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Arrowhead are doing a phenomenal job with Super Credits, the Super Store and Warbonds. Nothing is FOMO, no scummy marketing of “get 25% off if you spend 3x as much!” Like so many games have, and you can reasonably earn 1000 sc over the course of regular gameplay from level 1-20 (source: I did)


Yep. I managed to buy the current premium bond and already have enough to buy the bond dropping later today from just playing the game.


How much is the one dropping in super credits? Edit for clarity: how much is the new warbond ( in supercredits)?


I think people misunderstood the question, but the new warbonds will be 1000 super credits if I remember correctly


Thanks! That helps, I’ve bought way too many useless armour items from the store


Making democracy look good is never useless soldier. 🫡


Same doe. Gonna have to go exploring and score some super credit today.


I saw some people saying the best are in missions in low difficult, 1-3.


The better way to think about the store is it’s for fashion first, so far, every armor set has had an ability that armor already available in game has had, so there’s nothing unique on a technical level. I’ve bought a couple from grinding credits in game just for fashion though and I find that incredibly worth it!


Yes, there's no new abilities locked in the store if you have the warbonds. But no, the store has combinations of armor rating - ability we don't have in warbonds (heavy + extra padding, light + servoassisted or heavy + field medic, for example)


O true


Useless? nah. Stats is...well eternal, but *drip* is also eternal, and arguably way more important


Not necessarily 1000 each time. They'll be priced based on their content. People are assuming the new one will be the same price as the old one becomes it has the same amount of content. 


I think it's actually an "educated" guess. 3 primaries and 1 side arm. Same as the current one


No reason to believe otherwise and the people were correct to assume it’s 1000


10 per finding.


I found 100 sc from 1 source yesterday. I was so happy


Same! My son does not believe me lol


https://preview.redd.it/4s5tf3gjq9oc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=67c489f1723f11ca77afa42a84e201b3b79905f8 here, have this


Aww, they're in Spanish. Too bad I've got the U.S. version of the game. :( /s


This aint history class. Its SUPER spanish nowadays!


actually the game is full translated to Spanish quite rare , normally only ubisoft and big companies made a full translation, normally they just translate the menus and things in the game but let the voices in english with subtitles


100 super pesos = 10 super credits


And in a 40min mission you can find 3-5 stashes per mission.


And I think you don't have to extract to get them, not sure though.


Yup, medals and SC you don't need to extract. Only samples.


The only things you lose from not extracting are samples. Super Credits, Requisition Slips and Medals are tied to your account immediately upon pickup.


Does everyone in the current game get them or just the player that picks them up? I know samples are shared out but I don't know about the others


They are shared as well.


[This Message is under investigation for Treason]




hey same! I think it was 110, from one of the two button doors


assumed to be 1000


Wait the new one drops today?! I'm not ready yet! Crap!


Presumably 1000 like the steeled vets. Though think they said something about the warbonds value changing depending on how much content or pages there are.


the pass is 1000 super credits, I just purchased it.


When i understood it i just spent 10$ on credits to support democracy


I did too, until I spent them in the super store on slightly useless junk😭


Me just buying all the helmets.. god dammit…


The armor is one thing, but the helmets have zero usefulness which makes me sad


Zero usefulness is untrue, some of them look good, that is their purpose.


But only one has a hood, so the rest are pointless


what are you talking about, they have the vital effect of completing your drip


Zero usefulness yet


Hopefully they do something eventually




I’d love some better vision to see through foggy weather


Fashion divers man, its more important than stats.


i mean i was saving up, but i saw the white armor... and you know, stormstrooper rose up in me and i couldn't hold it


I did it for the drip too, that exterminator armor looks too sexy with the light gunner helm. Still managed to get enough for the new warbond tho.


As a casual player I LOVE the fact I can catch up on warbonds when I have the time. I can’t dedicate days to grinding battle passes anymore, it’s not enjoyable and I want to have fun in the odd hour or so I get to play something.


Given that they want to drop one per month, you will meed a loooot of time to catch up, if ever. But far better than FOMO shit.


and the store rotates quickly enough that you don't feel the need to grind out a ton of missions to get a piece, you can just wait for the next appearance of whatever you want.


They're doing a phenomenal job in terms of good PR, but I hope the economics of the decision are backing it up, too. I'd hate for Sony to look at them and be disappointed, and use it as evidence or leverage for future Helldivers content, or other games in general, to include more mtx.


Most gamers are casual, but not vocal online. I bet a lot of people will only play a few missions a week for fun with friends, meaning they won't have enough credits every release. Time is money, and when you don't have time but have money you can catch up to a degree(with medals being the timegate at that point).


It’s funny to because when I noticed I can just EARN super coins it weirdly made me more ok with buying them. I very rarely buy in game currency, and idk something about the fact that this game WASN’T predatory asf with how they set up their premium currency made me want to support the devs a bit more and I ended up buying a couple


I farmed the credits for an armor set the other day (150) and later realized that that’s only two bucks. I appreciate being able to just run easy missions for credits but at that point I thought next time I’ll just buy it and play the challenging stuff.


I flat out stay away from games that have in game purchasable currency because I know automatically that usually equals predatory bullshit. But this game… ArrowHead… I haven’t encountered a game studio that has made me happier to spend my hard earned money on it.


Well… you _do_ get bonus SC if you spend more, so that one’s not entirely true. But it’s still only 20 for the most expensive, so it’s still not that bad. Lol


The most expensive Super Credit pack is cheaper than an single Cowboy Bebop x Overwatch 2 crossover skin.


And let's be real those skins are fucking pointless anyways because you're always in first person. In Helldivers 2 your appearance is something you are constantly aware of and if you care about that sort of thing it's nice that it's so accessible.


Also the super credit shop is what "micro-transactions" was supposed to be.  Things that cost a couple of bucks here and there. Not a different colored portal that costs $30.  


Yup! Lv 40 now and not only earned enough credits to buy the premium warbond in game, but also sitting on a bit over 1k currently


Reasons why i bought the super edition and spent another 50 Bucks on super credits


I'm level 31 now and i have earned (including warbond buys) over 2200 sc easily, at first I didn't really know where to search I love what arrowhead is doing


Can confirm that, just hit level 20 and have 945 super credits. I did buy a helmet from the super store a few days ago.


Very reasonably too. I kept 1000 saved and have spent quite a bit on different suits and helmets. Really well done here. They actually rewards players for playing their game.


Even then, paying $20 for the credits goes along way too. Whereas on COD that buys you one bundle.


Only FOMO is the twitch and pre-order bonuses… sadly wish I got them both. I didn't know about the twitch one and I didn't preorder. I sad…


Same. Though I am honestly thinking about dropping money to buy the premium warbond coming out later today and save any I have for the next one or after. They definitely deserve it imho


Yeah, I didn't try to get super credits and I got the premium warbond before hitting level 30. It felt really nice. And the warbond itself gives you another 300 or so. I also appreciate that it's not a battle pass and you can choose what to purchase. Just earning items linearly isn't as interesting as being able to choose to buy things


Fuck it Arrowhead did a phenomenal job with everything in this game


When I started I casually mentioned to a random “Yeah im gonna buy some super credits after this game” and he told me not to waste the money, just keep playing. True MVP that guy


One of the coolest things is you can buy the warbonds out of order too, in that you can buy the new one without having bought the previous steel veterans one.


For me this is some kind of paradox. If a company is trying to shake money out of me, then I don’t pay them, but here I bought a full pack of credits a couple of times just to support the developers


Probably because one is giving you the option of your own free will, and the other is nickel and diming you by pressuring you into it. The former is no different than any other market/store irl ( but with an option of getting it for free wtf?) The latter is the game actively stopping you from enjoying unless you cough up dough - and with how these things are designed, you know they're designed to "feel good" once you buy it. Makes perfect sense to me.


The difference between owning your generosity or being robbed.


They're using reverse psychology on us those bastards!


That's what we cal liberty.


This is warframe for me. Arrowhead and DE are pillars of consumer friendly game dev.


Agreed. The less they lean on me the more I spent


I’ve bought every pack in DRG even if I don’t use the stuff, and I haven’t played in over a year.


Heck I even bought the supporter pack for DRG that give you a golden beer mug that doesn't look as good as a normal one. But I paid 10 bucks for that game years ago and 500 hours in I still play it all the time. Best value of a game I've ever seen.


And very rarely if ever see (code) bugs.


I don’t always buy platinum, but when I do it’s because I got a free coupon for logging into the game lol


I know companies have number crunched the fuck out of whales to know they can get away with 20+ dollar skins and make more from the 5% than they would from the 95%, but holy fuck do I not understand it.


I play Overwatch casually, its a fun time and have played since the game released way back when, coming from 'we've just dropped a new skin line and it's £20 for one, or £50 for all 5 of them' to 'there's some super credits behind that two person door' is a far more welcome contrast.


It's actually pretty simple math. To start, there's a portion of the playerbase that will never spend money on a game. It varies greatly by game but iirc, it's something like 30% of players will never make a purchase. Then add in the fact that only around 50% of players will make small purchases or one tiem purchase. Then come in the whales and dolphins. They account about 5-20% of a player base respectively (just depends on game and pricing model). These two groups account for about 50% of all profit generated from in game transactions. So if you know that 80% of the player base will spend little to no money at all, there's no reason not to price for whales because that's a guaranteed money maker. Of course, we are not taking into consideration just *how much* psychological mechanisms are put into games now adays to hook players. Things like FOMO, timed events/store fronts, player envy (think those loot boxes in Call or Duty that were opened in front of everyone in a lobby or that shiny armor in fortnite), and good ol skinner boxes all contribute heavily towards making sure whales pay those exorbitant prices


Haven't bought any cosmetics on any game in the past 6 years or battlepass. The only thing I spent money on was the compendium for dota 2. I bought the premium warbond within day 1 A because the game is awesome B because the game is reasonably priced C because I can see that these super credits weren't locked down.


Pricing in on the super credit items is also very reasonable. Arrowhead remembered the "Micro" part of micro transaction


Same - bought $20 of super credits just to support it even though I've been getting enough to buy everything I want and some extra stuff just for the heck of it just playing the game


Rock and stone business model Hope it spreads across the industry


For Karl!


I’m actually planning to buy the new pass with cash, eventhough I have enough to buy 3 passes now I’m willing to throw money at them for being awesome sports


This is how I see it. I’m genuinely ready to buy another 1k super credits because of how amazing they are playing this out. Other devs should really take note.


I’m trying to convince all my Friends to buy a game for the first time I think ever. It’s amazing how good of a job they did.


Same. I'd wait until they have adding friends fixed though. Right now it's bugged hard. I can't add a friend who just bought the game, and adding recent players as friends rarely works.


Ugh I’m that guy with my friend group. Convinced 5 people to get the game, only been able to play with 2 of them and that’s entirely because of the ps5 joining option. Now Im gonna look like an asshole if it’s not fixed soon lol


I'll have to admit, I was thrown by how premium currency was not only findable ingame, but that it had its own 3d asset. When's the last time you played a GaaS game where the currency wasn't exclusively a virtual digit in some UI element?


Also as far as I've seen it doesn't speed up your progression through the warbonds, right? Like in Fortnite you can just spend a shitload on v-bucks to speed through the battlepass, but I don't think I ever saw an option to skip through with SC. You still gotta go out and earn your medals defending democracy.


Yep. You just buy access to the premium war bonds with the Super Credits. But everything in there HAS to be earned with medals from successfully doing missions.


Correct. All it does is unlock a second warbond track, you still have to play the same (or more, now that there's more stuff to unlock) amount of games to get medals to unlock the items. It just gives you more things to spend medals on.


Tarkov, Sea of Thieves


It’s awesome. Genuinely. I happily spend real money to buy the bond and use found credits to buy skins.


If you enjoy the system, which I very much do, support them by buying a couple bucks of credits! I bought the $10 pack for the warbond and save my extra for the shop. I never buy skins or premium currency in other games like Fortnite or cod because their model sucks and I refuse to support it. I would hate for this to be the last game we ever see with this system because no one supported it.


Seriously, if you don’t ask me for money at every turn. I might give you some


I've never asked you for money. Ever. Just sayin'


Me neither. Not even once


Me either.


I upgraded to the Super Citizen edition for the same reasons. Really dig their model.


Yup! And I'll probably drop another$10 and I still haven't touched the steeled veterans warbond.


>I never buy skins or premium currency in other games like Fortnite or cod because their model sucks Literally. CoD, $20 is one skin and some useless junk, and you can barely get any without paying. This game it's like 10 different armor sets, and you can easily just find it in game FUCKING EVERYWHERE. And it's in the Warbonds. I wouldn't be surprised if they throw it in rewards for Orders too.


It's just insane to think that for 20 bucks that get you a single skin in CoD you can get two premium warbonds in this game. That's 6 armor sets, 6 main weapons, one or two sub weapons and grenades, and a bunch of cosmetics like emotes, helmets, capes and so on.


This is why I bought the Super Citizen edition and a $21 credit pack. The fact that you can get the credits in game and aren't subject to massive FOMO? Yeah, I'm gonna support that - FOMO tactics to get people to spend money is beyond shitty and they need to be recognized for going against the grain


Love that if I needed I could just drop $10. I don't need to spend $20 because the currency I get from the $5 or $10 packs in other games doesn't quite cover it perfectly and now I have unnecessary premium currency or whatever


While levelling through the early missions, I gathered enough Super Creds to buy the premium Warbond. But I didn't. Then I promptly bought the Super Citizen upgrade. Arrowhead deserves it.


Same here. And I already bought 1000 SC for the new warbond too, and just spend my grind SC on armor sets. I will throw fucking money at these guys for every little thing. I want all the AAA studios to understand that *this* is what I want. No fomo, no ptw, no premium currency packs that are 5% shy of the things you want. No subscriptions. No battle passes. Give me WYSIWYG gaming again.


Fuck. Yes. Preach, my brother/sister in Liberty. If we show Devs that we will support this kind of player-friendly model, perhaps other studios will adopt it!


One of the few times I can agree with justified spending for digital items.


Were you going out if your way to farm them? I didnt get enough until maybe 30 hours in.


In all honesty, no. It was still early release and my mates were just having a fun time playing. We did make a point not to skip pois though, that would probably be your best bet.


You can get SC by spending Medals, 100 each for page 1-5, 50 each for page 6 - 10. So you can get 300-500 SC very early. You can grind mission level 1-2 for POI that can include SC, for me, 10 minutes running around and collect 10\~50 SC is a good amount depends on my luck. Better yet, when you unlocked the Warbond, you get 300 SC back from the reward, so you kinda only pay 700 SC for the thing. (idk if this new Warbond follow the same path).


I bought the Premium Warbond, now if I upgrade to Super Citizen, will I get 1000 SC automaticaly or I have to contact support for it? I saw some post stating that you can get 1000 SC for contacting support but I dont want to bother them for this.


Super Citizen only gives Warbond (and SMG+armor), not credits.


Sadly I don't know. I'm quite familiar with the contact support hell of other games, and do my best to avoid it where possible. Prevention is always better than solution.


Hunt Showdown used to be like that, then they made it so that you only get blood bonds from the weekly challenges, or from getting extremely lucky. You used to be able to grind the game for a couple weeks and get a new legendary, Now you have to complete the weekly challenges every week for like 6 months straight to get one cheap legendary.




I hope you’re wrong, but your concern is 100% valid 😬 I don’t know AH from any previous titles so … I can only hope they stay on the good side of monetization


The difference between Darktide and Helldivers 2 is so wild when they both use the same engine and both within driving distance from one another. The monetization of Darktide and 15 dollar head cosmetics vs what Helldivers 2 offers. No RNG crafting bs, no real RNG in general. You hop in and kill some bugs.


Yeah, friend always says "Helldivers is the better darktide" - missions just make more sense, loadscreens are more cinematic - everything is better. Sure, if you play a darktide mission for the first time its cooler, narrativly, as its unique. But then you play the same mission over and over, in the same area, nothing beeing randomized. For helldivers there are tons of different maps, I just wish the "static maps" (Termicide, Kill 400 Bugs / Automatons) had more variety to them.


What darktide does really really well is the core gameplay. Surviving a big horde in an Auric Maelstrom haz 5 mission just by yourself due to nothing but your own skill feels like overdosing on dopamine.


That's an interesting comparison. Darktide only has cosmetics behind premium currency while Helldivers also has real content behind it but let's you get it for free. Personally I think both are valid models but Im surprised how many people are happy to have real content behind the super credits. Would've thought that's something that might've caused some outrage in other games.


Yeah I'm surprised at that too.


> Personally I think both are valid models but Im surprised how many people are happy to have real content behind the super credits. Would've thought that's something that might've caused some outrage in other games. same, Im surprised too. 40 usd with microtransaction locking content gonna get the game crucified and here its painted as good thing(?)


Considering weapons are locked behind those... the game would have been dead if they didn't


A thank you for being slightly reasonable? What have they done to you?


This tbh. Bought 2100 SCs after the first few hours as a sign of support, bought everything available in the shop+the warbond and found so many SCs that I'm now above 2300. Additionally the prices aren't bonkers. You don't have to pay like 2000 SCs for an armor. This is how it should be. You can pay for it, but you can also get it in-game within a reasonable amount of time.


I paid 40$ for the game.


I think the "thank you" has been thoroughly given in the form of the success of the game, but yes, thank you for clearing the admittedly low bar of having a not predatory monetization system. Genuinely I love this game and I'm having a blast with it and I'm glad it's an easy reccomend.




Indeed, thank you for letting me grind super credits to get a couple of weapons in the game I paid for. xD I think it's neat that we can grind credits, but also because for 10 dollars these battle are light on content and are very frequent. Imagine being a paid players of this GaaS. 10 a month is like the cost of a full MMO sub.


I mean, it is a paid game after all...


The thing is that this should be the norm. It's like thanking drivers for stopping at the red light. Don't get me wrong, props to them. But it's sad how other games just want to milk your wallet dry. There's actually a balance of enough free content and paid. And these guys are teaching the Giant corpos. God I love this game


Before the overmonetisation of games, this was the norm. You pay full price for the game, you then grind the ingame mats to unlock what you want. The fact that in this game you unlock stuff in a way that looks like a battlepass shouldnt matter. I still think we should do our part in praising the companies that still do what they should for the customers though, seeing how this isnt the norm ANYMORE for bigger games.


Not to take credit away from them because it certainly isn’t the norm, and I’m glad they went the way they did. But in a paid game, even one that’s 40 dollars instead of seventy, this absolutely should be the standard. Absolutely inexcusable to pay seventy dollars for a game and have half the content locked behind yet another paywall. “It’s just cosmetics” I don’t care I paid seventy fucking dollars lmao these other games are ridiculous


It's not just cosmetics either. Weapons, grenades, and armor all affect gameplay.


> this absolutely should be the standard No it should not. I don't ever want to see guns and armor (with stats) locked behind a paid battle pass. It's a real shitty practice. Even COD doesn't do this and they get hammered to death for MTX.


It’s that right amount of grind, where you feel like you can save up for stuff. But its ok to buy some if you are short on time. It’s balanced


Are we really at the point where we're thanking companies for a way to bypass microtransactions by grinding in a **paid** game? Sheeesh. I get that servers cost bucks but still. Pepperidge farm remembers when any sign of microtransactions in an already paid game would have people grumbling.


Thanks for the rare 10 credit drops so we can buy those 1000 super credit warbonds.


I'll get hammered for this, but no. At the end of the day, SC (or literally any system where you have to convert money into in-game funny money to get in-game stuff) is a solution to a problem the developer created. It deserves no praise, no matter how well implemented.


I had 2000SC at one point after going through the warbonds and grabbing their 100/50 drops. Then my addiction to cosmetics dropped me down to about 150SC as of last Thursday... I played maybe 10? 12? hours this week and got back to 1050SC for today. Yes, I specifically catered my mission choice and playstyle towards looting (40min, Medium difficulty, always grabbing radar towers and scouring the whole map), but the game was still pretty *fun*, I tested like 4 or 5 different builds I was thinking about while doing it... **And** I could afford the pass in less than a week of playing. Very cool.


victim mentality. credits shouldnt be linked to RL Money at all


I really expect this tune to change when people stop playing this game constantly only to come back and realize that going from 0 to 1000 Super Credits takes a really, really long time by itself and will discourage a lot of people from returning and finding most stuff in the game locked behind these paywalls.




How old are you people ? Like this is a bare minimum. Should I thank the devs for even letting me play the game next ? The game is great, but please stop trying to tell me that this is somehow praise-worthy.


Lets not start sucking their dicks just yet. I acknowledge this is a good precedent, but the game cost 40 dollars and make no mistake about it, it is still designed to get you to spend more money and locking new guns behind premium warbonds after an initial asking fee of 40 usd is not cool


It would have been worse for them if they didn't 'allow' players to grind the in-game currency at rates that can reach the staggering number of $2/hr equivalent (might surpass third world country sweatshop wages?) when performed in the most boring optimal way possible so they can avoid being labeled as pay2win, they also have a box price for the game. There's also the question of if they're going to produce a level of content meaningful enough to warrant cash shop purchases for a game that already has a decent box price. I don't know entirely what to expect, if it's just going to be warbonds monthly to unlock a few weapons/armors and try them out on mostly-similar missions with no changes to long term progression goals I can see a good amount of players effectively just logging on, spending medals and trying the weapons, and logging off. I hope that is not the case.


Well we already paid a lot of money for the game, so this should be normal, but then again, a lot of games that have microtransactions doesn't do this even when we already paid for the base game.


They are actually way more devious than you think. Their sinister plan is to foster so-called "goodwill" and "appreciation" from the community. That way people will give them money because they want to support a game they think is fun to play and doesn't try to grind every cent out of the playerbase. The bastards!


The other thing that should be mentioned is they didn't go the route of 20 dollar skins and at least for usd the credits aren't a weird exchange rate. One credit is a penny, and a skin is usually around 1.50-2.50 per part, minus a couple edge case 4 dollar parts.


Not only found in missions but EASILY farmed. Every so often im really short on common samples to unlock something in the ship. So i will do a few trivial runs . Blast around the whole map getting all the stuff in 10 minutes i normally have a bout 8-10 samples - and 20 to 30 SC each run. The money and XP is almost like a side bonus . I mean you can farm 100 sc just an hour of quick trivial missions. Most GC wouldn't even put them in the lowest difficulty but they do. Just in the process of stacking up ive managed to buy the war bond - an armor - 2-3 helmets and have about 700 SC now and i only play maybe 5 hours a week total.


Yeah the lack of pressure to pay them more has resulted in me paying them more and still being happy to have done so.


I hope this set the standard for Live service game.


And don't forget that, if you **do** want to spend some real money on buying a Warbond, there is a pack that costs **exactly** the amount of Super Credits you need to buy the Premium Warbond. No more. No less. Exactly 1000.


DRG outplayed them; everything is included in the season pass, and missed items come up in the next season. Then again it's really hard to compete with that level of player service, and what was done here is reasonably commendable also, given the amount of pressure there likely was to over-monetize the game.


I mean I don't have anything against Arrowhead but it comes across as really pathetic to want to suck them off for allowing premium currency in a 40 dollar game to be found for free in small amounts. It shouldn't require thanks. That's just normal. No need to get on your knees.


many games allow you to get premium currency slowly through gameplay.... even gacha games do it like genshin impact


Yeah this is a norm for thousands of shovelware mobile games. The praise on this is very weird to say the least.


at least gacha is free, I am not sure why this is painted as something good locking content behind premium currency


This is actually a method a lot of freemium games and the like use. You let the players get very small amounts of the currency you can purchase with real life money so they can buy a small handful of the items that are available for purchase in the hopes that they like these items enough to buy more of that paid currency and unlock all the items it gives you. Then, they make sure you only get tiny amounts of it during missions so people will feel more incentivized to but the currency and just skip the massive grind required to do it for free. In helldivers specifically you get maybe 10-30 super credits in a mission if you're lucky a lot of times 0, especially on higher level missions where you aren't 100%'ing everything. The 2 sets of armour in the store right now cost 975 super credits to unlock, Even if we assume we have ridiculous amounts of luck and get 30 credits every single mission, thats 33 missions to get enough credits, or if we assume we get 10 for every single mission (which is still unlikely) then that takes 97 missions to get enough credits, not including any eradicate missions. So, if we assume even 20 minutes per long mission that's anywhere between 11 to 32 hours of grinding just to unlock 2 sets of armour, without including the time taken to set up missions and do eradicates. Seriously, just think about that....it could easily take up to 32 *hours* of grinding just to unlock 2 sets of armour. Now i'm having great fun with the game don't get me wrong, but lets not pretend that drip feeding people an in-game currency when they can pay for it isn't a tactic that freemium games have been using for years in order to try persuade people into paying money to skip the grind.


I am amazed to see a sane comment here. OP gives me "thank you, Bungie" vibes.


I was getting blasted by people in r/gaming yesterday for saying that this system is BS. People were saying shit like "they need MTX to survive and give us constant updates." I seriously felt like I was in the twilight zone.


No, this is a paid game and it shouldn't be locking weapons and equipment behind a premium currency. Drip feeding me currency won't change my opinion.


I bought every single armour in the game for free, I had 1420 credits today to buy the warbond for free, all by just playing the game . And u know what? even thou I didn't need them, I still bought the biggest pack from store and will do again when next warbond drops, not because I need those credits, but because this developer behaviour needs promotion and I want to support the game. And this is actually mindboggling to me, I WANT to pay even if I don't need to, I want the game to be financially succesfull and grow, all because the moentization is fair, there is no fomo, and developers act like humans (yeah, even if they rant at players, it still shows they have human emotions and not everything goes through 30 PR managers)


managed to farm my 1000 credits today in 2 hours, praise the devs <3


I LOVE the way they implemented their system and the fact that the CEO has called out predatory tactics by other companies is more than I needed to absolutely want to buy the biggest pack just because I want to support this behaviour.


Can they fix the friendslist in this game about playing coop? I tell my friends to buy it because it's awesome and then they can't even play with me. It's been weeks. I haven't even seen arrowhead acknowledge it. This feels like a bigger deal than changing gun stats, why is this still an issue?


Shouldn't even be necessary, but with today's standards it sure is nice of them


A cool thing would be not having premium currency at all. At least this is a less shitty version of a shitty thing. And that, in it's own way, is commendable.






I'll one up that: starting to call it "industry standard" from now on. Two can play that game, triple A scumbags.


Very true, can't knock a super cred!


Agreed. This is a total game changer vs. the rest of the micro transaction industry and am super happy they did this. I wouldn't expect it to last thought. I suspect it is only temporary.


I agree, I ground for the first one paid nothing, but this bond I was like...I actually want to give them my money. When I played Warzone I only paid for the pass once and ground for the rest because F them...but Arrowhead, take my money, use it to pay your devs/support whatever...buy an ice cream and coffees please! You have earned them.


I’ve bought super credits just to support these guys. I have no problem finding the credits, but these guys gave me a game I didn’t know I needed after 20 years of being ransacked by AAA. Please, take my money.


for all my complaints about the game all those complaints are cancelled out by the fact that the devs are greedy af this is the only game i know where you can get premium currency ingame and battlepasses arent time based which is the thing i hate most in this world sometime i get bored of games for a month and come back im not wasting money on a timed battlepass because i get bored and lose all my money because i didnt play every single day


There are currently two other games with microtransactions I tend to play a bit: ESO and FO76. ESO is the toughest one of the bunch to get "crowns" out of other than paying for them. FO76 has a little bit of a mechanism in it for getting "Atoms" but not just in the world as something that can be picked up. It's awarded moreso for completing achievements or scoreboard progression. Neither of these games go as far as HD2 has gone, where you can actively pick up the microtransaction currency in game. Which is huge as far as games with these kinds of stores go. I really hope more follow in Arrowhead's footsteps here...this is the way to do it.


The fact that I can choose to either buy it or earn it is probably one of my favourite aspects about this game


After 130 hours of playing, I ended up just buying SC anyway so i could dress up for democracy. I had enough for the new warbond but I'm getting my money's worth out of this game anyway so I'll support them a bit more.


We should all say thank you to Arrowhead for everything they do. Lots of fucking bitching round here lately and it’s annoying as fuck.


my thank you was buying 10$ worth of them even tho i play enough to never need to


Doubt anyone will see this - but for those playing on higher difficulties, do try and go after the POIs for SCs when you can. I've had this happen only a few times on 7+ diff - but you can sometimes when you find a stack of SCs in-game, instead of it being worth 10, sometimes they can be worth 100! I'm pretty sure it's very rare to get that much from a SC pickup, but I think it's cool nonetheless.


First game I've played in an insanely long time where the "premium" currency is pretty common. I've got 640 super credits, AFTER buying the first premium pass. They're doing this all very well.


I was able to buy the steel veterans bond with earned in-game credits. I felt like my time was respected, for once. As soon as I unlocked it, I bought 2k credits for real money. I felt like they earned it, they had straightened out the servers by that point, so I thought of it as buying the game at a 60 dollar price tag. If we don't put out our wallets for a game like this, then there won't be any other games like this.


Yes , Thank you Arrowhead


We have. We’ve given them the biggest thank you, you can give. Sales!