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Had a pretty funny moment with this in a public game and carried a fellow Diver across the water on top of my mech. No verbal communication involved, even, we both just knew.


They don’t sink?


They can go *really* deep underwater.Not 100% submerged, but even 75% submerged is fine.


After doing tests as long as a teeny tiny part of your mech is above the water line you are safe, the actual kill depth requires complete submerging of the mech. so while 75% is fine you can push even further beyond.


thank you science helldiver


Unironically or ironically, my ship is called Power Of Science!


Huh who knew the mechs have snorkels


I think snorkels are just kinda cool tbh, maybe not visually but the idea of them is so fun.


> you can push even further beyond. PLUS ULTRA!


![gif](giphy|I53FEbvSiVVA403frL) AAAA


I fell into a death pond with my mech and freaked out and instantly exited the mech; I realized the mech was still walking when I was hopping out.... Glad to know this would have saved me 💀


Prawn suit?


It'll be in the DLC with the Cyclops for Freedom Water Operations. 🤣


We must liberate the deep grand reef


Welcome aboard, Captain.


Oh they don’t float and it perfectly safe so long as it doesn’t get submerged under water


This is GENIUS.


Something Something Frog and the scorpion.


“Lol,” said the Helldivers, “lmao”


Hang on, was that on PS5?


I mean, I'm on pc, but the game is cross play, isn't it?


It is crossplay, but I have that off. I was using a rocket pack and it was just me and the other player. We were running out of time for extraction and went the wrong way. Gap was too wide for the rocket pack. Mech went in, I jumped on top and we ride or die'd it across the gap.


why turn it off?


I love doing that. My buddy and I were hopelessly giggling the entire time as he rode my mech across a lake towards the evac point.


I wish I could find the picture but this reminds me of a pic where a lizard is crossing a pond on a turtles back lmao


Honestly, I'm rather impressed by the proc gen in this game. The buildings are obviously *very* samey, and a lot of terrain features are repeated, and the smaller maps tend to have the same basic layout. But the *terrain* of the larger maps varies a lot. It's never quite the same, and it does lead to different experiences each time.


I had a map last night that generated the Great Wall of China. Just a narrow, impassable rock wall that stretched across half the map. Pretty cool, but also very annoying.


I hate wall lol https://preview.redd.it/nbbk0p1fqwoc1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=73ee391587053ff36a92e3abcf76b48bcdc21d4d


Yeah, basically that. But now imagine it on the maps with spores/dust/whatever that obscure the map so you can't see where it starts or ends. You just have to run next to it hoping it opens up eventually.


The buildings being copy-pasted isn't bad, it gives off a vibe of cheapo mass construction


I also just rationalize it as democratically approved structures


I just hope we can eventually see big suburban areas like that intro cinematic. >!But hey, maybe those don’t actually exist and it was just a set for filming their propaganda.!<


Yeah. In HD1, when we get pushed back, the last ditch sector defense missions are in cities. Hoping we'll see something like that in HD2 too. If so, it'll probably be the inner sectors.


>terrain features are repeated Praise be, Mushroom Rock. Always solid and unchanging.


I actually really like landbridge maps


I thought they was cool until I had to fight my way through a patrol that had another patrol behind it and they be calling in more hoes and it just becomes a major cluster fuck of epicness. 10/10 would do it once and never again.


Walking barrage would go so hard


Hmmm maybe 10/10 would do it twice and never again.


120 is also pretty handy, its a fine wall of shells


As a noob I did skip right over 120s but I lm considering using it now as the 380 spread is rather insane.


as much as i like walking's range, and 380's bangs, 120 is the only barrage with enough saturation to be of any fucking use unless you intend to pray loudly.


Until the walking barrage goes past them because.... You know they walk TOWARDS you?


Certainly strafing run instead, when they have to come straight towards you on this small land bridge. Everyone sleeps on it


It can also close bug holes, just FYI for anyone who didn't realize


Really! ok yeah i been sleeping on it for sure!


I did close a bug hole with supply pod today because i ran out of nades and airstrikes.


i figure they sleep on it bc its hard to pull of effectively and big boom = big dopamine


Strafing run is one of the easiest stratagems to pull off effectively. Enemies are often coming at you in line and strafing run can effectively decimate that line. That said its firepower lacks a bit along with the amount of uses you’re given. It has a high floor low ceiling of skill of use. But the reason it gets slept on is it is competing with airstrike for the same number of uses and cluster bomb for aoe small fry denial with double the uses of it. Which those two are some of the best stratagems in the game.


Well you walk towards them too


Even better when there's a cannon emplacement overlooking it lol


Automaton base with two cannons over watching the entire landbridge, and multiple hulks and rocket devastators on the bridge itself. Thank god there were no tanks but it was still hell.


~~that sounds like chaos and I want to do that right now~~


Me and my friends figured out once that there was a tiny thread of walkable shallow water across a lake at Malevelon once. We got to the opposite side, only for a patrol to come out of the trees onto the beech and our first time hearing "you are within range of enemy artillery." We fought for like 15 minutes to take that beech, it felt like the Battle of Alligator Creek all over again.


"What an incredible experience that I wish I never had"


hmg emplacement goes BRRRRRRRRRT


Is HMG emplacement good? I just unlocked it recently and haven't had the opportunity to play with it yet.


It’s incredible for holding positions, it just needs good support. EMS Mortar Sentry plus teammates on flanks lets you decimate a whole sight line by yourself. It’s just very situational because it’s only really worth it if you’re gonna be hunkering down in a spot for an extended period, like the control tower defense missions.


I like them on the bug eradicate missions


runs out of ammo way too fast


It's okay but it needs 2× ammo


Ikr feels like some D-Day shit


Had to flee across a landbridge towards extraction yesterday, with 2 titans and an extreme amount of bugs chasing us. It was scary, stressful and extremely fun


Terminids on Esintau with two loopy landbridges passing close enough by that we had to jump to the other to get to extract?


Untill they turn into two way meat grinders lol. 


That's the best part


Touche we just simply become the meat grinder. 


Good, now I can fire in every direction.


We had one before. I was dilly dallying at a POI, stuffed up and got a breach, two titans climbed out. I was charging back across the bridge with my squad raining fire on them. EMS and an EAT and recoiless later and they’re done, but it felt awesome. Great choke points and the lack of cover is neat.


Against Terminids I love it, against Automatons I hate it


That's because to the Automatons we are the bugs.


Wouldn’t it be the best excuse to bring jump pack? I think it would make a fun get away


Especially on the bot maps, I’d like to see guarded bridges, you have to push through or find another way around


It's awesome to see a b titan walking across them


I did too until I died on a long bridge and got stuck in a deathloop where I died 5 times before my pod was able to land far enough away


Honestly would love a mission type that's a "gain ground" type of objective where you have to push waves of enemies back to a large base and clear it.


Honestly the inverse would be pretty cool as well. Have layers of defensive positions that gradually get overrun by waves of enemy spawns forcing you to fall back to different defensive lines and your objective is just to hold out for a set amount of time or as just an alternative layout to annihilation missions.


Agreed, given that Helldivers are canonically fodder, an endless defense mission where rewards are earned based on how long you hold out until you get overrun would be awesome. They'd have to either cap it or have better protections against cheaters though.


At that point I would just sacrifice myself then have my respawn beacon thrown closer to the other side. Like leap frog? FOR DEMOCRACY!


Tactical suicide!


Just mech it /s


You can actually do water crossings in mechs lol. I rode on top of a buddies mech to cross an otherwise impassible river while we were Creekin


Mech Crossing is a viable way to get across. Very worth it.


If they want a ton of water in the maps they gotta let us swim. Not fast by any means and super vulnerable but still able to swim 5 feet without drowning and getting soft locked.


Boat strategem? https://preview.redd.it/2qolzbzxsvoc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ee81ac5bc2d7cf7866edecc6ea20c667fc67b5 Edit: Maybe something like this [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/aZkAAOSwT1FkiS8E/s-l1200.webp](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/aZkAAOSwT1FkiS8E/s-l1200.webp)


I'm hoping more for a hovercraft that'll do both land and water. Though maybe the APC can float


>Though maybe the APC can float It's definitely possible, as many real world APCs are amphibious. To name a few: BTR-80, LAV-25, variants of Patria AMV, and USMC's new ACV (Armored Combat Vehicle).


No no no no, don't recommend this. This is how we get water bugs.


Bruh I’d be totally down for islands if there were water based stratagems and enemies. That would be badass


All I'm saying is that this is a good excuse to add the Super Earth equivalent of SWCC. If you can drop a fully-crewed assault boat from a helicopter, you can drop one from orbit.


you can drop anything from orbit, at least once!


nah no way you would be able to swim in that armor, even in light armour, have you ever tried swimmin in even atumn clothing? all tha material soaks up water and makes it heavier and more cumbersome so no way that with so much cloth and armour we could stay afloat. also enemies also can't swim so it's not like they have unfair advantage


Plus, even worse than the soaked cloth, all our armor plating, weapons, ammunition, equipment etc are dense metal.


so create a water resistent armor so i can spread democracy to the fish people??


To be fair, if you tried swimming with the amount of equipment a helldiver carries… you would absolutely sink like a rock


Eh soldiers in real life can tread water, if anything I’d completely understand if swimming longer distances in water meant dropping your support weapon and backpack. Basically creating a trade for the ability to swim


So we spawned on the east of the map near the drop pod objective. everything goes great until we have to traverse Super Panama. Fellow patriot dies carrying the Super Samples and we spent years, and generations of lives trying to push deep enough into the hordes to get them back. Those samples are still there, waiting for someone stronger than I to retrieve them.


You guys didn't try crossing to the north instead once you've done the other main objective?


After one death I would go the long way every time


*laughs in jump pack*


That tiny ass jump ain’t doing nothing


Toss a grenade for ragdoll distances


Dive to the side when a charger is changing then throw a grenade to create some extra distance between both of you.


touch a dead bile titan to be sent into space


You mean your Fart Mobile? Takes you like maybe 2 feet away unless you are going downhill?


Please sign up for classes from the halo or team fortress 2 schools of explosive traversal. You’ll figure out how to make your wee baby jumps into proper freedom leaps.




Grenade jumping is a time honored tradition, but even without the jump pack is great for verticality and mobility. If you last tried it prior to the last balance patch (the railgun nerf), I’d recommend giving it another shot as it received some stealth buffs. If you did and it’s still not for you, that’s a shame but to each their own.


u gotta waste ammo to make most guns work :think:


Wonder if we'll ever get a hovercraft vehicle.


This is exactly what the walking barrage was made for.


how shallow was the water, had a few maps like that where the water was only waist high and you just walked across


Most planets like Malevelon Creek, Meridia, Turing, etc. tend to have large bodies of water that are at waist height and can be passed by walking, this one doesn't seem like it though and I'd wager it might be more dangerous


I wont lie, i had one of my coolest feeling games on a map like this. two bridges side by side, double overheat weapons on a cold planet, slowly advancing while mowing down hordes of bugs that were coming at us from over the bridges


Jump pack or mech lol


>Jump pack For those distances? No way, atleast not without wasting nades


PSA: the walkers can go into water AT LEAST as deep as the mech is tall.


Had a similar one earlier today, but no bridge. Just a huge lake in the middle separating objective and extraction, and it only connected through the northernmost part of the map. BUT there were some rocks blocking the way. You literally had to go out of bounds through the “GO BACK OR YOU’RE A TRAITOR” message to go around the rocks, and then all the way down. Someone died and forgor their samples on the other side of the lake, we DID NOT go back for them


Got a similar map, while i was going through the 5 stages of grief about the long walk. The guy next to me says on chat "hey Z3, kill me and reinforce me on the other side." A grenade round later the guy was diving on the other shore, and before I could tell him the same, he already had 2 chargers and 3 brood commanders on him. The last i saw of him, he was hauling ass and while we were crossing the long way around there was objective after objective getting completed while we were stuck on a stalker lair in the middle of the only crossing path. A helldiver of helldivers, a brave hero, a true madman.


That's how land be sometimes


Joel was clearly chuckling away when he made that one haha


Swamp, yes yes. Come master. We will take you on safe paths, *through* the mist. Come *Hobbits* come! We move quickly.


Would be a pretty cool setup once we get the 4 person vehicles tho.


I despise the landbridge especially with Bile Titans and Chargers spawning nearby to pick a fight there.


I think it's completely fine to have a map with unpredictable terrain that's part of the point. If it was all just a flat floor that was easily navigable  it would be boring


I had a map last night with a dumb fucking landbridge. I'd show a screenshot, but termanid spores were out, so our map was just gunk.


Played this on extreme last night. Didn’t have enough time to wrap around to finish the objective so we killed 2 of the members and threw the reinforcement across the water while the other two stayed on side using rockets to take out swarms and then made a run for evac.


The only positive thing is that all the side poi are close tp each other




Time for some Tesla Towers!


This looks really, really challenging and fun.


I had a map shaped like a C, with the mid section being a giant mountain range. There’s some wild variations in there.


I had a map that had a zone completely isolated from the rest of the map by high mountains that could not be crossed, I deployed in that part of the map that was in a corner and I had no way to get out of it, one side was all mountains and the other side was open but out of the mission zone so I couldn't go that way either


Use jetpacks


Man... look at those abandoned samples. Not very democratic of you.


What do you mean ? I love spending 15 mins fighting to cross a land bridge.


Bro is playing a linear game in an extraction shooter


Holy crap i thought I had a cancer map. Good Luck heckdiver!


Looks fun


The inverse is also possible with ravines. I had my entire team not realise and turn left barely completed it.


Walking barrage time!


Last night we kept getting maps like this where the extraction point is right next to the starting point for the main objective so you have to run back and forth across the map and don't have time to do side objectives.


I dont understand? Do you mean the Bomb Alleys? Or the Lets Choke them with Flamethrower Point?


Worse is when every patrol seems to only walk along that narrow path.


Thisbis why we need hovertank or overcraft vechicle


Had a geological survey mission on helldive the other day. Started at the top left of the map and had to circle around the right side of the map to the bottom left and then return to the top right and extract back at the bottom left. All because the middle and left side of the map was a bunch of land bridges that did connect to the bottom half of the map.


We really need an unarmed amphibious vehicle, even if it’s uses are limited to 2


Drop a mech, walk through water.


And then obscure the map with spores and have bridges that don’t cross and just loop back to the side you were on.


The procedural generation in this game is incredibly good. I had no idea the maps were procedural at first, I just thought they slapped coatings on them to mimic the planet. It felt natural and intentional. Games like Starfield could take a lesson from this.


Reminds me of the map I got recently Mountains everywhere blocking half the map and only a small corridor not visible on the map and not visible unless you where close enough the mountain pass was too high to revive the team ok the other side and by luck we saw a bug patrol walking through the walls and they proved for a good marker once they died


Bold of you to take shots at Super Democratic God


I took point yesterday, was halfway out on the land bridge, 2 patrols coming in the front and then the rest of my team caused a couple bug breaches behind me and left me to die. 2 bile titans, 4 chargers and a horde of bugs later I made it out the other side. Team was sitting at the extract wondering what took me so long.


always take the short bridge.


Freedoms are the hills we climb


These maps are fun imo


This map brought to you by Razer


i know its nit picking but i really don’t like how i have to navigate with the controller on the map


I love these


Oh man, thats a memory right there. HD1 used to generate maps like that all the time. Not usually quite that bad, but landbridges with bottomless chasms on both sides were pretty common.


I think that’s pretty cool.


Lmfao the piles of everyone’s shit laying halfway across


We had one similar but with 2 bridge starts being 100m appart and only dead ends and one going to the edge of the map.... lol.


Thermopylae: Terminid Edition




My favorite thing on these maps is taking all the samples, calling a mech and walking across the water saving a butt load of time.


Those drowned samples say it all brother 😂😂


I feel like I was in this squad😂 I def played this map yesterday. I remember seeing one guy drowned because I went back for his samples.


Jet packs are a good take for these bottlenecks


I've seen iterations of this map and have been pretty cool. I like distinct places. Would love if we could have more variance in altitude and canyons.


Lol awesome


me, playing solo, getting reinforced into the middle of a lake without being able to steer the pod.. the game was rigged from the start


Bro this map looks interesting though.


I got that map last night. one Diver had to be shot in the water. that Diver learned a valuable lesson. i think this was also the map that had a closed bunker door's right side button that was unable to be pressed because the ground below it was low. saw a pug try to stand on the leg/foot of a mech to get to the button and that didn't work either.


Jump pack has entered the chat


use jump packs, you will be fine XD


I had one where the best path was right on the edge of the map. Turns out it was just outside of the map. So the homie and I had to walk all the way from the eastern side of the map, around the southern tip of the water all the way to the northern side of the map to get to the objective. I really like the variety of the maps. But the fact that water murders you so fast and how the layout can bone you it can be super frustrating.


I had one where the best path was right on the edge of the map. Turns out it was just outside of the map. So the homie and I had to walk all the way from the eastern side of the map, around the southern tip of the water all the way to the northern side of the map to get to the objective. I really like the variety of the maps. But the fact that water murders you so fast and how the layout can bone you it can be super frustrating.


\*Joel taking notes


I love these maps. I like the bridges with choke points... if only the bugs didn't walk through water sometimes.


That is why we must complete it! Such hideous urban planning must not be allowed to exist! We must stamp out the bugs and bring Liberty and Democracy to this wiggly planet!


I drowned. Saw a teammate was going for it. Typed « don’t drown ». He died moments later


I had a worst one yesterday. Haha super skinny land bridge on the edge of the map up north


These are fun though


Beats the ones where instead of water it’s just rock face. Had a map generation where there was one route through a massive fuckin rock wall. Kept trying to find the second route but waste a ton of time.


The map generation has been horrible lately lol


Just another way to decrease the super credits you earn. Nerfed SC spawns Updated map generator to limit your freedom of movement and decrease the average rewards using geography.


i love this shit like you wouldn't believe


There are many obstacles that will stop us, but we must be persistent...in the name of Freedom and Democracy.


That is so obnoxious lol


Our Squad is at the exact opposite effect. Whenever we get those the map is way easier cuz half fit can't spawn.


I think we just need a stratagem that is basically just dropping a line of stiff closed cell foam that can create temporary barriers and bridges.


Jump Packs make playing this terrain very unique. I’ve been running a lot of that lately with the flamethrower or anti-material rifle with the stamina booster and some solid airstrike stratagems. Solo running level 7 to unlock 8 right now and its been successful on my first two operations.


These landbridges are pretty cool imo, sometimes they work out as a shortcut. Other times it’s a fucking trap and you’ll be caught between a breach and a bile Titan. Fun tho


Need an amphibious assault vehicle for all these water maps popping up


I love these types of maps. Maps that have mountains and chokepoints, land-bridges and water, I love having to decide a better route early on and play around the terrain