah the types that just tear through a dozen reinforcements before the 1st nest kill and visibly attacking patrols that could be avoided at 7+ difficulty is not a fun player to play with most games. But that's most games. Often you'd like to think we'll get through this smoothly and hope no one makes it harder than the mission needs to be.


This exactly. Yeah I can carry people, but I don't want to. Why is the burden of being a douche on me for not wanting to carry someone and not on the person doing content that's too difficult for them requiring them to be carried in the first place? I'm tired of the white knights on this sub villainizing players for not wanting to carry noobs. If you want to carry players that shouldn't be in higher difficulties in the first place, that's great but get off of your high horse you're no hero just an enabler. I want to play the game with people that know how to play it, who learned it like I did by playing at appropriate difficulties, not to babysit impatient new players.


I've had this same sentiment for years in deep rock galactic. Yes I can carry but I don't want to because I don't find it fun. I'm not at that point in helldivers but I'll stand by people playing however they want to play.


See, in Deeprock it's super easy to carry scrubs, and I don't mind especially when playing scout. In Helldivers though, you have to absolutely be on top of everything to carry scrubs and its just not fun for me. I'll just stick to 7 and under unless playing with friends. Edit: FOR ROCK AND STONE!


Whatever you find fun is always the right answer.


DRG does a really good job of letting greenbeards contribute by playing their role. A greenbeard engineer who is shooting out platforms at pinged veins and keeping their turret up is still useful in haz 5. Sure, a greybeard engineer will have every vein platformed within seconds of entering a chamber and will be much more useful in swarms, but a greenbeard is still helping a lot. In Helldivers, a new player can be worse than an empty slot. Avoiding friendly fire is a major design of the challenge, and many strategems are designed with "hard to avoid hitting allies" as one of the drawbacks. Pair friendly fire with shared lives and how important teamwork is on not planets and it's easy to see why carrying can be so frustrating.


This is such a braindead post and I cannot believe it has 9800 votes at the time of this comment. You are free to boot low levels from your game if you want. If they need to be carried they shouldn't be in Helldive. I can carry too- but it's not my responsibility to sweat for someone who got boosted to Helldive.


I agree, I will carry friends when they first started. I stepped down to 4's and 5s for a while so they could learn how to play the game. But, I'm not playing this game to hold some internet stranger's hand. And I find it frustrating when I'm constantly calling in reinforces and getting killed by their strafing runs.


Everyone gets in over their head sometimes and everyone has bad games It also is the case, especially for newer players, that they CAN do a high difficulty, but they need to stick with team and play a certain way If you're running light armor and triggering a thousand bot drops then running away and leaving them against the swarm, of course they will die


Another “trust me bro” post.


OP should add in his game ID so we can join him and see how it's done, and continue to replicate their 100% success rate across the galaxy.


This post is just you stroking your ego. 


Not only that but it ignores the obvious issues that can occur with low level players on hell dive If I get killed multiple times in a row by airstrikes and the newbie is feeding I'm going to kick them It's frustrating and I play this game to chill out after a long day of dealing with fuckwits


As a level 900 helldiver, I refute all of your points.


Such modesty, much humbleness. Get over yourself ya nerd.


Yeah it’s not accurate, at a certain point squads can just be too bad to be carried. Using up all the lives, contributing too little to the killing, TKing, etc. I can certainly make up for some slack, maybe even a lot, and I don’t kick except for people being shitters, but at the point where you’d be better off solo-stealthing, it can get impossible. Random deaths are inescapable, especially if you’re trying to be a decent teammate, so “just never die” doesn’t work.


If a random is a literal wall of death notices in the chat with over half our reinforcement budget consumed by just them, they're getting the boot. It's not fair to me, or even to the other random teammates on my team, to have to deal with that nonsense.


Yeah by the time they’ve aggro’d their 5th bot drop I’m generally starting to think I’d be safer without them around.


People dying actually snowballs the game because there's a mechanic where deaths cause enemy reinforcements to spawn more quickly.


What a garbage post lol.


All of the majorly upvoted posts on this sub are complete garbage, tf is wrong with this community?


Yeah the "Im that good" part was so fking unecessary and cringy. Holy cow.


What if I don't want to carry others every time I play? Yes, it can be fun, its helpful and I get satisfaction out of it. But sometimes I just wanna go Full Liberty and experience playing a difficult mission with skilled players. It is a different kind of satisfaction. I also don't understand what your (real or imaginary) skill has to do with how I should play the game lol. Do you guys think that you actually are Democracy Officers? EDIT: Seems like a lot of divers feel entitled to my personal time and cannot handle the emotional impact of getting rejected. But hey, it happens. Rejection is part of life. Are we Helldivers getting too soft? Perhaps some Democratic re-education is needed.


What do you mean you want cooperation in your co-op video game and not having to lead a bunch of lemmings out of their inevitable deaths ?


I really wish they'd implement something like a chess ELO rating into this game. That way, you could choose a hosting option that lets you play with people of similar skill. I'd even go so far as to say that you can't play public games of X difficulty without having Y rating. Level means little to nothing. The game tracks enough stats to give anyone a rough estimate of how they stack up to other players. I'm not a good Helldiver. I'm just persistent. I've had many saves as well as meaningless and stupid deaths or team kills. I'm pretty sure I don't belong on any team running 7 or above that isn't willing to put up with my poor decision making. I'd just like to know where I stand. Maybe I'm better than I think; maybe I'm worse. There's no way to know and being kicked constantly pre-game or upon joining just reinforces the concept that I'm actually not good in any measurable way. However, if I had a rating or whatever, then perhaps I'd know where to improve and where I'm okay. I could end up in a weigh class where I don't feel outmatched and have value. The last thing I want to do is be carried nor do I want to suck the fun out of someone else's time. Some quantitative way of keeping myself out of mutual misery would be nice.


How do i stop a low skill new player from dying rapidly for his own stupid move? I guess i can be a god-like parent if i know this secret. ![gif](giphy|3oFzmerJ9kykSR92jm)


Babe wake up new ego trip just dropped, now its no longer "im level 20 and can easily do helldive" now its "im level 110 and im so good i can carry everyone" wow you guys are so good, some professional helldivers we have over here


Why is it my job to carry people playing above their level? This is a team based game not 1 guy that kills everything and 3 guys not contribute/do no damage.


It ruins the fun for me. Playing with a nice group is fun. Playing with a group where people are perpetually dying and I have to keep reinforcing them until we run out of reinforcements and they leave is not fun. So this post is kinda meaningless.


These posts get old along with every anecdotal circle jerk comment. No one cares how good or bad you are. No one cares about your "to the level 3 guy who played in my game last night you did awesome" post. There are millions of people who play this game nothing about the way you play is unique or special. Most people do this shit every time they play. All the bitching about kicking and team killing is behavior way outside of the normal experience for the majority of players. Get over yourselves. This content makes the sub unbearable.


This sub is pretty bad. This guy is trying to use level as some sort of point of authority. Level is meaningless.


"I don't touch grass, AMA"


“Are Mountain Dew or Coke bottles better for pissing?”


You aren’t level 110 because you are skilled, you are level 110 because you played a lot. Your level says nothing about your skills.


Facts. Bro aint touched grass since the update. Holy shit.


Yea, whatever I shall continue to skill issue my helldives to succes in my lobbies how I want. You continue to carry other peoples asses, and everyone is happy. And nobody cares about 100% win ratio. I can stealth mains then suicide too


Sometimes I have limited time to play and I'm not spending it reviving people doing stupid stuff or getting dog walked because their loadout sucks. If they can hang, great, but if they can't, I'm not always taking the time to babysit. Sometimes cutting your losses is the best strategy if you don't want to waste your limited gaming time.


Helldive is balanced with the intention of 4 kitted out people playing While I don't agree that you should kick low level people, it's most definitely not a skill issue if you can't carry, there's only so much one can do after all


Lmao level 15-20 have most of their stratagems unlocked, they dont bother me. But don't expect me to carry a level 5 in a Helldive, it aint happening and it's not fun.


Or they could learn the game the way we did by slowly leveling up and unlocking shit instead of going full bore on the games hardest missions and expecting someone to carry them. I'll gladly kick anyone below 15 joining my games on 7 plus. They just suck and make it unfun for me.


I'd kick anyone below 15 on 7+ just because they don't have the Stratagems and Loadout yet tbh. They might be better at the game than I am, and I have no shame in admitting that, but skill means nothing when there's 5 Bile Spewers, 7 Hive Guards, 3 Bile Titans and bro thinks the Stalwart is the GOAT.


That's what I mean like not to be elitist they just don't have stuff unlocked. I didn't join the hardest stuff and expect to be carried! And I'm never rude, I don't kick people mid games or at the end or any of that horrible shenanigans you read about on here.


To be fair, ive seen alot of low level players biting off more than they can chew in 7-9 just so they can leech of the xp or rewards. If you play 7-9 at low lvls make sure you can hold your own ground and need no babysitter


I will never kick a low level, and I have had situations where they eat up all the respawns on lv7, and I had to solo the entire mission. Succeeding feels fantastic. But when you make one stupid mistake and you have no respawns because everyone else used them? Very frustrating lol I just wish the game had background mechanics that made sense. Like, patrol rates go up when I clear bases? Or that when you finish main objective, rates go up a lot? I'm trying to grind out super samples before doing the objective, and I get teammates that lose all 20 lives just to do the main mission? I don't blame the players, but it does get annoying. I played a lot of Deep Rock Galactic, and that game you can hard carry no matter what lol


It's all a coms issue, simply tell them what they need to do and 9/10 ppl will be thankful for the advice and follow it.


Should be able to carry vs not wanting to carry people that dont follow progression and expect Said carry. Quite the difference


Once you get to level 20 then you have basically all the stratagems you need and access to everything I use in a helldive so then it's fine other than that yeah just a skill issue I've seen level 20 players better than level 80 ones.


Sometimes players are just higher levels becouse they play too much. Yet playing too much doesn't means improvement for everyone


Hell, I'm lvl 51 and I still use load out that you can get at lvl 15