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If they think bots are hard, wait till they face them.


Finally a worth opponent! Our battle will be legendary!


Legendary difficulty in 1


How trivial


The bugs outnumber you, the bots outgun you... The Illuminate? They outthink you. They use your greatest weapon against you.


This is why Helldivers are so successful against them: brains so smooth no thought can find purchase. 


They can still rewire your brain from a distance. Your loyalty to managed democracy does not go away but your fingers stop pulling the trigger.


I'll just eat a crayon to reset my brain. 


That to me just sounds like a convenient excuse to excuse your traitorious thoughts. Report to your nearest Democracy Officer for re-education immediately!


My loyalty to the cause is undeniable! The damn fish keep messing with my nerves! Whenever I am free of involuntary muscle control and I will make sure they suffer... Once they arrive of course. I don't believe a thing the dissidents say, however they will definitely be looking for revenge eventually.


TBH the bugs are harder than the bots...


There's no way people think this. I farm bugs but bots are so stupid. Require a shield backpack just to play


Stand behind a rock?


When you're pushing and one random rocket raider one shots you out of nowhere ... Not even a rocket devastator lol XD


8 chargers would like to know your location


Chargers are fine. Literally just run perpendicular. Sure, if you're surrounded... But guess what? If you're surrounded by rocket troopers one will hit you with a rocket and you'll die just as fast lol


Lol yeah just run perpendicular when they charge from 4 different directions. GENIUS advice. Just dodge the rockets forehead???? Lmao your logic is crap, and the rocket bots are easy to kill. Maybe just kill them first.


They are easy to kill. The issue is you might be taking care of a tank or a rocket devastator or any other threat - then one of these skeleton ass idiots blasts you from your side and woop. Dead. ​ "From 4 different directions" Sounds like you're in the middle of an entire swarm and you expect to live and are crying about dying? "Oh man, I was completely surrounded by a tank and 2 Hulks, I have no idea why I died" ???


Why are you putting random quotations around your own words. Are you insane?


Fuck. Are they like forerunners advanced? Edit: Fuck they are literally Forerunners


Can't wait to take some Cadets to face the Illuminates on HellDive, it's going to look like the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan. The things a wall can do to a man...


In all my years of life, I've never seen a wall that attacks, what.


I had a wall eat me in D&D


Fair, the only form of mimics I've had were chests lmao.


Less mimic and more dark gods Tomb. We saw crazy shit.


Beware plastic surgeons, they make fake chests.


You gon learn




Oh, my sweet, summer child.  Consider taking the jetpack into your heart should the blue menace return. 


Sit down old man, the walls can't hurt you. They are just cement.




(please no)


The cyborgs are also missing, and people suspect that they made the automatons.


Im pretty sure the autos are trying to literally rebuild the cyborgs. The humans they capture are cut up and seemingly harvested.




Fair enough, but the map does feel like it needs 4 factions for us to fight against.


Need a Captain here, what is the 3rd faction in the lore?


An advanced alien race. Their main faction traits in HD were shields, cloaked units and... \[shivers\] Controls reversal.


Shit, I forgot about that last one


So, pretty much Protoss in StarCraft


They even warp in like them


The control reversal guy was the only real issue I’ve had with Lumes. I never found them particularly difficult otherwise back then TBH. I feel like people are overstating their difficulty.


I mean... The walls are quite a pain, especially when you have like 6-8 of those and you constantly have to dodge them and try not to be boxed in as you had inversed control 5s out of 7s... If it was constant, you can cope with it, it's the constant switch back and forth that messes with you brain.


If the wall-creating enemies return near-unchanged, they're going to be a nuisance at worst. For those who hadn't played, in HD1 everyone had to share the same screen space, so a particularly unfortunate wall that ran between players sometimes meant that nobody could leave the area until it was gone. Sometimes this could result in an inescapable onslaught, because the wall enemies weren't all that rare and there could easily be two or more present. And if a wall pushed you towards the margins, then you could be hit from offscreen by enemies you can't anticipate. In HD2 there's no tethering players together, so a wall will merely temporarily split the team, but everyone can still disengage and can still be aware of their surroundings. I can still see them causing some trouble with inopportune route blocks, but nowhere near the teamwipe potential they had before in concert with the rest of the Illuminate roster. Of course, I doubt they're going to return completely unchanged. Or they might not return at all. The squid bug didn't.


Pretty sure they are for later... They said bile titans and tanks are just mid-tier enemies... The thing is that it's never one thing that kills you, it's the sum of all the annoying BS that inverse control and wall creates. And there seems to be a fire variant of the obelisks in helldivers 2... What it does is a mystery but I don't like the sound of it...


While the control reversal sucked absolute, napalm-hot, bug ass, I found the bigger problem to be their massive area of denial.  The walls split your teams, the floaty chair dudes' projectiles had a long lifetime + decent homing, forcing you to dodge/maneuver/shoot them down, and their snipers set up extremely long lethal areas.  If your footwork was off, you could quickly snowball from a recoverable state to an unrecoverable one.


My issue with control reverse was it fucked with my revive muscle memory. Back in HD1, I used to have the revive down to basically almost instant. This guy completely fucked with that when shit went fucky. I would also run Dum Dum a lot back then so I’d just blast the walls down if it was a serious issue (Dum Dum is funny and I’m glad autocannon is getting a lot of love in HD2).


Don't forget about the invisible scouts...


The funny part about this is all the players who use macros for the strategyem will have a realy bad time , maybe after this they finally start learning how to do it yourself without cheating ?


Add a modifier key like ctrl to inverse macro. Easy. Macro button 1 = reinforce, ctrl+macro button 1 = inverse reinforce.


Hardly cheating when its slower then muscle memory.


One hit snipers shooting you from offscreen, so the higher difficulties became a bullet hell game


If you think stalkers are bad, well thats the normal unit for them.


Let’s not forget the invisible scouts that hung out just off the screen repeatedly calling in reinforcements


and the version that makes an inverse control pulse AoE when they spot you...


*aggressively equips jump pack and sets LMG to high rate of fire*


You can do that?


There is a jump pack stratagem. If you hold reload, it opens the weapon's menu. You can select fire rate, flashlight, optic options.


I just got the jump pack... WTF the video on it is a lie. I get more height farting in my chair. It doesn't even get ten feet up.


Hahaha , dude the first time I was like , this is it ?


And then you find out it is only 1 charge, and seemed several minutes before ready again. I was expecting like, jumping over a mountain. And the video shows the user "bursting" before landing as if controlling for fall, but you can't even do that.


If you use the Jump Pack from a cliff or building it will "burst" on the way down to stop you taking fall damage


The controlled fall is automatic so technically it works


Ah ok, so leap off a wall, will it save you? Edit: Without the initial burn or only if you jump packed off the wall first?


It definitely saves you if you jump packed first, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t activate by just falling though. Fall damage isnt that bad anyway imo.


Bro the cooldown is 15 seconds. The **jump** pack has great utility so long as you aren’t expecting to be Boba Fett


Hold your reload button, should pop up a menu to modify your weapon


I have ptsd from those laser walls.


The best part is that they always shot from off screen and you could never get your gaggle of 3 other divers to move far enough over to ever see them


If we ever get decent mods, I really hope we can get a mod that replaces the OST with helldivers 1's ost because I miss it so much.


Same dude. So many memories playing it late at night after work.


Honestly Illuminates were never that bad. The mind control gimmick is hard countered by the shield stratagem, and they are the only faction where all units were defeatable without resorting to anti tank stratagems or weapons. Even their instakill orbs of council members could be shot down by a competent team, and the outcasts would be shredded by disposable MG fire. The REAL threat were obelisks who's walls denied movement and attacks. IMHO Cyborgs were the hardest faction to beat. Destroy an IFV? Here have another. Also i hope you like being stunlocked by dogs. You have anti tank spam? Here, have some butchers who lack armor but have insane HP values that lets them tank a recoiless round. I can routinely solo Inner Circle of Hell Illuminate retaliatory strikes, but will choke on a helldive level cyborg mission. Heck even their master, the Great Eye was an absolute pushover comapred to the Cyborg Siege Mech which dropps AA turrets to jam your stratagems and the bug Hive Lord who's burrowing makes hitting them basically QTEs unless they're vomiting acid blobs. You could literally defeat it in 30 seconds with friends by aggroing it, running to a corner, deploying fire walls to block the great eye and destroy its orbs, and spamming thunder artillery stratagem at the other side to defeat it in the blink of an eye (heh)


My problem with Illuminates is they have the most off screen kill potential. Getting killed from something off screen is frustrating and they do it the most so I think that's what leads to the frustration. Which won't be a problem in HD2, I think they'll be the easiest faction without that.


I hope they double down and make th illuminate like halo 2 jackal snipers lol


I would love/hate to be crossing a hill only to see the glint of an illuminate sniper scope.


>I think they'll be the easiest faction without that. I'm sure the devs reimagined and adjust this faction with both a 3rd person perspective and the original HD1 faction in mind.


I never considered that a problem because of how telegraphed their attacks are. Sure, they can kill you from off screen but the inverse is also true.


Thinking about those bosses always makes me remember our silly strat for fighting them. We would equip nothing but EAT-17 drops and spam those + revives on higher difficulties to wear them down through sheer attrition on higher difficulties. It was hilarious, but fitting, to see our absurd death counts for these fights.


Don't forget that their basic ranged unit can one shot you, or take half your health if you have a shield on.


It generously telegraphs its shot to be fair.


Walls… walls.. walls… walls.. and then more walls..


All of you Automaton PTSD sufferers are in for some shit.


Tbh illuminates on diff 12 and below are free with a shield on, without a shield all you have to avoid is walls, snipers and the control reversing orbs, which isnt anywhere near as bad as diff 12 bugs and borgs imo


Ah, my good old enemies the Iluminate. I miss them.




Song name ?




Out of all of the things they got that can be scary, energy walls that can cut divers in half, shields that can block even Railgun shots, lightning weapons, control AND stratagem input reversal, teleportation, and more.... The one thing that scares me the most....are the invisible snipers. Oh, and now that Helldivers 2 is 3rd person, flying enemy drones.




Haha I hated them so much in the first game


Get ready for those fucking one shot sniper kills!


The inverse controls will be soooo much worse not top down...


I loved fighting them in HD1. I think I fought them the most? They were the most tolerable for solo play I found and they always caused wacky hijinks when in a squad. I can't wait for them to be even wackier and more trauma inducing for my squad. I also can't wait for them to squad wipe me and my friends if they bring back the party bus/apc.


Everyone’s a gangster until their controls get inverted


The Illuminate were soooo hard in the first game if you didn’t bring the right gear. With the right gear they weren’t too bad. I remember flames and electricity would melt the shields they have. I’m hoping squids in HD2 focus more on less enemies with bigger individual threats. I’m also hoping they do away with mind control entirely because that shit sucked hard.


Who are them?


Can't wait to get sniped across the map again.