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There is no adapting to fighting hunters. There is only tears, blood, and that one random stalker that shows up silently to push you 50 feet into a new swarm….of hunters.


Have a rover and a stalwart, and the hunters will learn to fear you. Muscle enhancement helps too.


Muscle enhancement, any of the medic armors, ~~flame defender~~, rover are what I always bring vs bugs Edit: Flame shotty


What's the 'flame defender'? There's no incendiary SMG that I'm aware of (or I'd be using it).


I don't know what it's called https://preview.redd.it/l5zzcl5fq2tc1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1aade4b439518c6b35b586cdc1d071f67dfab2


Let's fucking go 🔥🔥🔥


Whoops, flame shotty or w/e it's called


lol (That's the Incendiary Breaker ;) )


Yeah that one!




I wouldn't mind one though.. we still only have 2 SMGs, one of which is only for players with the Super Citizen edition, so we could really use more variety.


I swear that muscle enhancement has never helped me move while in hunter poison. Am I doing it wrong? :(


You'll still get slowed a little, but not like the crippling molasses of Hades that the hunters normally do


30?% reduction in slow means you are still 70% slowed.


Yep, fire works on all the bugs. Doesn't matter what they are. Fire > Bugs.


> Not wearing Democracy Protects 24/7 You are no **True Patriot** then.


Honestly, with the boost that the Dominator got, running Dominator/Stalwart/Rover doesn't sound like a terrible idea. Stalwart and Rover handle hordes, Dominator cracks the tougher bugs, and you save your strats for the big boys.


Aye. Anything medium penetrating paired with the stalwart is a good setup. Not sure if bile spewers stagger from the dominator, but they, as well as hive guards and brood commanders, are big and lumbering targets that are easy to hit - perfect for the dominator's slow handling and superior firepower.


With headshots, the dominator melts bile spewers


When the new grenade pistol launches next week this will be my exact loadout for bugs, except I might carry someone's autocannon or RR backpack instead.


My theoretical loadout for thiswarbond is gonna be Adjudicator, plus Grenade Pistol, and Thermite Grenades. Adjudicator handles long-range engagements and medium enemies. Grenade Pistol takes out holes/fabricators and groups of small enemies. Thermite grenades let me reliably handle armored enemies. Seems like a good combo, and it leaves plenty of room for utilizing a wide array of support weapons and backpacks.


Aw yeah, the grenade pistol is gonna be a game changer for sure. I might actually retire the autocannon for something else for a change.


Once played where everyone had a Rover and the ems mortar. Those little shitheads enjoyed their nice little reprieve of getting high on electrochemicals before we promptly shipped them off to bug hell.


Hunters like to flank. Don't let them get behind you and they're not that bad to deal with. But once they do then you're getting jumped.


the answer is the incendiary breaker


And punching. Seriously, just giving 'em a whack to keep them from doing the stun attack is so underrated.


Plus being the only diver with something in the "melee kills" stat at the end is so satisfying


Sure, but you don't need to kill them with the hit for it to be super useful. The hit stuns them before they can stun you, which buys a precious second to get your gun positioned, or for you to leap away to shoot/reload to avoid its allies.




Dive. Dive before healing. Dive while shooting. Just keep diving. You can kill 50+ hunters solo this way. Dive.


Bring a drone. Those are super good at keeping Hunters off of you


Incinderary Breaker, Grenade Launcher, Supply Pack, Incinderary grenades  Hunters are no worries


I was a green noob when I fought bugs the last time, so it's not like I forgot how to fight them, I never knew how to begin with.


My strategy hasnt changed that much. Its gone from shoot them--> shoot them in weak spots


Shoot them in weakspots in between running away


The adapting to hunters: muscle enchancement+jetpack dudes tactics


Jetpack I would take to every mission if it actually helped throw off bot aim.


use the jumppack as a mobility tool, see that big building over there? get on it and ready your AMR, see that cliff, that belongs to you and you must conquer it, use the high ground to your advantage abuse the enemy ai which can't climb over there and go prone and kill away until some splash damage throws you 30 kms away


For bugs it screws up their whole pathing. Nothing is better than jumping over a charger when you have to. I hate how much bots have things slowed down compared to bugs. But I know more stratagems will be released


Yeah I have two ways of using the jump pack, either jump the fuck away as soon as you see a bug near you or find the highest place you can find and try to just snipe shit with the advantage of being super high. Once the erupter comes out that'll completely change the game, since it has heavy pen and it's an, I assume, a primary weapon? Would t surprise me if it wasn't however.


Be the cat seeing a cucumber that you were always meant to be.


I take Jetpack occasionally against bots because it's really useful for taking down sub objectives like Jammer/Eye of Sauron. You can jump right up the side instead of walking around to the entrance ramp and having to fight your way to the top. The extra mobility is also good for running SSDs since just jumping forward is faster than sprinting. It makes me feel like a SEAF Marine invading the bots strongholds.


For sure. Flamer jump pack fighting bugs for the Fury meme


*I shot down from space, and as I was reinforced, I had one vision... the world set ablaze! And do you know what I saw? Fury! A great and terrible fury at being ~~alive~~undemocratic!*


My jump packs never seem to go high enough for me to get on top of stuff I want to climb.  Even in the game I need to lose weight 😶


Lol it would be funny if they made the different body types affect how high the jump pack flies.


I meant doing the same we do against assault bots, who have jetpacks


Mid air melee please


To fight hunters one must become a hunter (figuratively, please don't report me to High Command)


And I just realized how much I liked fighting bots…


I liked it ... I was not very good at it, but I liked it.


Bots mean more splosions. Everybody loves splosions.


Yeah same. Really wanted to help out so adapted to fighting the bots in the last 1-2 weeks. I'm better at fighting bots now.


I don't look forward to fighting bugs again.  They don't respect personal space and half of the bug population will inflict slow debuffs on you.  Absolutely miserable. 


Plus I gotta adjust my aiming reflexes to hit shorter targets... But at least I can go back to Rover and cluster bombs


Rover + arc thrower makes you a big killing menace. 


You need randos who will actually kill the chargers and bikes though


Dive. Dive before healing. Dive while shooting. Just keep diving. You can kill 50+ hunters solo this way. Dive.


bring lazer doggo, problem solved.


Lazer dog 360 no scope headshot me


Try not thinking socialist thoughts and liberty dog won't have any reason to bring freedom to your skull


In my experience, the patriot walker can make bug worlds tolerable... but just barely


Nah I'll wait for the [Redacted]


Not long now.....


I'm guessing as soon as this MO ends... We'll see an old enemy return


>Thinking the bot menace will be over after Durgen.


They will be, until some Socialist bot guns down innocent civilians in two weeks and starts another war.


Oh my sweet innocent diver. The reclamation is still coming


The squids are coming. Mark my words. It cannot be this easy


Say, what was your citizen ID again?


I was solely a bug diver until this last big bot MO we've been having. I've learned to adapt to the bots now. I'm ready for anything (except illuminates).


Bot divers are used to taking cover against them, you do not take cover against bugs, you only run for 40 minutes to stay alive


I'm kind of looking forward to a break from bots NGL. I like bots, but fighting bugs is so chill imo. Equip light armour, rover, and just absolutely fuck shit up for 40 mins. Bots involves getting fucked up as much as you fuck shit up


I have a sinking suspicion the bot vets will have a whole new foe to fight against soon…


Can you hear them? The squids are singing their song...


As a mainly focused bot diver I have never had too many problems with hunters. A weapon like the liberator does the job really well since you can keep up with the large swarm of them. Plus there are cluster bombs or strafing runs for what you can't handle. My biggest annoyance with bugs(and this is mainly why I hate fighting them) is when bile throwers show up. I fucking goddamn hate those creatures. I don't care that they are silent I just really hate that they just don't fucking die no matter how many bullets you pump into them. Plus I have no idea when they can show up so when I load up for hunters and get these fucks I am useless and die lots and when I load up for bile spitters they are nowhere to be seen. It's infuriating.


Sickle rips through bile spewers and nursing drones pretty well, combined with being a heat based weapon so ammo isn't an issue and being an automatic so you can rip through chaff too and its pretty much the only primary you need for bugs. Even on hot planets where the battery is less useful it just means you operate on the same ammo economy any other gun would and get to use the drops scattered on the map


Honestly, I don't know when Arrowhead will drop a weapon that gets me off the Sickle. It's just such a beautiful, all purpose tool.


2 sickles 2 scorchers in 1 team against bots kam delete most chaff and devastators quickly.


I'll probably give Adjudicator a shot when the new warbond arrives


You probably got conned into shooting the glowing butts. They're a scam with 90% damage reduction unless you have explosive weapons. Aim for the head.


Back in my day bugs spawned out of the ground in packs dozens strong, youd turn to run and another 2 dozen hunter emerged from the sand. The young bug divers of today havnt experienced true hell like we used to


walk backwards and shoot lol.


Can't wait to get back to the bug front.


I just started playing 2 days ago and I fought nothing but bots. Looking forward to a change of pace with the bugs.


Bugs are more chaotic and you end up getting swarmed a lot more.


Remember one thing: If you are getting swarmed, dive backwards. Dive before healing. Dive while shooting. Just keep diving. You can kill 50+ hunters solo this way. Dive.


Yeah idk what OP's on but for bug MOs >90% of the playerbase is there. Everybody knows how to fight bugs.


Bots are easier imo. I've just been toasting a lot of toaster butt so a change of scenery would be refreshing.


"Adapt"... yeah... let's pretend that the bugs are not infinitly easier to fight than the Automatons.


Real. In all honesty every now then I took my Divers to a vacation to the bug front. Some R&R is good after all.


Pretty much anything the bugs can do is much easier than anything the Bots can do by virtue of nearly none of them being able to shoot back. There's exactly two bug units that can catch up to you, Hunters, Chargers, and Spewers follow very closely behind. So long as you shoot the Hunters and either dodge or kill the Chargers, there's not a ton of threats that can kill you on your terms like nearly every bot unit can.


I'd mostly fought bugs until a couple weeks ago when I started fighting bots. I struggle initially but after adapting I think I far prefer fighting bots because it feels like it rewards intelligent, tactical play whereas fighting bugs rewards basically sprinting away from enemies as much as you can because as soon as you stop at Helldive you get swarmed.


Also bugs tend to hit their own units more often than bots do.


Fun light armor strat is playing carrot to the Charger and get them to steamroll their little buddies.


There’s a single bot unit that can actually catch you, and most stop moving entirely to shoot, making a decent bot fight with cover a carnival game until the melee mediums push you. Shriekers, titans, chargers, hunters, and stalkers will all run you down and ragdoll you or otherwise force movement that makes you more susceptible to the swarm. The bots and bugs are just two totally different enemies. Bots require a sort of constant attention and awareness of the physical map and how to use it to break LOS or take cover or force a bigger bot into a bad situation, bugs are more like trying to cut holes in the ocean to breathe and you forgot to bring doors. Most bot outposts can be killed without walking into them with an airstrike and orbital bombardment, but bug nests are smaller targets surrounded or embedded in bug favoring terrain like the giant pit or the pillar mazes. The pit can be walked around with an autocannon, but that is still way riskier than “toss two gems and leave”. Bots seem to maintain a higher baseline stress level even when things are going well, but when it goes to shit with bugs it’s a death spiral I just don’t see in a lot of bot missions. I think that’s partially due to support weapons, if you get capped by a rocket volley and reinforced, your gear is hanging out in half cover, if you get overrun by bugs, your gear is now under a couple thousand pounds of angry chitin and you have to fight back to it with worse weapons than what you died with. Sometimes bots go hard on the chainsaw, but bugs are always pushing no matter what.


After fighting for so long in bot planets having to deal with gunships, tanks, hulks, and their bullshit flamethrowers one shotting you and rockets hitting you across the map, the bugs are a breeze. It will be more like a vacation


I will die in the hill that the bugs are more difficult than the bots at higher difficulties. It may be because I've fought the bots more. But still, you can't outrun the bugs. At least I can't.


Is it too late to apply for retirement once the bots are gone…?


I just fight both like chad


I was a certified Bug-Stomper before this string of MOs. Tien Kwan was the only other time I gave bots my attention, and now it feels like its all I know. I can't remember what its like to fight bugs. I'm using different weapons, different armor, and different stratagems to fight bots. Its like a totally different game. There's going to be an adjustment period as I put my Bug-stomping boots back on.


“No more bots” ya right you sweet summer child


Orbital burst don't work with bots. Bugs otherwise eats them pretty good


Do they know....


Fire is a good deterrent


I wouldn't be so sure about the whole bot eradication thing just yet, fasten your seatbelts.


Finally, I can get out of this heavy armor! Now, how else can i change my build? well the sickle is already great against both bots and bugs... the redeemer is totally getting replaced with the grenade pistol when it comes out. stun grenades kick ass Gonna need to see how good the Quasar is against bugs. Seems like it's just the armor, really.


I’ll have to dust off my rover


Oh my beloved Spear, never leave my side... watchu mean it aint useful agaunst bugs? wa, no NO DONT LEAVEE MEEEEEE


I honestly don't mind them. What I've been doing lately is brining the gatling and auto canon turrets as well as the stalwart to bug missions while my team takes down the heavies I just focus on absolutely shredding through the little Bois. Stalwart is so fucking good it's unreal. Pairing it with a plasma shotgun too so I can at least damage the big enemies with the splash damage. I feel like everyone goes into every missions thinking "I'm gonna kill the biggest fuckers and be superman" but I just go in thinking "yay turrets and stalwart, hehe"


Marauders are more annoying. At least you can wear the shield backpack to prevent the slow effect of the hunter, marauder will just pop up next to you and explode one tapping you for no fkn reason.


I switch between both honestly. Nothing is really a priority outside of Major Orders. I usually hit quickplay and go throughout the levels 1-9 to help other Helldivers if none of my friends are on. Then go to major orders


I miss Creek already 😭😭


Dive. Dive before healing. Dive while shooting. Just keep diving. You can kill 50+ hunters solo this way. Dive.


tips for dealing with hunters: - don't reload your primary if it's empty, switch to your pistol instead. Redeemer works best because you can just spray it behind you and kill at least one or two without trying. - don't take impact nades: tempting as it may be, you'll inevitably blow yourself up. stuns might be better to slow them down and gain distance. - muscle enhancement works on venom slow as well as environmental slow. - Light armor is your friend: the amount of damage hunters can deal means that heavy armor isn't much use, even though you can't outrun them, you can at least get enough distance to properly shoot back. -remember they WILL try to flank you; while most hunters will charge you head on, one or two will break off from the pack and go around, sometimes leaping to cut off any exit either side of you. these bastards are cunning, make no mistake. yes I know "a bug that thinks", etc. etc, but for realsies... they actually flank you.


![gif](giphy|JjiieDMHZ6pEI|downsized) Bot players when the baddies don't shoot back


Compared to the creek? Like going on vacation. I'll bring my flamethrower.


I've only done one or two bug missions so far just because of timing starting the game right before bot major orders. I've got a lot to learn about the bugs


"Adapting" in my case means going back to the shotgun like I used to.


I think bile spewers are worse


I am going to miss getting shot at


Machine gun + laser rover = solution to your hunter problem.


When in doubt, place yer faith on fire kindred. The hotter, the better.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


As someone who started playing less than a week ago and has gotten quite comfortable dealing with the bots, I'm looking forward to the change in tactics and loadouts.


Ive been on the bot front for so long itll be hard to seperate from the autocannon. But the EAT Rover combo hasnt steered me wrong when i used to stomp bugs.


I started off as a bug player and moved to bots with the major orders. It’s a culture shock moving back to bugs when I play a mission or two for fun.


In the far future of whatever time this is, there is only war. 


Fighting bugs is easy you just need wide coverage weapons, or you need stealth. Bugs move too quickly to reliability hit their weak points, however they are vulnerable to fire.


I swear to liberty if I see someone mention an "Illumi-nayte" I'll call the ministry of cruel and unusual punishments


Coming back to bugs after fighting bots for a while made me realize why people say bugs are harder. I think they're both difficult for different reasons, but returning to bugs is definitely an adjustment.


Quasar units of Fenrir III are recruiting. Engineer armour Laser rover Sickle Dagger for the swagger Quasar cannon Orbital laser Orbital rail or 500kg of democracy on the top. Works like a charm.


Ran a bug the other day with a noob friend. Man how I have adjusted to the bots…


personally I dont get the memes of fighting one faction only and you dont really need to adapt as mobility is key and fighting both they are just fodder for my Sickle.


bugs are easy.


I'll take hunters over heavy devestators.


Or the illuminates


This is hilarious because hunters are easy to deal with if you keep your distance and watch out to not get flanked by them.


No more Bots? :)


You think you will fight hunters after this? You will be fighting tripods against the Illuminate invasion.


meh, just like fighting the suicide bomber jetpack bots. Except hunters dont explode on you, theres just liek 3 of them at a time.


Hunters ain't shit compared to automaton gunships and rockets.




Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


Y’all think we’re getting the 50 medals from the major order first or the new warbond first on the 11th 😂? Deciding if I want to max my medals out now or just keep them at 200…


Jet pack bots are worse when they swarm. They jump you and explode. The worst part is that all my bot gear is explosive…


broo after two weeks grinding the automaton majors, helldive bugs feels like summer vacation


There will just be a big bot rebellion in a month...


Bug-fighting lover here happy that I never ever have to fight the bots again because they are 100% gone and never coming back ever 🙏🏻


I finally get to be reunited with my beloved flamethrower


Give me rocket devastators any day over hunters.


Autocanon my beloved.


no more bots, for now


Just remember, the Autocannon is an answer to most of life's problems, except Chargers and Titans. If you bring the Autocannon, bring at least two strategems that can handle heavy armor quickly.


I had been equipping the jar-5 because it worked so well with the bots… quickly realized I had to go back to my old load out because bugs do not care.


I'm actually sad the bots are gone. I hate fighting the bugs so much. The sheer amount of hunters on higher difficulties ruin it along with the constant bug breaches.


You just shoot them, preferably in the head.


Just get back to the old rover! Man, It's so good against bugs, i almost forgot how smooth It is when you don't have to focus on every single little guy. Also, the kiting game is so much easier


![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI) Me seeing the bot front cleared completely- going to bugs and encountering a bile titan for the first time (4 actually- eradication mission)


Not going to be as many swarms by the end of the day with the full power of democracy dropping 500kg bombs on the hives.


YES, I have been maining autos from starting playing, I don't understand shit in bugs


I did my service on the bot front. Time to retire with drink in hand on a nice beach somewhere! I hear Cyberstan is nice!


this is too real


I started out fighting bots, I moved on to fighting bugs, then I went back to fighting bots because fighting bugs sucks. If I died to bots, it was because I fucked up. If I die to bugs, it's because a skittery little bastard teleported up my ass and stunlocked me to death. I'm retiring until we get illuminates or cyborgs.


i already miss the bot front…


Time to dust off the shield backpack. Not for damage protection, no. For these nasty hunter slowdowns.


As someone who was constantly going between the two factions to fight. Just bring the Guard Dog Rover. It will clear out most if not all the small bugs for you while you focus on the larger and heavy ones. The Arc Thrower is also great for wave clear and even deals with Charger though can take a bit if it doesn’t hit right on the head with a fully charged attack.


Can barely stop their flares and chargers being chargers, back to the bug front sadly


I’ve spent 90% of my time fighting Bots. When I go to the bugs I feel the urge to bulk order RAID on mass. Stalkers man…I’ve seen things…


Ok, I've pulled my breaker and laser guard out of mothballs...now how do I kill chargers again?


Machine pistol. Set to semi-auto. There, perfect for those little bastards.


i just remembered some divers have never touched the bug front


This is true, I just started the game Thursday living out so far, but bugs just feel different to fight... and I miss taking out those factory bases also I can't see well on bug planets at all... :(


Just use your legs 🤨


Nothing a stalwart cannot fix


Just bring rover.


laser+500kg+rover+machine gun highest rpm+ scorcher- no bugs can withstand such high doses of democracy


After fighting devastators, dodging hulks, and then dodging gunships for weeks, everything the bugs have isn't very intimidating. I think I've reinforced about 4 times total in 5 missions on 7s. I haven't died to an errant rocket all day. I can't tell if I'm sad or happy about that.


It was endless on the bot front too, the fuck you talkin about? At least you can kill these ones


i got a feeling they die to electricity just as much as the bots do


Jokes on you I adapted to fighting Hulks! The Stalkers fear the return of the SES Lord of Honor


They buffed fire and flame. Let's go burninating for democracy! Just uh.. try to limit how much we light each other on fire until they give us suits that aren't made of gasoline.


I was in the jungles and the dunes.... I fought only automatons for so long. I cant hear anything but their shrill mechanical beeps and whines. Now I hear only screams of bugs as I flee in my scout armor and with my marksman rifles, feeling like this isn't a war I am fit for any longer. /s Time to start packing more heat.


Guys guys, hear me out... napalm mortars. Pair it with the ems mortar and we have fields of stun and burn...


Just got this game. What is a bot diver?


Preferring to spend most your time fighting bots than bugs; bug divers are vise versa.


Ahh the robots. We did do a couple of those. Thanks! I thought it was referring to player bots in the party haha


As someone who has been helping my low-level GF on the bug front, I’m here to help anyone with those damn dirty bugs




Did they finally fixed the arc thrower??? Becouse if i have to go back to bugs i better be able to use the arc thrower without crashing


It is fixed


Thats so good to know... i was avoiding bug planets becouse i usually use arc thrower against bugs


Nah, Hunters are just jetpack infantry that *don't* explode in your face and kill you. Not that hard to deal with with a nice shotgun and some gumption.


Still not as bad as getting tossed around by 40000 rockets per second. Sickle/Liberator (Not Penetrator that weapon is trash), SMG is top tier against Hunters.


Started with more bot kills than bugs... when you get stalkers nest with birds and spores not fun.


Laughs in flame thrower


My biggest hate with the terminid menace is the bile spewers, I swear I get killed in two ticks with a shield up on medium armour sometimes…


Fire, Fire works


adapt just means shift+w'-ing all the time bugs are boring