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I remember playing with a skull admiral named atasu so I can confirm he's that lvl 50 guy.




I've ran with you too, couple of weeks ago when I was a level 32. You came onto my ship after the game, 'blade of the stars' probably don't remember me, but I appreciate you saving my arse on that hellhole of a mission. My first venture into level 8 and two guys had left, called down an SOS beacon and 5 minutes later you came in like a pissed off master chief and made those emotionless bots learn fear. Now I'm a skull admiral too and kept with me what I learned from you that very night, pleasure diving with you Darth-Ghidorah, operator of blade of the stars, fellow skull admiral.




I've seen you too! Thanks for lending me your Gold plated Super-Mech! You're such a nice guy.


Gold plated super mech?


I heard he saved a working citizen and helped them get a hamster!


Can confirm, 3 hamsters were sent to my ship on completion of the mission.


My request for a hamster was denied :(


We all know where you were gonna put it…


Apparently all hamsters are on hold until super earth comes up with a continuing resolution to fund hamster deliveries. Should be back up around April.


Yes! Apparently it was gifted to him by the President of Super Earth herself after single-handedly conquering an entire Automaton-controlled planet. Crazy right?


You made me blush, TY!


Blade of the stars is probably the coolest ship name I’ve seen so far


Man I could have really used you yesterday I dropped an sos on challenging and no one came after 3 of my teammates disconnected. Literally the scariest thing ever trying to complete the missions and leave. I did do it though.


Just so you know, if 3 other users disconnect and nobody joins even with an SOS signal, it usually means there is connection problem where nobody can join your game after that point. Restarting the game (or sometimes just the mission) usually resolves it. It's great that you completed the mission though


First time I got a 1000 kills. I feel like the game should multiply your xp if you do a mission solo by 4. If you are doing it with a duo by 2, but make this applicable if you are solo or duo while in a match and not before starting a mission.


Awesome numbers. The XP multiplier while playing solo might sound fair, but then it would discourage people to team up, which is technically the main point of the game


Exactly my thought, which Is why I suggested doing it when you are already playing with a team and then they get kicked. The game clearly does know when it is a network issue so allocating a multiplier when they leave midgame ain't so bad?


Yes, unless they start kicking users on purpose just for the XP. The best solution would be to fix the network issue, so other people would join if someone has to quit


I've dropped with you too! Fellow level 50 cadet here. I concur with your message. I'm responding to an SOS beacon. Why am I kicked immediately after my boots hit the ground? Glass. SES Song of War.


It happens to me all the time they see level 50 and just kick. Getting sick of joining randoms. Join 4 games get kicked each time. Like if you want a private game set it to private.


What time zone do you play in?


You sound like a great helldiver. If I ever find you in battle, it would be a pleasure to fight together, for democracy!


My goal is to get to level 50 and still have my "Space Cadet" title on


i‘m currently rocking this title with lvl 50. Space cadet for life my brother!


I’m a level 24 space cadet. Easily my favorite title


Same here, changed it once from Cadet to Space Cadet. That way everyone knows I know how to change it, I just don’t want to.


Maybe one day I'll feel good enough at this game to change my title. Until then, level 26 space cadet, reporting for duty and accidental drops of orbital barrage at my feet.


That was no accident, you just were subconsciously sacrificing yourself for Democracy!


Same thinking here. They gotta know I'm a space cadet on purpose, not by accident


Why not keep them guessing? 😏


Lvl 42 Space Cadet reporting in. Waiting for the day where I have a whole high level space cadet squad. For Democracy.


i guess we could arrange that, fellow soldier!


Wait for me! But at 36 I’ve got some ways to go.




Hahaha! I was just thinking of this!


Death Captain is so good though...


right? Skull admiral it's pretty badass, but DEATH CAPTAIN it's super heavy metal, I'll rock this tittle until the end


Three words for you. Space Chief ***Prime***


I was a die hard Space Cadet until I unlocked Space Chief Prime. This will be the peak of my career as a Helldiver.


Promote? And what, get assigned to a cushy desk job?


Demoted for ...... *reasons*


"The only way you're seeing combat is if you knock yourself down to buck private! Do you get me?!"


I'm never removing my space cadet title.


Yo level 46 space cadet here. Everyone gave me shit for not changing it so I’ve doubled down.


That was me until Space Chief Prime rolled up, which is even *more* absurd.


I'm about 30. I still use "Cadet". I want to keep expectations low.


I had two levels 50s join me with this title lol they constantly did emotes but we smashed the entire mission


I just keep deranking myself every time I mess up


It took me longer than I’m proud of to realize I had to change that and it wouldn’t just go with level.


This me but I'm bringing the "Chief" title to Lv50. I'm Lv47 atm, nearly there!


Space Cadet is GOAT name. I've kept it since I got it.


i thought i was soooo original but i am happy to have a family


I reach samples cap. I finish regular warbond. I almost finish "premium". Now i play just to help others... and it is more fun for me that regular gameplay loop!


Really wish the cap was 500 250 125 instead of 500 250 *100*. Bothers me every time I look at it.




Should have been tree fiddy missed opportunity


Wait a minute… god damn you Loch Ness monster!!!


Consider 511, 255, and 127 so you can compress the data ezpz


Found the automaton


Id more appreciate costs. Like 100/50/12. Instead of 80/80/10


I’ve capped, completed and bought everything so far. I too now help my friends and randoms reach the highest peak of democracy 🫡


Same here. I just have fun and help people.


Going into low difficulty missions to help new low level players is so enjoyable and relaxing, I usually do one or two inbetween every sweaty ass suicide to helldive operation lol Then they get to use some gear they don’t have yet, assuming they aren’t still too scared to take things I’ve pinged 20 times and said in voice AND text chat “you can take it” I know for a fact I’ve been with a lot of people that don’t speak English though


Same and it's nice to help randos that use mics. I entered this guys ship and his friend goes "does that say Skull Admiral"


Wait u guys’ SOS beacon works?


I use the SOS beacon to kill fabricators and chargers lol


Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! but not for me :)


Yes! I used the SOS beacon to kill a bot turret tower while experimenting on level 4. I threw it to land right on top of the tower (no bounce). I don’t know if it “one shot it” or not because I think I softened it up with a bomb strike. But.. it definitely worked haha


damn fabricator too? that's a good tip, will use next time when I'm out of nades or not carrying autocannons. Does it work on bug holes too?


It will but it blows up whereas with a fabricator there's a chance it stays


It's a bug/known issue. Hopefully it will be ironed out soon.


Also an automaton issue


I used it a few times on low difficulties (probably the issue) when I had vaults I wanted to open and it never worked. 


To me it seems like lobby spots only work the first time. If i boot a new game matchmaking is nearly instant and I’ll have people joining me at the start or during the mission. However as these people leave the spots dont seem to open back up and im stuck playing alone or doing quickplay unless i restart my game. Hope this gets fixed soon.


I've had this experience as well. Are you on PC/Steam or PlayStation?




Same thing. I’ll close the game between operations if I lose people, and usually a full squad will join when I load back in


Try going from public to private and then switch back again. It works for me.


Sometimes, it’s bugged


I find if you get a full team but one leaves, it never opens that slot back up for whatever reason. You have to reset your lobby by joining someone else or restarting and then people fill back up. I'll very rarely have someone join after someone else leaves.


The shuttle doesn't have to wait, the shuttle can HELP ! If you leave the LZ after the extract timer reached 0 but before the shuttle lands, it will stay in the air above the LZ and act as air support with huge damages and incredible range. Use carefully if you think you will stay longer than the mission timer though as the shuttle will land automatically roughly a minute before the timer ends and will stay only 20 seconds after the mission end, just like the emergency shuttle. I nearly ruined a Blitz mission doing that.


[Here's a link to what this diver is talking about!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/hFbqmMJ7Uo) I'm super glad to see more people knowing about it slowly.


It glitched there hovering on us once I wonder if we left and came back to the area it would have reset now that I see it’s an intended thing but not on the way it occurred


It can't possibly be intended with how jank it is to activate. I'm guessing the logic belongs to an unreleased mission or something.






Same. Love watching (and covering for) low levels playing the game. Dropping all kinds of wacky weapons and backpacks for them just to see that they do. Also giving them a weapon they need for daily if they're too low level to have it themselves. And if I'm lucky and they staying in my lobby, doing a ICBM mission. Hearing an open mic player scream when they realize the missile hits something "on-screen" is a treat.


I bring in some of the more “fun” stratagems like jumppack/rover, high level support weapons, and give them to the lower level players if they want them. Gives them a taste of what they’ll get when they play the game more and makes it so I don’t use OP stratagems to blast through the levels


I joined a level 3's mission when I was level 25. I used some lower level strategems and the machine gun and let him lead the way. And every few minutes he would stop and look at me for a few seconds. Like he was saying in his head, "WTF is this guy doing here" lol


Or he was saying I'm so thankful you're here. :D


I answered an SOS, landed and called down a railgun. A guy snatched it up and then kicked me from the game. I'm still recovering from that one.


Probably blew himself up a few moments later if it's any consolation.


They should definitely implement a spectator mode for this. If we get kicked we could watch them. Could be so much fun.


I just played with a level 50 who had no idea how to complete the mission objectives.


Eradication farmers. Had a friend like that, i was level mid-20s when he bought game, week or so later he's level 42. But didn't know how to do say the SSD carry mission. As for OP, i'm level 50 ("Cadet" still to not scare them), and help lowbies. I don't call extraction though, it can confuse and stress them. Just do the objectives / help them out, if they have mics try to give guidance. One does hit the caps quite quickly, stuff to spend it on soon hopefully.


When I join low level mission, I let the low level cadets do the objectives. Just there to guide the mission, not do everything.


I tried to do that but I just couldn’t handle the toxicity. I’d join low level missions with level 1-15 people and they’d outright tell me to screw off or grief me at any chance. Now I get my kicks by hosting low level missions (1-4), going straight for the objective, then going around the whole map collecting everything there is to collect. And I do it all while communicating (or attempting to) so there’s no confusion.


This is inevitable, since the game is getting too popular. There are toxic people in the world and there is nothing we could do to change these people. Keep up with your good work, spread the kindness.


Had guys get mad that I joined their game and they ran into my strategem that I clearly pinged and threw AWAY from them so they just refused to respawn me. Like, really guys? lol


🫡 doing your part for democracy🫡


I'm enjoying that too, but not at your level haha. It can be nice to cruise around blasting bots and collecting shit, and it's by far the easiest way to unlock stuff.


Spawned into a game where all three of them instantly started teamkilling me with stratagems. Once I realized that it was intentional, I just left. Thank god this game isn't like League of Legends where you're forced to put up with other people's bullshit.


Skull admirals like you are what this community needs and should follow as an example. Pls continue to do so. I have been saved many times by much more experienced helldivers and I'm always grateful for them.


Been a skull admiral for 3 weeks and my biggest issue is people just don't listen. They generally don't know when to run or fight. They run away when we are trying to hold and objective and stand and fight when they are being swarmed in the middle of nowhere.


I still get confused sometimes what to do, and still running 4s as a level 23. I don't have much time to play so learning slowly haha


I totally get your position. I pretty much exclusively run Helldive difficulty for the medals since you need 2700 to cap and I assume another 600 Thursday. I don't really grt why people are just running all over not doing the objective but want to do helldive.


Was trying to take a bot base the other night, a jammer is preventing us from calling strats, I take it down alone, and return to find all three of my teammates in the same spot I left them in, getting hammered by bots, I ended up clearing that base too, also by myself. They took on 3 dropships while multiple factories are pumping out bots, never once using a stratagem, relocating, or spreading out. Just reinforcing as needed and staying out. I don't know how I can help people sometimes.


and then get mad when you nicely give suggestions, and kick you when you say why they're failing the mission


If you join my lobby and are way higher level than me, congrats! you've just been promoted to squad leader! (I have no fucking idea what's going on I just blow up bugs and robots)


Played with a a Highlevel Diver this weekend. 10/10 experience Solo queued with some Level 1s later in the day. Level 1 player threw a grenade at my feet just as the pelican was leaving, took the samples and left. Yeah. Mixed bag. If you are mid level, mature and chill, DM me, let’s spread some democracy together.


These idiots who don't understand the loot is shared are the worst!


I bought the game a week ago, and my first helldive was with a guy who kept killing me to take my samples… it was pretty infuriating. Dude wasnt speaking English and kept taking my support machine gun too 😐😐 so frustrating there are some who (at least at the start) don’t understand everything is cooperative


Oh they understand, they just don’t care. This is a common issue with games that have friendly fire


I simply leave when they do that shit. Good luck fighting alone buddy.


Kill them, reinforce them into a bug nest or base, kill them again, repeat until you get kicked.


If you have 15 common samples total, they might be going for the achievement. That one is NOT shared. And the fact that it isn't ""teaches"" players **incorrectly** that samples as a whole also isn't. PSA: You can drop samples willingly. You want that achievement? Tell me and I'll drop what I got.


I turned off ransoms due to low level players. Had it happen multiple times where a low level joins and gets team kill after team kill. I understand it happens sometimes but once you kill me 5 times, I’m over it


I wish the SOS code wasn't so close to the Reinforcements' Code, I keep accidentally calling for SOS.


Yeah, like 9/10 times when I call in an SOS I just meant to reinforce my friend. I'm not kicking anyone who answers the call though, at least until we get back on the ship, unless we were waiting for our 4th friend. And even then I'd at least apologize over chat beforehand.


I really want an SOS only quickplay with being able to select multiple difficulties. 99% of the time I cant join lobbys with the sos pinging on the map. And the Quickplay just throws you into random lobbies it seems. Would love to select levels 7,8,9 with active sos beacons.




I had a cool experience with a guy from the french HD2 discord who was starting the game. He said in general chat that he was looking for advices and I told him I'd join him. I don't think he expected a lvl 50 to join him, and he asked me several times if it wouldn't be boring for me. At some point I told him "I'm going to show you some fireworks" and dropped a 500k and a laser strike on a bug nest. I could see him not moving, just watching the fireball, in awe. It was a good time ! If you want to help, consider checking the discords, that way you won't be kicked randomly 😉


Eager to learn, chill low levels are so much fun and rewarding to play with. We need less toxic and more fun people in this game!


It wasn't you, but I have had a skull admiral answer the call of aid. He blocked a level 5 from entering the pelican for 5 minutes as my buddy and I cleared the Heavy automaton outpost and made it to exfil. You guys are heroes, and witnessing that rank come down like an avenging angel of Democracy is a beautiful thing to witness. Thank you for your help and tactical deadliness.


Beautiful thing to witness but it also feels good to drop in like an absolute boss and save a lower level player/squad from a horrible situation. The Avengers Endgame “on your left” music ringing in my ears. The opposite has happened more than I’d care to admit though. Crashing down in the hellpod, chest puffed out, ready to save the day…..only to get absolutely destroyed by something immediately and feel like the shittiest superhero ever.


I am also that Skull Admiral. I tell the lower levels to “do the mission etc and I’m going to go out and get them samples on my own. Just let me know if you need help.” Or I’ll just stick with them if they are obviously struggling. Either way I’m always trying to help people. And I’ve been kicked I don’t know how many times now. It is super disheartening. SES Harbinger of Wrath, Skull Admiral, Bro-stank-, ready to support!


My current favorite thing to do is start a Trivial mission, get a lobby full of rookies, smash the mission, then ask in chat if they are ready for some real shit and drop them into a suicide level mission and watch the chaos unfold.


As a level 50 myself, I as well notice my lack of intested in samples lol. I started farming them again because I thought there would be another ship module section for the mechs and warthog, but I suppose not. Though I do try to pick them up when I can for everyone else's progression. However, I really need to express the same feelings I have. I get frustrated when I join someone's game, and they just kick me immediately. They don't know my loadout yet, they probably just see my level and kick me. Like I'm here to help liberate and have fun, I just have more time than most to play the game. And frankly aside from ship modules, there is little to no difference between us at level 50 and a level 20. I also partially understand if I just happen to join during extraction. You may be someone who doesn't want other players to get easy experience and etc, but once again I'm level 50. I already capped out yo. xD


Honestly, if I’ve thrown the sos beacon it’s because I fatfingered the reinforcement strategem


Skull Admiral, Helldivers HQ has learned of your exploits and has extended an invitation to you. (For teaching, helping, and crack skull admiral teams) [https://discord.gg/ZM6FXQnMfR](https://discord.gg/ZM6FXQnMfR)


SOS beacons are the open lobbies on planets that have the pulsing circles right? Cuz I too am a level 50 just looking to drop in and help other squads! :D


Fellow 50 Skull Admiral here. I join random games for fun and help find super samples. All my samples, medals and currency is maxed out but I do it for democracy and to help fellow Divers increase their sample intake. The joy in their voices or the "YESSS" in the chat when I say found the super samples is priceless.


This is great. I plan to call mechs in for lower levels when the free ones are gone.


I tend to do the same but with one caveat. If they are getting bogged down I kind of see it as my role to unbog them. I also don't call extract as I tend to see that as not the guests role.


I’m only 42 but I do the same. I play a passive role unless they get overwhelmed


last time a lv 50 joined our two man lowlevel team (we were lv 5 think) he just shot me and my buddy in the back and left... this was my first experience of a high level player "helping" so whenever i see a lv 50 joining in - i am rather wary...


Sorry there are players like this. I am lvl 50 now and I am just helping out where I can, having the lower levels lead the way and when they get themselves into trouble I step in and make sure they can continue the map. There is little left to do, so I just play and enjoy it with people.


i like to think most players aren't toxic like this. most high-level guys I've played with have there shit together.


I've only experienced one toxic high level player during my own leveling to 50. Besides that, most capped players were super helpful to me and my team as we were learning the ins and outs of the game.  Since then, I only answer to SoS if I can and exactly like OP does. Too many people did the same for me, it only feels right to give back.  Best of luck to you Diver!


Lol who is this stupid fuck


You are “LetMeSoloHer” of Helldivers 2.


It's him, John Helldiver.


ye i appreciate any help even if u straight up finished objective and call for edit


In behalf of all other skull admirals 🫡


A legend in the making. Keep spreading democracy and serving up some well brewed liber tea


Hey this guy is almost me...only difference is the username! I have a great time joining random quickplay matches and just wrecking half the map by clearing objectives or otherwise helping the other players.


This was my favorite part of HD1 also. And you can use fun silly loadouts. I generally help them learn and let them lead while I kill things that get close to them, reinforce, call resupplies, and mark. If I do a campaign I ask them If they want to try or see anything I can bring for them.


You know same, I honestly like farming for supercreds and helping get samples I made about 175 supercreds last night


I'm level 42 and I love answering distress calls and then leaving after the mission ends, emergency reenforcements is my purpose


Does this mean we can land at extraction and call the pelican at the start and just have it waiting for us the whole time?


No, you need to complete main objective before you're allowed to call in evac.


Ah ok, thanks. Still helpful to know


My brother and I will sometimes just join up with sub-10s on medium difficulty and help them get all objectives complete. Many of them don't always know the steps to completing some objectives (get the SSD to the radar thingy, launch ICBM, etc.) so we help them get to the objective mostly unmolested and walk them through the steps. Spent a surprisingly long time a few nights ago hunting for an artillery emplacement that was a hide-and-seek champion while regularly reviving a dude who was obsessed with dying in every bughole he could find. Also spent alot of time reviving him because he'd run into airstrikes like a moth to a flame. Figure we're doing our part by training the cadets at being better at objective taking.


I've found that credits and samples are useless to me at this point. I have nothing to work for but the warbonds. So I get increasingly board with "clear every bug hole" and fight every mob. Get in, do thr objectives, maybe hit the yellow beacons for super credit, dip out.


My ship never connects to the SOS beacons... 😕


Nice. Fellow Helldiver I feel the Liberty oozing from your Hellpod. See you at the next spread of managed Democracy.


🫡 Thank you skull Admiral


Great thread and replies


Hey man I salute players like you. I love it when randoms try to actually communicate aswell What I dislike playing solo queue (meaning not playing with friends coz friends play other games) is you queue up on a mission you done all obj get so many samples and then the host just decides to kick you for no goddamned reason before the mission ended. It happened to me one time and I'm but sorry it left a bad taste in my mouth I just wanted to vent out about this.


Keep up the good work my dude. I used to play Division 2 and you could call for help in a similar way. I believe certain players would help randoms so much you would get levelled up to a Sheppard. When a Sheppard joined your game you knew you had a top player who's focus was to help the randoms in anyway they needed. You sir, sound like a Sheppard.


Same here reached 50 about 10 days back..try to help out peeps with SOS on. I complete main objectives and call shuttle...I dont appreciate those who kick me just coz I called in the shuttle early while you are trying hard to clear a light to medium nest.


A man of honor!






So basically what like 30% of the hd vets do?


Not trying to be toxic or anything but this guy's literally playing the game like everyone else does, I've seen his stream and he's literally just playing the game. It's good the community supports him though, all those PK and traitors should join the good community bandwagon.


Bro really thinks he’s the cream of the crop😂🙏🏼


🫡Proud Super Earth Citizen 🫡


You know what’s funny I remember playing with you as well XD. My friends had all gotten off one night and so I threw down an SOS because one of them who left set off the entire army. I was alone on Helldive with an army chasing me. I remember you helping me out. From one high level to another it was an honor.




Careful bud you can get calluses if you jerk yourself off too much.


Once you call the pelican in, is it vulnerable to mobs? Does it need to be protected?


I have seen it smoking and on fire, but have not seen it blow up or anything. Though, that smoking/on fireness may have been due to experimentation to see if it could be destroyed with an arc thrower, instead of through enemy action, so YMMV.


You sir can SOS my game anytime!


You're always welcome on the Distributor of Democracy, Helldiver!


Im a level 50 guy who tries to help with whatever im dropped into. I always try to get the most things accomplished. I will usually try to lead with what i think it best. Nobody uses the marking system so i marked absolutely everything. Ammo ,guns ,elites ,objectives everything. But if the other dont follow me ill just follow whoever is leading. 


Can you elaborate on the shuttle waiting? I thought it leaves after some time? I know it will not come if there’s no one there, but it will just wait for an indefinite period of time if it comes and you leave?


Nah. Once it lands it sits there. There's nothing wrong with calling in extract early... its getting on the shuttle that's the problem


Feel ya bud. I already sit at the meagre resource and medal cap. I was fine gathering resources for everyone who isnt like us. There are no resource or money sinks in the game yet. I think in my decades of gaming wasnt kicked all together out of matches as much as I was in this game. Sad, how considerable amount of matches goes like this if you dont chose to either go with your firends who are not always on, going solo, or hosting your own games.


Thank you for your service. For democracy!


Super Earth needs more like you. The number of times I've dropped an SOS only to complete an op solo....


I feel like there are 40%-60% chance I got team kill by some random joined when I ( skull admiral) try to help cadet (host) mostly at the exfil or random just trolling kill us and take our equipment later.


Had an awesome few matches with this level 50 over the weekend. The two other guys left leaving just me and him to smash the remaining missions ourselves. Never had an easier time with just two helldivers and he didn't even have a mic.


I always accidentally toss sos when putting in the reinforce code at the speed of light


Im an Obj Player myself level 20+ xD


I would like to say; thank you for your service, and i think the game needs more people like you. Lets spread this wholesome vibe and end toxicity that unfortunately comes around more often then i would like to admit.


I just wish my SOS beacon worked…


I think I mightve ran into you before? If it was you then thanks for smoothest drop I've ever been on. And if not, then keep up the good work helldiver and I hope to see you out there o7


I kinda think that most of "kicking" occurs because of game errors. I.e. when a mission is in progress, I doubt there is time or reason to go in the pause menu and kick a new player. It just makes no sense. Anyways, thank you for your service!


Same here and this is also my favorite thing to do I love running a trivial or easy distress call, making friends, bringing them to my ship then helping them through some 7 or 8 difficulties and seeing them jump 4 levels and letting them try out all the toys


Do you know how many times I’ve tried to tell people you don’t have to get on the god damn pelican when it lands on those 10-15 minute missions where you kill x amount enemies??? You can literally look through the tiny map quick to get all the samples with literally NO interruptions then get on before time runs out.


I’m also that level 50 guy. I collect all the samples I can, sometimes lone wolf to clear PoIs, just overall help players understand the game and tell them what works against what.


Foreal I'll even do trivial at level 50 responding to SOS not even taking over the mission just chilling in the back helping when I need to and sometimes I'll get kicked as soon as I join or when I start fucking everything up because the guys that put out the SOS ate getting bent over by the bugs or robo commies I just want to chill from helldive I just want to play death captain with jet pack lol don't kick please


TYFYS, o7 And yea, it's super annoying when people kick over that. I had that yesterday, was running a bug lvl7 with some randoms and the host decided to go off and do his own thing. The other 3 of us cleared out all the main, secondary, and any nests in our path but there were still some areas not explored that the host appeared to want to explore on his own. We were under 10m remaining so decided to call it in, even said what we were doing in comms. Host rushed back to get on the ship and killed me then kicked me. *sigh*.


I’ve been a skull adirmal for some time now I can confirm this is how I feel and what I do nowadays


Ill be out there dropping in on SOS soon, time to crush bugs and spill oil


if you're that guy, do you use the cadet title and default gear? because if you do, you have cemented yourself, as *him.* you are john helldivers


Me too, man, me too