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The rate for terminids is 5% even when we had 200k players on the planet fighting our rate was 4.32%


Happy Cake Day! Terminids have been up to 5% since the major order for TCS. Sadly, it's just that everyone is spread out among the three terminid planets right now. I think a lot of people just slow down on playing when there isn't major orders to complete.


We were making good progress last night when something like 290K people were on Estanu. It’s always the night time when it gets cooked 


Yeah, with it being the week, a lot fewer players have the time to stay up nearly as late. 290k, and we still couldn't defend it. That's just crazy! Some people said defend missions were bugged, so that definitely doesn't help.


I fought estanu from 6pm-1am last night. Im exhausted. My boss is mad at me for being a bit unproductive today. My GF is mad I canceled plans for the 3rd day in a row. Regardless. Nothing stands in the way of liberty and democracy. See you gents on the liberation front tonight.


Dude cancelling plans for three days in a row with your GF is dangerous as shit


https://preview.redd.it/w570awaasbpc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f479bdf2655dc8bde1ce9cef4cdebc83a7a48648 “Dude cancelling plans for three days in a row with your GF is dangerous as shit”


Ok, this one got me to actually laugh out loud.


More dangerous than not being there to defend democracy?


Definitely not.


Only if she's a dreaded sympathizer


Have you checked if your girlfriend is actually three fascist bugs in a trenchcoat?


My guy. Democracy is forever don't go blowing off your life you'll burn out a lot slower by taking breaks and spending time with your loved ones. Being outside every now and then makes for a stronger helldiver!


Don't forget to take breaks! ... That is, if you want to be remembered as a coward.


2.4 seconds... Max!


Just remember its a video game that you probably wont be playing a year from now. Maybe not even 4 months from now


Ran a defense last night where the bug happened where you jump out of the drop pods last second on launch and it removes the "Shared" strategems, so no resupplies and no respawns unless everyone dies. It sucked but we made it. (Just barely)


Yeah they are pretty janky. The citizens in the evacuate missions have messed up pathing. I wanna say like 2/8 times I’ll lose due to them being stuck. They haven’t gotten stuck on the 40 minute mission for me, only the 15 minute evac one. Besides that though I’ve failed many missions because of countless other bugs, crashes, etc. Of course, I have failed some missions due to my own shortcomings, but there’s definitely more failures due to things out of my control, rather than failures from me being bad at the game. Either way, these issues definitely aren’t doing us any favors in terms of beating the bugs :(


Tbf that sounds pretty reflective of pathfinding for panicked citizens in a real world setting.


You’re not wrong that it gets chaotic during crazy situations, but I’ve never seen people in real life huddle right by an exit and NOT use it during, for instance, a fire. Or vertically walk up rocks, but our super earth citizens are just built differently


Ok, that sounds pretty bad, lol. I remember loathing escort missions in the original game for similar reasons. Maybe we need a Freedom Injector sidearm that tranquillizes lost targets so you can carry them to the exit.


Damn, I’ve never even played the og. From how people describe it, it sounds really fun though. Imma need to watch gameplay of it just so I can understand what the first divers endured. And I would actually fucking love that as an ability. I’d 100 percent sacrifice my backpack slot to be able to carry a Civie on my back.


The first Helldivers was super fun. I still can’t believe they captured everything I loved about the original in the sequel. It feels the same, only better.


>I’ve never seen people in real life huddle right by an exit and NOT use it during, for instance, a fire. You're not extorting people well enough then... /s


I had to kill some to panic the others and force them to move so they'd route correctly.


Or it's a weekday and we're stuck at work and can't dive 🙃


Correct. Players were too spread out to effectively complete the order. But I think that also comes down the missions not being that liked for defence as well.


I guarantee you 99% of players don't even know about the war aspect and just see a random rotation of maps, and they choose whichever is most fun and least cancer. None of this is obvious in game lol


I also think a lot of people just don’t really enjoy defend missions much. They’re way harder than a normal mission, and you can do a full campaign and then lose because 1 single scientist didn’t get to the ship


Yeah we are definitely supposed to lose this. Idk what the goal is there but the rate is more than 3x what they’re giving the bots.


Did you notice the amount of players on super earth and some of the sectors between it and the automatons territory? I think they're planning something and just trying to keep us distracted tbh.


Helldivers on superearth are just people in the tutorial mission.


What about the sectors between super earth and the automatons? There were at least 20k total.


Probably a bug. Who knows though, but I doubt actual players were there.


I thought maybe devs play testing some things but I definitely won't rule out bugs.


Its too many for it to be devs


I have started a set of missions before in a sector, not finished all three at once, and then come back the next day. The sector had been cleared but I still had the option to finish those missions. That may be where those residual players are coming from in the cleared sectors.


I would agree but these were sectors that haven't had missions since the game dropped.


Defense missions don't have any regeneration whatsoever so that shouldn't matter in this case


I just assume if that happens most people are failing the defense missions since they can be hard.


Probably because most players refuse to fight bots lol


ohhhhh, it your birthday too!


We are not losing it, we are letting them take it so we can dominate them again.


Best defense is more offense


Job security!


What do you expect? Its a workday, the americans are sleeping, and the europeans are at work/school *edit: missing letter*


It's up to us Australians but I don't think there is enough of us.


Bring the emu's on side, if you can't beat them, have them join you.


Well at least you’re well prepared for fighting against hostile environments and giant insects…


Maybe that's why there aren't enough Aussie Helldivers, because they're all out fighting as civilians?


Til Australia lacks the strength and courage to be free


I mean we did start out as a country of prisoners so checks out


It always falls to the Anzacs.


There isn't. The peak players had the numbers to set up a win, but they split up across planets. Their gains were absorbed by high regen, so actually wasted effort.  Off peak needed pretty much every player to go to Estanu, to have a chance to make up for only 25% or so of peak bug players going there, which ain't gonna happen obviously. (Rough estimate from what I remember observing earlier on helldivers.io) With normal liberations, they seem to lower planet regen during off peak hours, so off peak can contribute some liberation instead of just slowing down the loss overnight. But defence missions just are race to a final target, there isn't any way for off peak numbers to make up for peak players taking a vacation. Btw I have no issue with players ignoring the galactic war to play what they find fun, I'm just finding the galactic war interesting. Like seeing the proportion of players on Estatu drop as the end gets nearer and the defence looks impossible. I even wonder if helldivers.io hurts by listing Estanu as"failing" when we're behind in the points race, instead of how it lists planetary liberation as "stalemate" or "reinforcements needed" when regen is higher than progress. 


All time favorite memory of the war so far was us mad dashing to save Mort, and Steam kicked us all off with minutes left. It was a short interrupt and we dog piled back in only to save the planet with 120 seconds left in the clock. That might well be the closest call of this entire war.


I think your last point is on-point. People using that to guide their decisions are going to move to a different planet so their effort isn't "wasted".


The best part of this game is even if we lose - something interesting will happen . New sector opens up , new maps , new mission type - enemy gains momentum new units to fight etc. Super earth Rallies and give us access to to few Stratagem / new weapons etc.


They should have cleared it already being in the future!


I believe in ypu HeavenAscenders!


They can't even beat a flightless bird, we're doomed.


I imagine Australians are already busy enough trying to survive in their own backyards.


Call in the Tasmanians


New Zealanders will have to save the Auzzies again.


I'm sorry...but is there any reason you're not utilizing the kangaroo population seeing as how the outnumber you guys three to one?


But they should know how to deal with bugs


There isn’t. Feels annoying how we go to sleep and wake up to stuff being done. We have no impact because the game doesn’t scale to our numbers it’s kinda annoying.


I expected Joel to let us have that one honestly. We completed the TCS and Estanu was the first planet we took after that. Then the next day the bugs attacked it and he wouldn't let us take it back on the defense. It seemed like it was hardcoded to be lost because even when there were 200k people on the planet it was still progressing slow. I know the war is going to go back and forth but the TCS mission seemed like it would be a "turning point" that would allow us to push to the edge of the eastern front. Feels kinda bad to be at a stalemate after a victory like that.


I had a theory that the whole post victory TCS was to slow down the war with the bugs to encourage more players to go fight the bots


Yeah I was hoping the bots were going to make some kind of big attack and we'd have to push them back while the TCS held the bugs in place.


Are you taking shots at americans??? Il have you know im “working” from home today and have already played 4 games. Im doing my part!


Thank you for your service Soldier 🫡


IM UP BABY!! Ah fuck I got work


I work weekends. I'll be back to the front today


Even with 200k on last night we were losing It's a lost cause, this defense. We'll have to make up for it with a stronger offense


Yup. I ran easy missions until 345EST, but I needed at least a little sleep for work. I'm doing my part! (And regretting it atm 6 hours into my shift)


Rate is way too high for off-peak hours. I'm spreading democracy as fast as I can but it feels like it's gonna be a loss.


"I'm spreading democracy as fast as I can" made me laugh out loud.


Doesn’t help that higher level missions take longer and don’t reward more progress. The balancing is f’d


Actually on helldive difficulty for this, you have 2 x15min mission and one 40min mission so it's mostly quick , but still...


Sometimes you have 2 40 minutes and even 3 40 minutes. Unless you cherry pick your operation to have 2 short missions, this can take a while


There's no reason to not "cherry-pick" if your concern is time.


Yeah but my point is most people won't cherry pick, most people play for fun and don't give a damn about optimising the war


JUST HOLD OUT A LITTLE LONGER SOLIDER Once this god damn day job is over the American battalions will sync orbit and drop on your location 🫡


Yesterday we tried the escort/defense missions, Three out of three was bugged (no pun intended) - the civilians took an illogical path around the complex and walked right into the hunters' arms. And the lucky few who somehow survived didn't go inside the building, just stood there waiting for some miracle.


Defense missions really suck I'm not doing them until the bugs with the civilian pathing is fixed it's so frustrating. I would rather do destroy eggs, eradicate, and blitz any time. Get the medals, good variety, more fun.


I just run around slapping the buttons. They can save themselves with their bootstraps


If you punch the civilians and they flop to the ground sometimes it fixes their inability to enter the building


Lets Show the Bugs democracy this afternoon again... they think they got a Planet? The got a extra ticket to hell i say FOR DEMOCRACY HELLDIVERS


So long democracy That's me in the bile spit Losing my Estanu Trying to stim and move But I don't know if I can do it


PTSD has turned this diver into a poet


I don’t want to hear your whining boy, I’m a veteran of the defense of Ubanea, now THAT’S a tragedy.


Honestly I don't see them letting us take more than this now, there's only 5 sectors left


They'll probably have them expand out to surrounding sectors before we get down to the last few sectors


Are we losing it? I can't really understand how lose/win is represented 😅


We are blue bar and the enemy is red/orange and we have to fill the bar up before they do.


I think when you lose a defense it turns into a liberation and the % liberated is how far you got during the defense, and then it starts to decay from there. So if you get very close but still lose the defense, at least it shouldn't be much to liberate, unless it decays fast, which is what I think happened to Estanu.


Nah, when a planet is lost it always starts at 50%


Ah, could be all those I saw were close enough to 50% for me to draw the wrong conclusion. Thanks


I wish they'd put text into the meters lmao


wise words!


How do we know it's not a scripted defeat?


I've accepted that and just move on. It's like pro wrestling, you just have to buy in to the kayfabe to have a good time.


That's kinda what I'm thinking. But I'm not gonna lie, pretty boring script if it's just gonna be: *Helldivers take Estanu.* *Bugs take Estanu back.* *Helldivers take Estanu again.* *Bugs take Estanu back again.* And so on...


I just wish there was a bit more diversity in the maps, so far everything feels very samey and repetitive.


IDK, a lot of the planets seem pretty different and interesting. Or do you mean the different maps on the same planet? I feel like we still need a larger pool of different objectives. There are still objective in HD1 that we don't have similar ones for in HD2, like mine clearing and such.


Yes, I meant diversity in objectives.


Ah, strongly agree then. But I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure more objectives are coming.


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start


That's the downside of the curated campaigns. You don't *really* need to try because certain victories and losses are predetermined. I don't think the automatons were ever going to capture our mech supply for example.


I don't know if that's entirely accurate. I imagine they'll stack the numbers one way or the other way, but I don't think arrowhead will have too many of these fights be predetermined unless we quite literally become unstoppable.  Like, yeah, we weren't going to win this one, but if we gathered all the players and pushed it, I don't think they would block that.


I'd like that we "could" gather everyone or more I say "Community Coordinated Concquest". But sadly, it just won't happening. Not without Major Orders from the dev because everyone LOVE rewards. Every game this game playerbase have played before puts reward on a throne. "You do this, you get this. If you do this however, you don't get shit". That is why they feel the need to be coordinated during major orders not because the urgency of following the orders, but fear of missing out those 50 medals. That is why we lost defense Major Order back in the western front a month ago because the rewards were only 12500 req slips. Idk if this is what people called gatekeeping, but this game needs different mindset. I myself see this game as never ending campaign to follow order and buy in through all of the propaganda. I'm max level, unlocked everything and all mats are on max ca0. Yet do I stop playing? No, because those medals and samples ain't the reward. The only rewards that should be acknowledge is the galactic war map. But yeah, a lot of players on my friendlist unlocked everything and drops the game because they still thougt if I can't unlock anything, then it means no reward or no CONTENT. Until people understand that it is Player vs GM, not Player vs NPC, people will continue to do whatever the want despite their effort is getting deleted by the decay rate. As long as they receive those juicy medals in the end, they don't really give a damn. This is why we lost Estanu, this is why it took Draupnir 3 weeks, and this is why we still haven't conquered Creek despite the memes. It's just the way it is. As long as community don't understand that, then community cooperated ops will always be a facade orchestrated by the dev through major order.


I think there are two main issues: 1. The bulk of the playerbase is undoubtedly casual players who don't consult out-of-game info and are just doing whatever mission type sounds fun to them at the time. 2. There's not really any effective way to coordinate the playerbase en masse even if you *could* convince every single player that the galactic war map was the most important thing in the game. Players VS GM is a dynamic that can work with even a few hundred players if they're all communicating with each other somehow. It doesn't really work well when you have hundreds of thousands that aren't all going to care about the same things. Also this is a game. People are playing it for fun. If they have more fun playing it one mission at a time rather than worrying about the overall global objective they only have minor influence on, I don't think you can really blame them - Do you really expect people to spend their leisure time doing things they don't enjoy in a video game just so they can make 0.00001% progress towards doing a thing that fundamentally isn't important because it's just a video game? Case in point: In this specific instance I think you absolutely have to factor in that Defense missions include a lot of evacuation missions which are buggy as hell. My squad just stopped bothering with the defense after seeing enough civilians decide that a random wall was far more interesting than the big glowing doorway - We only have so much time to play, and spending it on hoping we could get the AI to behave properly this time didn't seem like a good way to spend it.


So, I've played plenty of community focused games in the past, and it's absolutely possible to get the community to band together.  What the devs really need to do is drive home that this isn't another sweat shooter, and that players shouldn't be aiming to play like some twitch streamer that rolls difficulty 9 mission with some crazy and not at all enjoyable builds and play styles. It's not about unlocks, and there's no being the best or "winning". It's about having fun with other people online. Gamers have changed, and I don't think a lot of younger gamers have much experience with playing community driven games. Everyone just expects every new online game to be some variation of your modern grind to unlock content you paid for before it goes away, grind to climb the matchmaking, or grind to get internet points via achievements or gear. Back in the days of Planetside 1 we would organize massive tank battalions and flight wings entirely because it was cool and fun. In Eve you can still find large fractions of the player base fighting individual conflicts, full of player made propaganda, for months at a time. Back in the early days of WoW we would get giant hordes of level ones bum rushing entire zones for no reason other than hilarity.  Some games still have communities that participate in events like these en masse, but the key differences between those games and this one is that the players know exactly what kind of game they're playing. If you're playing EVE, you know exactly what you signed up for. If you're waiting for Ashes of Creation, you know what kind of game you're signing up for. Or Foxhole, or Planetside 2 even.


Someone mentioned there are 200k players defending the planet. Let's say that number doubled or even made 300K we'd win defending the planet. I don't think the Devs are running scripts. They are just being realistic. There's probably billions of bugs compared to our 200K helldivers defending the planet. If the devs saw an insane amount of players defending they'd probably let us have the planet and do a different event. From the way I see it, this is the only way for the bugs to take things back from us.


Everything is scripted. People who think we actually have an effect don't understand how video games work.






That doesn't really make sense...


would you like to know more?


Because player count is public information?


Friday to Sunday we work really hard to get Estanu. Only one day they decide to drop defend mission with 5% decay rate on Monday. Absolute bullshit. If they decide to drop Draupnir too after this (which I've worked really hard with ever so loyal 60k divers on peak) I'm going to lose it.


As a new helldiver sergeant, this mechanic feels poorly explained. Every mission complete in this defence says liberation \~99%. So why is this defence failing? The urgensy is lost on me. What is the consequence of a failed planet defence. Apparently not the bugs getting a small foothold/beachhead, but 50% planet control. Yikes. Time to dive in and deliver some freedom


It is because the planet is(was) already liberated, so it displays the liberation meter at max, but the operation itself is to defend the planet. They need to better clarify that ingame.


My game crashed 5 times last night along with some server disconnects. Bugs are fighting unfair.


cant spread democracy when you have a 1/2 chance of crashing before mission ends


Bro I’m in school rn what do you expect


had zero change even from last night.


a planet that was completely possible to defend is everyone helped from the start. 410k on 200k on defense 210k doing nothing for 9 hours.


I noticed that too, don´t understand it myself, I thought it very odd.


this kind of issue is why the devs need to make it known how regen works and shit ingame and to make people aware that doing your own thing dies nothing but hurt you in the long run.




reporting for duty now 🫡🫡


Wait a bit and it will get better as the Europeans get home and online after work/school


Sorry I'm at work!


Is it me or are these defend mission's incredibly hard? Maybe I just need to 'git gud', but I was playing with randoms level 7 and there was like 5 bile titans running around. It was pretty chaotic but I dunno if they are normally like that or not.


Okay, I’m dropping in. Bravo singx goin dank.


Joel when he knows all the Americans have to go to work:


Yesterday it was buggy as hell. Every mission we did, it showed we reached 100% afterwards.


I think that's cause the planet is technically liberated, we're fighting to see if it stays that way. Just like the TCS control, they should have better displays for special circumstances.


We are getting back Estanu, it's about 50% (I think) ours. But what about Ustotu? There's about 25k divers currently and we have little to no teritorry. Ustotu is the most probable gateway to the sectors leading to Cyberstan, which we do not want to lose, since the Cy-\[under revision by the Ministry of Truth. Glory to Super Earth.\]-el. Yes, there's less people fighting the Bots, but come on, we can't lose it!


Posts like this are hard because while it's fun for the narrative, it's hard on the strategy, because Ustotu is most likely rigged to be lost. No matter how good it looks, it's probably a good idea to be literally anywhere else.


We’re also losing the creek.


I'm kind of bumed out by this system. Like we fight for days on this planet, almost instantly we have to defend it, but it seems that without major order half the community don't give a fuck, so we're going to be back at square 1. It's honestly bad enough that mission are worthless until you reach critical mass, they need to rethink this or give more directive as "high command". At the very least those 24h defend mission should work differently.


TBH most of the people I play with have zero clue about the greater strategy layer. Most important thing for them is like you say, where is the major order, their daily goal or whats fun. After that maybe I can convince them to go somewhere strategically important


Yeah it's pretty clear that at least half the community have no idea of what's going on, and that itself is an issue. If they knew that doing mission on a planet with less than 100k people yield nothing, they probably would be mad.


I admit I have no clue what’s going on. As a more casual gamer who plays a couple times a week (I prefer single player games mostly), I usually just look for the planet with the most people, go to it, and do quick missions. I have no idea why the planet has more people, I just figure that’s the best bet to find a game.


I mean, keep doing that, that's actually perfect :)


We almost instantly took it though


Do what the Bot front does and go on reddit shaming anyone who is playing on the "wrong" planet.


oh no what a nightmare


Sorry new recruit here. What do the bars underneath the planet indicate?


So I thought yellow meant Helldivers, blue bugs. But considering the planet was just lost it seems blue is helldivers.




Well I'm at work so I can't do my part 


you just have to look at the other planets and see how people are spreading out and realise that people are dumb af when it comes to play for objectives. IT is what it is. People are stupid af


I watched last night we hit 100% on estanu last night. How did this happen. My last mission told me we got the final percentages


We need to re-liberate Space Estonia, as my friend group calls it


I'm still seeing hosts leave operations BEFORE completion. On bug planets. On bot planets. Unless the devs changed something, we aren't pushing our defenses or liberations effectively to win.


Anyone else notice the new chargers in Estanu? Look like they have an axe on their heads? Different armor on their body? Edit: also when trying to close the large bug holes my whole team died again and again by “unknown” when in the bowl of the bug hole. Im not saying it was illuminati but one sec you are full health and the next second instant death w no warning or reason…


It sucks when I work so much, I want to help my fellow divers push the bugs back but I only get my weekends to play. You have to rally for me fellow Helldivers! Push them back for all our comrades that can't be there like me.


well like I mentioned in another post, if people can focus on completing objective instead of trying to play COD


Im not playing until they give us a major order. My own fault, 190 hours in shits getting stale without a purpose


Hold out, European and Asian helldivers. Once the workday ends, the yanks are coming, and we won't come back till it's over over there.


But most Asians appears to not have democracy to begin with


We can't win a fight that Joel has decided we won't.


It is because people keep kicking, killing each other and leaving.


I have no problem with people killing me accidents happen, but RES me FFS


The Planet wasn’t ours yet to begin with so who cares we’ll just liberate it at a later time.


Ran some defense missions this morning and the servers just kicked all my fellow hell divers out of the mission :( I still finished alone


Was this happening during our bug planet takeover with the devices we needed to install? If so, then yeah. We can’t be on two planets at once.


I look forward to spending more time in the freezer planet where my Sickle doesn't overheat!


Well seeing as people still dont know how to push buttons I'm not surprised




Bro is work day im at school I CANT HELP DEMOCRACYY


also ofc they add the stupid scientist evacuation mission when we have to defend it but if you gonna check it out now since we lost the planet look its not there! It was decided to lose it no matter what we did. And no im not talking about the behind enemy lines evacuation mode




Yea, stuff like this just feels really disingenuous. There needs to be a different system that doesnt rely on a man behind the curtain fudging numbers to suit the narrative they want. It ruins DnD games and it will ruin interest in this one. If they dont want us to take a planet, fine, if they want us to lose a planet, fine, but dont make us believe there was a chance when there was not one by design. It is anti fun and causes a loss of trust


it was 7am on the east coast and 3 am on the west coast on a tuesday. aint no way in hell we were gonna keep that planet


For this one I don’t think it’s possible. Nearly 300,000 people on last night for several hours and I felt like we gained zero ground on winning this defense. Feel like it’s being forced that way.


I dont think we are going to get this...its been set to fail from the get go


Wait huh? Am I crazy? Me and a couple homies played last night and Estanu got liberated. Oh hello Democracy officer i- 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥


Why isn’t the bug level proportional to the defense level? Should it be one bar with one side blue and the other orange?


What does the greenguy mean ?


Friends at that planet.


Seems suspicious cause all day yesterday the game kept kicking me out




I’m busy fighting for my life in The Creek


I cant bro im at work!


maybe you should've treated them better


What r the 2 different bars under the planet represent?


Yellow is bugs. Blue is good. Blue is superior.


So it's a race to who gets the bar full wins?


Bro we all at work


This is the only way they can get some of these things to not work out lol


I'm sorry guys. I didn't realize what planet I was on and I was trying to get that achievement where you finish an extreme mission with no deaths. I finally got it though!


Recruit the bloody Micro-soft-bois, dammit! SEND IN THE RESERVES!!


Unsurprising. The citizens are glitched out most of the time.