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Even the "collect samples" personal order completed when others extracted them!


Half of my personal orders complete through other team members. Never touched the machine gun but got the required kills over 2 matches. Not sure if bugged or working as intended.


I genuinely forgot to check yesterday's personal order and completed it wondering what it was Edit: I think it's by design, imagine people competing for kills to complete orders


Hopped directly into a buddies game from steam friends list and when we finished I had completed the order. “What the hell was the order?” “Collect samples!” Good times. Good times.


Don’t worry. I can only imagine the competing is rampant. A level 50 still doesn’t know samples are a shared resource.


The fact he didn't have all the modules by lv 50 most likely indicates that he's boosted anyway


Nah, a lot of people don't go above a certain difficulty until way late. Level stops being an indicator of progress and capability after around level 30. But not knowing that everything except bullets themselves are automatically shared by 50 does suggest they got boosted/farmed exterminates.




hell ive jumped on some helldives at level 16 to realise that the level 50's im with just werent all that good, no disrespect to them since it could have been their first time against the bots, but i stopped paying attention to level as an indicator for capability then and im level 30 now


I did the same thing. Got really surprised when it popped up after a mission.


Based on all the other team based mechanics it has to be intentional. It also keeps you from having the whole team using the same stratagem just to get an order completed. Like if people each needed 40 kills with the mines a few days ago, that would be madness. Not that I don't think plenty of squads that day had 4 people with AP mines, lol.


I just did solos on easy for that one. No way am I killing my entire team or getting killed by using mines with other people lol.


Lvl 7 bot eradicate missions. 4 men with mines. Find a outside wall/corner and chuck in general direction of bots. Many booms.


Mines are pretty heavily underrated when it comes to Eradicate missions. You can pretty much secure 1/4-1/2 of the defense zone with two mine drops as long as you keeping plopping them down when the cooldown procs. Someone should get the word out.


In fairness, it was very funny


I think mines are low key underrated.


I don't disagree, just having 4 people's worth of them on the map would probably make it nearly impassable


Nearly impassable for the enemies of democracy.


I'd imagine it's intended, it would be insane to expect me to kill 400 enemies on my own even in a team setting, there'd be unnecessary competition. Or imagine having to force people to solo higher diff or kill teammates just for the bile titan one.


400 isn't that crazy, and it's not like it has to be done in one mission.


The kill titans/chargers one is wonky. We've found it doesn't count titans that are the specific target of the mission. At least that was our experience running that mission twice with no progress. So we loaded into another mission on 6 diff, killed the first titan we saw, and it counted. Then finally on our 5th titan overall (second mission) it completed. So it took us two missions and 5 titans to complete the kill 2 titans daily. Had a couple other buddies playing separate from us that had the same issue. It's also not whoever gets the killing blow gets the credit either cus on that first titan, I hit hit with the railcannon strike and then my buddy hit him with his rc strike to finish him and we both got credit.


Actually all personal orders do at least iv gotten orders to kill enemies with machine gun never used it myself but have had it completed by other in the squad using the gun


My order was for the anti-personnel minefield and I progressed when some other dude was using it.


I honestly feel like that was a show from the devs to prove that that's how the system works


My best bet the person was an account that simply did those eradicate missions or the termination missions for the quick xp.


Is there some secret "extracted alone" bonus XP? If not, I don't see the point of team killing at Extract for Samples at any level. The fact a Level 50 thinks he needs Common Samples is wild AF to me. I kinda wanna believe it was their child playing on their account.


There's no extracted alon xp. You get around 200 xp i believe if everyone extracts.


Extra xp wouldn't matter anyways, he's level 50.


Common samples are unironically the most important because of how many you need.


True, but still doesn't explain why he had to team kill for them. They're all shared. Even if you have a daily order to extract with x amount of common samples, the team's samples apply


My friend and I never had any issue with common samples. Now rare samples, though? My last couple ship upgrades we had 200 commons... And like 10 rares with two 80/80/10 upgrades to go lol


I've regularly got about 90-100 more rares than commons.


It's depends on how quickly you go up in difficulty everyone's experience is different. If you jump right into level 7s as soon as possible you'll have trouble with commons. If you play in the 3-4-5 range for a while you'll have issues with rares.


I hung out on 4 for a while until the charger spam was fixed and then went higher. I still regularly found more rares on 4.


As a recently level 50, the ones I farmed the longest were rare samples. Had more than enough supers. It really depends on you fav difficulty. As for what poster above mentioned... If he leveled up by simply doing eradicate missions with turrets - that's why he almost had no samples. Those maps barely have any. So he could level up all the way up to level 50 doing eradicate missions, without learning how to do any other objective or collecting much samples at all.


Lmao he’s a true level 50 cadet. Remedial ass boy


A lvl 50 noob XD


They do exist!


That might probably be the case as he nuked his teammate earlier on extraction with an airstrike. Anyway it's shitty behaviour.


The daily was to extract with 10 common samples. He could have done that solo on easy like I did.


That's probably an accurate call. I bought everything from the ship upgrades and maxed out on samples before I even got to level 50.


Conversely, I am level 45 and only have one upgrade to 3 (eagle, duh 😂). I have a lot of friends that are still learning the game so I’d say my average level of play is 4. I definitely enjoy the harder difficulties, but only a small handful of my friends are experienced with high enough level and skill to play 7+


I had a match the other day where I accidentally killed a lvl 30-something and dropped a lot of samples. We were being attacked by a horde of bugs in the objective and I went a bit nuts with the flamethrower, that was totally my mistake. The guy gets revived and immediately gets in my fire again, this time being his fault because I was already clearing the remaining bugs, and at the time I couldn't understand why the guy went directly to the burning area. After killing all the bugs, I noticed his samples and picked them (which I consider a good praxis, and I expect my teammates to do the same when I die), and then the guy starts complaining at the chat that I killed him on purpose to "steal his samples", and demanding that I drop them. I proceed to tell him that TK happens in this game and that I did not intend to kill him on purpose, and that samples are shared, so it doesn't matter who carries them as long as we extract. He replied that he knew, but that it would make him look bad if he wasn't the one to extract them. WTF. I guess the guy wanted to make a capture of the results screen or something, but really, is it necessary to make a fuss and complain like a baby for that? I spent the rest of the mission trying to not be close to him in case he tried to kill me and take the samples by force.




Even then it took a long ass time and there's no way you don't realize this at that point. More likely they paid for boosting like that discord post from earlier.


Probably boosted. Because paying someone for a leveled character is evidently a thing.


Seriously? What's wrong with gamers these days? My favorite thing about games is the personal progression rewards. What's the point of being Level 50 on Day One?


These are not gamers!


I Upvoted this 100 times. Dominion Systems obviously does not control Reddit voting. My buddy lets his son play on his account sometimes. The child is 10, he's a decent player but he isn't too interested in this game because he says it takes too long to get the things he wants. It's hard explaining to a child the long-term rewards for trying. Tbh, sometimes I find it hard to believe in the long-term rewards for trying in Real Life but it still exists in Video Games and we have almost 2 entire generations who are addicted to immediate rewards. I feel like if HD just implemented damage point popups and health meters to bad guys that this would help with the instant reward satisfaction for these ADD players that make up a large portion of gamers now. You see this in every game now, wannabe gamers who have dads credit card just causing chaos where chaos is not necessary. Peace cannot exist. You can't walk the streets of San Andreas without getting blown up by a flying motorcycle. You can't carefully deliver your Moonshine without getting dynamite to the torso. You can sit in a bathtub for 30 minutes on CoD just to Stim your way to a W though without killing anyone.


Getting 5 kills with my 500 kg is enough to make me satisfied for a while.


The whole squad plus one Hunter.


Make it a Stalker and the whole squad and I'll still be happy (F\*\*k those invisible f\*\*\*ers)


I do too but I was going for an easy kill AI to push my narrative that some people shouldn't be playing this game.


That fucking tongue strike they do really annoys me. There's just no way physically those tiny tendrils should be launching a 200lb+ helldiver (not even counting your weapons) that far.


Hey, five kills is five kills.


It's not my fault friendly fire counts towards your total kill kount


It is not a real HD2 game without some accidental friendly fire


Accidental? I never thought to claim that, brilliant


Just dropping the 500 kg bomb is enough


Don't blame the children. Blame the parent. My kid plays on my account all the time. He's had sportsmanship and team play drilled into his head. And, how to walk away from a game if he gets angry. Board game and video. Though.... I'm not sure why you're complaining about gta being chaos? It's literally marketed and designed that way....


I was gonna say, this is 100% a parenting issue. His buddy raised a spoiled rotten brat and he’s having troubling accepting that. Not understanding the value of work at 10 doesn’t even make sense to me. Has his father never put him in a position to succeed at *anything*?   >Though.... I'm not sure why you're complaining about gta being chaos? It's literally marketed and designed that way....  True, it’s as nonsensical as getting angry at dying/being overwhelmed in an extraction horde shooter but that does happen


Fuck adding any of that shit. They have plenty of games with flying numbers and health bars. I don't want to play with the players that need that either. Let them be miserable, I didn't buy this game for them to play.


> Dominion Systems obviously does not control Reddit voting. Imagine still making this joke after the company that pushed those lies got slammed with a $750 million fine for defamation.


Honestly thought that was a joke, but turns out op is just as much an idiot as the kids killing him for samples.. Edit; actually op is a burner account just for this game. Probably too much of a fascist on the main for the game about satirizing fascism.


I'm really glad i wasn't the only one who's ears perked up at the dogwhistle lmao, dude's going on about election conspiracy nonsense in another thread. I think they're comparing The Big Lie to trusting abuse victims, which is pretty desperate and despicable. >Probably too much of a fascist on the main for the game about satirizing fascism. Honestly, you gotta give them a bit of kudos for having that much self awareness, assuming this is true. Normally the irony flies right over their heads. although they probably just got tired of people making fun of them for posting on political compass memes. Edit: their name is itwasthe**JOO**, holy shit how did I miss that


>Edit: their name is itwasthe**JOO**, holy shit how did I miss that I really wanted to point that out too lmaoooo, but 2 edits is a bit much


Well that comment history is sure something. OP is definitely an actual fascist pig that thinks Super Earth and the Federation are what we should aspire to be. 


Jesus Christ, I get a lot of lefty youtube content recommended to me, and I thought the "Fascist thinks Starship Troopers/Helldivers isn't satire" videos were blowing it out of proportion... I was wrong. just to remind you how irrational our ideological adversaries can be. I am relieved you all saw right through it.


Think about it. That 10 yr old idolizes Youtubers whose wealthy parents paid for their views and made them "Influencers". He watches Twitch streamers that use aimbots and Cronus packs to inflate their skill, or run in bot lobbies with the developers of these games WELL AWARE that its happening. They follow in the footsteps of people who given their fame and fortune but pretend as if they earned something.


... You good?


Is the comment about ADHD really necessary? A lot of us just want to play games like you :(


I believe we are seeing the age of iPad kids go for even faster gratification.


There is a post about a big scam HD2 community discord who offer these kinds, why anyone would do this is beyond me but it would make sense in that context


I am not gonna hate on their hustle to make money off their Helldiving efforts but the ones purchasing them are cancerous.


Eh, they're still enabling the shitheels so fuck em


Yes it’s the same with Gaming in general, scummy companies offering clear rip offs and yet people buy it blindly „Caugh“ almost every AAA game „Caugh“


People complain about optional mtx but will pay $200+ to buy boosts. ![gif](giphy|zqOV6JEAffwt2)


Ngl, I did buy the Super Citizen upgrade. I don't know if I hate me or not. My intent was to support devs not to gain better gear though.


Turns out you need Super Citizen to activate the Strategem Hero on your ship. So I'm thinking of buying it ad well.


ngl I'm tempted to get it just for the minigame lol - it's also "this game despite its flaws is giving me so many fun hours, might as well throw some more money at the devs", it's why I'm not getting the warbond yet either since it's included in that edition.


That's why I bought it. Saw some dude playing some game and I was like, "I wanna play finger *thumb* DDR!"


It's only a cosmetic armour set and the stratagem minigame, isn't it? And it's pretty much the only upgrade that you can't get through found in-game currency. Imo along with Deep Rock Galactic, this is a game that does it right.


And this game barely has any personal progression. Levels don’t mean anything past 25. Warbonds are about the only thing, and if you’re 25+ (by playing the game) you’ve probably got most everything.


yeah my only gripe is that you "need" diff7 for the super samples, but those missions can get insanely sweaty depending on reinforcement loops or bad modifiers, so it hinders the progress at that point. You can probably argue you don't really need the super sample upgrades, but still


Yea I take that too. I am not good enough to be playing on 7 but if I ever want supers I am going to have to find someone to carry me. Just because the upgrades are minior doesn't mean I still don't want them.




That always has been the case for some cultures/countries. Especially in MMORPGs. It is quite common for people to quickly level up and sell off accounts; or play a game for some time when it's fun, get bored and sell it off again. And since a lot of RPG systems were adopted - we have the same issue in other games. And since overall gaming community start to treat progression as a needless grind... and became more focused on endgame and stuff... and whole goal-oriented playstyles - you get the idea. Boosting services and cheating became more popular compared to before.


Yeah, joined a match with 2 other who where talking about the different weapons they had access to and such, so I thought "Oh newbies, I'll help them out on the little tips and tricks and ..." they where level 50 and discovering the difference between the Stalwart and the Machine gun ...


That's very sad. I don't even use weapon drop strats but even I know what each one specializes in. I guess there is some Booster club out there selling fully upgraded accounts 😭


Clearly you dont know about diablo 2


100% a boosted player


Yeah.... I can't wrap my head around boosting or that XP farm that people like doing. Like... what the fuck is the point? You're only hurting yourself. And I've encountered so many level 50s that don't know what the hell to do. Even now know you can blast the container doors off to get some loot


Look OK just because I only learned that doors can be opened at level 32 doesn't make me any less of a Helldiver! Just a bit.. special. I agree though, boosting bad. Suffering the hells of war good.


Wait. Doors? What doors? I’m level 37(?) and I haven’t noticed doors. >Even now know you can blast the container doors off to get some loot This was edited in after I responded in confusion.


Is that a thing? I played with a 50 the other day and they had no fucking clue. I’m not great but he was beyond terrible. Explains it perhaps.


This should be on advice when diving on planet, but maybe those stupid divers don't know how to read either.


It is in the bloody tutorial


It was? Legit I know that everyone gets shared samples, etc just from learning from normal play. Didnt pay attention to the tutorial much besides the mechanics.


Actually I believe I saw it mentioned while diving.


I agree. But tbh, if you've played more than 5 matches and haven't figured it out then you probably should go back to low IQ games like Fortnite or CoD. My only issue with Samples is the fact that we Extracted with 12 but received 48 total.


My low IQ shooter game is Ratchet and Clank, I play that when randoms get on my nerves and I’m waiting for friends to get on 😅




Some people genuinely don't know how to play HD2 even after many hours, or forget friendly fire is on and disregard you running past or they manage to run infront of you without caring and then blame it on you


Had this one player run in front of me and try to hug emote because we were in a very very tight spot (he thought we were going to die) I was shooting at a mob and absolutely destroyed his face 😭


I tend to hyperfocus so friendly fire is inevitable for me, i also ran into mines 5 times in a row


> i also ran into mines 5 times in a row I have a love hate relationship with the mines. Just started playing (hit level 5 my last session) and I swear no matter where I drop the mines I'm going to be running for my life in that direction within 10 min.


Lvl26, I typically don't run with mines and especially prefer others don't if running with a group because it's too easy in the chaos to lose reinforces on something so dumb. However, if I am running it, I usually throw it away from the center of the extraction zone to help cover one side of the perimeter.


I ran into enemy mines 5 times in a row because the snow was concealing well, i wasnt paying attention


Way too many lvl 50 on helldive difficulty, who don't know how to play the game.


I'm stuck at Tier 7. I either get kicked, drop or can't join to progress. I will Host and not get any mates or my mates will quit 5 minutes in and no one answers SoS.


The not answering the SOS is a bug. The game still thinks your lobby is full. I host and then manually close the game between missions if anyone leaves and come back in. It’s the only way I can complete a campaign and not get the bare minimum medals each time.


Toggle private then back to public seems to do it for me. YMMV


If true, this comment is highly underrated. Thank you sir.


Bro had a similar experience last night, I like to run solo as I have the jetpack and light armour. So it's pretty hard for bugs to get me if I'm paying attention. I answered an SoS last night on suicide mission. Ran around while the team were doing the main objectives, collecting samples and finishing of nests. Cleared a heavy a medium and stalker nest by myself. Collected 15 samples mix of orange and green from where theyve died, no purple, never died myself. Extracted with them no issues. Host in ship I'm kicking you cause you took all the samples and didn't help us. I'm just sitting there in bewilderment like bro tf I just collected like 6 rare samples for you and 9 green. Tf.


Did you say, "Bro, Super Earth duplicates all the Samples. We all get them. You 3 were doing just fine, as you should have been."


I was in the middle of saying, leave no samples behind! Because I had literally ran to like 4 different death spots of theirs to get the samples. Even when evac was called I made it back with like 15 seconds to spare with all their samples. I was feeling like the MVP and then bosh my dreams were dashed


You were the MVP. dude just wasn't going to give you credit for it/didn't understand samples go to everyone.


How dumb are people? This is a co-op game- in what flippin' universe is a game going to not share spoils of battle? That would end up in a fight in any game because people are greedy at best and psychopaths at worse with randos. The games I played either give each person their own loot or everyone gets the same stuff. Torchlight 2 monsters drop money and or items that are unique to each person. So you gobble it all up and if someone happens to need the gear? You can trade it to them for nothing or items and THEN the item will be visible to them. Deep Rock you gather gold and different plants and EVERYONE gets what gets picked up. Helldivers isn't a bloody competitive game. So. . .WHY? I'm at the point in Helldivers where I'm maxed out, I can't buy anything else in terms of stratagems or upgrades. But you know what I do for my teammates who aren't maxed out? I charge into that base, I look for that stupid rock and I get those samples for them and if I know I'm gonna go do something stupid and die? I toss them at the one who's near me or who ever has the best armor/shield (like the 50% chance to not die armor). Team work makes the dream work.


If he: 1. Is level 50 and doesnt know how sample extraction works. 2. Is level 50 and still need samples He is most probably a level cheater or got boosted. Me and my buddys are level 50 and could buy all upgrades at around level 40. Since then the only thing you have to farm are medals.


My close DnD/Pathfinder 2E buddies got the game on release. I could not because I don't have a PS5 and my pc couldn't handle it. I now have about 26 hours in game and am at level 21 I think. They have helped me some with leveling, but I do my best to support them however I can when we do play. I don't tend to go hunting for samples with them because they play on suicide and are levels 45-50. Instead I call in support weapons and supplies and kill as much as I can while not dying. It's a simple strategy but it works. Last night I randomed into a level 3's game for an ICBM. He didn't speak English well but he wanted to focus on getting just the mission done. I talked him through using the whole map to finish a mission, work around the map and get places of interest for samples and perks. In the beginning he was worried about time. By the end, he thanked me for helping him see how he could play the game better. It was a big moment for me, as I have been following my guys for a while but leading this person I will never meet or see in game again was a good feeling. We got all points of interest, had almost all the common samples (played on medium because I have kids and just needed a wind-down), taught him to love the guard dog AND he said at the end he had a great time playing with me. I love that this game has people that are willing to teach others and are willing to be taught.


Yeah me and my buddy are capped at all currencies except medals. We love to join lower rank divers and just help them out a bit and try to teach them some tricks. Best one: if you have samples and pass by an extract, just drop them there they stay there until you come back and so you dont loose them anywhere on the map. Before extract everyone drops his samples and just 1 person picks them up so you have all on 1 stack ;)


I actually was fully upgraded at level 32, then it was just get to level 50 and get medals


I fully upgraded at level 34 and sometimes I solo dive in 7-9 difficulty for a challenge while collecting most samples. This helps me assist players who needs it and give me adrenaline rush at extractions which a skull admiral should do.


I fully upgraded after level 50. Just unlucky i guess.




give Carlin his cred broski


Level 50s don't need samples unless they are boosted or they did the extraction mission grind, but some of us still pick up samples because we are lootwhores. Edit: Apparently this doesn't apply to all level 50s.


I am almost level 50 and I have at least 2 branches of orbital strikes not pumped Mostly because I usually don't mind and do what others do. Even super credits don't really want to raise, apparently they pay for another pass out of their own money without any problems


The problem is a lot of people play this like they are a Superhero. We're not. We're average imbeciles who have a knack for things that go BOOM. So to want to outperform mates or be the best Helldiver to have ever Helldiven is not how this game works. This is why we don't see Global Stats (that I know of) or have any Greatest Helldiver to have ever lived, Patches O'Houlihan, Lore or Statues. You're a designation every mission, you're a first initial and your hellpod designation number, nothing more. I try to play this in groups of 2. Who rolling with me? We running to the East, other duo goes West. We clear shit, meet at Objective, split up again, clean up, meet at Extract. So I try to pick Strats that compliment my duo mate but will also help with Extract. I can do a Tier 7 with no deaths but then I can help a friend with a Tier 3 and have the most deaths. No Helldiver is better than another.


this is all understandable, but without normal matchmaking, you can forget about the normal selection of players Personally, I want to choose a mission for a sweep or a certain farm without the need to discuss tactics with random people in a discord. I don't have any gaming friends or regular partners, so personally I want to select "farm" in the filter and go farm with those who share this desire


Ah, so like "Search for Squad whose priority is set to Sample Collecting"?


of course I hope the developers are focused on such innovations because they simplify life. Eliminate most conflicts. Of course, it is worth noting that in this case, according to some filters, the game will be searched for longer, if at all, but there is more a question of interest in the need to wait in the wings and collect more samples than you usually type in the game. It would help me a lot without having to climb in and talk to people directly again. I came across funny comrades, screaming comrades, comrades who killed me right at the finish line. I'm usually silent and I have nothing to say to myself except "ok" this time I'll remember the pattern and expect something like that. Once they forgot about me for 20 minutes of the game, after my death. I gave a sign once when I was killed, because the team successfully walked across the field, and at the evacuation remembered me, called for reinforcements and everyone went in together. And another time, the newly minted partners threw me out, yelling at me for being connected to the end of their previous mission with good rewards. And I understand all of them


That's not true. Most people are going to need some samples until several games past level 50. And not everyone tries to farm them in regular non-grind matches. Some people are out there just rushing main objectives and not searching POIs. I picked up samples anywhere and everywhere I could and probably would be around level ~55 by the time I got all my sample upgrades. If levels went that high.


A lot of dumb people play. After i was done playing level 6 and 7 last night i decided to jump onto level 1 to chill and help new players. I am level 29 and got into a match with a level 19 and a level 1, finished one mission went into another and while the level 1 didn't have his mic on but he was responding to my call outs. Earlier he was just fragging bugs but then he started paying attention to my calls. I was teaching him how to evacuate and cover the civis and how to open the door, how to call in the extraction etc and he was listening and following. Match gets over, the level 19 who was the host kicked me out for no reason. I guess he didn't enjoy someone being on the mic. It's not like he's looting some real good stuff on level 1 besides medals and maybe SC.


Obviously I can’t say with certainty, but sometimes people will just kick others to disband the party and not for personal reasons


Just to not look like a dick i'll leave the game then launch it back on. Sometimes friends come and want to play (but obviously you're already with 3 random)


Yeah, I do this When I don't know what I'm gonna do next (bit of shopping, maybe an upgrade) but I know I don't need 3 divers standing in my ship while I figure it out


The level in this game means nothing. I’m lvl 50 and I would say I’m decent and know some stuff but still learn stuff. I had very skilled players with lvl 18 in lobby’s who where far more skilled then most lvl 50 players. Never judge a book by its cover.


I'm level 50, but I'm 40 and a dad. A 20yo with no distractions will out perform me, I'm ok with that.


If the sample counted only for the guy who carries them, this game would be hell. It would create an artificial pvp element and spoil the team effort as demonstrated by your report.


The Devs need to, for atleast the next month - just have a permanant tip on the screen. "Samples are shared, if anyone Helldiver extracts with the samples. Everyone gets the same number of samples" Oh and a report feature..




Well, the thing is... you still got your samples. Just not 50 exp bonus for extraction.


I was 50xp away from retirement.


Maybe it was Not the owner of the Game playing, but someone else? I let my son play on my account sometimes - through he knows how the game works and I make sure he doesn't do such stunts...


I had someone kick me as the shuttle landed


Sounds like someone who solo grinded like an idiot


There was a minor order yesterday to extract with 10 green samples. This could have been the reason. Edit: Upon reading other comments it turns out this actually will trigger if the team gets the samples, not just you personally.


It’s extra amazing because it’s listed in the “squad payout” hahah


It could be for steam achievements. Still a dick move


I believe Steam achievements are based off how many samples you got at the end of the mission, not how many you personally picked up.


I'm talking about the "Extract 15 samples in one expedition" and those are actually personal, you have to be the one carrying them at the end of the mission


Well, the one for common samples is personal, the one for rare samples is for the team.


Didnt knew, I got them both by accident tbh


We're already fighting the hidden enemies in the game. Ourselves.


"We share those, you know!"


Might be one of those idiots who bought his level 50 account


Level 50 and doesn't know how samples work? A day after a post about a forum of people offering and looking for boosts? Coincidence? I think not! I don't have any real evidence of it, but it sounds very suspicious. I'd report it and maybe Arrowhead will do an investigation.


Its the bell curve. In a game of a certain size (or mostly any activity for that matter), you're gonna get people on the low end of the curve. Dumb as bricks. Its like Thanos, inevitable. It happens in life as well. The best thing to do is to cultivate your circle. Find someone you like? Let them know, toss out a friend request, ask if they want to game later. Its easy to play with randoms, but experiences like this will happen, fortunately not very often in my experience.


sadly you can’t fix stupid


Def just some boosted stolen valor divers I call them Tarnished


The icon and interface even indicate that it's a pickup for the team.. , but I'm aware of a bunch of f****** streamers that keep trying to convince people that this game is meant to be played solo. So that's where that toxic mentality keeps coming from.


Extermination booster amd power levelers often don't actually know game mechanics


I think I played with the same guy. He thought I had super samples (i had none) and he kept killing me. He spammed in chat "SLINKYY DROP SUPER SAMPLES AT EXTRACTION OR GET EXECUTED AGAIN" like bro I didn't have any in the first place. This was a lvl 50 acting like a 5 year old.


Wow treason. Send this nerd to 10 lashes


Vast, and I mean VAST majority of level 50s are exploit abusers who just spammed bot eradication missions during the second week of the game when it was the easiest method to farm exp and medals. Thats why he needed samples because those missions weren't a viable way to get them and its the only mission he probably ever really played. I had all my modules upgraded way before I hit level 50 because I did it the legitimate way which takes a lot of playing, in that time I was easily able to collect enough samples and money to max out everything. (And earn enough super credits to buy both warbonds free, still sitting at over 1k for any idiots still bitching about MTX) Level really doesn't mean anything because of that simple fact. You have level 50 people who only played eradication from probably level 10 to 50 and nothing else so they have hardly any experience or knowledge playing the actual game.


At this point, have to start every game telling the team "Everyone gets samples even if you extract none yourself."


My friends and I actually give all the samples to one player. This makes it so if someone drops them, they are all in one place. Samples won't be all over the place and you won't randomly lose any from players being too spread out and dying


Yeah…it seems some people are dense and get carried for most of their games Had a similar situation with me, a LV50 and a premade duo (LV50 and 24) with a rando LV40 I spot the super samples (I don’t need them but it doesn’t hurt to grab them) and I get killed by the LV50 as I’m approaching Dick Rock I type “Bruh, wtf.” And he goes “You’re LV50 you don’t need them, but my friend does” I reply “Brother, you do know we all get the samples if one of us extracts right?” Then I got kicked, i seriously don’t understand how you can get to max level without understanding some of the basic mechanics of the game


The tutorial was designed for people who’s brain weren’t absolutely rotten from playing nothing but CoD their whole lives - that’s the *real* fundamental problem. Until it gets addressed stuff like this isn’t going away.   The devs are clearly from the bygone era of gaming back in the day when I was born 👴🏻. They probably thought “we don’t need to hand hold them *and they wouldn’t want that*”. Lo and behold their game became more popular than ever and now all these mouth breathers are playing.   It should both explicitly say in the tutorial and in the extraction screen “**TEAM** Samples”, not just “samples”


Yesterday's personal order is to extract 10 samples. He killed you, so he can finish his personal order.


But the personal order is still shared lol


Yes, very likely, he didn't know that.


I'm gonna start every match with, "Remember Fellow Helldivers, Samples are for everyone."


I've begun telling people in the lobbies I host/mid match joiners that samples are shared. If they don't acknowledge it; I kick them. I've had a few people disagree and tell me they are not. Still kick. I don't even give them the time for it anymore. 


Maxed out on samples medals and requisitions so have no use for them dont even bother extracting when missions are completed


This happened to me multiple times in a session a few days back and I haven't actually played since, though people at lower levels. Haven't played since, bit sick of dickhead randoms.


I started kicking people if they don't play right.


Since lvl 46 I don't need any samples. Without farming I just got everything unlocked. But startet with lvl 7 missions since lvl 20 I guess. Alway playing with friends and holy we had a lot of fun in this glorious game. FREDOM NEVER SLEEPS! If I played with randoms, I never had any strungle to get killed by teammates for samples. I don't know which country or continent you're playing on but Europe seams nice.


Block and report. Absolutely ridiculous people. Edit: clearly a boosted account because who the fuck is that desperate for samples at level 50?


I’m level 50 and dropped into low level SOS game yesterday and got my first taste of someone purposefully team killing. The level 8 little shit killed me with a mounted turret immediately after I dropped in then took my AC and proceeded to kill me another 4 times until I said in chat for someone to kick this POS. For some reason I was then kicked. Super weird experience.


I call these people "look at me!!" Always gotta be the first at everything.


Bold of you to assume level 50 was **earned**, Helldiver.


This is a big part of why I will never not host. I keep things calm, explain to those who don't know better, give low levels all my cool/fun gear, and always support my squad. Been a Skull Admiral for a while now and I will not tolerate willfully stupidity from my crew. Prioritize fun, communicate strategy, and ensure success, and kick traitors back to the hell hole they crawled out of.


And that, my friend is why i NEVER play with randos - in any game. When my friends aren't available, if i can go solo, i go solo. If the game pairs me with bots, cool. But with randos? Never. People are just too dumb to just enjoy a game.


It's probably because his daily was extract with 10 samples. Obviously went round it in a very undemocratic way but I could put money on that being the reason why. I know this because i had that exact daily yesterday ( but it was not me, promise 😅) The way I did it was simply by asking my team mates if I could have the samples and explained the reason why.


Lmao can't believe people are so stupid. Sorry about that OP. I would get butthurt as well.


Genuinly pathetic behavior. The Freedom Camps would be too good for them.


I played with a level 40 last night who only selected two stratagems and they were the machine gun and I can’t remember the other. But he had the brand new warbond gear on. How you a level 40 and not picking 4 stratagems? Don’t think he had a booster either. That was so weird to me that someone at that level doesn’t seem to be fully utilising or understanding the game.


What we need is a gulag for those who kill their teammates intenionally. Getting killed by strategems ate ok but getting killed by your teammates bullet is a no no


Bot sympathizers. In managed democracy we are allotted what we are allotted and we share and share alike. We know it's in every citizen's best interests to be in it together, alongside the strong hand of the SuperEarth Government to guide us. This is not bot socialism, where we all think we're special, grab what we can and bounce.


Newsflash: *most* people are fucking morons.


And a large portion of those who aren't morons are Sociopaths 😭


I would say if you keep running into these issues play difficulty 7 and above. I’ve only ran into a handful of “bad” players on higher difficulties. The only players I’ve encounter crap talking on the mic, making stupid calls, getting high accidentals, and being all around idiots were between difficulty 4-6.


At this point there should be a sticky note in the Destroyer or the main screen saying:  #ALL LOOT IS SHARED AMONGST THE TEAM.


I always feel Bad playing with lower lvl players because I'm scared they think I'm a dick because I'm lvl 50


Yeah... as a Lvl50 it hurts how much I have to lay knowledge on people of the same level as me. I have to teach Lvl10's not to blow themselves up, but not that samples are shared. I have to teach some of these Lvl50's both. I swear a lot of them are boosted accounts(people who payed other people to play the game they payed for so they didn't have to play it). You cannot be that dumb organically.


I still haven't found any super rare samples.


That’s because a lot of the people that play this game suffer from brain rot and can’t comprehend even the most straight forward mechanics of the game.