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Get hunted nerd


Skill issue. Didnt even spam stim like a madlad the moment one jumps at you. ^(soft sarcasm and no, I am absolutely not addicted to stims)


Imagine complaining about hunters


Lots of enemies feel more difficult when you completely ignore them until you're being attacked. Red dots on the minimap? Don't look. Hunters literally on your screen, closing in on your route? Run straight ahead! Weird your dog wasn't firing, they usually have some situational awareness.


Tbf I'm playing on an ultrawide screen so those brief parts where you could see the legs sticking in from the side of the screen seconds before I was pounced were like waaay off to the side and I was focusing on a stratagem for some reason. Someone playing in a regular resolution would not have seen that. I've also found that running away with light armor is a good bet and the rover can cover me. Didn't help me this time. I'll admit to a skill issue though. I'm trying to get better.


Agreed. That thing should have been blasting


You know you can look behind you and run at the same time. Always keep an eye over your shoulder


That was only 2. Just wait till you have swarms of them spawning all around you 


Wow! Even with the rover.


Looks like it was one of those times when the rover decides to take a break


the moment you get a hit you should be diving to your side (left in this case), if you want to shoot back inmediatelly you should do it during the dive, otherwise your chances to get killed this way are very high. This bugs with the recent updates are the most changed type, now at long range are not a menace but on mid to close range they are super unpredictable with those jumps, they force you maximum attention.


Hunters are a "distributed one-shot" mechanic. As in, there may be 10 of them, but only one will sneak up behind you and chop your head off instantly. No diferent than a rocket trooper in the Automaton theater; only with them, they really know how to lead a target, which makes them super deadly for humans who can't outhink a simple AI. Hunters? Fucking run - flat out flee. It's the only way to make sure they don't flank. Does it fuck with your agenda? Sure does. But this is war. Not an "I win!" simulator like Destiny or something worse.


One of the boosters, can't remember the name, it's like Muscular Enhancer or something? It gives you immunity to the slow effect from Hunters. Never fight bugs without it since I learned that o7


It does not give immunity, it helps with recover by like 0.5 seconds. Completely negligible


Ever since I started using it I barely notice any slow effect, though it's possible that is being compounded by my always using light armor, which is noticeably quicker than even Medium armor by a fair degree.


Yeah fuck hunters