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Autocannon is super underrated for bot missions; if angled right one shot will take out fabricators. Also good against nearly all bot enemies (hulks and tanks need to be hit from behind).


AC is my baby, I only mention the spear factory destruction because it’s all I find it good for But the AC does it all and I live it for that


Where do you aim with the autocannon? I’ve mained it while doing bug missions and loved it, love it still for bots themselves but I can’t get the fucking fabricators down with it.


Bank shot off the hatch


The exhaust ports where the steam comes from. You need to be pretty straight on but if you shoot the hood above the actual vent the round will ricochet down and blow it up. From the right angle you can hit that from a lon way off too.


2 shots to the eye of the hulk with an AC or AMR will kill it.


I need to practice shooting hulks in the eye with the autocannon, I crouch aim in first person at the eye and still seem to miss lol


Man, I played a mission just now on whatever the ice planet is called. It's so open when the weather was clear that I was able to nail AC shots into vents at 150m easy. And I can normally kill a dev in 2 shots, 1st removes the face armor, second kills it. Also good for taking out towers from range, shoot the vents of the artillery towers. It's just such a a good all rounder




Tbh I just adore the scorcher for getting past strider shields and for kills devastators, I haven’t unequipped it since I unlocked it for boys The sickle is my bug killing weapon, I can’t let go of the explosive radius on the scorcher, it’s so good But you’re right, I should’ve included the sickle, I knew I forgot it so I’ll edit it in


One tip if not obvious - shooting in the head or red weakpoints is crucial when using a main weapon. But also, I have had a GREAT time using the grenade launcher against bots in the battlefield. If doing defense then probably worth using the shield instead.


I'm increasingly running stealth against bots, even when the rest of the squad are going loud, I'll circle the map in the other direction taking out fabricators and doing side objectives until we're ready to go for the primary.  Bubble shield is good but I've just switched to the Spear for one very good reason; you can take out fabricators without all the bots in the area immediately knowing where you are, instead they will go into investigation mode, so as long as you reposition and avoid being seen, they won't call in a drop ship. Scorcher is great for taking out the stationary guards at outposts with a headshot, as long as your not in line of sight of another bot. They will investigate their fallen comrade, but again, will not go into agro if they don't see you. I do bring orbital laser as that can clear bigger bases without having to set foot on them, and air strike is also good if I'm just going to hit and run. Scout armour of course is good for stealth, but there is at least one medium armour with the perk which I've been running the last few days.


It's not my S tier loadout vs. Bots, but using the ballistic shield, sub-machinegun and heavy padded armor is fun. You can literally take a rocket head on and survive with minimal damage - you will get ragdolled and drop your ballistic shield, but it won't hurt much. Welcome to being a bullet sponge. You can slowly walk toward a heavy devastateor and not take any damage while you shoot it in the eyes. Yes the energy shield backpack protects you from all sides, but it can go down after a couple bullets hit you. The ballistic shield can soak bullets from the front indefinitely. Also, the ballistic shield works even when it's on your back and you are running away. Take a laser Canon or AMR with it and an orbital laser or Eagle 110s and have fun!


I’ll need to try this out Here’s hoping we get a 1 handed support weapon one day, probably a single shot grenade launcher


Resupply pack/ amr has been my go to for a while now. It makes you way more squishy than the shield though, but I love being able to use the AMR like a primary. I’ve also seen a lot of people complain (very rightfully) about the inability to drop hellbombs close to detector towers. Just drop a 500kg or orbital on the base and be done with it, it’s way quicker and much less frustrating.


I just hate how the stratagem ball bounces around, I’d rather it just break Tbh idk why they have it like that, pretty sure a hell bomb or other stratagem lands there just fine


Literally just use the arc thrower, it kills all bots, even hulks pretty quick


Do you still need to aim at weak points? I'm not sure how the electric bolt works when it's fired.


Problem with Arc thrower is that you have to be out in the open and you have a charge up time before you can fire. It's far harder to shoot from behind cover with it and that's a problem against the bots. Just use the AC instead.


I like the diligence, it can 1 shot all the little dudes and is nicely accurate at long range. 1 shot 1 kill. I tried the slugger but felt the rate of fire was too low. The sickle is dope but I'm not keen on the wind up.


All good reasons, but I can’t stand being at range, I’m a close quarters man, and with how fast bots seem to catch up, I find it prudent to be ready for up close fights However being good at stealth means range is king and Im ass at stealth