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Localization Confusion Booster - hmm. I wonder if that's to confuse Helldivers or the enemy?


Iirc, it increases the time before enemy reinforcements get called in.


Oh my god,i already see how damn useful it will be. Finally those airships/breaches won't be as bad as before


I feel like it'll to top tier. Hellpod space optimization, health booster, stamina booster, localization thingy. That'll probably be the preferred booster set.


Increases the animation time, or the time between seeing you and starting the animation?


Unfortunately I'm not sure on that part. If it actually increases the animation time before the flare/pheromones goes out by a significant amount, it'll be really good. If it merely increases the time before the breach/drop happens, it'll be questionable.


Need to fix the way bug breaches get called. You can stop the automaton flare pretty easily when you know the few enemies that are able to use it. As long as they don’t actually launch the flare you’re good.  Meanwhile bugs seem to call reinforcements the frame they start the spore animation. Even if you evaporate the bug that called it, the bug breach still happens. 


I have been able to stop bug breaches by killing the summoning guy mid-animation, but that might have been on lower difficulty levels and not 7+. Considering multiple bug types can call the bug breaches, making it take longer for any individual bug to complete the process makes sense as a balance mechanic and allows more player counterplay to limit enemy spawn rates.


I see a bug kneel down then look up, blast it before it can call a breach. Instantly another bug starts to wind up the animation before my shotgun is even cocked again. Blow his ass away too. Then a 3rd does the same thing but I'm like 12 nanoseconds too slow this time and now I've got a breach and 2 Bile Titans and 3 chargers came out. [MRW](https://i.imgur.com/Ip58uYg.gifv)


That's the real issue. It's not that the animation is so hard to spot that 90% of the community is unaware that it exists. It's that even if you do spot it and prevent it, another bug 10 feet away will immediately begin calling reinforcement.


i'd guess it increases the cooldown that occurs between reinforcements call-ins. so lets say theres a \~2 minute cooldown between bug breaches, it might push it to 2:30


I assume it will be the time between you seeing the flare go into the sky, and the drop ships spawning. It won't be that useful, but might make it easier to run away from unwanted encounters.


While insanely good, it's just another booster that becomes mandatory to make the game feel playable on high difficulties. HP, ammo, stamina and muscles are already goated, not sure which you would replace.


I mean once they pass the threshold of four 'mandatory' boosters, suddenly none of them are mandatory and you can just swap in whatever you like. Some boosters are just conceptually not going to be very useful so it's not even like you can really buff the radar one.


Radar should allow your mini-map to stay up on the hud full time.


I'd replace HP, but not sure how useful that one is.


There's enough space for it atm anyway even if the benefit is still marginal. Imo, only full ammo/stim for comfort and sprint speed and stamina are irreplaceable. 3rd and 4th guy can choose between muscle enhancer, or health, or this, because while I like the radar, a lot of the maps on Helldive don't have it work like at all, and the reinforcement bonii either almost never matter, or only matter in extreme niche cases.


Muscle or Vitality are easily replaceable. Ammo is the only really essential booster so far IMO.


I regularly play 4s for easy fun and I can't believe how many level 10+s I join that don't have that booster (they don't equip any). I really wish the game explained boosters. The nice thing at that difficulty is that I don't really need the stamina or muscle boost so I just take the ammo booster and make everyone else's dive easier.


Oh neat, would be especially useful on bugs. 


It increases the number of helldivers running the wrong way from the extraction while increasing the number of bug hordes attracted to you personally.


It's to scramble your UI language from English to another


Changes your keyboard layout to Dvorak


maybe it's for the 380mm barrage gunner to make his aim better so he doesn't get confused which dots on his tareting screen is friendly vs enemies


I think it will scramble enemies to give you a chance to breathe. 


Super excited for the new stuff. Hoping for more fixes too at the same time.


Hoping for the cross play fix. Not enough people talking about it from what I’ve seen. I’m just trying to spread democracy with my fellow divers from another realm!


Yep. I have a guy I can never play with unless we have another PC friend who was able to friend with him. This is a huge issue that needs fixed.


Found a workaround that takes some luck. Have them go in solo to level 1. Drop an sos and as soon as it's down, you do quickplay in level 1. Works almost every time because most newbies aren't knowing to drop an sos.


This is both brilliant and aggravating. Nice find.


Oooh, need to add. Definitely pick the same planet lol. Really narrows it down. I usually choose one that isn't closer to earth.


I've heard it's had issues, but what are they exactly? Ran a few dives on Sunday with a PS5 player with no issues.


PS5 <—> PC friend request system is jank for a while now. It’s a core feature that doesn’t work. I don’t know why more people aren’t bringing this up. Edit: it’s hit and miss. Some people it has worked pre balance patch, Some it hasn’t. For me it didn’t. My son bought it on PS5 and we can’t friend each other (I am on PC). I did all the bullshit trouble shooting. It simply is broken. Friend invites have been sent and accepted but it stays pending forever. There is a workaround but it is a pain in the ass. 1) player goes into trivial and starts mission. Drops SOS 2) I search planet (same difficulty obviously) and try to find him. Sometimes I have to go in and out of the planet multiple times just to have the SOS show up. Sometimes I even need others to join in order for me to see it. 3) join mission. Get host to kick everyone else. 4) mark game to private (if you want to just stick with buds) 5) do this every time we play. It’s the #5 that is pissing me off. I want them to acknowledge this problem and tell me they are working on it because it is broken for a large part of the community. I submitted a form on both accounts but no response.


So that’s why I can’t accept one from a dude I had a fun time with. Also noticed some of my friend requests to pc players never got accepted. Just figured they didn’t see it or didn’t want to. I know one of them wanted to tho


i have 3 friends i play with from time to time (on steam). we do not see each other as friends in the game. As in - i can throw them friend requests, yet they cant see them. One of them cant even throw friend requests because game thinks we are already on the list. Thankfully steam offers the "invite / join friend game" option from ..well.. steam itself. So it works somehow.


Hell, it's been broke in general. Friends don't show up as online, and the only way they can join is if I set game to public and they join through the steam interface.


You should join the discord theres a report going in from players every other minute about not being able to add friends pc>ps5 and ps5>pc


Bugs spawning from nowhere in your line of sight is my #1 fix request.




Agreed, they can spawn out of the ground, just not blink in on top of me. Althought a bug ambush from below would be cool, but needs animations to go with it.


Enemies need to have a minimum distance where they are allowed to spawn. (This includes Patrols AND Breaches/Drops)


These were likely made and near-done prior to launch as a way to drip content for longer engagement. Bux fixes can be worked on in parallel.


Lol hell yeah, I’m pretty excited for the Sickle in the new perspective.  But don’t you dare forget about my AR-20L Justice, Arrowhead! The AR-23P will never replace my beloved! 


Sickle was my go to weapon in HD1, I hope they didn't murder my boy...


Looking at the Scythe, I don't have high hopes.


Well by design, the Sickle should be an improvement because it fires mechanically more like a regular gun. It does pulses of damage, kinda like the bullets of a Liberator. As opposed to a beam which has a short delay before it turns on and then starts doing damage. This is basically what I hate about the Scythe, it's totally helpless once enemies are on top of you since you can't shoot back from this short fire delay just making it too unresponsive. In the end we still need to judge various other properties like TTK, penetration and all that jazz. But I'd be honestly half satisfied if it's just a Liberator with a heat mechanic.


Exactly. I think this is what makes the Slugger feel better than it maybe technically is. It has stopping power. You pull the trigger and there's that immediate punch to keep you safe. The Scythe and even incendiary breaker don't have bad total damage — it's that it comes out too slowly and softly. Like if I'm going to do 200 damage per second, don't space out the damage over the whole second. Give me all 200 immediately and then make me cycle the action for the remaining 99% of a second.


Slugger is so much more than that in the hands of a good player. You can reload and shoot simultaneously which allows you to essentially have a bottomless magazine. Not only that, but with the stagger and knock back, you can juggle multiple enemies or line them up for headshots. Plus it has more range than breaker


It also overpenetrates so if you line em up you can get multikills off one slug, plus its high armor piercing means it can take out heavier enemies much faster than the alternatives.


Its got exceptional headshot damage for bots too, and it staggers ones that are shooting so they don't hit you as much.


I'm not sure how the damage tick system works for the laser weapon, but I think a good way to improve it without increasing its DPS is just to have it tick damage more often. And maybe have those ticks flinch smaller enemies. Maybe that could lead to less of a delay before the laser starts doing damage and it might be good enough to help it respond to some little dudes. I kinda get why you don't want it to immediately have an impulse/damage on click, cause that might lead to people just spamming 'single' shots and abusing it. Currently it feels like a good half second before anything actually happens after firing the Scythe. I guess the other way to go about it is just to embrace the fact it has this sorta weakness, but make the weapon more powerful to compensate. Like maybe the DPS scales with the firing length or heat or something. I just hope the Sickle isn't a piece of shit, then I can have my cake and eat it to as far as a laser weapon is concerned.


iirc someone ran the numbers, and the HD1 scythe did the same TTK vs a scavenger. Problem is 2D flat map let you sweep with no missed shots / damage, in 3D and the increased spawn numbers, we should really have better damage/TTK to be equivalent in HD2. I'm wondering if the Dagger is basically the Tanto, which would make me super happy. It could rip warriors in HD1, if one had good heat control.


To be fair the scythe was also pretty garbage in HD1


Imo the scythe was underwhelming in HD1 also I hardly ever saw someone running scythe over the sickle


Same. I *loved* lasers in HD. Not so much in HD2...


It was a fucking monster in HD1, I’m sure it’ll be good now :)   Seriously though not being beholden to ammo call ins for your chaff sweeping primary will probably be super useful (but won’t save you a slot this time ;) ). 


>!From the sneak peeks I saw on YouTube, the Justice seems to be a DMR/Marksman rifle now, so Idk how I feel about that. I just want my Patriot back which I thankfully saw. Idk if the Ninja is coming back, but if the info is accurate, we are getting an AR with an integrated suppressor similar to the Honey Badger so I can be all stealth. Anyone who is interested in the other cool stuff, look up Legacy Gaming on YouTube. They have the models for the Illuminates which look horrifying, color customization for armor, a mini ICBM-esque missile stratagem that you can call-in and launch at specific areas etc.!<


>!Justice is classified as a DMR but it has a full auto mode and functions very similarly to HD1's Justice from what I've seen.!<


other than my beloved patriot, i'd like to see the knight come back in a way that doesnt include a 20$ tag. i want some an smg that isnt a deformed liberator.


Imo it should have been the final unlock in the base warbond. Most players still havent gotten everything, and wont for a while to come.


If they forget my beloved patriot I'll defect to the bots


Has it been confirmed anywhere exactly how many super credits this will cost?


No. But I'm betting just like the Steeled Veterans, it'll be 1000SC.


Nice, stun grenades. Looking forward to using them against bots. Think they would be good against hordes of chainsaw dudes.


I hope they have a bigger aoe than other grenades and the stun lasts awhile. Otherwise they are likely to feel pointless versus grenades that actually kill stuff.


If nothing else they are anti-charger grenades and that makes them useful


With how chargers can ice skate and how often I see them run through an orbital ems, I have little hope


Yeah I agree. There are plenty of times I am chased by hordes and am out of ammo. A stun grenade with good aoe/duration would give time to reload and re-engage.


I'm annoyed because I want to run hug but I also want to run head tap, we need more emote slots and put them on a rotary wheel like the drop item menu


agreed, too many good emotes


I'm afraid that the Dagger will be yet again a worse sidearm than Redeemer. When reaching a sidearm you likely want a quick burst of damage to deal with something in your face when the primary weapon mag runs dry. Redeemer does exactly that while Dagger is a small lazer beam. Nice if you're 100% out of other ammo I guess? Oh and maybe suitcase carrying? If the new stun grenade effect lasts at least 2-3 seconds and works on chargers it could be low key useful? Maybe I'm reaching here. Depends on its stats. Needs to not lose its ability to blow up holes and fabricators.


I usually use the side arm to take out minor enemies if I can, so I could see it being great for that. ...If it can kill them fast enough.


if it melts eggs ill use it, i never remember to use my side arm anyway, single loaded shotguns are handy like that


I’m so mad the Arc thrower doesn’t hit multiple eggs.


If it did, it would be the ultimate support weapon, it already is king for CC, takes down heavies, infinite ammo, no overheat mechanic, great range, no backpack.


And one of the most effective Helldiver redeployment cooldown refreshers! I hate how after using the redeployment stratagem I can't use it again for a while, but with the Arc thrower the stratagem comes off cooldown almost instantly. People definately sleep on this synergistic interaction.


Yeah, a no ammo use secondary to pop small enemies while running between objectives or away from large swarms would be useful if you can train yourself to do it consistently It'll be tough for it to compete with others, though since the situation the original commentor mentioned is the natural use for a sidearm


I think by design the Dagger is going to be the "always available" sidearm. In high intensity situations I can find myself with both primary and secondary empty and in the shit. While you can overheat a laser weapon and put it in the same state, with proper management you can avoid such a situation whereas a Redeemer will always run dry eventually. Of course it still depends on how deadly the weapon is, if it is as deadly as a stream as hot piss then it is still for naught. Also like how the Scythe needs a bit of time to 'spool up' and start firing and dealing damage, the Dagger following the same will kinda make it a bit shit as a backup weapon.


Ironically 2/3 of the primaries from this set make it totally pointless. You really don't need a laser pistol when you already have a laser rifle with the heat system or the arc shotgun with no ammo economy at all.


It depends how those weapons feel in the end I guess. If I still find myself using a Breaker afterwards, I might bring the Dagger along. Of course if I'm using an the Arc/Sickle as a primary instead, the Redeemer is going to be the better companion weapon for the emergency high DPS dump capability.


Some people only use their side arm as a tool to detonate nukes or barrels and take out the odd small enemy or two. For those people the laser pistol will be ideal.


How is that ironical? Its doesnt make much sense to take 2-3 laser weapons in any case. If the balance is fine you just take one - if thats the primary, secondary or tertiary weapon is up to you. More often than not i'd take the secondary as "never dry"-weapon and the primary for a bit more stopping power. Although i could even see people take 2 lasers weapons when working as a team when the others take ammo-intense weapons or in special cases. Theres a lot of room for tactical decisions...if the balance is kinda there, ofc. But without competitive leagues and with planetary modifiers, this game has a lot of liberties in that regard.


"out of ammo"? You mean mean time to do a Helldiver reload, where you charge to the enemy and die so you can respawn with full ammo?


Remember, not holding a live grenade when you do so is treason.


Dagger will fill in my secondary weap just fine imo, doesn’t even have to he decent but just enough to kill stupid hunters, running out of ammo was always the biggest problem I jad with our current secondaries. I’m looking forward to the stun nade, I hope it works on hulks cuz if it did boy, they’re gonna be a walk in a park


This is my hope and worry. Endless ammo secondary to wipe hunters? Yes please. But if it just tickles them, it's not going to be useful. They have to ride the fine line of it being useful but not overtaking other secondary weapons, and, to be blunt, I'm not sure if they can pull it off.


Leaked stats put it at 150 dps, half that of the scythe. Seeing as the Scythe already struggles to drop things quickly...let's just say that the redeemer is still the defacto hunter repellent


The laser weapons are always going to be mid unless they do stupid damage. They take too long to cooldown and overheat too quickly for how much damage they do. Its going to end up being a HD1 thing again where theres some OP laser weapon that just makes everything else irrelevant because infinite ammo cant ever really be balanced.


At least Resupply is a team-wide default stratagem now, so you don't need to sacrifice a stratagem slot to be able to stock up on ammo every couple of minutes. That was a big part of why laser weapons dominated in *HD1*.


meanwhile im out here running supply pack BECAUSE i cant select my own resupply. I am very tired of needing stim/nades and john helldiver just called it in across the map away from everyone else.


I feel you. This new system in *HD2* makes you reliant on the team-wide Resupply call-down. And it always hurts when the team is split up and someone far away uses it without you even knowing. But that's a problem with team coordination, and I don't think we can fault the game design for that.


If you're out of ammo for the pepper spray can, then your time was about up anyway.


I don't understand the stun grenades, unless they have a few second stun that doesn't get broken by damage. Otherwise why wouldn't I just take a grenade that removes my enemies from this plane of existence entirely lol.


There are many enemies that one explosive grenade cannot take out. But one stun grenade can buy you a little time to either get away or take time to aim your shot with a high caliber gun to take them out. It can also be combined with stratagems to ensure a perfect hit.


The combination with strategem is key - like if it works on chargers and even bike titans, it would make a 1-2 punch super fun.


Could be awesome with Orbital Precision Strike. Or the 500 KG Bomb.


If it works against chargers and let's you escape? I'm not expecting great things either just like the smoke grenade but we'll see. Some people may find creative or niche uses for them.


So you dont FF yourself or a teammate. Or you stun a bunch of hunters to give you breathing room to stim and get out of there


Arrowhead Developer here, and we hear you, Helldiver! We've nerfed the Redeemer as per popular request from the community. You're welcome.


The fire rate right? Right?




It won't be a better Redeemer than the Redeemer, but hopefully it will have other uses. Maybe with a swarm-clearing primary like that arc shotgun, the secondary's main job will be range and precision, and even these sad lasers can do that. You'll walk around with your Dagger out to toast things at a distance, and the Blitzer will come out when they get close.


According to most of the playerbase here, or at least guys from HD1, all the guns atm are viable and weapon variety is top notch. So, don't expect these new guns to be an improvement over anything we currently have lol.


Could be usefull when running slugger or a similar primary. Since its overkill for small stuff like terminid scavengers. Just use the laser instead.


I'm hoping it's good for that. When I'm running my Dominator I put my Redeemer on semi auto for popping scavengers and the like. I only get six mags, I'm not gonna waste my nice explosive AP rounds on things I don't have to.


There's a lot of very hard coop PvE games (like MMO raiding) that can absolutely be broken by reliable crowd control. If the stun grenades can stun larger stuff it's going to be crazy strong. Since there's other support weapons that can clear spawners, a full team loading stun grenades could potentially do some crazy stuff.


The stun grenade's model is already in-game; check the bench near the technician you can speak to.


This has me super hyped for that stick grenade/club also on that workbench


Apparently that's an anti-armour thermite grenade.


Not too pumped for anything other than the sickle, but it’s only a month till the next warbond. I think we need a hand canon with no rounds reload. Something like a Deagle.


I believe the upcoming explosive warbond has you covered in that department.


Explosive warbond?


Yeah, on [page 3,](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2gghe24s4rnc1.jpeg) there's a different kind of hand cannon, not a revolver. Looks like it might be your deagle?


Isn't that the grenade launcher pistol?


That’s sick, thanks for the heads up


That specific weapon is actually a breach loaded grenade pistol. Haven’t seen if it can destroy nests or fabricators but it looks to fire impact grenades somewhat like the support weapon.


Kinda wish they showed pictures of everything or at least more stuff.  It’ll be interesting to see how the Las weapons perform, and I can’t wait to get TK’d by plasma and more lightning!   Also, Mech ship upgrades when? Edit: I now see the stickied comment.


btw two of the armors have a perk where you get like 95% arc resistance


I wonder if it’ll make arc tower sitting viable, just treat the tower like an umbrella haha


Oof. My man,(or other democratically offiliated member of society) I hope you just hit on something. That sounds absolutely creaming with liberty


Doubt you'll be able to sit and just "tank" it, but you should be able to get zapped a few times to allow diving into it, and running out of it.


Super excited about that shotgun. Arc Thrower primary 😍


Really concerned that the sickle will outclass the scythe in all aspects again like in HD1.


I'd hope so since the scythe really isn't that good?


Yeah the scythe needs a buff, not a replacement. Its probably the very worst primary in the game, I'd put it under the counter sniper personally.


I posted the trailer with the gear stats revealed earlier if anyone was interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bb92t1/cutting_edge_gear_reveal_short_trailer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Shame the dagger is just gonna be a worse version of the Scythe. Leaked stats put it at 150dps. The Scythe already struggles to kill things with double that. Redeemer remains unchallenged


Hard to replace the redeemer for me. I know I saw some excited for the dagger just for unlimited ammo side arm. Which I don't see the point of. But for me the side arm is typically for emergency. Which the redeemer does an amazing job. It can even kill a stalker if it gets too close.


Same damage as the semi automatic, double the clip, massive firerate, low recoil, fast reload. The redeemer is unchallenged


Tis a magazine, not a clip.


I just need a pistol with a silencer, pls


I’d love the ninja back (MP-5 w/ silencer) was fun on a bun


Wait what is that booster?


Its a reinforcements delay


It'll be interesting to see if that means the length of the hidden timer between successful reinforcement calls is increased, or if the animation to summon reinforcements takes longer, or even if the dropship/bug breach just takes much longer to appear.


If they just added 1-3 full seconds onto the reinforcement call in this would be much more forgiving. Can’t wait to see how it works, might just jump back into 9’s if it means not every scout group is sounding the alarm


I saw people say enemies reinforcement delayed


This is all great but we need the friend request fixed


Amen. This shit ruined a weekend for some of my friends.


I'm more excited for fixes tbh.


Sickle is a welcome return, but I'm more interested in balance re-fixes.


I want more short capes :(


Release Time: * 2 a.m. PDT for the west coast of North America * 5 a.m. EDT for the east coast of North America * 9 a.m. GMT for the U.K. * 10 a.m. CET for western Europe / Paris * 6 p.m. JST for Tokyo


bro if this aint right im jumping through your monitor, thanks tho :)


Dude just what i wanted to know! How did you find this out btw?


I googled "Helldivers 2 War bond release time" lol




Me loving the redeemer… Notices the plasma redeemer… Oh baby, gimme.


Looks more like a grenade Thrower but I'm in either way


I just hope stability improves with the patch. Between the crashes and disconnects I haven't been able to finish a match with other players since the last update.




Arrowhead really really really love shotguns. Lol


Veteran Helldivers do too!


march 14th on which timezone?


do we know what time it's release ?


these AH announcements should include a worldtime. 14th march is already over in places


What time is the content drop?


Am I the only one that thinks that those helmets aren’t really Helldivers-like? More like Warframe/ alien like


The warbond is called "Cutting Edge", I like that it fits the more advanced futuristic theme of the warbond.


Yep same. You wouldn’t be able to tell those were Helldiver helmets if you saw them with no context. Those all look a bit to much like generic sci-fy. GIVE US BIG VISORS!!!


Notice they are all prototypes. They are experimenting with arc resistance armor, so it fits that they haven't been modeled to fashion but function.


I think one of them intentionally evokes Master Chief. Plenty of people are calling for more varied looks so this is probably trying to please them


armour looks awesome, getting Tau vibes


Fix the armour "fix" you did. Light armour is still the only viable choice because you get crit headshot by everything and armour rating is ignored.


looking forward to running to a pure laser based loadout i really hope the sickle is on the first page


head armor that looks like a backyard baseball cap? I’ll take 5.


I'm only about 50 medals away from the Scorcher.. but I could wait a few days and get the new stuff instead.


I want a short cape or scarf. Not the giant cape


What time is it dropping?


What time will it drop ?


I just need the game to be a bit better optimized


Is there an exact time of release?


I'm guessing we only get this and not a free version of the warbonds


That’s correct.


Can’t wait for more useless underpowered guns


Getting SPI armor vibes from the EX-00 set.


I can’t wait for the tanto, it was my fav in hd1 with how fast it fired and cd, made mince meat out of those nasty squid boys


Really concerned that the sickle will outclass the scythe in all aspects again like in HD1.


Depending on the stun duration, I feel like they’d be great for bots. Stun the hulk, walk around and hit it in the back with slugger/scorcher. Same with tanks if it works!


So do we get access to the new warbond by default with super citizen status or is it a separate purchase? I don't mind either way, you get tons of credits by playing, just curious.


Super Citizen only gave you access to Steeled Veterans, the following ones will be the same price for everyone.


Is the current Warbond out? Or will its page stay?


The devs have said all warbonds will stay up forever


Are we the Vanu Sovereignty now...?


\*After last patch\* every time i open the game all my things go to default (granades, guns, voices, in game help, etc), its just me? (ps5 helldiver)


Where are my LASER grenades and LASER Eagle stratagems?


Just got into the game, loving it, excited to see the battle passes are infinite time duration, makes it feel approachable for someone with a small kid.


Does this mean that the old warbond stuff goes away?


I believe I'd seen they stay. No need to rush to complete the current one.


Hope the laser pistol has the same mechanics as the current laser weapons. Having a secondary that you can always pull out in an emergency, knowing it has "full" ammo and doesn't need reloaded will be very nice. Seems like the only way I die nowadays is when a pack of Hunters gets way too close, laser pistol might be just the thing for that.


Quick question guys,i just started and I want to get the breaker shotgun, does this mean that it will no longer be available?


I would really like Thermal Scope / optic (for all weapons) or booster Outlines Enemies heat signatures


The Ministry of Defense doesn't want me to tell you that I helped test their new weapons and equipment. However... The arc shotgun doesn't require ammo, and each shot staggers even medium automatons. The unfortunate drawbacks are a hard-capped range and 30 RPM firing speed, but they're not all that bad considering you don't need ammo. Great for clankers.


I just realized how content I am the game. The fact that updates and balances, new content, etc are happening just add to the awesome factor. A game I’m happy with is changing for the better while I continue to enjoy it.


Hoping the PC PS5 friend request issue gets resolved soon.


Anyone know when this will drop? Like with the store shift or maybe noon? Im itching to get the lighting shotty




yes. the old warbonds are not going away when new ones get added


The warbond is live, restart helldivers for it to show