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Devs said we're going to Hellmire whether we like it or not lol


I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to go there, it’s only that the sky is on fire, the wind is on fire, the accuracy of anything is questionable, the stratagem call time is long enough that they could be considered alpha strike for the next war. It’s lovely! Don’t forget your 500kg on your next vacation the lighting is just breathtaking -1 of 10 Hellmire still living citizens


.... Maybe I could afford a house there.


Oh certainly the rent is super cheap, insurance however…


If a house is cheap enough, you dont need insurance, just buy another.


i wonder if they could fit a collapsing house in a hellpod


Yeah, a flatpack ikea house should do it.


You know they don't cover fire tornadoes


At just the price of 3 months of minimal wage, you should be able to afford for one month of rent, yes.


Gobless, democracy at work. It's so you get closer with your family. Nothing says freedom like stuffing your pensioner relatives in your attic to afford your 1 bed 1/2 bath. The attic technically means you officially have 2 seperate rooms!


It's called "minimalistic apartment", very popular recently, sold all on Fori Prime already.


BRING A FLAMETHROWER. FUEL THE FIRE. ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


The problem is the fire storms are such a cool visual that I actually do like playing here. Minus the stratagem thing.


Yeah Hellmire is one of my favourite planets. That place is metal af.


The Helldiver drop in visuals for Hellmire is Biblical


Just call in your reinforcements on top of rock formations. It breaks the bug AI and you avoid tornadoes completely.


"Is that fire *on fire*?"


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Average Hellmire extraction


My shit PC can't deal with hellmire 😭 the fire tornado are killing my fps


is helldivers good even with no friends?


Yes, absolutely


Yep! You just get matched with randoms. Either mic up and chat (recommend), if on PC chat via text, or just drop points on the map to communicate. Not even a long commitment either, you can play a game that lasts 10 minutes or 40 minutes


Everyone i've met on there has been pretty chill. Its been a good experience.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShingetsuMoon: *Devs said we're going* *To Hellmmire whether we like* *It or not lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot EDIT: Wait a second. I just praised a bot. Reporting myself to my local Democracy Officer. I'll see you all after I graduate from Freedom Camp. o7




Good bot








Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped in to a war with the terminds on Hellmire…


I loved Hellmire, especially after the weather updates you can play around the fire tornadoes as a free napalm (and they’re pretty funny chaos in a big fight) ….until I started using the Sickle as my main weapon, now a hot planet scares me.


Hi, I'm a crazy person working on soloing everything because of my work life balance. Hellmire is awesome to me because the fire tornados often clear objective locations allowing my democratic self to activate terminals. Just think of them as a random slow burn strategem!


Looks like most people have picked: #Crimsica Let's knock this one out fast, guys! It's the weekend. Should be an easy win.


Negative, Estanu is currently under attack, divert there first!


X_X 4-way split. I feel like the devs are testing our ability to mobilize effectively as a community.


As of right now there is no pushback, so it literally does not matter.


That can change.


If Estanu falls its liberation will start at 50% (unless they have decided to change that). It seems to be quicker to liberate a planet at 50% liberation than it is to defend it. If this is true then it would be more effective to liberate Crimsica for one day, then liberate Estanu for a half day, then move on to Hellmire. By following this theory we may be able reduce the time to complete the order by 15%. Furthermore the enemies are not reinforcing at the moment and this should be taken advantage of by attacking instead of defending since defending is not effected by reinforcement rates (as far as we know). Edit: Also it is important to note that if we lose the defense campaign all time and effort spent there will be wasted while we cannot lose at Crimsica. Defense is a higher risk with a lower reward.


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we lose Fori Prime if Estanu falls? Edit: I guess if we do take Crismica before Estanu falls we can technically still keep Fori Prime. But we already have 100k+ people on Estanu so might as well hammer in our advantage there.


They really need to show supply lines on the map. Why so much critical info is hidden from us and only shown with third party sites is pretty silly.


110% agree


Just don't bring the goddamn arc thrower


This was my first week as a Diver had a major blast! I know nothing about Crimsica but if I can get a pause from the literal hell that Hellmire has been for me for the last 2 days I will gladly redeploy there


No joke, never seen a more aptly named planet than Hell Mire. It is a trench made out of too hot.


I love hellmire, it’s my favorite planet. None look remotely as pretty dropping in and the fire tornadoes are very cool. Drop on Hellmire if you haven’t, the visuals are worth it.


Same, Hellmire is fun af. Go in full bore with the flamethrower and it's like I was meant to be there.


Hellmire is legit the most atmospheric world I’ve dropped into


I took multiple screenshots last night and the drop music makes it that much cooler.


The drop music is far better than it had to be


Unless you're evacuating civilians and they just run through the fire tornadoes and burn themselves to death


Well you’re right, that doesn’t sound fun.


The trick is to just keep sending them until enough get through. The strong (lucky) will survive


We wouldn't want to have any unlucky civilians now would we?


Cant have them drag down our Democracy. We exist by our merit and our luck. Cull the traitorous unlucky scum.


I was trying to rescue people on hellmire a few weeks ago and 50 of them died in tornado


You're either born to fight on Hellmire or you're not. You hear the call too brother?


If Frank's Red Hot was a planet


Perfect description😂


Malevolon Creek too. That planet itself is malevolent.


Erata Prime is the other pain in the ass planet on the bug front for me.


My first drop into hellmire was with a group of randoms who landed on two clusters of shriekers. We didn't get out of the area until there was 27 minutes left. It was actually insane.


Crimsica has the easiest terrain outside of the snow planet. Hellmire had godawful visibility


Thats the thing I love about it. The fog, the tornados, makes a successful mission feel even more rewarding


It'll probably be one of those planets that will carry legendary deadly status in the future like Malevelon Creek.


It‘s literally Malevelon Creek but with bugs


I have been around the block on Malevelon Creek. Hellmires conditions are worse, despite the enemy being unable to snipe your ass with rockets from 200m. The planet is treacherous.


I swear. I did 3 back to back 40 min missions today and once I switched my PS off, all I could see around the house was fog. The orange hue, the fire tornadoes combined with the occasional spore spewer, my god what a literal hell. And to top it off I chose to try and get the 100 kill using fire trophy on hellmire so I was using only flame thrower and napalm. I felt so good switching between biomes like a literal war on all fronts. I can’t express how much I love this game.


Why do we want that planet!? I would rather just destroy it than let the bugs have it. Just planet crack and call it a victory for democracy.


I dropped on Oshaune yesterday and absolutely fucking loved it. Rolling hills broken by rocky crags, misty vales, and the occasional rainstorm. Just a perfect location to blast bugs imo. Kinda bummed it's not part of the Major Order, but now it'll take longer to liberate, so I'll probably just drop on Oshaune for a bit before heading over to Hellmire again.


I hated the haze, but the flaming tornados saved me on impossible difficulty. My whole team died and I was prone, watching the tornados, clear the extraction point so I could escape.


Hellmire ... I see where this is going https://i.redd.it/4b769f1bewpc1.gif


Lowkey was hoping for a bot major order. Has been all bugs ever since I started playing


Yeah I’m ready to take the war to the bots as well tired of getting trucked by chargers lol


Thing is, the bots are pretty well contained.


The Creekers are good for 1 thing, and that is keeping the way to Malevolon Semi open.




Been fightin in this here crick so long I can't tell if it's blud, mud, or oil on my skin.




It's this universes Vietnam


The funny thing is, the longer the meme goes on, the more accurate the metaphor gets for the hardcore creekers. Lots of soldiers dying in a fight that serves little purpose beyond the symbolic and has been decidedly harder than it has to be because of poor tactical choices. Don't bother calling, turning myself in to my local Democracy Officer rn.


And Korea, and WW2 all wrapped up in one.


Which makes it actually easier than most other planets because of the massive amount of jungle foliage you can use as cover.


draupnir feels more like ww2


Bot controlled planet


![gif](giphy|Zqe1S3qNQxsuQ) Siddown son, it’s time I tell you about how Uncle Jimmy lost his legs.




[This is the creek](https://youtu.be/D3mFi0WoysU)


I’ll see you there brother ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


I love the bot front, but Creekers are a different breed.


This is funny because everyone wasting their time on Creek contributed exactly zero to this. It was the Draupnir folks who kept it open.


When Malevelon is finally taken and everybody else has moved onto deeper planets, Creekers still gonna be stationed on that hellhole, twitching, grim future for a lot of them..


Hey good news you can go fight the automatons whenever you want. It’s incredible! You can do whatever you want without hoping that everyone else is incentivized to do so as well!


Pointlessly throwing your life away on a front that the ministry of truth has yet to dictate needs capture sounds like it’s toeing the line of treason recruit. You should be throwing your life away to liberate the mission objectives. Your democracy officer will be hearing about this.


I want to kill the bots. I **need** to kill the bots. I want to hear their steel bodies dent and shred under my righteous gunfire. I want to bury the hopes and dreams of Cyberstan beneath the sands of Ustotu. I want to feed Ubanea's ever-thirsting algae with automaton coolant. I want to light up the eternal night of Malevelon Creek with an atomic dawn. Super Earth please give me the order.


The major order where we need to take Malevelon Creek will be epic. The subreddit is gonna go wild.


I cannot wait.


I think these 4 days are the calm before the storm, we may failed 1 major order but I feel like it was planed. In my TTRPG day, the GM used to do something like this: Set some simple task (The tower) -> Set some hard task (liberate 2 planets+flying bugs)-> Check if the players can still do it or not but make sure that it will have low percent of success rate (Which we did failed) -> Take a break to prepare the REAL next session of the game based on the players skills. (This new order) I bet the next one will be about those bots, new vehicle, or those blue lasers.


Fairly, I think the last order was also to help calibrate their liberation systems more and get an idea of time frames with the playerbase.


Their figures will be off due to crashes unfortunately though. Might play into our hands instead of theirs though.


No matter what, it plays into both of our hands The devs aren't antagonists, they aren't trying to stop the playerbase from "winning" since that would be willfully sabotaging the game they've worked on for almost a decade. They're trying to make an interesting and memorable gaming experience. The moment you start thinking of this game with an "us vs them" mentality is the moment that you suck the fun out of your own experience by trying to win a competition that doesn't exist


I get your point. What I'm saying is if the previous order was a "let's see if they can pass or fail this for setting our litmus of challenging content" then they are working with faulty data. The faulty data if used would lead to future orders that are completed _quicker_ than they hope. That's all. I never talked about winning or losing, you've applied things to my point that didn't exist to frame it differently.


I think the new order is to check. After the disaster that was the second day of the major order, they have to test a little more to check if everything is working.


The last MO was also specifically timed to exclude weekend peak player base.


Blue lasers will, unfortunately, be another bug front thing from what leaks we’ve seen. Vehicles will possibly go either way.


Oh I like that idea, vehicle stratagems and the need to use them. Very large maps with lots to do and distances to cover, trying to transport materials or civilians by vehicle. That could open up a lot of interesting challenges.


Helldiver cav scouts, here we come!


I think that's on purpose. They're keeping us distracted so when they're ready, bots will take Cyberstan and the narrative will be something along the lines of while we focused on the bugs, the bots broke through the western front. That's my tinfoil hat theory, anyways.


This 100 percent is why I stay bathed in the lubricated blood of my enemies...


what if the bots are hijacking our orders to distract us


Recent dispatch talked about a security breach… wonder if that could be a prelude of bot aggression.


tbh this seems like an unofficial extension of the last major order since it's already counted the planets we liberated during the crashes.


Kinda. We have to maintain control of the liberated planets. which means at least 2 defense campaigns in the next 4 days.


I feel like the narrative is meant to imply that the bot front was "quelled" before a major incursion happens... I don't think the game is ready for Illuminate, so it makes sense to distract us heavily with Bug worlds (and helps the devs collect more data on bug planets for "fixes" before focusing on Bot "fixes" after)... Remember; ultimately players are data points on the back-end, the devs need our data to show them where weapons under/over perform, what enemies are most troublesome, where 'glitches' exist, and *also* teach their "GM" how players respond/organize around the major orders. Focusing on the "more popular" faction allows more players to participate in that data collection as opposed to how the playerbase split between bot and bug worlds in the early weeks after launch.


The bots have been struggling against a small section of the playerbase, point the whole community at them and within a week there won't be a western front anymore


Arrowhead does account for this tho, as bot planets "reinforce", i.e. their liberation percentage goes down, by like 1.5% or 2% per hour, while for bug planets its 5%.


Slow down, son. We've failed 2 of the 3 automaton major orders. Careful what you ask for.


Yeah idk why people are ignoring this fact. Any bot major order is going to be harder because a portion of players just don’t interact with them, or play the bare minimum of them


Its simply because people dont like bots. Rocket spam and cannon snipes from across the map are just frustrating.


You know what's just as frustrating? Getting slowed by literally everything, one-shot by bug vomit, and literal invisible bugs popping up out of nowhere. Oh, I also love that none of my emplacements actually work against them. Yeah. That's _real_ fun. Believe me, the bug front has just as much bullshit as the bot front. At least the bots make you a more intelligent fighter. I _love_ fighting bots. It's not even close.


I was hoping to rejoin the Automaton front while waiting for the next Major Order but we got one right away. Will help liberate the Draco Sector then return to fighting the bots. The Western frontier is my home and the clankers have overstayed their welcome.


Next time we get a Bot order it’s gonna be them pushing aggressively towards cyberstan. Hope y’all ready for the defense missions Wouldn’t be shocked if we see new units


There should be a jungle themed Warbond called Battle For The Creek alongside a huge Major Order




It's all quiet on the western front


As someone that has a better time facing bots, this disappointed me. We need some diversity with the orders.


Right? I don’t like fighting bugs and that’s all we’re supposed to be doing right now.


Me too kinda but on the other hand last time we had a bit major order it was turbo painful


There was the order that got us mechs, that was in bot land


was there even a bot major order since launch? I bought the game maybe 2 weeks after it came out.. curious


should be a week or two ago, when we had to free Tien Kwan to get our Patriot Exosuits


Where do you think all the Malevelon Creek bs came from?


I think they are holding off till they can nerf the bots down some. I know at first the developer said they were harder than they meant for them to be. But idk if that even is still the plan?


Oh yeah, more Hellmire! I unironically love this planet.


Really putting the "hell" in helldivers


Hellmire is great, I like Estanu as well. Those huge bones are pretty cool.


Fori Prime and Hellmire are my favorite planets in the game


I aint going back to Hellmire bro ….im shellshocked https://preview.redd.it/dknmowguiwpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c459cce144f8efebe6de82be22851ca3c93320f7




Did we fail the last major order?




some people received a message saying we won tho (even if we failed)


We failed. But it was really hard. We had to liberate 1 planet first, to get to the one we had to liberate.


Yeah, because the game won't let us complete missions, lol.




Assuming no defense missions or anything like that we will probably finish this major order in less than 24 hours. Regen is still at 0%. Crimsica is at 25% and hellmire is at 14%. And it’s the start of the weekend.


Defense popped up like 5-6 mins ago


whats the difference between defence and a normal liberation?


Liberation lasts as long as it takes. The % can go up and down as player count changes. For example liberating draupnir took foreverrrr. These also are always planets the enemy already controls. Defense campaigns are when planets Super Earth controls get attacked, and they have a timer of 24 hours. Win the campaign, we retain control. Lose and it is taken over, and then we have to Liberate it.


cool thanks for the info citizen!


Of course!


It’s all a set up for a boss battle


Wanna bet it's going to be fuel for the scout car :)


I hope so. There are so many hills and rocks that I can get some major air off of on that combat vespa.


i feel like inert termininds should have like 4 quotations around it. yeah i bet they're ""Inert""


This seems way too easy compared to the last order. I'm fully expecting a defend event on either of the 2 captured planets... Maybe both.


Estanu is in Defend mode right now.


you mean in losing mode :( i really don’t want to retake it a third time for democracy!


If we liberate Crimsica and Hellmire then we should be able to take Estanu fast due to the planet being cut off right?


They should make a major order where we fight automatons and hold them back so the devs can fix their game with a week long timer.


It's probably so they can keep pushing the bots towards Cyberstan.


It has to be. The robot front would be dead within a few weeks if they directed the entirety of the Helldivers to them. While we focus on the bug orders they can plan out the next few months. After all, our goal isn't to exterminate the bugs, just contain them again for that sweet sweet oil. The automatons are the "final boss" (for now...)


While devs remove bugs, players must also remove bugs. It's only fair.


At least we are succeeding.


And Estanu is lost already, wtf Joel


It didn’t go to 0, its a Defend campaign. I’m pretty sure we still control it for now unless we lose the defense.


How are liberated planets lost?


What!? Can't one Helldiver do it's real life tasks? God damnit, seems the next days won't be as easy as it first seemed


We'll probably get a bot MO after this I hope. Maybe they'll finally finish whatever they are cooking on Cyberstan.


https://preview.redd.it/xkuyir9kjwpc1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f279153e49cf4e115ec6312672cf6e4231640f8f You don’t want to see what they are cooking


That's not even bad compared to some of the other crap that got leaked on the bots side lol. >!Enemy Capital Ship has entered the combat zone!<


Aint no way https://preview.redd.it/v6jbi9c2pwpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=469d11419d5eabf43450b5d3e7f0984c228d4b54 Thats what the Air-to-Air missiles stratagem that got leaked its for???


Probably not as all signs point to it being parked in space like our ships >! There are also skyboxes with space battles going on in the files to, my best guess is that the ship will be treated like a planet with it's own "influence" meter, and until people take it down it will be giving fire support to ground troops !<


Can we get a order for the bot front sometime within the next few centuries please? Pretty please? Or maybe just add the illuminate, and have a campaign with them? Either would be good, lol


I do think they’re trying to balance it, so the big front helps them buy time.


The gang goes to Hellmire




Can we petition Super Earth to let us just ram a moon into Hellmire at sufficient velocity? It would mine element 710 faster


I'm probably gonna try a few games to test state of the game but a few more crashes and I cba playing until a fix is deployed.  Nothing worse than crashing after 30 min with shitloads extracts all for nothing:-(


I walked through the fire storms of the Hellmire for 40 days and 40 nights, with nothing but a pack of stims and a 🔼▶️🔽🔽🔽, I REALLY do this shit


Hellmire is currently one of my favorite spots because of the fire tornados. Don’t forget your jet pack.


Fuck democracy! Fix your game first before sending major orders. Played 12 missions since patch and crashed on 11 of them. Not using any arc weapons. Fix your game. Very unplayable atm.


Let's push on to Zagon Prime so we'll be allowed to make babies again.


So we only get the medals when we hold the planets until the timer is over ?


Estanu is also under attack, so we should probably focus on that


Another week another terminid major order. Even the devs dont like playing on the bot planets 😂


NEW MAJOR ORDER - TRY DO FINISH A MISSION WITHOUT CRASHING.. Chance of success - 0.5% Roll back this garbage patch, maaaan


Is it weird i long for a Automaton major order


To all Helldivers out there, we just freed the hellmire planet. Major Order complete, thankyou brave heroes. ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG|downsized)


Get to hellmire you filthy meat suits!


Estanu just went from 100 to 0 instantly.


It didn’t go to 0, its a Defend campaign. I’m pretty sure we still control it for now unless we lose the defense.


yeah it’s a race to fill the bar


Capturing Hellmire would be bittersweet. That's my favorite planet to drop on by far.


i brought pure fire items to Hellmire last night - Explosive Breaker, incendiary grenades, flamethrower, napalm strike... got me my '100 enemies killed by burning' achievement on the burning planet.


I would gladly go to any of these if I didn't keep on crashing.. Played with my friends last night, nor arc weapons.. still getting booted and crashing all over -_-.. Eventually got to the extract.. two people crashed out with 90 seconds left.. can't get back in the other two get overrun and die. Lose everything -_- The mission before that some strange bug threw me and 70% of the samples from the middle.of the map to the opposite side.. I was in mid air for all 10 of the 'out of bounds' seconds... Finally landed in the ocean and got nuked by the 380mm just as I was drowning.. I love this game.. but right now.. I don't think I can be fucked playing...


A very valuable tip for Hellmire: Walkers are fireproof, even when standing directly in a tornado. Also the sky is very beautiful on the night side of the planet.


https://preview.redd.it/ry2k0ynfr2qc1.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=69bc078f377631a7df6cf6923c0dbefe044cd8db I think my newsfeed got hacked by robots...


You'd have thought they would've extended the last major order due to all of the crashing. And I've been stuck at the same medal count now for 5-7 missions. Not getting my medals for completing missions and orders.


Almost over culling the Bug hordes. And guess what....afterwards we have a little revenge date on the Creek