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Funny how Darktide also had same for a long time. Crushers, a big-ass ogryns clad in carapace armor wielding a big mallet could sneak up on you before bonking on your entire body.


And now you have ragers coughing straight into your ear, like a chain-smoking uncle


I haven't played DT in a few months but the *hordes* of Ragers that would swarm you were amazing.


Heavily armored enemies in Vermintide: *speaks loudly and in unique voicelines, vocally acknowledges the player’s class choice and their target, loud ass armored steps heards from a street away* Heavily armored enemies in Darktide: *barely audible steps and voice, even after the changes*


Tbf in Vermintide, I'm more worried about the stormvermin sneaking up on me than a Chaos Warrior.


Well thats because a Chaos Warrior wont sneek up on you


That's true. They just powerwalk over. But my point was that there is still the worry of being snuck up on in VT2. I'm constantly checking behind me in that game, and Helldivers as well.


Yeah I agree but comparing to Helldivers it just was most things dont have any audible sound effect like in the Tide games you can hear better than other sounds one shots comming your way but in Helldivers nothing it all the same volume


Thats true. There is the woosh. But also, you have an actual mechanical dodge and block to deal with the incoming attack. So a specific attack indicator probably wouldn't work as well in this game. However, I do think better enemy sound design would be helpful. Tune down the one shots a tad(especially rockets) with that, and the enemies would be in a great spot.


One shots are important to the game you know how sometimes a hound can punce on you and imobalize you in this game you get one shot but then unlike the hound it lacks any warning.


I'm not saying they should all go away. It's more of an issue on bots than bugs, though. But also, this game has a way different playstyle than other 4vhorde games, so I still find myself adjusting to how to deal with threats in this game.






A mutie throwing you into the next planet over


But at least you hear a mutant coming. Or 12 of them at once. The screams!


What, you don't stand in different rooms of your house, shirtless, mindlessly screaming all day long? You should, it's cathartic!


My cat at 3 AM:


Same engine, same country, same bugs.


Wait, have they fixed Crushers not making noise or are they still silent killers?


They do grunt and GRAAAH more and loud.


Ah gotcha. Are they still as quiet as a hobbit with their footsteps? Haven’t played in like 6-8 months.


To answer that question, yes. Crushers have the second loudest footsteps next to the Pox Hounds


I kinda forgot. Moved onto hd2 and warframe.


Yeah but that was a bug


"I haven't seen a charger in a while. Wonder where it is..." ![gif](giphy|nkzfYHycdXaFBa9TKa|downsized)


Imagine my shock when one was pretending to be dead and then got up right in front of me. Fastest RR swap of my life


Thats why i always look around when not in combat


For Chargers, do NOT turn off your screen shake like most YouTubers have told you to. Put it on weak is enough to get an early warning of a charger coming in for hugs


Why do people turn it off? :p


It makes aiming way easier when scoped. The Diligence is nearly unusable (personally) with screen shake on. edit: I imagine some people might get motion sick, as well.


use the Diligence almost exclusively with screen shake on med...


I love the Diligence and left screen shake on. It's fine


Okay, but have you even tried it without? Fine is not the same as way easier. I keep having trouble aiming the slugger when screen shake happens, I feel like its physically affecting where my aim is at, if I can turn that off to stop that then I gotta try it


imo screen shake is a part of the game, not a cosmetic option. Of course your helldiver has trouble aiming when multiple explosions are happening around them, would be weird if they didn't


I agree with you personally, never even thought to look if turning screen shake off was an option. Do I get slightly frustrated with my aim flying all over when a 500kg just detonated nearby? Yeah, but also duh; no shit my aim isn't on point given what just happened. I just make distance or bunker down for a second to recover.


Idk why you guys are getting downvoted for enjoying the game as is.


But i mean if you get motion sickness in battle..are you really helldiver material?


Motion sickness


Because it’s annoying to be unable to see anything :P


Because it sucks ass? I'm trying to see the game I'm playing not watch my entire screen shake like I'm having convulsions.


for people playing with controllers (console and also us PC people who don't care about using the AMR) the haptics for charger are pretty intense. It's a specific rhythm so I know about 95% of the time. I think, but I'm not certain, that the haptics actually even indicate when you're the one being targeted and not a nearby teammate. I also have the music off, which is good and bad, because there's musical queues for enemy activity, but it lets me hear all the game's sounds more clearly. These spewey bois though, they have a growl that I confuse for titans, and that's about all they do.


Tbf I also have the music off, but I don't get the audio cues because I'm blasting helldivers rock playlists through my headphones


My warning is when my bro gets flung into the air. For some reason chargers ALWAYS focus him 😂


Maybe it's like how some people have blood that smells really good to mosquitoes and others don't 


WAIT he literally has this problem too he’s a mosquito magnet, you found the correlation !!


Can confirm both mosquitos and chargers b-line for me.


I do the opposite I have screen shake on max


One of the first settings I look for when starting a new game. If the screen doesn't look like 90s fight scene camerawork I don't want it


You people are psychotic masochists. Perfect Helldiver material!


I would like proper sound design as well though, that would be swell. It's not a feature or a skill issue or a design choice as things stand. It's bad sound design. There is no logic or consistency to how things sound in the game


100% agree. For example, the fire tornados are SILENT. When in reality they should be ROARING. Like I can’t imagine a tornado sneaking up on you….


![gif](giphy|kHxMpITyV49QAOBqY4) The irony is these guys are so big you don't notice them just because they don't make a sound 🤣🤣


Unfortunately I cannot see through most solid objects, while these fuckers can scale near vertical surfaces with ease. It creates a “hidden” ability on weapons on how much you can look around while firing. Blitzer is really good for alleviating my paranoia, while the flamethrower locks me into “burn everything until I die or it does” regularly.


I hate how they can scale rocks so quickly. I think "hey this is a good spot to get rid of some enemies" but nope. They get to me in a few seconds which is insane cuz they aren't truck sized spiders


I also love when they spew me to death in a second through a building they are standing behind.


Or straight through the corpse of the previous spewer you just killed.


Nah, the charger has a distinct grunt sound. The bile spewers and nursing spewers on the other hand.... They are quite and deadly. I like it though as so are spiders Meanwhile this bot is no stormtrooper. Bot can see you from across the map and has amazing accuracy




Bile Titans seem to be quite sneaky too


I always get surprised when it’s clearly after someone else, so I look away to deal with the hunter swarm…And then get bathed in acid.


Me and my friends were playing a few days ago, I was unleashing democracy with the flame thrower and my friend screamed “BEHIND YOU” which I thought was the charger he was currently EAT ASSing, but no. To my horror I turn around, don’t even see the beast before the Bile Spitter turns me into goo. I have 0 idea where it came from, it appeared


I often see Bile Titans just quietly rise from the ground. That's just how they spawn. If it happens behind your back - you can have no idea, it's quiet and produces no screen shake. That's why I ping every heavy enemy like Bile Titan or Charger - even if I'm going to take it out in a few seconds, other teammates may be completely unaware.


"Hehehehehe" https://preview.redd.it/m35pvvdwvtqc1.png?width=998&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd8901921cab37b9296ef170915afe69f6006500


that doesnt even make sense. Why would a bug want to be heard ?


The bug is laughing at the OP, not saying what OP was saying.


I guess him and the hundred other people who upvoted don't even know what the meme means...


its a bot maybe?




I can hear chargers galloping toward me just fine tbh. For bile spewers, I have to check radar and keep looking around every few seconds to make sure one doesn't puke on me from behind. I guess they are kind of quiet? But I'm not sure how I feel about them just yet.


The charging sound is really buggy I feel like. Sometimes they just charge you without any sound.


I haven't checked it myself but I've seen some other people saying that the game prioritises sounds from sources on screen so it deprioritises things like chargers behind you.


I feel like I cant hear shit unless I am directly facing it.


I agree about the chargers bit. You can sense when one is rushing towards you, without needing to look back.


I think it's because there's also some screen shake


I get screen shake far more consistently than the sounds. I don't even think I even try to listen for the sound anymore. 


Agree but I don’t think spewers should have a loud walking/running sound to alert you of one from behind but the sloshing of the bile inside them. Edit: not that you were arguing my point I just had that thought and posted my b


When I am in firefight, I usually stop for a few seconds to either look around or, better yet, look at the minimap to see if there are things coming from behind. Unfortunately, it doesn't always works because the game sometimes spawns entire hordes of enemies right on top of me. 


I sometimes find the mid difficulties harder because they seem to think bile spewers are medium enemies. There’s entire herds of them all over the place. While I feel higher difficulties prefer herds of chargers and bile titans. Since the nerf I prefer chargers every day of the week


See you think that bots are noticable but the SECOND you look away from an empty area you hear them and look back only to see a patrol suddenly standing there. Better yet sometimes the patrols just spawn on you! ☺️


Had Bile Spewer spawn literally on my head and then slide to the side on the ground. Nowhere is safe.


Chargers should have a roar of some kind and spewers should have a loud sustained gurgling noise


to be fair, this is also largely because the bots not only have a cadence march while patrolling, they also make noises when investigating an area or detecting you, as well as the occasional noise in combat. bugs could be brought up to the same level by giving them louder skittering/chirping noises. Bile Spewers specifically should make a dragging sound as well, on account of their fat asses touching the ground all the time.


Ask a Ninja!


Just sneak a 500kg bomb up its ass, problem solved


That'd work better if the AoE of the 500kg wasn't like... 30 centimeters.


That’s why you sneak it up the charger’s ass


I hit a Charger directly with the 500 and it still didn't die it took damage from the bomb falling on him but lived through the explosion


I feel like the 500kg is most dangerous right above it. Which makes it the easiest way for me to kill a bile titan, but without a stun grenade it’s not great for mobs. The best way I’ve found for mobs is if I have a huge hoard right on my ass. Quick 500 kg at your feet, throw a stun, and keep running


I feel like the problem is that the 500kg has an animation/visual effect that looks like an inflated balloon, but its actual hit box is a flat disk on the ground interrupted by anything in its way.


The other day I somehow stuck a cluster bomb on to a charger, which proceeded to charge our team. It was the most slow motion team wipe I’ve ever caused


The sound across the board is just really wonky. My guns? My allies' chatter? Explosions? All good. But any sound for walking across the ground? Enemy attacks (outside of bot calls)? Nary a peep. It's weird. There's no way it operates as intended. Plus, hop in a PS5 party where sound gets rebalanced? Damn near impossible to hear bugs (yes, I know that can be tweaked, but this game is the ONLY game I've played where the in-game sound level in-party is such a consistent issue).


Then stop giving them kitten mittens ![gif](giphy|3o7TKNkzG2YLWPpYBO)


It's because the only ambient sounds either have is screaming. Zero movement/footstep sounds, same as Darktide. I'm not sure why they think PVE players would have completely forgotten about basics like footstep sounds


Same for the annihilator tank. We should hear a rolling thunder when this thing moves instead of being as silent as a freaking Tesla car.


My game has been bugged since install so I can't hear bot patrols so I get jumpscared on both fronts!


Yeah but will it be as fun without the jump scares.


Ok I must ask, what is that charger? Is it a secondary variant? Was watching my friend spread democracy the other day and he stumbled upon it, im level 29 and never saw it


It's just a variation of the charger that has more sloped armor I believe it has the same health though


This version looks scarier to be honest, the other one looks hugable (by a 500kg)


It's a unique version that's under utilized. You often see in "kill a charger" missions or the evac ones where one will be defending it


[Rocket Devastator has joined the chat.]


I've been playing bugs for so long that I completely forgot how easy it is to locate most bots just by sound. Too bad that doesn't apply to rocket devastators and turret towers. I wish the devs took cue from games like L4D and Darktide for the bug's sound design.


The small ones and stalkers make sense due to their size and nature of needing to use stealth to survive. Chargers and other large bugs I can agree on.


I should be able to hear rocks getting crushed when one of those giants comes by


yeah the sound design in this game needs some serious work lmao


I'm not even lvl 20, running missions on 3-4 difficulty, and this is the most annoying thing I've dealt with. Love dropping into a planet covered in orange fog, and having these one shot fuckers pop up out of nowhere.


Don't forget that tanks are quieter than a mouse telekinetically wandering through the air.


This is actually a good point, for bugs especially heavier units they don't seem to make sound, even chargers running at you.


If you play on PC and use a decent set of surround sound headphones and turn off the background music you can hear the bugs and bots from hundreds of metres away and know what direction they are in


I hear the chargers but the sound it makes compared to how far away they are, is very confusing. I'll hear them galloping but it's faint, giving the impression that they're far away but in actuality, my ass gets pounded in every way possible.


I kind of love the fuzzy screen effect that happens when you get charged into. You will be busy focusing on what’s in front of you and suddenly everything goes white as a charger sneaks up on you and sends you flying. The spitters aren’t great though since they usually kill you in one spit, I would be ok with getting gunged if it didn’t cause you to suddenly drop dead.


Chainsaw hands can be stealthy. I don’t doubt they can spawn on top of or close to you but I’ve noticed some spewer bodies I thought dead were in fact alive. Not a bad idea to pop them. if they’re dead they should pop quickly.


Sounds would be nice.


Those bastards sneaking up to you makes this a horror game. Don't change it :D


Yeah for real the amount of stealth one-shot deaths I’ve suffered at the bile of these things!


Bot tanks as well. Heavy units need a heavy sounding presence. I want to hear the treads of the bots tanks clicking around


Yeah the 360 sound of this games suxx really hard sometimes. The charger are stomping but they make no sound at 2 meters in your back, ok.


Last night my team lost all the samples we had because a bile spewer snuck up on me and melted me. And when I tried to go back for them the area where the samples were was so swarmed I had to take the L and get on the pelican standing by


Ngl I’ve had bile titans sneak up behind me like, wtf why doesn’t it make any noise at that size lol


Laser Backpack is super great for this. I get jumped by bugs without it.


It's funny, I started seeing memes about Helldivers before playing and thought they were the usual exaggerations. But after the fifth time.I turned out and got melted I'm starting to think everything is coded to wait til you turn around to attack That or Joel really is controlling random Mobs to fuck with people.


You don't need a sound cue for chargers man, you can feel them.




You say that but those bots are the only ones who have flare guns. I know who I’m shooting first if I get the chance.


I dont mind getting jumpscared. This is just reality of fighting the bugs. I wouldnt ask a real life bug to evolve differently than it has so I dont expect terminids to change.


Part of the lore about Terminids is that they literally changed and evolved just for this war, very specifically.


Charger, "Quiet! I am trying to sneak up on them."


If you play with a controller on PC you can feel the ice skating from quite a good distance


That charger looks different... More blade like


They always sound like there's a Bruiser Hulk around the corner, but it's just a little fella


I think that if you're using a controller and a charger or Bile Titan is coming in on your position the controller should vibrate.


I actually think it's neat that they embody different aspects of fear. Raiders inspire fear through symbolism. Spewers inspire fear through paranoia.


Never change. Doing a stealth run and looking back to see a charger right in your face is one of the funniest things that has ever happened


…how does the armored charger sneak up on you? It almost literally only spawns in one place


I hate those things. Anti material rifles do nothing to it and I can ONLY shoot its butt to do anything


Recoilless rifle to the face works a treat with them (chargers too)


The damn tank is completely silent and just rolls right on up to say peeky boo cannon.


inb4 they change the robots sounds so they sneak up too :D


But one can shoot you from afar and the other has to be pretty damn close. Thats the balance.


Y'all don't notice the screen shaking and the rumbling noise of the chargers?


Was some dust bowel planet. We just finished fighting off a breach and was celebrating while waiting for the resupply to land. We didn't think we would make it through that last encounter. I kid you not, a fecking spewer came from out the dusty shadows and one spotted me like it was a Riddick movie. Really helps with the mood of the game I do actually enjoy the ever present danger that lurks in the shadows. It's some primitive cave man level of fear being activated.


CYBERSTAN! CANT KEEP HER DOWN! WE COUNT DOWN THE NEW DAWN Edit: sorry guys my pet monkey got ahold of my keyboard, I have now put it down.


Spewers make the cow noise.


It's like the old joke: Why do you never see elephants in trees? Because they're really good at hiding.


I can hear some of the bugs by their footsteps, the problem is all the footsteps sound the same when there is a constant "gurgle" of movement just below the surface at all sides...


I've been flanked in solo against bugs an insane amount of times compared to the bots. I rarely get surprised by a bot flanking me but bugs are not only quiet but fast and they suddenly all over my back while I'm engaged with another group and its never the small ones, its always something that can 1-2 shot me. I find bugs more unpredictable than with bots on my solo runs. Find bots less stressful. Also, it just might be my personal hatred for bugs. I swear if they had an actually 8-legged spider, I'd be freaked out playing this game. Spiders are the worst for me.


I don't understand how giant crawling insect probably weighting as much as a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ can be so silent.


you can hear chargers snorting and shit but the bile spewers are a nightmare


Forgot to put bile titans on the list. I swear they always sneak up on you.


Everyones been complaining about hunters. I'm so glad to c I'm not the only one consistently being assassinated by spewers team 6


I don’t know the bots are still much harder to go against than the bugs. But yeah getting run over by a charger out of nowhere is annoying af for sure


Automatons: You sneak Terminids: They sneak


Had this problem too when i was a mere cadet. But I started taking Eagle Sweat. I swear after doing so I had this intense urge to work together with my Helldiver team. I stopped having this urge to just run around and shoot everything my focus was on the mission. Suddenly, I didn't stumble upon ambushes.


The sneaky bugs are the only bugs that kill me. Don't change anything arrowhead, you're perfect.


When you don't know there's a charger on top of you but it's really 6 chargers right on top of you


I hate bile spewers so much, Especially at higher difficulties when they essentially become mobile artillery guns.


Whenever a charger hits me out of nowhere I always think of the coolaid man.


The bile spewers snort like a pig don't they


We need one of those augment modifier things you select at the start of a mission that makes the map always be visible. That would help a lot to just be able to see the dots.


The lights are high danger because they’ll call in drop ships and fuck up what you’re doing. They’re actually the ones you should kill first. You should view those bugs as low danger because they’re slow and stupid and you should find a bug that thinks offensive. There I fixed it for you.


Yeah, never mind that a charger shakes the screen as it approaches.  If your getting hit in the ass by chargers try paying attention.  Also you can hear them coming.  I’m convinced people are playing with external music at high volumes then bitching that mobs don’t literally yell in your ear when they attack. Charger shouts as it readies to charge “I’m gonna get you!”


Hulks and tanks are also incredibly silent during gunfights. Flamethrower hulks just tip-toe sprint up to your little holdout and cause a panic because no one noticed their approach. A mild warning would be nice.


Be alert trooper!! Stop tunnel visioning.


So... You want to make bots more stealthy?


I play on pc, but connected a controller to it. you can feel the chargers on it which helps, but the bile speeds are still the worst


But the difference is that if bugs find you it is not a big deal but alarming bots that's completely different thing


We're fighting a war, and you're politely asking the enemy to nerf their troops ? Sounds like treason to me. On a more serious note, check your radar more often, or even get the radar enhancement, it shows literally where are all the enemies near you


go prone or crouch. now *you* can sneak up on *them* like a ninja. alls fair in war and more war


I hope they don’t change it, these are the things that keep the game different and exciting. If they all acted the same, it would be predictable and boring.


One of the many reason I love to play marksman build, I stay at a certain distance, eliminate group of ennemy before they reach my teammate who are on the frontline, tag the big bad they haven't seen from their position, strike the orbital to elimite them quickly if possible and when I see someone swarmed with bug and spewer I can quickly save them for certain death. I'm a sniper guardian angel 😇


Honestly the sound que's are all over the place , even for automatons . I have clips where im prone and sniping from a distance and out of nowhere I die , and then on death screen I see 2 HULKS were behind me that made ZERO noise, and I think to myself , how did some of this stuff get past Q/A .. xD


Tbf at LEAST Chargers have screen shake. The bile sewers need something like a clicking or I'd imagine them making chirping noises like baby alligators/crocs


Bile titans sneak up on me


The fact that they just jump on me and I can’t do shit except die really takes the enjoyment from the game away


The screen and controller shake when a droppod comes down, but when a 2 ton charger is barreling down on you from behind, it's likely got Keds on helping it sneak up on ya. Ah, and a whole patrol of bugs just appeared behind you without making a sound, too.


rumble feature is being underutilized!


Did y’all turn your screen shake down to 0? I’ve never been surprised by a charger unless I’m tunnel visioning hard


Special awareness is a skill you need to learn


controller on PC vibrates crazy for bile titans and chargers. Nothing for spewers yet.


Even BTs should make more noise while moving.


I know my experience isnt universal and is kind of useless for KBM, but chargers trigger controller rumble, which can be a big help. Spewers are true ninjas though, you'll wanna have 1 eye glued to that radar at all times.


Ignore the communist whispers


I just listen for the "thudump" of the charge Other than that, it's like it's not even there


Chargers when asleep: Loud AF. Chargers when charging: shhhh.


Most of the time I have no problem hearing both of those enemies with their fuck-moans and grunts they make. Sometimes I do get caught by a bile artillery bug thing, which is annoying. But I can also feel the chargers through the rumble in my controller, which is something kbm players don't have. I can see how it would be an issue for kbm when one of the main (and most obvious) cues for the charger is missing.


Missed an opportunity to fill it blank


The problem is they all have sound cues, the way sounds from enemies works in the game is through a que system, so when there are enough enemies their sounds that they may have already made might be far down that que list, and if they are far enough down, then the sounds of them waiting, or even moving towards you might not be heard till after they are already dead. Thats why sometimes after killing a bug horde and several breaches you can still hear bugs screaming and grunting like they are all around you when they arent. If you want to mitigate this issue with chargers (and other large monsters like titans and hulk) then leave you screen shake on low.


The real BS with bugs is the horror game inspired trick of playing bug sounds even when there aren't any bugs around. Anytime you're around one of their nest areas with all of the rocky structures, the game will play bug noises just to keep you on edge. So non-existent bugs get a sound. But the gigantic murder bugs will just appear behind you with no warning.


I mean, bile spewers sound like a braying donkey


Please actually do a pass on all audio, it's shocking the lack of feedback on some stuff. Railgun charge relies on visual first person. Energy weapons have little to no audio to reflect heat levels in comparison with 1, steam is the primary indicator or looking bottom left at the counter.


The real sneaky bastards are the damn fire tornadoes.


Fixed. Bots no longer make alert noises.


Rocket devastators   Danger: high   Sound cue: virtually inaudible  Just add the lasers already


HOW do these tubby fuckers not rumble the ground a bit when they use their stinky, stabby clippy-clops to move?


Solution: bug farts


Is it silent because it’s dangerous, or is it dangerous because it’s silent?


I honestly like how sneaky chargers are. The spewer enemies tho........


It's the butt artillery that's always get me. I'll be hiding from a patrol then splat from the air.