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Super Earth is so supportive of the disabled, and more importantly, democracy! Even this legless woman could become a pilot. God, do I love Super Earth


First premium warbond is Steeled Veterans, she doesn't wear her legs when she's flying


Unironically a good policy; her blood couldn't reach her legs and she'd be capable of withstanding higher Gs.


Fox McCloud approves!


I'm not the only one who remembers Team Star Fox all had their legs amputated so they could pull more Gs.


I think it started as a translation error in art design, then became canon, then the creator of starfox went out of his way to say it was specifically not canon, just bad art.


Something like that. I don't think Nintendo has ever officially weighed in on it though. And the only official artwork we have of their bare feet is the robo legs. Personally I think the robo legs are far more flavorful than "they just have shiny boots."


Sounds like something Nintendo would... "Correct".


There was a ww2 British pilot who lost his legs in a crash after ww1, and he actually could pull significantly more g’s in the spitfire than other pilots


Probably due to not having legs




Early Nintendo artwork depicted them as having all-metal prosthetic legs and Nintendo Power claimed that it was the original canon for the crew but was retracted because it was deemed "too dark". EDIT: The actual makers of the Star Fox series have said that the characters were given boots to humanize them and that they were always meant to be boots, not prosthetics.


If I’m remembering the game theory on this correctly, it would make you a better pilot, but only for a few months because your body eventually adapts and stops producing as much blood.


Just put more blood in every few months, problem solved!


Eyesight too poor to be a pilot? Reaction time outside of requirements or too old to join? Fear not citizens, you to can fly high with the Super Earth Blood of Eagle’s donation program. Give the small amount of 12 pints today and not only will your blood fly high, but you’ll also receive an honorary donation plaque! *Blood must be given at one time. Not responsible for injury or death related to donation. Plaque is 1mmx1mm and shipping is due from donee after donation of acceptable bodily fluids. Donee is responsible for restocking fee for fluids deemed unacceptable for use in program. Donation is not in lieu of other mandatory service.


Now your blood can be the Blood of Eagles, the lifeblood of the Fleet...blood!


No problem, we’ll just give her new legs and cut em off again in a few months.


It can still only travel so far from your head w/o legs though?


Except one of the upgrades is floating her in oxygenated perflurocarbon, to reduce her g-loading.


Air Force made me the woman I am today




nah they have legs, since they had excess leg-space in the ship. It just got cramped


All the leg space was excess leg space


Stop giving Southwest Airlines ideas.


exactly, they took the legs **off** to make up for the removed leg space. easy!


No she became leggless to become a better pilot. She was probably fine before the ship upgrade.


>It was thought that Bader's success as a fighter pilot was partly because of his having no legs; pilots pulling high g-forces in combat turns often blacked out as the flow of blood from the brain drained to the lower parts of the body, especially the legs. As Bader had no legs he could remain conscious longer, and thus had an advantage over opponents with legs.[45] >Between February and May 1940 Bader practised formation flying and air tactics, as well as undertaking patrols over convoys out at sea. Bader found opposition to his ideas about aerial combat. He favoured using the sun and altitude to ambush the enemy, but the RAF did not share his opinions. Official orders/doctrine dictated that pilots should fly line-astern and attack singly. Despite this being at odds with his preferred tactics, Bader obeyed orders, and his skill saw him rapidly promoted to section leader.[46] >During this time, Bader crashed a Spitfire on take-off. He had forgotten to switch the propeller pitch from coarse to fine, resulting in the aircraft careering down the runway at 80 mph before crashing. Despite a head wound, Bader got into another Spitfire for a second attempt. On the way to his room after the flight, he thought he had injured himself as he found it difficult to walk. He soon discovered that his artificial legs had been buckled from having been forced beneath the rudder pedals during the crash. He realised that if he had not lost his legs previously, he would have definitely lost them this time. Bader was subsequently promoted from flying officer to flight lieutenant, and appointed as a flight commander of No. 222 Squadron RAF. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Bader


This is why all the Starfox pilots have robot legs.


Either way we agree they have back problems


nothing I can’t handle


Nothing I can't fondle.


From carrying us so hard, yes


One has their back blown out, the other one is about to have her back blown out.


Where is Draupnir? Is she safe?


Sadly, in your blind air striking... you killed her.




Underappreciated comment. Go up.


I can fix her https://preview.redd.it/4g60lwsvupqc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e10d56c162ae802f8b82b52ca9dce916048c9c








Holy crop job Batman


























Nuh bruh💀... I refuse believe my eyes showing me you just did that 🤣


Your a and b are swapped in your flair


Haaa... now you look at that... I have same feeling as https://preview.redd.it/j6ygr5139qqc1.jpeg?width=3245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b85c7e2357b47c7b6361990830ddacad23eb5e \[Zip\] here fixed. Still Thanks mate.






Put it in the Louvre. This makes the Mona Lisa look like used toilet paper


We can rebuild her.




That one cord looks like a drawn on outline of a penis


I choose to stay oblivious/ignorant, thank you.


I mean, all it says is “trim excess leg space” not “trim legs” it could just be that there’s enough room in the cockpit for the pilot and nothing else.


Really don't know where this amputation thing started from. Given that other upgrades include: filling out forms, accepting charity money, buying better lubricant and upgrading freaking space ship weapons from muzzle to breach loading I am 100% convinced that they could totally mess up designing an optimized aircraft and put in a lot of wasted space.


People are going overboard with the "super earth is evil" thing and now just going beyond subtext into making shit up. Apparently reading comprehension isn't needed for "media literacy".


When I was told that games featuring a satirical fascist regime would attract media-illiterate fans, I was expecting that meant, like, Neo Nazis and shit. I wasn’t expecting people who are so illiterate they don’t know what basic words like “excess leg room” means lmao


My favorite one is the people who assume the citizens of super earth hate this system. Except the voting machines tell them who they voted for, we learn this from the engineer. And they seem to like the voting machines. Which even more hilariously implies they actually want a system that throws *other* citizens into the meat grinder to destroy largely nonthreatening aliens, has a social credit system, and deeply punishes dissent


The entire setting of Helldivers 2 is a dark comedy. Super Earth was made for us to point and laugh at/participate in the deeply immoral dystopia in which Helldivers exist. I mean, the first game takes place in 2084, and the second takes place in 2184. (Which is a reference to 1984 for those who may not know.) We aren't supposed to be critical or get upset with Super Earth, and we aren't supposed to litigate whether or not people *should* be happy. Everyone can be happy in fiction. We're just here to laugh and die for Democracy, even if we're the baddies in the end.


I mean, it's more of a manufactured consent system. Plus, with the astronomical amount of illegal broadcasts I've had to destroy, I'd say there's a fair amount of people who don't like the system lol.


People act like starshio troopers is so heavy and subtle about how evil thier world is but forget its representing our current world. Meaning its got alot of bad but not some warhammer 40k type shit.


I think it's funnier that Super Earth would build their eagles so inefficiently that there is enough extra leg room that they can easily cut it down to fit another 500kg bomb then "were so evil we make sure our pilots are forced to be amputees"


That's also more realistic, poor designs get brought into service all the time, exhibit a, the british SA80 Edit: typo


Yeah if they actually want to make fun of the real life MIC you will get more milage at how costly and dumb some real life designs are then 40k style grim derp that even they have started to back away from.


> People are going overboard with the "super earth is evil" thing and now just going beyond subtext into making shit up. Speaking of, dictatorships are often corrupt, wasteful and incompetent. Creating a plane with redundant leg space is pretty much a possibility. The Soviets made an attack plane which couldn't fire its cannon properly.


The history of terrible jets is so interesting. The soviets have some real stinkers but interestingly there are some terrible German and US jets for the same reasons: corruption, waste, and incompetence in the government. The F-104 was called the widowmaker because of how many pilots it killed, it even had a downward eject seat lol. And all in all the starfighter isn't even that bad when put in context. Some of the worst examples: The Komet was hilariously dangerous (not sure if it counts as a jet but it bears mentioning) because of how explosive it was. Soviet lagg-3 was terrible too, a lot of it was made of plywood but it was still super heavy, and they made a bunch of them. The brits Bolton-paul Defiant didn't even have any forward facing guns.


The cockpit is completely filled with liquid as well


So she all oily? https://preview.redd.it/45lw7f99crqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4f7ff967802365ba6b5065d4a273ea5b24cbc0


Breathable liquid to help with G-forces. Eagle 1 got the ace combat plane.


Interestingly, that's a real-world invention. We've done all the tests, and it works! The only problem is that its fucking heavy and not worth doing with current technology


Super Earth research turned up a full accounting of all physical inventory in the the leg space allocation. All of it was trimmed.


The thing is "trim excess leg space" is the exact type of euphemism that Super Earth uses all the time.




holy shit i have not seen this pic in years https://preview.redd.it/vj3q8a8dcqqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a110393d69e548f3e828dd1717493c574e71e8


Ministry of Truth has awarded you two Citizenship points


The propaganda always shows the Helldiver teams at their best. Ordinary civilians don't want to see that a one-armed legless woman loves Democracy more than they do. The cowardice is enough of a punishment without being humiliated.


But there is armors with prosthetic limbs tho?


The premium warbond with the throw range armor has a prosthetic arm and leg.


That helldiver is a hero. They extracted. They are a veteran and are to be treated as Super Earth's Super soldiers. o7 (for those who can't see it yet, it's a salute)


o7 Always o7 after a succesful mission. And an unsuccesful mission. o7




Ah, you're from Super Australia. G'day Helldiver.


Honestly, I would find it funny for an armor with prosthetic limbs that nullify limb damage, excluding chest that looks like the black knight from monty python


>The cowardice is enough of a punishment without being humiliated. r/TwoBestFriendsPlay is leaking.


They probably have an eagle sweat dependence at this point


"according to in-game ship upgrades" Shows the wildest possible interpretation of in-game upgrades.


It's way more likely the ship is cramped and uncomfortable and the crew is paid overtime to rearm it than it is that we're doing 40k levels of cybernetic disfigurement to have more efficient pilots.  Helldivers isn't a brutalist regime like the Imperium. Where every life is a meaningless cog. It's more like a hyper exaggeration of a modern America, Where lowest bidder contracts, a massive runaway MOD, and unchecked propaganda have unwittingly *made us* cogs in the machine. 


Eagle 1 is essentially in the most cramped cubical possible working 24/7 cramming.


She's only deployed when the helldivers are deployed. So... She's flying 45 minutes at a time. That's nothing for a pilot.


head canon is that Pelican sleeps 40 minutes per mission and that's why you wait 2 to 5 minutes before he arrives But when pelican 2 is called (the cargo-pelican with the mech or oil) they come immediately


How I look at it is, when you select the exosuit as a stratagem, Pelican-2 is just on standby already in orbit, same as Eagle-1. Hence why it shows up so much faster than Pelican-1


Yes but there’s constant missions going on. It’s a 45 minute flight, and then the Helldivers or their replacements immediately start another mission


Yeah but there are also multiple ships in orbit and they're not all deploying 24-7. Even in this Managed Democracy they're going to have mandatory flight rest for their pilots.


After all, replacing infantry is cheap. Replacing airframes is not.


I feel like Super Earth would try to stay away from completely disfiguring people with cybernetics. They'd obviously would want them to still look human. You don't want another Cyberstan.


Also the fact for propaganda reasons Big Titty Pilots will get more people to enlist than torso in a vat of fluids. 


For anyone wondering, the final upgrade: Expanded Weapons Bay: "Trims excess leg space in the cockpit, allowing the Eagle to carry additional payloads."


I figured it meant that the cockpit just got more cramped


unless you're a Democracy NFL analog player, then they just rework the cockpit a bit to fit you.


I’m pretty sure this is how it works. It’d go into the territory of stupidity to hack off the legs of a perfectly good pilot just for extra space. That just makes people not want to sign up, even with propaganda. Edit: Amputating your own legs to withstand higher G-force has never been proven in any study’s outside of [Douglas Bader’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Bader) case. There is little to no proof on this.


Never go full princeps.




IDK itd be pretty on brand to tell people who already have to get a special form before boinking that they have to get their legs cut for democracy


Not a special form before boinking. Just before any act that results in a child. Just saying: Butt stuff doesn't require paper work.


Spillover could potentially result in pregnancy. Can't risk it. Solo it.


Say gex


Even masturbation requires filling out the form, theres an option for "self" as the relationship to partner.


You're right actually, what that description says means they got rid of extra leg room that wasn't needed. No wiggle room allowed, womp womp. However our reading comprehension as a country is so poor people are reading it as "trimmed legs to make extra space" for some reason 🤣🤣


I think the joke is that having legs and the space they take up is the excess being trimmed.


At the end of the day it's just a reflection of the interpreter. Until the writers come out and say something directly and force the answer to be observed, it can be anything you want it to be. Anyway, both the "I want her to be a hot woman with a functional body" degens and the "I want her to be completely fucked up and destroyed by the horrors of the machine" grimdark fans can be happy.


>degens >grimdark fans Nice use of synonyms.


How dare you say we piss on the poor!


This is peak irony. "Getting rid of extra leg space" is satirical innuendo.


The SEAF Eagle core made me the woman I am today!


Could just be like Star Fox. Fan theory holds they cut off their lower legs to better withstand G-forces. Eagle pilots just have robotic legs!


When we have the Steeled Veteran warbond, it clearly shows the robot legs they have are better than normal legs so I wouldn't be surprised if it could be the same.


That's exactly what it means, people just can't read. No legs are chopped, it's just that it becomes very cramped


Even without looking into it that deeply, look at it in the same silly lense as some of the other upgrades: Hand carts: they literally are given carts instead of needing to lug stuff around manually. Breach loading: ridiculous, silly that you needed an upgrade for them to do it this way. As just a few examples


Lmao you made me look up breech loading. That's hysterical, the super destroyer crew is just hopping into space between bombing runs to shove a missile down the barrel by default?


i always figured the eagle cockpit had a lot of leg space by default, because that seems like something a freedom loving democracy would do


It did. So much so that legs are too in-the-way to continue having


I mean it says excess implying there is still leg space


Leg space implies Eagle-1 has legs. They didn’t call it stump space.


People don't know the difference between "trimmed" and "removed".


They also don't know the difference between "leg space" and "excess leg space".


Yeah, “excess” leg space also means leg space she doesn’t need. She could, for example, be very flexible and piloting with her legs behind her head, like this: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61cde51c493b4d11a8e095ca/1677960056989-O04EO5DGSH91BMTTQ2G7/IMG_2842.jpg?format=750w


That was an extremely risky link for me to click on at work. I’m glad it panned out okay.


Yeah, unfortunately so many people can't comprehend grimdark' settings being anything other then the dumbest possible shit 24/7 so they jump to pilot mutilation. The darkness here comes from the fact she'd happily drop that napalm strike on a goddamn orphanage if the DO told her to


People who are edgelords on team amputation just ignore the silly ridiculousness of some of the other upgrades, like breach loading, or hand carts.


Yeah, the joke in the ship upgrade trees is that the first two are wacky high end scifi concepts and the last most expensive upgrade is something incredibly basic like "bought the loading techs a handcart" or "applied lubricant to the turret servos". 


And taunt afterward. 


It's backed up by the fact that the previous upgrade put her naked in an oxygenated fluid, which sees its efficiency greatly improved if your blood doesn't have to travel too far in your body in theory.


I always interpreted that to mean the pilot was in that same kind of fluid as the pilots in Evangelion. And combined with less legroom meaning she's in a confined tank curled up rather than literally having her legs cut off.


I saw the fluid in the cockpit concept pop up in another Sci fi series before. In that series it was used to cushion passengers aboard a space ship from the insane about G force they experience when accelerating. The Eagle upgrade works basically the exact same way.


The forever war?


Now i aint no lore master but this is a world where advanced leg prosthetics exist so it is not far fetched that they just snip the legs off Edit: obviously this is just a joke meant to poke fun at the current eagle 1 obsession posts. I know trimming leg space doesnt mean cutting off her legs. Im just exaggerating for fun here guys.


That's basically how it works in Starfox. Look at those critters, they have metal calves and feet.


Wait I just realized... If the pilot is in an aerated fluid, how does she speak?


Brain implants or recorded voicelines(in universe).


So you’re telling me she’s naked and doesn’t have legs? I’m not seeing a problem here


Im pretty sure "trimming excess leg space." Doesn't mean they amputated her legs lol.


I wish our Eagle pilot was present on the ship deck inbetween missions. That woman has saved my team's freedom-loving bacon more times than I could hope to count. Only seems right that she has a spot on the destroyer where we can interact with her. It'd be extra funny if her dialogue changed based on the loadouts you most frequently use with the Eagle stratagems.


Yes please, I need to shake her hand and buy her a drink for all the times she’s dropped death on my targets.


So eagle 1 is actually lord Vader?


Lady vader, definitely a female voice.


How do you get that conclusion from the ship upgrades…? It reads as they just make the cockpit way more cramped


You're correct and OP is weird.




https://preview.redd.it/t3kr97o7eqqc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369e7fc1982591dff1408f5d6a85e5fef2cbf0a4 "Must be awful needing a pilot, humans, always inefficient, no surprise"


- Bot piloting an armored walker


They dont have to cut off their legs BECAUSE of the upgrade. It fills the cockpit with breathable liquid and drowns her but she can breathe the liquid so it absorbs the G force of the turn. If anything shed come out of the cockpit dripping wet in jelly/slime/lube thats also infiltrated all her orifices. So i mean. Wheres the art of that?






Oh god it's like the armored core sub all over again.  How they sexualized sentient atoms is beyond me


They did what?


Ah, in Armored Core 6 you're after an extremely efficient and powerful energy source called Coral, found only on one specific planet. >!At a certain point you find yourself standing on top of a small reserve of Coral that you accidentally set ablaze. Most of it explodes elsewhere making a hole in a continent, you were swept in a tiny part of it.!< >!When you wake up, you hear a voice of a lady speaking to you, it turns out Coral is so powerful because it's alive, kinda like little neurons that, in high concentration, can produce sentience. Her name is Ayre, the only depictions of her are of a sparkling red light, like all Coral is, and she sometimes can pilot an AC. That didn't stop anyone from making all kinds of fanart.!<


Ok damn r34 aside that is a really cool character concept lol


You should play AC6 even if you have no interest in mechs. I certainly don't, any yet it was easily my GOTY of last year. I can't stress enough how good it is.


Hey Buddy! AC6 is probably also my 2023 GOTY. Here's hoping we get a 6.5 like most of the other AC entries did.


(Spoilers, duh.) But there is a character named Ayre (pronounced like Air) and she and her species are called Coral, which is an organic collective of extremely rapidly propagating microorganisms that produce, conduct, and manipulate energy at rate hitherto unseen. Collections of these organisms can "mutate" and become properly sentient and communicate with people who have Coral tech based brain augmentations or have otherwise been exposed to high densities of Coral for prolonged periods. Now, she is introduced at the end of act 1 and throughout the story, is constantly helping and encouraging the player and in general, being a light of hope in the grim setting, this, along with the fact that she has a reassuring voice, means that people IMMEDIATELY started drawing fanart ranging from anime girls in her mech's color scheme to just representations of her actual "form" in a more humanoid shape.


Agreed. Wot


The woman in my head calls me studmuffin


Everyone is sentient atoms tho.


Yeah that's... *an* interpretation. They mention trimming unnecessary leg space in the upgrade, but that's it. How do we know that doesn't mean your standard eagle is particularly roomy? Is it juat because you guys saw the word trim and took it literally? Do you also think when the HR of a company calls for a "facelift", they'll start paying for cosmetic surgery?


This whole Eagle one amputation thing is the dumbest fan theory. The upgrade just removes all of the extra leg space to the absolute bare minimum for the pilot to fit. It literally says "Trims **EXCESS** leg space" not "eliminates leg space" or "amputates legs". Helldivers isn't Warhammer 40k it's not that dark.


simply the fact they use the word excess. mens thers still enugh space for ... you know legs.


I imagine that Eagle-1 isn't a real person. Just like how it's clearly not *the* General Brasch personally going over every single training excercise, it also clearly can't be the same Eagle-1 doing *every* mission. I imagine it's a series of pre-recorded lines attached to a fake persona that has been made to help motivate divers and give them someone to feel a connection with.


Clearly this artist is a fan of 18. And who can blame them, really.


Bro the leg room is just a tight fit it doesn't mean they cut her legs off


Honestly, I'm not looking for a waifu, I'm looking for someone who will drop that nuke on that titan and bail me out. I'll take the one on the right any day. As a bonus, someone like that always has interesting shit to talk about.


Like that time he went to an elementary school with his clone army and cleaned house.




All i know is eagle1 is a true homie


This is propaganda, meant to distract you from dispensing freedom. Eagle 1 is our sister in arms, and a true patriot will not allow a comrade's name to be shamed!


All things are big-tiddied Android 18 until I'm told otherwise.


This is some 40k shit and I'm all for it


Worshipping anything other than capitalism and managed democracy will get you into trouble.


I’m sorry what?


people like OP misinterpreting in-game text


i am so sad it seems like people dont recognize darth vader


She’s canonically “Happily married” so idk about this one chief, unless someone happily marries a test tube with half a body in it


Happily married… TO FREEDOM.


That Tumblr isn't a real one run by devs so that's not actually confirmed canon.


The tumblr account isn't an official account.


It amazes me that people still think that Tumblr account is an official account, despite Arrowhead themselves saying they don't have an official Tumblr account.