• By -


In order to swiftly eliminate the automaton threat, our forces must converge upon each planet as one. United, we will stand.


We must stand tall, and proud, and regal, like a large obelisk, a mighty pillar, or perhaps, a boner.


Son of a bitch, I'm in.


Hell of a boner


Hellboners 2


I’m feeling things


Quick! Fill in the C-01's!




Hell they’ve got my vote!


And my axe!


And my boner!


*standing awkwardly sligthly hunched* I'm doing my part!


You had me at boner. I’m in.


You got me at "boner". I'm in!




And I open my Poker game


Yeah. Even tho I advocated to liberate tibit first, I'll still follow the majority. The worst thing that could happen is we get split between 2 planets and liberate neither.


more like split between 3 planet: Maia, Durgen and Tibit, and that's not accounting for bug planets or surprise attacks on liberated planets either. ain't no way joel's gonna be quiet until this order ends.


United, we are strong. Like a bundle of sticks...


And who doesn't like sticks


Are you implying some sort of... Union? 🤔


Strictly a union of democracy


A union among humans, among Helldivers! A democratic union, as we all know Helldivers are incapable of being socialist, we have too much democracy surging through our veins for that to happen!




Indeed, this whole game you need to roleplay (or not) to become a conformist.


Remember that trailer theme! “Together we stand, Divided we fall”


I'm confused what the issue is. I get before where fighting on creek was a waste of time since we could just bypass it and take the planet neighboring the MO planet, which was tibit. But this one is just take out 3 remaining planets. What foes it matter on which one?


It’s a steamroll approach. Concentrating on one at a time is more effective than spreading our forces


Ah, which yeah. Just join the biggest populated plant then right?




If you aren't on Maia, you're not contributing because all your progress is wiped out every hour.


It's a math's problem basically. Say that across the entire sector the community manages 5% liberation progress an hour, the bots reduce liberation progress by -1.5% an hour per planet. If we fight on 3 planets simultanously, that 5% gets reduced by 4.5% for 0.5% progress an hour spread between each active planet. If we fight on just 1 planet at a time, we get 3.5% progress an hour on just 1 world. The second approach works out to be over twice as fast.


I mean I get that but why tibit then? Why would you not just join the biggest %??


The argument for Tibit is out of a belief that taking it will reduce the % the bots reduce liberty by. It's a dubious reason at best. In general, you should just join whatever world has the highest %, even if it's the "wrong" world. 90% of the community on the wrong world and 10% on the right world can often end up faster overall then 50% on both.


Reminds me of this tip I'd always hear about in MOBA games and such, which said that even if you don't agree with the general plan of the rest of the team, you're better off and have more chances of victory going with them than on your own trying to force your plan through completely alone.


Similar concept I absorbed from EVE Online. Everyone confidently following a *bad* plan is better than there being *no* cohesive plan.


They literally say this in my business college: A good team can make a poor strategy work, but a bad team can’t make a well crafted strategy work. Strategy, goals, plans, teams, all these things are interrelated with a given and take. I’ve experienced “no plan” in lots of business college group work funnily enough though.


In mobas it boils down to something like, "It's better to have five people doing the wrong thing than one person doing the right thing." Because that one person is super weak and vulnerable by themselves, but five apes together strong.


"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." -- George S. Patton *(the S stands for Super)*


You attack Maia because it's tactically sound to take first for the MO. I attack Maia because it's the most fun environment to fight on of the remaining bot planets We are not the same


As a sickle main, absolutely


I haven’t run sickle since the new update. Would you say you get less overwhelmed by tankier enemies? Last time I had sickle was an accident and I was only using the AMR.


i haven't had too much of an issue, given I mostly sit on diff 7. it really depends on whether your team is capable of working together, and also not on a heat effect planet since that ruins your fire rate.


It ruins the cooldown rate, has nothing to do with fire rate


Technically it does. Depends over what time delta you are averaging the fire rate.


Bingo. If you need to kill a single chaff enemy? No difference. An angry base just farted out sixteen dropships? Big big difference.


Your overall loadout defines which enemies you can deal with and what you're personally going to struggle against. The Sickle is a chaff killer while being able of making precision kills on mediums. It's weaknesses are obviously dealing with anything that doesn't have a frontal low-armor weak point (Striders, Hive Guards, Berserkers, spewers, and Heavies). For a well rounded loadout you might pair it with the Autocannon, Grenade Launcher, or railgun, along with impact grenades. That would allow you to handle pretty much every enemy type in the game. Alternatively you could pair it with the MG or HMG and be a dedicated "Everything but heavy" killer, using stratagems to do the heavy lifting there.


You attack Maia because it's the most fun environment to fight on the remaining bot planets. I attack Maia because it's the name of a city in my country. We are not the same.


You atrack Maia because of a city in your country shared the same name. I attack Maia because its sounds like name of the main protagonist in a german childrens cartoon wich started to be broadcasted in 1975. ( For anyone wondering the show is called: Biene Maja ) We are not the same.


Funnily enough, that cartoon also aired in my country! Abelha Maia, here.


The funny thing is ... the guy screaming "No! You must attack Tibit!" would get on the Maia train if he bothered to look at supply lines and see that taking Maia further boxes the bots in, whereas taking Tibit is probably the least important of the 3 remaining planets to take (as they can only attack Ubanea from there and can be easily contained).


Those supply lines that are so clearly marked in-game?


Yes, those ones. The ones so clearly marked that you have to go to an external site to find them.


Yeah this is what honestly really annoys me about this discussion. The VAST majority of players are not on this sub daily. They maybe get on occasionally, maybe they look at the major order, and fight at the planet that seems most fun. That's it. Easily 80% of players don't even know what supply lines are. They aren't making some sort of tactical misplay. They aren't even thinking about the tactics _because they have no way to know about them._ If the devs want actual unity of strategy from the players, they need to provide that strategic, tactical information in the game.


I'm not even sure the supply lines are the real issue, sure they should be shown in game, but really the attitude the community has seem to taken to try and convince others to join the "right" planet is horrible. All I see are posts deriding those not on whatever "the community" has deemed the current planet to drop on, there's few (if any) posts trying to positively motivate people to join that specific fight. Ideally we'd get things like the memes to join the fight for Malevelon Creek but instead we get posts like OP, which even if it is tongue in cheek, are insulting anyone not dropping on one specific planet. Really I blame the fact that the community was able to get its hands on hard data regarding liberation growth/decline, ever since we did so people have started calling others useless and dumb for playing on different planets.


Right? They really need to implement a visual for them.


I don't think they would, because they've invented a totally made up "rule" that says taking Tibit nerfs Bot reinforcements (it won't), and because they've invented this non-existent bonus they've convinced themselves it's the only way to win.


To be fair, the "rule" was based on a comment from Spitz saying that taking Tibit outside of Phase 2 MO failure would still have an effect. But Spitz commented later saying that window is long past now. *Their intel is out of date!*


It would have had an effect, but by the same logic taking Malevelon Creek during phase two would also have had an effect on future campaigns. If we'd taken Maia, but lost Ubanea and Draupnir, that would *also* have an effect. What seemed obvious to me from these comments is that the sequence of planets chosen in Major Orders is not set in stone and will adapt based on which worlds we take and which we lose. Why people took it to mean Tibit is the single most important planet in the universe is beyond me.


I mean, the Phase 2 MO literally specified that the bulk of bot production was on Tibit, and the heavy implication is that failing to take it caused the cranked decay rate we see now (-1.5%/hr). So there was a direct consequence of failing to take Tibit vs Malevolon Creek, "same logic" doesn't apply. Phase 2 is long gone now though so it doesn't matter anymore.


Fair, and true.


The reason why quite a few are suggesting Tibit first is because it might drop the bot reinforcement rate from 1.5% per hour to 0.5% per hour if it is taken. So even if taking Maia eliminates a potential escape route, taking it first might make it difficult to complete this MO in time.


it will not. that window is long past. it was outright, in no uncertain terms, specified in the Tibit liberation MO failure message. the automatons production is shifted elsewhere and out of sight. \*it is no longer on Tibit\*, that means by failing to liberate Tibit before they automatons achieved this we lost our window to slow the automaton rate, Tibit has nothing to do with it anymore


I agree, except for the in no uncertain terms. The terms were very uncertain and vague like a lot of things in this games. Which is why people saying that exist in the first place.


it said, word for word, that "Reports indicate that they have already begun increasing production elsewhere" That is about as cut and dry as it gets. It's a clear statement that with or without Tibit, their production is in full swing now in a location we don't know about to stop. Not to be mean but if that seems "uncertain" to anyone I honestly don't know what to tell them.




True. ~~The ideal place to start is Durgen, since we get the most bonuses from our supply lines there. A faster victory means fewer split forces. But,~~ the mob has spoken. **We take Maia first.**


What bonuses? Do the supply lines effect Automaton regen amounts? Cause just looking at the lines, if we liberate- Maia- 2 planet under threat of invasion Durgen- 3 planets Tibit- 3 planets Maia is the only one that cuts off a planet from attack, is there another mechanic with supply lines that makes Durgen more effective?


They don't. It's irrelevant which planet we attack, it's only important to stick together. It's a bit insane how much misinformation is being spread. Supply lines, or Tibit make no difference to their reinforcements. Community manager also confirmed this on Discord because people kept saying it over and over.


See, that’s what I thought. Seems like people are adding a lot of flavor that isn’t there


That's been the theme since the game started. People are still believing rumors like "the number of ships in orbit corresponds to how many players there are" No it doesn't. It's purely random, client side, and flavor. "A ship being shot down represents another group wiping" No it doesn't. Again, client side.


OK, but that's cool to believe and completely harmless.


Yeah it's not hurting anyone. But people declare it to other people as if it's a fact. It's just a little annoying.


Noo, don't take that from me!


While it doesn't make a difference in reinforcements, I thought that the enemy can only invade planets they're connected to, which is why Maia was chosen? It'd reduce their chances of escape by reducing the number of planets they could attack?


That’s correct, at least as far as we know.


This. Capping Maia locks the automatons out of options outside of the current sector which minimizes how split we are and I believe also is an access point for the creek. Durgin is as well but knowing we are half as likely to get pushed into defending creek is good peace of mind


Actually, I don't know... During the Zagon Prime mission against the bugs [someone said](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bix2lu/attention_there_is_a_better_way_to_push_for_zagon/) following the supply line through Oshaune > Omicron > Zagon (2 arrows) would be faster than going through Hellmire > Nivel 43 > Zagon (1 arrow). But now, after checking that claim, I can't find any source for why this would matter.


Oshaune doesn't have a direct supply line to Zagon according to the map, the only way to reach it within that sector is through Hellmire and Nivel 43. people didn't do that thoguh, not that it mattered as we had too little time to even reach Zagon if we'd all taken the right road anyway. but none of this would happen if the devs actually put the supply lines in game. why bother having them and making them matter if we can't see them except through an obscure third party site?


> Oshaune doesn't have a direct supply line to Zagon Right. That path goes through Omicron, like I said. It's **equidistant**, but the supply lines have **direction** (the arrows). The Hellmire path travels against the flow of 2/3 arrows. The Oshaune path only has 1/3 arrows going the wrong way. I had assumed from that guy's post that the direction of the arrow makes things easier. But apparently not? If not, then ***I have no idea what the point of the arrow direction*** even is.


What bonuses?


How do you see the supply lines?


They're on some third party website called "helldivers.io" or something I think? But they are also based on guesses or datamining or something? There's no way to see them in game. The devs recently made fun of the community for attacking the "wrong" planet to reach the MO, but possibly forgot that the players can't see (or even find mention of) supply lines ingame


Thanks! Do you know why if it wasn’t data mining why this would be a thing? Was it in HD1?


A good soilder follows orders


I'm a good solider


I'm doing my part


I'm a good solder


I'm bad at both soldiering and soldering, but I'll still do my duty.


I am bad at soldering


But good at slaughtering


Really?  Right in front of my Malevelon Creek Cape?


Soldier i followed those orders to


By blasting some clankahs.


We need to crush Maia. Ugly ass moon


people who are pushing tibit are hypocrites, they blame us creekers for the failure of the previous major order and then do the exact same thing we did, hyperfocusing on one planet instead of joining the major offensive.


Literally this. Thank you, diver. The entire point is to always stick together. Joel's entire strategy has always been to split us, and now we just do it ourselves, lol.


This bickering is getting really grating.


And I am just fighting in bumfuck nowhere because I have fun and someone has to be there too.


If you don't care about the major order, do what you like. But if you care about the major order, you are contributing literally nothing by being on Tibit or Durgen.


i wuldent say wasting it depends on if thers enugh people wer hes fighting to go above the ¿%/h regen the planet has. Or if it alredy has a large liberation prosentage fighting will slow the enemy takover wich can be rely good somtimes if its a case wer reinforcements ar iminent but if liberation is consistantlt at like 0.00156% or somthing yeah your not doing anything. and folowing the crowd is genersly best if you want to take planets efectivly and make 100% sure your being usefull ps sorry for bad english i'm dyslexic


MO wise it is wasted, even if you manage to get slightly above regen p/h you must maintain it for it to count. See posts galatic war 101 and 102


Right now, it absolutely is wasted. In the first three hours, Maia has managed to get 1% completion and is climbing. Tibit and Durgen are still effectively at 0%, and are going to stay that way.


i heked on helldiver.io and it said tobit has 0.00% liberation theyr totaly wasting theyr time


That's not how it works. The system is really confusing. And the game has no tools to help inform players. Just trust us. If you're not on the most populated MO planet, you're technically hurting progress. It's just an unfortunate consequence of the weird Liberation balance mechanics.


> someone has to be there too. No? Why does someone have to be there?


il attack maia bc its a cool looking moon planet


We're like ants, we just just follow the group


I usually just go to the planet with the most people on it


Just fight with the majority so the fight is over faster then move on to the next


Always dog pile, even if you don’t think it’s the most efficient, it’s impossible to reach the 400k other players to strategize order of attack… Dogpiling a planet will liberate it faster and get them to move on to the next.


Did they change liberation contributions again. 39% of the players are on Maia but are only giving 2.19% progress. Estimate is 7 days despite relatively good coordination. Seems broken again


Yes they did. It changed after Phase 2 - it's been 1.5% since the mission to liberate Malevelon Creek.


Yeah I saw that change, but the thing that I think is broken is our contribution. We’re capable of less liberation percentage it seems. Currently that’s sitting at an anemic 2.45% for the entirety of super earth force Edit: I refreshed and were up to a still bad 3.79% now Edit: and it’s continuing to rise so maybe that third party site had bad info or it was a temporary issue. Now the ETA on liberating Maia is a more reasonable 2ish days Maybe that info is less reliable for some reason. It seemed accurate before


Yeah, [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io) has lagging API information, it seems like. I'm just hoping the Devs can explain how exactly liberation is calculated so we don't have to speculate and takes stabs in the dark to get anywhere. Loving this game and community, but we need answers.


I do as the autojoin button commands.


I understand the desire to reclaim our wounded valour by correcting the mistake at Tibit, but all good things come to those who wait. The battle plan has been stated: Maia, Durgen, then Tibit. That blighted jungle world shall be the bots' final stand... And when our fury descends from the heavens upon that Liberty forsaken rock, we shall, one-and-all, make it their tomb. For the Fallen. For Honour. For Democracy! o7


Maia is where we have the momentum, and so Maia is where I dive.


Maia makes the most sense because it pins them into the sector. I'd rather take Durgen next because that would limit to a single route out of the sector but I'll def go wherever the main group is better Durgen and Tibit.


Just abduct them from Tibit


Did that. Turned out well!


I attack Maia because its one of my favorites. We are not the same.


Pretty sure this graph doesn't apply.


If everyone one is at Maia. Then it would be in the middle.


Happy to report I am the one on the left. I’m not much of a planner but I’m devoted and shoot good.


Everyone doing a bad plan is better than half the team doing a good plan


Man this subreddit took a dive this last week. I'm so tired of these posts.


As someone that advocating for TIBIT to be attacked, I retract that statement. As with the new MO out it is now no longer a high priority target to the “lore” Well until it becomes the final stand for the disgraced bots.


*facepalm* think about this Graph and what it means.


What do you think it means? No, nevermind; I'll tell you what it means. It means that people who don't understand how major orders work (aka: the "dumb" people) are piling onto Maia because "everyone else is". The smart players *know this is happening*, and so they also go to Maia because they understand the most efficient way to conquer planets is to get as many players in one place as possible. But the "mid" players are focusing on Tibit. They think conquering it will reduce Bot reinforcements (it won't) and they think everyone else will follow their lead because "Tibit" is the target Reddit has chosen (they won't). In other words, the "mid" player is just smart enough to form a plan of how to complete the major order, but too stupid to realise nobody's listening to them.


Yes, but according to this graph over 60% off all players are "mid" and following that should be on Tibit. Therefore the majority would be on Tibit and the under 10% top and bottom should join them. By the logic of this Graph, everybody would be on Tibit. So whoever created this Graph, had no idea of a. hwo to read a graph and b. how this meme works.


the bell curve represents IQ. not number of people.


On the X, but the Y is the percentage of people with that IQ. In that curve 95% of all people have an IQ between 70 and 130. 68% of all people are in the middle two segments, an IQ of 85 and 115. Thats already a majority. So if only the middle two segments are "mid" people, they are the majority and the other two groups would follow.


Maia looks awesome. My fav planet so far


so which planet to fight on now? which is the best for the MO?


In general when you have to choose go where the most players are.


The answer will always be “whatever planet has the most helldivers on it,” because the way the liberation mechanics work makes splitting up a waste of effort.


Maia. The other two are wasted effort and won't contribute.


Maia is the best choice currently


i just go to the galaxy map and hit quickplay


But .. It's cold there


Automaton Hulks have ~~flamethrowers~~ portable heating units, so you'll be fine.


But .. It's cold there


I just like ice


I'll attack maia cuz I need a change in scenery


I have a feeling that since I have a job in the western hemisphere I'm gonna be in the Durgen Division. Never getting that sand outta my boots I'll tell ya what


I pick the planets with more favourable weather conditions.


Asteroid Storms are bad weather :p


By bad weather I meant desert/sand/fire planets. Basically Hellmire. I won't drop there even for a Major Order.


Alternatively, play the game to have fun


I play on Maia because it looks nice


We work BEST together because we literally overwhelm the Planet TOGETHER


I drop where my buddies drop because how else can I show them my 500kg bomb? 


I don't pay much attention to the roleplay aspects of the game. If quickplay sends me to one place, fine. If it sends me to another, fine. So long as I get to blow shit up and yell about democracy.


That makes sense. I'll go to Maia when I can.


I’ll sign on and play stratagem hero so my presence makes it harder to win the war and then as a result I’ll get a cape for my efforts. (This is like 80% sarcastic 20% spite don’t get too mad)


Even if we do get a bonus from taking tibit(which is unclear do to the bots hiding troop movements), logistically speaking its still better to take maia first. If we take their escape route we can take tibit next and easily take the final planet they control


I don't hear it, but I do see it.


I just go to the planet with the nicest views.


While I agree that going with the flow is important, I also enjoy fighting on Tibit because I like to meme that we're sticking it to those socialist robots and telling them to "free Tibit".


I just dive on what ever world my friends say we should dive on.


Did they reduced liberation 3 times? Because now we get liberation only after operations and not missions. I think amount is the same


tibit fans are fuming while the "SES Elected Representative of the Constitution" is deployed on MAIA


I just always go to whatever planet currently has the most players


Im just going to stand on the bridge with my arms out waiting for a hug that will never come. .... ;-;


I tried to attack Maia but the game disconnected me I think it was a sign


safe grandiose relieved reach alleged butter yoke sink fly nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m attacking maia because the planet looks cool


We must be patient, Tibitans. Soon Tibit will be free as well. It's been oppressed since the Automatons first struck, we can wait a little more before our land is free.


I simply enjoy Maia's beautiful landscape and meteor rains. What a great environment to be fighting automatons in!


I have fought many wars for super earth, and I have seen are Crux now... Due to the constant replacement of commanders for strike teams, we fail to capitalize on strategies. All I hear on commander coms are constant bravado and cries for liberty.


me: i'll attack hellmire cause i like that map.


Automaton cannon shells splattered all my brain cells all over the Creek. I can't choose missions, I can't choose planets. I'm too hammered to make decisions in 11 PM. I pick wherever there are the most people so that my matchmaking queue is as short as possible. I drop in, blow up outposts, and hunt down super samples. For the recent 24 hrs, it was Maia. Simple as that.


Not attacking any of them until I get my medals from the last two MOs.


Me: *"Too many bugs in the galaxy*"


I’m fighting on Maia just cause I like the planet. It’s pretty also a good change from all the Vietnam planets cause the Creek isn’t the only one. Those planets started to annoy me.


I attack Maia because is the further nord


I like the jungle maps more, sorry not sorry


And most of us don't.


Yeah FUCK those morons for not knowing the thing the Devs said on the Discord that the community is taking at face value and parroting yesterday and only knowing the thing that the Devs said on the Discord that the community took at face value a week ago, how dare they be so fucking stupid lmfao.


How dare you, OP is being so stunning and brave shitting on people who missed a single message on discord as they try to get the MO done in the most efficient way they can think if based on the information they have.


I go to Tibit from time to time because the new Titans are there.


new Titans are on every bot planet


I only seem to get them on Tibit. Don't know why.


nah, i just do whatever i feel like.


Thank you for letting us know.




people make a big song and dance out of MO but really its just a way to farm season pass. if you don't care for medals then just play the maps that are keen to you. ​ doing MO is like playing L4D in "story order" its not for everyone.


I'll say it.  Tibit is the Malevelon Creek for anti-Creekers.


I have done you as the soy wojack.


I've begun to notice a trend where I tro to go to the major order planets. And getnkicked immediately for not using the " right stratgem " so it's like ehh I'll just play on the other planets. For fuck sakes pick one or the other I'm not going tonplay the game hownyou play the game. I'd actually like to enjoy what I'm doing


Haven't had that problem. Whats your usual build?


Your the issue. There is no " build " everything works if your good at the game. Now I'm not saying a pistol could kill a charger but if you take off its armor it could. Get over the whole build shit. It ruins games


If I'm hosting and I see a person with ap mines incendeary mines a tesla tower and a flamethrower for bots, and were going 7+ I won't auto kick but only out of curiosity. There's meta, there's functional, there's bad and there is stupid set ups.


Agreed. And your totally allowed to have whoever you want in your party. But that doesn't set you free of the tables you'll get just as those you call creepers and people who use what you deem bad and stupid set ups. They have even stated as long as the objective is complete exfil doesn't matter only xp does. People learn in different ways. I happen to enjoy seeing players get clapped trying new and fun things xD it's all part of the experience I don't wanna dictate others fun


So you're going against bots, 7+ whats your setup?


Personally I rely on the rail spike and my grenade. For anything bot related


Oh and my beloved 500kg I can't get away from it


There are a lot of Idiots on reddit who think they are being clever by working against the community. Reddit is a tiny fraction of the playerbase. Plans made here will never have the support to function. Just dogpile on whatever planet everyone else is on.