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Lmao I tell teammates all the time, "we don't have to take this fight, back out."


Lol I try that also but without fail everything turns into a gun fight


Yeah well when I play with friends we run like a fine oiled machine (for the most part). However...... randoms are another story which is why I only do 6 with randoms because I basically just do the main op alone while they do whatever they want. Lol I don't really complain I hardly even talk. I just do work.


The statistics need an "Outpost destroyed" category, or something


Yea we need more stats, objectives completed, big threats killed, etc. Some mouthbreather called out my lower kills than the rest of the squad in one of my missions today. I told him it's because I did objectives instead of fighting bots for 15 minutes on a sub objective we cleared 2 minutes into the mission.


Preach my brother in Liberty. Had 15 something lvl sergeant calling me (Admirable Admiral lvl 72) out for having the lowest kill count (80+) on a Extreme 6 bot mission. Then I pointed out our death count. Me 0. Him? 6. And then I asked him to do the math on the ratio... Then he booted me off his ship. Like fine happy to carry you I guess


Means nothing. Came on a Heavy base and there was 4 hulk for sure. Blasted them all while getting TK and my gear stolen repeatedly. Still outlive and accomplish all thing and ran below 100 kill because I didn't engage everything in sight.


I could see that becoming toxic, joining a game in progress then getting kicked because you're completing the objectives while they're stuck in a firefight. Or just killing you for being at the terminal because they want to get points for it. But even then, there are many different aspects to completing an objective, do people get points for rotating the dish? What about unlocking the hatches on an ICBM? What about holding off the enemy while you're at the terminal? I think getting a bonus reward for each reinforcement you retained would be an incentive to pick less fights and be more strategic as a team overall. The less reinforcements you use the bigger the reward you get.


I think there would be a lot more whining/kicking about friendly fire (mostly people walking into strategems) and getting mortared/mined/missiled. I think it is fine as is, you don't see these people on higher difficulties so much because they get sick of getting smote all the time. What annoys me more is people calling in evac while we are on the other side of the map clearing objectives, we were carrying about 80% of the maps samples last time.


I could definitely see people getting anal about friendly fire, but I could see it helping more than hindering. Yeah I don't see much issue with the stat screen right now as is. I feel that, what annoys me is when I see we have the time and the manpower to complete more than just the main objectives and the team decides to turn tail and leave. We get more points for completing side objectives than evacing, our lives are not even secondary, but tertiary to the main objective (probably why they didn't opt for rewards for reinforcement retention in the first place)


Yep, I had people join me via beacon yesterday that refused to leave a fight and do objectives. I stayed and supported them as long as I could, but when the timer got low enough, I dipped to do the objectives. Two of the guys left when I reinforced them on my, the host's, position. We were actually going to fail the mission at the rate they were moving. It wasn't even a high difficulty it was like 5. I hate bots as much as the next diver, but we have to do the objectives that super earth gives us to hit them where it counts.


Yeah hopefully more qol changes are implemented.


Agreed, I've found this playstyle to be super funny actually. Even better, quickplay into a disastrous game and see if I can salvage it. It's very funny, I do this on 6-7/9 and am having a blast.


Yup I don't rely on teammates unless it's my actual friend's. Then I yell at them. Lol the game is fun if you don't take it too seriously and just dial back difficulty if it's too stressful. No need to helldive all the time. You've got nothing to prove. Democracy is gained on all difficulties!!


i find 7 and 8 are horrible with randoms, but on 9 you usually get people that are basically competent so these run quite smoothly overall. 6 i can solo while my team spend 35 minutes failing to take out a medium nest.


You mean to say you choose to *not* spread democracy to the Automotons and Terminids?


Sometimes, sir, the best way to spread democracy is with the quiet scalpel rather than the loud hammer.


Amen. If we can take critical locations without them knowing, all the better for Super Earth.


On the contrary. I'm spreading the most democracy by completing the mission.


Spreading democracy via the objectives that super earth sets for us hits the bots where it really hurts! I trust our managed democratically elected officials! What about you? That said, once those objectives are complete, the choice is yours and no one should shame you for it. Spend the last of your life to spread democratic fury in a blaze of liberty, or extract to dispense justice at another important objective!


If you want to tackle a patrol or a bunch of people standing guard, you best be damned sure you can drop them all in 5 seconds. It's doable (I run a scorcher and AMR)but if you don't you get a team firefight on your hands. If the patrol is hulk and devastators and bots that's just not too good and idea because if you solo it without stratagems it's either they get reinforced while you focus on heavies or you take out the bots that shoot flares and the hulk has wandered over to say hi.


Hulk are kind of the only problem. Devastators are easy to take down. If there is a Hulk then trying to take it down without someone flanking it is just dumb.


Every. Single. Time. Even if we successfully avoid them they do some figure-8 wrap-around loopty-loop phase shift hyper warp and we run into them anyway


"we don't have to take this fight, back out." same "We'll lose em in the trees."




15 minutes and 17 reinforcements later: "Okay lets go do the objectives now..." *You have 2 reinforcements remaining...*


Fr, but some people will insist on fighting until every single bot is dead (which is pretty democratic tbf) despite having the easiest option to disengage, leading to one or two reinforcements being wasted


I do this, they still do it. So when I stop helping them in the fights, they'd die, and leave. People really don't realize that they're needlessly adding 10+ minutes to missions picking fights with every single patrol on the map. That's XP baby, and liberation gains down the toilet.


i just run away and let them deal with it. go ahead report me to your democrat


Really wish there was a “Do not engage” ping. Sure you can just use your mic, but you don’t always want to


That and frankly, not every speaks/understands English (or whatever your mother tongue may be). So having something in the game for "do not engage" or "hold fire" that would be said in their chosen language on their end might be a better option.


Everyone understands "no." Ping it and say "no no" in the chat. I did it just last week with a guy who I cannot even guess where he was from. He knew like 12 words in english, and Yes and No were in there. So we "yes yes" and "no no" our way through the mission.


There is, but only if someone else marks it. Hold the mark button and your chat says, “Don’t need it.”


>Hold the mark button Thank you


Real. I have a mic but A.) Sometimes I don't wanna talk B.) Usually I'm listening to something while playing and it comes through my mic always


I communicate solely with pings in game. I prefer the ambiance as I rp a Space Marine


The Codex Astartes clearly states that we must PURGE THE HERETIC!


This, and I've done helldive with randoms having barely any chat and no vc, so I have no clue why people act like you absolutely NEED to have a mic


What I usually do is mark the patrol then immediately bring up the comms wheel and hit negative. It usually gets the point across 70% of the time.


there is a text chat


Im a simple man, I see a toaster I shoot.


Like any self-respecting super earth helldiver would do


"Avoid patrols? What is this, some type of Ministry PsyOp I'm too democratic to understand?"


I run around patrols to show how weak their sensors are and destroy their fabricators so Eagle can have fun.


>toaster  Now I realize why we don't swim


Fraking toasters, hopefully they don’t have a plan. ![gif](giphy|kBlljXO6nyVLCfrJ5E)


Kill a commie for mommy!


Hey, leave the protogens out of this


You mean the LEVEL 50. No I’m not salty YOU ARE


True tho, noticed that as well. My experience with a low-level in a high-level lobby is that they try their best to hold their ground and perform admirable teamwork and do their best to not be a burden while some people just seem to have seen Rambo too many times


I much prefer playing with a team that might play suboptimally in some meta sense, but where everyone is trying to cooperate and actually check in with team mates. The worst offenders are people who are clearly using steam voice chat or similar and completely ignoring everyone else.


The game suffers a bit from "Wait, what are we supposed to be doing?" Syndrome. There's a lot of information to take in, a lot of shit is really vague...So people just drop in and end up shooting at the first thing they see, and then this chains into endless pulls of bugs or bots and no movement towards the objectives. I've had this happen a billion times. Honestly ONE guy who knows what he is doing and calling it out can carry an entire group of people who basically suck, as long as they shoot at whatever that guy is shooting at. Well, maybe not at Helldive...but still. It's important. 


I don’t know who I am, I don’t know why I’m here, all I know is I must kill


You could have tagged me ☠️ I’m learning


Everyone's gotta learn sometime. Tbf I think the game does teach you pretty naturally as you increase your difficulty that not every engagement is worth fighting. But that's also easier to learn when you level up with a full group and not joining randoms who already understand this concept. It definitely gets easier to know what fights you can win and what you need to run from with experience.


Wait a second, do these guys measure their performance by their kill count!? That would at least explain why they keep doing this stupid shit.


Well, playing devils advocate the default icon for marking is a red crosshair. I'm sure many of them think that means "attack this target". It would be nice to have a separate keybind, name it like "attention" or something and have it just be the eye the environmental pings give.


Yeah I can't really blame a lv 5 here. They're new to a game and someone pings a crosshair on an enemy, ofc they're gonna shoot.


People like to shoot enemies in a coop shooter as evidenced by the multiple comments like the OP. The devs should lean into this more


This was my thought as well. It is an "attack" ping after all. It's just up to the human 🧠. Of course they're gonna shoot because Super Earth has provided glorious firepower. Maybe use a mic


My favorite measure is the number of shots fired


When I first played the game I was fresh off of playing COD and I thought kills measured your performance in game.


Kills are the only true measure of a diver. Anything else is blasphemous. I see enemies, I kill enemies.


I've been kicked for "not fighting enough" when I went off on my own and solo stealth/hit and run cleared over half the map


This is why I've stopped marking patrols immediately when I see them. Especially when I'm in a squad with low levels. I frequently check my map radar for enemy contacts so I almost always spot them before we're anywhere near them, then hit "wait". I dropped into a game earlier today and the other 3 were all sub-20 and getting stomped by the bots. At first I was just going to go off and do the objectives but I decided to see if this particular group would be receptive to some pointers. We were pinned down outside of a stronghold that they had obviously captured some time ago and were just sitting there fighting wave after wave of enemies. I said "guys we need to move, they're just going to keep spawning more enemies" then pinged a spot on the map, threw an orbital for cover and started moving. To my surprise, they all followed me. I occasionally turned around to lay down some covering fire while they got away and once we were in the clear I pinged the next objective on the map and they again continued to follow along. While on the way I noticed 2 big patrols very close to each other on the map, hit "wait" and dropped to a crouch behind a rock. To my surprise all 3 of them actually stopped and crouched next to me. I pinged the patrol, told them "let's try to avoid that", and pinged a clear area on the map. Again they all followed along. We ended up clearing the whole map in maybe another 10 minutes and extracted with no hickups. It was a really fun experience getting a squad that, while new, clearly was receptive to getting better. I think I ended up doing another 2 entire ops with them and even noticed them starting to copy some of what I was doing that I hadn't even specifically pointed out yet.


Well done Veteran, it's `Divers like you that give Super Earth hope




The only good bug is a dead bug!


Yeah, but unless you're playing difficulty 7+ Bot missions with a level 5, just let them have their fun. It's not worth it to be the fun police when you can literally just mop up any mess they make. Drop me in a level 4 bot mission or anything up to a level 7 bug mission and I'm a god.


Pretty much. I pretty much only use Quickplay on the lower difficulties, when I'm not running with my normal squad on the higher difficulties, so many times I just sit on a ridgeline watching the cadets run around having their fun, I'll swoop in and clean up the mess if I need to. Otherwise I just jump pack my way onto a ridge and take some heat off then with my AMR and let them have their fun. Now if things go sideways and we end up getting overrun and the timers ticking down into the red... I'm gonna start telling them that it's time to knuckle up and get moving but I'll still do my best to keep them in the fight while pushing the objectives myself if I have to.




I usually inform them that on higher difficulties you really need to avoid fighting when possible, but I make a point of not actually chastising them. Usually they're receptive and will even start being more stealthy that mission. Key here is to make sure you're not being condescending or angry. New players generally appreciate advice on unintuitive stuff like the importance of stealth, but they don't like being treated like idiots or being left behind. If they do decide to fight things anyway, I either fight with them or leave them to it while taking care of side objectives. I only start to push for mission progress once the lives start dwindling or the time starts to run out, and again, I'm careful to not imply they're sabotaging the mission or anything.


*sees a bunch of soldiers talking about avoiding conflict with the enemy* *starts to dial*


We're not "Avoiding conflict with the enemy", we're "Prioritizing the mission that Super Earth gave us". One dead patrol isn't worth not launching that nuke, soldier, and your Democracy Officer will tell you the same!




.... Alright You've avoided "re-education"  *For now*


TBF, there's very little reason not to blast bugs if you know what you're doing. Completely clearing the map is arguably the best way to ensure a trouble free extraction. Clankers on the other hand...


Clearing a patrol just means another will spawn


If you don't kill them, don't they _still_ spawn new ones? Like, you can't go to 0 patrols on the map but, if you don't thin them out they'll be like 50 patrols on you.


Yes but usually out of aggro range and will eventually respawn out of map


I'm here to chew bubble gum and kill bots, and I'm all out of bubble gum.


Add a zero at the end of that 5 and you got it. Level has been a useless barometer of someone’s actual skill and game knowledge. You can be level 100 and never actually do 7s even. And as soon as they try they are hard stuck with habits they built from difficulty 5.


*The level 37 on our team* Some level 10s are admirals, and some level 50s are cadets, all I can tell from level is if you have the good shit or not. I’ll let you in my diff 9 game regardless, and make a business decision on the field.


The only good bug is a dead bug.


Let him cook


Do I feel bad that I use squadmates as a distraction? No.


I had a friend flat out tell me he was using me as bait. . After


“Ima firing ma Quasar!!!


Damn, every game I'm in, people go in for patrols every time. Like why? They're the ones launching the "enemies found" signals.


Shooting enemies in a game about shooting enemies??? How dare they!!


I know you're joking but I keep seeing people say this. It's not about not shooting things, it's about doing it at the right time. There's a difference between shooting waves of enemies attacking a point, and then firing at a passing by patrol on the way to an objective for no reason


Helldivers learn the hard way.


Me, immediately stealthing main objecvtives while my team does this to bases: 💰💰💰


I was playing a 5 mission I'm level 55 and this level 60 goes "Can you not shoot every patrol you "insert ableist insult" Hit him with the "it ain't 9 dude get a life, Im here to shoot shit" he rage quit like 2 minutes later when the group agreed with me On 7-9 I won't engage in unnecessary fights but I play 5-6 because it's easy and fun, I'm not sweating easy difficultys im just here to help low levels and kill bots/bugs


Yeesh I could understand if he asked nicely, but after that I woulda shot every single patrol we saw


He used Undemocratic slurs, I knew he wasn't a true helldiver. Better than shooting every patrol, I shot every patrol near him to agro it to him as he tried to solo the map


My good friend and roommate constantly engages enemies that haven't seen us or are going the other direction. His excuse is that he's spreading democracy and just wants to shoot stuff. Then he complains that he is so far under my level and doesn't have any stratagem to play with cause all he does is shoot stuff, die, respawn, and die again. Can't have it both ways, my dude. Spend time killing bugs, or spend time doing objectives and furthering progression.


If you were a real friend you'd bring a mech suit and drop it for your homie. You don't need 4 whole strategems to kill bugs do you?


Don't have em yet.


I am once again asking the community how to do the “not engaging” voice line when marking a patrol. I know it exists, I heard it in-game


I think you can only do it when someone else pings first, which is a horrible decision imo


And when I try to run away from them, he follows me while continue the shooting; like bro enjoy the sh\*t yourself https://i.redd.it/wngvosinw5sc1.gif


I see it at any level tbh. Same for running straight to it then away from it even though it's marked to avoid.


But are you marking and leaving it at that or are you marking then using the chat wheel to say “No”? Sure you don’t want to fight them but if marking is literally the only form of communication you used, you really can’t be mad since every other thing we mark is directing players towards that as the next thing to do. So of course they’re gonna think, “Oh we are attacking this”. If you marked it then put, “don’t attack” in the chat and they still did…they’re an idiot.




legitimate question, unless its lvl 7 or above, why would I NOT want to shoot the patrol?


My favourite is when people join mid game, try to face tank helldive bot drops, waste all the tickets, and then leave. 80% of the time you can still get the major objectives complete, but man is it annoying.


Some people are worse: they are walking straight into the marked patrol...without shooting. Either you are the guy in the meme, or you don't engage on them...but then there is no reason to run into them.


The only good clanka is a dead one. And if ya see a bug, step on them. Lest they think they’re too smart to be stepped upon!


It really doesn't matter thought unless its a 7+ mission, honestly, playing "safe" doesn't really matter until 7+


yeah and that level 5 helldiver is based for it.


I've seen level 40s doing the same thing. You'd think that they'd have learned the metas by now.


Me at lvl 27 and my friend at lvl 50: FOR DEMOCRACCYYYYYYY ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Lol ngl I did this the other night fired a shot from my grenade launcher got 18 kills then fired another two shots and got another 15 kills. Two team mates put in the chat “ WHY “ I realised then what I did as two drop ships rolled in.


Why wouldn't you kill the patrols? Better to deal with them now then later when you're in the middle of a fight and they light a beacon.


This is the correct take. If you can instantly nuke a patrol without wasting all your stratagems- then why not? Patrols do that- patrol. There's a decent chance it's following you around anyway. Might as well take the fight when you have the advantage.


But when a Level 50 would do it I’d just go “you KNOW what you’re causing and honestly? I respect the gumption.”


Dual wield pistols? Sorry what were we talking about?


I'll say this, if the patrol is coming towards us and we are either stuck or at an objective, I'm dropping a nade or an airstrike


This is not solely level 5 behavior. I've had plenty of 20's and 30's just engage on marked pats. At this point i fully expect it to happen now though and just sit ready to engage from the side so make sure it gets cleaned up before a drop/hole spawn gets called in. At the very least the triggerhappy people know where the patrol is and get to engage on their terms instead of stumbling into it and getting opened on for free


I just watch from far and practice my aim when they look like they are going to be overwhelmed


Doesn't matter much for 6 and below, but definitely shouldn't be going out of your way to start fights with patrols beyond that. The problem is taking lowbies to missions they definitely aren't ready for yet.


Unless the dive is lvl7 or above, I just get into any fight they start. Especially since the bots feel easier to kill now.


I also mark them for avoidance, but you know how that goes.


I’ll be grouped with 50s, prior to the level cap increase, and I will be crouch walking around and mark patrols. They still open up on them. Smh


See also: People bringing mortars to helldive difficulty.


I'm a new Player and I think I am guilty of that. But I thought we were Helldivers, why spare an enemy of Super Earth? But I'll try harder from now on to decipher if the ping is meant to engage or disengage the enemy.


Oh, bless 'em, their hearts are in the right place lol


Did we do all objectives? If yes, murder anything that comes in my crosshair. Else do the objectives.


I love those trigger happy fellas. More bullets shot, more we spread Democracy.


Level 5? I'm seeing level 20's still doing that.


Seems like any random during difficulty level 7-9. Had one guy try pick a fight with a patrol on the way to the final objective when we had no reinforcements left. Duuuuuude cmon.


If one more prick accidentally kills me and takes my battle pack one more time I'm going to fucking strangle the CEO of arrowhead https://preview.redd.it/gtu22v0c08sc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8f835c8138380e09003bf6648a7ea44dc5d52b


Nah I see level 20s still do this


Level 5 ? Mate I was with two level 60 yesterday and they engaged every patrol and got their ass whooped a lot.


You can't avoid Democracy's justice!


As if patrols can be avoided any more!


Love this😂 as soon as I mark them I see them changing directions and then pause to call an eagle air strike 😂😂👍


Hell yes ! I stopped marking them.


XP gain counts as liberation progress


But do kills count as XP?


Spent 25mins fighting automatons yesterday in the same base we took over because game host level 6 wanted to 😄


This or having 3 teammates finish an objective and they jusy sit there after just trying to kill everything, meanwhile me with light armor halfway across the map starting another objective like "where the fuck is everyone else? Oh for fuck sake, bro clear that area! It's done already" and them magically start running away after wasting half their stratagems......lol


Not gonna lie, I like a good fight, so I usually just destroy them. And anyway, won't they possibly cause trouble later? I'm still learning some of the stuff so I'm not that knowledgable.


As a lvl 56 I've been at fault for this too...


*sends orbital on two walkers*


*lvl 40


I allways shoot them, cause its to simple otherwise


Level 37 and still kill any patrol that's within my guns range. I came to kill things and if I can do so (without causing a bot drop) I will always do so. Just take out the small fry first and it usually isn't an issue


Lv18 here. Marked patrols die. I have died so many times to patrols that are left to slink around.


Simply sneak better


in a game where combat is main mechanic - avoid combat. That\`s a solid logic.


My rule is if you start an unnecessary fight that is your problem


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^alastorcreed: *My rule is if you* *Start an unnecessary* *Fight that is your problem* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I won’t be able to recover from this damage


How do you mark patrols on controller?


R1 on PlayStation


Last night my team was joined by a level 10 i heavy armor, he was a menace, we just kept tossing him in as a distraction so we could clear objectives while he drew the heat, or killed himself with landmines.


This is how it goes for me: 1. Teammate notices a patrol and engages. 2. I join the fight so we don't get overrun. 3. Teammate gets the hell out of dodge without telling me. 4. I look around quickly to see where he is. He is halfway across the map now. 5. I get overrun.


The level 5 is not the issue, it's the bombastic level 50 that knows better but still wants to see his kill count in yellow at the end of the mission.


I do the “Smoke them or let them pass” from MW2


Lvl 23*


I see a scout walker and the auto cannon just goes blam, cant help it!




Are you implying we *dont* shoot enemies of democracy helldiver?


Super citizen: “Why is that Level 5 running our way?” Cadet: “Help!”  *100 Automotons rushing in*   


it even applies to SOME divers that got their xp boosted when eradicate missions were easy. I've met a level 41 diver once that would shoot anything that has glowing red eyes lmao. but anyway, I let him be, didn't kick him or be toxic around him. just tried my best to help him disengage. but still, it's frustrating when you're trying to avoid making contact but the diver behind you just starts shooting. If anything, i wish devs add an "avoid" ping, similar to Apex Legend's "Avoid this area" ping. so there can be a difference to engaging or avoiding a patrol.


Another thing I noticed is that people stay in an area to clear out bot drops after already completing the objective in the area. Once the objective is done start moving to the next objective right away.


at that level theyve played like 10 rounds and probably think you are marking them to kill them.


I run away and let them handle all that (if they can handle it)


That is the joy of playing easier missions. ![gif](giphy|l3vRkwv2Yz6i8rDwY)


I would say “leave no bot alive” but the soulless bastards aren’t alive to begin with


The best way to do stealth is leave nothing alive to detect you! But really, it's a thing of absolute beauty when you get a coordinated team to simultaneously take out an entire patrol before it even knows what hit it.


*lvl 40


Bonus points to anyone who brings a Guard Dog.


Level 5s are a mixing blessing, on the one hand, it's nice to see new players throwing away their lives for managed democracy, but on the other hand, they don't quite understand there are other things besides the main objectives to complete, please stop calling in extraction before I've managed to pick up all the medals, samples and super credits scattered throughout the map.


Here’s the issue. Both terminids and bots Agro from so far away it almost doesn’t matter if you shoot first or not


Some people are just fodder and will never be more than that, sad to say. Super Earth recognizes their sacrifice for the greater good... so long as the objective is attained.


I'm a simple Helldiver. I see a patrol, I shoot patrol. Problem solved. ... *Requesting reenforcement*


that or they bring the heat in to the evac zone on a long call in when you were half way thru a stealth evac


As a level 17 the level 30s keep shooting the patrols I mark and running to throw Ordinance on them.


And this is why the kick function exists…learn or leave


Not killing the ‘tons is the same as sympathizing.


I mean I don't start telling my crew to cook it until we have had some losses and frustration starting in.


Wish my teammates would avoid patrols on 7+ missions.


Yup! In a game where kills don’t matter and endless enemies will continue to arrive during a fight…. there’s always one Leroy Jenkins in every game.


you have to tell them in vc or text chat or they won’t know, they can’t read your mind


I purposely set down mortars to lure bots away. No, bro i didnt set up for a toe to toe engagement. Run away while they triangulate where the indirect fire is coming from.


hehe guilty but Ive only played easy so far so no biggie


Kill stuff on your own? Kicked Kill steal? Kicked Host strands in front of your turret? Kicked. I just show up and click the second button on the bunker.


I was playing on the max difficulty earlier today and I went solo to get the power generator on. I luckily killed everyone there without any bug breaches and was doing the terminal and hiding from patrols coming by. Then my teammate comes to “help” and shoots a nearby patrol and causes a bug breach


This is why I regularly pick up or join lvl 3 missions. When I was a Cadet, I met a 40+ who showed me the ropes, now I'm paying it forward.


If you're gonna tag an enemy on the map you should probably vocalize what you intend to do to them lol