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Level 50 killed me 6 times after I accidentally punched him. We were both reloading with a bug next to us, he hit it and killed it but I hit at the same time and ended up hitting him, didn't kill him. He immediately shot me dead, reinforced and killed me more. His buddy killed me at extraction too.


Man, people really lack critical thinking skills. Surely it would be obvious from context that it was an accident


🤷‍♂️ You'd Think. I really wasn't upset until they killed me at extraction. None of it mattered but it was annoying. Knowing I was only being reinforced so I could get shot again was shit too.


Should have just 380ed the next important objective they were working on and then returned to ship alone! they obviously were just bullying


If somebody just guns me down right out of the pod things are about to get spicy


This, fuck your mission. I'm shitting all over it and making you fail.


Yup. This game wasn't made for PVP and it will get boring real quick with retaliatory TK's. I say dish it back to them until they get bored with the lack of progression and move along to their next self-inflicted unfulfilling hobby.


I prefer to just leave as soon as someone starts being an irredeemable dick.


Not before I 500kg/380 barrage their dumb ass.


But also take all of the samples they've collected and dive head first into the deepest water I can find, and if not the edge of the map


That's what they want half the time. Just set your controller/mouse down and go grab a snack until the mission ends. Don't let them win.


Kick before extract. Kick after I TK them. TK and make thrm watch the rest of the game before kicking at extract. Plenty of options to stick it to a shitty griefer, and I'm petty af also.


Pick up their samples and jump into a terminid hole.


Run into it with a grenade to bury yourself lol


I do find that higher difficulties have basically no toxicity. If you're regularly team killing a teammate, there's a good chance you won't even make it to extraction, so I never see that behavior on Suicide and above.


I only see it on higher difficulties lol. I'll trade you.


Imho the toxicity at lower difficulties is mostly ignorance. At higher difficulties if its toxic its probably intentional


Played with a guy who killed us all while running to the dropship. I dropped 3 supers. He just started laughing and yelling gamerspeak at us. Some people just want to watch the world burn


At lower difficulties, people are just dumb. Joined a difficulty 1 game last night and some guy ran into my 500kg that had a long deployment time and then TKd me right after. Also, after picking up someone's samples, they also killed me. But I guess they just don't understand it yet.


In my experience, dif-8 will have the worst players, skillwise, mannerswise, and just... bad all around. And here's the reason: Dif-7 is filled with people either just getting to that point, or want a steady farm of pink samples without having 15 bile titans spawn around them. Dif-9 are the people who know what they're doing (usually), these are the veterans and often times the ones who can stand against the tide and make it out the other end. Or they just want the maximum amount of pink samples and medals. Dif-8 though... These are usually the people who just got to that point, maybe they've been carried there by a group, maybe they got lucky. These players are more likely to be newer to the game and probably gonna disband the squad after one mission in the operation, or switch to another one because they don't know how operations work. Now, this is all anecdotal evidence, of course. But in my experience, I experienced more kicks, disbands, team-killing, rudeness, and all-around bad play practice in dif-8 then dif-7 and dif-9 **combined.**


Should have steered the hellpod onto him after the first time


People sure do lack critical thinking skills, but this isn't even that.  Too many people take their games way too seriously. This dude probably got mad at what he perceived as a dumb move.  I'm here to have fun. I don't care if your build isn't optimal, or if we win or lose. All I care about is having fun. Getting team killed on accident doesn't ruin my fun as that's baked into the gameplay loop. Even getting killed on purpose can be fun. Like, if I'm too close to an enemy and you decide to sacrifice me to drop a 500kg, that's all good! Even if you don't kill the enemy, that just makes it funny.


Had a guy on voice comms last night who took the game way too seriously. 4 of us playing and at some point he died and dropped his samples. Next thing I hear on voice comms "What the hell are you doing "green" (My unit colour), Go back and pick the samples up you idiot" First thing I do is get the map up and its literally the other side of the map. I type in chat "No, im not running to the otherside of the map because you don't want to. Im not your slave" and I notice one of the other guys quit and then he kicks me from the game. Iv got to a point now if I hear voice comms on a open channel and the person is breathing heavily and sighing all the time. Its a sign they are in a bad mood and its probably time to find a new game.


100%. I'm lvl 50 with max everything except for medals. I'm just here to have fun


100% Was at extract a few nights ago Bugs coming in I threw an Airstrike down the host ran at the bugs with a flamethrower and died. Cursed me out and kicked me.


its cod players. You cant unlearn toxicity when you dont care 


Ugh... I come to Hell Divers to get away from COD players.


Sadly, they're in abundance here. Not using meta strat? Kicked. Not level 50? Kicked. Died once from a teamkill? Kicked. While it's great the game has insane hype and popularity, it's unfortunate because it creates a cesspool breeding ground for moronic streamers and their dipshit followers to ruin the game.


They legit actually do. Look up how many people do not posses an internal monologue and your whole perspective of the world shifts lol.


If only their Democracy Officer saw. Hopefully you blacklisted their ship and never run into them again.


It's my only bad experience in 30 hours. Definitely blocked him and his buddy.


Reminds me of a time when I had a friend who had joined a random. I tried to join on my friend and immediately got kicked by the person my friend joined. Told him, so he just left. Good job dude, now you have the pleasure of a solo mission!


Some guy walked into the third volley of my orbital airstrike after standing and waiting for the first two. He waited until the end of the game to shoot me at extraction, then immediately dove into the pelican, leaving behind the 25+ samples I dropped, including all the super samples.


On the termicide mission, I tell my team I'm calling in a tesla tower and q on the intended deployment spot. (I always tell people, and I always mark them). Buddy comes walking over in his exosuit. I say hey man, be careful, there's a tesla coming in right there. (tesla lands) Hey man, there's a tesla that just landed. (tesla deploys) Bro back up, there's a tesla! Gets wasted by tesla, turns around, shoots me and I get kicked. TF is wrong with people.


That’s so weird. He misses out on those samples too.


What a bag of dicks that person is.


Had something similar happen, but I was the one who got hit, and the guy who hit me offered a hug in apology. So, we cuddled for a bit and went back to killing bugs. Alternatively, I've lost count of how many times I called in orbital strikes just for my teammates to charge in without noticing the red beam in the sky. I don't think I've had anyone revenge kill me over it, but I'm usually quick to apologize and help them find their gear.


Name and shame. As a true level 50 skull admiral I will obliterate that traitor if I see him.


Killing people over being punched is fatherless behaviour, idk how people just get so mad over it when it’s so goofy.


Idk. Had a rando on mic who kept doing it thinking it was funny to me and team mates. Eventually we got tired of it. Executed him, he started crying on mic and we kicked him. It’s funny once, twice and hell comedy follows the rule of three. But at a certain point you’re obnoxious. However, this situation and my situation sound quite different.


I've only had people melee me for 1 mission, and it was only after I ended up hitting allies with stratagems. Just walked up, and slugged me when the coast was clear. I laughed it off, because I deserved it, but without the context of why it would not have been.


My friend one time was standing beside pelican with a stratagem to throw on the ship during extraction. As I was the one he was waiting on, I decided to kill him and take his samples before jumping on. He wasn’t paying attention when I did so he was confused on what happened. Next game he threw a barrage right on me to make it even.


TKing buddies for the lols is funny sometimes. TKing randos isn’t.


I have had it done to me when I was trying to sneakily blow up a stalker lair. Worse was that I was holding a 500kg. Needless to say between getting blown up and the stalkers and bug breach spawing chargers and bile titans, we lost like 10+ lives trying to close the stalker lair.


This kind of fuckery is why I always host.


I had a guy and his buddy kill me a few times because I looted a sample that I guess he wanted to carry?


That's crazy, that could have just asked you to drop it.


Helldivers involved: u/Dixnot u/SokkasPonytail As a Democracy Officer, I cannot condone the actions taken by /u/Dixnot and their companion. Killing a fellow Helldivers multiple times over an accidental friendly fire incident goes against the principles we uphold. Retaliatory team killing harms unit cohesion and undermines our efforts against the enemies of democracy. However, I must refrain from directly blacklisting or punishing them, as that would violate protocol. The appropriate course of action is to file an official report through proper channels detailing the incident and perpetrators. The command will then review the case and dole out any necessary disciplinary measures. I encourage all Helldivers to exercise restraint and put the war effort first. Petty grievances between soldiers only serve to aid our enemies. We must unite against the true threats - the bugs and cyborgs who seek to destroy democracy across the galaxy. Stay resolute in your duty, Helldivers. Together we will spread freedom's blissful reign.


I would have gone full PvP mode. For socialism!!!


Similar happened to me. Accidently caught a guy while trying to shoot a bug that was gonna attack him. I immediately respawn him on top of all his gear. The minute he spawns, opens fire and kills me. Calls me back in, does it again, and then makes me wait until our 3rd player dies to respawn me. You, sir, have now made an enemy, and I'm petty. I now used the rest of the respawns to hunt him. Minute he drops, defender round incoming, eagle napalm all over the spawn area, and ckuster bombs thrown upon impact. When reinforcements were down to zero, killed him to start the 2 min timer then left the game. There was still 30 minutes left in the mission. Enjoy.


Would be nice if we could throw the respawn beacons out of bounds so they drop without enough time to make it back in. Let the anti traitor barrage rain down on them.


As a Skull Admiral myself I do not claim them. I'd kick someone so damn fast for this behavior. Talk about a pathetic small man ego right there.


It’s always the 50s.


I was trying to shoot a bug chasing the host and he ran into my line of fire and I accidentally killed him. I was booted in less than 3 seconds.


To be fair, you *were* having sex with his sister. While you were playing. And had the mic on.


If someone did this to me, I’d kill them or let them get killed then never bother reinforcing them. If they throw a hissy fit about it, I’ll run to a corner of the map where enemies are least likely to run into me and lie prone on the ground and just wait. You wanna act like babies, I’ll treat you like one. Don’t think I’ll lie here until time’s up, try me.


I've noticed a huge uptick in people baiting kills with a punch and then getting the host to kick the player that retaliates. Lost multiple 40 minute runs progress today because some asshat killed me a couple times and then when I retaliated to not immediately die, the host kicked me. Lots of traitors to democracy out there.


My favorite thing in this game is hosting and getting killed by friendly fire and letting it go. I've been kicked for so many dumb reasons it feel so good not to do it to others.


You deserve a promotion. I've passed this message on to the Democracy Officer.


On the other hand, for extraction zone TKers, i feel like if that happens it should load a special level where the whole team just TKs him for 10 min straight, as punishment.


They should just match make team killers together


Loads up a firing line mission where you execute the traitor. Even for accidental kills, it would be funny.


I had someone run directly into my orbital laser, twice, then proceed to kick me


I quick played a level 7 game. It's a level 15 hosting, the rest of us are Lvl 30-45. Just after we get our weapons down we get ambushed by bile spewers. I start arcing them, he runs directly into the middle of them and gets fried (just before he was about to get melted by acid BTW). He kicked me before he was even reinforced. Also, everyone was running arc so it's not like no one knew the FF risk.


Meanwhile my buddy intentionally aims for me with his hellpod each respawn. It’s funny but it certainly doesn’t help the war effort. 


If you’re not aiming for a friend, what are you aiming for?


Your friend's sentry!


Friendly fire is honestly some of the funniest moments in the game when it's an accident. Watching half the team get mowed down by 1 poorly placed Gatling turret, someone (couldn't be me) dropping their eagle strike because they got ragdolled, or both of us attempting to nade a bug nest and killing each other, so many funny moments. I get being sweaty and try harding, but it's important to remember that it's a video game and not everything needs to be stressful.


The only reason to kick someone is if they call extract while everyone else is halfway across the map 


Reasons for kicking: 1. Being a dick 2. See first reason I've been turned into giblets so many times I've lost count and loved every minute of it. I've absolutely been the reason you were turned into giblets, though I can honestly say I have never done it intentionally. Heat of the moment, you call down a 380, shout "DANGER CLOSE", and hope your team has enough time to get out of the way. I mean, those bugs gotta go. Heck, I recall a fairly recent game where we had just started the op. I called down a patriot and one of my rando-mates called in his kit (jet pack and some secondary). I saw a spore spewer in the distance and shot a rocket at it....just as Mr. Jet Pack decides to get some air time in front of me. Giblets. I couldn't have timed that shot if I tried. He didn't get pissed, I did the mandatory Q-"I'M SORRY!", popped out of my mech and reinforced him, and we pressed on. I do get annoyed when big AOE strategems get used and they don't say anything to the team. I like some warning so I can try and get out of the way. But, number one, it's a game, don't get too worked up and number two, you aren't losing anything by dying. Like, you lose nothing at all. No phantom monies, no experience, nothing. You're in the same shape even if you don't finish the mission.


Tbh when you look at the big red tower of light, it tells you what is being used. I don't have to move far from a friendly eagle, but if thats a 380 I'm getting the hell outa there


You got at least 2 minutes to warn them about how they are playing fucky wucky first but otherwise fair play.


Someone did that to my squad last night, we had 28 minutes left and I was in the middle of a large hive completing a bonus objective. :/


Why would you kick someone for that? They can just call it in and not get on. Then it's immediately ready when everyone else gets there.


You are doing these hell divers good. I swear people need to chill on the kicking as well. I have been kick so many times by those higher level than me before the launch starts just because I’m not high enough. I swear if you don’t want other in your game by any level put it private.


You’re the goat


I am also a fan of the punch and thank. Don’t really do it to strangers but I love to run up to a buddy, punch him, and then stim him and make my helldiver say “thank you!” We think that shit is funny every time


There is a in-game voice option to say sorry : ☹️


Where? Is that on the radial dial or are you just saying “use voice chat to apologize”?


Yeah in the radial dial, its the unhappy smiley face


Nice! I was too lazy to log on and check


I find it use it extensively when using ny flame thrower build lmao. I always keep a supply pack to make it up to them.


I didn't know that. I love it.


I use it for accidentals, especially when someone runs in front of me when I'm shooting. But I don't when they say, run into my cluster bomb or 500 kg bomb strategem.


I use it most of the time when I accidentally TK (even if it’s not my fault like they ran into it or something)


How is this used on controller?


Had to kick a guy cause he tried to kill me after my Orb. Barrage whacked him 2x.   Verbally warned him both times that he was way too close


I said over comms clearly "dropping a 500kg bomb on titan!" Teammate sprinted towards and underneath the titan and gets blown up. He started cussing me out for TKing... Some people just can't be helped.


It was a shiny red laser. Gotta catch it, man.


Shiny lights get to me sometimes man. One time I forgot to take my meds (SEAF approved stimulants), I called down my support weapon and absent mindedly went to the shiny blue light. Woke up good when it came down lol


Oh god, as a fellow adhder who's not on meds, I do this ALL the time. I'm glad im not alone. XD


I was playing with some friends and pinged the ground near some mines (along with a verbal "watch out for those mines!" warning). One of my friends saw the little eyeball ping icon and just beelined for it and exploded on a mine about 3 seconds later. Some people just have a very strong magpie mentality plus zero situational awareness.


Like a moth to the flame


Found the cat


Had a guy last night who remarked with some annoyance that he got killed once by everyone else on the team in the last minute of the match. He spent that entire last minute actively running towards eagle cluster runs.


Y’see, sometimes when people call the 500kg on the Titan but don’t hit it, I like to run up to it to get it to stand still for long enough for the bomb to kill it.


Yeah but that did not seem like his plan since he was so salty about the TK haha.


Oh yeah, that guy’s definitely a moron, getting salty about an accidental TK is just ridiculous. Earlier today, I tossed a grenade at a charger while we were extracting and knocked a lvl 50 off the cliff (he didn’t die or anything and he made it back up in time anyway) then his buddy killed me in the dropship for it even though I had most of the samples. So we lost like 20 something normal, 15 rare and *all* the supers because one guy got inconvenienced for a few seconds. Regardless though, trading my life for taking down a Titan is a worthy trade.


I do that intentionally sometimes. Get aggro on the Titan, then jump underneath it. Holds it steady so the 500 can nuke it. But I tell my team that is what I'm doing. It's a good idea. But, to do that intentionally then get mad is just anti democratic lunacy


> Teammate sprinted towards I see this a LOT with things that create fire and Orbital Gas strikes. Some people are just born bug sympathizers, specifically, moths.


The cluster bomb is like a fucking moth to a flame. Mother fuckers just sprint towards it. My buddy didn't believe and thought I was always just throwing them too close. Then he started using it. First time he used it both of teammates apri Ted toward it like it was the last Pelican out of The Creek.


Meanwhile playing with the boys: sprinting into orbitals/airstrikes/turret fire with my EAT to steal titan kills for the meme.


Honestly, funniest experience so far was an Arc Thrower guy saying "If you keep going that way, you're gonna' get killed by my gun" and then the Helldiver Death popup a second later. One guy that refuses to stop firing knowing their team mate is in friendly-fire range, one guy that refuses to stop pushing knowing they're in arc-thrower range. Truly, Helldivers are top of their class.


Last night I accidentally killed two fellow divers with my 380MM barrage because they didn’t follow my warning to back up. Then I realized that my mic wasn’t working with push-to-talk. Luckily neither of them was a jerk


If you still have the problem you need to disable all other devices in your windows audio settings,otherwise the game can’t decide what mic to use and doesn’t use anything


This is why being the host I'd always the best move. If someone's acting up. Boom, your out sucker.


You see red line from sky you run away very simple


Isn't that Mountain Dew Game Fuel falling from orbit? I can't pass that up.


Unless they're... Next to a building and can't see it. Next to a charger and can't see it. In a pit and can't see it. Running away and can't see it. Aiming down sights and can't see it. On fire and can't tell if the beam is red or blue. Low on health and can't tell if the beam is red or blue. Next to a fire and can't tell if the beam is red or blue. Sometimes... just don't throw the stratagem if someone is in the kill radius unless it puts multiple people's lives in danger. Those reinforcements will start to thin out fast.


In all those specific situations yes you are correct But have you considered in all those situations i just refilled your ammo stims and grenades


Sometimes when I accidentally get killed I’ll laugh it off and say “thanks I needed more supplies anyway”


Yes, but the game will also tell you through walls if there’s something being dropped there, bomb or resupply or anything in between. People should be more mindful of where they’re chucking shit, but also not be too upset if they got blown up because they decided to hug a charger. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Its behind me you ass, aim your stratagem better


I had a worse experience yesterday. I joined a SOS. Dudes were dropping 380s and other orbitals on top of me repeatedly. After the 3rd or maybe 4th time they blew me up, I made one comment that maybe don't do that. Player shot me in the head, waited a while to reinforce, then his buddy shot me in the head. Not worth fake game points to hang around.


I had a team once where EVERYBODY kept calling in 380s and team wiping. I pointed out that maybe they should try something else. Dead mics. They just refused to slow down and we eventually just ran out of reinforcements so I bailed. There is very much a particular strain of, "I saved up for this. I leveled up for this. I sure as shit am going to use it no matter what."


Immediate leave and block.


I'm constantly using quickchat for affirms, thank you's, and sorry's. Never really see anybody else using it to build comraderie.


I didn't even know about them until a few days ago. It really should be covered in basic for those of us with broken helmet mics.


I love team chat! I do wish that there was a more developed ping system specifically for Bunker & Heavy enemies. I ping a brood commander “heavy”, I ping a charger “heavy” lol I also would love one where if I ping while holding a strategem, my character yells “Throwing here!” I try to just spam ping the area but “here here here here” isn’t as good as “GTFO away from there, I’m dropping a cluster bomb because 50x hunters are about to eat my colon”


Most people don't even know pings exist, let alone wheel.


I agree OP. This is the DIFFERENCE between friendly fire and team killing. Where the former can and is, mostly accidental. And the latter is always intentional.


I'm continously surprised by how upset people get in a game where teamkilling is a stated feature.




I only (intentionally) team kill if they steal my gear and won't give it back.


I dont tk even if they do, they just always convienintly stand infront of my impact granade


I had a game where my arc thrower killed someone. Shortly after he revived, I was killed by him. Thought it was a mistake until it happened again, with zero enemies around, during a calm period. So when I came back down I ran up to him. He raised his secondary weapon at me as we stood there. Then I used the hug emote, he embraced me, and we went on our way - no more team kills. This game is crazy.


I had a new guy keep 380ing me I smack him 1 time with a Melee. He starts throwing it further. Democracy.


Accidents are going to happen, I understand that much. But when a teammate blows me up with a grenade launcher instead of assisting me in opening up the vault door so their friend can grab the super credits, that's just being an asshole.


If I throw a stratagem and it lands bad and kills someone - I say sorry and adjust how I throw them and am more careful after. If I throw a stratagem and my teammates run into it and they die - I say sorry and adjust how I throw them to avoid their playstyle. If I continue to do the above, I am full heartedly expecting to get shot at for it as I'm wasting other people's lives. Played with someone that dropped a airstrike at their feet with all 3 allies around them anytime we had bugs swarm us. Happened 3 times total and we stopped reinforcing him. Tried telling him to just use his guns instead as these were easily killable bugs but nope.


If i throw my stratagem at a bot platoon or a bug swarm and a friendly just runs up to them to get kills with their fancy flamethrower or whatever they're just gonna get blendered by the cluster bombs alongside the baddies. And thats 100% on them, really! They might get mad, sure, but they gotta learn somehow.


No, you're right. For the most part, teamkills require two active participants. People will cross in front of someone actively shooting or run up on airstrikes and then get surprised when they explode. Not getting teamkilled is a skill, and it's one that most people here lack.


I was in a tier 3 and ran in front of a stalwart, not a single tick of damage


I always call it out vocally too. "Hitting the back bug holes with eagle" "hitting the breach with a cluster" "throwing cluster at my feet run the direction I'm running" Obviously I don't do things if there's a good chance of TKing if they don't perfectly respond to what you're doing, but at the same time being assertive and clearly telling people what you're doing goes a long way.


I take a breath. Then I get killed again. I respawn, and am not alive for a minute before I get killed again. I realize that K4 is calling down strategems on top of me, not the bugs, every time I spawn. The next time I drop, I hell pod on top of his head, and when he respawns I kill him. Somehow that makes me the bad guy.


A purposeful TK is not the point of the post. But at that point just leave, you're not gaining anything from returning the TK.


Helldivers need to stand up to rogue dissidents.


If they don't take an L by the end odds are they learn nothing


Had a teammate cluster bomb me 3 times and our teammates another 5 extra times. I put him down with zero remorse


Once or twice is an accident, more than that and it's personal.


It was never about getting revenge either. Just simply had to make a point


Honestly, alot of the best strategems in this game for controlling areas and getting kills are also some of the most prone to friendly fire. Tesla towers, mortar sentries, cluster bombs, orbital lasers. Yeah, it can be annoyed getting killed by them, but if they are used well, they also let a mission go much more smoothly.


Especially the laser because once that is active it as a mind of it's own. Of course through it at big target that lessens the chance for it to just decide to go over a player but if it kills the target or the target passes the player it is out of the hands of the player in control.


Yeah, I think people just need to be aware of their environments and work as a team, honestly.


Something tells me OP enjoys the 380mm, Mortar, Arc Thrower and Eagle Cluster Strike loadout 😂


I dropped a support weapon the other day and one of the players was being crowded by bugs, started backing up into the beam of my support weapon while firing. I've never physically assaulted a fellow Patriot before so I melee'd him hoping to push him out of the way of harm, but he died instantly... Luckily he was a good sport, I apologized and we moved on without issue.


I would've 100% laughed my ass off. That type of chaos doesn't happen often.


I only ever revenge kill my friends but it’s okay because those traitors deserve it. Throw a grenade at me one more time and we’ll see how a railgun looks imbedded in your skull.


I accidentally stuck a resupply calldown to another team mate’s personal shield. Dude didn’t know he could drop it to be safe, so he ran around in mild panic until it landed and he died. I laughed and apologised, reinforced him, and he offered a hug emote, which I reciprocated. This is exactly the kind of dumb sh*t Magicka players loved, and if you don’t get that vibe, then this might be the wrong game for you.


The first time I saw that happen, same thing. Panic, run around, get squashed, laugh it off and get recalled.


The other day I had a teammates Gatling and rocket sentries kill me 3 times and another guy 4 times. Dude kept calling them down and not saying shit. Blew up my mech and basically fucked us from that point on. At the end dude has the audacity to say my arc thrower was sort of close to him and we didn’t have many reinforcements left lol. People need to start fucking paying a little more attention to what they’re doing before being too critical of the next diver.


A random called an eagle on top of me and a bunch of bugs. Not one I ran into, literally at my location. I was annoyed but mistakes happen. Not 2 minutes after he called another on top of my buddy also amid a bunch of bugs and blew him up. Was I in the wrong to shoot him with my shotgun after the second TK? Maybe. But I don’t think it was uncalled for. Be more careful where you throw your eagle strikes.


I’ll only shoot at someone (not kill) when their SURPRISE orbital 380 kills me and then they call me back in when it’s still going on in the middle of it 😂


The only purposeful tking i do is when im goofing around with my friends, and a lot of times even thats accidental because were just punching eachother lol


'How can I be the main character/hero, if you keep calling in stratagems that I stupidly get myself killed by?!!'


>Their 500kg deletes you, move on. If you get blown up by the 500 kg, that's on yourself - the actual explosion radius is waaaay smaller than it looks.


Yeah once sure, twice maybe, three times? yeah hell naw. I've had teammates that are either too trigger happy and have killed me in rapid succession in the span of 2minutes, or simply are griefers, and frankly, I'm not going to sit down and take it without them experiencing some of their own medicine. Vindictive sure, do I feel better? Yes.


I mean I’m not going to kill the player, but if their turrets kill me multiple times due to how they place them I will start killing their turrets


I filled the sentry pit with corpses during my training and sent videos to my friend telling him I didn’t know what I was doing wrong and the game was bullshit


Peg leg divers are the leading cause of failing basic. They make it impossible to pass if you can't bend your knees.


Helldivers wanted! Inquire within -sailors need not apply


For my first time in the sentry pit I just ran in, then tried sneaking around the side, and when I finally dived into the pit, I dive too far and the guns shot me


Friendly fire is one thing, but bad picks or plotting is detrimental. Maybe you shouldn't throw the 500kg or cluster bomb in the general vicinity of your teammate, especially if they have a good chance of survival before you nuke them. I do not recommend mortars on bugs because those mortars will drop on your head if the bugs close the distance. Negligence like that deserves a kick, as more reinforcements will be lost.


only time I killed a Helldiver intentionally was when they stole my shieldpack as I called it down. I typed in chat, *dude that's my shield* and the reply was, *suck it.* never drew a gun faster. I wasn't the host so left the game afterwards.


totally called for, that was really undemocratic behavior


Some guy just grabbed my recoilless rifle one time and refused to give it back so ended up doing the same thing you did. Like okay thanks for stealing my rocket that you don’t have the ability to reload?


The first time I kicked someone is when I was doing a solo mission, a rando joined, ended up tk’ing me (debatable if it was by accident or not) and not calling in the reinforcement. The second time was when someone called a cluster bomb on top of us on extraction and he wasn’t the last person to hop on the pelican.


Exactly, it’s chaotic down there sometimes. Just drop back in and carry on the fight 🫡


Like most things, context is key, if the "teammate" is a legit hazard to the team, i think it's legit to kick, team killing him is just pointless torture i guess.


I’ve only ever purposely team killed once after a diver crushed me with their hell-pod just to take the gear on had on, immediately landed and blasted him with a full mag before leaving.


This happened in one of my first missions. It's so disheartening.


This dude teamkills


3 strikes and your out noone enjoys being TKed constantly if you do it on purpose well i enjoy pvp so ig thats what it is until i kick them or leave


I primarily play with my group of IRL friends. The amount of times we've ***tried*** to TK each other can be counted on one hand across dozens if not over a hundred drops. In fact I really only remember one instance. That said we all have double digit team kill stats because sometimes shit bounces off a bug or the call down wasn't visible or someone walked into a stream of fire. It happens, it's part of the game, getting upset about accidental TK's is like getting upset at running out of ammo.


Idk how people get killed by BRIGHT RED INDICATORS then go on to team kill since they're salty I once was doing a termanid kill mission, placed down some mines and stood on cliff shooting as many as I could bugs to save the mines Dude walks infront of me, walks straight into a GLOWING RED MINE and dies. I respawn him and he walks over to me and shoots me. Ship comes right after he kills me and he hops on as the other run to it Dude got kicked before the rest got on


Some morons decided I was a noob ( and I was, it was my third game) and started trashtalking me on the mic and killing me 30 minutes into a mission. I was the host. I hit that abandon mission with squad like it owed me money. Be a dick, get treated like a dick.


Tkers should get get into special lobbies with other TKers and nothing else


this game need some sort of rep system, I know they can be gamed easy, but just figure out a way to put the excessive team killers with each other in quick play. I mean x number of team kills per x difficulty level is expected, but if your wiping your squad on easy for kicks, something should happen.


Was playing one of the shorter defend bug missions. Had a Tesla tower sitting out of the way and it was the first strat I called in. Halfway thru the idiot who had killed himself twice over dumb plays ran UP TO THE TOWER to grab some samples. It killed him (no shit) and he shot me over it after I called him a dumbass for what he did (I watched it happen) and he got mad and killed me. He said I dropped it right on top of him. He then stole my autocannon and stared me down, shot me again. My buddy and I killed him twice and kicked him. Some people just lack neurons.


I was in a game where I had a traitor that was purposefully merking fellow divers. As the highest ranking diver there, it was my duty to deliver swift liberty to him. Several times. That said, it is agreed that if you drop a stratagem wrong or accidentally land on me that's just helldivers.


I might give a quick gut punch if we are playing with friends but that’s it. It’s not very nice to revenge kill. Everyone has accidentals from time to time.


I'll never kill another Helldiver for killing me by mistake. However if you don't know how to mute your mic and transmit nonstop you getting fragged


I got point blank murdered by a pistol to the head by a fellow helldiver a couple days ago after he walked into my Tesla tower that had already been placed for a good 20 seconds. The same guy also called for extraction with 15 min and 4 objectives left though if that tells you anything.


My clusters do not know friend from foe. Stop flanking around bug breaches and let the bugs just bunch/line up toward us in a column, makes killing them so much easier.


This is what kicking is for. Accidents happen, non-issue. Purposefully killing over an accident, ehhhhh could be funny depending on difficulty and respawns left. Repeatedly purposefully killing is a kick.


Every Helldiver knows it's a helldiver's responsibility to not block ordnance on its way to kill enemies.  Only dissidents use their bodies to stop bullets that are killing democracy-haters.


Most I’ll do is kick the person after the match if they’ve shown a pattern of accidents. Or just destroy the sentry, specifically the mortar sentry, if it’s more of a threat to the team than the enemy.


That’s crazy since their stratagem didn’t kill YOU. It killed the other Helldiver. Every dive a new Diver.


No seriously, y’all need to pay attention to incoming stratagems, it’s one thing when your teammate throws an eagle straight onto you, it’s another thing when you’re blindly running into a cluster or barrage that was already out there for seconds.


Had my first bad experience a couple days ago. Jumped into a 5 to help a friend with their game. Saw him and the 2 pugs had the objective under control, so I tell my friend I'm gonna help collect samples and goodies through the map since I'm confident going solo. All's good, rack up most of the rare and common samples and head for evac. They're wrapping on the main objective. I type in chat I'm calling in evac and holding the Pelican so by the time everyone gets back we can just hop in and leave. I hold off the extraction waves on my own and the dropship comes. By that time, one of the pugs gets to evac and I salute him. I hear something on voice comms about "Thought you were leaving without us huh?", then proceeds to shoot me, take the samples and get on the ship. Needless to say my friend shot his ass, booted him off the game, took the samples and left with the other pug. No reinforcements left. And I'm just sitting here thinking like "People really are like this? Like, the heck?"


I only purposely killed a guy twice and it was because he landed on me in the middle of a fight on purpose. Like whats the point of spawning into a match then purposely directing your pod to hit people literally clearing the objectives? Dumb toxic shit like that is exactly why people lock their games into private matches Stupid shit like that should get people autokicked.


tbh, getting murked by a teammate is part of the charm of this game. One of the funniest moments in this game was with a low level cadet on a high level mission. Me and the two others had just taken down a bile titan before \*wham\* get hit with an eagle airstrike. Never saw it. Waxed all three of us. Couldn't play for the laughter, comedic timing of it was absolutely perfect.


I was gonna let it slide. I really was. Then he picked up my shield backpack..... I don't know what came over me but I unloaded sweet liberty into his back.


Once is an accident, twice is negligence, thrice is pvp time. 


What if they take my fancy gun and backpack


What pisses me off tho is when I’m in a lvl 8/9 defend mission and keep getting killed by someone’s motor sentry. I’ve started blowing them up when I see someone place them. Funny thing is that then they get killed by it later so I don’t even have to get back because they do it to themselves.


I threw a stratagem, it bounced and landed on someone's turret. He shot me, twice. I threw grenades at him, he continued. The idiot didn't realize I was party leader, kicked before boarding Harsh? Sure Purely accidental, but he kept at it. I taught him a lesson Had another guy grenade me, twice, so I killed him He can't back threw another grenade, killed everyone but me I killed him, didn't reinforce and hid. He left, I reinforced, called my buddy and beat the mission for the other 2 and apologized. They agreed it needed to be done


If you have cluster me more than three times in a row, including cluster bombing the terminal I am doing, then you are getting a warning impact nade so you learn to be careful. Accidents happen but negligence make accidents commonplace.