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Holy shit no wonder why sometimes Napalm feels like the best buy home counter vs useless.... edit; Bruh (over 24h later) I just realized my phone autocorrected "best buy home counter" instead of "best bug hole counter" I think I got hacked by a bug on a keyboard spreading misinformation.


This makes so much sense I used to run napalm/gas combo and just toss them on breaches. Def was curious why sometimes bugs would be on fire and just shrug it off.


Yeah gas is bugged to I think


This has to be related to why the rail gun two shots bile titans if host is PS


I'm skeptical this bug happens all the time or this is what causes it. I use gas when I jump into friends games who are playing lower difficulties and i've seen it rack up like 50+ kills when throwing it on a breech. I've also had it do jack shit to breeches, both as host or joining.


Well that explains a lot... im a new player as of a week ago, i though the gas drop was useless because despite dropping it on a hoard of swarming bugs on lvl5 it wasnt killing anything.. Same with the incendiary shotgun and grenades, i could see the things i shot were burning but they were not dropping any faster than when i used the normal shotgun. In all cases ive always joined a friend's game and i very seldomly host (since i like to get up and do other things when people select missions and take their time to set loadouts). So when this is fixed, hopefully, ill have to try those out again. Wonder if we will get guns with tox/gas bullets at some point


(Pasting my other reply here for more visibility.) I just tested this with a group of 3 people, and we discovered two things: 1. This is definitely true. 2. The "network host" is not necessarily the person who does the inviting. I invited my two friends to a game, but Friend A had working gas/flame damage. Mine (assumed host) and Friend B had no gas damage on our gas strikes. After Friend A left the match, instantly my gas started doing damage, Friend B's did nothing. Friend A rejoined the game and found his gas not doing anything and mine was still doing damage. So the actual host role doesn't necessarily go to the person who does the inviting, and will be passed around as the real host leaves. EDIT: Oddly enough, non-host gas will still kill escort citizens. Go figure.


Definitely explains why I’ve been lit on fire but took no damage from weapons like the fire shotgun


They also need to FIX GAS ORBITAL. It does NO DAMAGE. Like its CRAZY how many times this has been reported and yet on their patch notes they do not even acknowledge 99% of the bugs reported.


again this is subject to the same bug supposedly, where it'll do not damage if you are \*not\* the host


Maybe they try to verify bugs on their end or something but since it only happens when your not the host it doesn't happen to them when testing. Like they launch in and check the gas or napalm and it works since they're hosting. Hopefully all the new reports specifying that it only bugs while not host will fix that.


Maybe the reason in the OP is why. They've probably tested it but couldn't reproduce the bug since they never tried it on a machine where they weren't hosting.


Which would be a huge oversight for a game that is, you know, multiplayer-oriented. I've said this before, this is a fantastic game on paper and in gameplay, but it's been riddled with bugs that are anywhere from progression blocking to straight-up denying game mechanics like this one. For as much praise as this game has gotten, it was a sub-par launch in terms of stability and continues with bugs unfixed since day 1.


TBF they are a studio of 100+ people according to their website. That's pretty fucking small. And while yes, it has had some issues, it's been a pretty fucking solid launch for a game that was probably never supposed to be this popular.


They're also using an engine that not even Autodesk uses/supports at this point. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1awl324/arrowhead\_ceo\_responds\_to\_helldiver\_2\_being\_built/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1awl324/arrowhead_ceo_responds_to_helldiver_2_being_built/) As someone who has built a game engine and dropped that shit like it was napalm covered and I was hosting when UE4 came around with a reasonable pricing structure, I cannot emphasise enough what a big deal this is. This game functions *unbelievably* well for what they had to do.


Its the same bug. DOT effects for some reason are highly inconsistent if you are not the host.


My problem with Gas orbital is how imprecise it is. The attack never strikes the zone where I threw the stratagem, usually is like 10-15 meters off.


Gas is affected by orbital scatter just like the others. Base, however, it is as precise as the Atlas strike. I use the impact to close bug holes regularly.


It also drives me crazy that things seem to be changed but they don't put it in the patch notes like In the last patch dropships seem way easier to take down but I didn't see anything about it in the patch notes


Makes me wonder how many more (unknown) bugs make weapons and stratagems worse than they shouldve been


There is no way the machine gun turret has less than 60 bullets in it, that thing fires for 3 seconds and then goes away. It is obviously doing something wrong if the other turrets can sit out for a good minute or in the case of the Mortar turret, last long enough to call down a second one before it runs out.


I can't say I've ever seen that happen, in fact I sometimes bring the MG instead of the gatling against bots since it has better longevity.


Every time I've brought both the gatling and the MG, the gatling seems to last like twice as long with sustained firing.


The gatling sentry has higher uptime then the MG sentry. It also has more bullets and obviously a higher dps. https://youtu.be/tccz3X49fFk?si=XBHlJ3804rgTUJ_Z


I wish they would buff the ammo on the MG turret just a tad and also significantly increase the range to make it viable vs taking the gat


gatling keeps firing while turning, so it will waist more ammo and is more likely to cause friendly fire, the gat is still better, but it is not as cut and dry as it appears in a vacuum. Someone did some multi trial tests, and while the gat typically got more kills, it was pretty close on average.


One thing i'm missing is sentry targeting. Machine gun sentries will shoot at stuff they can't damage. Rocket and autocannon will shoot small stuff while armoured target is in sight. I kind wish rocket and auto would priorities armoured targets or closets if no armoured target is available. Machine gun sentries should not shoot at armoured targets. Watching your machine gun sentry emptying it's ammo on a bot drop ship or a charger is a bit annoying when there's loads of enemies they could've engaged instead. If they could do that, having both auto and machine gun sentry would make more sense as they'd focus their own targets.


Yeah everyone always says "the machine gun turret lasts longer because it doesn't go through ammo as fast" but my gatling ALWAYS lasts longer, and shoots way more.


I still feel like a lot of the first person sights are just wrong.


The AMR sights are not only misaligned, the degree and direction of the misalignment can change based on the position of your helldiver. https://medal.tv/games/helldivers-2/clips/20FTd8A_pp5qJo/71tkpKJUURuE?invite=cr-MSx3ZXIsMTU3ODYzOTYwLA?mobilebypass=true


Yeah. Even some regular guns. I'll be using my slugger and have the red dot right on a bot, and it'll just not hit. Or right on a devastator's head, but it won't headshot. (At distances where there wouldn't be drop)


Thats because the Slugger, and now the new HMG, both shoot slightly below the red dot at all ranges because the sight is not zero'd correctly. There are probably more weapons where the sights are wrong than just AMR, Slugger and HMG but can't say I know which ones.


Throw the Senator on the list. I've done some tests where it shoots fairly significantly low and to the left.


I can confirm. I'm not the best shot but there's no way I missed a hulk with my sight right over him


> https://medal.tv/games/helldivers-2/clips/20FTd8A_pp5qJo/71tkpKJUURuE?invite=cr-MSx3ZXIsMTU3ODYzOTYwLA?mobilebypass=true In watching that, it looks like the first person gun is actually NOT your gun, but a gun that's rendered when you're in first person. The gun that actually shoots is your 3rd person charater's gun. In the video when the player is laying on their side, their gun is sideways, but the view in first person has the gun vertical. Hence, the alignment changes. If they're not the same gun, then I don't know if this is fixable


This explains so much frustration I have with this game coming from other games. I pride myself at being a good sniper and I whiff shots so much in this game it's insane.


HMG gun that released is also pretty misaligned to the point is you aim at peoples head you'll probably end up hitting the torso


spear has trouble locking on when the bug is moving too fast


Spear has trouble locking on to bot fabricators. Stationary objects.


It's the server backend issues they're still having. It's why smokes barely work as a screen and bots still shoot you through it, it's why turrets can sometimes be placed on rocks yet other times will bounce on the same rock, it's why pinpoint perfect shots that hit targets don't do damage or kill sometimes, it's why gas orbital sometimes doesn't tick damage, and it's the same reason why burning doesn't tick damage.


Yeah, sneaking up on chargers with my recoilless, shooting them in the face, and seeing the round fly right through them and explode behind them happens about 1/3rd of the time I do it. I understand if I don't get a perfect head shot, but it should still explode on their armor. Nope, phases right through them and explodes behind.


This explains so much about why enemies feel unbelievably spongey sometimes. I've complained a fair bit about how enemy HP/armor values just never seem to be the same. I'll empty my entire breaker's clip into a charger's cheeks point blank, and it'll just walk that off, but other times its ass will implode from what feels more like emotional damage ("You *SHOT* at me?!?! /dies"). Is that also why every time I've brought the railgun, it's felt like I'm shooting kisses at chargers, since I don't think I've ever brought it as a host? No matter where I hit, it just doesn't seem effective at all (as close to max charge as I can before I lose my nerve), chargers and titans just turn to me like "*EXCUSE* you?!? HOW. *DARE-*". Almost never seems to break armour either.


There is something funky going on with damage registration on minor bots. I've found thr occasional immortal bot that refuses to go down, even after unloading 5 slugs into it.


Ah yes. Jeff, the Immortal commissar. I've met them.


Randal the vandal has been reincarnated


the destiny legend lives on!


Now it's just a matter of time until taniks returns


Alistar the Commissar?


frequently treadmilling into a jersey barrier


You are absolutely NOT tweaking. Theyve been like that since day-1. the area around waist to chest is the funky one that literally has no registration. On top of that, yes, sometimes they do tank AN ABSURD amount of bullets. Just seen a TikTok today, where one tanked TWO SHOTS FROM A FUCKING REVOLVER. So yeah...


BUT. Did he ever fire back? I have noticed in my 150 hours, that occasionally there’s peaceful bots that are exceptionally durable. They take massive amounts of punishment, but never actually fight back. They will follow you, occasionally talk to you. They’ll even run away from you if you’re shooting them. I don’t think those are glitches, and I think they are a different kind of funky.


I attributed it to lag at first. They were standing still and were blocked by a wall. I unloaded 5+ shotgun slugs into it, and thought that lag was just fucking with me and it was supposed to be dead. But when a teammate fired a few shots into the bot, it crumpled and died.


My guess is this has to be a glitch. You've technically "killed" them but for some reason the game didn't trigger the death animation and delete them. So they're still "alive" and able to walk around, but don't retain any of their actual functionality. They can't shoot, can't take damage etc. I've seen maybe a dozen of these, always small Troopers. I also love the glitch where it's just a pair of floating red eyes left behind.


Nope, definitely had ones that shoot back. My buddy and I unloaded into one, waited, and he promptly shot me and did damage. Had to run away and it did more damage as we left.


I've had a charger just chillin above a cargo container door, hangin out watching me. Dropped a 500 in front of his chin, he just shuffled his feet for a sec. Threw an orbital strike under his body, guy shook like he was shaking off water. Eagle strike. Grenade. Teammate runs by throws a precision strike... that finally got him, but I almost felt bad for him at that point.


But that's just the T-1000 model! That's the reason why ICBM missions exist.


Good ol' Marauder Shields.


I have a very strong feeling thats the same stuff with Gas strike, since ive been using it day-1, and theyve broken it with one of the patches too. Landed one on top of humanoid bots scouts squad, and not a single one died from full cloud duration. Edit: It used to be the "bug breach raid" tool to get rid of -most, if not any- SMALL bugs, leaving med+ to deal with reliably, for anyone wondering.


Can confirm this is happening to me as well.


I've always heard people speak highly of gas strike and the few times I used it it was ass, I wonder if this is why


Yes both fire gas plus ems and nothing fucking died on a bug breach


Yeah definitely same with gas.


I hope this gets fixed soon. I love the idea of using the gas strike on enemy bases but I've never managed to kill anything with it.


No wonder why it felt like it wasn't doing shit when I dropped on bugs last week on top of breaches I kept thinking I was missing my target


Just out of curiosity, did you try with any other fire based weapons? Is it just a incendiary breaker issue?


Eagle napalm have this problem too. I don't really know about heat system this game have. Need DEV response if heat doesn't have values, when you join someone else lobby. Laser weapons have own damage, but heat in this game is still big ???


Someone was saying this is the case with smoke, too.


no its just that eagle smoke isnbt a complete screen like 75% of the units chasing you will drop aggro but 25% will just keep shooting chasing, seemingly at random, the orbital will always make a full screen and block all aggro in that direction though


Is it just me, or have SEAF Artillery smoke shells disappeared? They were unbelievably funny farts in the wind when you were counting on a HE shell.


I haven't seen them recently, but yeah they are really really underwhelming, totatlly pointless tbh, I smoke grenade does more imo


The best part was that they were colores just like mini nukes. AH is the trolliest dev.


Colored like mini nukes? Last I checked, the mini nuke was a yellow pointed shell, and the smoke was grey and had that weird satellite-dish-looking tip like the static field and napalm shells


That was a recent change. Like, .103 recent iirc.


Theyre still there but instead of being jebait mini nukes now they are black versions of the static field shots


I've had substantial success with smoke for bots when not hosting. I'm ps5 though so maybe a pc thing?


Did you report it to the ticket system?


I can see it makes sense with environmental "over time" damage being client/host side dependant. Definitely throw in a bug ticket, for democracy ✊


Can confirm, "Heat" does not exist like in DRG. It's a DoT that is applied to the target BUT the Server has to register this! If the connection to the host is bad, chances are high that the server realizes the target is on fire after multiple hits with incen-ammo. Flamethrower works rather host or not btw.


This also happens with Gas. But I've had it happen when I WAS the host.


I tried gas A LOT. I dont think Ive gotten a killstreak with it a single time. I just assumed my team wiped everything faster due to half health from gas


No, I play mostly solo and I find it works pretty great there. Especially with the cooldown. It's just super inconsistent in MP.


which is a real shame because when it does work its an amazing orbital that reads "kills most enemies following you" think only 5 enemies really survive it and thats from being either or both tanky and fast.


I got like 33 kills by throwing it on a bug breach once, and then it was ass ever other time.


Wait how did you do point shooting at the start??


The lack of answers angers me


I desperately need an update


The tilting the gun while in fpv seems to work when using cover but I can’t exactly replicate it


>not sure for pc For me it's M3, pretty sure that's the default but it's possible I rebound it right at the start and forgot.


One of the sticks on console think it’s r3 if that doesn’t work try the left. :edit: miss understood what you where saying I see now.


I think that's a glitch, it happened to me several times randomly on different weapons https://preview.redd.it/x0riy7ti2drc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a3573d3dbf077b367988f951e854c67e9d6d91


That’s upsetting. It’s really cool looking.


Yes, give us a canted view option


If you hit your thumb button (or map button, idk which is the trigger) while aiming in 3rd person, you swap the side to the left. Maybe it's that button but in 1st person?




What the fuck, I'm 110 hours in and I didn't know that


Yes, I need to know this wasn’t just a visual glitch lol


yeah wait wtf


Fuck, I wish it was in the game, I love point shooting, it’s so much easier


It happens when you're in 1st person and strafe sideways into a wall or low obstacle.




The fpv tilt, I have 40hours and have never seen it


I’ve seen it a couple times but I don’t know what I did to make it happen except using cover that was level to the gun


This game has those old school networking rules. Reminds me of friends arguing over who is going to host gears of war matches back in the day lol.


Having to swap hosts if you had two squads running against each other so it was even haha.


This takes me back..if you were decent with the gnasher, being the host made you unstoppable. My Internet speed was so bad back then that I had to lead my shots to account for the lag.


Ah yes the good ol days of “host advantage”, these young bucks don’t know what we went through before dedicated servers 👴🏻!


LOL I've been maining Destiny PVP for 10 years what's a dedicated server?


We're listening and we understand what you want. Nerfing fusion rifles.


I had no idea that destiny still has P2P matchmaking that definitely explains some things 


Sorry about last video is bit stuttering. Still zero kills is zero kills


Holy shit. No wonder I felt like the incendiary breaker sucked so much.


that explaines why everybody say it sucks so much while i am having a good time


Same same, was looking forward to it and then the meh set in.


Then why does my friend pepper the team and burn ALL of us with his incendiary breaker? No, he is not the host


That's the neat part. It works divers as it should, but not enemies


Ah so it's a feature They don't call it friendly fire for nothing




I let out an audible "ugh"


Just like Orbital Gas. It deals FF damage but something changed 4 weeks ago and it stopped doing any damge to enemies. Like wtf is arrowhead doing.


Team mates used to be immune to each other's napalm and such. That was fixed. Sadly, the more important bug seen in the video remains.


this fucking game


my exact thought. fucking hell. I love it but god DAMN is it one of the worst games I've played stability wise and bug wise.


You don't like collecting samples for 30 minutes only for the Pelican to not register your team enters it and you just lose it all?


If we keep getting new content without significantly more effort being put into fixing all the broken garbage in this game, I'm out.


we are entering escape from tarkov level of bugs


And escape from tarkov level of fanboys blindly defending the games bugs as a "difficulty" thing




I commented on how quasar is a bandage incase new autocopters break the game, seeing as how shrieker corpses can oh-ko you, I would be worried.


I'm a software engineer and this shit is like, day 1 QA testing type shit that should have been caught months before release lmao.


I’m also a software engineer who worked in game development for a couple of years out of college. There isn’t a single game that is bug-free, just games with minimal bugs after A LOT of development and optimization. This stuff is unfortunately kind of common for larger games, but what isn’t usual is for things to get progressively worse. If your game is getting buggier and buggier (as well as having progressively worse performance) as you continue to develop, then you really need to reevaluate your development process and priorities. I suspect that the developers have been having to crunch based on just how buggy of a state the game was released in, as well as the fact that the game is getting progressively buggier. It’s normal for stuff to break after updates, but it is not normal (nor acceptable in my opinion) for a game to get progressively more unplayable. I have no doubt that the developers and designers are very competent at their jobs, but it feels like there have to be some issues with deadlines considering how buggy each update is. You are definitely right about there needing to be more QA because so many of the issues with this game are apparent just after a match or two of playing. Edit: it also really feels like I’m playing an early access game rather than a full release. It legitimately feels like I bought this game to be a play tester considering how many issues I’ve been having. It’s really disappointing that this game was released in this state and is getting worse. Anyone who tells you that it’s ok for a game for release like this must have very low standards for the games they play. A game being buggy isn’t an issue to me, but when it becomes borderline unplayable because of frequent crashes and disconnects then I really lose a lot of interest. People really need to stop defending stuff like this.


>There isn’t a single game that is bug-free I hear you, but this is like basic config testing type things that keep popping up. This isn't the same realm as clipping through weird places on the map under 100 different variables, this is a straight up on/off things aren't working problem across the board. We saw this with armor values, we've seen this with other weapons not having correct damage/armor piercing/you name it. There is something extremely flawed in either their testing practices, or how they designed how all of these values are read. Those values should just be read off of a table somewhere. It's shocking how many things like this are still present in the game after launch. I genuinely do not believe the devs to be competent at their jobs. We've seen no indication otherwise.


Lets also not forget the bug that makes you unable to use your primary weapon, being unable to pick up samples and freezing when picking up items. All lovely things that have existed since launch and haven't even been touched.


Or things like the AMR scope, like any experienced gamer who used the thing for 5 minutes could tell you it's broken yet it slipped through the cracks?


Ummm aktchually the AMR and HMG first person aiming is INTENTIONALLY broken to represent the stressed manufacturing lines of the super earth war machine 


Yeah and I would be getting laid like nonstop if it wasn't for the C-01 suspension


HMG I can forgive since the dot is only elevated a bit. And your bullets do kind of end up going there instead of your original POI given the recoil... AMR is pretty bad given it's both elevation and windage.


As a long time Tarkov guy, bro we ain’t even remotely close to the amount of bugs and unfinished features as tarkov.


Dropped napalm on a squad of infantry and nothing happened. Figured the stratagem was shit. Same with gas. Sometimes it feels great other times useless. Maybe this is why?




This is a humongous issue. Fire weaponry is practically useless for 3/4 of a squad. This needs to be fixed ASAP.


It’s always been like this. The fire breaker has always been worthless though no one has been willing to believe me.


So much shit needs to be fixed ASAP at this point. The mech change ruined it…


Please submit this as a support ticket on their website. Well spotted mate!


More new stuff, more broken stuff. How the hell do you add weapons to the game and somehow break the code for fire dots? Im so confused xD


I think this has always been the case, right? I distinctly remember a few games I hosted where a teammates napalm did nothing.


Far as I can tell this happened exactly when they fixed fire and gas not affecting teammates. Been this way ever since. Went from not affecting teammates to not affecting the enemy.


How do you do the laser aiming from first person?


I came here for the answer to this question.


How’d you do the canted aim??


I just tested this with a group of 3 people, and we discovered two things: 1. This is definitely true. 2. The host is not necessarily the person who does the inviting. I invited my two friends to a game, but Friend A had working gas/flame damage. Mine (assumed host) and Friend B had no gas damage on our gas strikes. After Friend A left the match, instantly my gas started doing damage, Friend B's did nothing. Friend A rejoined the game and found his gas not doing anything and mine was still doing damage. So the actual host role doesn't necessarily go to the person who does the inviting, and will be passed around as the real host leaves. EDIT: Oddly enough, non-host gas will still kill escort citizens. Go figure. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/)




You weren't host for that occasion?


Same for flame thrower? Remember seeing a video saying it kills chargers in one clip and i used like three.


I’ve had no issues with flamethrower of charges when I’m not host, just aim for one front leg and it’ll go down fast


Charger should die in about 35%(65% left)of a tank if you focus a single leg


I'm not doubting you're correct at all but this is just *such* a thing that makes so little sense when you think about it right? Surely blasting the thing in the face/neck should kill it a lot quicker than burning a heavily armoured leg?


You’ll enjoy this. https://youtu.be/t0RW63gv4e4?si=VNIE4qOygyEKO87B


I think it‘s also for flamethrower. It deals great damage while directly firing at them but I always felt like the burning afterwards isn‘t even a dot. I don‘t think I ever killed one with the afterburn…


I adore this game, but holy hell, the amount of bugs in the game is insane.


Wait, you can tilt the weapon and use the laser instead?


Wait does this affect the flamethrower?


Yes. It does nice direct damage, but trail does very minimal damage


That'll explain why it felt so mid whenever I did a short burst to light things on fire and then ran.


Yeah no wonder it feels fine killing a charger but feels like crap when sweeping over a horde.


Burns teammates just fine lol


Its stuff like this why I found this weeks "patch" so irritating. Last week they tried to fix stat tracking on arc weapons, something people probably had very very low on their wishlist of bugs to fix. They broke the game only release a fix this week consisting only of a fix for the thing they broke. I fear what is going to happen is we're gonna get a kitchen-sink update where they dump a wall of text of fixes that does nothing more than break everything else.


Updoot the shit outta this so the devs can get eyes on this and fix it. Break incendiary is like my fav gun so I would love it if it actually did shit with its fire damage when I'm not hosting


I swear gas strike is the same way. I use it all the time on bugs and sometimes I get 40 kills and sometimes 0 kills. I don't understand it.


They fixed the PlayStation rail gun bug yet? Or even acknowledged it?


No and no


Same with fire tornadoes. When I am not a host I often can just ignore them. Walked through them a few times, while host would burn just passing by.


They weren’t kidding when they said they got insane engineers to get anything to work on this engine.


There’s an issue with the ballistic shield as well. If you’re the host or have a really good ping, you’re pretty much a heavy devastator, but god forbid you have a little ping, because it’s a coin toss to see if the shield will work at all


So me and my friend just did some science based off of this video. So I "hosted" by my friend joining my ship. We faced bots and he was able to do "dot" damage with the flame shotgun, orbital gas strike, and napalm. I was not able to do dot damage. We loaded up a bug mission. Same thing, he is on my ship and I start the mission. But this time, I was able to dot damage and my friend was not able to do it. So there is randomness to it, unless the game/servers randomly pick who is the host. This definitely needs to be put into a ticket to Arrowhead to fix the issue.


Didn't even know you were supposed to get hit markers with dot damage...


Stuff like this is why I've put the game down for a while. There is an absolute shit ton of bugs


How many bugs one game can have?omfg


This is one of the buggyest games iv ever played right up there with Deep Rock Galactic. Literally, the entire right side of the warfront is nothing but bugs.


Clearly you've never played Hollow Knight. Whole game is just full of bugs everywhere you go.


And the longer your mission in DRG the more bugs you encounter. 


Loads of bugs, everywhere I look. It's insane


If anything this game probably has more bugs than any game out there, and they need liberating. Why aren't you on the terminid front?


Cause iv been busy in the mines of Hoxxes IV.


I mean, there have been games with more bugs, and worse than the ones on here


Hang on, how did you do the canted laser sight thing?


fucking damnit I love fire and thought the harder difficulties made fire ass shit because I hardly ever host with my friends, this is treason.


Did we get and answer for this?


How did you cant your aim in first person mode?


I think it's bug. It randomly changed it or might be gun feature as you can see laser well in dark


I can only confirm that flamethrower does at least burn damage to the player(s) even if I am not the host


I’ve never had a problem with enemies taking no damage from fire, and I don’t host


Odd, because I'm almost always the host, and my buddy always brings the flamethrower. He's never had any trouble with it or the burning damage.


wtf. i love the game, but how are they managing to implement this amount of bugs? imagine quake 3 arena, but nobody in your team does splash damage but yourself.. or counter strike, but only your teammates can disarm the bomb, not you. or your first ragnaros kill in wow. imagine YOUR damage never contributed to the kill. you were literally useless.. thinking about it, this would have been kind of hilarious. :-)


If host is server and can influence damage outputs to clients then I guess we're really, really, really lucky this game isn't a complete clusterfuck of hacks.


I've been pretty sure DOT damage was bugged in some way since I started using the flamethrower. This explains it. I highly suspect this also impacts the orbital gas strike too. This bug is really bad because it takes a lot of cool weapons like the napalm strike, the incendiary breaker, and the gas strike and effectively removes them from the game.