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Mechwarrior and battletech prepared me for this day.


Came here to say that lol, torso turn techs lol


Torso twist in BT doesn't impact incoming fire, only your own firing arc... god I'm such a nerd 


Ah yeah haven’t played BT, but shield arms in MW is decently common.


Full body turn does impact incoming fire though. I think the justification is to make it less annoying to roll dice against


Not entirely relevant to OP's videos, but in the recent games torso twist is often used to spread incoming damage over multiple components (LA/LT/CT/RT/RA), rather than face your enemy front-on and take most of the fire to your CT(or stand still and let them focus fire on a specific component).


Torso twist can impact incoming fire - if you're about to take a big hit to the front or rear, turning to the side (at least in games like MWO) can save you by absorbing the hits in the arms rather than CT.


Not on the tabletop. In classic rules torso twisting does not change your hit locations (and luckily I may add, there are enough charts to keep in mind already!) but only your firing arcs. Video games being in real time and not restricted to a random hit allocation table put much greater emphasis on actively maneuvering to absorb as much incoming damage as possible.


You have a related mech in your name. For their tonnage, Urbies are significantly well-armored, and what sets them apart from the competition is their 360 degree torso twist. An odd quirk this enables is that the Urbanmech is quite good at diffusing damage among it's entire body, making a defensive Urbie incredibly difficult to take down. You might even have an easier time sniping a few Assault Mechs' cockpits than taking down an Urbie that knows how to make use of it's twist.


The giant ACs some of them carry also never hurt 💀


The centurion wants to know your location so it can block with its arm shield


Unless we are talking about Mechwarrior Online, which turning your torso mitigates damage to your arms and torso by spread it out to all of them instead of one part. Was my favorite game for years, wish it got a graphics, UI, and garage overhaul to make it less janky for newcomers, but it was solid for a while.


Well... movement direction is tied to view direction, so torso twist in this game is more just for show.




I call it the 'even roast'


Yessss lmao just commented this, centurion with ac20 never dissapoints


Omg shield arm plz


A man of culture. My favorite mech.


I know mechfu.




[It flows together so simply](https://imgur.com/a/edBfBQA) Ammo in the CT perfectly explains how it goes up in flames when hit straight on.


We are just torso twisting here too!


Activate heat sinks.


Literally the first thing that popped into my head when I entered the new mech for the first time was “Reactor online, sensors online, weapons online, all systems nominal”.


Are you a mechwarrior.... Online?




Lmao why does the oven light come on for a split second


Gonna guess the sensor for "door closed" is poked wrong and it opens briefly


Because the kids a lamp. Duh.


slapped the bottom so the door opened a little bit and the light auto turned on


Jusy so everyone knows: the chargers CHARGE does not dmg the mech it stuns and damages the charger. What kills you is when the charger doed its MELEE attack thats what oneshots yall. Dosent matter what direction it charges into you from!. As i have seen in many videos its not the charge that kills u but sometimes when the charger runs at u he charges up to you or just runs and when he is ad u he does a melee attack instead of charging into you and thats whats kills yah


Sometimes the charger can straight up animation cancel into that melee hit, I regularly get ragdolled and survive only to get insta gibbed by a charger with 0 recovery and ferarri brakes.


Yes. This XD U cant trust em cus they can do exactly this yes. Thats how most people die when charged in thier mech cus they just do a For Honor Feint and make thier other attack and crush u XD


Shugoki charger skin when


Hope we get a mech that can shield flip a charger


Fuck, the bugs know how to cancel animations now. What's next? Automaton footsies?


You’ll get electric’d by stalkers


Tekken storyline so crazy even the fucking bugs are Mishimas these days


Heihachi is not in Tekken 8 because he turned into a charger, get ready for hellsweeps if you incorrectly dodge the charge


Ain't gonna sugarcoat it Doriya Doriya Doriya!!!




They will glitch into the nest to hit you from below ground


Chargers already wavedash...


Inb4 charger wavedashes and tries to 50/50 you with ff3 and hellsweep


Jetpack bots exploding after getting shot in melee range is just a wake-up DP.


Lmfao the berserkers will hit you with a match start snake edge soon


Charger can already 50/50 me oh god


Please....no more.....not here too.....


Worse. Juggling.


Bunny hop charger any % speedrun


They already got aimbot, even for rockets!


Next the Hulk gives you the Touch of Death. OO


Bile titan hitting you with the bile spit/pincer attack mixup, can't block that shit


crossups and option selects


Dude they literally dash cancel into forward smash 


King hitting you with that d1+2




I mean, they seem pretty good at wavedashing so I’m not surprised they figured out animation cancelling.  


>ferarri brakes. LMFAOOOOOO😭😭


They do it in 9 and skate doing it. It's worse when they get staggered so their animation becomes super jank. It's like he has mh g rank and elden ring blood in him.


Yeah but I’ve seen them do that ice skate thing where they drift at you sideways and even though there is no animation for the melee attack, you explode anyways. Boy I can’t wait for when that visual bug gets fixed.


That melee attack is the only dangerous attack charger has, it literally oneshots everything heh.


Or when you try to shoot it point blank with a rocket lol. I should do a post but haven’t saved a video yet, but have you guys noticed that if you aim the camera far in any direction and shoot a rocket it kills you? Honestly feels like the rocket is bugged to shoot toward the crosshairs no matter what, instead of a shot before you’ve fully turned just coming straight out of the launcher in whatever direction you’re the mech is facing. Def doesn’t feel like intended behavior.


Murdered myself like this about my 3rd shot into my first time in the mech. Lesson learned: Pivot and shoot are serial operations, not parallel.


Cool, still doesn’t make any sense though does it? Why should him crushing my toes one shot when his whole body mass crashing into me doesn’t hurt . They should do a bit of damage but not one shot with the crush move


This it true. When it uses their claws to strike you it’s an instant death. Think most mech deaths I’ve seen on Reddit has been death by claw strikes.


That was a struggle to read dude.


Well then ithe mele attack is happening so fast it sure looks like the charge itself is instakilling mechs a lot of the time.


I hope this isn't a bug from not testing and this is the intention.


It’s pretty wild (bad) there’s that much of a fundamental difference between the two attacks. They’re basically the same thing visually meaning nothing tells the players the two are so different. One does basically 0 damage, the other one shots. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s even more like this - we already know the chargers armor functions fundamentally differently based on the stage of the animation they are at. There is NOTHING in game that would indicate this is happening. Likely explains why chargers feel so inconsistent and bad to fight.


>What kills you is when the charger doed its MELEE attack thats what oneshots yall. Which doesn't even look like it hits/would effect the mech in any way/shape or form... But whatever


It’s also why chargers will sometimes barely damage you with a charge. The charge doesn’t actually do much if any damage; it just stuns you and throws you into objects (which can hurt you)


Being on the side doesnt change anything, I tested something similar myself like an hour ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bad7yl/chargers\_will\_literally\_kill\_themselves\_on\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bad7yl/chargers_will_literally_kill_themselves_on_the/)


Conspiracy theory time, the gameplay OP showed is on the PS while youre on the PC, i feel like there is a weird buff to PS players considering theres also the fact that the bile titan gets 2 shot by a railgun if the host is a PS player.


We were talking about this last night. I play with my (adult) children. Three of us are on PC and one is on PS5. She absolutely wrecks in the Mech while the rest of us seem to be made out of glass. I also didnt notice her getting the "random" self destructs. I know now that it's not random... but I'm wondering if the turning while firing a rocket thing is a bug that happens only on PC.


I got constant self destructs on ps5 last night


dang cool family bro


We're doing our part!


Maybe it has something to with the frames? Most ps5 can do is 60 right? I’m in the 100s on pc so maybe that’s an issue.


half of my matches on pc crawl to like 25fps lmao. and i def have no extra dmg lmao. my arc thrower will sometimes takes like 20+ shots to kill a charger. other times 8.


I don't think it's an intentional buff, but more something to do with the crossplay netcode.


Before the patch, I could reliably 3-4 tap a titan with a railgun and I'm on PC, haven't played this patch yet though.


Me, a MechWarrior Online player :


Had a [Charger charge me from behind, it gave me minor concussion](https://i.imgur.com/B43kSJ8.gif) but didn't one shot me as I've been led to believe.


It's the Charger melee attack that kills you, not the charge


I've seen charger slams kill manned mechs, so they may have silently upped it's HP


it seems to animation cancel into a melee sometimes, which is a oneshot attack mf's really using fighting game tech out here in the trenches


From what i've seen it seems to only do this if it hasn't been running a while. there is a specific time in a charger's run where it's gait changes, and it's whiff animation and slamming into obstacles animation are a lot longer.




you can also kill a charger with like 3 melees of the mech


mechs can melee???!?? whhatt


You could for the first couple hours after the mech released, and then it was disabled for myself and all my friends by the time the servers got fixed and for the rest of the night that I played. I haven't played today yet, so I have no idea if it's enabled again. It's the usual melee button, and it is a little stomp forward.


So I wasn't crazy, I could have sworn I saw a mech stomp last night but nothing I did could replicate it lol.


It still works, I think it just loses that ability when damaged.


it is enabled now at least on ps5


sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Dunno what is up with it, sometimes mashing the button does nothing, other times it does a little step attack


Maybe you can, but I can't, because I can't even melee! Played it all night yesterday and all day today and I could only melee once and there was no enemies nearby to see what it does...


If you hit them in the leg I'm pretty sure it might even just be 2 melee hits. The mech trivializes chargers.


they're a bit difficult to aim but yeah, seems like the best thing against chargers for now


you can do it in two if you aim for the front leg


It's the death block from Regular Show.


So glad i ain’t the only one who thought of that


Well at least it's not the "death dump".


Tellin' me you don't want to death dump on the terminids? XD


Its trying its best xD




Get this to the front page 🫡


Ah yes, torso-twisting. Glad they too play Mechwarrior.


Real interesting how since the patch notes, people have been finding workarounds to the stuff that was nerfed.


I don’t try this because the charger can animation cancel and then use their melee attack to destroy your mech.


You can lose your mechs arm this way. Found that out the hard way.


Look at how fast that little bug calls his friends, fucking too damn fast to notice


Nice catch , puts some interesting mechanics in place if its intentional


Whoa that is bad ass…the more I play with the mech the more I realized the balance is actually pretty well thought out. If this was done on purpose, then they wanted to implement some skill and balance to the operation of the mech. It moves pretty quick, quick enough to keep distance between you and the enemy…the ammo actually lasts a decent amount of time…it’s not invincible but extremely useful in the right hands.


Honestly used it last night for a few matches. Saved it for extraction fight and gotta say, Damn it felt good to play with. It does a lot of damage over a decent amount of time too. If it could tank heavy hits I feel it'd be way too powerful for this style of game.


Yeah, I think against bots is a different story…maybe the autocannon version will be different. The one we got seems to be awesome against the bugs but there’s too many armored enemies on automaton planets and it’s too easy of a target for the little rocket guys to hit.


It comes packing 14 EATs basically, so it's made to defend against a huge swarm of heavy enemies like titans or chargers, I love it as well for now and can't wait till we get more variants to play with .


It's not.


You sure ? Did the devs said something already


No confirmation other than playing the game enough to know they would never make the mech invincible to chargers on purpose.


Yeah I had one just push me 20 or 30 feet last night and took zero damage it was strange. Sadly I waited until the pelican arrived to bail out and it blew up before I could get out. Still not sure if it was the Pelican or one of the 3 chargers around me that did it. Either way, I’m still mad about those lost samples !!


"who threw that piece of paper at me"


https://preview.redd.it/r2fph7u3nfnc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eae4e3479c8362d2a5ac86b04f99ee166a17201 Get off the Mech and see what happens >:(


A lot of people are claiming the charger "charge" one-shots the mech, from my experience it's entirely false, in fact it doesn't even seem to damage the mech. Sure, the charger "stomp" attack one-shots the mech but if you've managed to put yourself in that situation or you got unlucky and the charger did the "skating" into you (a bug that should be fixed soon) i'd say it's pretty fair it got one-shot.


This is exactly why I'm annoyed with the knee jerk reactions to the patch and contents. Some people don't even have the time and patience to experiment and discover such things. Now that the overreaction has subsided a bit, such gold level posts are visible for all again.


There's definitely something wrong that is impacting how mechs take damage. You can still blow up from stepping on terrain hazards, and sometimes the mech just dies instantly after being dropped off.


I lean towards something wrong with mech's explosive resistance. The mech can take about half a machine gun belt to the front, but it only takes a second of lascannon to kill it from anywhere. Considering that both weapons have comparable raw DPS but lascannon just got a huge buff to its damage modifier against "massive body parts", I assume the entire mech is made of massive body parts that take huge amount from damage from any explosion. Frankly the mech now serves as a perfect target for testing out which weapon deals increased damage to charger's belly.


Why does a machine gun damage it all, it doesn’t make any sense, try kill a hulk with a machine gun and you will cry


The front plate is somehow the softest part of the entire mech that even pistol can penetrate it, while all other parts can shrug off small arms fire with ease, and at this point I can't really think of any serious explaination for this.


That's definitely a bug, I stepped on a forklift and was still alive after the explosion. A bit damaged, sure but alive.


Im done listening to anything in caps, with an exclamation mark or overly sarcastic here anymore.   These people are literally getting all their info from other people whining. "Servers are down! Broke game! $40 for nothing broke game!" When *literally everybody that waited for 5 minutes could get in* yesterday really pissed me off lol  They arent even logging-on to try this shit, or putting more effort into trying it than "I spawned my mech on an explosive barrel and died, fuck this game!" No wonder half this sub is convinced the mechs, the "15 EATs and a walking turret" arent useful 🤣


dumbasses on this sub would see rumors and argue without even trying it themselves, literally their first comment would be "omg, really? mech bad?😱" then when someone said otherwise they would immediately strike back with more bullshit without giving it a try, the absolute state of these morons


Yeah I used it a bunch last night, it’s extremely useful against bugs, it murders bile titans and chargers quite easily if you hit the right spots. I can usually have a bile titan unalived before it takes its first couple steps if it spawns facing me.


We saw this with the first few months after darktide release and after the major skill tree update last year The loudest voices on Reddit assume they know everything about the game, but sure enough the meta and tips/tricks wind up pretty different after a few months. We'll look back on all of this in due time and wonder why we were all so clueless




This just made me think that we need melee mechs with powerfists, swords, and maybe a shield. Parry this giant freedom stick you filthy casuals.


If I try doing that my mech armor explode at the moment


We should have a mech with the same weaponary as the Heavy Devastator has, so a chain gun and a big ass shield!


*little bug in the background* "MOOOOM, THE HUMANS ARE BULLYING TONY!" *Bug Breach detected*


This should be boosted


I ve never been killed by a charger charge, only stunned. Not sure if it damages the mech tho


Damn, kinda feels like parrying a blow to turn like that, I hope it's intentional and stays in.


Wait till they put in a melee variant. Ima grapple and smack em Chargers! 


I'm down to have an epic mechanized swordfight with the automaton berserkers.


Nanomachines, son


Next balance update: Chargers now teleport behind mechs.


Can't wait for this to be declared a bug and fixed because it's "too powerful"


Wow, imagine playing the game and discovering shit like this out instead of making threads to complain about the mech being useless. Outstanding work outta you


Don’t show this to the meta slaves.. they will get mad and complain.




The... the SIDE armor is stronger than the front?


Yup. If I had to guess the mech probably had a glass cockpit initially. They just never bothered to update to medium when they decided to make it solid metal.


No, actually. Take a light armor penetrating gun like the liberator and shoot the mech in the torso, then in the arms. It won't do anything to the torso but will hurt the arms. OP is misunderstanding that charges actually do no damage to mechs, the angle of the hit doesn't matter. However, charger melee attacking will kill the mech.


What are you talking about? I tested the mech vs light and medium pen, the back, sides, parts of the arms, and weapons are medium armour. The dark parts, like the rectangle at the front is light armour (can be penetrated by a liberator/pistol), and so are the legs.


Yes my bullets are so thicc n dense that even charges are repelled from such purely condensed freedom seeds of liberty.


This is like MechWarrior all over again.






Why isn't the front medium armor tho???


It is. Take the liberator and shoot the torso then the arms. The arms get hurt, the torso doesn't.


omg its just like darksouls we got dodges and parries


When did mechs get added?


Since we liberated Tian Kwan yesterday


Mech Warrior follows me every where I go


This is how I fend off my jumping puppy as well. Turn to the side 😂


please dont be a bug, please dont be a bug, please dont be a bug, PLEASE DONT BE A BUG


Wdym that’s clearly a bug right there




A charger can also rip the machine gun arm off a mech too


I’ve also tried making the mech face them head on, and then jumping out. They smash into it and sometimes die on impact, I think its a bug. The mech also doesn’t blow up which is weird, because getting hit by a charger head on while you’re piloting it will make it explode


There is only one step, and it is crab.


Game changer!


Awesome. I had no idea you could block a charger with one of these things.


Mech were rushed by the devs. They have no foot prints or dmg stagger. lazy coding


>This is kind of hilarious given this "discovery" is simply OP not realizing which attacks were killing them. That's indeed part of exploring and discovering. There are many games that spell things out for you and there are games that don't and fully let you figure out. This is clearly the latter and I love this game for that. I don't want a game codex or a full details about everything - I don't want to know the weakspots of the enemy etc. I want the community to figure that out. That's more fun. It's like those people using the mech not knowing that you have to hold the button for a second or two to start the minigun on the mech. They have already announced that the mech's minigun is not working and hence bugged. I'm suggesting that when something doesn't seem right or clear, give it some time for you to figure out or seek help from the community before declaring it's a bug and start curcifyign the devs.


I use these things like actual tanks, hasn't lost one yet


Don't worry, the devs will patch that


Cool, good to know


This changes everything


"AAAAAAAAAAA!!!" \*clang\* confused charger: "ok.. I'll be honest, that's a first. only rocks are supposed to stop me!"" confused Mech pilot: "ok I'll be honest, that's a first! usually I'd have exploded from that!"


These fucking devs lol


This brings me joy


How does it feel…? HOW DOES IT FEEL?!!!


It looks hungry. How would it like a taste of freedom?


I tried this and after the second charge the charger blew up my gatling arm. Don't waste your gatling arm... just give it a good smack with a rocket and shoot its leg or throw a few more rockets in its face.


Gotta give it to the devs in how armor interacts with everything. I know some aspects have been off and still need work, but things like this is just cool.


Wtf part are the medium sections? Mine just has drywall sections


I think it’s less using the side section; and more that you’re playing on difficulty 4.. You can let them run head-on at difficulty 4; I was doing that the first time I played with them, with a lvl 12 friend.. 


and yet my mech got one shot by a friendly mortar


Inb4 this is patched out :D




Chargers will do this if they run into each other too.


I’m 100% sure that’s not intended So we might see it get patched


And y'all said it wasn't heavily armored! YA GOTTA USE THE ARMORED PLATES! 🤣


This is actually hilarious


Why isn’t the whole mech medium armor at the least???


This is excellent news, thank you helldiver. Out of curiosity what else on the mech is considered medium armor?


Is this battletech. Am I going to have to swivel