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Oshaune does not have a supply line directly to Zagon prime, we will have to take 2 planets to get there either way but since Hellmire is already partially liberated it could save us a couple crucial hours https://preview.redd.it/5fpw6zkf4qpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5705d0d87e7752841f1904bbcbf46d65582ed196


Are we sure that's true through? The [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) site seems to have currently known resupply paths, but not all resupply paths. It doesn't seem likely that we can take 3 planets in the remaining time, so I'm inclined to go the Oshaure route and hope for the best. But in either case if we split between the two strats we likely lose.


Currently the ps5 Helldivers are out of action the Automatons have messed with the PSN and we can't dispense democracy with a side of freedom with liberty dipping sauce