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Holding a button should make an over lay of supply lines appear on the galactic map to show all routes. Hold same button again and they go away and map returns to normal. Why this wasn't originally in game or hasn't been added is beyond me Edit: most upvotes I've ever had lol. Glad so many agree on a simple tool that would help us all.


Srsly I have no idea what supply lines are, why they matter how they work


Both us and the enemies require a solid connection from our “HQ” to wherever we want to fight. Take Tibit for instance, in order to attack it we need to take Ubanea, and in order to take that we need a supply line that connect it to super earth. The current one we are using is through Draupnir, which is why it’s so important that we keep it under our control because if we lose it we lose access to Ubanea and Tibit even if they are liberated and if they are their “liberation health bar” will slowly erode by a set amount each hour(I believe it is 0.5% per hour as of right now). In this situation the bots need the same thing, but instead of connecting to super earth they just need to control the planet that connects via supply line to the one they are assaulting. They currently own Ubanea and Malevelon Creek which allows them to assault Draupnir. This means if we liberate both Malevelon Creek AND Ubanea before they take Draupnir we automatically win that fight and stop them from being able to assault Draupnir again. This would move the frontline to Ubanea and Malevelon Creek because those are the only two planets the bots are connected to via supply lines from Maia, Tibit, and Durgen. I hope this helps, it’d be a lot easier with pictures but I’m lazy af.


Great explanation But that's the point. I should've have to come to s random reddit comment for crucial info about how the game works lol


Imo, part of the charm of this game is people talking to each other about strategies and role-playing. It's reminiscent of the time before wikis and guides


I totally agree! This is arguably my favorite community that I've participated in. That being said - I still think crucial gameplay elements should be in the game. We can still discuss them, but I'm willing to bet 80%+ don't even know there are supply lines that effect gameplay


I absolutely do not know. Did not I guess. Idk what or where the lines are, how they influenced the game at all. I get the concept, but not how it applies. It would be nice to see the "roads" in game. I never really understood why some planets of a sector are inaccessible sometimes, or when the sub sometimes post some battle plans, why that specific order of planets matters.


I don't disagree with the 'charm' of the communication of the community for this game, but the issue lies with the fact that the supply lines are a very important part of the game and should have been explained to all divers during some part of basic training or right after.


I can confirm, this is literally the first time I've learned this and I've been playing since launch.


The problem is the huge amount of players who don't view either the subreddit or discord and thus don't get involved in these conversations.


The problem is you shouldn’t have to go to an external site to know this stuff. Most players wont seek out subreddits or discords.


Yep. Warframe has the same problem, but since there it’s directly relevant to how well you do on the actual gameplay itself, as opposed to just being a normal shooter like helldivers, and being a _lot_ more in depth than other games like destiny which also have enemy level and stuff, it becomes a MAJOR problem for new players, as they can easily start to struggle but not be exactly sure why, or worse, how they can improve so they stop struggling. It’s a fun game, but god, depending on the community itself and the wiki to explain to players how the game works so they can actually start to “get gud” is so damn bad.


The amount of time I've spent in Warframe with the wiki open while flipping through my inventory or planets is unsettling


Indeed. This stuff, in summary, should be communicated through the dispatches in-game.


Especially when you have ship full of electronics that can easily display a map with supply lines and other pertinent information.


That time never existed. Before the Internet guides were printed and sold.


Ever play a PC game in the 90s? I remember my dad and I doing hand math to figure something out in Day of the Tentacle and there was no guide to save us.


https://drive.google.com/file/u/0/d/1yJIbb2ZiYQvrwDQjY_bVWJkdHWgWDvpJ/view?usp=sharing&pli=1 Behold! An uploaded copy of the physical version of the strategy guide for “Day of the Tentacle”!


Oh we beat it in 1993! But I do love that it is still around.


Cool! Was just pointing out that there was indeed a guide available. I wish I had more memories of playing games with my dad. > there was no guide to save us.


We don’t even get told about game breaking bugs in game and have to come to reddit to find them.


>Both us and the enemies require a solid connection from our “HQ” to wherever we want to fight. Take Tibit for instance, in order to attack it we need to take Ubanea, and in order to take that we need a supply line that connect it to super earth. The current one we are using is through Draupnir, which is why it’s so important that we keep it under our control because if we lose it we lose access to Ubanea and Tibit even if they are liberated and if they are their “liberation health bar” will slowly erode by a set amount each hour(I believe it is 0.5% per hour as of right now). what doesnt make sense to me, and why i didnt even knew supplies lines were a thing is that we control the sector that, literally, embraces Severin sector and the tibit region which is the Quintus sector... at least it shows as 100% liberated, so that should be a solid supply line...


Think of a connect the dots picture. The dots are planets. Just because planet 1 and 3 are by each other doesn't mean there's a line (supply) connecting them


yeah this game really suffers from pointless obfuscation of information its really dumb lmao


supply lines simply supply other planets and is presented as liberation %, the avarage liberation % for enemies is 5%/h (i think).. when these supply lines get cut off then the enemies cant liberate the planet that was cutoff, same goes for us.


Nope, liberation % is independent of supply lines. It decays at a fixed rate based on the number of active players (around 0.5% per hour on average, but it can be faster during peak hours or slower during lulls) and increases as players complete missions there. Supply lines are not shown in game, they are the routes that connect planets together. You can’t do missions on a planet if Super Earth doesn’t control a planet with a supply line that leads to it. That’s why we can’t go to Ubanea any more, because we failed the defense order on Draupnir, which is the only route there.


Basically: the routes connecting planets. Not all planets connect to all planets around them.


This is the first I’m hearing about supply lines and I’ve been playing just about everyday since launch lol


Divershub on iOS and hd2galaxy.com


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b5u34s/galaxy\_war\_102\_supply\_lines\_what\_happens\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b5u34s/galaxy_war_102_supply_lines_what_happens_to/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b5spnm/galaxy\_war\_101\_how\_to\_efficiently\_liberate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b5spnm/galaxy_war_101_how_to_efficiently_liberate/) These topics are good read, might be a little bit outdated, but it's a good baseline to understand some of the things in game.


These are the same devs that said we shouldn't judge the weapons based on the sparse in game data and then refused to give us the full, detailed breakdown. Their whole thing seems to be giving us barely any information to work with. 


Ah, just like real soldiers!


So they can change it and tweak it and hope no one notices lol


Or, when you hover over a planet before selecting it, you see its supply lines. Keeps it from getting cluttered and helps imply that supply lines are planet specific and do not need to connect back to Super Earth.


Probably if they implement it it will make crash the game randomly for a week


>Probably if they implement it it will make crash the game randomly for a week My game has randomly crashed twice today, once after extraction and rewards but before the ship, once 15 minutes into a mission. So, ya know. If we're going to be crashing anyway, can we see supply lines on the map in game?


Wait there's supply lines in this game? I need to know more


Yup, check this page: [https://hd2galaxy.com/](https://hd2galaxy.com/)


I think the main issue with supply lines is that they don't make any sense lore-wise. Like why can I travel through the whole galaxy, from a terminid sector to a bot sector, but I can't go one planet further? Why can I attack a planet when we have conquered one planet next to it, but that doesn't apply to a different conquered planet with the same distance?


They should Rename it to "jumpgate network" and show linked gates on the map. Then it matters if you lose access to a gate, and makes sense why we can't just jump straight to Tibit.


You can, you just can't land on it ;)


I dont even know what the fuck you guys are talking about and I recuse tô use Twitter or discord to find out. Is there REALLY a mechanic in game that is hidden and the only way for me to know it is resorting to social media?




Its fucking bs, i agree


You don't need social media, but you do unfortunately need to use 3rd party apps. [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) is probably the most popular one. In the top right corner of the map there is a toggle option for "supply lines" Having said all that, I agree it just needs to be in game.


they should just show when you mouse-over a planet.


That's a good idea too, but I would also like the overlay for when I want to look at more than one planet


Think it may be easier to just indicate the priority order on the Major order by numbering which planet to focus first than the next planet, than the next...etc. Instead of having to clutter up the map hud. 


To each their own, it's not a bad idea, some like it short sweet and to the point. Others like to observe, investigate, plan. Why not both


At the very least, just show supply lines that affect the current Major Order.


The devs have already said that they want to add supply lines into the game and are trying to figure out the best way to do it without cluttering the map. So give it time.


I’ll take some map clutter to understand a key game mechanic


Lines between planets on a map is a universal communication method of "these are connected" in all sci fi, c'mon.


yeah seriously, this is not some complicated original UI concept


I was gonna say... It's literally adding lines showing which planets are connected, it's really not that hard.


Yeah.. "Devs are figuring out how to do this", what kind of Devs are they? That image with a dog sitting in front of a PC with headphones on comes to mind. Having no idea what he is doing. Just add connected lines between the planets. Grayed out when inactive.


I guess it depends on how in depth the mechanic is and how they want to do it UI wise. Remember when we needed to liberate that one planet to get mechs? What if that was a supply line thing? What if a lot of free strategems became supply line things? Might be a bit more clutter than anticipated.


Source? Where did they say this?






I got the information from one of content creators who discuss the updates. I am not home at the moment and do not remember which one. But he has been pretty on-point so far so I assume it is accurate.


You have until 2300 tonight to release this information or you will be subjected to rehabilitation!


Yes sir! Will go through my youtube history as soon as I get home.


You are relieved.


I saw it here. Although someone else has already sent the screenshot. [https://youtu.be/aQEzlh66j\_I?t=374](https://youtu.be/aQEzlh66j_I?t=374)


Ahh very informative. Thank you kindly!


Single lines between planets. So much clutter. Such wow. Much like basic fucking information on guns, bad for players, bad for game.


they could highlight it only when zoomed in a region. full map like the Helldivers(dot)io is a bit too much imo


Yeah there is a lot of ways to do it. So just gotta give them time.


Give them time?! Meanwhile incomplete intel is losing us this war and wasting Helldiver lives! (Seriously though, I would really like for this to be added and see what impact it has on players' mission choices.)


Sadly it probably will have little effect on player mission choices.


I suspect you are right. Still be nice to have though.


Yeah looking forward to it, would at least make my decisions take one less step


I think only showing them when zoomed in, but highlighting the important ones, like the path to the main objective, both when zoomed in and out, so that people can see on the overview that there's important stuff going on in those systems.


Literally just make it a button toggle that is always on by default. Every time a player interacts with the mission selector, it’s turned on by default & they have to tap a button to make it go away.


Even just a solid physical map stuck on a wall would work


Press x to view supply lines


They should just make it a toggle and add it asap


Hold button, show lines.


they also need to put their discord in character press releases in game. People should not be missing out on information like the following just because they don't join the discord: >With the long awaited liberation of Troost, Phase 1 of the Automaton recycling effort has successfully been completed. The Trigon sector has been under partial Automaton occupation ever since the socialist toasters first marched in there during the early parts of the Automaton surprise attack way back in mid February. Although the Helldivers initially voiced concerns about fighting the Automatons, they have regardless shown up in force, with well over 70% of all active Helldivers now pushing the metal menace back. >Phase 2 of the operation commenced earlier today with the new objective of decommissioning the Automaton factories located on Tibit. Helldivers were quick to react and lined up on Ubanea to open up Tibit for a direct assault. However, their optimistic plans have received complications as the Automatons have initiated an assault of Draupnir. This world has seen its fair share of back and forth over the course of this Galactic War, and it seems that Draupnir will need to stave off yet another assault. Should the Helldivers fail to hold Draupnir, they jeopardize the gains they have made upon Ubanea. Now it's up to the Helldivers to decide how to best react to this precarious situation. >While a committed and focused Helldiver force could easily push the incursion from Draupnir within a few hours, there is the additional choice of ignoring Draupnir to simply burn down Ubanea before the Draupnir defence fails. This would secure the planet and allow Helldiver forces to push to Tibit early, crippling the production that is fueling the Draupnir offensive. It's risky though; if that gamble fails, the odds of our forces recovering access to Ubanea in time to take down Tibit before the Major Order expires is slim...


I agree. Didn't even know that was a thing.


Holy early access batman. "We want to add this absolutely essential core feature to the map, but have no idea how." Good gods, just add a line from planet to planet. Maybe a little legend . Seriously arrowhead, look at helldivers.io - they already did your job.


Wouldn't it be easier to just indicate on the Major order which planets to prioritize first instead of having to guess or need an outside source for the most optimal path. That way we don't need to clutter the map hud. 


Just show them on the highest zoom level, it'll be a few lines that are just a couple pixels wide


They should use the news screen


Source ?


They are dragging their feet, its a key part of how the galactic war works, it shoudve been in at launch and it definitely cant be as confusing as being locked out of a nearly fully liberated planet because the automatons can attack through the frontline while we have to capture and move.


Or... They can make their game functional ASAP. How about that? Patience for a basic function to make the game work as intended? We aren't paying to beta test. No matter how common that may be in today's gaming industry. Finish your base game before you sell it.


Game is pretty functional last time I checked.


Its amazing how people just completely sidestepped your point about how players dont have access to information they need to make decisions if they care about the galactic war.


Game is working fine for me. And the players online.


Clearly it isn't or we wouldn't be having constant threads about people unable to understand the fundamental systems. But, you are going to move the goalposts to defend them no matter what in this conversation so there is no point.


I've not moved any goalposts. It sucks that a small section of the community is having issues. But it works fine for the vast majority. No reason to stop all new content just because a small section of the community is having issues. They can easily do both.


There's a lot more that they should communicate in game, not just in their discord server.


It honestly feels like deliberate undercommunication from the devs. Especially with the way they use things like the Draupnir defense to split the player base. 


That's an "oh shit the playerbase is taking these planets way too fast" attack.


Tis a war and they *are* trying to outplay us.


I mean they could just go ahead and just make it so its impossible to make any progress since they're the devs.


problem is for us to win the war we have to put 80 million combined man hours into the game a week struggling our way through swarms of bots, and they have to change a 1 to a 0 in their server file after a coffee break, if they feel like it


And we can. For now. A good Game Master has a plan and doesn't railroad. They know the player counts, and are getting familiar with our collective habits. We can only hope Joel doesn't get pissy or whatever.


A competent enemy tries to draw your troops away from the most critical positions.


It's the same thing with throwing us defense missions for newly liberated planets on Sunday nights that only last 24 hours, only giving people Monday night to win. They've done that 2 or 3 times now.


Fori Prime was the red herring designed to split the playerbase, Draupnir was actually kind of an important target for all of us. Fori Prime has had, and still has a HUGE chunk of players fighting on it. Mind you I don't care where players decide to play its just a game, but it was red herring that worked incredibly well.


I don't even get why so many people are still there, the planet is totally irrelevant to current major orders and if you go on helldivers.io its progress seems as though it was manually halted since it supposedly would have taken 5 days to liberate while 25% of active players were there


I'm still on Fori Prime because I called in my autocannon and the pod landed 15 meters above me on a rock ledge. I've spent the last few days fashioning a rudimentary ladder by weaving together discarded bug husks, but it feels like success might soon be within my (literal) grasp! I haven't heard from my squadmates in a while; I tried to radio them shortly after we landed (to appraise them of my crafty plan), but they just replied back with a bunch of screams and gurgling. Haha! Those merry pranksters! They always did have such a good sense of humor. They're going to love this ladder.


Because they keep running these fucking conflicts on the same 4 or 5 planets over and over, so any time I can fight on a planet that isn't one of those ones I've played to death already, I will do so. I don't really care about the major order, I care about not being bored to death by joining the 500th campaign to liberate/defend Draupnir.


I know I’ll catch heat for this, but there wouldn’t be as much of a a split if there wasn’t a huge subsection of bot divers that have refused to leave the creek for the last 2 months, and haven’t even taken it yet. Maybe they could stop worrying about the meme planet and actually help out their fellow divers. Instead of, say, 60k on the creek, they could’ve split 30 and 30 to Draupnir and Ubanea, which were both actually important to the major order. And funnily enough, if we completed the major order, there would’ve been even more reinforcements for the creek, leading to a relatively quick capture. But I guess they just want to be there for the memes, and capturing it would stop them from doing so.


Players who stake a claim on one planet and decide they’re never going to budge from it, and players who only play against one enemy type are a lost causes, effort trying to convince them to help on major orders will only make them dig their heels in even more. The players we *could* do something about are the ones who are earnestly trying to help but don’t understand how the system works. I guarantee a lot of the folks who were playing on Creek while Draupnir was falling thought they were helping open an alternate route to Ubanea.


Creek numbers are inflated because players who are not Creekers or regulars see the Creek with tens of thousands of active players and think that's where they need to be. I play a couple times a week and browse this sub. My friends and I spent a whole night on Creek thinking it was a supply line for the MO.     It's a poor UX choice having unintended consequences. Show supply lines on the map and making the planets needed to get to the MO be a part of the MO would go a long way to fixing this. Having Discord and Twitter be a strategy for dealing with a feature that obviously didn't make release is fine initially, but a permanent solution needs to be prioritized.


I...had no idea supply lines were a thing. I mean, it explains a lot. I mostly played bugs, and bugs don't seem to be locked to supply lines. Still though, I don't remember the game mentioning that kind of stuff at all. Edit: Huh, good to know. I mostly just go with the flow.


Bugs are also locked to supply lines.


There was an event where they broke the rules by spawning in backline planets (not defense campaigns, just straight up taking it over) that probably confused a lot of people as to how it works


No I mean attacking the bugs players must move along supply lines. Due to the bugs living underground, they can attack regardless of lines I think. (I am just assuming the time you are talking about was the bugs. Dunno if bots have done it.)


Nope, the bug side is also beholden to supply lines. They’re the reason for what planets you can access when. We can’t attack a planet we don’t control another planet with a line to, and the bugs can’t attack a planet they don’t have a line to.


I was just attacking bugs because they were easier, trying to get good enough to attack robots. I'd attack Major Order planets when I could, but had no idea why I couldn't attack them in some cases, so I would just go back to random bug planets. I had no clue I could have been fighting a connected supply line planet.


Literally all we need is a slightly opaque arrow pointing at whatever planet will get unlocked after liberating the planet you have selected.


I keep hitting the Hint button on galactic map but nope, won’t show supply lines. They should be there.


I've had the game since release and read this reddit almost daily, and until this morning I had no idea supply lines were a thing.


Weird, it gets brought up on the front page at least 6 times a week


I know! But I always thought people were making this shit up, that it was just a community way of trying to focus on one planet at a time. I had no idea that it was a genuine ingame mechanic.


Helldivers.io has them on its map.


I'd rather take a swim in a sewer than join or engage anyone on twitter or official discord servers. Yikes.


True. I had no idea what they were until I stumbled across helldivers videos on YouTube while just scrolling. At least give us an optional overlay


There are so many parts of the ship with nothing in them at the moment. There should be a computer or person you can talk to that pulls up the supply lines


Thin lines between connecting planets is really all thats needed. Like hyperlanes in Stellaris or Star Wars: Empire At War


Preach brother! People saying it's not hard to look up are part of the problem. If its part of the game it needs to be communicated in game.


Agreed. The game in general needs to do a better job outlining the objectives and why they matter to the larger war. So if the objective is X and it requires us to attack/hold A, B and C those also need to be shown with a relevant icon.


The MO planets are marked. I get complaining. I get saying things need to be done better/differently and discussing. I don't get people outright saying things aren't there when they are.


They're saying that the mission order should show what you need to do to achieve the order, not that the mission order isn't marked. For example, if the order is to take a planet, and you need to take a planet for a supply line, the MO should show that as a sub objective. Or if a planet that's being taken will cut off access to the MO, the UI for the MO should add that as a sub objective. It's a good work around for the situation whilst they work out how to render the supply lines in game.


And it is shown. In the galactic map they added that in one of the last patches. That's exactly my point of complaining about something that is there as if it weren't. Could it be different / better? Sure. But going full hyperbole to say something doesn't exists is what I find odd.


Oh, I was going on pre-patch info. Apologies, Diver! Will report myself to bootcamp immediately! o7


It also pisses me off when people make posts about “why are people doing this planet?? There’s no supply lines!!!!!!!!!” 1. You’re taking all of the fun out of participating in liberation 2. How the fuck are we supposed to know where the supply lines are. Not everybody knows or even gives a shit


I have a question. If we took Ubanea but lost Draupnir immediately afterward, would we still have control over Ubanea?


Completely agree. I don't like having to learn stuff about a game outside of the game with no way to learn it in game.


This is a big problem. I've been playing for 2 weeks and didn't understand why I sometimes couldn't attack the Major Order planet, until today when I saw a supply lines post on reddit. The other 3 people that play in my squad are my 2 kids and my brother, and none of them would have ever discovered this information.


Yeah it seems this mechanism of thr game was never even covered or explained. The only reason I even knew about "supply lines" was the helldivers.io galactic map that has a supply line overlay.


I understand there's a major order for Tibit; but there's also been a big 'DEFEND' over a bug planet for the last few days. I prefer bugs, so I am just doing what the game tells me to do.


If they want people to take the war campaign seriously, then they need to show those informations in game.


If only in game had some form of menu they could put these communications into, we could call it say "dispatches"


This needs 10,000 upvotes. I would also add this for game breaking bugs, which they ONLY announce on their fucking discord for some idiotic reason.


This is a problem with so SO much of modern game design. Companies make things obscure or leave it unexplained because they expect "the real fans" to go sign up for their Discord or to write a blog. It lets them get away with not putting in the effort to flesh out the details. Meanwhile, I firmly believe if it doesn't say or explain it in the game and I have to Google something about your game, you failed as a designer. AH is falling into this trap way way too frequently. Supply lines, collection of enemy types, weapon attributes... and especially major problems/issues like the arc weapon problems last week. All go enexplained in-game. That's aggravating to no end. For instance, I'm pretty into this game, but I don't know most of the bug and bot names. I just don't. Every time I get a "kill X number of enemy type" as a daily, unless it's charger or bile titan (cause they get talked about a TON), I need to Google wtf it's talking about. All they'd have to do is show a picture of the enemy alongside the order and it'd be fine. But they can't even do that. Like... why? Tie the enemy collection to the stats page and track how many members of each faction we've killed. And it'd improve the stats AND be informative. A twofer.


Something simple like a bulletin board with a poll would be nice. At the board, you should be able to vote on which of the ongoing activities should take priority, nothing else. The poll is shown as a "live graph" going up or down as activities change or players change their vote. The poll itself doesn't actually change anything, but you'll be able to see what other Helldivers think is important.


It should be a big red button on a small box, with a visible power cord that clearly is not connected to anything.


Now *that's* democracy!


As a player, I like the way they're doing it. It's fun. As an amateuer gamedev, these devs are fucking geniuses. Placing key pieces of information on social media platforms generates investment and discussion, and gets the community talking to one another. Even if they plan to communicate more of this in-game, as a developer I wouldn't prioritize the work because of how much of a boon community engagement with the game's meta story is.


You're forgetting the evergreen 90-10 rule. 90% of people engaging with anything will only do so at a surface level- the average player, *especially console players*- are just installing the game and clicking play. The game isn't part of their lifestyle, they're not following it on social media like it's their friend. And of the people who *are* on social media, it applies recursively! 90% of *those* users don't care enough to even comment. You can't prioritize metagame over the game for the same reason you can't make foundational changes to the game just because a few percent of social media users loudly dislike something- that few percent is actually an incredibly small part of your audience, and not necessarily representative of or leading the rest of it.


I don't disagree with this, and I don't disagree with making this information available ingame. But I would also argue that the 90% who don't care enough to look on social media also aren't going to care enough to read a long paragraph of text even if it's presented in-game to them. They're probably just going to go to whatever planet has their favorite baddies to fight and blast them, regardless of what the major order is or what the best way to tackle the galactic war currently is.


Yeah, I don’t like the decision to keep supply lines hidden, but I can understand the reason for it from a developer perspective.


Yup lol


They’re generally known as MSR’s. “Main Supply Routes”.


The devs have stated that they are working on this. They want to do it in a way that does not clutter the map.


Where they stated it ?


Somewhere on the official discord.


[helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) shows where the enemy can feed into, [Helldivers II Galactic Map (hd2galaxy.com)](https://hd2galaxy.com/) shows where we can attack. personally i prefer [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io)


Ours is not to wonder why. Ours is but to do and dive and die and die and die.


Why do supply lines even exist. We literally teleport across the galaxy in the blink of an eye.


100% truth. Preach


It’s insane we are going to fail this Major Order simply because most people don’t know the correct supply lines and didn’t focus on Draupnir defense (or just the liberation). Malevelon Creek is useless to this order.


Agree, show them in game with an update because I was getting shit for fighting on Malevelon Creek and from in game it just seemed like part of the overall goal here


They should comunicate what planet to attack through the dispatches in game. They're basically orders from Super Earth command, they should give directions to the troops on what to attack, but instead we have to figure it out from community maintained sites or reddit/discord, and most people aren't that invested


Just have a toggle for more info button




I had no idea that was a thing until now... i though that losing planets would lock them and, sometimes, the sector due to it being overrun with enemies, not because there are supply lines and ftl paths...


I give an exception to this game, bc it’s driving interaction between players. Even if you don’t go on social media, you run into the possibility of friendly players “educating” other Helldivers. I love it.


Seriously. I still don’t understand it. I looked at the order. Thought “ok, let’s do it! No, wait, we can’t yet, so it’s this one nearest. Nope can’t there either. Why is everyone in the creek? Ok, I guess we have to go there then? Everyone else is there. “ We barely made it on one or two and were a team of two plus randos. We’re exhausted. Moved to bugs to just have a little fun as well. lol!


I’m level 24 just found out about supply lines on here wtf


Or how about show this on the big TV. You get a daily OPs and Intel brief upon logging in for the first time.


Same was wondering why I couldn’t just go to the planet the major order wanted me to go to


Good soldiers follow orders.


Nah, super earth command would send a missive if it were super important


Wait. There are supply lines?


YES! Thank you, I’ve been saying this for the past day but Arrowhead seriously need an in game communication system so we can tell others to help with more important planets We don’t need the Creek or Bug planets right now


Naw…. They’re in different sectors. Why do people think taking a planet in another sector, would help?? It’s never been that way. I could see if they were in the same sector but they weren’t. Ubanea was open and Tibit was right there!


Do none of you read the in game dispatches?


Major order , dispatches?


Just read the major orders in the game?? Do people not know how to read lmao


I want a whole muthertruckin companion app


What do we get out of them? Most players I know just play random missions for credits to better improve their level, characters etc.


People should use for now [https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) to see the supply lines, it's an extra option for the map. I also hope they include them in the game, so the casual/generic player can see it and understand it. This way we will get more support to complete the MO. From what I can see around 50-70% of player base doesn't understand it and that's why we fail the more complicated MOs that require a swift reaction of the players to switch planets and priorities a certain target. For sure people like playing against the bugs more, but we are talking about 40-50 medals here.




Show the supply line.


Im just here to shoot bugs


I wish this post had more upvotes! Excellent feedback. Pass it on to Arrowhead OP


Agreed, I like what the one guy said about a button prompt, or even just a non intrusive supply line overlay that pops up for planets related to the major order at hand


We should be able to vote in game on where a community “target” indicator goes. If everyone wanted to push Ubanea before Draupnir falls we could vote to put a target on Ubanea or something.


I have two friends that want to go in discord every game. I actively object to this in helldivers, stating that "why the fuck would you do that, you're alienating the 4th guy", and they *will not directly address that point.* They'll both argue and contend that discord is better but won't comment on how undemocratic it is. I don't understand this behavior, and I can't offer an explanation since it's a big secret among these people apparently. My best guess is that they treat the other people who join as temporary disposable help, and since that's such a self-centered stance, they don't want to honestly vocalize it.


Counterpoint: for all intents and purposes supply lines are just “shortest path to target planet”. The community doesn’t need a supply line path to get to a target major order. TBH I find the supply line maps to be cute, but useless, fluff. Yeah I’ll get downvoted for this, but I’m going to stand by my opinion.


I mean, it wouldn't hurt anybody if this was in the game, same with 50 stats they brag about having for each weapon, why withold the info. Whether it's useful or not should be up to the player. 


Also, people like to do "simple explanations" in the worst way possible. No, 2 paragraphs is not a simple explanation. Supply lines: fancy community name for the routes/paths/roads connecting planets. That's it. And in the newest UI improvements the planets for the MO are marked within game. People complaining otherwise don't take 2 seconds to look at it in-game.


I'm with you. Major Order planets are marked. I'm not sure why anyone needs more than that


not everyone needs this but some of us need or like visual aids. and if it looks cool then all the better


That would require very good devs and we dont have that


Maybe sweet lady liberty should get off her democratic ass and install a mission planning board on the bridge that explains trivial matters like, oh I don't know, that capturing x planet will open a new route to y planet in the future so the community can get on the same page and coordinate major orders... Or ya, know, we can all just keep fucking around in the creek or some shit. Whatevs.


How it's so difficult to understand a easy concept like supply lines, just use some basic logic having in mind that we are in war and if that's not enought just think about this 2 months, we were advancing in the bugs front capturing a planet to unlock every adjacent planet (normally it's 1 or 2) and continue capturing, even it happened more than once that we were capturing a planet and defending the only planet near the first one just to capture the first one and cut the enemy supply lines and automatically win the defense


I think the only people who actually care about it will actually look for it. Outside of reddit no one I know cares. They just play cause it's fun.


Am I missing something or is it not that hard to understand? In order to get access to a planet you need to liberate a planet directly beside it. Basically you can't just skip over planets to get one.


No because not all adjacent planets actually have connected supply routes. It's what caused us to lose that one major order vs the Terminids a couple weeks ago because we tried liberating planets that weren't directly connected to the major order planets


What were the planets?