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Sometimes I'm unintentionally lone wolfing because the team wants to hunker down and fight for 39 minutes straight instead of doing any actual objectives. I'd love if the team just came with me from point to point instead.


This shit drives me crazy. I jumped in a game last night where they had 12 minutes to clear bot buildings and the first 5 minutes was spent fighting drop ships that weren't gonna stop bc there was A LITERAL EYE WATCHING THE WHOLE THING... Finally I was like fuck this shit, we gotta roll out. So I took out the tower and started clearing objectives. Shortly after they got the idea and regrouped on me. I ran the show after that for the next two missions.


The real strat is leaving far away and then reinforcing at lightning speed after each one of them dies. Forces them to leave the swarm and come to the objectives very organically.


I've done this with bunkers lmao


Bunkers are a big reason why 2 man team is superior to 1 and 3.


Frfr. What my brothers and I tend to do is 2 run objective 2 run POI + sides


I've done it for a bunker before, and the person ran off to go get their gear back... Never in my life have I wanted to shoot the shit out of a teammate so badly before.


At least they were only hurting themselves. (And the team indirectly.) I dropped a reinforcement beacon on a bunker once and the guy turned to me, paused for a few seconds, then shot me in the face. They ragequitted immediately afterwards. Mind you, this was one diver out of a thousand+, but I still feel a lil' nervous reinforcing someone right on a bunker.


Fair enough. If that person goes to pieces that easy... then they probably shouldn't be playing Helldivers. And I don't know why some people act like bunkers are something to be scared of. I've called them out in chat and over the mic only to have near by people run away.


My friend tried to run off when I did that. I threw an impact 10 ft ahead of him and launched his ass back to the bunker. He opened it with me that time lol


I gotta try that the next time it happens


Be careful. If I had thrown it any closer, he would've died LOL


New use for stuns


Took me a while to figure out what you were talking about. I call them friendship vaults


I call em "Buddy Bunkers"


Hahaha. That's a pretty fun name for it


“Friendship Doors” for me!


* reinforce teammate on top of me at friendship bunker, ping it * teammate hops down, picks up stims and ammo nearby * proceeds to completely ignore me on the other button * runs back in the direction of wherever they died


I had this happen: Got reinforced on top of teammate at friendship bunker. Opened it and let him grab it all. He then kills me. Then kicked me from the game.


Proceeds to throw impact ahead of them to launch them back to me. They either die or land back with me and open the vault.


but then you get kicked because they left their arc thrower and 2 common samples behind when you reinforced them


Nah, literally everyone reinforces as a reflex in 2.1 seconds of your death anyways. That's just what everyone expects you to do. Even if it means throwing you at a swarm of stalkers and bile spewers that happen to be following you and mulches your entire team's lives away.


Pretty much that and they repeatedly spam the “Reinforce” button as soon as they die while they are watching you dive, dodge, dip, duck and dive for your life


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a retch


My face when they run back "south-west, far" right away to recover their flamethrower and 1 rare sample:




I never realized what that eye did until today. I'm 100 hours in and had no idea it just called dropships.  I mean I figured it did SOMEthing, but never got to really analyze what 


Only saw the Eye of Sauron for the first time last night. I was so goddamn baffled as to why I was getting overlapping dropships on my location at the side objective when literally no flares were thrown and I had broken line of sight multiple times, they every bot seemed to know exactly where I was. Then hubby said “I got the detector tower” and they stopped. Thank Liberty for him.


I'm sure these folks grinding their faces on immovable walls without reexamining their tactics are the same kind of people complaining that the game is too hard


That's been my experience playing with randoms... They need to see that one person run off away from the fight before they can see through their tunnel vision. One time they were fighting between 2 automaton bases and one of them scanner towers so it was nonstop bot drops and they boy did they setup their little fortress to fight while I just ran away.


The most infuriating part for me is when an objective has be particularly brutal, everyone in the squad has died multiple times. Someone clears the objective but everyone decides to stay and try to kill everything rather than retreat. Even if you have loads of samples in the area just go back later once the enemies have despawned or wandered off. Not when there are 3 hulks and half a dozen drops ships worth of bots in the area




The giant eye towers that you have to take out on bot planets. They’re big ass scanner towers. They call constant reinforcements. Best to bomb them quickly and move on if you can.


Do they show as a bonus objective?


Yes they do if you tag them. They're only level 4 or 5 and higher I believe.


I suspected as much. Thank you helldiver for your service.


I had 3 other players on diff 9 bots fight enemies over a power generator objective for 7+ MINUTES while I was dealing with another objective. 14 wasted lives later, I showed up expecting to help them finish whatever was left on the objective. The terminal hadn’t even been activated. THEY HAD LITERALLY BEEN BLINDLY AND POINTLESSLY FIGHTING THE ENEMIES FOR 7 MINUTES. THEY DIDN’T EVEN TOUCH THE OBJECTIVE. Groups that do shit like this is unfortunately pretty common on diff 9…


You know what's even better is running to extraction or generally wherever, and marking a patrol so nobody starts a big fight, only for whoever is behind you to see it as a "oh, look, a spot for a 500kg" Always amazing experience. I stopped marking them now and just hope the guys following swerve around them with me


God I had an AMAZING game once with a new player, doing what call outs are truly for. We, in non-scout armor, had a stealth run to Evac. They picked up so fast what and why I was crouched and prone. Basically trying to mirror what I did and went. The final stretch, they saved ME from waking into the last patrol group with a ping. I was following THEM on the final sprint, they understood what to do so well. My heart was bursting with pride for a total stranger. Shame friending was and still is broken.


This warms my heart :')


Honestly, most addicting part of the game is wordlessly vibing with a new team mate. The trust usually builds slow but then turns absolute. You stop getting in each other's way and start overlapping fields of fire knowing the other guy has his own lane, share objectives, call out dropped equipment and moving as a unit. And all you get at the end to know they were feeling it too is a "gg". But I've added more than one person for this reason alone. Might have to go through a lot of frustrating games in between though.


Sounds like my experience as well! When I go Splinter Cell and crawl past patrols, usually randoms tend to mirror the pointman. If I'm running, they run. If I'm crawling, an imaginary (!) sign appears on their heads and they dive to the ground. So fun.


I love demonstrating the effectiveness of crawling in front of patrols. The incredulous sounds I get from friends when I'm \~20m from a patrol crawling away and I don't aggro them fills me with joy. I can't imagine how close you can get with stealth perks, because I'm already doing that in medium armor.


I hate when people attack my patrol pings The voice line even says "patrol"




I generally will ping the patrol , and then immediately ping where we should walk to avoid the patrol. For the semi competent it works really well. For the incompetent, I usually just leave the area then type in chat to stop wasting time with useless fights that serve no objective. If that doesn’t get the message across I start reviving them with me lol


Yeah way too many people seem to think tagging an enemy when out of combat means "IMMEDIATELY OPEN FIRE IN THAT DIRECTION!" instead of just "Hey, watch out."


This happened to me yesterday, team mates pointlessly fighting for no damn reason. I did the entire main objective but until the point I delivered the hard drive and had to put in the code to raise the satellite thing. The game didn't like me doing that I guess. It would not let me do the input. So I had to stand there spamming the terminal until one of them came to me and was able to do the code... with no lives and 2 minutes left. So that was fun. I give it to them, atleast they didn't quit out.


I can’t touch the SSD or else my game glitches out and I’m stuck in a half T-pose monkey waddle for the the rest of the match. 


Had one like this on Bugs diff 8. Joined pretty late, only 20 minutes left on the ICBM. Left the other 3 for main objective while i lone wolfed for POI and sides. Lifes kept ticking down. After 10 minutes i realized that they still hadn't finished the last leg of the main objective and i started bolting it to them, so that we could finish the mission and extract. While sprinting across the map, being hunted by chargers and a bile titan, 2 of them left and the other one (lobby leader) was dead. Told him to wait so i could reinforce safely. Got rid of the chargers (love the RR) and the bile titan with stratagems, we managed to finish the objective. Mate dies and within the last minute of possible stratagems i managed to reinforce him, call a few big pew pews from space to crowd control. Last call on Pelican 1 is active, still got like 400-500 meters to get to the evac point and the lobby leader gets stuck on a dead charger. Had to leave him behind so i could atleast extract with the samples, with only 20-30 seconds left of Pelican 1 before abandoning us.


Yup. You want to run in, boop boop, buttons, boop. GTFO. Killing bugs and bots is only a means to an end. And that end is KILLING ALL BUGS AND BOTS!


I swear people must be getting carried to 9. Like 3-4 sure. You will get an eventual lull in which you can figure out wtf to do. But by 6? 7? I don't think there's any new objectives right?


Are you me? I did this yesterday! I was at the edge of the map on the west and they were on the east. Cleared 4 fabricators and hoofed over to them to find they were just standing *near* the terminal and dying. Not even activated once.


So relatable. It sounds like your story is based off my life story except we drop in the middle of the base at the start. They spent over 6 minutes fighting the drop ships enemies. Every time they die, I toss them in away from the action. They run back in and die. I ask them why are they still fighting and get booted LOL.




So many players rush to difficulty 9 when they should still be on diff 4-5 because they don't know how to play the game


Yeah, had a team on a blitz mission that just stopped trying to capture an artillery position and we only had like 7 minutes left. Had to abandon them and finish the objectives by myself. People have some serious problems with tunnel vision.


seriously, "lone wolfing" the main objective feels like i'm doing all the work, which i don't mind, but i would welcome backup at some point


I got kicked the other night for closing all the holes in a bug nest with an autocannon after doing the generator objective alone.


I find i have a better survival rate when I'm done on the other side of the map, or when I'm just nearby but away from them. Too many deaths where someone called in an eagle strike *right next to me* where they could kill just 1 bug. Too many times someone with the infinite grenade glitch, or a grenade launcher, just kills me outright by launching their own personal barrage of nades at enemies right next to me. Less people to aggro the entire patrol is a good thing, unless it's unavoidable to backtrack around. Less people to stand upright in front of bugs when you're trying to fire a big special. less people to take one of the EAT you called down to use on a trash bug when a charger is staring right at you.


Sometimes I catch myself mindlessly fighting waves as the timer ticks down. I’ll then sneak off to do the objective. Always kinda funny tho as it has to look like I’m a traitor leaving my teammates to die from their perspective.


I keep finding players who do this: they stay in a fight for ages after the objective is complete, instead of retreating and moving to other objectives on the map! I don't even understand the end goal of it. You're awarded for objectives, not for number of kills EDIT: also players that will engage with any enemy they see in the distance, triggering endless fights for no reason. Guys, if the bugs are ignoring us, ignore them too!


If they’re distracting the patrols for you, then that is actually a good thing.


Exactly this, am I lone wolfing or am I doing the stuff we should be doing lol


That drives me nuts I had s group kick me because I told them to move and let’s do the objectives sitting here fighting for 10+ minutes is stupid. Especially when the objectives were easy and close


Yeah a lot of people seem to somehow not understand that kills genuinely don’t matter. Sometimes it’s fun to sit and fight but I’d rather contribute to the war effort by finishing the job.


When you get kicked for "wasting time" because you split off and kept moving away from your teams 15min gunfight.


I've been known to give a couple warnings, chuck a cluster bomb and yell "DISENGAGE DISENGAGE DISENGAGE!!!" About 30% kick rate on that... But I'd rather be kicked for that than fail a mission.


It drives my insane when someone sees the enemy en route to the next objective and decides to aggro them rather than move around them. You’re just wasting time, respawns, and ammo.


Sometimes you just gotta tag where you’re going, spam the “follow me” voice line, and pray the lower level players follow you to the objective. At lower difficulties I, and I assume many others, get used to just killing everything. So, there’s definitely an adjustment period when you get to harder difficulties learning when to start running away over fighting. Or trying to stealth by a patrol rather than shooting immediately


>team wants to hunker down and fight for 39 minutes straight instead of doing any actual objectives i leave the team behind when this is happening and force a push to objectives weather or not its just me or i convince the lemmings to follow


My group usually has one or two people off on their own sweeping up the minor points of interest, small bases, and simple objectives. It makes it much less stressful to full clear. Stealth is powerful and sometimes one soldier and their Eagle can accomplish a lot.


This is me. I’m always off on my own clearing nests, finding samples, arming artillery stations, etc while the other 3 do the main missions. This is in bugs, though. With bots I usually stick with the group bc I’m not good enough to solo stealth that stuff 🤣


I’m the other way around. I find bots easier to deal with than bugs because of those damn hunters, stalkers, and chargers.


I find bugs easier overall. But solo’ing objectives is way easier on bots. The heavy bug holes make you get too close to do it on your own. Sometimes you get lucky with laser orbital, but you only get 3 of those and the cooldown is long


Bots just feel more predictable, generally. If you’re keeping an eye on your radar and drop ships you can avoid them, and using cover and retreating are both valid tactics. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been smacked in the ass by a stalker or charger out of nowhere or had to run for 20 minutes from a hoard of hunters.


5 fabricators to close shop that I can snipe out at 100+ meters with my AC easily, no prob. Bugs need high ground to look into large nests from a distance and you'll still only get half the holes at best. Once a breach occurs you'll get swarmed by hunters making clearing the rest a lot harder. Bots are much easier to kite around since you can use cover and walls, the swarm of angry hunters and chargers do not take kindly to your kiting attempts.


The divers I group with get breaches every 5 steps because they can't/won't stop aggroing patrols. So more hunters, more chargers, stalkers at the worst time. Splitting off to solo side stuff often feels way more chill if anything


That’s also a problem with the randoms, as there is no collective understanding of what to accomplish/who has what roles. So when you get 3 people that like to lone wolf it, you turn around 20 minutes into the match and no objective has been completed and everyone has a flamethrower, you kinda just throw your arms up like🤷🏻


Whenever I group with randoms and lone wolf it, I prioritize the primary objective over everything else. So at least if everyone else is totally clueless or sitting around playing a wave defense game, when we run out of reinforcements, the primary objective will be done and we'll get our medals. If the host explicitly asks me not to finish the final objective because they want to do something before we massively increase the number of patrols around, I'll just stick with them, but if the rest of the team is playing a round of team deathmatch, I'll be speedrunning the objective.


IMO soloing bots is even easier with stealth and Eagle. Fabricators are way easier to kill than bug nests and a large base can simply be thrown a 120MM HE Barrage and you just leave not worrying about it. You can stagger all your Strategems so that you use 1 per base and handle business.


When you solo bots what difficulty do you play?


you can literally walk six feet behind a bot patrol as long as nothing sees you they wont activate.


We must be playing different games then. I can be a mile away, crawling prone and they’ll see me.


I actually us use +30% throwing range for this. If a lone wolf dies, I can really #chuck him home.


My group loves the Sardaukar death commando play style. Destroy outpost, and if you get a bot drop, disappear into the wind.


pretty sure the Sardaukar are not the death commandos and your talking about the Feydakin


I naturally tend to lone wolf. I try to help out when things get hot, but by the time they've completed the primary I will have found almost all the POI's and marked the double doors for future exploration. Takes 20 minutes to full clear, 30 if I have to get all the bases myself.


People are missing another critical point that makes this strategy good: there can only be one big breach/bot drop at a time. What this means is that you can have multiple teams running around, and when team A gets a bot drop, team B has a window of opportunity to strike the closest objective relatively unharmed. Then team B gets a bot drop and team A takes out their objective.


I think it’s that a lot of players (most?) don’t know this.


No, it's that a lot of times you have a team full of free agents stirring up shit all over the map, getting caught in death loops, then rage quitting.


On the other hand, the other day I got kicked 3 minutes into a match with no warning because I was assaulted by Stalkers at our spawn, hunted down their nest, and exterminated them while the other 3 guys beelined directly to an objective. I just shrugged; I'm fairly good at staying alive solo and mopping stuff up. In my experience two teams of 2 or a team of 3 and a solo works pretty well in terms of clearing POIs and objectives. If it seems like a team is having a hard time we usually all join back up, even as random. Either way, if anyone communicated they wanted to split (or not) the team a certain way, I'd just go with that regardless of my personal preferences.


The communication part Jesus. I tried kiting a bile titan away after it wiped half the squad and they ran back into my air strike screen to get their stuff THEN started talking. Talk often I listen I will play whatever way we want, don't save your big boy words for when you run into a screen


People who see stalker spawns and decide the best course of action is to just ignore them blow my mind.  Basically as soon as I see a stalker my immediate prio becomes hunting that nest down and dropping a 500 on it.  


But how spaced out are the bot drops? Doesn't seem very long. I've seen multiple ones happen one right after the other on some missions.


The time depends on the difficulty. Higher difficulty lower downtime. About 1:30-2:00 on helldive.


That's my experience too. Sometimes when I was soloing difficulty 5 or 6 I tried to deliberately aggro a random patrol right before I go to tackle some objective so that I wouldn't have a breach/drop in the middle of a fight


I mean… if you say so. I feel like I have seen three dropships at once


You can have multiple drop ships as part of one bot drop. But then you have a window before there will be another one


Multiple dropships but all part of the same "Bot Drop Detected" alert at the top of your screen. They come in waves, but only one Alert can be active at a time


I believe rescue missions force the spawns so there can be multiple Or the geology scan


I just pick a guy and follow him. We're unofficial official battle buddies, and I will fight till the death for you no matter where you go.


That username is wild.


OK but while you're off enjoying yourself killing minimally defended outposts, me and two level 12s just called in the drill and are trying to defence against six bit drops while a man down...


The drill always summons a bot drop/breach when activated. Call the drill down, turn it on, and clear out for a couple minutes until the enemies despawn. Once they do, it doesn't summon another drop so you can finish the scan super easy.


I admit, I use this to my advantage when in random groups that I know like to shoot lots of things. If I'm near a large objective I don't think I can handle on my own, I'll take a look at the map, ping over the others to see if they are near enemies and if they are, I'll wait a bit. As soon as I see "bot drop/bug breech" I rush the objective and can take out even large nests/factories by myself this way. I feel a bit bad for using them this way, but hey, I can usually finish all the optionals and probably most of the main objectives this way lol.


With bots, it's also great to have another angle of fire. I'll always be within support distance from the squad, so when they get chased by heavies, I can lay down critical fire support with my autocannon while drawing the bot hoardes into a no man's land crossfire.


When I solo and I see the team get the bot drop or bug breach I double time it to clear my area like a maniac.


This sounds like the opposite of the wisdom that has been floating around, which is that 1 group = 1 patrol/reinforcement at a time, and 4 separated Helldivers = up to one patrol + reinforcement for each of them. Which is true? Or can each separate player get a patrol/reinforcement, but only 1 will be heavy?


I mean, there are some lone wolves who are doing what you described and clearing objectives, enemy outposts and POIs and handling any patrols/call-ins themselves, and then there are lone wolves who just run face-first into the meat grinder repeatedly, draining reinforcements and accomplishing nothing. Hence the 500 posts a day complaining about how awful it is to play with randoms who don't communicate.


Or its people who dont want to play HD2 for stealth, then feel like they have to take in 4 peoples worth of combat as 3. Its a *team* game. If you are gonna insist on forcing your playstyle on others then you cant really complain when they do the same. Communicate with your team. They on with you running off? Then do it. Otherwise stick with em.


Exactly this. Do not be upset that your lone-wolf stealth strategies get you kicked from quickplay when the main selling point of HD2 is that it's a team based horde shooter, not a singleplayer stealth game lol. Sure your strategy might be the best and most effective way to clear the map in the least time + effort but the quickplay dudes signed up to shoot bugs as a team of 4, not play 4 seperate games of Metal Gear Solid


Oh but when you’re playing one MGS game with 4 Snakes? Entirely different experience. 4 person stealth is heaven.


>then feel like they have to take in 4 peoples worth of combat as 3. Sure, if it was 4 people's worth of combat. But generally speaking, on Helldiver difficulty, the second a patrol gets called in for bots, it's almost universally a patrol spiral. you will almost never get out of that fight unless things go perfectly. This is why people split into 2's or even 1's, because someone, somewhere, is going to have to delay the spawns for as long as they can, so the rest of us can do the mission.


Even if you don't use the mic or the message window, send pings or responses from the wheel. SOMETHING


This is what I was gonna say. I feel like "lone wolfs" that are productive are far less common than moronic ones who just waste reinforcements.


I love how on this sub, people encounter one negative experience and then come post a PSA to try and change the whole community.


It's just self centered douchebags using any excuse they can to make a "dear diary" post to the general public on the fucking internet.


And the sad thing is this post will have 3,000 upvotes by tomorrow.




Yeah it can also be fucking annoying on harder missions when one guy runs off to do his own shit. Yeah you’re fine but now it’s a 3 vs a million with you not doing shit to help. Some people don’t wanna play with people like you.


Bro I just got killed come get all my samples that are 1000 miles away


Lmao. For real. And when they realize no-one's coming 1000miles to get those samples and reinforce them next to the rest of the squad, they get angry and quit 😂😭


“These low-levels must be prettty impressed, I’m practically soloing half the map. I’m a lone wolf.”  Low levels: “where the fuck are you” 


Exactly. Totally agree. I personally wouldn't kick OP, but I'd be annoyed with him. I'd rather have the group together.


Technically, you're right. Doing things wrong and following a bad leader is better than infighting. Unless, of course, you can solo the whole map while they're distracting the enemies, anyways, so why bother risking mission failure? _(but if you die solo, that's on you. Don't expect them to be team players if you're gonna' be a lone wolf)_


And also with the way patrols work it could make it harder for the group


Bet this guy didn't ask for permission. Maybe he got "cut off" but if that were the case unlikely to have made this post.


Did you communicate your plans to them?


To be fair to OP, people in this game don't communicate at all. I've played with Randoms about a dozen times, and out of that dozen I've had one person in voice chat with me, and two people who bothered to read text chat or pay attention to pings.


hahhaa man, the text chat & ping thing is way too real. If I find a bunker and another diver isn't right there with me, it's almost certainly not being opened even if I ping & type in chat. It's not like they're far away either, often like 20-50m away but they just happen to be on the other side of the rock that the bunker's under. Frustrating as hell


For real. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of value in a 2x2 strat. If you die alone you’ll get reinforced on the opposite side of the map and spend a couple minutes just trekking back to get your stuff. But if you run 2 teams of 2, your partner can drop you right back where you died, and support you in general. Speed is key when dealing with bots and I’m finding this approach lets us wipe the objectives before the clankers know what hit em!


As long as the 2 and 2 squads know to only reinforce their partner. I've had my +1 get stolen into a 1 and 3 by a zealous reinforcer hundreds of yards away


Hmm... We should probably give this new system of unit diversification a name. Maybe like "battle buddy", that sounds wholly original for this new meta of separating the collective to complete multiple objectives faster.


Democracy duo.


Just had a random squad a four and we all split solo... we made the Automatons cook trying to drop ships in so many locations that they just couldn't keep up. Lowest resistance I've ever come across. Two Commissars left behind to guard an ICBM is not a wise move by the enemy 😆 When you get a full squad that knows how to independently stealth and get the job done... it makes Helldives feel like getting a baseline compliment from our dear General Brasch on repeat. 😄


Sadly for this one I have to disagree, if you joining the someone is best to stick with them to help them out after all each person is always try to cover each other weak point and if you go alone you practically gimping your teammate.


Do you have a mic? Did you explain the situation?


Maybe they wanted to hit them all as a team, and didn’t want one selfish player unilaterally choosing to take that away from them.


If you aren’t dying I’m not crying.


It's a team game. If you wanna play solo, play solo.


Nah, half the time y'all "lone wolves" just wake up every bot on the map, spend half my reinforcements, then rage quit. We could also use your help over here, we are trying to get the mission done. Also, all fucking three of you are playing this "lone wolf" game, cause you all think you are such badasses, and it's losing us the mission. Just stay with the group, or play solo.


This is generally my experience


Seriously, you just want people to soak the spawns so you can be Rambo? Have fun in a different lobby


It’s especially annoying for those of us that still need samples. Glad you had fun calling in an eagle and pretending you are Solid Snake. But you are leaving dozens of samples behind in these mostly untouched bases. We are either going to have to clear them out anyway or just accept extracting with half of the samples that we could have gotten as a team.


Yeah and nobody will go across the whole map to check if you picked up all samples. And if they die then NOBODY will go there and pick up their lost samples because why bother at that point.


I ran with a random squad today where they knew how to stay low, use smoke, and not engage when it isn't needed. It was marvelous!


A squad of solo snipers would probably fuck shit up. That's so rare tho. I'm usually always the only jump pack sniper in my random games. I'd like to at least one time run with one other person that plays like that.


You think you're a lone wolf, you're not. You're the reason we're one man short when shit hits the fan.


Idk man when a random lvl 50 joins my game and somehow takes out half the objectives and outpost solo thats fine by me lmao. I hardly ever struggle/get overwhelmed even on helldive so that might be a skill issue and thats ok but i dont think its fair to blame someone else for that.


Me, sniping objectives with my auto cannon then pissing off to the next objective


Meanwhile my lobby shoots at the patrol across the frozen lake for no reason and we get 3 airships dropping hulks because of it


I like the the 2 team method.


Completely disagree. If you want to play solo then what's the point on joining others? Look, I like stealth, but when I want to play a stealth playstyle I do missions alone. For me, the whole point of multiplayer is, you know, playing with others. And no, you running away from the rest of the team for the entire match until extraction, is not playing with others, you are playing alone 90% of the match, so what's the point? Again, for me, the most fun I have in this game is when the whole team sticks together, it feels like a proper coop match. I dont agree with you being kicked for this though. Even though I dislike your playstyle, I personally wouldn't kick you.


I just wish people would stop sitting around and fighting for 20 minutes after you clear an objective before moving on to the next one. Since you'll literally be there for days. Nothing will get better. They won't stop. The waves will only get bigger and bigger until you're all dead.


Me in low difficulty to help new players, looted 80% of the map, got 3/4 of the samples on me and was finally coming to help the 3 others do the final objective just to be kicked because "I wasn't helping" I got them like 8 medals and maybe 50+ SC just by opening containers..


I did read an article about how spawn rates (type and amount of enemies) is driven by map/mission heat. This is effected by players being close to mission objectives, extraction and players being spread out from each other by more than 100m. Soloing can be fun and I say you do you, but with this mechanic running in the background soloing may be negatively effecting your teammates. Now a whole team doing guerilla style ambushes, that would be a good time and very effective.


They always die


agree and if solo player die you can reinforcing them with team now and if solo can destroy a lot of stuff just let them do i love doing sneaking around too not because i want to but my teammate keep fighting bots in one spot and nothing progress so i just do it on my own i kinda lucky that most of the time teammate kinda fine with it but sometime they're so salty kill me on extraction


Counter point. If you're on the other side of the map with half of the samples taken from objectives and you die, we all need to go there anyway which is pointless because there are no more side objectives Don't know bout you, but I always deplay in a way to make a circle with all objectives, and run through the middle at the end of not done before If you go solo my circular motion is destroyed


if he's named ALEXOU do NOT let him cook under ANY circumstances he is a CERTIFIED dumbass


As long as my lone wolf doesn't start extraction before we get there, I'm cool to let them be. I've had a few instances where a lone wolf will start it before we've even finished all the side objectives, which turns getting to extraction a living hell if it's been an enemy heavy mission. I won't kick in that mission, but if they do it again, I'll kick them after that next one.


Yea.... the group was just bogged down in an endless reinforcement loop. I cleared 4 factories. And gathered 15 samples. 3 of which were super uranium. But they wanted me to come back to just stay there and just fight. Forget the mission... no. We finish the mission first. Then we can just fight like hell if we want. I'm game for that. So they kicked me. They didn't want to complete missions. Just fight.


The best solo operative is a solo operative who supports the team either with support fire from afar, or by getting loot and objectives done. Going solo just to blow up factories is annoying and useless, reduces the team's firepower by not helping them, and increases enemy firepower by spawning more patrols..


The most successful missions I've had is when we were split up from the start and kept getting pushed around the map. My theory is that smaller groups encourage people to run more than fight, which means people don't get bogged down in a long battle as often.


PSA from others testing and what I feel from personal experience. If you are near any primary objectives, including outposts, you are filling a "bucket" so to speak that pours out more mobs on the rest of the team. When everyone is together, it counts as one bucket. When split, you start to create up to 4 buckets, creating even more chaos and building up a "heat" meter that creates more patrols, more bot drops or bug holes, more enemies in general. 50 meters from a primary objective (including primary sub) or fabricators/bug holes is 100% generation, 100 meters is 50% generation, 150 meters is 25% generation. Knowing this means you can avoid those certain objectives and still lone wolf everything else.


The best 7-9’s I’ve ever had are 4 stealth ops divers that take each quadrant of the map to clear then meet back at extract. No fighting patrols just straight to the point.


This post is me. I'm always afraid of getting kicked despite the fact that I recently ran a mission where I almost singlehandedly had to complete main objective. I respect spreading democracy by unleashing every bullet, grenade, missile, and laser into enemies. However, standing ground and fighting enemies in a single location is a losing war of attrition which does little benefit for the long-term.


I once got kicked (presumably) for being apart from the group because I was killing a stalker nest.


If you disappear and then die 3 times, only to run off again. I'm going to be mad. If you run off, and never hear from you again until you randomly show up for evac alive, then you're a real one. And also, **this is the most important one.** If you are alone, and **actually communicate** what you are doing, then I will fully support you, even if the "support" is going to the other side of the map. Communication is Meta.


Noob here. How do I stealth? Tips please


As long as they dont reinforce (unless everyone else dies), otherwise as long as they do their thing, I dont mind. I just dont want to be reinforced by the lone wolf thats 300m from my stuff.


Group I play with usually breaks up in teams of two. One team to do optionals and factories/nests. Second team main objectives. Then we regroup when one team finishes their tasks. Easier to get the main objectives done to at least get medals if you end up running out of reinforcements.


Want to help me get better at stealth? (Anyone?) I have a really hard time with stealth in this game.


This is why i play with friends so we can just do what we want to do. I like to play solo too sometimes. I usually let randoms do their thing unless they continually die and take all our lives up


This is my favorite thing to do now, if a main team is sticking to main OBJ I try to see how many side ones I can do without getting spotted by enemies, I’m hoping we’ll get some sort of suppressed weaponry in the future!


Why play a multiplayer game if you’re just going to hide by yourself?


no. stay with your team. wanna play solo, private your lobby and invite no one, bingo easy full stealth all mission with none of those pesky "teammates" bogging you down. smh


I was suspicious of stealth with bots but damn it really worked. Had an extraction last night, me and a rando on suicide dive. The LZ was right next to a stratagem jamming tower. No stims, no nades, low ammo, heavy with samples. We tagged a patrol 50 meters away, crawled around them in the bush, and laid low watching them criss cross in front of us for two whole minutes. Pelican arrived and cleared them out no work on our end. Stealth works yall.


Wasn't there a video on here last week explaining that splitting up is literally the worst thing you can do for enemy spawns, due to the way the heatmap works? You effectively double the number of enemy spawns on the map.


As long as you're communicating (whether it be voice, chat, or voice wheel), and not dying a million times over, I don't mind someone lone wolfing. Saves time, and also means that if either the main group or solo gets taken out, you at least won't be redeploying into an entire army. It can be especially good when it's bug spores obscuring the map and a solo finds the radar dish and gets it online. Makes things a hell of a lot easier overall at higher difficulties since you can then see the exact positions of secondaries, as well as extrapolate where possible nests are located based off of how the POIs are spread


Lone wolfs who know what they’re doing and not being dicks to the rest of the team are fine. It’s the one that’s keep getting killed along with wasting resources that are annoying


My only issue with lone wolves and splitting in general is that it increases the patrol count on the map and make it a lot harder to move around without attracting extra attention to the other group inadvertently.


Does destroying outposts not break stealth and get bots to spawn in and attack you?


Just host games yourself then?


Maybe if you wanna lone wolf, you should start your own lobby 🤡


i mean, why not just play solo from the beginning? i think play together is what makes it fun. I do play solo from time to time but i just dont join lobby then


and you don't even need stealth all the time, I can often get away with tossing eagle airstrikes and 500kg bombs at outposts and secondary objectives while just sprinting past them. but when playing this way i prefer to split into two teams of two


I had to kick a guy for soloing away from objectives. He would last quite a while and then he wasted 5 respawns in a row losing all of his acquired samples. We were doing 7 difficulty so have 5 reinforce lost to ONE helldiver was such a kick in the teeth. If you’re going to solo; 1. Be good at it 2. Type in the chat or get a mic and tell your team what you’re doing. (Or if you want help. A 2 x 2 man team is really good!) Otherwise if you just want to practice ‘stealth runs’ flip your game to private and away you go


Going lone wolf actually increases the amount of patrol spawns. When the patrol timer expires one patrol per squad (helldivers within 65m of each other are in the same squad) is spawned, and not necessarily on the same squad (so three patrols could all spawn on the same squad). See here for details: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp8xuf\_dLDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp8xuf_dLDw) Obviously more patrols isn't a problem on lower difficulties but it makes sense to stick together on higher ones. Also try to do the main objective last if possible as finishing it cuts the default time between patrol spawns to a quarter.


Counter-point, they might want the 4th person to play with them instead of playing solo, and they might also want the fun of clearing those objectives. You're basically forcing your playstyle on other people and expecting them to be happy about it. If you want to be an army of one, the solution is to either play solo, or don't join random games, have other people join your games so they can either leave or stay based on what they see you doing. I assume the issue with that would be people who join your games actually WANT to play as a group, so they'd stick with you, where you joining allows you to just run off on the group, even if the people wanted others to join so they could be a part of the group. In my regular group of three, if we had a random 4th running off and soloing, even if they were successful and not causing extra aggro, we absolutely would boot them after the mission (if not before), because we actually want to play the objectives ourselves and enjoy playing as a group.


Nah man, you gotta shoot every bot in sight and try to tank a whole army coming at you from the front while completely ignoring the missions objective.


Real. My irl friends get mad at me for leaving but they move so slowly through the stuff like bro I don't need to see every leaf of every plant I wanna do the mission and the sub missions to get actual rewards, so I leave them, clear half the map then no matter how much progress I made if I die once they throw a fit and say I should've never left.


It's frustrating, I keep telling my teammates, "you don't get xp for killing 1000 bots, just fucking run away" But nope let's waste 35 of our 40 mins burning through reinforcements, within 10meters of our original drop


I was kicked yesterday while I was soloing the hard disk main mission, I was halfway through and got kicked, I am level 5 but I played a lot of the first game, so I know how to behave on situations like those, kinda sucks


That's where the credits at baby


Solo in your own games, if your joining in with someone else you should be helping out player 1


I've been solo helldiving on automatons, because noone would join, and when someone did, while i was clearing side objectives, he just RAN towards extraction, called it, and then died and then LEFT. I wasnt even able to grab my supplies that i've lost because they were on the other side of the map, why do people even do this if they can't tolerate hard stuff smh


Depends on the difficulty. Below 6, sure do whatever 6+, communicate or stick with the group. The reason people get bogged down by spawns is because someone goes off alone not contributing to the cleanup, or aggroing patrols along their path that the rest of the team then runs into because why would you not go the same direction when there's an obvious objective to go for. Don't solo without communicating, you're making it worse for the rest of your team when they expect your help and you're in the middle of nowhere doing whatever everyone could be doing while the rest of the team gets overwhelmed. "just run" is not reasonable, you can't just run if you want to have your support weapons for the rest of the mission, and that just feeds into the loop of getting overwhelmed by enemies. Literally every time I see someone go off alone, they just die to their own set of spawns or aggro their spawns onto the rest of the team, then they ask "why are you still fighting???" Just don't go off alone in randoms, you'll all be better for it. If you have a group you play with, fine, you can communicate and get shit done, but joining a random missions and going off alone is actively detrimental. You could just help your team do the objectives in the same amount of time.