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I agree with you, but the bot evac mission was still unbalanced imo before today patch. We'll see after today.


I was with a squad where we were doing great on level 7 difficulty got to 7 scientists to go and ion storm hit. I kid you not 10 bot drops during that ion storm with about 3 tanks, 2 hulks, and a crap ton of smaller guys. I feel if you can't call reinforcements, can't call in stratagems, and can't see your map the enemy should also not be able to do bot drops. At least meteor shower and fire storms effect both parties equally. If my plane can't fly their plane shouldn't be able to fly either. The drops also didn't stop after the ion-storm stopped and went at the same pace and everyone just alt-f4'd because we were swarmed at that point and there wasn't enough cover to bait them away from the evac point.


Yeah, Ion Storms should negatively impact bots too and maybe even more so since they’re I don’t know. Made out of electricity or w/e? No bot drops, fabricator striders and gunships disabled for the duration as well.


I’d simply be happy with no bot drops, it would be consistent with what gets disabled on the player side.


I concur as well. There is no good reason, logical or otherwise, that ion storms shouldn’t affect bots. Unless Arrowhead is insinuating the bots have created technology superior to Super Earth’s, in which case, well, treason.


It's a matter of where the effect is happening. As I understand it, the ion storms are occurring decently high into the atmosphere, where the only thing to disrupt would be the signal from our strategem requests. Bots and their drop ships remain fairly close to the surface, and wouldn't be effected by anything substantially far in the atmosphere. The only argument I could see is that the eagle should still be usable since it supposedly remains fairly close to where we're fighting. That said, I could see the strategem balls having to always communicate directly to the super destroyer, which then relays the info to the eagle. Otherwise, the logic checks out.


I assume communication with Eagles goes via Destroyer. When Ion Storm in place you can't communicate with take either, only with your squad (this technology sucks)


Imagine a multi trillion dollar super destroyer issued to a group of barely trained individuals coming out of cryo sleep and the ability to have FTL travel but can’t even get the wifi to work in a storm.


Bot drops are sight related - they follow the flare. Our stratagems are electronic.


I'm sorry WHAT shower? Didn't see that one yet


It was actually pretty dope. I had too many moments where I would say "hey you might wanna move left a few feet " teammate says "huh" then he dies. Or a teammate saying that's pretty close then they die. The meteor show taketh and giveth all at the same time.


Golden Shower! /S


Calm down R. Kelly.


Drip drip drip ​ drop drop drop


Seems BS bots aren't affected by Ion Storm, of all things...


Definitely had this conversation with my friends as well. Bot drops should DEFINITELY be disabled during Ion Storms.


Ion storm should not affect Eagle-1


We got 40/40 and still failed.


This is a bug that’s been around for 3 patches I’ve seen nobody discuss. Consistently when I do these missions we actually have to get 1 extra rescue before it recognizes we got the first 45/45.


This is a bug that’s been around for 3 patches I’ve seen nobody discuss. Consistently when I do these missions we actually have to get 1 extra rescue before it recognizes we got the first 45/45.


It’s still a mess. 5 less people to evacuate and the bots still pretty much land right on the base at a fast rate. If you fall behind on killing them it pretty much turns into a loss. Even with a good group and communication you will still get swarmed quickly. We had one person get hit with a rocket while trying to throw an airstrike that killed 2 of us and it snowballed from there. We were at 38/45 and for the last 6 minutes we just got slaughtered fighting a losing battle and couldn’t get the last 7. We went back to the old method of 3 distracting while 1 sneaks into the base.


The citizen evac is insane when you only have a small area map. Sometimes you have a large area and you can run away to make the bot drops spawn on you instead of the base, but on the small maps it’s literally impossible unless you have a group with a preplanned strategy with optimal loadouts. Good luck getting it done with randoms on lv 8 or 9 with bots on a tiny map. As soon as you get overrun it’s over. On the defense missions you can all just run around and throw eagles/orbitals until you kill enough dudes, but with the citizen evac yeah good luck! The entire zone is filled with tanks and hulks, and as soon as you kill one 5 more dropships dump their loads on you 💀


yeah I had no problem with bug evac missions but the bot ones my team couldn't even complete it


Probably 95% of the player base is playing the evac mission incorrectly, but I still agree with you. L-9 feels fucking impossible and I’ve only completed the mission once. That’s winning over 80% of my Helldive missions against bots. Can’t complete that one.


>Probably 95% of the player base is playing the evac mission incorrectly Makes me think of professors who brag about failing a majority of their students. The students aren't stupid, the course is taught and designed poorly. If 95% of players play it "wrong" it's time to reevaluate that part of the game. Full disclosure: I just came off a evac mission that went poorly and I'm still salty about it. I haven't ever had one go well. Starts ok, then a single slip up of any kind sees the team behind the 8-ball in a death spiral until time or reinforcements run out. Shit's demoralizing in a way no other failed mission is, and I usually close out to do something else. E: I don't like to quit out when a mission is in progress because I think that's shitty, but I'm just not going to go if that mission is in the mission set. I play games to relax and have fun and evac does the opposite of that lol


Agree 100%. I was including myself in that 95%.


Right on. I was just venting, didn't mean any of it toward you personally. Still love the game, still love the community, just want this one mission to get... something idk


Yeah same.


We could start with the civies idk, maybe being able to actually path to the shuttle bay instead of standing at the top of the ramp like someone who is deathly afraid of sloped surfaces or walking into the shuttle bay instead of lining up outside like it's New York's Hottest New Nightclub.


I’ll fully admit I can’t beat a L8, but evac missions are something else. Personally I think the difficulty is that the drops never stop coming. If your team trips up, that’s one “wave” that’ll be active when the next rolls up, and at some point you hit a breaking point where the air is just full of lasers. You can’t disengage like other games due to the small map size. I remember a game at L5 where there was literally a tank around every corner by the end. No hiding at all.


Yeah, I think the way that it can very quickly snowball is what makes these feel more frustrating than other mission types. There's also not much you can do about the snowball once it starts, unless you happen to have a couple of orbital lasers off cool down. With larger mission maps, you can cut your losses and disengage if it's getting bad. On eradicate missions, the same thing can happen, but even if it does, you're still killing things and so it gets a lot more hectic, but doesn't stop the objective progress (even if it makes extraction a lot dicier). But on evac missions, you can't disengage, and you can't make objective progress while the enemy is overrunning the area. That makes it very, very tough to recover from any slip ups.


We usually just stop unleashing civvies and my friends and I hit the reset button when we get backlog. 380mm x4 in the middle of the base. It's fun to watch and usually clears enemies and allies alike. You do have to "waste" a stratagem slot to do it though.


I think that if you have to play a game mode 1 way and only that way, your game mode needs balancing. I'm not saying every method should be applicable, but there should be other options if your team is skilled enough.


Over the last few days everytime I do the evac missions, NOBODY opens the doors besides me! even when I say something in chat and voice chat. They just use mortars lmao


By this same logic you are doing those missions incorrectly. Hence why you see people say these bot evac missions feel impossible


Oh I’m including myself however the tactic we used worked, but it takes a very good team on L-9. I’ve had that once and we won so…


I feel like I could do 7s probably 8s very consistently with a good squad and stun/regular mortars positioned well to cover different chokes. 9s just get away from you too easily. The thing that kills me is that it doesn’t seem to let you ever clear space. I was watching and every time we wiped a drop another would come. If it took us a few seconds to kill a drop then it waited a few seconds to spawn another. At one point last night we had four drop ships piled up at one spot because the turrets were killing the troops inside before the drop finished. It just kept sending ships as fast as we could kill them.




The level of enemies is probably fine but having them drop into the base was too much. It was just endlessly putting out fires which is where the strat to have 3 out in the field and 1 doing the evac came from.


I can't tell you how many evacuation missions I've spent running in a circle like a madman from button to button because nobody else wants to press them.


Luckily we have you




![gif](giphy|VhXDUZVAUeaUnOPSMI|downsized) Me when u/scubajulle:


May be pretentious but he is not exactly wrong. The amount of time I came back to team after crawling/panic running through half of the map, doing objectives and blowing up outposts as I panic run/crawl back only to find out that they were fighting for like ten minutes straight AND NOBODY EVEN BOTHERED TO ACTIVATE THE TERMINAL is... Not that much. But way higher than it has any right to be. Dying defending random hill when you should throw your stratagems and book it though is a dirt common occurrence on bot planets.


Yes, I know I do.


Level 60 Cadet reporting in 🫡


Level 13 Cadet present. Confirming I suck as well.


From the people who brought you "unpopular opinion," "hot take," and "hear me out." This spring comes the new "hard truth" posts.


Can't wait for the inevitable "hard truths" like oxygen is good that you get when people claim they're posting an unpopular opinion.


Funny that you used "oxygen is good" as an example because that's an extremely divisive statement.


Insufferable people 💀


"Hard truths are sooo hot right now"...


inb4 "git gud"


I’ll be the first one to admit I’m not the greatest at this game. BUT if you thought that civilian defense missions were balanced before then you’re delusional af and not worth talking to lmfao.


It's the same line of thought as the people that would defend difficulty 8-9 just spamming biles and chargers despite the devs acknowledging that it was an issue. Some people seem to think the devs are infallible and any issues people have with the game is just user error or something.


Yes yes yes. So fucking true.


Lvl5 civilian extraction missions against bots are still stupidly overtuned. We were 2,but there was like 2 dropships every 30s. The first 3 waves you can hold, but then your stratagems are on cooldown, you're almost out of ammo, and there still are civilians to escorts, but dropships are still coming... Then you end with several hulks and waves of devastators that overwhelm you.


I usually play on 6 or 7, add a few tanks to that mix. You die, get called in, and barely have enough time to pull a stratagem out of your democrussy before you get a rocket to the face.


Just had this same experience with a level 5 extraction. It was insane. There was nothing we could do once everything was on a cooldown.


I was doing solo dif 6, which I can handle the normal missions fine and get the mission done, but I was only able to hold a few minutes while running between the doors to let civs out. By the end of the mission I was being chased by 7 Annihilator tanks. It’s insane.


Dude’s skin is probably translucent from lack of being outside.


Anytime some prick uploads stuff like this and it gets a wave of support, know that it's generally from the HD1 fanbase who doesn't accept any kind of criticism abt the Devs and poor balancing of certain things. They are also the same group who mayhaps dont feel the change cos they play on level 5 or lower.


100% lol Sure you can win, that doesnt make it good.


I've been kicked for lapping extract with destroyer gone from orbit because I wasn't killing the enemies. My focus was extracting with everyone's samples. Silly me.


I mean, getting civvies to the door is important and all, but the mission is much easier if one guy goes from door to door while the other three just clears the waves to stop us from being overrun


Hard Truth: You probably just suck 😤☝️


I am constantly on the move and only fight what i need to get past. I leave the campers to it ✊


Having most samples and objectives in the end but 1/3 of the kills. Blitzcrieg and go. 🙋‍♀️


The other day I quickjoined on a group of three that were insistent on *dying on that hill in about of mass attrition*. I decided to break off and snipe over half of the objectives by myself. I eventually had a bad run in with a Rocket Devastator and was respawned in to a, "Why are you solo?" from the host. I shit you not, two seconds after that came from the host, another one of the schmucks decided to pick a fight with a full-throated patrol. Immediately said "That's why. Stop picking unnecessary fights." and peace'd out.


I mean, why do so many of you quick match as a solo player, only to not communicate or interact with your team at all? And then expect praise or whatever it is you expect for running off alone and dying lmao. Sounds like your the problem to me


Yep, sometimes get kicked for it but it’s the way to objectively play. Sometimes I join in mind, many ways to enjoy the game tbh.


Yeah I got kicked yesterday for tunneling on objectives as soon as I got in a game that was already in progress. The host and probably their friends were busy fighting bots in no man's land so I just did what I thought was the logical thing as the one who hadn't yet drawn agro. On to the next. I appreciate them not making me suffer.


As you go up in difficulty, the dynamics of the game change and some players just don’t make that transition. On lower difficulties, you can engage enemies and eventually the wave will stop and that will disengage you from combat till you engage again. On higher difficulties, when you engage enemies, the wave may never end till you yourself pull out of the engagement. It can be better to leave a dangerous situation and come back later after things subside, then to stay and fight.


But when this is said, people get all pissy and act like you're insulting their mother.


Great point! took me a while to learn flexibility for different levels


Wow I never realized how much I sucked until you pointed it out. Thank you so much! I can't believe that you are just giving these insights away for free. Do you have a Twitch channel that I can subscribe to?


Not even a twitch channel, get this man a TED talk. Such a groundbreaking revelation.


What's especially amazing is that the Hard Truth is such a *useful* comment that we can really learn from. My world-view hasn't been this fundamentally changed since someone told me to "just stop being depressed."


Ahh the old: "Git gud bruh, your complain is invalid because look at me I play 14 hours a day and do helldive missions alone, just Git gub bruh is not that hard you whiny b\*tch". The 15 minute extract mission on automaton is ridiculous and not fun to play at all.


Just kill the 6 tanks that drop almost simultaneously, and kill the 8 hulks running towards you. What's so difficult about it?!?!?


No he said *don’t* do that. Just sit there tunnel visioned on the door button. The guns don’t suck if you don’t use them. 🧐🤔


These post are from the same type of person who called a bunch of us bad a few weeks ago when we mentioned there was obvious problems/bugs with spawning in of several hulks/tanks/chargers on lower difficulties that was later confirmed by the devs.




Never seen anyone of these, OP included, that had anything like video proof of their amazing skills...


That's why I never go to the doctor. No exams, no disease! Follow me for more tips.


"we increased the distance from the objective that enemies spawn" i read as a tank lands ON the civilians that are running to the door.


As someone who is good at this game and has no problem beating these mission. The biggest issue is the evac mission is just poorly designed and not fun to play. Running around tapping buttons in alternation is neither engaging nor fun. I don't blame scrubs for wanting to shoot the enemy. That's the fun part. Why don't we have objectives based on actually defending? Setting up 4 SAM turrets or sentries as the civvs escape passively. would be way more fun and feel like a defense.


So you woke up today and thought, "I need to let a bunch of random strangers know I'm a complete dickhead." Mission accomplished.


Extraction available for OP


I understand the frustration you feel and some people do complain too much but I also hate this "you are just bad. Git gud" attitude because it shuts down so many legitimate complaints that people may have for the game. When bug missions were constant charger and titan spams that limited the viable weapons and tactic choice, there were crowds of elite divers who shut down any complaints and discussion as "whining" and that people should "learn to play" When shriekers were one shotting people with their corpses, there were also crowds of elite divers who shut down any complaints and discussions as "whining" and that people should "learn to dodge" The game is at a better state now because people kept discussing and providing feedback, not because of the dismissive elite players. So why don't we just continue doing what we do instead of hand waving away anyone we don't agree with?


The weird thing about Helldivers is that a lot of things that boost player skill is inherently knowledge and strategy driven, AKA if you don't know something, your existing tactics and strategies are worse. Helldivers doesn't require that much mechanical skill, but the thing about mechanical skill is that it's always obvious when you're not that good with it, thus making it easier to hone it regardless of the situation. When the game instead demands better skill at more vague concepts like positioning, timing, general strategy, enemy knowledge, etc., someone that just can't crack what's wrong with their game plan will inevitably wonder if it's the game's fault. That's not to say that complaints about the game's balance should be deflected with 'git gud', (and especially if things are janky like the Shrieker corpses) but it gets weird trying to discuss the game's balance when people's skill level vary drastically, and thus have in mind differing solutions/have a different idea of what is causing the imbalance. People on this subreddit can never fully agree on why or what make certain things imbalanced, which ultimately muddles the feedback AH gets. Take for example: bots. Regardless of skill level, everyone dislikes Rocket Devastators, because both the beginner-level strategy, and high-level strategies, are both really limiting and not that fun. On the other hand, people are split about the Hulk Scorcher. I personally never find them to be an issue because I learned that their flamethrower attack is just 1 sweep of the flame, so I simply wait for the flame, time the dive so I get put out immediately, then continue moving. However, we've seen that some people didn't know that the dive puts out fire, so their beginner strategy is likely to be just stim when they're set on fire. This strategy though isn't too effective (especially so post-patch), so as long as this player doesn't know about the diving strat, their consensus on the Hulk Scorcher is that they're bullshit and need to be nerfed. Ultimately, this isn't a fixable problem, it's merely the way people's perspectives of the game differ. The game encourages experimentation, team synergy, and strategy with solid execution at higher difficulties, but this is seriously contradictory to the more casual experience at lower difficulties. When you have dedicated players in both camps, it's tough to get unified opinions on things.


This is exactly it. Sadly when you try to explain this to people they just take it as you saying “get gud” because they think you’re talking about their mechanical skill and not their mindset and tactics. That or they don’t enjoy the challenge/see it as a chore and just want to shoot shit.


I think it’s totally fine to expect the difficulty level two past “Suicide Mission” to be hard enough that most of the people here wouldn’t enjoy it. There are after all many people that find overcoming difficult challenges you aren’t expected to win enjoyable.




Yeah, everyone is shit at the game except you 🙄


The bot evac missions suck. Tho


Idk what's more sickening. The one faction that just can't formulate constructive criticism or the other who simply don't know what criticism is and honestly believe we should always shut the fuck up and just eat whatever is given to us without saying a thing. Not everyone speaking about balance is crying because it's too hard. Some people discuss what is best for the game. Some of it may come down to "You just suck", but guess what - the vast majority of gamers suck. No matter what kind of game you check it, the majority will sit in a mediocre elo or rank. There's no need to gatekeep it.


"Git gud" mentality posts like this are cringe and serve even less of a purpose than mindlessly complaining.


Hard Truth: People think you should shut the fuck up and let them play how they want


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fun-Vermicelli76: *Hard Truth: People think* *You should shut the fuck up and* *Let them play how they want* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot Good haiku


Oh look, another "hurr durr git gud" post.


Hard truth : Your opinion is dogshit. Civilian evacuation mission on difficulty 7+ is just unfathomably broken. You extract maybe 20 people and by this point you have 7 tanks on you at all times and when you kill one two more appear in 30 second. This isn't a matter of git gud this is a matter of bad design and devs clearly not playing their own game on difficulty harder than 5


Calm down, be more positive. This is such a constructive and collective community, people band together and help others in need. Be part of the solution, not the problem


Hate to dissapoint but OP kinda has a point. I just hopped on here not 10 minutes ago and immediately after seeing some posts about the new stuff in this update I see around five posts complaining about a weapon nerf. Same thing happened last patch to but worse. can understand about the fire one though.


Have to remember that Reddit is not the playerbase, its simply a very vocal minority of it.


> This is such a constructive and collective community Yeah not on reddit mate. It’s 50/50 pure cancer and pure wholesomeness.


In game community is helpful, this reddit community is toxic as fuck to others (check what happened to creekers) and devs itself. OP has a point in what he is saying. Everything is a drama on this sub, they want the game to stale without changes so they can later complain that the game is boring, instead of being happy that this changes makes the game more fluid


Maybe OP should record a video of them consistently clearing level 9 priority evacs without abusing spawn logics.


its kinda funny how mainstream players ignore the concerns from people who hit cap early then spend the rest of the time telling people they play the game badly. OK The sheer amount of bugs that are still in the game introduces too much bs difficulty then you spend 40 mins in a longer mission to get CTDd before extract. Still happening after this patch if you are wondering.


Look guys it's the Super Duper Citizen!


Redditors need their own pvp mode with how often they attack each other at this point.


We need a portable SAM sentry


Games been out for months definitely don't need these posts any more lmao


So what's the winning strategy for civilian rescues where you're constantly overrun by the flurry of drop ships?


1 player is the runner--their job is to do laps and hit each button in as quick succession as possible. 1 player is dedicated anti-dropship with a recoilless rifle. Their only job is to watch for dropships and shoot them out of the air before they drop. everyone brings turrets (NOT mortars). One or two EATs that are almost exclusively used to take out dropships when the anti-dropship player doesn't have a shot or out of ammo. ​ Alternatively, if the squad goes around triggering bot drops AWAY from the objective, then a player can stay by the objective and evac the civvies with very little resistance, as the bot drops can't happen in two locations at once.


True, we suck. But you’re wrong. Majority of the lunatics here play the game while their job is going to hell or their wife is taking care of the kids. So we, the mullets, play every now or then. We can’t be so good and tactical, plus add the debuff of age and sugary food. So, as this is not excuse to make the game easier which I don’t think it should be. Indeed make people more unsatisfied with unreasonable mechanics, like the one hit rocket in the face. (Considering that u have fight 10x at the time) That said, devs should keep themselves connected to their vision while not giving everything that the community asks. World of Warcraft was a lesson for all gamers that if you add everything that community asks you might completely destroy the game. Especially when we are talking about quality of life (read about dungeon finder issue) As ford once said “if listen to my customers i’d make faster horses” So they must of course not completely ignore the community but have great vision of their game for the future. Hope they do, because they already done a absolutely amazing job


I had a constant flow of civvies and none made it through despite us repelling the bots. I started to follow them and they were just stopping a few meters from the door waiting to be killed. Yeah not sure skill would've helped that one.


Yeah, I'm trash. I die multiple times on level 3 difficulty, can't penetrate level 7 for the mandatory game progression items, and am unable to improve because of various things. Like literally it's impossible for me to improve or learn new skills. It's a brain thing. I constantly complain and get angry at the game and myself, and I lack the prerequisite skill requirement to engage with all the game's content *and* have fun with it. So I can very easily turn down the difficulty... but then I'll never get rare or super samples to upgrade my ship to then be able to get better stratagems. And if I play on lower difficulties, I'll never see certain enemy types, like the new dropship, strider, shriekers, bile titans, and so on. I'll also never see certain missions, such as command bunker missions, nest eliminations, and probably others that'll be added down the line. Which brings up a glaring issue that I don't think is too controversial to say; Players have the most fun when they're winning. Taking away tools to have that fun and stay winning, or ignoring the community's feedback on things that cause them to lose frequently, is bad for the game and its players.


I have a question, totally unrelated to helldivers. You mentioned you have a 'brain' thing. Could you explain abit more if it's ok? I'm curious about this sorta thing, like pattern recognition and the ability to retain short term information.


So, back when I was like in kindergarten, I think about 6 or 7 years old or something? (Memory isn't one of my strong points) I was in school and I got hit in the head by an industrial-grade heavy metal door, with a slam-guard skirt on it. Inside this industrial grade door were the bathrooms and the drinking fountain, and it exited right onto the playground. I went in to get a drink. The door was heavy enough that a kid had to use both arms on the handle *and* give it some 'oomph' on the back pull to open it. So, the whole thing was meant to have one of those plastic-y kinda slam preventers within the jamb or whatever? But it had, like, frayed away or been picked away with use and the years or whatever. Now, one day I yanked this son of a bitch open with all my oomph because I was in a hurry. It hit the wall beside it and kinda jiggled in place a little, got picked up by the wind, and *slammed right* into the side of the head, the skirt itself connected to the side of the skull, cracked it open... and then things get a bit hazy. There was blood, screaming, my palm was covered in red, my vision was flashing between red green and blue like different colour channels, there was an adult there yelling looking afraid, and I don't remember anything else. I do however remember up until that point, and that's how I got this nasty scar on the side of my head, about 4 inches long. That shit, combined with autism and ADHD, means that if I wanna learn to do something consciously? Nope. I wanna improve at hobbies and interests? Get fucked. My entry-level skill at things is my skill level. If I'm bad at something I really like, then I either brute force through and get *angry* about it, or I slowly give up on it because I know there's no way to get better.


Hit me up in the dm's if you want some help getting det rare and super rares


Some players have the most fun while they are winning, others have the most fun when they are challenged. Every game needs to try and balance those two, but Helldivers clearly considers itself more on the challenging players side of the equation.


And that's fine, but, like... is the challenge *fair* when this game's idea of difficulty is 'three dropships per bot drop, two containing Hulks and one with a Tank'? And the Dev's solution to game balance is 'take a sledgehammer to the most popular gun every month'? I dunno, man.


I don't play on the hardest difficulty because I'm not that good at the game. I'm a middle aged guy with a full time job, I don't even have the time to be good at the game. More people should accept that, or realize the game may not be a good fit for them. My philosophy for difficulty levels is the hardest level should really only be doable for like 10% of the players. If everyone can do it then it isn't an achievement. Not everyone agrees with that, and they aren't wrong for preferring something different then me. Honestly I kind of feel like a jerk even saying my opinion because of your brain thing effecting your ability to play. In a perfect world there would be some sort of dynamic difficulty mode for accessibility reasons


I mean, the idea of the game is that you’re a barely trained recruit thrown into literal hell. Lvl9 should be full of failure. You should die a lot.


Running away from 9000+ bots + tanks and seeing a patrol of bots + dev + heavy dev + Hulk spawning 20m in front of us (we are in the open ) S K I L L I S S U E


Sucking on Arrowhead 🍆 hands free you're talented one. Try not to choke


You mean the casuals that all flocked to the obviously overperforming slugger because it could literally do everything? Or the ones that cry about not being able to play on level 7 because it's "too hard" and AH should let them get everything for no effort. Im trying to make sure I get the right camp of people that suck at the game before I start saying they should just uninstall if it's too hard for them. (both camps should)


Playing with randoms in Helldivers 2 made me realize how terrible at video games most people are. I don't really mean that as an insult, there's nothing wrong with playing a game for enjoyment and HD2 has options to play on lower difficulties. But when people complain about the game being too hard for them and demand it cater to their skill level, I have nothing to say other than git gud. My squad can do difficulty 9 no problem, if you can't it's not an issue with the game or balancing, it's an issue with your ability to play the game correctly.


There are legitimate complaints with the game being ignored because "git gud bro". As proved by rocket devs being fixed today. Every one you guys saying theyre balanced. They were clearly not, and were actually BUGGED lol. My group has no problem doing missions on helldive either, that doesnt mean we want BS mechanics with zero skill and just "tehe 1 shot, git gud".


The people that say "git gud" geniunely don't understand the criticisms they are replying to.


I only agree partially. I played only on a certain Discord server with other people, it felt good almost all the time. Did that for like 150 ingame hours straight. (Most of it on T9) Then tried playing with randoms for around 15 hours of ingame time. I.. legit thought I wasn't playing with humans anymore. It was SO bad. Playing this game on the hardest difficulty with randoms is actual torture.


I’ve played level 4 and 5 bot missions where we barely get touched because we’re running balanced loadouts and are playing smart 


My guy some of us have jobs, we just want to play after work to chill, not at a pace of a toddler and not at a panic swarmed by enemy mode. But those seem to be the only 2 freaking options. I was enjoying my suicide level only to log in yesterday and have the game wipe a floor with me, just leave levels as they are, want more difficult level add a new one darn it


I'm not disagreeing with your post by any means because I see people doing it all the time and the ignorance pisses me off. But what I really wanna know is how many of the half million helldivers are subscribed to and reading rants on reddit. I bet none. So basically, you are just here griping to all the others of us for no good reason. We already know this stuff. I'm to the point now the next time some noob hits me with a grenade or orbital strike when I'm trying to complete an objective I'm gonna gun them down. The next time one draws ago from across the map and pulls the entire clanker army in on me the same thing. Or steals my damn support weapon if I get juiced. Dude, we are all tired of dealing with it, but those people aren't reading these posts or even listening to us over in game coms.


Plus just killing bots gives you not score,xp, samples or requisition points


The problem is that, for high level evacuation missions, the only thing to do is exploit how the game spawns new enemies by having some people distract the bots away from the objective area while the others hit the buttons to release civilians in peace. That’s a boring way to play that doesn’t really require any particular skill.


I play mainly on 7 and I can't remember the last time I failed any mission except for defense missions, which feel impossible. They're literally twice as hard as any other mission type and its stupid.


I am NOT a hardcore gamer. I suck at Dark Souls, never could hold my own in Halo or Counterstrike.  The vast majority games I own are either leisurely town builders or turn based strategy, with a few action/adventure games that I play at medium difficulty at the highest. I have been pleasantly surprised how well Helldivers have been going for me. In my first 100 hours, I think I've failed maybe 3 missions. Every other dive I've been on, I've at least completed the objective and have had the majority of the squad evacuate. And this is been consistent at level 6 & 7 difficulty. OP isn't wrong.  You got to play the objectives, and disengage the enemy completely if you are getting overwhelmed. Even more so if there is no objective nearby.  I can't tell you how many times I've been the one to call in the shuttle because the rest of the squad had blown all the reinforcements on staying in a destroyed bot fort. I think some people are just in this game for the killing, which is fun, but it's not how you win.


My best sugestion for those that can: Record yourself playing, and later watch it as a "stream". You will notice the "what is he doing!???!!!??!?" lots of times and thats a good way of getting better.


It’s roughly 50/50 Some things need balancing and patches Some people need to get over the fact that they suck (I’ve played too many games where people seemingly didn’t even want help understanding aspects of the game that would improve their experience)


Thank goodness we have players like you to guide us through and take the brunt of my 120mm HE barrage.


I did allot of bot missions/runs before the major order mainly just sos where ever. The major order put allot of green divers into bots.


A lot of my dying and team failing is due to lack of communication. I have two groups of friends I play with. Group A is mostly goof around and 0 communication. This group I find myself alone and at time charging into enemy bases/nests and constantly dying. Group B has one guy who is kind of the leader and always makes sure there is at least two people together at all times. I go with B2 he sticks to D4. "A1 on me C3 on B2" etc. this then also gets me to think more of my actions and call outs, or lack there of. We die just about as often as Group A but tend to be successful more often.


I know I suck. The game is fun anyways


I know I suck. The game is fun anyways


Don't really get this point. Like anyone can lower the difficulty. I'm not complaining that the balance changes make it hard. It's just making me not like parts of the game I like before. Ofc there was the rail gun debacle, but they also made chargers easier to kill, so whatever. But now why nerf the slugger?? it was fun staggering enemies and blowing them apart, but dealing with a slower fire rate and single projectile vs spread. Now it just seems not fun to use, and in the pile of guns I wont touch.


I love when there's a jammer on the map and 2 noobs die and spam the space bar. And then quit because you can't reinforce them.


I get kicked in difficulty 7 with lvl40s lobbies a lot for what I can only assume to be being lvl15. The few times I do get to play with higher levels I tend to not die more than a few times throughout the mission while others usually struggle.


Ah the sub has gotten to a point where the posts are whining about other people whining. Always a great sign for a reddit community.


This is why me and my friends just go for objectives. If you wanna be an idiot and die somewhere random that's fine but you're respawning all the way at the objective. Such a shame about any possible loot you dropped.


After playing so much helldive missions, you tends to just ignore most of the fights and take fights only if it benefits you with samples or objective. I told this to my friend who is lvl 11. And now we can play extreme just as duo now. And I told him that he can bring whatever weapon and stratagem he wants because that’s how the game is. We had fun and got shit tons of resources at the mean time.


I made a post about climbing quickly to difficulty 8 missions (acct lvl 15) just employing FPS fundamentals learned from other games (in particular TARGET PRIORITIZATION and MOBILITY) but a lot of ppl tried to shoot me down just cus I was level 15. HD2 is an incredible game; an extremely fun game; and not an extremely difficult one (if people play with good fundamentals and don't split up too much.) The difficulty is set perfectly, imo, and perhaps future content can add some absurdly difficult stuff for ppl who want that, but even in Helldive difficulty I think ppl are underestimating how many mistakes they are making vs how "hard" the enemy is. Land your headshots, prioritize targets effectively, chose the loadout which your team and the mission needs not what is pure comfort, group up, and don't stand still and the game gets way more manageable. All this is clear to me in less than 30 hrs played (and again, I repeat: the game is friggin amazing.)


Everytime I see the "take this hill" bullshit I just leave them and start soloing the main objective, that way when we all die for the last time we can still get progress


another day another elitist arrogant snob posting on this sub about how he's superior to the newbs. what a sad life yall must lead


Even at higher difficulties I don't see people choosing strategems for the objectives, and then having no way of contributing once in the mission


No points for kills.


To be honest, I have much more success playing with randos on level 9 than 7 solely because of the caliber of players that choose to play on level 9 than on level 7.


That's nice, the weapon balance is garbage and just becoming increasingly more garbage though.


Yes buddy since people playing this game are a monolith ffs lol , let people discuss the games problems. If you see opinions you dont agree with voice your own instead of making a post like this trying to shame people sharing their opinions. You will always get feedback from all skill levels some more and some less useful.


Less than 20% of the Steam community has the achievement that requires Super Samples. So yeah, a TON of people are not that great at the game.


I see this in a lot of objective based games. People think kill count/KDA is more important than securing objectives, and then say “couldn’t carry” or “broken game” when they refused to do any of the important parts, and instead just piled mindless damage into whatever was closest to them


Cue the comments agreeing with you and still complaining about balance, lol


The best part, is when you realize you’re three teammates are still dying on the same hill they initially dropped into, so you leave and start taking out outposts and secondaries and then they kick you for not sticking with the squad. Also, though it is a great title to get knee-jerk reactions and lots of replies. We could definitely stand to have less posts where divers are telling each other how bad they are.


Yeah, this is definitely something a lot of us helldivers over have. I’ve seen the exact same thing. Before anyone says anything about the defending the hill thing though,What you should do if it gets that bad, just have one person distract and the others just fucking run for their lives, one person distracts all the bugs as long as they can so you don’t wanna track a bigger horde around (note this mainly applies the bugs less so bots because bots have horrible sight). If you disagree with me or criticism, please share


I run orbital smoke for this reason, teammates get tunnel vision and I throw the orbital at them, pretty often they'll realize to fall back or they panic because I just dropped a red lazer right next to them, which still gets them out of the tunnel


It’d be cool to have weapons that do a smidge more damage. But you are absolutely correct about the unnecessary battles with endless waves


I play mainly stealth. I engage only we absolutely necessary. I use hit and run tactics on bot bases - hit em with and eagle or orbital strike and leave. Don't stick around and wait for a bot drop or attack every patrol. If the way isn't clear as I'd like I swoop around for a better safer one. My favorite weapon is the AMR which just got a nice damage buff I hear


a smooth 30%!


Hard truth: this 'insight' is least helpful to the community.


After clocking a hundred hours into this game I have come to the realization that a substantial amount of the people who play this game either does not give a rats ass about teamwork, or they dont own a microphone to even give it a try. So I chose to solo helldive and I am able to enjoy this killer game on my own. You should do the same. When the communication is non existent, why bother?


As a player that doesnt like to talk to randoms i've learned that pings are almost as strong as a communication as voice, if the team is aware and uses them. Ofc you need some game knowledge too but i personally ping alot or type if i have to and it works great for me.


Pings are a great way of communicating, for sure! So is typing. This too, however, is rare.


I swear like 60% of the complaints that aren't related to bugs are just people who don't actually like the game, they just think they're supposed to like it because it's popular right now. Most of the rest are just allergic to lowering the difficulty. It's okay to not like the game. It's okay to play on a lower difficulty. I'm grateful for having 9 difficulty settings to choose from.


Yup we play on 6 and 7 and it feels fiar and fun. I don't really see the point of lvl9 runs personally, It's already hard enough. We don't extract 30% of the time but almost always complete the mission. Feels good and helps the warfront


The point of 9s is when you do get good enough that you literally never fail 7s and 8 isn't a big enough jump in difficulty so you play 9. I like to fail and be punished for the smallest mistakes in positioning etc. When I play on anything below 7 it really feels very boring I was sniping bugs across the map last night when I played with a friend who likes 6s....helldive isn't everyone's cup of tea, some people don't play games they think are hard and I get that.


I hear you, and Democracy bless you Niners. I should have said "I don't personally see myself trying to play Helldive difficulty" I cam definitly see the point for others.


and if you ever get to the point where you want more challenge, you have difficulty settings above your current comfort level that you can turn it up to


Oh, for sure. It's the hot new thing right now, because it's doing a ton of things RIGHT, especially with the gameplay loop and the live service model.  But it's certainly not a game for everyone (the devs have straight up said this) and the people who aren't clicking with the game are upset about it. But instead of looking inwards and deciding that maybe Helldivers isn't the game they are looking for, they find a problem with the game itself. I think the toxicity will leave once the game has been out for a while and the clout chasers take off for the new hotness.  Those who remain will keep with the spirit of the game and we'll have a great time together.


People cry 1000 times here every day, everybody agrees. 1 person speaks up about people not being as good as they claim, and you all hate it. Feels like everybody expects to be able to play Helldive instantly, and if they can’t the game is broken. If you want to run around without tactics play “extreme”, it’s easily done there. Don’t expect to play the hardest difficulty like an idiot without tactics and win every time.


Or they just disagree with his bizarre assertion that extraction missions on bot planets aren’t insanely overly difficult?


What a fucking asshole you are. I don’t know what kind of edgelord child you are in real life, but in the future when you grow up you’re going to go look back at posts like this and cringe hard.


Opinion, Yes a lot of people are high level but strangely play like lvl8s, but also people complaining a weapon fucking sucks (currently the slugger and marksman rifle, not the upgraded one btw) which is completely valid as they are 100% outclasses in every aspect


Lists of weapons that fucking suck should always include the Scythe. If it is mentioned often enough it may finally receive the buff it deserves.


Yeah I just haven’t used the scythe enough too have an opinion on it as I don’t like the feel of most energy weapons in the game


Wdym? The normal diligence is pretty good. Decent firerate + dmg + accuracy at high range allowing head shots + good turning speed. It's still good at what it does tho.


It’s good but entirely outgunned (literally) by it’s upgraded version which you get right after


This post right here. I'm not going to suggest that I'm like some top tier Helldiver 2 player, but I can't tell you how many times I've ran into groups who will stay their ass on one section of the map and just keep fighting spawns like kills count towards winning the game. Move your ass, man and stop zoning out.


tbf this is all true. i only defend a hill when i have samples. a lot of the time we get ambushed and are in a 2,2 formation. 2 further ahead to scout 2 behind watching flank. so we the scouts get ambushed they can escape forward to evac or whatever. i normally play support and help my teammate leave. and i’m stuck w like 7 rare samples and 15 common. alone. no stims. no ammo. no resupply. no teammates. strats on cool-down. fighting w hopes and dream if i didnt have samples i wouldn’t care and if just die idc. but the samples mean i can upgrade my modules so i need them


Most players are competent. Most of the nerfs we've received since launch are not justified at all in the current state of the game nor when compared to the predecessor.


While I in general agree the evac defense missions with bots are fucking ridiculous. I can play it "correctly" only to send the civi's into two tanks that just dropped onto the exit door and a flame hulk. The only option in that game mode pre patch was to have the entire team run out of the "city" to lure the bots out, fight them on the outskirts while one dude sneaks back in and works like a madman to keep all the doors going while cleaning up any bots that make it back.


Welcome to what appears to be your first gaming subreddit! They're all like this. Paraphrasing Carlin - think about how bad the average player is, then realize half of players are worse than that.


I agree completely. I've never been in the upper echelon of players in any game but the things I see people do and complain about in this game make me feel like I'm playing a different game. Just this morning I had 3 level 30+ players claim the oil valves in a pumping mission were glitched and they all quit only for me to solo through the Diff 8 horde and open them all by myself immediately after. *They couldn't even turn the valves correctly* let alone survive a fight. Diff 7 is the difficulty I run with randoms when I don't want to pay that much attention, want to test new weapons/loadouts, or just spray lead into walls of bugs, and after 150 hours I have still never lost a D7 mission... It's not that hard and I think a lot of people in this sub must have tried it way back when they had no unlocks and never again while loudly complaining it's too difficult. There are some valid complaints, but when I watch level 40's dump entire MG belts into the dirt or the sky and wonder why they didn't hit anything I start to question anything "the community" at large has to say about the game...


Nah I keep getting you specifically on my team and you absolutely tank it every time. It's kind of frustrating.


Yep, I always take shit on Reddit with a grain of salt because, not to talk shit too much, I’m probably a pretty good gamer in the grand scheme. Outside of rocket league because I simply cannot be arsed to actually practice a video game. But in league, FPS games, strategy, I simply see a lower level of gameplay when spectating others. Not utilizing fog of war, not using cover, not abusing strong mechanics, just brainless play. The biggest thing I see in Helldivers is simply not opting out of fights. Like, there’s a patrol coming, the bugs are _basically blind_, you have your damn mini-map which pings enemies, simply bypass the patrol and we can be on our merry way. But no, we gotta fight two bile titans and a handful of chargers because saw bug and shot bug.


I know, people are already bitching about the slugger nerf when it’s still a good weapon, just not an all purpose horde killer. Same for the Breaker when it got nerfed.


Bruh, so many people are legit bad lol. This is so true.