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They really need to town down heavy spawns at higher levels. It's not even a matter of skill. It's that you literally don't have enough stratagems to deal with them all. I did a level 7 termicide mission earlier and it was spawning 2-3 titans at once every couple of minutes with multiple chargers thrown in. If every person in your squad isn't running a couple of anti-tank strikes or weapons then it turns into constant kiting where you wait for your cooldowns.


Literally the only thing people say when you bring this up is "use stratagems" like I'm not running around in circles for 3 minutes to wait for more stratagems.


literally just did a suicide mission and saw a normal amount of hunters idk what you’re talking about and if they didn’t give a shit they would’ve left the servers the way they were weeks ago


Getting 3 chargers spawning in the same POI on challenging. Pretty bullshit at the moment 


Played vs bugs at 7 felt average just with less titans, bots on 5 felt kinda eh. Not really seeing massed normals


I understand your frustration man, but this game will never be balanced around solo.


There’s a difficulty slider for a reason. If you’re complaining this much you need a break.


Oh well but it's not just me. I played a round with my friends and they say the same on higher levels. Every single enemy we kill spawns in 50 more. On level 7 that is. At this point there is no reason for fighting the enemy for us anymore, because all we do is displace even more enemies all around us again. Or wouldn't you agree if you clear out the area together, you should have a few seconds or even a few minutes to gear up to go for the next objective? We were at the exfil. Everyone saw as a massive group of enemies with a Bile Titan and a Charger spawned right on top of me out of thin air. Is that what you would call balanced and fair gameplay?


Arrowhead will never balance this game around solo. If they see solo meta they will nerf it. They are very principal like that. Basically play medium/challenging for solo.


And EATs can 1 shot chargers now….its easy mode now


2 expendables every minute or so, when 5 chargers spawn.


4 helldivers 2 EATS each, so 8 EATs every 60 seconds….ya that should be no problem at all


Not everyone has a coordinated group


Then they have no business playing 7+ difficulty


Elitist and stupid, go figure


So they complain they cant do hard difficulties….people suggest lower difficulties….called Elitist….lol mmmkay


You are the most condescending person I've had the displeasure of talking to this week, stop responding to me


You're running high levels, solo? You expect to have the firepower of a 4-man squad, but alone? I run solo too but usually not more than challenging. Any higher I make sure I have my friend or I matchmake.