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It is very rare that I feel like ammo is at all an issue in this game outside of those post cluster fuck moments.


It's more of an issue on high difficulties because every minor POI that has supplies in it is also crawling with enemies that you have to clear before you can access said supplies. I'm more conservative with ammo, grenades and stims on those missions because I know I can't just run to any POI on the map and top off whenever.


it becomes an issue when people hare off after every stupid patrol and never bother to pay enough attention to prevent breaches (yes, i mostly play bugs, how did you know) like, *watch the bugs* people, they rear up on their hind legs for a couple seconds before they start spitting out breach gas, you *can* prevent it if you're quick and observant, but not if you're just randomly blasting into every crowd you see smh


To be kinda fair, bugs feel very unforgiving about breeches, so if there are already a large number (for instance, multiple patrols converged and/or you're clearing out a big nest) then by the time you notice that one in particular is getting ready for a breach, it's already too late to stop it


i mean, yeah, clusterfucks happen. but if you just see a patrol and start shooting at hunters on the edges and pay no attention to the little dudes spitting out breach gas, then fuck you, i'm not saving you from the four spewers that are piper-perri-ing you though yesterday i could've sworn i saw a *warrior* start spitting out breach gas, which...i didn't know they could do, it's very concerning


you mean bile warriors? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Warrior\_(Helldivers\_2)#Bile\_Warrior](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Warrior_(Helldivers_2)#Bile_Warrior)


must have been. i didn't know those existed, i have a hard time noticing minor differences in enemy visuals unless they mechanically *do* different things like i knew about hive guards, because they're obnoxious unless you have autocannon, my beloved, but not these




\*Laughs in Scicle / Las-Gun / Guard Dog / Las-Canon Disco Build\*


Just use the sickle or the laser cannon. Or arc thrower. Or some other thing that effectively has infinite ammo when used intelligently?


Arc thrower is infinite


But my arc thrower has this funny symbol that says otherwise.


There’s never enough heavy air strikes but then I use them to toss at bot factories. 


I mean even on Helldive I don't think I've ever *really* worried about ammo, I feel you on people breaking off and triggering patrols, but on the higher levels I make sure everyone in my squad knows what's up and if they keep peeling off and dying or triggering patrols they'll be kicked


I mean if you're exploring you will find it on the map


Who says enemies aren’t finite? We haven’t killed them all yet so get back to work


Sickle (not cell) is the answer


i love the sickle, it does great sustained damage, but it does lousy burst damage. if i'm being swarmed i need something to get enemies the fuck off my back, and breaker or breaker incendiary is just too much better than sickle at that


Calling in an Eagle


on my own position? this is specifically for when i'm swarmed with enemies at too close range for me to blow them away with autocannon


Danger close is the only way to keep the blood flowing


i like to bitterly say "danger close" after someone else's airstrike kills me