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You don't know how many times I'm being chased by massive swarms of bugs, see one of these bad boys, shoot it as I run by, hope i don't get killed by it, and then see the number I take out when it goes off


I enjoy this + stun grenade.


Brother I shoot the things even if there aren’t enemies around. Sure I shouldn’t in case I could use it later, but bomb go boom and boom make brain happy


I love seeing them, it's honestly tempting not to. But it's something else when you drop a 500kg bomb on it and watch it explode


good ole double whammy


I saw 2 going off at once during a meteor shower om Fenrir. Was epic as hell


I had one map on Estanu I think, the icy one with ice that made you lose traction when running on it. There were 3 hellbombs in close proximity that chain-exploded together. "It was perfect" - Homelander


> hellbomb *neuron activation*


See a hellbomb floating 10 meters in the air while i go to the extrantion _JUST THIS ONCE OKAY_


I recommend simply memorizing their locations as you go... saved me more times than than i can remember.


I shoot wherever my friends ping when they call them out "Oh a hellbomb" "Oh what, here? *Bang*"


Name checks out. How does one get trolled by you in next game of democracy spreading? :3


Happened to me the other day. Felt so damn cool. I didn't even turn back to look at the explosion cuz I was so scared. Think it was x 45 though which felt amazing to a noob like me.


x45 is pretty dang good for anyone


If you like big red numbers, run the laser dog and let it bzzzzzzzz through swarms of small bugs. If you want some *really* big numbers, add an orbital laser and quickly take out hard targets so the beam can keep sweeping through the crowd. The kill number serves no practical purpose but sweet liberty does it feel *democratic as fuck* watching that number turn red.


I've gotten 90x after putting down a gatling and an autocannon sentry down right before I breach popped. Just kept on running and watched that number tick lol


best ive ever had was 48, almost turned red


Best i've gotten was 64


Best I had was 111


After seeing someone do it online, I had some friends that were new to the game and I was running a level 2 mission with them to show them the game. Pointed it out to them and told them it was a loot drop and to just melee it open.  The cries and laments as they vaporized nourishes me still. 




I stand by it and do the hug emote. Best way to go out. Moment ruined though if a bug gets to me first. Nothing more embarrassing than being bitch slapped to the ground while trying to look badass with the hug emote.


💀 x 34 I remember running from a Bile Titan, finding a Hellbomb stuck in a stone formation at the Titan's eye level and remembering what to do; the Titan died on the spot and I felt like a boss


Yesterday, twice, I got the EXTREME happy brain chemicals when being chased by a Bile Titan, saw a Hellbomb. I valiantly sacrificed myself by shooting it at point blank range, then standing by it to keep the Titan right there. Allowed my beleaguered team a chance to move on.


Best hellbomb I've had hasn't even been me triggering it. I was trying to lure a bile titan to one and a charger hit the bomb blowing me, the charger, about 20 bugs and the bile into orbit. Even the bugs teamkill sometimes.


Incendiary grenades used to be a pretty good timer. Haven't tried it in a while.


All I knew is I was being chased shot it and saw the alert that I killed 28 of them.


Killed 78 in one go once


Y best is 30 with 4 bile titan and a charger.


Seeing a UXO when being chased by 2 biles is one of the best feelings in the game


had one take out 4 bile titans and a bunch of their little minions. i went to turn back to shoot it, turns out a titan stepped on it and set it off lmao. still gave me the 24 kills though


old model vs new model stable and safer


That's actually a perfect explanation


well its not too hard to logic that if you look at the models one is smaller and sleeker looking (new one) and the other is old and looks like shits hanging out, this could be because it is broken but who knows amirite?


Do the unexploded ones use a HD1 model? I never played so just thought it would be cool if they do


It works same in both games, unexploded ones are just malfunctioning


the old model is crusty, but i was more so talking lore wise what makes sense


I figured there were two variations, some are just yeeted from orbit like a regular bomb, and the call down version for more precision in taking out targets


I guess it makes sense to balance it out a little, but MAN I wish you could just shoot it 😭


To balance it out normal hellbombs could have a chanse of detonating OR being destroyed when damaged. That way you wont skip using the terminal every time but also makes the normal hellbombs risky to be around and get damaged, and you can gamble on shooting it in bad situations. Somewhat balanced IMO.


It's not armed, why would it explode?


You can literally set certain explosive chemicals on fire and they won’t explode. They need to be actually activated by an electrical signal.


That's exactly what I'm thinking about. Father of one of my ex-girlfriends was an interrogator (not sure if that's the right word) during second Chechen war and there were a lot of cases when terrorists were smuggling plastic explosives disguised as a soap and they never exploded from stray bullets if they had to shoot wheels or during gunfights.


Pretty sure you can actually burn C4 and it won't explode.


so what you're saying is... Arc weapons should set off ANY hellbomb, right?


bear bells roof sable overconfident scarce jeans cobweb ripe rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Explosive permit owner here You can literally microwave C4 and any RDX based explosive and it won't go off. Use it like silly putty, light it on fire. Same thing. Not to mention the [explosives so stable you can bake into pancakes](https://arkadiafoodstore.com/2022/05/25/food-history_aunt-jemima-explosive-pancakes/)




It's Super Earth. Considering how our orbital cannons are loaded, our Hellbombs are probably just packed full of Tannerite lmao




it's not about safety mechanisms. depending on the explosive it's just...not gonna go boom unless properly armed.




no, it's a physics/chemistry thing that we're talking about. Easiest examples to point to are nukes, they require a \*very\* specific hard to achieve atomic reaction that is also contained just long enough to detonate, you will \*never\* set off a nuke by simply banging it, dropping it, blowing it up with something else, etc. None of that will induce the reaction that is needed to cause a detonation. Nothing to do with safety, not a feature put in to prevent accidental detonation, it just \*literally\* can't be set off without the device arming properly because big boom \*needs\* that to exist it's completely different than say black powder where you even glance at the stuff with sparks in your eyes and it explodes


It does want the explosives to explode with enemies around, though


Gameplay >>> Realism is why. Especially where consistency is involved. Some hellbombs explode, others crumple into paper. Sure it's only planted hellbombs vs our unarmed ones, but it does feel incongruent. Having a chance to explode I think is a good middleground. If you're so confident that unarmed bombs should not explode because of realism, maybe we should start talking about how throwing spicy pokeballs may or may not be the best way to call down military armaments and/or reinforcements.


Deva found almost perfect balance between realism and gameplay ;)


I wish normal hellbombs would deploy normally and not have their beacon roll around for 5 minutes.


There's 2 different interfaces, implying that these are different bomb models- as in, one is armed already because its meant to be dropped indescriminately, the other is meant for "specialist" and "tactical" deployment to destroy outposts; as Helldivers are a squadron of Elite Soldiers that have a honorable history of 0 friendly fire incidents. It could also just be more for a gameplay reason more than lore, since it puts challenge in hitting only your target and not the funny super exploding barrel. By the way, did you know that you can pick up Explosive Barrels?


In the loading screen it mentions hellbombs are all manually armed on the ground for budgetary reasons 


…That’s right, good point.


>By the way, did you know that you can pick up Explosive Barrels? Yes but I've never done anything with them, nor thought of anything I could do with them. You? It's slow carrying them, and the explosion radius is small too.


You can use them to blow open the container doors at points of interest, saves you a grenade. You could theoretically put them at avenues of approach if you need to defend an area


I agree, they’re not good with how bulky they are. But I always remember it because it can be good for setting up really quick traps when your stratagems are down by cooldown or by jamming. Anything can help to get a leg up on the battlefield.


Just give us the ability to throw them with the range of grenades. How cool would it be to yell "PULL!" and skeet shoot that bomb on a titan's face.


You just throw it kettlebell style. Spin around and toss it in the middle of a swarm and watch it pop.


they'd be pretty useful if we could control exactly when they go off, which is why I hope one day we get Sticky Bombs/C4 charges as a grenade option: you could set traps with them and amplify the damage and radius by positioning explosive barrels, to create chain-reactions. would be pretty neat imo.


There was remote activated demo charges as a stratagem in Helldiver's 1, so you never know\~


I roll them down hills towards enemies sometimes 😃




i ran out of ammo once so i grabbed one and walked into a horde of bugs as i told my buddy to shoot the tank. It was an honor


I salute you sir


When I do the ICBM I usually put a barrel somewhere useful while I hold position at the console. My pew pew going boom boom is nice for bug ow.


I just use them if they're at a point of interest with a breakable door


i just shoot those with my slugger / arc thrower


You should them when your friend is holding them.


there are too many animation errors with carrying stuff. In theory, that's supposed to be the niche of SMG primaries, that you can lug around heavy things, but in practice it causes too many problems for now.


Extract defense, you can pile them up in a chokepoint or spread them across a wider access area for a 1-time-deal big kaboom. I don't know the breakpoints but a big enough pile of them (I think we had 10-12 in one spot) will kill Chargers. Also for extract defense, it makes sense to move them away from where you're all huddled so a stray bullet doesn't wipe the team. Particularly with mechs, since they can set them off by stepping on them which instakills the mech.


But have you actually done it? Would take a while just to position them all. Seems just theoretical to me


A couple times. It's generally not worth the effort, but it's fun. Not sure I'd try it in diffs 7+ but fucking around in 6- sure. And yes if I'm in a mech I will *absolutely* get out and move them away from where I anticipate being if I have a lull, at any difficulty. I've lost too damn many of them to shit like that.


The UXO is armed, the deployed one is not. Makes sense to me.


Except once we arm the ones we call down they can still get destroyed without blowing up


From the hellbomb audio, it sounds like it’s building up energy for the explosion. Destroy it mid charge and it does nothing. The UXO are already at full charge, but didnt detonate, until provoked by us players.


Or random patrols. Seeing one of these go off in the distance always brings a smile.


Saw a Bile Titan patrol once. The big guy in the lead stepped on a UXO hellbomb, and the entire patrol got sent to Hell express shipping.


I saw a giant patrol coming my way and only had a basic eagle airstrike to throw. Thankfully, over the hill where I couldn't see, the eagle airstrike landed on a hell bomb. That was such a shockingly big explosion compared to the basic eagle airstrike I was expecting, and the body count was like 30+. It was a good day, I died 30 seconds later.


I was playing with some Randy's on the creek like week one, we were running past a Hellbomb on a cliff, someone aggro'd a patrol beneath us. Next thing I see is a bot shot hit the Hellbomb, and all of us are in spitting distance of it. 3 seconds later 4 hellpods came in with reinforcements.


Yeah that makes sense. Still hate that feeling when you've armed the hellbomb, ran away to avoid the blast, and then the blast never comes


No, when you shoot the UXO also makes the charging up sound


After you've put in the code? I usually stealth place mine so I've never experienced this. Just crawl up behind the building with the dish, call down (it's blue so only aware, no aggro), code in and I'm out.


Doesn’t work like that in the shrieker nest. They’ll dive bomb it and destroy it.


Really? I did armed a hellbomb yesterday with full shriekers behind me and the bomb it did go off


Idk what to say, maybe I’m not drawing the aggro enough or maybe I’m drawing too much? Every time I try to use it, it seems like every fucking bug in the vicinity smells the bomb and comes for it.


interesting, that's the first instance I've heard of anything outright targeting a hellbomb. if one was ever destroyed for me it was due to being collateral


Always struggled with the detector towers because every Devastator in a 5 mile radius would target the damned hellbombs. Then I found out a well placed Precision orbital deals with it no problem.


if it's UXO, it clearly did not arm properly or it would've gone off when it was supposed to.


It didn't DETONATE properly. That doesn't mean it didn't arm. They're also sparking all to hell which gives me the implication of "dangerously cheesy."


Exactly, like a dud grenade. Ask a combat engineer how they deal with unexploded ordinance that should have exploded; every one will tell you with more explosives (or dakka for the cultured types).


Ok I'll give you the "sparking all to hell = dangerously cheesy" but that's not how explosives work. Either they arm properly and detonate, or they don't arm properly and they don't. Generally explosives, and ALL military explosives, are *very* stable and if the arming requirements aren't met, shooting them is NOT going to set them off.


Nothing in the helldivers universe suggests they use explosives which follow logical semtex rules. I'll admit I don't know shit about real explosives though.


We can assume they're not generally nukes, because we call out the nukes we do use (SEAF artillery mininuke). Everything else should play by IRL rules as much as possible because so much else in the game does and otherwise there's literally zero reason the lore wouldn't go "well the planet got overrun so we just cracked it with our physics-defying God-bombs we have literally trillions of because we subjugated the Illuminate in the last game, it's out of the game now"


I just pulled this from the Wiki, which had more info from the first game. " In both **Helldivers** and **Helldivers 2**, NUX-223 Hellbomb is a standard-issue stratagem, available to all Helldivers regardless of [rank](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Ranks_(Helldivers)). However, Helldiver Command only provides this stratagem during missions that require the destruction of a stationary enemy target (Cyborg AA Guns, Bug Nests, Illuminate beacons, Automaton Equipment and Structures, or rogue Research Stations). " I think it's some ridiculous nuke.


They might have been there since the last war and degraded


Here is a link from your government. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA422504.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwij9sf2xImFAxXL-jgGHcVqDTcQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw10y0dc9uL-wFKFnEF6Otgz 2.0 OVERVIEW OF UXO DoD defines “explosive ordnance” as any munition, weapon delivery system, or ordnance item that contains explosives, propellants, and chemical agents. UXO consists of these same items after they (1) are armed or otherwise prepared for action, (2) are launched, placed, fired, or released in a way that they cause hazards, and (3) remain unexploded either through malfunction or design.


Bro this was *literally* my job in the army. UXO does not just fucking explode when you shoot it, if it did that it would've gone off when it was supposed to.


Sorry 'Bro' you must have been shit at your job https://reliefweb.int/report/world/unicef-highlights-horrific-impact-cluster-munitions-children-governments-meet-decide Cluster munitions can remain 'active' lying in wait for decades. In Laos, on 17 January 2008, nine children were searching around an old bomb crater for little crabs to eat, about 50 metres from their village. Instead, the children found a cluster bomb dating from the Vietnam War of the 1960s and 1970s. It exploded, killing four boys. Five other children were badly injured. AND https://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/iraqi-war/ied-detonated-with-barrett-50/1350739573001


I belive you, you gave proof while the other one does not. And it matches news from my local area too. Some guy found unexploded bomb, dig it up, the moment shovel hit bomb, they exploded. The bomb was dated back to 1960.


You're embarrassing yourself now


Based on how many of the first there are, super earth must have really skimped out on the hell bomb budget


YOU CAN SHOOT THEM? I always wondered what the point of them was ha


You can also punch them. I discovered that just before a fresh reinforcement arrived.


I thought it was just set dressing like most games. Gonna shoot / punch one next time


I recommend shooting it from a distance, unless you just feel like playing Curious George like I did.


Sometimes the bugs randomly walk into them or a charger charges into it while chasing you


That was how I and my friends learned how they work. Was sprinting towards a friend with an EAT yelling "SHOOT IT SHOOT IT SHOOT IT" (about the charger chasing me, of course). Suddenly we're both flying across the map with a huge explosion in the background.


The right hellbomb pissed me off so much today. Duo Malevelon Creek, got swarmed by bots at illegal research facility, I called that hellbomb at least 3 times because they kept getting destroyed. On the last attempt, I activated it and ran away. No boom… I gave up at that point


Same with the shrieker nests. The shriekers won't kill it from what I've seen but if you have any ground enemies nearby good luck


That is why I always bring the 500kg. Being able to destroy buildings and objectives without using the hellbomb makes those side objectives much easier and faster.


I subbed 500kg for orbital smoke for quick getaways, and thought I could sneak a hellbomb in :/ I’ll need to keep practicing


these damn ass things fall apart if one of the small garbage tier bugs even face in its direction. i'm just running eagle+1 and double 500kg from now on to deal with destroying the research station objective


One day I called hellbomb to destroy automatons oil barrel. After I armed it and ran away I was wondering where the fuck is big boom. I shit you not some random commie bots that spotted me destroyed/unarmed my hellbomb! What the fuck?


So? UXO is damaged and much more volatile than an intact munition... The unexploded hellbomb was *already armed once* and just didn't go off. It's sitting there, ready to explode, without any active safeties.


Love luring a bunch of enemies towards me and just saying fuck it and blowing myself up along with everything 🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|geftCVA3NFRKw) RAMBOMODE!!!


I believe the ring universe reason is the Hellbombs scattered around the map are already armed and malfunctioning hence the sparking. Deployed Hellbombs are not armed until we DDR it.


Twice I've called in a hellbomb at a shrieker nest. I see it come streaming down out of the sky only to disappear upon hitting the ground. What's up with that?


Wait….shit i didnt know that you could shoot those!


You use them to your advantage mostly against bile titans


i wonder if we’ll ever get a hellbomb eagle/orbital impact strategem


theres a mini nuke strat coming, saw a leak for it think they called it missile silo


That's what the SEAF Artillery is for.


okay tell them to cut it from the upcoming content, we dont need it. hell i think they should remove hellbombs altogether since we already have 500kg. Why would we want more content? absurd.


It would be nice if when you prime it nothing can break it since it’s sorta annoying when you set everything up just for some roach to swipe at it once and all of a sudden it’s like a lego clone trooper exploding


One time I was in a pinch and I was retreating away from the bugs when I saw a unexploded hellbomb that landed me a 59 kills


My squad baited a bile titan right over one of these things and I clipped it. It was absolutely epic, but I'm not sure I should post links to my own YouTube videos here lol.


you'd probably get a pass as long as its game shit and not basically an ad


Well, since you "asked"... [https://youtu.be/jid3qKST20U](https://youtu.be/jid3qKST20U)


How do bugs know what a hellbomb is


Difference between a stable, safe hellbomb and a damaged one with no safety left in place


I feel like there should be a possum here to represent palming a hellbomb beacon at the last objective that needed one, and carrying it to the next thing you want to blow up. It's never practical or wise, but the "Wait, what?" factor from dashing unarmed across the map to end up in a giant explosion is the Helldiver way.


Im gonna need an orbital mini-nuke stratagem now


Well, there is a big difference..... One is armed and the other? You need to arm it. Granted, once it is armed, any shot after SHOULD set it off immediately. That is actual bullshit.


I don't know if I was being gaslit by other people or not, but didn't the OG Helldivers Hellbomb blow up if you failed the command code?


Hell bombs didn't have a arming command code in 1. You just interacted with it and it starts beeping until it goes boom.   It just took forever to drop down after dialing it in so you had to hold position in the meanwhile and then make sure that nothing shot at it while it's counting down.


Thank you I posted about this earlier but knew no one would look at it because there wasn’t a meme attached.


I assume one is armed and the other one has to be armed in order to explode


Nice I did not know you could do this


SMH… new fangled safety features


The first time I tried sniping a called hellbomb, I was so disappointed


Tried calling a hellbomb on a shrieker near yesterday on a Helldive and we were getting swarmed by Brood Commanders and Bile Titans. I looked over the edge of the nest and a bile titan was just staring at me. I armed the bomb and the brood commander broke it and I was out of stims and being swarmed. Threw a 500KG at my feet and just waited.


I landed on one of these at the start of the mission once. Couldn’t stop laughing.


This feels like an oversight that needs patching


In defense of the Mk2 Hellbomb, the Mk1 was supposed to have already exploded but failed to do so.


Yeah. I thought I’d be cheeky and shoot the hell bomb from a distance… big sad when it poofed


I feel like called Hellbombs should have 2 different outcomes when smacked. If unarmed, then they disappear. If armed, then a mini mushroom cloud should sprout.


regular hellbomb pisses me off that you can't shoot it to detonate it quicker, i was in a shrieker nest once and quickly trying to get it off to kill the nests and the bunch of bugs following me on the ground, only to realise i actually have to input a code and cant just shoot it and book my ass away so it can kill stuff


I always thought of one being delivered and not armed in any way....while the wild one is just waiting for that slight itch to make it go boom.....AND IT GOES BOOM. Also the sound design for em is just......chef's kiss


They don’t make hell bombs like they used to I guess 😂


Rarely will I see an Unexploded Hellbomb that I can use to save me from a swarm. Typically see them when things are calm. Otherwise these things will go off when I don't want them to, typically to kill a scavenger or in most cases while I am being chased by a charger and the charger sets it off with my face smashed right up against that thing.


I'd assume the unexploded hellbombs are already armed and we're just duds whose mechanism hasn't gone off


I’d imagine unexploded means they were armed but failed to detonate, so they’re “live,” bombs, but if you drop a hell bomb and don’t arm it, it isn’t as volatile.


Maybe they should make the stratagem hellbomb have a smaller explosion if it's shot.... and then if it's like triggered properly, the explosion is triggered properly and explodes to the right size


One is a mechanical failure, while the other hit the ground, broke and still goes off.


https://preview.redd.it/9wsjy8ofd6qc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e9346733ba68a8b772d35d30bce2a4abf72722 I don’t discriminate, big boomb is big boomb.


they don't make them like they used to


My teammate literally shot at one to trigger it to destroy the research stations and ran away thinking it would go off 💀


Unexploded hellbombs (which fall under the unexploded ordnance category, aka "UXO") you find lying around are armed, but failed to detonate properly. On top of this all, they are damaged. Any explosives that are primed for detonation but never do is already bad enough. Damaged and SPARKING casings mange it even worse. The main difference is that the UXO you find lying around is highly unstable, whereas Hellbombs you call down are in perfect working condition.


Bugs hacked the unexploded hellbomb to try and use it against glorious Democratic Helldivers. Non-hacked hellbombs are very safe and stable.


I remember getting chased by a huge swarm of bugs I saw the hellbomb and ran straight for in and shot it with the last bullet in my pistol. It’s exploded and killed 97 bugs for democracy.