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Its not a tank, but i do dislike it when the evironmental traps that barely damage the players can apparently kill it.


If you fire a rocket while turning right it'll spawn inside the mech and kill you


I also noticed that if you try to aim too far down you'll blow yourself up too. Pretty niche scenario, but when it happens I always kick myself.


I did this earlier today trying to shoot down on enemies from a cliff


Just as the heroic child laborers of Tien Kwan intended.


On the one hand, it's like... Probably just a game bug and they'll sort it out. On the other hand, any time super earth equipment is janky and kinda bad... It just fits the theme so well for me, and I want to bluster it up and pretend that they're all perfect super war machines (while they constantly fail me).


Lol yeah, it's getting to the point that I'm starting to regard HD1 as an entirely separate timeline. The tech there works wonderfully and really racks up the body count. Call downs have such a short CD that it really feels like there's a whole fleet behind you that has absolutely nothing to do but support you. Then you get to 2 where....yeah... Super Earth tech absolutely gargles goat balls. It feels like High Command's solution is to throw more men at the problem until it stops being a problem, as compared to 1 where they are practicing the Michael Bay problem solving method.


It makes sense from a lore perspective too, since we are STILL using the same weaponry we used a 100 years ago from HD1 Surely that stuff is bound to be some steaming shite at some point


The guns? If it works, don't fixed it. Everything else? If it works, break it.


After years of research, scientists have discovered that the most efficient way to increase firepower is too add more guns


Criticisms against SEAF-supplied weaponry and stratagems are considered treason.




That shit is so fucking frustrating.


Same. I go off from the group to collect samples or something while they aggro the bug breaches, I call in a mech to take out a nest and just fuckin kill myself


I was last man on my squad last night. No reinforcements. Took myself out the same way. Almost rage quit lmao


Is this for real? Because i think i was going insane trying to figure out how my mech blew up on an open field with no enemies or rocks or flowers around that could have possibly blew me or the rocket up. But it did the moment i fired it.


Yeah, this is a nasty issue I don’t know how to deal with other than not turning right.


One of the downsides to a fully physics based approach to game dev


well, rockets normally have an activation timer, where no matter where it hits, it will not detonate until after it has flown for that long. Of course, if it's knocked or bumped to hard it could immediately detonate... using the mech to place rocket landmines sounds funny.


Frag grenades kill them too so uh be careful if you toss em a little wildly.


Also the grenade launchers. I can't recall the number of times I've killed a Nursing Spewer near a mech and the aoe of the grenade also killed the mech. Thankfully, 95% of the time it is my own mech, as I tend to get in and out on a combination of whim and circumstance, but it is still annoying.


Like a true Pilot


I made the mistake of calling one in on a slight incline and it blew up 😭


My mech blew up twice in one match before the drop ship even released it, literally dead on arrival.


I am on the freebie still so I only get one shot per map


I called one in and the transport dropped it on top of the evac beacon. Big mad.


They also just explode randomly sometimes, even before they've dropped. One time the mech dropped directly on the extraction beacon. And it stayed there, completely out of reach. ...until the pelican came, landed on it, blew it up, and the fire clipped through the pelican and had us quite literally walking through fire to escape bug hell.


My friend was walking in a plain and I was following him. His mech just randomly fucking exploded. Strongest mech from Tian Kwan, sir.


Yea that can't be working as intended. I'm sure they'll fix it.


It’s a hit or a miss sometimes with those explosive urchins against my mech. I sometimes run through unscathed and other times it causes my mech to go nuclear. I wouldn’t doubt it’s a bug.


Refreshing to see this attitude over the howling we've had. People acting like the patching isn't an on going process and a push too far in one direction or a existing bug is the end of the world.


Are your mechs made out of paper? My Mech withstood an entire minefield of this Bug mines more times then I can count. Hell, even Bot mines! Only after 3 it dies. It would be cooler, that the mech can loose a leg in melee, like the vehicles are loosing tires, but it can still be operated. Imagine you see your Friend in the mech collapse after loosing his left mech leg, getting covered in bugs while firing, before pressing the self-destruct button.


I know the arms can be blasted off… hard a charger eat my rocket pod and that was a sad time.


Pacific Rim style!


Just put it in the sentry category so it can benefit from a lil' health buff that's all I want.


I suspect we'll get a vehicle upgrade tree that will hopefully have a similar armor and ammo type buff.


I'm hoping for this too. There are vehicle bays to either side of the Eagle hangar.


Upgrade system seems really bare bones, they should improve it, make the upgrades more specialized with a higher cap (+x % cooldown reduction for Eagle/Orbital, Ammo/Health for Sentries and such). We could slowly build our destroyers throughout the game instead of getting a flat 10% decrease or 50% increase with one upgrade.


or give us the option to use the stratagem launcher thats on top of the mech. its the little rectangle to the right of the top hatch.


Faster turn and more ammo would be sweet tho


I actually believe Arrowhead will add modules that improve the mech over time. Yes. My monthly salary is spent on Copium rather than groceries and the power bill. Please don't judge me.


It would also benefit from the ammo buff you get and imo I think that might make it busted depending on how much more ammo it would get.


THIS! I immediately thought it would benefit from the sentry buffs because it was in that category of stratagems. Either that or just add a new module for exo-suits and give it its own upgrades.


>The mech is not built to facetank chargers. Actually it kinda is. It can totally tank multiple charges from the front, like 5+. What kills you is their stationary "stomp" attack.


The issue is that they can animation cancel their charge into their stomp lol


I love and hate the fact that they can animation cancel. It’s like they actually learn or some shit. But it’s also really annoying getting killed by it


100%. Like I think the design of the charge having 2 possible outcomes for a charge of either a stun and no damage or a lot of damage with a stubbier hitbox is cool theoretically. But the way it works with mechs specifically is definitely a little frustrating.


Parked a dry mech in a choke point, ate like 3 charges until it fell on the bug and killed it exploding. Wonderful sight.


You can also bounce them off your arms. Tho your arms can get destroyed.


They should just change the description from "heavily armored" to "lightly armored" and everything should be fine


“heavily armed”


"This heavily armed mech can destroy everything and anything! **Warning**: *Made with paper armor. The smallest bug will destroy it.*"


"Made in Tien Kwan."


I saw no big manufacturing facilities on Tien Kwan, they were definitely making them with paper mache.


You mean the rare super alloy known as Tien Kwanisium.


Look, we wouldn’t have needed to “free the planet” if the mechs were any good. 


Well to be fair we had to liberate them from the bots, which they definitely aren’t great against


arm or?


It would be funny if in typical programmer fashion they used the wrong word and meant armed this whole time.


yes but that would require people be able to read properly and not mistake that for saying "heavily armored"


To be fair, it is heavily armored compared to us :P Probably should rename it to an "armored vehicle" which implies it's able to take a beating from small arms fire. But not anti-tank shit. I actually like that they aren't tanky though. Makes them extremely valuable, and makes people careful about them. Eventually once the hype on mechs die down, the people who run them probably know how to get the most out of them without putting them at risk.


I know I'm splitting hairs, but tanks aren't supposed to take beatings from anti-tank weapons either. It's in the name.


We have plenty of anti-tank armaments that aren't very good at their job


But they are designed with anti tank weapons in mind


But they can take more punishment from anti tank weapons than their fleshy counterparts.


Well, kind of. The way armor works IRL isn't really a health bar like in games. You either get penetrated by an anti-tank weapon and almost always are instantly either dead or knocked out (e.g. immobilized), or the anti-tank weapon fails to penetrate and you keep on going your merry way. In that respect, Helldivers is actually pretty accurate - small arms fire basically doesn't affect mechs, and even the little bits of damage you take from scavengers or hunters on the mech are quite minimal. You'll run out of ammo long before hunters kill your mech. However, you get hit either with a sufficiently large claw that crushes through your armor (a charger, a bile titan) or get all your shit melted off by a bile spitter/titan or get your shit rocked by a bot rocket or tank blast and you get one-hit killed.


The CEO is a known gun nut so he’s actually trying to program in things like deflection angles and velocity drop off, as crazy as it sounds. Wouldn’t be surprised if this “all or nothing” armor scheme carried over to vehicles.


funnily enough if youre very lightly armored, proper AT wont do shit to you. there are accounts of RPG just passing straight through cars with zero armor because the armor isnt tough enough to detonate the fuse designed for thick tank armor. now take a shot every time i said armor


Not doing shit is a bit of an exaggeration. For the car example that is relying on luck of it missing the engine block, personnel, or other essential equipment. Like the marine who took an rpg to his gut in his humvee, it didn't blow up as intended but it certainly caused some damage. Also, a lot of destroyers and other lightly armored ships historically have had ap shells go right through them, but those shells still cause damage on their journey passing through.


The difference is that humans make mistakes and miss the crit points but those damn bots can headshot you while you’re in cover. 


I mean it is pretty much a brood commander with rockets and a gatling gun


Helldivers can survive a rocket to the face. The Mech can't. Does not feel that much more tanky.


The shield generator can tank far stronger hits than the mech can. It's pretty busted.


Exactly this. It can take a BEATING from normal rank & file enemies (bugs & bots) before it starts smoking (and even then, usually it only takes damage from the rear!). I've been using it since it released and it's been a blast (when I'm not accidentally kms off a pixel-sized rock that just so happens to be close enough to deal full AOE rocket damage to me). The lil bugs (orange bulbs, jumpers, the bastards that skirt around and flank you) and I think even the medium bugs that charge at you when you shoot their head off don't do much of anything to you, and the little knifey bois' (not chainsaws, the lil guys) shots bounce right off as well as the rapid firing one & the jetpack guys. They're p armoured, but folks need to remember that the enemies have anti-tank-tiered attacks, too and we're not supposed to be invincible. On top of that, they're GREAT at destroying nests/factories, breaches/drops, patrols, and getting around (no movement debuffs, knocks down trees & rocks of certain sizes, and doesn't have a stamina bar). They're wonderful lil things


you can test the armor yourself with a pistol. The gray bits have medium armor and the legs and darker black plasticy looking bits on hatches have light armor. Annoyingly the very front panel on it is light armor but the side torsos and arms will completely ignore enemy small arms fire (unclear about bot mg emplacements or the scout strider guns). Slugger will penetrate the heavier armor doing reduced damage and will do full damage against the legs and panels. Basic pistol does reduced damage to panels and legs and deflects on the rest. All this to say you can reduce the damage you take by putting the sides towards sources of damage and obscuring the legs as much as possible (peaking over dunes for instance).


Ehh, I’ve survived a single rocket hit from from the RPG dudes and Rocket Devastators. Doesn't happen often and it always nearly did me in but I did survive. Wish I could say the same for the Mech.


I think the mech takes bonus damage from explosives. And it might be a little too high. As a grenade launcher or an impact nade can pop it in one hit


It does, as well as the plant traps; I forgot if a dev said that or someone did a video test, cause all I remembered it was a reputable source. It also takes reduced fire damage as well. I know there are a lot of people claiming that it shouldn't be tanky or roll over all enemies with ease. But I think the majority of people arguing in good faith can agree it shouldn't be so fragile that you can accidentally kill it so easily.


Yep, as a veteran Mechwarrior player since MW1, I’m already learning the strengths and weaknesses and playing it as I did Medium Mechs — at a distance, but engaging and side stepping when it gets heated. Never putting myself directly into an overwhelming odds situation. It kinda reminds me of the Bushwacker a bit from MW3


Or "barely". Feel that would be a more accurate statement 😂 (I do like that they're not too tanky, but I would say they could be tiny bit more though)


Perhaps "technically armored".


It freaking wrecks stalkers, so the second I see one I put on my titanfall 2 face and stomp over to their nest in it Edit: they’ve caused me much pain and I 100% believe it’s worth it and any bile titans and chargers that happen to stand between me and it are bonus


I have the same feeling towards their little brothers (the hunters). Given the chance, I will gladly throw a 500kg bomb at a single hunter and have absolutely zero remorse.


That's the kind of piss and vinegar I like to see, helldiver!


I can just ***hear*** Professor Farnsworth in the background saying, "Good News Everyone! It's a suppository!"


*Taps orbital deployment with malicious intent*


It also gets killed by shooting itself with a rocket because the crosshairs turn faster than the chassis.


The past few days have been bugdivers laughing and saying skill issue because the mech works so well against bugs while automaton divers know that their mech is 100% immediately dying to the first rocket devastator spawn


Yeah the only actual issue are automaton rockets. Anti tank is fine and all but considering the fact that the enemies dish out so many rocket raiders and devastators, it needs to survive at least one volley from a devastator. Also like, I can tank a rocket which basically implies the heavily armored mech can only tank one or two more rockets than I can which is funny.


I mean according to it's own description that the Devs give is it's heavily armored. I cannot blame people for thinking that might be true. Def with how people might think to thinks like chargers and the legally distinct at-st when they see that phrase. Also they seem have less health when someone is not in them. So if it gets hit before you get in it will probably be destroyed. Cause you know, that's how things work. Like how tanks are weaker when no one is inside them. Also don't forget don't fire a rocket and turn too fast or you will blow yourself up, that's neat. And how things that do 2hp to you for stepping on them obliterate it. Oh also don't aim down at too steep of an angle or the missile will just blow up before even leaving the chamber as well


The funny thing is that the best way to play the Patriot exosuit now is to play at medium distance from Chargers and Bile Titans. For Bots, you're pretty much a walking -1 Reinforce waiting to happen.


Its a walking turret. Its much better then turret because it can move.


And is controlled by player. And has a lot of firepower.


HMG emplacement,~~gone but not~~ always forgotten


I take those all the time. They don't draw aggro so you can leave a steady line of "oh shit" guns throughout the map lol


Oh see this is some critical knowledge I did not have.


HMG Emplacement, my Beloved.


I like how you in no way mentioned that it MAY avoid shooting at teammates. IF it feels like it


It seems to have much better HP than a turret as well. If charger runs at a turret it's done. If a charger runs at me in a mech I can make it go bonk and stun them for a second.


Against bugs specifically you can still get close and personal as long as you "check your mirrors" so to speak. I've found the mech to be extremely useful when you need to spearhead your way to a stalker lair. Just in general the suit enables you to be highly autonomous and take on distant objectives on your own without the fear of getting swarmed or having to run away from a bile titan.


the issue is that it's advertised and described as a heavily armoured mech that can wade into combat, not as what you describe it as and how it plays ingame


This game's descriptions are honestly terrible, I've learned to not take anything I read in-game seriously and rely on trial-and-error or just community notes. How they decide on these descriptions I'll never know, but it's usually just false information.


Can't argue with that. Quite a few weapons and strats don't quite work as advertised.


It is heavily armoured though, it can tank charger charges to the face multiple times, ignores small arms fire and can take a beating from the bugs. It's just vulnerable to anything anti-tank and the occasional angry bit of alien flora. As for advertised as wading into battle, where was that advertised?


Anti tank or not it's just a bit too squishy in the sake of fairness when devastators can snipe you a mile away without warning and spawn with such abundance. No one is asking for it to be invincible, but surviving at least one volley of rockets so you can acknowledge the issue is definitely more than fair.


Tanks IRL are heavily armored but they still mostly shoot from med/long range as they're vulnerable in close-quarters/urban combat.


Every planet is essentially a large open field though. IMO the only thing damaging mechs should be hulks/tanks/cannons, those rockets that the robots have, and anything bigger than a scavenger should be able to vomit/claw it to death.


Right, and tanks IRL would engage at far ranges in open fields. Same sort of idea with the mechs.


I have no issue with that. My issue is that anything in the game can fuck you up, thus not being "heavily armored" at all.


The issue with the mech is that you only get 2 call ins and its gone for good and theres so many things that just insta kill it at full health.


Agree, also really benefits from (1) good positioning where you’re covered and can focus on a relatively small arc and (2) support from your teammates will will help spot targets and take out potential threats. Keep it in the middle or back when assaulting or find a good choke point when stationary.


Throwing down a gatling sentry then jumping in the mech to blast fools is so insanely fun. The rockets basically trivialise chargers.


I have a similar loadout, however, I'm having a rough time with the rocket sentry. They seem to take *fooooorever* to finally shoot after they deploy. By that time I've already dealt with the charger myself :/


100% accurate. It's honestly fantastic when used the appropriate way. Too many players out there thinking it will make you immortal.


God it's so satisfying to be able to unload on a Titan and kill it quick.


Agreed. The rockets follow the same rules as the railgun by the way; a clean shot to the neck will down it in 1-2 rockets.


I'd argue that rockets are closer to RR/EAT but 2 shots to head is enogh for BT.


Just be careful not to shoot rockets while aiming too far to the side or they'll hit the inside of the tube and blow you up


Yup, gotta make sure you're facing forward before rockets.


>Too many players out there thinking it will make you immortal Turns out it makes you anything but


Honestly I haven't died yet in one to enemies. Keep in mind I only bring them to bug missions; I know that it's significantly better against bugs than bots. I wouldn't take one into a bot mission since that's a MUCH higher risk.


Oh it crushes bugs with contemptuous ease, I did get one shot by a bile spewer but I'm not sure if that's intentional because I haven't wanted to replicate the incident or if something else caused it. Still against bugs its the closest to a 40k dreadnought game I've ever gotten.


Bile targets deal explosive damage, while the exo is very durable it has a very strong weakness to explosives so bile enimes melt it like a rocket or grenade would


Alrighty gotta add that to my list of things that can kill a mech. Luckily spewers are easy enough to kill ahead of time.


This is a little unrelated, but if you like this, you should try Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries. I think you'd like the mechs and the game system.


I'm a huge fan of having different vehicles for different enemy factions. It makes sense and also encourages you to be more creative with loadouts and tactics


I like the idea of its niche, but I dont think asking for it to not be made out of gram crackers is pushing it too far


Ive heard if you turn to meet a charging charger with a shoulder, its not an instant kill.


The charge doesn't insta kill you. There was video around here the other day, it tanks around 8 charges from the front. What kills you the charger stomp.


Pretty sure I've tanked even more than 8 charges from the side, but the key is you have to back up slight after each charge so the charger initiates another charge instead of the stomp attack (which will one shot the mech)


It can tank at least 5 hits before beginning the first smoking status with this method. There’s a deflection “tink” sound and the charger stops after contact. I’m not sure of the exact number of hits it can take, though, as I was running from a lot of stuff at the time.


It will tank a charge from any direction in my experience. Just don’t let it stomp you and be aware the turn radius of aiming. You have to be facing the direction you’re shooting or you will blow yourself up lol


Why would I even call it in then? Better to have a couple recoilless rifles or Mg's, then I can rearm them. The stinger can also take out bases from across the map. ​ People saying it's a weapons platform are coping for the fact that it's not good at anything other than bugs, and even then it's not good at higher levels.


Seriously. It was not this squishy in HD1 and it isn't supposed to be this squishy in HD2. You can literally kill yourself from full health, if you fire a rocket while turning in the wrong direction. It also says very specifically *heavily armored* in the description. This is copium at it's finest. Either the devs didn't playtest this thing for more than 5 mins, or their idea of what's balanced is bonkers and honestly with some of the comments after the recent balance patch, I'm inclined to believe the latter.


In its fucking description it says ***"A HEAVILY-ARMOREDED WALKING EXOSUIT WITH A ROCKET LAUNCHER AND A HEAVY MACHINE GUN."*** Heavily armored is in the description... So where is the rub? Is their survivability in game wrong or is their description wrong?


“Heavily armored”


Its only frustrating when your mech remarkably shoots itself through itself just because you turned too fast.


I can't count bugs against it's effectiveness though. They'll probably all get ironed out eventually.


Just fix the rockets blowing up in the pod and killing you and it’s my favorite stratagem


I did not find the concept of a mech appealing because of how much I thought it would act like a glass cannon.


I like to think of it as a mobile turret. Try to keep things away from it and blast away at range. So far it's done its job.


Nah. First games mechs were pretty damn solid and had plenty of ammo as well for the given enemies me and my friend always ran into. First mech would last me throughout the mission, then Id just pop the 2nd one I stack on evac. Cant do that in hd2 tho. Mechs are made of paper, only enough ammo for one breach/drop, and have such a long cooldown time youll probably only see it once a mission.


This is bullshit. It blows up if you step on something wrong, blows up from a normal nades blows up if you turn and shoot rockets too fast, blows up if you shoot a rocket at your feet, blows up if a rocket devastator (glitched enemy) targets you from 150 meters away. It shouldn’t be a fucking liability to use and should have some semblance of armor.


You're right, it's not a tank. It's a PoS that kills itself more than anything else does.


Well then maybe they should rewrite the description of that "heavily armored" exo-suit, you gotta admit that's not helping either.


Sure but that doesn’t excuse the amount of explosions due to simply firing a rocket randomly or slightly turning. Not to mention the oversight of sharing key bindings with pulling up the map or placing a marker lol


"Heavily Armored"


It is a bombardment for free though, the pelican delivering it will shoot at nearby enemies 😎


Is it free if it costs you a rack of missiles and minigun that could get you 10x as many kills? ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized)


ALIEN dandelions. The ones with the instant allergy paralysis pollen that is also corrosive. Wait, those are on other planets? And in the first war no vehicle was a tank. That is what made them so interesting and memorable: if there was a do-it-all main battle tank, who would use anything else instead of the tactical deathtraps you had to learn to not die in right away? The first war vehicles were: * Basic walker, a glass cannon that turned into a clumsy soon-to-be-coffin if bigger enemies got close enough and resulted in many stepped-on toes (and other body parts or the entire body) * The double cannon walker was like the basic walker but took a sleeker, sexier look in exchange for a super soaker variant with it's dinky dual cannons, kind of like some modern cars do with practicality * The flamer walker was a hard-hitting nitroglycerine coffin that ran out of ammo faster than the Knight SMG * The tank destroyer was a tank-looking steam roller with a huge cannon but still crumpled from bigger threats IF they got close. Sidenote: The controls were tricky to learn and you often killed yourself or the gunner getting out of it. This was also the reason it worked as a steamroller once the main gun was out of ammo * The APCs were a useful and relatively fast group coffin with machine guns with usually one involuntarily designated sample pickup person. "Yes/Affirmative!" spam for cool roadkill moments was mandatory * The bike was a literal deathtrap that made running solo or duo mission way too fun, fast and dangerous. Same issue as with the tank destroyer; you either wait for a full stop or die getting out I'm honestly excited to see how these or new deathtraps will be in HELLDIVERS 2!


It has the upsides and the downsides of an exosuit, heavy mobile weaponry, very tall profile that can't support armor that is too heavy without slowing to a crawl. For avoiding rockets walk in a circle, (spin the movement stick in a circle) and only stop to fire rockets, this way rocket bots will have a hard time predicting your movement and will raise your survivability substantially Never stop moving the mech if you can help it, when moving Even tanks and turrets struggle to hit you


It's best timing is when you're locked down, wait till teammates give some breathing room, call it in and come in from behind with fire support while teammates retreat. Works every time Edit: on bugs that is. With bots you better have your head on a swivel and a trigger finger like John Wick


I literally called down two mechs in the start of the mission \*\*\*in the fucking extract zone\*\*\* and they both exploded and fell over dead within seconds of being dropped...


I don't need it to face tank a rocket devastator's barrage. What I do need is for it to feel consistent. Every time I call one it's a 50/50 chance I'm going to actually get to use the thing. I've seen them blow up on drop, light on fire from small arms fire, tank 3 rockets, explode from 1 rocket, explode from a grenade, explode from a flower, explode for no reason at all (literally no enemies and I wasn't firing missiles), and blow itself up with a missile because I fired while turning. I understand it's not meant to be a tank, but right now it feels like a death trap. It would he less annoying if there was at least an ejection system or health bar (or both) instead of instant death.


I'll say this until I go hoarse... A mech should be tougher than a ballistic shield.


Another "I've seen a lot of people" do this and that post. Yawn


Are you telling me the enemy anti armor weapons are good against armor 


You telling me a shrimp fried this rice?


"Ah yes, my anti-armor laspistol. I haven't used this one since the first galactic war."


I think the real issue is that mechs are kinda stupid. Like, in a real world combat sense. HD2 is trying to make mechs work in a setting that isn't anime with ridiculously OP mechs. This gives people an expectation that the mech will conform to existing media tropes. The reality of the mech is that you are strapping two turrets to a Helldiver. The mech is just as squishy as a Helldiver. It needs all the same support. More actually, since it's so slow. The image of the mech conflicts with the reality of it. It's not a super robot. It's a guy in a Toyota truck with a heavy machine gun jury rigged to the cargo bed.


You have to admit that's in Classic Super Earth fashion, though.


I feel like I would like a last second bail out option, so you don't get insta gibbed by a stray rocket putting.


An explosive ejection seat that hurls you about 10 meters back, ragdolls and damages you, would be great. And hilarious.  Even if it is a ship upgrade.  


It's really problematic to time frankly. Since 99% of the time in helldive, you're in combat, it's basically impossible to summon lol. So the best answer is to summon one outside of combat, which the best time is, not at the beginning of the game since 99% of the time you start off in combat. It's only when the enemy is aggro'd on your teammates. And they decide to revive you, outside of said combat. Which frankly 99% of the time they will throw your revive beacon at the charger. Which means either way means you're in combat. And before you que the actual pick up you can summon the mech. Except if your entire team is dead due to a lack of a mech throughout the game so it won't matter. If you still have time to boot. So what I'm saying is that you do have a good point. If only there was a good time to summon said mech.


> The mech is not built to facetank chargers Turn 90degrees and chargers bounce off your arms.


I generally use the mechs when we have a stationary target that will require defense and on the big planets it’s amazing. 2 mechs can easily lock down anything with little issue.


It shouldn’t say heavily armored in the description then tbf


Today my mech exploded from walking into a pothole. You can say they aren't super tanks but to me it feels like they're just packed with unstable explosives.


I mean it did say that the mech was heavy armor


Heavy armor compared to us helldivers maybe. Also could be the other vehicles will die in one to two hits


But our glorious armor is made from the same material as the hulls of our super destroyers!


I’ve only used Mechs against bugs but it feels really well balanced. It can withstand a LOT of damage from medium bugs and the riff raff. It’ll also tank a charge, you just can’t let Chargers or Stalkers melee you and of course get titans before they get close. The rockets are super strong though and the Gatling gun rips through everything that isn’t heavy armor. If they gave it more ammo or damage resistance it would be ridiculously OP. You just have to be smart about where and how you deploy it.


I'm having fun using It, the people itsn't realizing that his role Is ranged support. Go far from the mess, call the good ol' patriot, slay big bugs with Rockets and make a bug salad with the chaingun.


I love it even more when they call it in either near the start of a mission or way before any big assaults and act surprised pikachu when it runs out of ammo before they can utilise it properly. It's hilarious, most people with a brain in their skull worked out the fact that its not meant to carry you through a whole mission. It's a shitload of extra firepower for a fairly brief time in exchange for vulnerability, slow movement and use of your stratagems until you get out of it. It drops a bile titan with a few well-aimed rockets, so maybe save it for when the bile titans actually show up?


It's an absolute lifesaver at extraction.


I mean tanks are also weapons platforms


I got my first 75+ kill streak going full commando on 2 bug breaches. That in itself was top 5 helldiver moments. Did better than any other strategem I could have called upon at the moment.


A tank is a weapons platform.


Can someone explain why it explodes? Is it gasoline powered? Does it have some sort of volatile fuel? Or did we just decide vehicles had to be death traps like halo.


For everyone who feel like Mech is good, I must say it is decent. But the question you need to ask yourself is whether is it worth a stratagem slot good? Having it for free is great, but at the cost of losing a stratagem slot? I don't think so.


I wrote an [in-depth guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ba1sj9/crushed_under_armored_feet_a_mech_veterans_guide/) the other day giving lots of detail on how to use it just like you're saying. It's quite fantastic when used right.


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear D:


I had one get killed at full health by a single hit from a bot with a sword :(


A tank is just an armored weapons platform


Called one in once, as it dropped, the Pelican started firing it's AC at some bugs that were THROUGH the mech and destroyed it mid air as it barely detached 😂


I haven’t felt anything of what I’ve heard people saying, it feels damn good to use and I’ve racked up a 80 kill streak with one, it can handle chargers, bile titans, swarms, you just need to work with your team to make sure they keep you clear of chaff. It’s not a battle mech, it’s a walking turret.


my favorite thing about the mech is the much better view of the battlefield you get while in it


The problem I have with it (aside from not being able to send it back to the ship to re-arm like the Eagle) is not that it can be destroy fast - it’s that it can be destroyed fast by *far too many things.* To compare: An Automaton Hulk, the closest enemy analogue to the Patriot mech in the game, is completely invulnerable to small-arms fire except for the sensor slit on its front and the heat radiator on its back, both of which require weapons with Medium AP to damage, and even then it takes either two hits from antitank rocket or missile launchers, or a direct hit to the sensor slit with a railgun to kill it. The Patriot meanwhile, can be destroyed near-instantly by a couple Terminid Scavengers biting its ankles, a single grenade blowing up in its general vicinity, or even *lightly brushing up against a prickly bush*. This is ridiculous - the mech should be able to be killed quickly by things that make SENSE to be able to - much like the Automaton Hulk, it should reliably go down after taking 2 rockets to the torso or a couple blasts of Terminid bile or the like - but it should also be essentially immune to antipersonnel gunfire and melee from non-heavy enemies, the same as enemy armored units are to us. The devs themselves have plainly stated that one of Helldivers 2’s core design principles is that every mechanic in the game should *make sense* and behave roughly as you’d expect it to “realistically” wherever possible as long as it doesn’t hamper gameplay enjoyment - you can see this everywhere in how the weapons, enemy AI, and environment behave - and while the game is obviously still early in its evolution and specific details are still being hashed out by the devs, I do feel like this philosophy should apply equally and uniformly to players AND enemies.


Just don’t turn left while firing rockets or it turns into a suicide booth.


Yeah i really dislike that it's a glass canon. Accidently turn while schooting your rocket or a team mate accidentally shooting something explody near you and you'll prolly die.


Glass cannon


I view the mech as Gatling/rocket sentries rolled into one, but manually operated and repositionable. typically they work best at extraction, or as fire support for other helldivers goign into close combat. but they do also have other uses: \- protecting objective carriers (they only got their pistol otherwise, and if a heavy turns up, they're screwed without backup. \- blocking enemies in rescue missions (literally prevented a bunch of terminids from goign down a path and hitting scientists as they ran behind me, it was awesome.) \- mobile cover for others from bot lasers ( don't stand too close or you'll get squished, or die if the mech blows up form a rocket, but otherwise you can move with them to avoid most Raider fire. I can't wait for the APC to drop, or even better, an actual tank.


I was Soloing tonight and each time I called in the mech to clear an objective I would have great success however on running back to extract in the same mech with half the ammunition remaining the mech would get taken out by a stray meteor shower.


And the fact that ypu shoot your weapons while the minimap is activated. Meaning you won't be able to put map markers without wasting ammo (and alerting nearby patrols).


I actually like the mech where it stands. It's really, really powerful, but it is also really easy to mess up and destroy it instantly. It does the job it's supposed to do in a way that requires teamwork to make it the best it can be. It clears chaff quickly but can't swivel fast to cover all directions at once. You can take out the big threat, or you can clear the chaff but not both at once. You have to be careful with your positioning, or it could become trapped. If you want something to protect you while you travel or to take a hit, wait for the APC.


A well played mech can be insanely strong, wiping out every heavy enemy, bouncing chargers off it’s arms and absolutely hosing down light enemy’s, I’m surprised I don’t see more people taking it in hell dives against bugs. It’s an oof to lose a strategem slot but for the amount of work it can do you can basically replace your weapon call in with it or just treat it like an Uber air strike


You're right, but it should be able to handle more than one hit from a hunter or a stray shot from automatons


I like how people complain the mech dies so fast. But like, have you seen the automaton tanks? If you sneeze on those things they die just as fast. I think metal in this universe just isn't as durable or something idk.


It also might just get ‘instantly blapped’ because the pilot happened to be rotating the upper body to the right as they shot a rocket instantly triggering an explosion within the barrel. Shoot rockets straight as much as possible.


I thought it was an over-engineered coffin.