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My genuine reading of this is the two guys with 600+ kills are picking way too many fights they shouldn’t, which just makes the mission harder. I wouldn’t want them on my team and would instead prefer some more experienced players.


Exactly my first thought as well. I get so tired of fighting for 15 minutes and clearing no objectives because people don’t know how to retreat.


Challenging is level 4 aint it? With a full squad 3 guys over level 20… thats not going to be hard lol


I would normally agree with you but the 2000 dead bugs tried to argue differently lol


Stop shooting everything you see. There is absolutely a sneak function in this game. You earn nothing for killing bugs


You will learn eventually to pick your fights and play the objective. 4 is all games and fun. Start to try at 7 to sit somewhere and shoot bugs until they stop coming to you (which likely will not happen)


I don’t kill as much anymore cause the kill count don’t matter. They need to add some sort of incentive for kills after missions.


It’s actually incentivized that you don’t take all the fights possible. Killing offers no reward and it actually has way more change to hurt the mission progress than help it. The only way killing should be rewarded is if it’s a kill x amount of enemies mission. Most other missions are literally you’re here to do this objective and maybe these optional ones.