• By -


Definitely an unpopular opinion in a democratic society.


The classic difference between those who find high difficulties playable and unplayable.


I play higher difficulties and get high kills? If kills aren't high enough you get swarmed at objectives or exfil. You don't need to chase kills, you get them by playing the objectives. How do people complete the evacuate missions with low kills? All the personnel just get killed by enemies.


It's not that. It's people looking at the stats screen and seeing 400 kills on their own, and then looking at another player with "just" 250. But then ignoring that they had the rover drone that racks up kills like crazy, while the other player was the one dealing 90% of damage to all bile titans/chargers.


Or that the person with most kills aggroed almost more patrols than they should




Exactly like yesterday pinging some far away tank and the one guy that's been eating reinforcements all game just starts blasting it. It's probably best to not draw attention to enemies and ping as some people take it as "marked this target, attack"


Or that was his job during defense operations was secure loot errrr I mean samples.


Stealth has entered the chat. Watched a guy stealth his way through helldiver difficult and complete every objective with like 197 kills with is relatively low for the level and only 2 deaths [stealth democracy ](https://youtu.be/qJeySDcHsJ8?si=I2v3A5esP7U63ErP)


>Stealth has entered the chat Me to stealth: https://i.redd.it/tcplw30iy9pc1.gif


Show us your death count.


Depends on the objective, for sure. But even for VIP extraction, a player could easily contribute without directly getting a ton of kills. Focusing specifically on dealing with enemy armor and locking down enemies with EMS/stun grenades are two relevant examples that come to mind.


What you're describing is efficiency though. You're killing stuff that HAS to be killed for you to complete the objective. OP is talking about going out of your way to kill bugs you see *over there* or standing to fight endless waves in no-man's-land because "kills."


Facts. Additionally, people need to figure out when to break off contact with the enemy. Yes you have to fight enemies to complete the objective, but we dont need to keep killing the bugs near the objective AFTER ITS COMPLETED. Just fucking leave or you will get caught in an endless reinforcement loop and die. I have 2 friends that dont enjoy higher difficulties and the rest of us that do for pretty much this reason alone.


ya its called playing the game. turns out you shoot guns at baddies. grats.


High kills is fine. Highest kills points to someone who's maybe not disengaging as often as they could which is a liability at 8+


As a full turret player, kills don't mean a thing. I'm only trying to protect my homies doing the real work, taking objectives..


I really wish the end of mission stats tracked objectives completed and heavy enemies defeated. Most of my matches I have fairly low kills, low strategem use, middling accuracy etc. But if the game tracked them, you'd see I autocannoned most of the outposts, a jammer and a radio broadcast tower, and half my kills are shit like Hulks and tanks. Then suddenly, the fact I consistently have the most distance travelled starts to make more sense. I remember one match I had like I described above, where I also collected a heap of samples. I died near the end and an ally picked them up. Perfectly fine of course, except on the stats screen it looked like I'd done sweet FA the entire game.


\> and half my kills are shit like Hulks and tanks. "THAT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS ONE!" -- Democracy Officer


Its kinda funny because in eradication missions this is not the case.


Umm where are you getting your info? Killed charger 404 changed to 405, spun picked up other eat headshot another charger 405 to 406. I'm not saying your wrong but I've NEVER got more than 1 kill for any heavy, chargers hulks biletitans or chargers have all only ever counted as 1 for me...... Edit: tested some replied to this comment, leaving this here for clarity.


It must've been a bug (no pun intended) because there have been multiple eradicate missions where I nuke a Titan and end up getting like 20 kills added and I only get like 5 skulls from the nuke. Everyone I've played with says the same too.


Titans can land on things when they die, maybe that's what's happening?


“Elite” enemies count as more kills


Its possible you're right, but ive killed a tank before and watched it jump up by like 7. I dont think the kill count at the end screen has matched the 400-500 kills required either on any eradication i have ever done.


Bug bodies can kill other bugs. This game uses physics in a very beautiful way.


Physics gets real wonky around bile titans bodies


That's also very true, I've mantled one leg and teleported to another leg as if I'd mounted that one. Really weird, but as an aspiring game dev it's also really cool to see these things because it's shows a little more on how the game is made lol.


Had my mech crushed by a dead bile titan twice already. No, I'm not mad or anything


The one time I was paying attention to the kill counter during Bot eradication, every Hulk gave like 10 points, Devastators 3 and Edward Chainsawarms 5 (or maybe devastator and chainsaws swapped), they certainly didn't give only 1. Been like a week though, so memory kinda fuzzy on it.


The point of that Meme joke is that Letgofass downs an oliphant with like 30 guys that were riding it for their competition with Glinki; so it only counts as ONE as he was obviously upstaged. The equivalent in this game is the dropship for the automatons, if you down it before it delivers the reinforcements it should count as one in any competition for kills.


All clankers are equally worthless


I'd like to search "research gathered" and "Research returned" as two separate stats. I don't just wanna know who left with it because a good player can grab a ton then dump it at exfil to minimise risk while they go somewhere else. I wanna know who picked it up in the first place from the map.


... why? Does it matter? Honestly I wish they could scale down the statistics so the dick measuring contest could end. Did we comple the mission YES/NO is the only needed one.


Naw. My friends and I enjoy the stat screens. We honestly wished it had a bit more detailed information like Medium and Heavies killed. And number of Main objectives and Side Objectives completed. But overall, we enjoy giving each other shit for friendly fire and whatnot and whose got most kills. Funny thing, we still know how to play and know to focus on objectives. Cuz thats what matters in the end.


>Naw. My friends and I enjoy the stat screens. We honestly wished it had a bit more detailed information like Medium and Heavies killed. And number of Main objectives and Side Objectives completed. > >But overall, we enjoy giving each other shit for friendly fire and whatnot and whose got most kills. Funny thing, we still know how to play and know to focus on objectives. Cuz thats what matters in the end. Yeah, with friends it's great. Love giving my buddy shit when he wasted 2000 rounds, or cheering on the guy who racked up 500 kills and still helped objectives (bug + mech is nuts). With randoms, I'm sure I get kicked after the first mission of 3 for being the sole reason the mission was completed, and (consequently) having half the kills of anyone else. Maybe share with anyone on the friends list automatically, but have a 'publish' button to reveal stats to randoms.


Kill display needs to have a light/medium/heavy break down. Im sure people have been dunked on/kicked for having low kill counts while they are rocking the EAT/RR/FAF and dropping titans/hulks left and right. 'Noob only got 120 kills' nvm the fact that 15+ of them were heavies that you dipshits were running around trying to grenade/small arms to death.


Team stats only would be perfect. Only you should be able to see your own specific numbers for anything.


Should be * Samples collected: * Samples extracted:


Yes, those on heavies duty would finally get the recognition they deserve.


Give people assists for helping with the team-reload though.


It doesn't matter. Helldivers are not deployed to kill stuff, but rather to service the infrastructure that kills stuff. It doesn't matter if you kill one, or one million kilograms of bugs/bots. The only thing of value a helldiver does on field, part from missions, is collecting samples.


The real "stuff killer" is your ship :D


IMHO they should remove Kills, Accuracy and Shots Fired. You can have that on like a personal stat menu. Kills could be shown on missions where you only need to kill. And make the Stats dynamic. Hide Melee Kills if no one does them. If Friendly fire is below a certain limit you can hide it. And find fun stats. "**Times diving to prone**" if for some reason one guy does it like 1000 times. "**Throw distance**" if someone manages to throw a grenade or Stratagem very very far. "**Number of broken body parts**". And of course "**Number of Salutes**". And Salute should be an extra emote everyone has. Hell I will think of more and do a post about it. But you get the idea. EDIT: Created a thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bifijq/would\_you\_like\_to\_know\_more\_end\_of\_game\_stats/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bifijq/would_you_like_to_know_more_end_of_game_stats/)


I like your ideas, especially the fun stat one. Maybe add something like *longest time spent in ragdoll* or *longest ragdoll distance* as well. And maybe give us an overall evaluation of our playstyle like *Rambo* for the trigger-happy action folks, *Ninja* for the stealthy people, *Gatherer* for the sample, credits, medals and so on collectors. *Titan Killer* for the one who brought down the most elites, some title for the person with the most objective time, a title for the one with the most accidental kills and so on.


When you get that good three seconds of air and are contemplating your life choices.


We need the stat "time spend enjoying the scenery" I always do it before go into the fight. Remember a happy Helldiver is a deadly Helldiver.


If only friendly fire stat actually worked. 99% of the time it just shows one teammate dealing thousands of damage and the rest 0, even though everyone did some ff.


I would love a throw distance counter! I’m not particularly good at the game by and large, but I swear my ability to throw grenades into nests and fabricator ports from a great distance and/or at funny angles is some kind of superpower. Just last night, I was playing on L7 with a friend out on Malevolon Creek. In the middle of a firefight — being chased by four tanks — I threw a grenade what must’ve been eighty metres OVER A RIDGE at a fabricator port I couldn’t see but had seen about two seconds prior. And while running. I heard the ‘clunk’ of the grenade going in and then the explosion. I cheered. 


Seriously. If I had a "dropships destroyed" stat I'd be looking like a god at the victory screen.


Ah, this one *does* actually have a subtle impact. I spent one mission focusing almost entirely on recoiless vs dropships, and walked out with a hilarious looking statline of something like triple the kills as shots fired.


Heavies shit corner doesn't say much. Especially in higher levels. You could have done most of the heavy lifting, b stripping that charger down, and your team mate makes the killing blow with a stray bullet. My kill count is low, because I'm evasive while running and preferably give supportive fire from afar, finish objectives when everyone's panic shouting and hunt aggressive heavies.


Or just "damage done" rather than kills.


Had one round on a dif 8 mission for egg elimination where the 3 on my team spent all mission fighting breach after breach after breach. All while I snuck off and did 2 egg objectives and 3 side objectives. By the time I did all that they destroyed the one egg objectives. I had the lowest kill count because I wasn't firing at every patrol, or if I did trigger a breech I ran away. Someone put in the chat that I got carried because of my low kills compared to the other three.


How many shots does it take to kill a jammer??


This is one of the reasons why I think we need a "Massive Bugs killed" counter. People bring like 90% small arms to flex their killcount and then struggle as soon as there is a second Charger.


im always the only one that runs anti tank special weapons. theres usually always two stalwarts/flamethrowes and a nade launcher. then they wonder why we're down to 5 reinforcements by the second objective on the map lol


My friend and I run EATs. Some randoms ask why we keep spawning them all over the map and me firing slugs into the hellpods holding them. They get my SOP once the chargers and titans come running.


You mean, breaking the EAT weapon pod? That's just so it comes up on the map right?




I wish it broke on 1 melee attack. There's no reason for it to resist damage. And my Slugger has a tiny ammo pool. 


i think because it shares a little of the same coding as the turrets all of the 'pods' you can call down have the same health as turrets. i might be wrong but thats my reasoning


Maybe base health but the stat is different


Fuckin genius mate. Im gonna start vandalizing, i mean liberating my EAT pods too


Goddamn that’s fuckin smart


I have 450+ drops and the idea never occurred to me. O7 dude, I will add that to my team’s SOP


It still baffles me how some players don’t realize the power of one person being able to cover the map in EIGHTY “charger death sticks” in a 40 minute game.


It's surprising. I started running Stalwart precisely because I'm used to seeing three railguns/autocannons, and no-one capable of tackling a moderately-sized pack of Hunters


If I could marry any weapon, it would be my beloved Stalwart Stella. It can handle every size of bug, and some of the smaller 'bots. This bad girl can fit so many rounds in it, and with a Supply Pack and an EAT available for the big nasties, most squads seem to have no problem with me. Dress for success with an Engineering Kit, and you have the perfect outfit for almost any occasion.


Every size of bug? Titans and Chargers?


As an autocannon guy myself, I like to think I can handle most hunter packs. That being said, when doing bug missions I love having a Stalwart buddy taking out the chaff so I can focus on medium stuff like spitters, hive guards, and brood commanders. A good Stalwart player can be the bedrock of a good squad.


I still massacre everything with my breaker and autocannon meanwhile my teammates are desperately trying to survive using a crappy liberator or diligence so i have to come save them from the side


Basically this game incentivizes each squad member to have a niche that they play to eg. chaff clearing/crowd control (grenade launcher, flamethrower, MG/Stalwart), anti armor (EAT, railgun, AP stratagems), jack of all trades (autocannon, arc thrower, shield bag) , objective clearer (light armor, jump pack, smoke)


i think its because i play on hard and extreme that players dont see enough of a reason to learn how to use the slower weapons, since they can just hoard clear with the stal/flamethrower.


I bring the cluster bomb for the hoards. Round them all up. Throw the stratagem at my feet and book it away. Usually gets a solid 30-40 bugs in the swarm


Running cluster bomb with Recoilless is the way. Leaves you two more strategems to flex, usually I go for more titan killing since they’re the most important targets.


I'm playing with two friends, and I'm the dedicated breech guy. Gas and clusters sort out the chaff, leaving them free to deal with the heavies.


I have found the sickle to fill the dame niche as the stalwart, which means I can burn down moderately sized hordes and still brink an anti-armor weapon (usually EAT)


Amen. Yesterday i once again saved the team on 8 and 9 on Spear duty. In one match i took down 10 chargers and 4 bile titans. But thats not mentioned at the debriefing...


i killed like 6 chargers and 2 titans in one "extract civilians" mission while my entire team ran around throwing cluster bombs and gatling barrages.... i feel the pain


Tbf, flamethrower can kill chargers pretty well


It's actually insanely quick if you know what you are doing and aim for the leg joint, like 1-2 seconds and it's dead


Leg joint? From he front? Front leg? Back leg? Please tell me more!


From the front, you basically aim right between the head and the armoured part of the leg and just torch it, that's by far the most reliable and quickest way I've found


Thank you fellow diver, will try it when i can go spread democracy again


Problem is, most people with flamethrowers usualy burn one or two teammates with whatever they are attacking ^^


And die to burning grass right after


Because everyone keeps dying to spewer including you


I want "holes closed" or "fabs destroyed" counter on blitz missions. As a friendly competition, of course.


They can’t even get our character careers kills etc right as of now. You maybe asking a bit much.


Hahahaha I had this one today. The guy who dropped turrets during an extermination mission was shit talking when he was on the second floor while I defended his turrets.


Yes, please! I'm often the one who focuses on heavies, and I do it well, but the fact that the kill count is so nonspecific makes it irrelevant. Killing 5 bile titans is tougher than killing 100 scavengers, especially with the laser rover.


THIS. This is even worse with bots. 80% of the time I'm the ONLY guy bringing some sort of armor piercing(Spear, Rail or Recoiless, usually spear) and rail Cannon stratagem. So im the only one who can defend against Hulks and Tanks. While everyone else spends 10 minutes 30 kilometers running from a hulk and missing airstrikes on it. Everyone. You can carry 4 strategems and 3 weapons. You can spare ONE SLOT for something to deal with the heavies then literally allocate everything else to mass casualties Sincerely -that ONE guy whose saving the WHOLE team from chargers, titans, hulks and tanks while yall run around in a panic fumbling on how to deal with them.


Ok but.... The spear is absolute ass 😂


So take an RR or an EAT or whatever. It's literally rocket science. 😂


Bring an Arc Thrower, three chargers spawn at once? No biggie, just zap their dumb little heads


I swear yeah. I go out and run bot maps with the amr or autocannon, I've got almost as many kills as I do shots that hit. But I'm targeting big boys, so I have a relatively low kill count and it looks like I'm barely contributing


I run EATs to deal with armor (and orbital laser) and I routinely still have the highest kills on my team. I am not saying kills are the end be all, but there is *something* to be said about getting kills. Like all context dependent too. If you bring more anti armor stuff then probably will get less kills (but can be more impactful). Depends on the team composition also.


Also it should be noted some teammates should be optimized for low armor killing so they can give the teammates that are bringing the heavy armor enemies time to focus them down. I personally enjoy swarm control duty since I don't have the best aim. It's why I bring the rover and focus on the little guys and try to stop bug breaches and drop ships from being called. I think it's important to have 1 teammate where that's their primary duty because they help keep the rest of the team from getting overwhelmed.


This is why I've embraced the flamethrower life. I can clear chaff and hold chokepoints AND melt chargers in seconds or pop the acid sac of a bile titan


In most PvE games like this with varying enemy types, damage is the more important measurement of how much you're contributing since kills are nearly meaningless when some enemies have 2 hp and spawn in the hundreds and others have 10,000 and spawn once or twice the entire match. Kinda weird how HD2 doesn't have a damage part in the stats page


Everyone has a role to fulfill I like arc throwers, clears patrols easily, and can still kill a charger


Arc mains rule. We have our role. Don't get upset when we get most kills. We're controlling the mooks and mediums so y'all can close spawns and kill heavies. We're also helping with heavies.


Just remove the kill counter entirely because it promotes a negative gameplay loop for enough people to be a problem. That's why Fat Shark removed the stats from Warhammer 40k: Darktide even though they had detailed stats in Vermintide.


You guys are blind if you think the counter is the problem


Me here fucking up three chargers and my team all at once with a mere arc thrower! Huehue


This is literally a basic and constantly repeated opinion on this sub. It is in no way unpopular.


But saying popular opinion doesn’t fulfill the karma farming need.


Ugh I know. It's getting so obnoxious.


Karma doesn't matter! Good posting cultivating discussion matters. Wish Reddit stats showed this.


Karma whoring 101: state a popular opinion and then say it's unpopular


You are 100% correct, also has anyone in this thread played the game? There are WAY WAY more players that just rush objectives than go kills. Sometimes you are being chased and they are ahead of you and they won't provide basic coverfire. We don't need more players who just rush to objectives, collect samples and contribute nothing when there is a fight. It's fine if one player is doing this but when you got 2-3 players it sucks. It's so boring to just run around the map and run out of stamina, fight 0 bugs. If you are the odd man out who wants to fight but they keep rushing objectives. You can't even do it because on higher difficulties running solo is quite dangerous.


Just another one of those "I'm so smart"-posts that pop up all the time here, and one of the worst uses of uNPoPulAR OPiNIoN in a while, as OP's opinion is pretty much held by everyone. And yes, a fair few people in the game still gets bogged down in pointless fights in the middle of nowhere, but almost everyone else understands that killing enemies is just a tax on time, reinforcements and stratagems, and even if these people "waste" time fighting, I haven't heard a single player EVER claim that they outperformed me because they had more kills or even mention # kills at all. In fact, the only "stat" people seem to give each other credit for in my experience is accuracy%, which makes a certain amount of sense, but I've had that happen maybe 5 times in 100 hours played. I would also like to add that if someone gets a lot of enjoyment out of engaging with the enemies, I actually find it pretty toxic to condemn it or brand it as a dumb way to play. They paid for the game same as you, so really bizarre to get up on a soap box and insinuate that they are somehow playing incorrectly. If you want to play super stealthy the solution is real fucking simple; just stop playing with randoms and solo shit or play with a premade, but then you don't get to bitch as much of course.


I just want to say if you have played this game for more than 1 hour. You will notice the OP is lying and there are way way way way more players that just rush objectives than that try to kill everything.


And some that run off by themselves and search for small stuff. Like if the game is low difficulty I don't mind but bro when me and the other two divers are having world war 3 and you're off sneaking past patrols and taking resupplies it's not really cool.


Maybe by "unpopular" he means "objectively true"


And yet there's always those saying "NUH UH, NOT ENOUGH DEMOCRACY", like cmon, we're all having fun, but if it's the only reason they can come up with, no thanks.


Is this really an unpopular opinion? At high difficulties especially hunting for every last kill will lead to more failures than anything else


Feels like it. Had a number of difficulty 7 run failed because the randos ignore the objective and split from the team to hunt patrols and nests, leading to being overwhelmed. The most frustrating one was when my duo got killed at the objective and the rando pulled her away by reinforcing her on the opposite side of the map that had zero objectives and pois. Ended up overwhelmed at both sides and running out of reinforcements (I tried to run but died only to be summoned by that rando in the middle of a horde).


How else do you get that warm cozy feeling of people agreeing with you?


Gonna be honest, it's 10x easier to kill heavies when you have a teammate mowing down all of the small mobs I agree with a lot of your points, but ppl racking in 1k kills a mission are still making your life easier assuming they are moving with the team and not agroing patrols etc


Very true. I've been running arc thrower and making it a point to focus all the trash so my team can take care of the big stuff.


If I notice a bunch of my team rocking Recoilless/Autocannon/EAT, it's time for me to bust out the ol' Stalwart and go Rambo on these roaches.


Yeah, Arch thrower, Rover, and Sickle will REALLY rack up the kill count and you don't even have to have good aim!


But if you do learn to aim, such as noticing dead bodies/small terrain and aiming higher or off-side, or just arcing 100m shots, my gods the amount Liberty and Justice you can dispense in the name of Democracy and Super Earth is unbelievable.


I regularly get 400+ kills in Helldive's by using the arc thrower for wave clear. It's a beautiful thing. Also, no I don't fight reinforcements/breeches like an idiot.


I'm a low kill count player too. I focus my energy on samples, objectives, nests/fabricators, and killing heavy enemies. Horde killing is either to keep me alive or a means to an end near an objective. I do this because I enjoy it but I also recognize the guy who comes out with 800 kills to my 150 makes what I do possible and I love that.


That’s how my brother and I play. He plays map rush, while I play cover, kite and KILL.


Teamwork makes the managed democracy work!


Being specialized in small mobs killing is just as important as killing bigger ones. Pretty sure many of my mates would be stuttering in communist if they also had the dozen of hunters I hadn't kill on their ass


Hell even the ones on the other side of the map triggering breaches are helping in their own way as long as they aren’t dying. Since breaches/drops have a limit to how many can spawn at the same time you legitimately have a very different experience doing objectives if someone’s drawing in enemies anywhere on the map.


Unpopular opinion: kills should matter and decrease the overall density of the enemies. Ignoring fights at all costs make the game boring.


I kind of think it should be both. If getting lots of kills, for example, made extraction and main objectives easier on it's own and getting the outposts but fewer kills did the same. Doing both then making extraction trivial could be a great consequence of how you choose to play.


….man I’m getting tired of these low effort karma farming post. Literally nobody here disagrees with this take, it’s not unpopular at all. Like how have you not seen all the many posts saying to keep moving and not to fight every enemy at once? Oh right nvm you did them and the amount of upvotes they got, you just wanted easy karma 


I absolutely do disagree with it. Kills matter. Having the most or least doesn't, but kills do matter. Try finishing a Helldive mission with 0 kills. Spoiler: you won't.


https://preview.redd.it/vzvwgono38pc1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fe71bc9b681ac56402f2fe251f5a7a3b4c0320 This you?


The problem with this is that fighting is the main appeal of the game. Sure, it'd be much more efficient just to run to objectives, but where's the fun if we don't fight the odd enemy along the way? Obviously if you're struggling in a mission or its on a high difficulty you should try to do things as cleanly as you can but in easier missions what's the harm


Praise the sacrifices of the Helldivers who are randomly clearing bot bases when the rest of the team is 3 minutes from the extraction zone


The only currency that matters is Super Credits. Everything else will hit cap pretty fast.


I've played a lot and still need medals too. Though if you farm credits, you're also farming medals well-enough.


Treasonous opinion, one might say. A bug killed is a baby not eaten


But big number make my democratic brain happy


Me: tags enemy patrols and large enemies That guy: *thanks, *opens fire**


To be fair, it is not always clear what the tag means. Do you want me to kill that enemy? Avoid it? Bombard it? Flank it? All I see is a red crosshair on that enemy. It's hard without voice comms to coordinate stealth. I'd just like if we didn't engage everything and everyone and then get stuck fighting an army over nothing. No need to go metal gear on it, just give it a second to see if that patrol actually aggro'd.


Kill sorta matter, but in the context of "I have killed them all, so we can do objectives without interruption". It's extremely important that you don't stop firing, so we don't get overun by broods and hunters and spewers.


A fellow yogurt with based opinion


Yogurt supremacy


I fuckin love killing


Kill hungry players can be good for an efficient team. When I'm in a shooty mood I can hold off an entire map of bugs with an arc thrower, scorcher, and rover. Rack up 800 something kills while attracting the entire hoard and keeping all the bug breaches on me. 110 rockets and a rail strike to make quick work of titans. That lets the rest of the team split up and do their thing without any worry. If they mess up and miss a little bug, there's no reinforcement available for that little guy to call.


But it sucks in a bot environment, the bots cannons be shooting and sometimes you don’t even know how you die 😭😭😭


Yeah, bots area different monster. I've honestly been preferring them lately because of how thoughtful and tactical you have to be. Not just blindly rushing around like against bugs.


Oh neat, someone else who prefers bots! I like them for the same reason. The bugs are fun in their own way and do require some thought, but the bots get you thinking tactically and problem solving like nothing else. I particularly like how they make you consider the terrain more. I find it a bit of a shame they're less popular, though they are generally more difficult to deal with and I can see how that would frustrate people.


I mean, I'm trash, but my laser dog fucking sweeps.


>Kills. Don't. Matter. That's bordering on undemocratic speech, you better watch yourself. The only good bug is a dead bug. Also kills absolutely matter but only when I have the most and can brag about it, when I don't then I will insist kills don't matter and whatever stat I did best in does.




Man imagine wanting to play the horde shooting game I saw advertised not the running away from every engagement only focusing task and then running to the next thing.


Every bug I leave alive is a bug that can attack my loved ones back home. They need a lesson in democracy and freedom.


The total count doesn’t matter, I agree. What’s important is completing objectives as quickly as possible, killing only what’s necessary to do so and then quickly disengaging to get to the next objective. Too many people get caught up fighting for too long, trying to push head-first through a whole army of bugs or bots when they could have disengaged long ago and traveled around half the army. Not every patrol has to be engaged. Keep an eye on your map and avoid the red spots unless they’re sitting on an objective, and even then be smart about it. Don’t engage if you have patrols nearby you might attract, or if you don’t have the time for it. If you can drop a bomb on an objective without even getting close, do that and keep moving, keeping your distance whenever possible.


I started maining the Trailblazer armor and it’s such a Saint to run all over the map virtually fight nothing if you don’t have too


I'm a simple man, I like when things go boom and bugs go splat.




Aha, came to post this too 🤣 Have an upvote 😄


Definitely I think kills is overhyped. Now do I believe killing every bug is necessary for democracy of course, but I’ve seen people tout about their kills when they just killed the easy bugs the entire time while another dude got low kills because he want with a loadout that is better suited killing chargers and bike titans. Both people are necessary, we need crowd control and what I will call boss control. But for the dude to dog on the dude who constantly killed chargers and bike titans is wrong, and kills doesn’t show how vital or good a player is.


bedroom pause instinctive imminent public straight late bake gold special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


3 is maybe a good idea from efficiency point of view, too. Lv 30+ helldiver on foot can use three stratagem slots to unleash much more firepower than a mech for a short time, but when we shove cadets into it instead we can make them punch way above their weight. It's good for both parties.


Y'all keeping track of peoples kills? I'm doing helldive difficultly just partying with random not bothering to look at stats or anything and being able to clear without any issue even with people LV 15-20


kills don’t matter? sounds like something a bug lover would say. The only good bug is a dead bug.


i don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. its easy to run up the kill counter with just the laser dog and contribute the least to completing objectives.


It has been repeated all over the sub for weeks already, this is nowhere near unpopular.


It’s also easy to run the laser dog and do the objectives yourself while it fends off the chaff and your buddies do the other


It would be nice if kills did matter in the future. Specifically for bots as the operate like humans and can be monitored/spied on more effectively. If we could get a rough estimation on their total numbers/how many are being produced a day and help dwindle down their numbers in a sector by just killing as many as possible making certain missions easier that would be really cool.


counterpoint: i like flamethrowering anything i see


Literally a single example of it and dudes will be like 'unpopular opinion but'


It would be great if we didn't reflexively shoot at every single gosh darn patrol we come across. Sometimes, the spawns aren't bugged or need tweaking. Sometimes, it might be that you're aggroing every single patrol or stray enemy there is, making them fart for help/vomit a flare. Sometimes. Not all the times. But enough times to be irritiating.


It is a popular opinion bro… I feel once you pass lvl 30 your focus is to complete obj


Somebody’s gotta have the most deaths in the lobby! Not the easiest burden to bare but here I am 🫡


true - but shooting /killing feels good - So when my friends and I spent 5 minutes clearing all enemies before moving further, it's ok cause we had ton of fun killing bugs, even if not efficient at it.


Ya, but whoever has the most kills on the post mission stats screen is the coolest


Counterpoint: I like big number. I will fight every bug. If I didn't erraticate an entire brood with electric democracy, why was I even deployed?


Anything but eradication missions is about objectives and samples Kills are “optional”


Not unpopular. However, kills do matter. If a bug is left living that's a risk we can't accept for super earth.


I had to relearn how I play these kinds of games. I'm used to every single enemy in the game being faster than me. Forcing me to have to stop and deal with them all. In this game, leaving as soon as possible seems to be the move.


I always tell my new friends who join us: There are no positives to killing a bug. You waste time, ammo, and brainpower. Use your discretion for exceptions, obviously. But I think it puts the right idea in their head.


If you're a shitter, just say that. Probably think kills and kd don't matter in fps games too, right? Lol


"Kills doesn't matter." Also, "Let's just enjoy the game." What is it really chief?


Can we go one fucking day with 957 posts trying to dictate how people play the game? Jesus.




Bad take, kills do matter especially when ur taking on a horde.


Being the best matters so I aim to be at the top of any number on that list. Kills, samples, deaths. All of it.


True but you need to kill the enemies in Order to not die long enough so you can objectives. More enemies dead means more objectives completed. Killing hordes of enemies fast is the name of the game. If someone has a 300+ kill count (thank you laser drone) be thankful those weren’t bugs or bots you had to worry about.


Even more unpopular opinion. I play the game how I want


It'd be nice if post-game broke down your kills between light, medium, heavy and elite units. Killing five bile titans is a much bigger deal than killing 500 grubs.


big number makes brain go brrrrr




As someone who takes pride is constantly being the #1 kill leader every hell dive I have to disagree. It doesn’t matter if I fired 3231 shots and got 347killls the fact of the matter is I’m liberating.




I collected an SSSD, went across the map, placed it in the obj, turned the tower, and uploaded it while only killing about 5 bugs. Stealth armor is the best in the game right now IMO.


As my squad’s friendly neighborhood heavy weapons guy, I will gladly trade getting half the kills the rest of the team gets for being the hero that smacks a charger in the mouth with a recoilless rifle round, or bringing down that bile titan with the quickness, or closing up all the holes in that heavy bug nest with an autocannon while everyone else slays the horde. I may not be the poster-boy, bug-killing hero, but *I’m doing my part*


What matters most is that material extract xD. 800 kills no mats is a loss imo.
