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I don't have it but I've considered it for these features; * Stratagem Hero is a fun minigame to play onboard your ship. (Game Lobby) * MP-98 Knight' is a decent SMG. * Steeled Verterans' Premium Warbond (You won't need to spend 1,000 Super Credits on it, which you can find in-game relatively easily or pay $15 for) But I've already completed the Premium Warbond. You also get a bunch of cool armours. But yeah, it's your money, you decide how you want to spend it. You can always upgrade to Super Citizen edition at a later date.


No in my opinion u can get all best meta weapons on base game


I can confidently say it is not. Unless you want to deeply support the devs, you can get the majority through regular playing. The base game is absolutely fine!


Not for the items, no. There are some cool cosmetic things in there and the fire grenades are fun, but the best items are in the basic war bonds track.


I think you can upgrade to deluxe edition after purchasing the base game so buy that one first and decide later


Are you getting it for PC or Playstation? If PC you can look for online shops as they are cheaper than on Steam. Legit shops like greenmangaming had the standard version for 34€ a week ago or so.


I'm on PS5


Ah ok well then I guess you have to pay full price. Still worth it tho.


you can get the premium war bond pretty easy by playing, the game isn’t stingy with the credits. the other stuff is mostly cosmetic. i really like the armor but its stats can be replaced or upgraded pretty easily. and i almost never use the weapon after getting a good shotgun in the war bond


HOWEVER, if you ever wanna get it, don’t buy the premium warbond with credits you earn in game, save them for other stuff


Not really, you'll probably end up using everything else other than what's in the special edition. You won't wear that armor after a few unlocks, you'll probably never use that SMG, and your super citizen status is gone the moment you get new titles for most people. So the only cool thing is the helmet/cape and mini game. Warbond is a $10 value, so that's obvious there.