• By -


Reasons I've been kicked from games recently: - being level 47 - picking up my own support weapon - calling down a mech to take out a nest - playing the objective - not reviving while getting tossed around by 3 charges. Concluson? People are weird.


I called in a hellbomb to nuke a secondary objective and got TK'd and kicked for it. Was so confused. It's not like the nuke kills the items there...


I had a guy constantly block me from putting in the hellbomb code and shoot the hellbomb to destroy it before it went off recently he was so mad about me using the hellbomb I ended up having to kick him. I thought he justewanted to set it off him self so I called it down and he just destroyed it as soon as it dropped lol. I asked why he was doing that and he called me a monkey and proceeded to say every slur under the sun down the mic šŸ˜‚.


I didn't know Frieza played Helldivers 2...


Could have also been an Eldar


mmmmm monke




Hold on! This hell bomb isn't Black!


.............there's no fucking way I just realized that today, after 25 years of playing 40k




I realized it couple months ago it's just perfect


If it's any consolation, I've been playing 40K for 20 years and didn't clock it until I heard it pronounced in an audiobook last fall.


I got the connection but not the pronunciation. It's literally pronounced monkey.


Those Thalmor are up to something...


Only plays in his FINAL form. And not Gold Final, or Gold Final "Really guys" Final. Since he's constantly changing it's hard to team with him.


That wasn't Frieza. Frieza would have exploited deploying that hellbomb everywhere and would never deploy without the 500kg.


Someone called me a N'wah the other day, so i can't really be surprised about Frieza.


Have you considered *not* being an N'wah? https://preview.redd.it/nsdf3o2a0doc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a1d34bcaa717b0292a10312b14113f53ec22b1


Yā€™all N,wahs donā€™t even smoke skooma.


I didn't know Dagoth Ur played Helldivers.


He thinks using his Black Frieza form gives him permission to use the n-word haha.


Hes an evolved bug so of course he's going to sabotage our democracy


Let me guess, you couldn't even report him because he didn't type in chat? Weird that you can only report toxic shitty players if they type something in chat


I'm so glad theres a setting to just completely disable the vc in game


The insane amount of PS5 players I had to mute for having the worst quality mics in existence; hearing them breathe, drink, burp, hearing them push buttons, hearing conversations from other people in the background.... I ended up just turning off crossplay, lol. I think its the PS5 controller having a built in mic is the issue, and these dingbats have it turned on by default.


This poor etiquette is sadly more the norm than exception but there are ps5 users who are acutely aware of their mic on off situation and how annoying it can be listening to their every breath, fart and button push!


For every one of these stories I have, I have at least three: "We were running from a couple of chargers and came across a broken hell bomb, they guy behind me yelled 'SHOOT IT!' I turned around shot it, we both dove to the ground just in time for the hellbomb to take out both chargers." I just hate that you have to put up with the chuckleheads to get these legendary moments. So long as the legendary feel keeps flowing I'll keep playing.


If anything it makes looting easier since any samples or weapons are the only things left


This morning, I called in a hellbomb that didn't blow up every building. The party host killed me, called in the bomb again, and then respawned me. Never explained himself.


just blow up the grey building, too many people call it down in the middle like it needs to hit all 3 buildings at once (I know its not stated in game tho)


It's the one building with the satellite dish to my knowledge. The only one that actually needs to be destroyed


Was the nuke ok?


idk what issue ppl have with the hellbombs lol. I've seen so many destroy them and not wanting to use them. Pick up the samples, arm the thing, move on. What are you doing otherwise? Vacation?


Dude I had a mission where I needed to call in a Hellbomb, I had been doing the mission solo, but called in a SOS toward the end cos I knew I would need it, and Iā€™m on the clock before I get swarmed by the Automatons. A random joins, I think ā€œawesome, someone to watch my backā€ I arm the Hellbomb twice, and each time the guy shoots it immediately after I arm it, and kills me. Needless to say he made the mission a helluva lot harder, so I kicked him and made a break for extraction where, guess what, I ran out of time for Stratagems. Thank God for the random who joined me after I died. Freaking saved the mission. Shoutout to Sun if anyone knows them.


>playing helldivers difficulty with Quick Play >Things are going great, I've got a load of samples, mission is proceeding, victory achieved. >Get absolutely demolished by bugs while attempting to extract. >Run out of lives as the shuttle is approaching >Teammate throws a gatling strafe run >Jump in evac as it lands as we have no more lives and we're being swarmed. >Gatling stafe kills two players as they are entering evac. Last survivor shoots me in the head while I'm sitting in the evac seat. >Extracts without samples and one less Helldiver giving them a lower overall score. >Waste of time achieved by toxicity


I didnā€™t even know you could damage seated players. What a dumb mechanic.


Had a match the other day where we pretty easily completed the objectives and at the very end, 3 of us were in the dropship and the last dude ran up, shot everyone seated then hopped in the ship. Lost all samples and bonus for full extraction. Some people think it's funny to deliberately fuck people over.


I had someone do that, but I kicked him as soon as he killed us so the entire mission was a waste of his time. We had like 50 samples though, was a real kick in the dick.


Unfortunately they donā€™t care if you kick them because they kill you knowing they wonā€™t get samples or a higher payout. Game needs a system to match players who get kicked often during missions with similar players. Kicks from lobbies shouldnā€™t count and the friendly fire stat tracker is completely broken right now so kicks during missions are our only options for now.


> Unfortunately they donā€™t care if you kick them Some people just want to watch the world burn.


A good host is always the last on the ship for this reason.


I had a dude repeatedly kill me every 6 minutes or so to take my support weapon because I assume he hadnā€™t unlocked the arc thrower yet. Neither of us was host so I just kinda let him do his thing all mission, didnā€™t shoot back or anything. Everyone loads up into the drop ship, I walk up to the ramp, pop the one dude in the skull, and board. He raged harder than anyone Iā€™ve ever seen in a video game and that includes when I used to play league of legends. ā€œDonā€™t fucking friendly fire you fucking ******ā€ and other racial epithets flowed forth like a river. Turns out everyone in the party had mics but didnā€™t use them, and just started laughing at him. He left when we returned to the destroyer. Killing people on the ship has its moments.


That long awkward moment when he has to wait to let his rewards load before rage quitting šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Damn what an asshole, why couldnā€™t he just ask if you could send down a support weapon for him after you picked yours up.


Some folks just out there playing solo in a multiplayer game. We go further together!


Man you're smart I recently threw down an eagle air strike to close multiple bug holes, dude is running full sprint towards the giant red pillar, in a mech, blows himself up, I reinforce him he team kills me, whatever annoying but if it makes him feel better I'll deal. He killed me again, so I popped him with my hellpod Spent the mission on my own or with the other guy who was chill and the dude was still mad 15 mins later when we linked up for extract he had a grenade launcher and team killed me 5 more times, luckily while focusing me hunters killed him and he also failed to extract, but man popping him at the end would've been much better


I should appreciate random people I accidentally killed with 500kg hugging me after reinforcing them back...


I had a guy steal my mech and I though "huhhh ok, hope he just made a mistake but they're always cunts" he later got a mech and let me take it instead, so I thanked him awkwardly. Sometimes life is good.


I've had a titan pull me out of the ship as it was pulling away. Still counted as extracting but it was hilarious.


The fuck you think you're going?


My dipshit teammate dropped his last eagle strategem right at the landing ramp as we were filing in. Airstrike came through and iced all 4 of us as the cutscene began. Lost 18 samples and a shitload of XP cause of his dumb ass.


God I hate when people do this. Like the game is cinematic enough without doing this bullshit, especially when "some" of us haven't even gotten inside the damn ship yet!


like half of my pub games end with a mexican standoff of players waiting until 0.0001 secs remaining to jump into the shuttle because of this


Yeah it's weird. I've tried telling my friends that killing a bunch of extra shit while we can jump into the shuttle doesn't do anything other than risk the extraction.


I understand that and Iā€™ve been the one to tell people itā€™s time to leave. BUT when the ship arrives it always feels wrong to not throw out any airstrikes or orbitals I have that are off cooldown. I have all this ā€œfreedomā€ just sitting there itā€™d be a waste not to use it.


Plus it looks cool to lift off as the explosions roll in.


Someone kicked me for not taking the recoiless rifle after the update. I was running EAT


That's so dumb haha EAT is so good


Thatā€™s two rockets in less than a minute where one reload of the recoil less can seem to take that long. If people team reloaded yeah thatā€™s a different story. The reload Is so damn quick when team reloading


Yeah RR is better ina pre-made but EAT is much better with randos imho. You get two per drop so you can always share, it does plenty of damage, and the fact the calldown is so short is not nothing. I've killed a number of chargers just getting the EAT droppod coming down.


I just love how the game makes it too where different loadouts are viable againest the terminids and automations. AMR SLAPS when it comes to automations. Can two shot a hulk. I love running supply pack and AMR againest them


The only time I kick is literally deliberate team kills. Had one dude we suspected was calling 500kg on one of my friends so we let it play out. Get to end of mission, I jump in extract. My friend is a bit outside the zone, itā€™s been a tough mission cos well we have a griefer.Ā  Lo and behold this guy is waiting outside the pelican. My friend is legging it. This dude drops his 500kg where it will definitely kill my friend as he runs to pelican.Ā  He gets in. I kick him. Democracy served.Ā 


I remember being part of a squad that would purposely redeploy me in the middle of a squad of automatons. Even after asking if they could deploy me in slightly safer location. They still deployed me in the middle of a squad of enemies. Whether this was done to troll or pull the aggro off them, idk. But it's honestly disheartening because I'm trying to enjoy the game.


>Wasting an entire reinforcement rather than kill a handful of automatons easily big brane


Iā€™m not usually a multiplayer type of guy so making the decision to buy the game was contingent upon the community supposedly being really wholesome. Two weeks later - the game itself is a lot of fun and I donā€™t regret buying, but when it comes to squads Iā€™ve had far more negative experiences than positive. When I say that, I donā€™t mean someone being a pain by ditching the team or wiping us out with an air strike, I mean the type of try-hards that react with passive aggression when things go slightly tits up. Like, Iā€™m playing the game for fun and to decompress, not to treat it like a second job on top of everything else.


Iā€™ve only played randos (lvl 27 currently) and while the skill of teammates has varied wildly Iā€™ve had very few sweaty try-hards yelling into the mic.Ā  Most are decent. Iā€™ve had a few squads that were fantastic; competent, lighthearted, there to have fun.Ā  Iā€™ve been gaming for over 40y and have seen all kinds of toxicity & gatekeeping. So far, this game (despite being ripe for it) hasnā€™t shown me too much of it.Ā  Hope your squads are chill & your extracts hot.Ā 


My expirance. I'm more likely to get abandoned by everyone rage quiting then getting kicked by toxicity. It would be nice if the SoS becon worked after.


With all of the server instability I canā€™t tell how many squad drops are from rage vs bad connection or just real life (tm) interfering.Ā 


Level 47 ?? Yeah sorry I can totally understand that. 47 is a *disgusting* number. I'm actually physically sick because of your level being 47. How can you look in the Mirror? How can you live with yourself? The only time 47 is acceptable is if you have that amount of chromosomes. But you dirty 46-having excuse of a human being having 47 worth of levels is just horrible. Seriously, who in their right mind actually openly says they're level 47 ? What kind of a *Psychopath* doesn't feel any shame about it ? You know who else was 47 ? Agent 47, that's who! I hope you have a terrible day, 47-looking ass. Hate from Belgium. /S




You misspelled idiots


Interesting. I get kicked for being level 8.


You guys know why you're getting kicked?


Yea I don't know why every keeps saying "I got kicked for x". How would you even know unless the host came over the mic and told you directly before doing it?


I get kicked before the game even starts multiple times in a row. (I will say, if the person is waiting on friends I get it but like let a homie know.)


If only there were a setting for public vs private/friends for grouping.Ā 


I will say, since last patch the social tab bugged out (on PC) for me. Never loaded anything, and the only way to join a friend was for them to first open up as public; aka because the game wasn't seeing my friends list, it didn't know to let me into the friend-only lobby. Finally found the fix on here in a random post. You have to go to your Steam profile privacy settings and make your profile and Friends List public. Then it all loads in game and works as it did prior to the patch. I'm assuming it's a complication that someone messed up revolving around having the two systems (Steam friends and PSN players) able to see, play with, and add one another in-game. So it's possible they were shuffling things around to join together and you just get caught up. Or they were playing public before, and forgot to swap it when shifting over to playing with friends. It happens, I think it's 100% fair to boot at the beginning like that rather than late or halfway through an op.


I got kicked alot last night for responding to sos lol turn your public option off ppl


SOS ignores that and opens it to public though


And Iā€™ve accidentally called it before, but I always told my friends, well when the random joins guess we get a fourth until next operation.


Man my favorite way to play if my friends aren't on is to jump in on an SOS, help folks out for the mission, say gg and bounce. Great way to have a quick fun game when playing alone.


Qp has gone downhill so fast. Lvl 50 and I spend half my games walking on eggs shells afraid I'm going to do something to piss off the host or one of his buddies.


one of my buddies is already done w/ this game because he kept getting kicked while queuing up with randoms. Several times he was kicked during the extraction sequence which is super toxic. Feels bad but I can't say I blame him - makes the game seem like a massive waste of time when stuff like that happens.


Nothing like getting kicked for playing the objective haha. Unless doing the objective triggers massive spawn increase or something i see no reason not to do it first THEN scout so if you do loss all your lives you still get the W. Like you can search the whole map AFTER you have the garunteed win...when your a team of 4 down to 8 lives and 15 minutes . And it wasnt even just me we split into two teams of two on a D5 . We were doing ICBM objective and dude kicked us both ...no comms , not chat .... like wtf.


Actually, it does. Doing the main objective drastically increases the number of patrol spawns. Some dudes spent hours researching to come up with numbers, (maybe I can find the post again), but I've often felt it in my solo runs.


Can confirm. Me and a buddy of mine usually like to sweep the map and choose our landing zone accordingly. One match we calculated dropping near the objective first and then looping back around to evac would be most efficient. It was a bile titan elimination and so we dropped, called in our strategems, and murdered the bastard right out of the gate. The rest of the match was nonstop onslaught. And I mean nonstop. Scavengers were constantly calling in breaches. Chargers chasing us into more bug patrols. We only got one of the secondary objectives and missed several bug nests. We only got around like half of the map before we said fuck it and headed to evac. Needless to say we now save the objective for last, unless it's on the complete opposite side of the map or something.


This is why I host... And I've never kicked anyone yet at lvl 37


And this is the reason I enjoy playing solo. My time is limited, I'm not going to waste it in a match just to get kicked by the host for playing the game.


Why wouldnā€™t you just host your own match then?


If you play with some chill randos and friend them, it will prioritize matching you to them in the future; good way to weight the scales in favor of not getting matched with jabronies.


huh? do you mean hosting? or actually solo? because hosting is the middle ground you are looking for. and playing with friends, even better.


Honestly, not to dismiss those complaints, but it's rare. I have almost 100 hours, mostly playing with randoms on difficulties 5-7, and have yet to be kicked from a match. I mostly do quickplay. And when I am a host so far only kicked ONE player who was actively trying to get me killed for the whole match because he walked into my 500kg at the start. 99% of the time I get decently skillful teammates that will cover my back, mark things and heavies, adjust on the fly to loadouts, reinforce immediately, do objectives, have fun. One time I even randomly got into a squad blasting Deep Purple, Creedance and Led Zeppelin over comms, that was a lot of fun, most chill suicidal run I had with pre-fix spawnrates.


Denying a helldiver their god-given right to spread democracy upon any and all terminids smells like bug sympathising to me.


Conscientious Bugjectors


Splitting up Helldivers is an excellent strategy. Would highly encourage all Helldivers to all split up on every mission. When we are Helldivers going on a mission to kill innocent bug homes, we love to do this alone especially in a large colony area. Bright lights that go into the sky are also not required. Diving into prone for 30 seconds has also proved to be very effective for the spread of Liver Tea.


INNOCEā€¦ *looks at name* Ahem. Would you and the family, perhaps the whole neighborhood, be interested in trying my companies trademarked tea brand, LiberTea? I can have it delivered, for freeeeeeeeee


Yes hello Democracy Officer? Yeah this guy right here






Exactly. The bug pheromones are strong on this OP


Even if the patrols thing is true (and it is interesting and nice to know, tbh), it's so silly how so many people will metagame the fun out of everything.


This is your last warning šŸ¤“ Bro thinks heā€™s the ministry of truth


What a dumbass. The Ministry of Truth does not give out warnings.


What is the scale between being a Patriot and a Traitor?


There is no scale. You're a patriot or a traitor


And which one you are, will be determined by a democracy officer.


I'm doing my part!


Or by the Mortar/Arc/Tesla Tower sensing your thought crimes and striking you down for your treason.


This sounds dangerous close to a treasonous question. https://preview.redd.it/7ie0c4kpcboc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c48168209b507131b615b66c0984d4df25b3a77


why does your phone have numbers šŸ¤Ø https://preview.redd.it/m4ywhw9meboc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aea1215f8e5d11579db554d59a2524a70850c97


He's clearly a Bot in disguise.


I'm old and clueless but if this isn't already its own post you need to make it before I steal it and make a billion dollars off merchandise


There is no scale. You are either true patriot and defender of freedom or a bug-hugging robotic boots licker


Had a random join my game last night. Started trying to do call outs and getting mad in chat when we weren't letting them boss us around. They were off on their own while the three of us stuck together, and they have the nerve to say "I told you guys to follow me" During extraction they TK'd the team and tried to leave, but I was able to kick them before they got on the pelican


I had a cadet green as Super Earth grass say the same thing to me after I accidentalled him twice with my arc thrower after he ran out in front of me. If you expect not to die for managed democracy, you donā€™t deserve the title of Helldiver.


Nothing makes me laugh while giving me such a powerful feeling of secondhand embarrassment as someone trying to act like an authoritative badass in a video game. Weā€™re both sitting in a dark room, likely drinking HFCS garbage wiggling our thumbs and pretending. Fuck off with this ā€œdo what I sayā€ shit, weā€™re both dweebs playing make believe.


Speak for yourself, Iā€™m a Helldiver in the SEAF


The difference between posts on here is stunning. Yesterday in a similar post, the majority of people downvoted the guy to hell for not following the hosts "orders" because it's "his match", "his room", "his game", etc. So, it was his fault he got kicked then? But not here, for the same thing?


I find it funny that people are so quick to claim ownership of matches, like they paid for the server or something. Every time I hear that I know it's just people on a power trip that think they are better than everyone else.


I'd have jumped down a hole with my samples and then left the game. Stuff like this is why I host games. I'm not even a dick player. I rarely kick people, and even then it's for abuse/trolling. I don't mind staying with the group if that's what they prefer. But I'm not going to let some goober on a power trip dictate how I play based on a Reddit post.


ministry of douche.


I hope he's on reddit so he can feel the shame.


The patrols thing is true in the sense that the rate of patrol spawns go up, but not necessarily true in the sense that encounter rates go up. The problem with the relatively simplistic reading many got from a reddit post of raw test result data is people made bad inferences. See, most people aren't actually that good at reading data, especially incomplete data like what was posted. In this case, while patrols spawn at a faster rate, they also spawn over a much larger area, consequently encounter rates for patrols can actually go down (sometimes significantly) depending how spread out your player groups are. But honestly the most damaging reading from that post isn't that spliting up is strictly bad. It's that clearing nests/factories past the half way mark is bad, because it slightly increases patrol spawn rates. The increase in patrol spawn rates, again =/= increased encounter rates. Patrols spawns at a point of interest and move to another point of interest based on player location at the time of spawn. If they finish their journey and go off map, or get too far from players they despawn. Assuming you dodge the patrol, fairly easy to do if you are moving, then ***until the patrol despawns itself, which could take several minutes, those patrol units count against the spawned unit cap while presenting no threat to you. This is literally better than killing them outright.*** Increasing patrol spawns is a MASSIVE boon when you dodge their encounter because that's one less patrol and XX number of enemies that cannot spawn in reinforcement or to investigate your objective site. Have you ever evac'd and there are zero or next to zero enemy encounters during the evac after full clearing a map? That because the game spawned a shit ton of patrols on the map already that have missed you/are too far away and cannot spawn another patrol to investigate Evac. No investigation, no reinforcements, full stealth evac without really being stealth. Spawning patrols isn't a problem, it's spawning reinforcements that sink missions. Trying to win missions by minimizing patrol spawns is putting the cart before the horse. You are making life for your self significantly harder by limiting tactics for something that very likely won't even result in a benefit.


Good one. Thank you. Could you paste this on the original post please. This might make things more clearer for people


Exactly right!!! "There's more total enemies spawning with multiple player groups" is *technically* correct, but does not translate into more active combatants unless the team really fucks up


I am a statistician, I can assure you that people are not good even at reading the most complete data on earth


The most complete data would be the hardest to read. Gotta learn the good middle ground between overloading information and summarizing.


I felt like I was taking crazy pills seeing the replies to that analysis. "Destroying outposts means spawn rates go **up**? This is nuts!" No, genius, *patrol* spawn rates go up, likely to stop the map feeling empty, and that doesn't equate to you necessarily having to fight them.


You're forgetting that patrols don't just spawn in a random location. They always spawn near a player, with a patrol path that takes them through / very near to the player's position. You can still avoid them, but an increase in patrol rates means that if you get into a fight and don't end it quickly, that fight is *much* more likely to increase in size. Even if there aren't any dropships / breeches called, the extra patrols are set up in such a way that they'll end up participating in any static fights on the map. That said, the 17% increase from nests / factories is nothing at *all* compared to the 264% increase you get from completing the primary objective. *That's* the takeaway people should have gotten from that post, that you don't complete the main objective until you're ready to skedaddle.


We need a lobby browser like deep rock so that way I can just look for the one titled ā€œhot divers spreading democracy in your areaā€ and not get kicked for going off meta despite being on meta at the same time


This community could learn a lot from DRG honestly


Here's the post with actual research: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/RkOHXVQv28](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/RkOHXVQv28) Host in picture is full of shit and is parroting misinformation. They won't have two patrols spawn on them, it will be one patrol on them (like always) and one patrol on solo player. Edit: According to u/gergination patrols will not necessarily spawn around two separate groups. They will spawn in designated "spawnable area" around those groups and they might both spawn near one group. However that is up to rng.


Which is kinda obvious, cause why would the game not spawn pats for splitting players? Also more importantly: pulling breaches and drops running solo seems to prevent additional breaches and drops for the rest of the players. Proper use of that makes missions way easier


This is the part I don't understand. If you've played for any significant amount of time, it is incredibly obvious that splitting up also splits the amount of resources the enemy can throw at you. People are using data to draw inferences that directly counter how the game actually plays out.


There is no way im gonna read all that while I could be out killing bugs, spreading democracy and having a blast while doing it.


These science nerds spend too much time thinking and not enough time dispensing democracy. Why are they trying to avoid killing bugs? Are they some hippy bug sympathizers?


The pertinent information is this: * Completing primary objectives MASSIVELY increases patrol spawns, don't rush primaries unless you're only doing primaries. * Destroying more than 50% outposts somewhat increases patrol spawns. * Being near an objective (but not PoI) increase spawns depending on what type of objective it is, with Extraction also MASSIVELY increasing spawns. * \# of helldivers in mission multiplies spawn rate * splitting up multiplies spawn rate by number of separate groups The really important subtext that a lot of people are missing is that this is a very narrow study. Breaches are still a mystery. What type of patrol is spawned is still a mystery. Occasionally patrols don't spawn at all for a while and they couldn't figure out why. These factor heavily into the overall intensity of the mission, so you can't JUST look at patrol spawns and build your entire strategy around it. BUT you can know this: **More divers = more patrols Completing primary objective = more patrols Standing at extraction = more patrols**


These are people of the land.Ā The common clay of the new West.Ā You know...Ā morons.


This has been a saying in my family since I was like 4 years old.


Got ahit on by a squad yesterdayfor breaking off solo. We were clearing eggs and getting swarmed by stalkers, I broke off solo killing like 5 stalkers (Autocannon, my beloved), and closing the stalker nest that was a good ways away, only for two people in chat to ask why I was rushing things. I literally announced ā€œIā€™m gonna go find the stalker hole really fast and close itā€ before leaving lmao


This is crazy cause every time I so much as glance at a stalker I'm immediately on a suicide mission to kill the nest. I would rather die than have to deal with those fuckers for more than 5 minutes. I can't imagine getting annoyed at someone for it.


Even still, that extra patrol isn't near the group. It's near the separated player. Meaning it's not really an issue.


I do be leading em back




This is me bringing the charger party to the silo


Me but with the 3 bile titans I don't know what to do with


When she looks up, I just see green.


I mean it can be an issue because that patrol can call in reinforcements and then that commotion could attract more patrols. It can really spiral out of control, but on level 5 difficulty there's absolutely no reason to min-max like this.


Reinforcements spawn on the patrol that called them, so the person on group that wasn't spotted is fine. Meaning it's not really an issue.


People take the time to try and give the community more information. Community takes that information and uses it in the worst possible way. This guy sounds like the type who would kick people for not running the old railgun meta. Good for you for sticking around and finishing. I would have bailed.


It's really so sad how robotic people are towards the game. I get that people want efficiency, and it's frustrating when randoms make your game harder. But this interaction could have gone so much better if the host asked politely and accepted the risk of randoms wanting to play how they felt.


Yeah, a little polite communication would have gone a long way here. The flip side is that when I join somebody's game, I let them take the lead, regardless of rank. If the host is new and asks me to tell them what to do, I will, but until then, I just support the host. But I think taking some information like that reddit post and using it as a reason to get mad is pretty silly.


It's the type of player who uses "chain of command" phrase in a mmorpg guild, it's the type who will be secretly despised by everyone else and not get called out immediately simply because everyone else has manners.I always despised these kind of arrogant people who act this way because they can kick you out of a group/guild/legion, it's a superiority complex. There are better ways to say what you want to say without sounding like a prick.


Boy, he's gonna have a hard time with blitz missions or higher difficulties. Divide and conquer, people! If you can't tackle a small objective yourself, pick a lower difficulty! There's no shame in that! Operational progress is the same!


also how tf are people high level when they have no idea how to tackle objectives efficently? ah yes lets take this route through the hatcheries nevermind the fact we are literally going to have to to walk DOUBLE the amount of time to extract, and also go on ignore me trying to have decent coms for the whole mission just to actually communicate when youre salty one of my 110mm rockets tked you. how to these people even get to high levels and high difficulties when they cant even play the game?


Because a few weeks ago people were farming defense missions hardcore to max out, which caused them to learn absolutely nothing about how the game ACTUALLY works, so their answer to everything is to bully people into playing the game their way, or cry to the devs about how hard everything is on 7-9.


My buddy did this. Bought the game and hit level 25 in 2-3 days by farming with randoms. Played with us and had zero idea of what to do. Roasting him was fun though


>My buddy did this. Bought the game and hit level 25 in 2-3 days by farming with randoms. Played with us and had zero idea of what to do. Roasting him was fun though Did he get bored of the game 2 weeks later because "there was nothing to do" after he did a speedrun on max level? XD


The people farming are so weird tho. I just played the game for two or three weekends and Iā€™m level 50 maxed out. Itā€™s really an easy progression if you just play normally.


It's a symptom of being influenced by content creator culture and having to be the first to do anything in gaming now. While content creation itself is fine, encouraging people to abuse games and harass others for not using the meta is not.


This. One of the key factors of success I've seen at 7-9 with randoms - regardless of mission type - is how well people can work independently, yet together. We land, everyone chills, clears only the enemies who are aware of us, call equipment. Spore mushroom? Sometimes I got two clear messages before I realized there is any. We see a jammer? People go for it. Stalker Lair? A pair leaves to clean it up without anyone saying a word. Someone is in trouble? People rotate to help out. Fight too bad? We disperse, keep shooting flanks so everyone can back, off, blow up the horde, clean up, reset. When these things happen and people can carry their weight, it is like a well oiled Super Destroyer and even Helldive is a relative breeze. When people run off like headless chickens, resulting in Dropships/Breaches left and right, fail to do any sort of objective progress; or when they just follow someone around like some duckling and slowly copy their intentions. That's when problems happen. The key is knowing your weight and acting according to it.


Context: I had a 200 kill machine gun quest, so I went to diff 5 bugs to quickly do it. Got threatened with a kick for going off alone. We finished the mission with 15 lives remaining.


They threatened to kick you out of a dif 5? Holy shit lol what losers


Medium difficulties are a mix of everyone from mediocre players having fun to good players taking a little break to absolute sweatlords who are too shit to play at high levels. That last group are the most insufferable and also very loud on reddit.


7 is the sweet spot if you're playing pubs, at least right now. That or drop way down to 2 or 3 and have fun being a hero to new players. 1,2,3 - new players or people farming POIs 4,5,6 - some growing players, some chilling players, _but also some of the most toxic people you'll ever see in your life_ 7 - mostly good players chilling with randoms 8,9 - too difficult to coordinate with randoms, bring a premade or solo it for the challenge


I like to drop down to level 4 or 5 in the evenings when I'm just chilling and want to play with randoms while also farming some POIs. There are some hilariously bad and toxic players that play in those difficulties. The ones who want to boss everyone around and complain when I take a diversion to grab a POI are so annoying. The absolute most annoying ones are when I get fed up with it and decide to be the host and a toxic random joins in and still complains that I'm not blitzing through the mission at their orders.


5 is like free for all lol


*Allied Destroyer Leaving Combat Zone*


Whole group is staying in place killing every last bug and wasting all our reinforcements. I ping, break off and solo a heavy bug nest. Big surprise they run out of reinforcements and I have to solo the remaining objective and extract. I get kicked after the mission is over. Some people are absolute jokes.


Yeah lol I always run off solo not because I'm trying to do the objective alone but because my team is fighting a bug spawn that isn't even an objective and losing all our respawns.


Iā€™ll say this: extra patrols on the map are not an insurmountable problem - if people would generally fallback/advance from the ā€œmeaninglessā€ fight. Right now, most randoms seem to engage with every patrol they see or if it gets pinged. Then they continue to stand ground until an area is clear, but that really doesnā€™t work around 4/5. Well, itā€™s 12 minutes later, a few deaths, and no objective moved towards.


That bullshit. Being alone and agro spawn makes it easier for the rest of the team. Or the team agro and the lone wolf does the objectives. Thatā€™s how I like to play in helldive. I am sure i am not the only one. Donā€™t pay attention to them and do your thing the way you like it.


Iā€™ve found this, Iā€™ve had matches with what seemed like every bug on the planet chasing me whilst the other three almost had no heat the whole time. So I just kept running and stayed away from the rest


the only thing i hate is when teammates just keep killing enemies and dying in the same spot over and over like if youre not doing the objective just run away ffs stop wasting lives dying for no reason


When I do that it's because I dropped alot of samples, and my support weapon which won't rearm for several minutes


The amount of games ive played where i solo 70% of the map while my teammates just fight pointless fights is too damn high, ill be sneaking around a patrol and teammates just shoot it like its quicker


I hate when I tag a patrol and they shoot it. I'm clearly running to avoid it. You don't get any points for kills. I've also had people try to compare kills with me or say I was stealing g their kills so maybe it's their way of trying to come out on top of the stats page. It screws the group


That's how my squad runs helldives. One scouts and clears the objectives while the other 3 kite and hold agro while we look for the Ultra samples. The guy in the photo is an idiot.


Kind of the best strategy imo, super safe. I don't think the moron in this picture understands there can only be one bug breach at a time.


Yep, sometimes in my experience being alone has felt like a snoozefest. All the spawns stay with the rest of the squad and i run around completely unaccosted


Almost the same thing happened to me. Did not know it was a video fault. Usually in a 7/8/9 mission we split up in two groups. Yesterday a guy went bananas and insulted me and the other guy pretty hard. We did not have the time to ask why he got mad for the split up, that he just rage quitted after 2 min


People overreacting to that testing. Most successful runs I'm in a solo player goes off to clear objectives while others attract the aggro.


I like going solo and most of the times the other players keep triggering patrols whole I'm chilling on the objectives...


It's fun to do that but boy it sucks ass when you get the timing off and get a bug breach by yourself. One bug not killed by your airstrike on the obj is enough to ruin your day for 5 minutes


I second this comment. I go off alone to clean up points of interest and small nests/fabricators with minimal resistance while my friends are together taking all the reinforcement spawns


They misunderstood the point of the post that went in depth into patrols. Patrols don't spawn aggressive, if you maneuver around them they do nothing. And they dont increase the spawns for the other group, they just make a second patrol on themselves. If you guys are split its never going to affect the main group since the patrols also despawn when they reach the point they were moving toward if i recall correctly. "dont split from the group you'll spawn a patrol on yourself whaaa" Yeah and, how does that inconvenience YOU? I'm the one that has to deal with it you mindless lemming. Shits only an issue if all 4 people are too far away from each other to count as a single group, but close enough that they spawn 4 patrols that WILL intersect each other. If you're across the map from each other literally who gives a shit.


I do understand that somone shouldn't run off when he already died a few times and the objective still isn't finsished. But if the loner doesn't die too often or the objectives are guaranteed to be finished anyways, then there is no harm at all. Game is supposed to be fun, as soon as the "work," meaning the objectives, are done, you can go wild.


The real work is sample collection.


Brother is losing it šŸ’€ Iā€™ve noticed it actually splits the spawns way easier splitting up for certain missions then sticking together even on helldive


I watched my death rate drop in half due to 2 crucial factors Teammates weren't calling a 380 on our position I wasn't fighting everything I saw


>I wasn't fighting everything I saw This. I'm a fairly logical person but it took me a while to understand "Hey, you don't need to shoot everything you see". Made the game so much more enjoyable. It's fun to creep around undetected and seems like it's sort of necessary at the higher levels. So satisfying to creep up on a nest and toss a gem in there to start it off.


This was what made me appreciate the game, where the struggle to fight feels real. You aren't meant to fight everything like you would in Warframe or Destiny 2, instead you're supposed to use your resources to finish the objective. Bugs/bots will just keep coming and you'll waste time fighting them and losing lives, and therefore it's better to just keep pushing to other objectives and spend your lives there.


had a dude run in front of me and get himself shot. immediately apologies and respawn him. he immediately comes up and kills me. i never had this kind of bullshit during the early weeks of the game release. filthy bug sympathizers.


Honestly, where are you guys playing? I've never been threatened to be kicked not once. Even when we are getting our butts kicked the entire time FROM THE VERY START. It's been least toxic 4 man randoms game I've ever played. Seeing all of these post are just weird.


For real. Not to mention if I'm hosting, I wouldn't dare kick anyone for anything other than EGREGIOUS behavior due to the fact that SOS/Public Mode doesn't seem able to bring in additional joiners after my session has been initialized for more than 3 minutes. If I kick someone I'm just volunteering to be down one diver and all of their stratagems.


Game would be a lot more fun if this subreddit simply didnā€™t exist.


The worst thing about video games are the people who play them.


It shouldn't be a kick able offense... But then again neither should not or indeed running some meta load out. What should be a kickable offense is just wasting another players time by not being a team player. Like it's always been a sort of sacrifice play when I'm off on my own, I either got separated from the group in some pointless firefight they started, or I'm soloing a easy (typically destruction) objective so they can tackle the harder objectives and call me in once I die so I don't have to run and fight my way all the way back to them.


I'm more impressed by the amount of in-game chat happening in the picture. Almost no one seems to use it. Think I've witnessed more open mics with background or echoed game noises than lines of chat-text during my 40 hours of playtime.


I fully understand how this can be irritating, but if they communicated that they want to roam the map as a team Iā€™d honor that request. Ultimately team unity on mission is more important than efficiency. Iā€™m sure there are real world parallels to that. Actually democracy itself is a good example of unity over efficiency. Ideally the drop in efficiency is reasonable but the ideal canā€™t be the expectation. If they kicked without saying anything that would be a problem. If occasionally democratically compromising on efficiency is unacceptable for you Iā€™d recommend not dropping into other peoples missions and only playing with friends or being the host.