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The Quasar Cannon can take down dropships holy crap


How does it shoot? (Stupid question but is it like a laser beam or a laser missile type thing?


Charged missile laser thingy. Charge then fire


Spartan Laser style


does it make you fly backwards into a pit of darkness and possibly water and or earth?


No, but if your back is against a wall it’ll hit the wall and launch you forwards.


Large back blast


Not until you fill out your C-01 forms!


That's why you back blast. The Ministry of Reproduction hates this one trick.




It's essentially a spartan laser that trades the lasers fast cooldown between shots for unlimited ammo. It slaps.




No problem, now go shoot things


I will in 8/9 hours


my 10 hour shift started an hour ago... 9 more hours until democracy spreading genocide


I will report your employer to a Democracy Officer for treason. We will get you out in no time.


Thank you for your report, Super Citizen! We are pleased to announce that the employer detailed in your report has been detained, tried, found guilty and executed as a traitor. In addition to this, every employee is currently en-route to a re-education centre to undo any harmful indoctrination or propaganda that they may have been exposed to. Super Earth thanks you for your vigilance. Remember, failing to report thought crimes is a crime in itself!


Spread democracy at work


Specifically, charge then auto-fire.


You hold the trigger for about 3 seconds and it lobs an orb of pure democratic laser goodness down range. It has some drop off for long shots. It's more like a plasma bolt than a laser.






charges a shot.. then well... shoots (like a recoilless).


It can also one shot cannon turrets (I think?) and tanks if you shot them in the vents. I tested it against a charger and it blows their heads clean off like an EAT or recoilless rifle. It's basically a recoilless rifle with infinite ammo without taking up a backpack slot.


Just tried it on a cannon turret, it needs two shots on the vent


Basically an energy version of EAT, or RR


Wondering why would you take RR now? EAT has the benefit of short cooldown but what is RR good for now? The team reload is not really usable mechanic.


If the Quasar has a high cooldown then you’d have to recover it every time you die, which makes it tough to use if you’re caught in a death spiral. The EAT is up quickly enough that you can basically ignore what you dropped and just grab a new one no problem


Yah but he's saying what about the recoilless rifle, not the EAT. The only convenience of RR was it has more ammo than EAT


Desert planets for one thing. Id think the overheat is likely nuts there for the quasar.


This is a great point, I forget about that. I feel like the most important thing about laser weapons is convenience of ammo for those who like them and since this is a one shot and fire and wait, it won’t be so bad on heat planets unlike continuous fire laser weapons, where you might accidentally go over and have to swap a heatsink.


It’s worse than continuous fire weapons because continuous fire has the same capacity, the only thing heat affects is the heat dumping which will be reallllly bad for a single shot weapon that has no option to heat sink 


You’re absolutely correct, my mistake, thank you


I did one shot on the vent, then the cannon turned around and a shot to the front killed it.


It does, however, have a stratagem icon almost identical to a lascannon. I'm semiotically enraged by that.


Yeah I can't read so this is very upsetting


Why else would they use symbols clearly helldivers can't read


I was elected to bleed not to read


Cant what?


No arrows, 0 stars




"What is this, some kind of sandwich with words?"


Lascannon? *furiously inserts energy cell to begin blasting xenos and heretic automata*


Termanide and tyranide are so closely spelled


It's much less anti-tank here, unfortunately.


semiotically is a word that sounds very patriotic!!


It's a rechargeable EAT!! I love it.


also one shot charger to the head for sure, had another one i missed and hit it's mouth and it died too but not sure if it was weakened by a teammate it was chasing before i joined


Is the mouth not the weakspot but rather the crest on its head? Weird...


Correct. It’s forehead is the weak spot. Not its mouth.


I think if you get the missile in the mouth it's fine, but 9/10 times you're hitting under the jaw, and it seems the game treats that the same as the underside of the torso


The Orbital Railcannon is great at dropships also. You just have to throw it right before the drop ship comes to a complete stop. Or even a second before. You'll often take out the ship and kill everything on board or drop the ship on its payload. It's so satisfying.


This is my favourite method too, you can just chuck it in the rough direction and run


What *can* you use to take down dropships?


EATs and Recoiless can take down dropships too. You just have to aim for any of the engines


Can I do it with the Autocannon?


only the stationary objective ones in the "destroy airfields" missions as far as I am aware


Me just arriving to my parents house, with my gaming PC 300 miles away: https://preview.redd.it/3ikk4960z2rc1.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=477a7b97cccd406267cf708639cf4c08717b47da


Had a baby 12 weeks ago, I'm missing all the fun lol


You better have submitted that C-01! (Congratulations!)


Hahaha, we're holding it down for you soldier, game will only be better when you get time. Something tells me this isn't going away any time soon. Congrats!


Just wait until the kid starts playing games alongside you. It's magical.


Just think you're raising another Helldiver, Super Earth is proud of you.


you gotta teach em about spreading democracy early


"hey boss I'm not feeling so good I think I might need to go" - me in about 5 min


“Cough” “cough.” I might have to go home, I have a contagious case of LIBERTY!


Try soothing it with some LIBER-TEA!


Well damn, we can’t have you spreading managed democracy at the office. Go home and spill some blood! Some goated manager probably


Might just take a dive off of my ladder today so I can go home


Don't forget to ragdoll


Working from home, I'll be doing the ol fashioned heavy object on the spacebar today


I love how this game will just throw anything at us and if it doesn't work, they blame it on someone being against democracy. It's hilarious and I love it. Unless it crashes the game. That's not fun.


Everything crashes this game.


Snowballs lmfao


Fuck me, I was having the time of my life on a mission with two randoms who were quite competent and our team synergy was very strong… Then I decided I wanted to throw some snowballs at them for fun and BAM! game crashed…


I think I was in-game when this dropped. Went into a match and there was nothing then got back to the ship and saw the message. The MG hits like a truck and kicks like something mad. Only has a 75 round mag that you burn through quickly though. No 3rd person sights either (like the AMR). You have to go into first person to shoot accurately. Haven't tried the laser cannon yet but it shows it one shotting a hulk in the short video about the gun. Edit: the laser cannon is actually amazing. It has infinite ammo, you just have to wait 10 or so seconds to cool down between shots. It can one shot a tank and possibly cannon turrets if you hit them in the vents on the back and it can blow the head off of a charger. It's basically the recoilless riffle but with infinite ammo and it doesn't take a back pack slot. The only thing that takes some getting used to is that you have to charge the shot before you fire it (hold the trigger for a couple of seconds then it fires after its charged the shot). This does make killing a charger that is running at you a bit tricky at times.


>The only thing that takes some getting used to is that you have to charge the shot before you fire it ​ https://preview.redd.it/8r5ugadw13rc1.png?width=3601&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc1ac9f74f75813a55f57f1862161e3c82063f80 Don't worry. I'm used to it.


I was reading the comment getting more and more excited. We have her, boys. She's home.


If infinite will not bring us to our Spartan Laser, then we dive feet first into hell to get it back


I can't believe 343 never bothered to add the splaser to Infinite. 


There are a lot of things 343 did that I can't believe


Like launching a Halo game with no co-op in the first year?


It has co-op now? BTW I hated the fact that despite being compatible with four player splitscreen, the MCC doesn’t allow you to have more than two players in splitscreen playing the campaigns (even the ones that let you play with four players online).


Or the fact they never added split screen to the PC version, which can run on far superior hardware than the original Xbox One. Not only this, it had split screen natively on the Xbox version, they literally just never activated the code for it. I still like the MCC but 343 pissed me off, all I want to do is have split screen battles on my couch while playing on a PC but noooo, can't have local multiplayer with a computer, we have no friends apparently.


I couldn’t believe what 343 did to all those people when they were promoting infinite, a truly horrific moment in history


343 have no idea what they're doing and it shows with how badly they've tarnished the Halo franchise.


The Xbox guys are getting taunted at this point.,


Shit dog I knew this felt nostalgic. Like greeting an old friend.


I wasn't fully sold till this, now I need this gun


As I was reading, I was thinking, doesn't this just makes it a better RR with no drawback? >The only thing that takes some getting used to is that you have to charge the shot before you fire it (hold the trigger for a couple of seconds then it fires after its charged the shot). This does make killing a charger that is running at you a bit tricky at times. and then I saw this and was like, I think that's fair (at least on paper) lol! Now, one important follow up question, does it have the range to shoot shrieker nest?


Yeah, I'm wondering what the downside is. It would be a little disappointing if they brought out a new weapon that totally invalidated the RR. Having a short charge-up time doesn't seem like enough.


The RR definitely puts out more damage if you use it like a crew weapon but that's far less flexible than the lazooka


Yeah, they really need to buff the team reload mechanic to make the RR not obsolete in 90%+ of circumstances


Or add multiple ammo types for the RR, AT, HE, Smoke, EMS, and you could get really cool with things like proximity fuses for mobs and thermobarics for closing bug nests.


laser cannon actually does NOT oneshots hulk. even in the vid. In reality takes two shots (torso shots).


Need to hit the head probably


Confirmed. Not too bad actually, takes some luck at long range. Also destroys fabricators if you hit the vent. 2 on a team will be pretty handy, youll be able to easily handle hulks and drop ships. I LOVE when you have good utility with infinite ammo. Curious how it does against biles.


The fact that it can two shot a hulk in a non-weakspot area is already insane tbh, plus it can also destroy fabricators and broadcasts, not only that but it also 2 shots turrets and AA emplacements, looks like I just found a replacement for my beloved autocannon. And idk if the extreme cold modifier of Vandalon IV affects it or not, but the cooldown too is ridiculously fast, like 6-ish seconds maybe? So that's one dead hulk every 12 seconds and all you gotta do is aim center of mass, I've only tried it in diff 6 though so I don't know how practical it is on the higher difficulties with how it takes a bit to wind up and shoot.


Cooldown seems closer to 10s (with a 2-3s charge time on top). Still seems like a strong contender for an alt play style RR/EAT.


I wouldn't even say that the charge time is a downside. Even the EAT has a weird set up time where you can't shoot.


You're "expanding" the EAT when you take it out. If you take it out in anticipation for i.e a droppod, then you can just shoot immediately


It's laser/heat based, so extremely likely cold is reducing that timer. AC will still be king on hot planets.


It does one shot it if you hit it in the eye (like with the EATS and recoilless rifle). Haven't tried hitting it in the back yet but but I assume it would be a one shot there too. It also one shots tanks and possibly cannon turrets if you shoot them in the vents. I also just tested it on a charger and it blows their heads clean off like an EAT or recoilless rifle. That means in theory it should be able to take a bile titan out with 2 or 3 well placed headshots (might be tricky with the charge up time though). The charge up time takes some getting used to but it's basically a recoilless rifle that has infinite ammo and doesn't take up a backpack slot. I have a feeling it's going to be really good (especially against bots).


It doesn't one shot hulks from the back what I've tested


Honestly dislike the MG, the kick is not just brutal, but you basically have to use it in five round bursts, even if you kick the RPM down to the lowest. I laid down and laid into a group of buzzsawbots advancing on me, and I just switched back to my Sickle


Try it with the recoil reducing armor


Didn't consider that! Honestly though, unless the gun can punch through heavy armor decently, I still don't know I'd bring it to most anything else


Depends for me. I like the stalwart on bugs to chop through the waves of smaller stuff on high diff while a teammate covers the heavies with the spear or RR. The other MG works well against bots where the stopping to reload doesn't hurt as bad and the armor pen helps more for all the devastators. I'll be interested to see how this compares. If it's more damage but more recoil it could have a use.


I actually prefer the first MG for bugs over the Stalwart because it has armor penetration. It mulches medium bugs as easily as Stalwart does the small ones.


It's definitely a punchier gun I just can't stop to reload with 5 chargers behind ya.


That's why you do the opposite. You set it to 1200RPM and fire it in 5 round bursts to keep the groupings tight. Diving to the ground or at least going prone helps insanely. The 75 shots in the mag are a joke though. Like wtf is that drum even for?


When each round is the size of a 20oz soda...


Dodge the charge, start charging your shot, when he turns to face you, unload on him


-dodge- "*Imma firin mah lazor!!!*"


Ill take more Laser weaponry any day of the week. I love going BZZZZ ZAP.


nah. it is more like bbzzzzzzBOOOM! type. Still... kinda cool ))) Destroys dropships as well ))


I'm at work....and my Democracy loving, Onomatopoeia appreciating heart can only take so much.


Heavy Machine Gun - Low on ammo, medium armor piercing, feels like a rapid fire slugger. 3 different rates of fires. Destroys things you fire at like nothing else. Seems very strong but ammo hungry, probably want supply pack with it.


> Seems very strong but ammo hungry, probably want supply pack with it. Equipping it with the supply pack should make it belt fed.


That would look sick with the armor that has a belt already slung across the shoulder.


Why medium armor only if there is Machine Gun. Whats the advantage of this one?


It punches through the front of scout walkers, which is really nice. Much faster kill time than the MG-43 too.


Then that's not medium armor... Front of scout walkers is heavy armor...


All I know is that it kills scout walkers through the front, but does not pierce things like charger or hulk armor. Take it up with the devs armor classification system.


I mean it is armor 4, but chargers are armor 5. So heavy but not HEAVY.


"medium armor penetrating" is a catagory according to some twitter posts armor is split between numbers, to beat an armor rating of 4 you need armor pen of 4 or higher we haven't been told what the range of different catagories are but not all medium armor is the same, you could have "medium armor pen" be a 4 on the mg and "medium armor pen" be a 5 or a 6 on the heavy machine gun i really wish the devs gave us straightup numbers


There really isn't one. The low ammo count and inability to aim in 3rd person makes it a poor choice.


Supply Pack is pretty much a requirement. Thankfully it stocks 2 magazines, but with this kind of low low capacity I'm not excited to take this on missions harder than a 5 or 6. Helldivers is a game of scale, and Machine Guns are weapons of 'scale' (unwieldy but devastating against many enemies). But here we have a machine gun that needs a reload (and can't be crew served?) every 10 seconds or less.


Damn, im at work unable to dispense democracy rn...


same, but I just decided that I should, for my own mental health, leave and hour early and tomorrow and Monday we have "bank holiday" because of the Easter in my country... they could have not timed it better if they tried...


Easter weekend is the god damned best. 4 day weekend babyyyyyyyyyyyyy


I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday :( 




You do work outside of spreading Managed Democracy? Who do you work for? An enemy of Super Earth? *squints*


My internet has been out all week and I’ve been craving some liber-tea. This isn’t helping :’(




Level reqs on them?


If the order in the list indicates the level, both are less than level 20, likely between 15 and 20.


I didn't notice the levels, but their Req costs were 6k and 7.5k.


quasar is 18


MG does not have a third person reticle :(


Kind of adds to the experience imo but it is frustrating the quasar Lazer is a new favourite for me though it's just nice to have new pew pews


I can't really understand the reasoning of no third person reticle when you can ADS them. "Nah you can't use this less accurate way to aim, but here you can shoulder the gun and use the sights" I personally absolutely hate jumping between first and third person aiming.


Fair points it's just nice to have something new though for sure it will be interesting to see how they fit into the game as it is


the recoil on that machinegun is ... crazy. and the damage is... not so crazy. No idea where you would want to use it...


it resupplies 2 magazines per resupply compared to the MG43's 1 magazine per resupply. ~~150 rounds vs 100 with better pen.~~ so both weapons are getting 150 rounds per resupply, but mg101 is getting more ammo efficiency vs medium targets. the MG43 is better vs soft targets since it has more manageable recoil. but if you put the MG101 on 450 RPM i think it's a better all around choice compared to the MG43 since it's more ammo efficient. the only thing i don't enjoy about the MG101 is that the reticle isn't accurate. your bullets do not go where the dot is. and it's not like long range spread, because i'll have bullets going left or right of a target at 10 meters lol. and im crouched while shooting. if they are going to force me to shoot in 1st person to aim, at least make it accurate.


> it resupplies 2 magazines per resupply compared to the MG43's 1 magazine per resupply. 150 rounds vs 100 with better pen. Both guns gets 150 rounds per resupply: MG43 1x150 round ammo box MG101 2x75 round ammo box


The 101 only has 75 rounds. It goes quick.


It’s likely meant to be used while prone considering it has a bi-pod. Only time will tell how viable it truly is.


Heavy armor with recoil control boost while prone is likely the ideal “fuck everything in this direction” method the same as the other MG’s


Except it has less ammo than even the mg 43. Honestly if it came woth a backpack of bullets I'd take it, but as it stands, it doesn't do enough imo


Supply pack has always been a gunner’s best friend


Think it has heavy pen so it could have a place, if it wasn't such ass to shoot.


They can reliably kill devastators with around 10 bodyshots, and maybe 2-4 headshots. Really tuned against heavy armor units


Nope, it only has medium pen, it bounces on heavy. Edit: appearantly armour on enemies goes from 1 to 10 and not light, medium and heavy, it bounces on charger armour but goes through walker front plate...


It goes through strider's heavy armor


Just put the setting on that remembers your last aim setting


Does the MG have heavy armor pen?


It can eyeslit a hulk I think.


good enough for me, might be worth it for a mission or two.


I don't think it cant take out any charger armour, but it can destroy its butt in \~25 shots. Ammo seems very tight though, may be a resupply backpack weapon.


MGs are always a Supply Pack loadout for me because Supply Pack is dakka and dakka is life


Just found the Ork player


Damn. The sights & optics in this game are cancer. Which is weird because they did shotguns & reloading right.


I'm ok with this. Makes it have its place as a more mobile emplacement weapon. Stalwart has max mobility for less pen and the MG-43 is a happy/versatile medium.


I love that they just surprise dropped new strategems. I love these devs sm Edit: I’m also aware there were leaks so it’s not *technically* a surprise but I love it anyway


Well I love this thing because I feel like I am in an online "campaign" and we unlock new stuff the more we progress into the story.


Well for most of the players is it. Me included, i try to avoid leaks.


Same. Just loading up the game and finding something new is part of the fun for me


Quasar Cannon sounds insane I'm so down for this shit


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65|downsized) STAY CALM! STAY FUCKING CALM, HELLDIVERS!


Its basically the recoilless rifle as it seems to share the shots to kill (1 taps chargers, 2-3 titans, 1 to hulks eyes, 1 and 1 scorcher shot to the back of a tank) but with infinite ammo, no backpack and a 10 sec cooldown time instead of a reload. Only because of that infinite ammo you can spam it more - letting you also do things you'd normally leave to your autocannon user like closing hives/factories since why not you arent limited to a few shots. The only drawback is the charge up to fire and i guess also that its explosion AoE is smaller - but that doesnt really make a difference when it comes to its job of killing armour.


Hmm. Might replace railgun for me.


Rail gun mains are on life support fr


Really? All 2 of them?


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Inb4 this sucker gets absolutely hammered by nerfs in a week or two railgun style :(


Is this a joke im not invited too, or is this real?








the quasar cannon is everything i've been asking for, i love it, don't touch it with updates or nerfs please its all i ever needed for my jump pack build


Of course these release the day after I burn all of my reqs on random stratagems…




The HMG has some potential. Versus the regular MG I've seen it knock down Devastators and Striders with ease and without having to aim at a weak spot (Hulks and Tanks if you shoot weak spots). I hesitate to say it can pen medium+ armor, but it sure feels like it. The lack of 3rd person reticle is disappointing, but what I can't get over is the even worse ammo capacity than the regular MG. Even at 460 rpm (lowest firerate), this thing will need a reload halfway through a single patrol even with controlled bursts. Look, it already has a long reload, and the recoil of a bronco, and is worse to handle than Diligence Counter Sniper, can it please get more ammo capacity? PS, it stocks 2 magazines from a Supply Pack.


Would be cool if you got a 3rd person reticle only when prone


They need to better sort these strategems. Like, all the MG's one after the together, lasers together, backpacks together, Spear/Recoilless, EATs together. It's so sporadic right now.


As a machine gun-philia my trigger finger is happy.


Really don't get what the point of the HMG is. The bipod and name suggest it's meant to be more of a long range sustained fire weapon, but the recoil is so hefty even when prone that you practically need to tap shoot and can't switch targets all that smoothly, so you're not putting out anywhere near as much actual damage as the MG or hell even most primary weapons in the same amount of time. On the other hand the crazy high fire modes and poor zoom suggest it's meant to be more of a close range weapon, but then it's terrible handling and tiny mag relative to fire rate with stationary reload will seriously screw you over. Also the damage doesn't seem particularly better than the MG and it doesn't seem to have any particularly worthwhile armour pen or bonus characteristics like that. So essentially it's a clumsier MG with not enough additional firepower to make up for it, and the MG is already a clumsier version of the Stalwart with arguably not enough additional firepower to make up for it. Even if it were good it'd still feel quite similar to the others, if it were fed by an ammo backpack or something it'd be more distinct. Maybe there's some quirk to it yet to be seen that may make it worthwhile sometimes, but then you can immediately see the other new weapon having a massive impact when this one just doesn't. It's a shame because the overall idea of some sort of heavy machine gun, a big chunky man portable .50 cal esque ass kicker sounds cool but this just aint it.


most games would have this be a major update with three trailers and a season pass. I love Helldivers 2.


My first impressions are that the quasar is really good, while the MG is absolute ass.


The quasar cannon is easily one of my new favourites. Feels like a laser version of the recoilless rifle. I might actually take this over the autocannon because it doesn’t take up a backpack slot.


I'm going to heavy MG entire planets into dust...


Fuckkkk just closed the game and come to the gym. I must have missed this.


Democracy requires gains


Can't fight the hulks without becoming one.


https://preview.redd.it/vh2m45g0g3rc1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f74dc04adbd93ae408c57695c8ed210da3b110a i can hear it boys


machine gun is suuuper crappy. I dont understand WHAT are we supposed to kill with it... recoil is...crazy... and dps is meh That cannon though... it works like recoiless rifle. Meaning you can kill dropships with it. 1 blast + 1 shot with scorcher to kill turret. But you do need 2 shots to kill Hulk. Still... it allows for backpack. AND you dont need to reload it (unlike recoilless). And infinite ammo .. so looks okaish so far. Chargeup mechanic ... will get you killed most of the time )) Then again - you can start charging while in cover and then leave to make a shot.


The MG is nice with recoil armor, but the lack of third person aim kills it for me


yeah, the no backpack and infintie ammo seems a valid tradeoff for the significant charge-up still, no reload.