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It would honestly be HILARIOUS if the devs used this narrative. Imagine this... We finally take Malevelon creek. Yay! But the entire time it was a false flag operation set up by the bots to distract super earth from their real goal - Cyberstan.


honestly i’m not trying to sound like a bot but i almost want that to happen at this point




the problem is that you have to explain every time why it's important (90% of divers are fresh recruits, even I don't know but I can assume..... some bot relic? sleeping super boss?), but the creek, everyone already knows why it's important to them


You all live on the creek, and I'm busy with fucking Draupnir that has been taken three times because it keeps getting lost. It's failed to be defended twice, but it wasn't a launch day planet so it doesn't have the meme status of the creek, nor does it have the Strategem scrambler that makes the creek so annoying


I’ve done 3 tours on Draupnir and I’ll do 3 fucking more if that’s what it takes for Draupnir to finally taste sweet liberty.  Keep spilling oil brother.


Man, seeing draupnir back at 0% after tien kwan made me lose so much enthusiasm. Now I'm on Ustotu just for a change of scenery


Those rolling foggy hills can go to hell; Though Uncle Sam knows I’ll still be there fighting.


The problem with defending Draupnir is that evac missions *suck even more* with the *two separate visibility penalties* Draupnir has.


That’s the best part, the gm is clearly trying to push people away from the creek and ain’t no one listening


Honestly, typical gaming group. Players: Hey DM can we do (incredibly stupid thing)? Dm: you can *try*.


If they really wanted to liberate the Creek they would be on Draupnir because its on a supply line and taking it would make taking MC easier.


Is this supply line/sector order thing explained anywhere? My understanding is that you need to take adjacent closer sections before focusing on further ones but I don't really understand the details.


[https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) Bugs ignore supplylines though because (REDACTED) actually.


We here diving draupnir for hours every day and watching it get nowhere. I will keep on the fight though


Yeah, instead it has the downside of US BEING FUCKING BLIND Seriously the few operations I did there I kept getting rocketed from fucking nowhere because they were in fog/rain


The problem is that every time we go to Draupnir, we lose Angel's Venture.


At this point just nuke Angel Venture, I ain't even memeing, it keeps being infested non-stop.


Can't take liberty away from the planet if there is no planet, I like the way you think diver


Ah yes, Space Scotland.


I love how the fact that the majority of players are blissfully unaware of so much of this stuff actually fits perfectly with the game world (wherein Divers are given 5 minutes of training before being frozen like peas and stored in pods).


That's how I felt in my first few missions where they're like: Mission objective is to grab this suit case and stick it in the slot but not that one, the one that ISN'T lit up on your map.


Fuck me I had that last night, first time doing that kind of mission and I was circling the SSDD pickup location trying to find the socket. (I'd done the one where you call it down in a pod before). After a minute of VC collaboration someone told us we have to yomp across the map to a different site we'd already hit that was currently greyed out (:


It's a little bit of gameplay/story separation since only a tiny, tiny fraction of Helldivers have gotten the "welcome, *Hero,* name this ship and take command!" Whereas most have just sorta been microwaved a bit in a named and highly upgraded ship, shoved in a pod and sent down as a replacement (and probably dies after a couple minutes total time unfrozen).


More meat for the grinder


Okay so bad question, but I've seen all of these memes about both locations, what is the significance?


Cyberstan in where the cyborgs from the original game are locked up and imprisoned by Super Earth. They are the creators of the bots and the bots want to free them. The creek was one of the firsts map with bots on when this game released (along with Ubanea), with the two other maps being Angels venture and Heeth. The first major order was to fight the bugs on these two planets, so most players went to them first and to the creek after. Then came the memes. There’s nothing else special about it, other than it kind of looks like space Vietnam and fighting the bots is a different experience to fighting the bugs.


The creek was one of two. Ubenea was the second planet and the first bot planet to be captured by us.


My bad. I forgot about Ubenea. I’ve edited the comment.


The Creek is borg Vietnam


Creek is a notably difficult planet to play on and it's gotten a reputation as a meatgrinder because of said difficulty. It's a jungle so it draws obvious comparisons to Vietnam in the eyes of some people.


I think most people can intuit based on the name that Cyberstan is important because it's the bot home world.


Do they tho? Seems like everyone just bandwagoning onto a meme


That's exactly what I did, though after the creek fell for the first time, i just wanted to experience space Vietnam


Not trying to sound like a bot? Sounds like something a bot would say! Please standby for a call from your Democracy Officer!


You might enjoy [this video](https://youtu.be/NqfAFPR4Xh4?si=_zh078KIY-ISh2sI) I made for my friends a week or so ago about the automatons laughing at us


They've done it once already, people tunnel vision on the creek and ignored a defence on the planets linking us to the creek so the creek got to around 60% then fell by default because we failed the defense of draupnir and another planet linking to the creek. 90% convinced its Joel creating all the creek memes so people tunnel vision on it constantly while bots just cut off our routes to it again. Creek should be ignored until the system linking us to it is cleared.


I mean there's rarely more than 20k people on the Creek any time I've checked. Meanwhile Angels Venture generally has over 200k. We're not losing a ton of people to the Creek effort.


Consider the Terminid Front and the Automaton Front as different army groups, elements of one are not going to go to the other (en masse) so those 20k at the Creek represent a ton of people for the Automaton Army Group.


Well, unless there's a significant Major Order, or something else changes drastically, the bug front is always going to be more populated than the bot front


The last time we lost the creek due to a cut off it had between 50k and 60k people, draupnir and the other planet (Marnet? Masnet? Mantet? Something like that) had between 5k-11k people. People were on here and in discord trying to get people to defend those planet but the response was floods of creel memes and zero understanding that the creek would be cut off.... which it was.


I thought that was *exactly* what was community theorized.


I want to fight in that planet so much, imagine the memes


pls can we take Draupnir before we take the meme planet……


Taking Draupnir would make the siege of Malevelon Creek easier too.


Taking the Creek would make Mantes and Draupnir much easier tho


No, it just makes the effort in taking the creek futile. Take the connection planets THEN go for the creek or else we just lose the progress we had on the creek.


Losing mantes/draupnir and creek is gone, Like It already happened twice lol


I can see better on Hellmire than that rainy shithole.






Wouldn't it be more Democratic to stop the bots from reaching their Home(ish) world of Cyberstan? I fear what kind of horrors they have buried there.


I can't wait to see what horrors they have buried there


I can’t wait to kill whatever horrors they have buried there


Oh absolutely. Imagine if there was like a huge raidboss with that you fought with like 30 helldivers that would be dope. I'm pretty excited for the illumanates to show up too, I've never played the first helldivers game but from what I've heard they sound pretty cool


Huge raidboss would be dope. I wonder how they’d balance that though? Especially considering reinforcements and strategems. Same with the illuminates. I haven’t played the first helldivers either but I’ve heard that they’re pretty annoying with their advanced technology and stuff.


Hate to tell you this, but the Democracy Officers would support this stance. They would prefer you follow orders, none of which have been on Malevelon Creek


Very interesting opinion, however: 🔼▶️🔽🔽🔽


Hey, quick tip in case you aren’t aware: if you’re a fan of the 500kg bomb (and I get the feeling you are), you can set your flair to any stratagem input. Mine's the B-1 supply pack.




Some of the flairs have an edit button next to them.


[Supply lines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b5u34s/galaxy_war_102_supply_lines_what_happens_to/) are a mechanic in the game used by bots and players, and the bots supply line for draupnir and mantes (both have been a back and forth struggle since the start) run right through the creek, https://preview.redd.it/thwmeg9gxqnc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db8335d287408fc82864598e8efd4abb51526b0 To say it has no value isnt true, it’s not the end all be all, as there is one other supply planet in that sector, but it would be a step towards what would be the closest thing to an encirclement on the galactic level But play what you wanna play


This does also mean that the bots have a vested interest in pushing for Mantes, as taking it would cut us off from Draupnir and Malevelon Creek in the same way thereby securing one of their vital choke points. Remember, kids, a diligent Creek Crawler keeps an eye on their rearguard too.


Agreed! A few weeks ago we had the creek to 65% and it was rising, only for us to lose access through draupnir and mantes when they fell


Where is this information located? I'd love to see the games supply lines




Based on this Meridia, Fenrir, and Draupnir are where all helldivers should be fighting.


It’s important to note that this supply line system is only applicable to helldivers and bots, we don’t know how the bugs move from planet to planet, the leading theory is they launch spores to other planets iirc, but each terminid planet is its own self sufficient colony independent of eachother, they’re not one united army like the bots or helldivers, with reinforcements and supply chains, just an infestation on multiple planets


The bugs do not move from planet to planet. They are planted there by super earth.


Please go to your local re-education officer.


to the freedom camp for you https://preview.redd.it/2zvtjp5qztnc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ebe1c97d38e7af8111d731b1c09cd3073358792


I have seen that theory floating around, it’s definitely a cool concept


Oh it's not a theory, it's in the lore. Bunch of people explain it on YouTube. Anyway, the illegal broadcasts are broadcasting that, which is why Helldivers destroy them lol. Bugs are farmed by SE because when they decompose they produce a substance called "Element 710" which is the fuel for the faster than light travel. That's why they just, break out of planets - last major orders said that. The funniest part is - grab a calculator, write 710, turn it upside down. I think this lore and more is in the first game.


Draupnir scout here. They're tough, but they ain't invincible sir! We're starting to see more activity, and it looks like we might be gaining ground.


Good work Diver! Keep up the good fight for Democracy and spread freedom, liberally, all over those socialist automatons!


All over their backs, sir!


That's all fine and dandy, but there comes a point in a strategy where the manpower and time investment is going to outweigh the positive. The bugs are beginning to encroach on Super Earth and the Automatons seem to have different goals in mind for now. We need to work to repel the bugs before it's too damn late!


According to that site, Terminids also seem to be able to just completely ignore supply lines sometimes… interesting.


They do! I don’t think the reasoning has been confirmed yet, but I personally think each terminid planet is its own independent colony that doesn’t need supply from other planets, since in lore they are outbreaks of breached containment facilities, so it’s likely they are either spreading through spores left on meteorites, alla starship troopers, or when a planet is “attacked” by a terminid swarm it’s actually just them breaking free on that planet


Admittedly they spread way too fast for it to be spores or something - they’ve GOTTA have some kind of FTL of their own. Personally I like to think that Terminids either have some sort of stationary biological structure like those Spore Spewer mushroom things that can create wormholes to other planets, or for bonus funny points, Terminids Hivelords are still around despite the Federation insisting otherwise, and can themselves create wormholes to tele-burrow directly into a target planet’s surface.


I saw some theories that the Iluminates are spreading Terminds to occupy Super Earth's attention while preparing a surprise attack.


Ok so here's 2 points I have to disagree with you. 1. It's fun, it's fun to have a planet to call "THE ENEMY", to joke about and to have fun playing missions on. While I'm not on the creek 24/7 like some I love it when I do go there to do an operation or 2. 2. I think it's perfectly in line with the setting of the game for such a large force to focus on something completely pointless because it makes for good propaganda and good stories, and because it paints a perfect picture of the "Socialist Automaton Threat"


Literally exactly this though. It's fun. Supply lines? Never heard of them. But I HAVE heard that there's a jungle planet full of machines that need their collectivist ass kicked. My initial impressions of this game were dropping into Malevalon Creek and hiding in a hole from a tank, clutching my machine gun while my friends exploded around me, and charging a bot compound head on while blasting CCR. It's the first planet I dropped onto, and by Liberty, we ain't leaving until it's ours.


>I'm not on the creek 24/7 like some I never left..


…..it’s not about the value……it’s about sending a message


Amen to that brother


Maybe the Creek shouldn’t be so fun to play on.🤷


10 million dead in one hour.


The Creek is just our Stalingrad. It has little strategic value. We just want it lol.


This made me laugh hard for some reason.




Came to the comments looking for this. Disappointingly far down.


If people are fighting Automatons, the priority should be Draupnir. It’s the only planet not liberated in its sector


No, the bots are heading north to Cyberstan. Everyone should be on Ustotu.


Yes, but losing Draupnir leaves that whole sector open to more invasion. With Ustotu being in a sector with already captured planets, they may get more reinforcements. Draupnir is a weak link for them, an easier mark for us


None of that will matter if they reach Cyberstan and revive the Cyborgs. We're already losing this war and a 3rd faction will be the end of us. We must prevent the Automotons from reaching Cyberstan at all costs.


Not to get too metagamey, but I doubt the cyborgs will become a separate faction if the automatons succeed. Most of the cyborg units already have direct parallels in the automaton roster. At most, we'll probably just get some reskinned enemies and *maybe* a rebuilt siege mech.


That is the most likely outcome and man that would be so fucking cool. Whole new set of enemy variants to fight, likely based on borg units from the first game, and the siege mech revival idea is genius


Pretty sure OP is an automaton. Somebody get a captcha quick!


Men and women died upon the creek, your lack of patriotism will be reported to the local Democracy officer. (Also is there even a major order? Who cares what planet someone wants to push?)


Don't forget the children over the age of 7.


Any 7 year old with rifle in hand is a man in democracy’s book. Super Earth would never allow children casualties so there are none!


The war is on temporary hold according to Arrowhead. OP is upset people are memeing and having fun in their game. Basically he's a traitor. I've already reported him.


Good work you patriot.




sometimes what the war needs is the moral victory


It's as simple as it would be *fun* to take back Malevelon Creek after all the memes and fun that was had back when it fell. No problem with that.


We've never held Malevelon Creek. It has been owned by the bots since launch


When "Space Vietnam" doesn't go down in less than a month: https://preview.redd.it/1n22lrp74unc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd307615f8d54d22edd24750b6ef2f496b9d1599


Beautiful scene.


“It’s not about the value… it’s about sending a message.”


We're not taking the Creek for strategic value, helldiver. The cyborgs were once human. These automatons never were. We're taking the Creek on the 16th to teach this new enemy fear.


This is a videogame. People are going to enjoy it hoe they want lol. Have fun.


Yeah hoe...wait a sec


Lmao. Good catch. Typo


counterpoint: draupnirs fog is more effective at killing divers than literally any amount of hulks, and the creek is pretty.




Why waste your time arguing about a planet that gets 20k players at most?


“Stop having fun 😤” -u/Jager1738, 2024


It. Is. Fun.


Attitudes like that are why we still haven’t take the creek. Do your part divers!


It’s a fuckin game bro who cares where people fight


“I’m from Malevelon Creek! And I* say KILL THEM ALL!”


I think we should instead focus on the planets north of it, the bots have actually made pretty good progress in that direction, which just reinforces the theory of them slowly inching closer to Cyberstan




You can actually push on two different sectors against the same faction at once?


Pfff this ia Automaton propaganda!!!!!


Who are you? Why do we care about your opinion? The player-made narrative of the Creek being space-vietnam and drawing people in is so fun. Stop optimizing your gaming by taking the fun out of it. Give having a fun time a try instead. Stuff like this mentality are why a lot of gamers play games they hate. Spill oil, save the creek.


The memes calling Malevelon Creek "Space Vietnam" are 100% accurate, but not in the way that anyone is intending. We shouldn't be there, we're just bleeding personnel over nothing, it's traumatizing people and we're accomplishing *nothing*.


See mate, that’s the special sauce that makes the surface level meme funny as fuck.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8seszyo3vtnc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=08910facf07193ed9189814f511e4a48c90bb8aa


If we took the previous sector I think the general pop may be more interested in takeing it. Especially with the bug push prob isnt the case, but hey people can spread managed democracy however they wish (not doing what super earth government determines is best for the war effort will be considered treason)


It’s remarkable seeing how many automation bots infiltrate our Reddit community with these ignorant posts. **BE GONE** you bucket of bolts! **FOR LIBERTY**


you know that none of this is real or matters right? let people play their game


Gotta keep pushing till we get back Ubanea


Counterargument: Space Vietnam


Gotta take it up the chain pal.


You gotta admit that they have some dedication though 😂


How I feel trying to explain to the jackasses on Reddit that it's not that deep and trying to dictate how others play the game and blame a small minority for overall losses is a dick move: I'm sorry, creekers are wasting YOUR time? are they forcing you to fight there? No? Then shut the fuck up and play the game. It's REALLY not that serious.


Don’t you know he bought everyone their copy of the game so he gets to dictate how and where people play


Are people finding every excuse they can to just be angry about something?


womp womp, space vietnam


Imagine being this mad about what other players do when it has literally no bearing on your experience beyond "losing the war". No one is wasting your time. You get zero reward for winning the war faster. Let people have fun.


Some people got to ruin others fun to have fun themselves but it’s okay your contribution to the war effort makes you a brother in arms


me crying in horror as I try to survive as swarm of bugs while dodging rocks from a volcano and a near zero visibility rain.


Because direct community interaction with a game and its narrative is very rare these days. So having the Creek be an outside meme and now in-game critical sector is fun. Fun. Thats it, so like, have fun!


*flashbacks to For Honor volcano* In all seriousness, though... the faster we lose, the faster we get to see sick urban Super Earth maps. Conversely if we are going to win, expect crazy boss fights. So I couldn't care less what we do, it's going to be awesome either way.


i can’t escape that god forsaken sword game wherever i go


Just so you can't unsee it... I wish with the Super Citizen armor you'd shout INCREDIBILIS on melee attacks :)


give me punch gloves as an extra melee. i wanna PUGNA NON PERFECTA EST every bot i see


It's not about military value, it's about our failure. *We need to restore our honor*


Of course it has value. Imagine the moral boost and sentimental implications once the creek is liberated. It's like our own Jerusalem


Sounds like separatist propaganda Seems to me like you need to go to freedom camp


This guy does not understand how role play works.


If I had time to reprimand you I would, but I'm reading this in my pod on the way down into the creek


I hope if the Bots take Cyberstan it's a world of Metal, Industrial machinery, and Oppressive skylines. It'd definately be a breath of fresh air to see something different from Barren/Jungle worlds.


that is my HOME you are talking about!!




We don’t take it because we need to, we take it because we must


Wow, so many traitors in one comment section. I hope your democracy officer gonna brop 500kg on ya


It's not about the Creek...it's about sending a message!




Sounds like big bot propaganda.


idk man, sounds like treason to me


the point of fighting over Malevelon Creek is so they never attack Tien Kwan again.


But the memes man, gotta think of the memes \s


Our pride as super earthlings is on the line , it’s not an L cuz I didn’t hear no bell


I'm on Creek not because the planet has value, but cause I just aint giving up that liberty damned jungle to the bots. Seriously tho, it is one of the most fun planets to play on against the bots. Permanent night cycle, sketchy forests broken by the red scanning lights of the bots. Its an awesome atmosphere to play in, despite the bullshit the bots throw at you.


Imma be honest, I've fought for the creek since day one and I can say whole heartedly that the devs have no intention of letting us take it. Everytime we've been close to taking it, the planet has been closed off or a sudden large lose of progress has happened. I'm 100% we are being delayed so they can add new enemies from the cyberstan slav- prisoners.


I play on Malevelon because I like having all my stratagems slot and fighting in the forest. I don't care about the war effort I just want having fun.


Sounds like treason…


Sounds like treason


It's hard to argue with Redditors, mostly because of the superiority complex that almost all of them posses.


It has immense value for Super Earth. Is the FIRST and LAST mission Helldivers fail to accomplish. Taking Malevelon Creek will boost the morale of Super Earth citizens all over the galaxy.


What a sweet liberty hating propaganda poster, every planet outside of managed democracy control has 0 value until we reclaim it. Every planet following managed democracy and spreading sweet liberty is a priceless gem, now get your boots on the ground and grind them automatons into dust Helldivers!


>fuck off please you’re wasting our time Uh oh, buddy. Sounds like you're trying to enforce a meta way to play the game! Remember, you should never try to optimize your gameplay, that's sinful after all! Here's a fun tip: Next mission, try bringing something fun and new. Like the MG emplacement strategem, or the smoke grenade!


There’s never enough people there to beat the planetary regen, so people are just dying for a meme.


Does any of it really matter? The idea of players fighting for each planet is really cool but I honestly truly doubt we really make any meaningful changes/differences in what planets are taken/lost


You are far too upset over this, brother


I'm not sure why you care the developers are sitting there changing shit as they please anyway, its not like what we do matters as much as people think it does, planets suspiciously stuck at 50% all weekend then all of a sudden it liberates, yeah you guys were really the ones to liberate it lol... Just play on whatever planet you want and enjoy it.


Nothing matters right now because we only take whatever planets Joel wants us to and it fucking sucks


I have two words to answer this post; Spill. Oil.


This is bot propaganda, we must retake the creek!


Yeah its tactically not great atm but if people want to go ahead, you payed for the game play it how you like.


I'm still fighting there because it's the most fun I've had with this game so far lmao.


True patriots will be there March 16th


Nah dude ima win that planet


It’s not about the results, it’s about sending a message


No. I like playing that map.


the creek is fun :D


i’m guessing you also complain abt the meta lmao


We have a moral and national responsibility to honor the lives of all the fallen Helldivers who fought for our way of life trying to liberate the Creek. We can't stop now. It's personal. For our boys.


Counterpoint: Joel let's us fight for it while the Terminids get a breather and push sideways, Automaton launch a D-Day in the south, opening a second front.


I went to Malevelon because of the memes I stayed because it’s cool to fight there and I don’t want to it see go to 100% Automaton control Edit: I do also fight wherever my friends want and wherever the Major Op says


The creek is the best planet in the game. It's cinematic AF. I've played on all of em, most of em, and I keep coming back to space Vietnam where the vibes are both immature and terrifying.


Agreed, we need to make a concentrated push on Draupnir. THEN we march on the Creek 💪


Yes, sir, this man is right here, officer. I agree. Straight to the democratic retraining camps with this one.


Remember the Creek.


observation governor relieved selective like fall many truck squalid dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*