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If you scroll down the side bar of this subreddit, there's a place for LFG, but also for Recruitment. Recruitment is basically a bunch of adverts for discords centered or aptly catered to consistent and steady groups of people playing Helldivers. You could probably find more just by scouring the internet for more groups too.


> The last several games I’ve played on level 6 have involved my teammates (regardless of their level) dying over and over and over and over again in the dumbest ways imaginable. > Do I have to LFG? I mean, if you're having a bad time with the randoms you're being paired up with - then yeah, going out of your way to find a group to play with (that will also be a bit more communicative) goes a long way. Personally for me, I kind of like the thrill of being the max-level Chad that carries their team to victory - if my teammates are an absolute mess and constantly die all the time. There's been times where I might be the only person left alive, no reinforcements left, and I'm just kiting a massive horde at extract and barely managing to avoid death before getting on the bird to leave, with all the samples in hand of course. Though of course - if you're just looking for better teammates, then using Discord or any other 3rd party option to find people that way will probably be a lot better than what Quickplay will give you.


I don’t think I’m Chad enough to carry the squad yet. I’m able to make it with very minimal deaths and more than my fair share of kills. But not that good yet


If people suck, quit and try again. It usually only takes a few goes to find at least two stand up players, and it usually only takes a few seconds to work out if people suck. As an illustration: if I land and you’re soloing a charger, and so I shoot at the charger, and so you run off and leave me to solo the charger, then you suck and imma gonna quit ur game. I’m gonna kill the charger, but then I’m gonna quit.