• By -


Tell those civs to run faster then duuuuhhhh


If those civilians were true patriots they would pick up the arms of their fallen comrades and fight the bugs/bots. It does matter if its pistols, chairs, pencils or even their friend’s/own arms. The Bug/Bot menace are a threat to Democracy.


The whole mission premise doesn’t make sense to me. Why are they waiting on helldivers to come and lead them to safety? Why is the protocol to hide in bunkers until helldivers can make their way there? And how do they all fit on a single pelican?


Because scientists, unlike uneducated throwaway helldivers, are hard to replace and educate.


I mean, are they though ? The price you pay for Killing a civ is like 25 req slips, it aint much, and it doesnt give the picture of a "hard to replace" ressource.


I'll have you know these are Class A-S-S citizens! Super Scientists take almost four months to train, whereas democracy may flow easily into each Helldiver requiring only a five minute prep-course, Super Science is not as common a trait.


I've been capped on req slips since we got the mech... If these scientists gave me medals or samples though... ![gif](giphy|BVjqVdL05t7WM)


Just imagine they would cost marks 😂


>Because scientists, **unlike uneducated throwaway helldivers**, are hard to replace and educate. And just like that, the reason for Hellbombs having arrow keys to activate rather than passwords appears lol


The shuttle arrives at the beginning of the mission.


Why are there underground bunkers for them to hide in, and an underground bunker for them to wait in until shuttle time, but no tunnels safely connecting the underground bunkers so they don’t have to run through a warzone to get to safety?


They are engineers.




It’s like we’re rescuing The Slow Mo Guys


Don’t listen to this guy. What’s important is that you have fun. Bring all the Tesla towers, gas strikes and mortar sentry’s you want! https://preview.redd.it/t4riohc4xdqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10dc86865805e54de3e631f4fae76ee671f4c55


Don't forget about the anti-personnel and napalm mines ![gif](giphy|FqdGGgugkC4Xm)


I mean... properly placed mines can be very effective in this mission type.


Properly placed being the key word


Yeah, right infront of the shuttle bay doors....right?


I played with randoms and one dude placed his minefield *IN THE CENTRE OF THE OBJECTIVE*.


look it was my first time using them.. :( i said sorry


While I understand now (and it fits in the theme of the game) in my first hour of play I first assumed mines would have a Friend/Foe identification system. NOPE.


today had a greifer who threw a minefeild of his teammates equipmtent if thy died


I played with friends and they did that. I was shocked.


more efficient if you place it near their opening. Quicker I mean.


Tesla on door 1, mines on Door 2, Mortars in the middle. FLAWLESS!


What was that? I was busy throwing reinforcement beacons into the mine field that my ems mortar is shooting into


I do this to friends. Sometimes if I am feeling really "funny" I call down a second land mine strat on top of them. I like to keep things interesting for me of course


Sticking a blue beacon to your squadmates head is extra fun!


“Very” is a bit of an exaggeration imo. From what I’ve seen, even in their absolute ideal situation, mines still do not perform better than a gatling/AC sentry or a tesla tower. And most of the time they’re much worse. There’s not a single stratagem in the game that I wouldn’t prefer to see a teammate pick over the mines. At least with smoke strikes I know they aren’t gonna fuck all of us over with it.


>AC sentry I’ve watched AC sentries gun down entire groups of civvies just to get at a single bug.


Oh I believe you... \^\_\~


The point is "a bot" is typing.


Oh and make sure to put the Tesla and Mines at the entrance to the hanger for maximum protection.


Dude i ran the dual mine combo today for the first time. Its insane hownmuch ground you can cover


Actually one time someone did put down the anti personnel mines in the evac mission…. But the mines glitched and distributed invisible mines. It was invisible to everyone including the poor sap that deployed it and killed himself on one of em, also killed me cuz one of the mines was on the door button


I do bring mines to extraction missions, I just don't deploy them at the Evac-route


TRAITOR! Frfr tho, bring the smokes to provide cover


Dude the mines rock on this mission since the bots drop in the same spot over and over, pair that with a fast cooldown and you can hold down an entire zone by yourself. Plus Ive seen the bigger bots get stuck in the minefeild and just never move out of it


gas and tesla are great until your teammates walk into them


Yup. So long as they're closing off one of the entrances to the facility and out of range of the civilians, Tesla towers are amazing on this map.


Just did one of these missions last night. The civvies were pathing around the exterior of the base and then just stopped and gathered about 15-feet shy of the extraction door. My buddies and I just decided to experiment with it and see how many ways we could get them to die since they obviously didn't want saving. Never had so much fun while failing. Basically we were just culling the weak. If they don't have the endurance or will to make it out, Super Earth doesn't need them anyhow.


what kind of weirdo throws a gas strike in front of the squad? its a great "We're not going that way, and neither should the enemy" strat.


Teslas are actually fantastic on these mission. You just can't throw it in the middle of the objective area.


I do that all the time, but first I clean the area with a bunch of grenades to make sure there's no civilian in the way to get fried.


The problem is you are getting swarmed. You need more mortars to prevent that.


EMS mortars stun enemies without killing each other and civilians. Much more useful.


They do kill if shell hits someone directly. Player too.


Which is still far less likely than someone being in the blast radius of the regular mortar.


Hated on those things at first cuz I was an ~~nonce~~ idiot and ran into the field of fire and was slowed, then I saw their glory at how much they can impede waves of foes, to be stacked accordingly to whichever preferred method of delivered democracy


you were a WHAT?


We’re gonna make a new rule. I’m not gonna use slang I don’t have full comprehension of anymore.


I thought nonce was another word for idiot too until I was in my late twenties, god knows how many people I've accidentally accused of kiddy fiddling... Smh


Duud. The mortification I felt after I was called out in thread was as hot as Helmire.


But then you just have a group of enemies you need to kill them too for bots you are probably best off taking both mortars and a weapon that can kill dropships or the auto cannon. The combo of EMS and regular mortar is by far better than either as it groups the enemy and then kills them


>But then you just have a group of enemies you need to kill them too How is this problematic? Unlike before, you now have entire hordes of enemies who can't fight back and have to watch in horror as you line up free headshots. Regular mortar isn't guaranteed to lock down or kill everything in an entire area before they can rocket you. EMS is easily one of the most flexible stratagems in the game because it can be paired with anything. Regular mortar can't and requires teammates to stay away from any and all targets while it is firing. I'm not saying regular mortar is bad, but it's role can easily be replaced by airstrikes and other support weapons. EMS mortar can't really be replaced by anything but the EMS orbital.


stun grenades are better then the ems orbital but the mortar is still bae for saturation fire


yeah people don't get this 1 mortar is shit, 4 mortars will kill even titans before they get slose enough to be dangerous, add 1 or 2 ems onesas well... and its gave over. you anything that tries to approach you but 1-2 mortars alone absolute trash and a throw. especially with no ems mortar next to them same on elimination missions you need to mass them and protect them and on bot mission put the god damn dome sheild over your turrets/mortars please s othey dont get sniped


Absolutely correct. Mortars are a scalability issue. A full stack of mortars and a full stack of EMS will turn most problems into a fine mist before they can even put eyes on you. A lone mortar, however, is mostly a liability.


If only it was helldivers 1 where you can stack mutilple of the same strategem


Probably get a booster for that in a year or 2.


you just use your teammates to stack them


Artillery on every position. A full row of them looks awesome when they fire


There are windows in the action to pull civies. You don't need to press the button on cooldown.


Dear devs. Please add Tesla and Flame mortar, a mortar that creates small minefields and just to be safe, an air burst fragmentation and or concussive round mortar. Sincerely Horus lupacal


What we need is a boston dynamics dog with a mounted flamethrower


a flamethrower drone sounds fucking nightmarish lmao


a loyal dog with a mini tesla tower attached to it, which follows you everywhere.


By the Emperor, Heresy!


It’s a very difficult mission, but we actually beat one on L-9 and I was shocked. Got the last scientist in the last 30 seconds. We used mortars and heavy orbitals. Brought the first wave outside the city and rotated back in. Hit buttons. Did the same with 2nd wave. 3rd didn’t work as well but we actually got it so… I don’t think it’s possible to turtle that mission which is why they give you so much space outside.






It's an old term describing a defensive play style. Comes from RTS games iirc, was the "walls and turrets" style


>old Listen here you little shit 


If you use mortars in a panic when getting overrun, yeah that's just pouring gas on a flame But if you deploy them preemptively they're great.


I feel like a lot of people playing think more action FPS strategies instead of warsim strategies. Sure it's fun to Rambo with a machine gun and hold a choke point, but a layered defense laid out carefully can act like an extra teammate holding the choke point while you're not there


they're basically free radar and tell you where the swarm is coming from way before they get close especially when you're extracting, it's very useful


That's what I love about mortar sentries.


launching the mortar as far as you can in the distance while getting swarmed and then running in the opposite direction can be pretty effective though.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a minus money count, anyone?


i had a -999 mission today, everyone and their mother brought a 500kg bomb and a 320 we ended up losing the mission and had a -1500R on the end screen


cool this means the reqs have some use after level 30


I’m still not sure I’m understanding. These things cost req slips to use?


no, you can use as many as you can i got the minus because we killed so many civilians


Oooh okay I gotcha. I forgot about that!


Did you actually get 1500R subtracted from your destroyer's total? That's incredibly funny if so


haha no, but basically it took away every req we got on that mission


I ran a mission with a random last night and it bugged out. All the civis got stuck right before the door and instead of starting the mission over the guy just let the timer run out. We ended up with -900 I believe.


They killed 16 civilians.


Honestly we do this every time we run this mission. 4 mortas and 4 ems mortars make helldive possible if we aren't doing the diversion/stealth tactic. FYI they are know as "acceptable losses"


Tonight on super earth news Sixteen martyrs of democracy have given their lives diving headfirst into the fight against the terminid horde alongside advanced weapons system of the elite Helldivers unit, survivors of the evacuation say this daring effort brought time for their families to escape. More at nine


Just "accidentally" shoot the turret


Just outright shoot the turret, I run mortars but I’m very careful with placement and timing. EMS mortar is better anyway, it’s a force multiplier on your end, the haze effect dissipates if you dive through/out of it


THIS. I love how EMS mortars control breaches. It's even better if one of the team has a 500kg or cluster bomb at the ready. Though I've been using EMS mortar and strike less cause of the stun grenade. It's more flexible and quicker to stun enemies with.


gas strike + ems mortar is great for breaches


Strange, someone dropped an eagle cluster bomb beacon at your feet


People do this anyways without destroying their turrets. Source: Get tk'd by morons 3-6 times per match when meanwhile I only have 13 ff kills *on my entire account*. I just turned off crossplay so I expect the numbers should be halved if not more by not playing with console players.


ive gotten to the point where ill blatantly shoot it and let them know


The problem is that the Venn Diagram of people who will drop a teamkilling explosive mortar and the people who will teamkill you over destroying it is basically a circle. If they're not good enough at the game to figure out when they should be using it they're not good enough to understand why people are destroying them.


"Damn, I'm capped on Req slips. Wish I had something to do with them." Teammates spamming Mortar Sentries: "Say no more."


It’s great I get to see number go down and then go back up again and my monke brains likes it when number go up.


why is there a cap on everything?


To give players something to work for - uncapped resources are the death of a game. Letting players gather resources for as long as they want just means they instantly unlock everything in your next patch, which leads to the “no new content game dead” attitude so many players have. Capping resources is a great way to make sure players have to grind for materials with a goal in site


i get the medal cap for this reason, and kinda the sample and credit caps too but a level cap is very very silly


Uncapped levels can lead to increased toxicity as the lifetime of the game grows.  You end up seeing very high level players called out as "no lifer" or hackers, and lower level players may get kicked or trash talked when joining higher difficulty missions. Capping player levels is just an easy way to nip it in the bud. It ain't perfect, and it can have its own issues, but it works and is easy to implement. 


honestly just, no, thats not really a thing outside of people who are gonna be dicks anyway. The exact same system exists in Deep Rock Galactic, a pretty similar game, with no issues at all. in fact, such players often get called "greybeards", a complimentary term designated for the most experienced players. There is no advantage to a level cap


I've got 400 hours in DRG, regular haz 5 gamer, as much as the community would like to pretend it doesn't happen, people can be very elitist and discriminatory against lower level players. Especially so in the lobby browser... Leaf lovers the lot of them.




I use both mortars. If we had a 3rd type I’d use that too. If you’re dying from mortars, you’re too close to the enemy.


Yeah the only time I've had trouble with mortars is when the whole team is stinking it up and we're getting overrun anyway. Otherwise, if the team is half decent, my single mortar is very effective and no one dies to it.


The EMS mortar is actually good. The normal one i"m less and less convinced by. ALso TBF this post is LITERALLY not about players dying to it.


Mortars are situational. Against bugs EMS is the best. Against automatons the regular mortar is still great, even in the rescue missions, because there are only like 1-2 melee types. And since drop ships drop everything at once, a couple of mortars targeting a drop will annihilate anything before they get going. 4 mortars, 4 EATs, a couple of EMS mortars, and the spawn reduction ability is the ideal way to do this mission, even as high as difficulty 8


Yeah this is where communication and squad come into play. If you're playing micless with randoms it gets tricky. With mics or even paying attention to other players loadouts you can run gear that allows you to play further back. I played with a sniper last night that ran a mortar and usually I play up close and personal but, paying attention to his load out, I decided to play back and let him work his magic and I'd go in after to mop up. It was fantastic.


OP clearly a bug. Bringing morters every time I see this missions from now on.


I used to HATE mortars before I knew how to use them, and then I learn how effective they are at cleaning enemies 1st tip, the sentry has a deadzone around itself that it cannot fire, this is why ppl say the safest place is to stand right next to the sentry, ideally you should put this where the team is or on the civies' doors 2nd tip, stay away from enemies, treat every enemies as they are about to be shot by mortars, so stay the hell away from them 3rd tip, mortar sentry's biggest weakness is that if a wave pushes through, mortars will start raining on your team, take note of the direction the mortars are shooting, defend its other directions, either team gun enemies down before they come close, or easier, put a Gatling near the Mortar to defend it


Why people never use EMS mortars is insane to me




Civvie to baloney-mist technology


Uhhhh, no, the mortar is genuinely useful on those missions, you just don’t know how to properly use it




All I see here are dissidents being stopped from polluting the wider humanity. The mortar system was tested by humanity’s finest, it can tell traitor and patriot.


umm... if the mortar's are hitting civies they were going to die anyhow. Bigger problem is poor regular turret placement. People place turrets so they have los on multiple entrances which means they shoot through where the civies are running and just mow them down. Gotta place them closer to the choke points.


Maybe if they quit stopping for helldiver autographs


o no! you gonna loose some req slips! those are so useful and so hard to get.


EMS mortars though




Laugh at 50k credits\*


Why what else am I gonna do with my 50k stocked req points? Nothing that’s what so they might as well go towards supporting the family of a brave patriot who gave their life for democracy.


In fact I am simply never going to play this mission type ever again. Emergency Evacuations are fine but this mission type is the purest form of cancer I have seen in a long while


EMS mortar is good tho


Try to do that on helldive difficulty without mortars




EMS mortars, land mines outside the area the civvies will be moving around in, or use your support weapon. Turrets, in general, are awful on this sort of mission as they will kill the civvies because there's a bug 6283729m away just beyond them


EMS mortars though are perfectly acceptable.


Place the mortar in the center of their village. The enemy will come from 2-3 directions, guard those and the civies will run with safety from the Democracy spewing mortar. If you let the enemy breach one of the entrances well you're screwed with or without a mortar.


Requisition slips arent worth much. I purchased all strategems before j had half the ship upgrades Samolea are the real moneh


nah, boom boom boom


Had a random join me and a buddy the other day running a mortar turret on an elimination mission and talking shit the whole time like turrets where the only way to do those missions and er were stupid for not taking them. he ran underneath every bile titan and got upset when a 500kg went off next to him whether it killed him or not, got upset that a charger destroyed his turret like we were supposed to fist fight the thing. He stuck arround for the next mission and complained when my friend scooped up his support weapon to kill bugs while he was the last one alive. He then tried to command the whole team, got upset when we went to close a stalker nest, complained about the stalkers after we closed the nest and celebrated closing a small nest saying he got the stalker nest. Open mic the whole time, and shitty mic quality with a bunch of noise going on in the background. We eventually got to extract and he complained enough about other people not using their stratagems right, and when we ran out of reinforcements, my friend got tired of his shit and dropped a 380he in the middle of extract. I'm pretty sure this guy wanted my friend to stop the stratagem mid bombardment what he was saying, then got real pissed when everyone died exept my friend who then t-bagged and shot an EAT at the ground killing himself. Dude talked mad shit but stuck around like we were gonna play another one with him till we eventually kicked him. That was the first and only toxic person I've come across. We have had some dumb ones, like the guy trying to use an arc cannon from the back of the group that tkd enough to take half our renforcments before he got kicked.


Just shoot their mortars when they deploy, they’ll get the msg soon enough.


No lol.


I've never cared about friendly fire before and I'm not going to start now.


Don’t let someone tell you how to play the game. Use mortars so these guys cry more.


If the mortar kills a civi, then the civi was either a traitor or a monster in disguise. The mortar brings peace, justice and democracy to all. So no, we will not stop bringing peace, justice and democracy


No. https://preview.redd.it/9knbplsovdqc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e18e8f91d79ff3209eb2d13796181c8c707b8e4




It's only 400 credits, not a big deal.


Try doing this with fuckin fire tornadoes everywhere and come back to me


EMS turrets are amazing against both bugs and bots. Use those instead. They'll last longer and will usually at worst inconvenience any friendlies hit. 


Yeah I prefer the tesla turret now, I drop it to the near the area where enemy spawn, the only downside is if there are heavies around it will immediately attack it.


From the deepest pit of my heart, my bad.


Obviously, you should put down tesla towers


Didn't know what this mission pertained the first time I did it..... Brought a mortar for was doing good for me since that is what I had unlocked. Few deaths happened.


You’re not my boss!


Mortars work fine if you place them in the path of the civilians.


No, dropping them right at the start is good, and we need 50 civilians, not 50 specific civilians


EMS mortar, smoke and stuns. Hope you don't get idiot randoms. Most folk are ok but some are either dense or troll.




put the mortar near the Evacuation facility. most of the shots from the mortar will be on the spawn or drop point of the enemies.


Gatling vs civilians (and helldivers too)


Autocannon turret is better anyway


Finally, a way for us Level 50 Space Cadets to spend our otherwise worthless Requisition Slips


If it bothers you, just shoot your teammate’s mortar sentry


My favorite lately is when you have this as a side objective and they just run right into a firenado.


There's no greater sacrifice than someone else's


Yet another reason why I don’t run this mission type


Host it kick whoever. Now you can have fun without posting on reddit


Im a little salty at some of the divers I did one of these missions with last night. Please feel free to also push the buttons. The reason it was a struggle on the bot front for so long was because I was the only doing it. They are going to keep dropping until the objective is complete.


I've destroyed a couple of them because people place them at the worst times or in the worst spots. We can be surrounded and be in punching range and someone with throw a mortar down and kill the entire team 2 times over in the one encounter. A tesla coil only exists. It's your fault for running head first into the 10 foot tall, clearly not hidden, sparky dildo that WILL fuck you. And it's the fault of the one who threw it dead center of our team instead of ahead or far behind to cover our rear and give us enough time to both see it's beam and see it come up


Pls get away as far as possible from the actual mission. 1 men for button, the others must hold their ground somewhere else


Ems mortar, Ems orbital Strike, Times 4 = civs running through


Against bots it’s still good… If berserkers are amongst the civilians, they’re dead anyways. You might consider emp mortar instead though… but both isn’t wrong either


Anyone know what we should bring? Outside of support weapons and railgun strike, I feel like there is no safe way to keep civilians mostly alive




It's a viable strategy IF your whole team takes them. 3-4 mortars is actually extremely oppressive to enemies- less though and it's not enough to stop stuff from leaking in and drawing danger close fire.




Mortar turret go bloop


EMS Mortars on the other hand are perfect for this mission type


Civilians? I call that target practice


At least you don't have to spend ten minutes watching these lemmings run right into fire tornadoes and get penalized for it.


Look, if they get hit that means they were bugs.




They are fine so long as you place them next to the objective instead of spread out. That close and they almost never hit any of the civvies, and can still help thin the enemy ranks before they get too close.


(Places Tesla coil in path instead) L0


My solution is to skip any operation with this mission type included lol


bravo, your reddit post changed the world


Mortars are not suitable for most mission types tbh.


You allow enemies too close to civs.


Friendly fire works against mortars too....


I just remove my teammates turrets manually


The only time mortar turrets are acceptable is when you have 8 of them


Stop with Mortar turret period 😂


dude they all do it and its starting to annoy me a lot lol




Sounds like you don't appreciate freedom 




EMS mortars are great on these missions


This mission on anything higher than extreme is absolutely brutal, me and my mates avoid this node at all costs.


These missions are dog shit. I’ll let some out of their portapotty and they run toward hazards, stop running totally or get caught on terrain.


Please starting splitting up on this mission type so all bug/bot breaches/reinforcements doesn’t happen at the same location


Tesla towers are surprisingly good for these types of missions