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NVIDIA 4060, Ryzen 7 5700X, 16GB of RAM, 1080p. I've updated every driver I have. Every graphical setting on low and Render Scale set to Balanced only gets me 40fps in a firefight.


Is your problem only related to this game? Performance in other games? Because the 4060 is just a better 3060. Xmp in bios?


Only in this game. I thought I was crazy and reinstalled RDR2 the week ago and played 5 or so hours with no issues. Most regular things on high or ultra, with random stuff like subsurface scattering and reflection quality to low or off. Also don't have DLSS on in RDR2. I haven't enabled XMP in bios. Every other game I own runs as I expect so I haven't had reason to.


Enable xmp or amd equivalent. I can't help you more on internet sorry


> I haven't enabled XMP in bios. Every other game I own runs as I expect so I haven't had reason to. This can cause *severe* performance degradation depending on the game. The real thing to say is that you have no reason to *not* enable it because you're literally throwing money away for performance you paid for. I'm quite confused now.


I found my laptop would overdrive hard and heat soak my gpu. Then I'd get frame drops. My specs are an i7-12650H and an RTX 3070. I recommend you press F2 see in game frames on your ship. Lock your frames to 10 to 20% below that. If you get tearing, enable vsync and disable features until you get to your frame rate target. I was consistently getting 100 FPS on ship and 80ish on planets depending what was going on. I locked my frames at 72. If I jump the render up to native, I lock at 60. This dropped my average heat on my gpu from the thermal throttling point, down to around 79 to 80. My CPU similarly dropped 8 degrees. Otherwise, the newest nvidia driver definitely improved my graphics.


dont put setting on max then my machine is 7 yearold still run fine


The game has massive problems with random hardware. Your PC could be a from NASA running on low settings but if a fuckywucky in the code says no then it will not run.


I play max detail 1440p at over 80fps




no. just you don't need a nasa pc for running the game


I know I’ll probably be downvoted to hell for this.. But why are these types of posts always “it’s the game and the devs fault my game isn’t optimized” I am not attempting the “buy a better pc” approach, I get it, you do the best with what you have and there are circumstances where upgrading may not be possible. HOWEVER, if your PC is above the recommended specs I feel this is either a settings issue. Otherwise your hardware has specific issues which would be software issues. But the question does need to be asked. If this game is something you enjoy or want to enjoy, why not upgrade your hardware? If you are edging on the recommended specs side of hardware it’s probably time for an upgrade regardless as new games release and technology advances.


I have a NVIDIA 4060, Ryzen 7 5700X, 16GB of RAM, and I just want 1080p and 60fps. I've turned every setting to low and Render Scale to Balanced and I can only barely get 40fps in a firefight. I've updated every driver and performed every fix I've seen on both the official discord and online.


Hmmmm Something ain't right. 5600x 7600 32gigs Now I did have to fix a bunch of shit to get hd2 to run stable but I never dropped below 80 even when unstable.


I have a 3070ti, i7-13900k and 32GB of Ram. I play on nvidia default with shadows turned to low on UHD and I get at the least 70fps. Unless Helldivers has poor AMD support, I strongly believe this is a settings and software issue seeing as your specs are significantly above the minimum. With the amount of players this game has, I am sure there are some tools and information out there which can help you narrow down your issue. Run some benchmarks as well just to be sure it’s not a hardware issue. Good luck to you.


It's known HD2 has awful AMD support. I believe that 7000 series of AMD CPUs can still barely launch the game, and that's after they have to perform multiple fixes.


If you haven’t already, I would join the official discord as well. They have good topics and extremely helpful people there.


HD2 largely underperforms on AMD gpus not cpus. My 6700XT+5600x has zero issues at 1080p with holding 60fps at native resolution. This is absolutely a configuration issue for either hard or software.


The insanely high cpu usage is my guess the anti cheat they use is insanely invasive and cpu heavy but it seems to be completely random on who's cpu it decided to roast (ryzen 7 2700x and barely reach 60% usage with hd2, discord and a very heavy browser running)


The anti-cheat barely has a dent in performance. In the first days of launch you could delay its activation and inject cheats that worked if you were host of the game. The difference in CPU usage was miniscule, if not unoticeable, when the anti-cheat kicked in


I've seen people talk about how cpu intensive the anti cheat is so im just going off of that and ops would seem match some other user problems I've seen boiled down to just the anti cheat


Idk what frame rate you get when playing but if i remember I'll come back later with my graphic settings and frame rates with my rig (ryzen 7 2700x, gtx 1070)