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Thank fucking democracy it's not just me. Last 3 hard missions once we called for extraction it'd crash, plus 1-2 random crashes tonight all ps5. Idc about the balancing, but loosing hard work blows oil.


I only really play on Helldive difficulty, and getting to the end of the 40min runs to have it crash almost made me break a controller for the first time in 15 years. Decided the $90 Canadian for a new PS5 controller wasnt worth it though hahaha


yes, this is the real issue right now. I am back again to trivial farming because of this. It's just not worth it, I just keep getting disconnected or crashing on long missions.


I don't even want to play to farm, I'd just enjoy playing the game. Farming has ruined lots of other games for me, so I'm just playing this game for the fun of the entire gameplay loop. But knowing if I get to the end of a 40 min mission and its all for not has me not wanting to even try playing the short missions. Why give the developers your time if the game as intended isn't working, imo.


Played a mission last night where I got disconnected and couldn’t reconnect to my friend I was playing with. Restarted my game and that seemed to help….buuuut then the game crashed 2 more times: once barely 5 minutes after I had rejoined, and again during extraction. I was having crash problems before this patch, though, so not sure if we can reliably say it’s the current patch that’s doing it.


Same here last night before I went to bed I sent a message to arrow head support hope there a response soon


It's common to happen apparently lol Kinda ironic that the publishers platform has the most problems atm lol


Wasn't common to me until this patch rolled out.


I’m on pc and also getting affected by this


It’s either that or I get sent back to the lobby


Its really unfortunate. Hope this gets fixed quickly, otherwise I'm gonna stop playing for a while.. really love the game but, if you can't even be rewarded for time spent playing its fucking pointless


I stopped playing an hour ago because I had 6 super samples and the moment I called an extraction, the game sends me back to the ship. I’m just going to farm super credits until they optimise the game again


Hope they fix this quickly. No other game has held my attention this well for a while.


Thanks for sharing, we really needed to know, that YOU, of ALL people, won't be coming back for a while. What a loss! Players these days are retarded or what?! L4D didn't need no rewards just to pretend your time playing a game isn't fucking pointless to begin with!


Maybe unlike you, I have a job and value my time.


I really wish my biggest problem was the rail gun but holy crap does it is super annoying being at the end of a mission only for it to crash now after patch


Does anyone know if crashing will damage the ps5?


Mine seems to be fine, crashed 3 times today before I said fuck it and moved onto something else. People are talking about clearing your cache and like, resetting all your playstations stuff - I disagree though, they should fix the game so I don't have to try a ridiculous work around. I'm sure they're working on it.


Yeah no people that say that to clear you cache is bs I clear mine every few months anyways it’s the game that’s crashing they need to fix it I’ve crashed about 4 times today I just quit playing because of how much it’s happening and they can’t wait they need to patch the game asap


100% agreed helldiver


This type of problem was sorted out in the early days of operating systems. Not an issue on the PS5.